our recipe
The days seemed so far away– I remember Mom picked up a bunch of greens in our backyard. Within minutes, the sweet aroma of cooked vegetable filled our home. I do miss the days when we don't have to to go to market for vegetables... For the city folks that are lost in the matrix of synthetic food additives, the down-to-earth flavour is almost a rare luxury treat. justlife chef, Robert, bring you some simple "evergreen" home cooking recipes. TM
小时后乡下的院子里长满不起眼的 青菜,才刚看见妈妈随手抓一把拿 到厨房,过不久就闻到阵阵菜香味, 好怀念那段不用买菜的日子... 对迷失在虚拟口味的现代人来说,朴 实的滋味,似乎成了难能可贵的奢侈。
Abalone mushroom is also called oyster mushroom or chicken mushroom due to its look. However, abalone mushroom has its own unique nutrition and taste. Lightly cook or steam and just a little seasoning will bring out its original flavour. 形似蚝的鲍鱼菇,被称为蚝菇。相似鸡肉,又被称为鸡 肉菇。然而,鲍鱼菇优质的营养与独特的香味是无与伦 比。料理时只须略加调味就能提起其浓郁的菇香味,美 味原本在其中。所以说,精湛的厨艺,胜在能细心品察!
ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: 300g Abalone Mushroom 2 tbsp Liquid Amino, Bragg's 1/2 tsp White Pepper Powder, Sonnentor 2 tbsp Grape Seed Oil, why not? 1 tsp Baked Garlic, the bites artisan 1/2 tsp Molasses Sugar, the bites
有机材料: 300克 鲍鱼菇 2 汤匙 无发酵酱油 2 汤匙 葡萄籽油 1 茶匙 烤蒜米 1/2 茶匙 糖蜜
PREPARATION: 1. Rinse the mushroom and gently squeeze out the water with your palms. 2. Mix the seasonings in a bowl. 3. Toss everything together and steam for 7 minutes.
方法: 1. 清洗鲍鱼菇,用双掌将之压干。 2. 将调味料倒入碗中搅匀。 3. 拌匀有材料放进蒸盘中,大火蒸7分钟即可。
Steamed abalone mushroom
Every unpolluted plant is a gift from Mother Nature. The natural eco-balance in the native soil nourishes and enriches our life.
aroma that brings us home
回味家 常小菜
唤起浓浓思乡味 � 记忆中的菜根香 �
Memorable taste
PREPARATION: 1. Boil a liter of water with 1/2 tsp of grape seed oil. 2. Blanch the Siew Pak Choy and place them on a plate. 3. Pour liquid amino and the rest of the grape seed oil on the vegetable and sprinkle dried garlic on top.
有机材料: 200克 小白菜,切断 1 茶匙 烤蒜米 1 汤匙 无发酵酱油 2 汤匙 葡萄籽油 方法: 1. 锅内滚开一公升水并加入半茶匙的葡萄籽油。 2. 川烫小白菜盛入盘中。 3. 淋上无发酵酱油及其余的葡萄籽油。 洒上烤 蒜米即可即可上菜。
Flat bean is an excellent complement for any mix veggie dish or in soap. Blanch the flat bean in boiling water. Leave it to cool before use to retain its crunchiness. Chew well and savour your meal. 外形亮丽的扁豆荚,无论是搭配 在杂锦或游荡于热腾腾的火锅中 都美味无比。下锅前先将扁豆荚 川烫片后捞起,无须过冷水,置 于网上待凉备用更能保持菜豆鲜 甜,咬劲十足!吃饭皇帝大,愿 大家都能满足于细嚼慢咽的余香。
ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: 300g Flat Bean, cut 5 pieces Shiitake Mushroom, sliced 2 tbsp Soy Chunk, the bites 2 tsp Sea Salt, the bites 2 tbsp Grape Seed Oil, why not? 1 tbsp Liquid Amino, Bragg's A pinch White Pepper Powder, Sonnentor 1 bowl Jasmine rice, cooked, justrice PREPARATION: 1. Blanch flat bean and drain off water. 2. Heat up frying pot with grape seed oil. Fry soy chunk for a minute and add in the sliced shiitake. Stir fry them for a while. 3. Add in the rest of the ingredients and stir fry everything for 1 to 2 minutes. Serve with hot rice
有机材料: 300克 扁豆荚,切断 5朵 香菇,切片 2 汤匙 大豆纤块 2 茶匙 海盐 2 汤匙 葡萄籽油 1 汤匙 无发酵酱油 一小撮 白胡椒粉 一碗 香米糙米饭 方法: 1. 川烫扁豆荚,滤干待用。 2. 热油锅,用微火爆香大豆纤块一分钟。加入 香菇片炒片刻。 3. 把其余的材料加入,继续炒1至2 分钟后即可 上菜。
Stir fry french bean
Flat bean hot rice
ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: 200 g Siew Pak Choy 1 tsp Baked Garlic, the bites artisan 1 tbsp Liquid Amino, Bragg's 2 tbsp Grape Seed Oil, why not?
