You Can See Payoff
To See the Whole Video, Go To - You Can See Payoff Below is a transcription of this video I was just sharing the story about my wife’s speech last night. We’re new to the building so we don’t know a lot of people. She didn’t win it based on popularity. She did it on delivering and awesome speech. That was cool. What’s inspiring to me is watching somebody develop and kind of going from a place that did not seem very good, having the great determination to work through it for a long period of time. She would say up for hours at a time developing what she did. You can see the payoff for that sort of work. That inspires me to actually take more action, to do more things.
This video is actually being recorded inside of a commitment to do 3,000 videos in the next 90 days to develop myself as an awesome communicator. I just want to share that information with you. Thanks a lot for listening to this. Make it an awesome day. You will see a link down below this video or to the side of this video. Click on that link, enter your best email address. You will be directed to video where you’ll get to be introduced to some of the most amazing speakers. At the end of that video, you will have an opportunity to join our team. It costs $25 to join, really a steep financial investment. Take that action. Join the team and we’ll see you on the other side. Make today and awesome day.