What's The Point?
To See the Whole Video, Go To - What's The Point? Below is a transcription of this video The theme of the day is practice. Practice to make perfect with your video marketing and there’s those videos that you make when you’re really tired. Those are interesting because that’s when the guard’s down and the true you can actually come up. I used to think those were my worst videos and I’m tired because I was disjoined and didn’t have all the stuff together, but I found when I’ve actually reviewed my videos I have done when I’ve been exhausted. They’re actually great.
What’s the point of this? The point of this is in your video marketing effort especially if you’re doing a ton of videos, you want to experiment with different things. You want to be prepared to shoot your videos in any circumstance or at any point in time and want to be able to deliver great results regardless of where you are or what your situation is. That’s what you want to test yourself and test the boundaries of what you think that you know you can do to start producing some major results on the other end. This is an exciting opportunity and what I recommend is take on a large number of videos to do each day because you’ll find ways to figure out how to get more and more done and to make them better and better quality. Thanks a lot for listening to this message. Click on the link down below this video and we’ll see you on the other side.