Positive Procrastination

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Positive Procrastination

To See the Whole Video, Go To - Positive Procrastination Below is a transcription of this video – HI like to record a video every time I catch myself doing something that I like or building a habit. This one is really about what I’m procrastinating on. I’m recording this video inside of a commitment to record 3,000 videos which is actually kind of important in the next 90 days. I’m leaving for a ski trip in about eight hours. It’s about 10 o’clock at night right now. I should really get a good night’s sleep and go home and pack. I had to stop over at Duane Reade to pick up some stuff, some [inaudible] for my son, very important detail for this story. You’ll figure out why at the end. Not really.

I’m procrastinating. I’m going to go walk along the water and record a couple of videos. That’s actually pretty cool because my procrastination is also a moneymaking activity. It’s supporting my primary goal for the next 90 days which is I want to earn an additional $30,000 through video marketing and churning out videos like this, so I’m going to record a couple of extra messages. It’s neat. Procrastination is something you always look at as a negative. I’m procrastinating on going home, sort of. What I’m procrastinating it with is a positive. Think about those things where you can start replacing some supposed negative habits or negative things with some things that are equally positive or equally as great or not so bad. It can help be the difference between actually doing well and not doing well. There’s no harm in me not actually going home at this point and time. I might lose a little bit of sleep. No harm in actually not doing that. This is the procrastination action and this might be the video that makes all the difference. Then you have to do 3,000 videos, just this one, and you’re the person who actually sees it. That doesn’t make any difference. Thanks a lot for listening to this. You’ll see the link maybe embedded in this video. It might be below this video or to the side of this video. Click on that link, enter your best email address and we’ll see you on the other side. Thanks a lot.

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