Just Me Magazine September Issue

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Bernard Creamer, Jr.

The Divine Nine The Clear the Airwaves Project Media’s Continuing Assault on Black People On July 13th, Sandra Bland was found hanging in a jail cell days after a blatantly unlawful arrest. Another high profile “mysterious death” of a black person. We all went to social media with our positions and pontificating. We all grieved and lamented. We all felt the pain of hearing about another black person being dead for no reason beyond his/her life having little or no value in the eyes of a white police officer. Less than 2 months later, like clockwork, as with the rest of our high-profile lynchings, the dust has settled and the masses have gone silent again. The media is on to something else for the most part, and as “directed” by those news outlets, so are we. We have the unfortunate habit of engaging these stories in direct correlation to how much time the media spends saturating our consciousnesses with them. They stop talking about it, so do we. These indiscretions and transgressions against black people are an almost daily occurrence. Every story does not make the news as every story isn’t captured by an individual with a cell phone camera who just happens to be in the right (wrong) place at the right (wrong) time. Either way, most of us are back in silent mode . . .life goes on.

I honestly don’t have an answer for why we aren’t in a constant state of rage but I suspect it’s because we all have families we care for, we all have jobs we have to go to, and reality is, many of us simply don’t know what can be done to curb these killings of ours. I do know for a fact that the answer is NOT doing anything. To you all’s credit, I am aware of the various efforts you all are involved in such as the provisions for scholarship monies, mentoring, caring for our seniors, and a number of other similar efforts. Reality is, we need a lot more. Reality is, we are literally at war as the media continues to target our people with the most vile, disrespectful, debasing, dehumanizing, criminalizing, propaganda as entertainment imaginable. .non-stop. .unapologetically. .and unabated. There is little or no resistance to it. Since the feature presentation, ‘The Birth of a Nation’, by D.W. Griffith in 1915, America’s media moguls have seen fit to do everything in their power to help maintain the status quo through the subjugation of Africans through the audio and visual. We continue to be inundated with movies and television programming that depicts us in the worst light possible. Our psyches are continuously bombarded with imagery that negatively impacts our minds, spirits, and behaviors. Science has indicated this and as a people who collectively, don’t have a firm grasp on our history and true identity/culture, we are more prone to accepting whatever identities are assigned to us through media. We become what they wish us to. As impressionable as we are as adults, our children are 100 times more impressionable and subject to being led astray. Many of our children have bought into the notion that they are whores, niggas, bitches, drug addicts, alcoholics, thugs, criminals, murderers, misogynists, and materialistic shallow hyper-consuming idiots. This is what the media tells them they are constantly. These impressionable children grow into adults who don’t understand the nature of propaganda as they soon come to see it as strictly entertainment, something to laugh at or simply enjoy.

