Who Is Your Mentor?
To See the Whole Video, Go To – Who Is Your Mentor? Below is a transcription of this video – Hey this is Justin. Let’s talk about learning extra adolescence. I’m not talking about those people that you talk to all the time or those people that you have that direct one on one relationship with. I’m talking of those people that you admire, that you look up to who might be of distance. The beautiful thing about this day and age is we have access to people’s information and what they’re sharing, what media they are sharing. Everybody who’s doing a video or anybody who’s doing a podcast really could be a mentor to you and it can be non intrusive relationship, right?
Like, you don’t have to be next to those people and want to share some of the attention. And when we talk about this mentor, it’s not about who the person is, and everything is about who the person is, right? But it’s not just about who the person is, but it’s really about why we’re attracted to that person or what qualities does that person have that is attractive to us. And one of the those people for me is Joe Rogan. If you don’t know who he is, he is an actor who is probably most famous for his role on the Fear Factor, which is the role that he kind of regrets taking more that anything else. But I found him, originally he was a commentator for the ultimate fighting championship. But one of the things about him is he’s a busy guy, he does a lot of stuff but he says he loves all the stuff that he does. He was talking about creating a video game recently and now he’s commentator that has created a video game. He says that its a ton of work for not a ton of value and the guy is not apologizing about not wanting to do something like that and that’s what I love about him. But he’s also aware that problems that he has are nothing compared to the problems that most people have. That awareness coupled with the kind of honoring who he is and what matters to him is what of real value. He was sharing about one of his mentors, who is Johnny Cash, or a person that he looked up to and he says that the guy goes in place, punches somebody and goes on to the next city. So its funny, no matter whatever level we’re at, or what level we’re playing at or how much success that we haven’t perceived, everybody’s got these mentors. I think, the thing I took from it, the lessons I take from it when I realizes, so what is
it about this guy, Joe Rogan, thats attractive to him, what qualities make him attractive(It came out talking about like this is a realationship thing)? What are the qualities what he has, he does a lot of different stuff, he’s good at a lot of different stuff but everything that he does that he is actually passionate about and I think that’s great. Take a look at who your mentors are and figure out what qualities attracts you to them and then start developing the skills so you can actually develop those qualities. It’s starting getting to rain and I think it’s time for me to start listening for some audio. Have a nice day!