Time Management 2
To See the Whole Video, Go to – Time Management 2 Below is a transcription of this video – Time is what I want to talk about here. It’s about 1:15 here right now and we have a birthday party which is about a 45 minute travel and is about two hours away so I am going to right now pick up some food because I have some friends coming over so I am picking up snacks for them. My In-laws just showed up and I really want to have my daughter ready at about 2:15 but a lot of things are out of my control because there are so many people involved with getting ready.
You think its difficult getting someone ready but it’s difficult when there are so many people involved in getting her ready. I realized it’s funny, we are typically never ridiculous late for something. We never get to a place where we are supposed to show up at 3 o’clock and we end up showing up at 4 o’clock because we plan ahead and build in some cushion even though there are some delays. The funny thing is the best time is the times where I just go and kind of let the process take over for it and let the process work itself out and leave everything up. Plus when I micromanage I try to make everything work and work according to a schedule causing more tension inside the household so when I get back I’ll just see exactly where we are and figure it out. Just a lesson is to let things be and let things unfold the way that they unfold and realize that there is only so much that you can actually control and force in life and the rest of the stuff is up to chance and up to opportunity. I just wanted to share that with you.