It makes us feel good which functionally diminishes our abilities to think critically about that which we are consuming. We have a habit of dismissing the negative effects of our consumption while simultaneously having no understanding of why we languish in last place in this land economically, academically, socially, and politically. Our current lot is the result of very diligent efforts. I don’t need to go too deep into the science of this media machinery as I know that you all totally get it. Black Greek sororities stood valiantly to have the show, ‘Sorority Sisters’, removed from the air back in January of this year. The Deltas, the AKAs, and the Zetas initiated backlash and boycotts garnering over 40,000 signatures in a potent stand of unity that showcased the power we possess when we use our numbers for good. You all used your organizations and unified fronts for the good of Black Greeks as you all did not appreciate the way the media disrespected, defamed, and characterized your respective organizations. You all stood for your respective colors. That was a great show of power and resources. We all have ONE color in common, Greeks and non-Greeks, and that color is BLACK. We are mistreated, subjugated, and discriminated against because we are BLACK. I have to admit that back in January i was furious at you all’s ardent response to what you all deemed disrespectful towards your respective groups. I and relatively few others in concert with relatively small organizations and resources have been waging the fight against the EXACT kind of disrespect that fueled you all to take a stand for your organizations. We have been going at the media companies and some of their sponsors since forever fighting exactly what you all identified as the negative “propagandization” of black people through media. We are fighting the same fight you all waged for a couple of months with success. Only difference is, we don’t have the numbers, the organizations, or the unified fronts that you all as a “Divine Nine” conglomerate possess. We are very few, but even with that, we stand and we fight for one color, BLACK. WE NEED YOU. OUR PEOPLE NEED YOU. OUR CHILDREN NEED YOU. It’s one thing to put in place programs to try to mend the damage being done to our adults and children in this society, it’s another to mount efforts to fight against those that are causing the damage, those that are actively targeting us. Wars feature multiple fronts and are more than just infirmaries. We need to continue to provide those programs to aid those wounded or affected, but at the same time, we need to shift our focus and begin to target those that wish to see us decimated and eliminated. This has been going on for quite some time, since we were brought here to toil. We can’t allow these media corporations to continue as they have, poisoning the minds of our people and our youth lending towards our self-destruction while also convincing others of other hues that black lives do not matter and that we don’t deserve the right to be respected or alive. All of these things are interconnected. I have spoken with a few of your members about these issues. One assured me that you all were on your way towards doing the things I’m addressing here but those efforts never came to fruition and another who I have the utmost respect for, urged me to craft this letter and to send it to you all’s office to whomever the leader of the Divine Nine may be. I craft this message out of the most profound love for OUR PEOPLE. I am sick and tired and I’m not just sick and tired when CNN or FOX compels me to be due to another lynching that they’ve offered up as theatre for a few weeks only to move on to the inane soon afterwards. I stay angry and “plugged in” as I know these lynchings continue and that there will be more and more Sandra Blands and Trayvon Martins until we decide to stop it. A major step in the right direction would be to attack the producers, purveyors, and promoters of the mentalities and spiritual decay that lend directly to the disrespect and mass murders of us. I’m asking that you all simply use your organizational structures and unified collective towards this aim. You all piece together the biggest and baddest parties; I’d love to see a fraction of that energy and those resources directed towards protecting the minds of our children. Directed towards the cause of stopping the proliferation of toxic imagery as it affects all of us. You all were very effective back in January. Imagine if you all mounted the exact same efforts to

have these toxic songs, TV shows, and movies totally eradicated opening the doors for more positive, thought provoking, encouraging, and inspiring narratives about us, produced by us.

I envision those numbers you all had back in January multiplied exponentially in a show of force and power that erases any illusion that we demand the nonsense they hand us as entertainment. A show of force that erases any misconception that we are ok with how we are continuously depicted through their mediums. How potent it would be for our children to see all of these black adults bonded together to advocate for their lives. This is all I’m asking. This isn’t a “me” thing in the least bit, this is about US. I appreciate your time and attention in this matter. We look forward to your response. We will stand with you; I promise I will stand with you wherever you stand. With the utmost respect and love. For more information on “The Clear the Airwaves Project”, email: Bcream24@yahoo.com or clearairwaves@gmail.com

Mondays at 10pm Central Time

Star of the Month Sheree Edelma Darien

SHEREE EDELMA DARIEN, wife, mother, servant, enabler leader, purpose development coach, visionary, excellence provoker… Marketplace Minister. Known for her candid delivery and matter of fact character, Sheree is a human octopus. With a wealth of life experiences, a plethora of invaluable human relationships and acquired knowledge, Sheree has become a well sought after center of influence. This now entrepreneur, international author, connectorof open doors and opportunities; shares her own purposed evelopment is a continual process of being broken,mold and shaped. With childl ike faith, this daddy’s girl’s mission is to offer others the hope of a second chance. Today – Multi-prenuer “Banker to the Unbanked” Former Regions Bank AVP, now Entrepreneur, President & CEO promoting financial inclusion, small business consulting and consumer coaching, Sheree Darien continues to be an inspiration to those near and far. In October 2010, she was fortunate to travel and co-facilitate a Rapport Leadership International breakthrough course inCalvary Alberta, Canada. Her most recent accomplishment is the grand opening of Darien Coaching and Consulting, LLC. Inspired by an American Express documentary narrated by Tyler Perry, Sheree was moved to look deep within herself and her career. Sheree instinctively took a leap of faith and “left the bank to start a bank. ”While immensely obliged by the privileges she has been afforded, this sharp innovative free spirit recognizes the pull for more. “It’s a win, win” states Sheree. With the new business, Sheree is enabled to serve the financiallyunderserved. Her message is simply, “It is never too late for a second chance. Second is merely anything afterone.”™ A Heart for Community Outreach Passionately devoted to community out reach, Sheree and Edward birthed Second Chance Outreach Ministry, Inc. now known as Second Chance Community Outreach (SCCO). They began supporting the local community by hosting annual men and women conferences, serving the youth through“fun days”, field trips,and fundraising events.Today, SCCO is developing partnerships to renovate/preserve a former factory to function as a community development center (CDC) in Jasper County. This CDC will serve as a bank for the unbanked and a smallbusiness incubator to promote economic growth and job creation. They are vigorously seeking innovative ways to reach those in need. Sheree aspires to provoke synergetic collaboration among the people and place she so proudly calls home. SCCO, CDC also plans to create and supports various existing local outreaches. SCCO’s mission is to encourage on going rebuilding efforts within the community. Sheree is an International Best SellingAuthor One of two books launched on Oct 30,2014!!! Ohhmazing Wellness:Shift Your Vision and Create the Healthy & Happy Lifestyle You Deserve Ohhmazing Wellness:Shift Your Vision and Create the Healthy & Happy Lifestyle You Deserve is a collaboration voiced in print of 31 beautiful, powerfuland courageous women from across the world who share their personal and authentic stories to empower women everywhere to believe in act of wellness throughself-care. These courageous women take you on a journey through their lives–revealing their struggles, despair, boldness and triumph and bring you to an inspired space of livingahealthy and happy lifestyle through love, truth andacceptance. Each chapter is an absolute gem, a source of Ohhmazing inspiration, and a meaningful moment of truth. This book is the only tool you’ll ever need to step on to the path towards your own success with wellness, confidence and self-love. Iti s written with love and authenticity. Sheree’s chapter is entitled “Totally Free, Totally Me”. She discloses insight about the most important relationship you will ever experience!!! Purchase a copy for a sneak peek into Sheree’s second compilation book, Testimony, A Second Chance…Perhaps you will be inspired to become a co-author too. Release date Summer 2015. Book and Connect with Sheree via these social media channels… Website:www.ohhmazingwellness.com

