Work Day

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Work Day

To See the Whole Video, Go to – Work Day

Below is a transcription of this video – I am recording this video at about 1:30 in the morning on Sunday morning on January 27th. I just wanted to do the daily view for the day. This is kind of more for me than for anybody else. I wound up staying home today with the family all day basically, but I went out and picked up some breakfast and some lunch but besides that, we were home. I generated 30 videos today and generated a blog today. I have an auto-responder with a pretty funny typo in there.

I spent quite a bit of time reading the 4-Hour Chef, which is a great book by Tim Ferris, and I still did a little work about how to host my personal videos and that’s one step that I’m still waiting on figuring out, how to get those hosted, so I can share those and start to syndicate those out. That’s the biggest thing that’s open at this point and time figuring out how to share those things because recording a lot of videos, I got to get them shared very quickly. I have a couple options and I want to lock that down in a couple of day which involves buy a camcorder so I can record smaller videos, upload them to more places, also involves getting a hostess service so I control my own inventory of videos and then having a syndication service. I am looking at a few different services right now and so I will get back to you on that one. Make today an awesome day!

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