our recipe
Siew pak choy
Garlic-Choy Tam
our recipe
Ever tasted organic siew pak choy? The strong flavour comes from rich organic soil nourished by sun, rain and the farmer's passion. Remember that over cooking siew pak choy can make the vegetable taste a bit bitter. 尝过有机小白菜吗?你会惊讶没有 苦涩农药味的有机菜,有着阵阵难 以言喻的菜根香。那是来之于丰沃 土壤、 阳光、雨水、 空气与菜农的 爱,凝聚于每片菜叶中。
Choy tam is one type of vegetable that is high in fibre. It can be a challenge to prepare a plate of nice tasting choy tam. Here's some tips: Blanch the choy tam in hot water and rinse with tepid water. Stir-fry quickly with a little oil. Here's a plate of nutritious and tasty choy tam! 纤维含量较高的蔬菜如芥菜,菜 胆往往会让我们伤脑筋。如何才 能炒出火喉恰到好处而又清绿美 味的菜胆呢? 将准备好的菜胆往沸水中川烫一 会儿,然后过冷水再沥干,下锅 清炒一会儿,一盘青翠,味道清 甜和营养丰富的菜胆就可以上桌。
ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: 300 g Choy Tam, chopped 2 cloves Garlic, sliced 2 tbsp Grape Seed Oil, why not? 1 tbsp Liquid Amino, bragg's PREPARATION: 1. Blanch choy tam, soak in cold water for a while and drain off. 2. Heat up frying pot with grape seed oil and fry the sliced garlic. 3. Add in choy tam and keep stir frying for 2 to 3 minutes. Sprinkle the liquid amino on it, stir well and dish up.
有机材料: 300 克 菜胆,切断 2 小瓣 蒜米,切片 2 汤匙 葡萄籽油 1 汤匙 无发酵酱油 方法: 1. 川烫菜胆,过冷水后再沥干。 2. 热油锅,用微火爆香蒜米片。 3. 加入菜胆炒2至3 分钟。最后洒上无发 酵酱油, 拌匀后即可上菜。
Use a little oil lightly stir-fries. Turn off the fire and sprinkle some soy sauce. The aroma of soy sauce combined with the crunchy French bean is an instant reminder that happiness can be so simple. 四季豆也称作乌龟豆,你可以用 「 短小精悍」来形容它,短短小小, 但却丰实饱满。用少许的油下锅清 炒,临熄火时滴上少许的无发酵酱 油。酱油被熏出的香味,再加上四 季豆的清甜爽口,即时让你感受到 幸福的滋味,原来也可以很简单。
ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: 200 g French Bean 1 inch Ginger, sliced 1 tbsp Grape Seed Oil, why not? 1 tbsp Liquid Amino, Bragg's A pinch White Pepper Powder, the bites artisan PREPARATION: 1. Blanch the French bean and drain off the water. 2. Heat up the fry pot with grape seed oil and fry the sliced ginger. 3. Add in the French bean and keep stir frying for 2 to 3 minutes. Sprinkle liquid amino on it, stir well and dish up.
有机材料: 200克 四季豆,切断 1寸 姜,切丝 1 汤匙 葡萄籽油 2 汤匙 无发酵酱油 1小撮 白胡椒粉 方法: 1. 川烫四季豆,滤干待用。 2. 热油锅,用微火爆香姜丝。 3. 加入四季豆炒2至3 分钟。最后洒上无发 酵酱油及白胡椒粉,拌匀后即可上菜。