Fear Management Stanley Popovich

MANAGING YOUR PERSISTENT FEARS, ANXIETIES, AND STRESSES Everybody deals with anxiety and depression, however some people have a difficult time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and every day anxieties. When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, the first thing you can do is to divide the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success. Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off of the problem. A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. A person should visualize a red stop sign in their mind when they encounter a fear provoking thought. When the negative thought comes, a person should think of a red stop sign that serves as a reminder to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. A person can then try to think of something positive to replace the negative thought. Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that makes you feel good. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed or frustrated, open up your small notebook and read those statements. This will help to manage your negative thinking. Learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. You never know when the answers you are looking for will come to your doorstep. We may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you

manage your depression and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future. Remember that it never hurts to ask for help. Dealing with our persistent fears is not easy. Remember that all you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take things in stride. Patience, persistence, education, and being committed in trying to solve your problem will go along way in fixing your problems.

Fine THe Way I Am Over the past few months, the concepts of stripping back the superfluous, simplifying and pulling apart the true meaning of integrity have been strong personal themes. For many people, there’s a drive to again inspect old patterns that continue to run happily in the background despite years of self-examination. Perhaps under the direction of a new global energy, there’s a sense of being able to lovingly let go of those things that have served us all well on one level, yet have offered excuses to stay small on another. I came across Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, the other day and it strongly resonated with this desire to pare back; to simplify; to become more real as a participant in this world and begin operating in a more authentic way. With these 4 simple tenets, we could literally change the way we as humans operate in this world. How do they resonate with you? Please feel free to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear from you. 1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love. 2. Don’t Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. 3. Don’t Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. 4. Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. ~ Don Miguel Ruiz About The Author Awareness Institute is an organic community of professionally trained facilitators, clinicians and healers committed to inspiring an evolutionary shift in human consciousness. We value community, personal empowerment, integrity and self-responsibility through areas such as Energetic Healing, Psychic Development, Shamanic Practices, Contemporary Astrology, Transformative Meditation, Reiki and Living Your Soul/Life Purpose. The author invites you to visit: http://www.awarenessinstitute.com.au

Who’s Nu? Ferro’ Haze

The name speaks for itself. He mesmerizes his audience with just one verse. Born in Milwaukee, raised by his Grandparents in Tennessee...Ferro started singing in 2006 just “playing around”. When a relative encouraged him to take it seriously, that’s when he reached inside and pulled out every bit of euphoric, rhythmic R&B feeling into song ever. He took a break back in 2012, but now he’s back!!! Writes his own music, has traveled with a variety of bands and commands the stage! Ferro has REALLY put a buzz in the ears of many, and he’s just getting RE-STARTED!!!


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