Just Out January 2013

Page 1

Living The Dream H a p p y

N e w

Y e a r

An adventurer,12 athletes, cowboy, contractor, florist, executive — and others — doing what they love.



January 2013

January 2013




2013 Features 19

Athletes As Art

Sports in Q-Landia A pictorial of 12 LGBTQ athletes.

28 Real Life

LGBT Allies



Three couples talk about their lives in the gay community.

Three plays you will not want to miss this month.



Living The Dream

From Mexico to Canada he hiked the Pacific Coast Trail in 26 wedding dresses.




Say It With Flowers!

Washington legalizes same-sex marriage and the local flower shops are ready.

Art You Can Live In

A local contractor who thinks outside of the box.

50 Music

Publisher’s Guest

Our People

8 Voices


Advertisers’ Index

16 Community

57 MarketPlace

18 Spirit

58 Calendar


The Top 5 of 2012

Just Out’s Editor-in Chief lists her favorite album choices.

Cover 52


Save a Horse


Contents 6


Meet local horseman Mike Hartman.



Fiercely New

This month’s cover was shot by artist, adventurer, and nature photographer Ron Ulrich. See page 40. Just Out’s Art Director and Photographer Horace Long (above) photographed 12 local athletes following their passion for sport. See page 19. January 2013

January 2013




by Robin Will

just out TM

January 2013


Looking Back Just Out, started during a controversy over the L-word, turns 30 years old in 2013.

Picking up Volume I, Number One, of Just Out, (October, 1983), is like walking into an argument in progress. “We’re back, folks!” Jay Brown announces in the very first editorial. “And we’re doing it our way.” From the distance of 30 years, it isn’t clear who had been missing, where they had gone, whose way they had been doing it before, or even what “it” was. However, queer Portlanders in 1983 knew that “it” was the issue of inclusion; and by the way, we never, ever called ourselves queer in those days. It was a sneering, pejorative, oppressive term, and, to this day, some elders in the community have difficulty saying it. Nowadays, the term “queer” lets us avoid the alphabet-soup LGBTQI label that never seems to fit; but in fact, in 1983 we didn’t have the alphabet soup, either. The story of Just Out began in the controversy over changing the name of 1983 Gay Pride to “1983 Lesbian & Gay Pride.” Emotions ran high. Lesbians, and plenty of other folks, favored inclusion. The publisher of Portland’s only gay newspaper at the time, the Cascade Voice, believed that “gay” was inclusive enough. “Lesbian & Gay Pride 1983” finally won out, but two staff members at the Cascade Voice, editor Renee LaChance and assistant editor/photographer Jay Brown, felt the value conflict strongly enough to leave the Voice and start up their own newspaper. In Just Out, the two of them were indeed back – back in print, and running their own very inclusive show. Portland watched to see if the town would support two gay newspapers – or, rather, one gay newspaper, and one lesbian and gay newspaper with regular contributions from the Black




community, plus writers in Roseburg and the Klamath Basin.

COPY EDITOR Ellen Fiscus

Yes, Portland supported Just Out; or, more correctly, Just Out earned its place in Portland. By any measure, each of the early issues looked healthier than the one before, with more advertising, more local articles, and more engagement with the community.


The little publication overcame two potentially fatal problems during that first year. Plans for paid regional distribution fell through, and local circulation plunged when Just Out suddenly cost 25 cents per issue, possibly because people outed themselves just by buying one. Renee and Jay went back to distributing their papers for free at friendly locations. Also in the first year, the pressroom at Nickel Ads abruptly refused to print Just Out any longer, causing the young publication to miss an entire issue, and leaving the staff scrambling to locate a printer who found the content morally acceptable. Nonetheless, at the end of the first year, in October, 1984, Just Out was up to twenty wellfilled tabloid pages from the original sixteen, and looking good. For those who were wondering, Cascade Voice printed their last issue in December 1984, changed ownership, and came back as The Eagle Newsmagazine from January through August of 1985. The City Open Press, City Week, Oregon Gay News, The Portland Monitor, and The Alternative Connection all came and went between 1985 and 1993.

Just Out continued, inclusively. Jay Brown died in 1990. In 1998, Renee sold Just Out to Marty Davis, who ran the publication until 2011 when it was acquired by its current owners. §

Cathleen Busha Anna Deligio Atlas Flynn Jonathan Hopp Anne Jaeger Brad Larsen Logan Lynn Scott MacDonald Lyska Mondor Courtney O’Donnell Leo Schuman Aaron Spencer Rev. Jennifer Yocum SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS Brian Jackson Ron Ulrich SALES MANAGER Eddie Glenn just out™

P.O. Box 10609 Portland, OR 97296 editor@JustOut.com sales@JustOut.com distribution@justout.com Phone/Fax: 503.828.3034 ©Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Published by Glenn-Kipp Publishing, Inc Rivendell Media, Inc. authorized national advertising representative

just out™


Founders Renee LaChance & Jay Brown Marty Davis

Just Out has a long and proud history of informing and entertaining the LGBTQ community in Oregon and SW Washington, our supporters near and far, and working to build bridges that lead to justice, fairness, and equality for all people. Published by Glenn Kipp Publishing, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.

January 2013

ANNIVERSARY | 1983 - 2013

Just Out will honor our 30th year of publishing under this title with a new monthly column devoted to telling the stories of important historical moments. To aid us in this endeavor we will partner with the Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (GLAPN) who house not only every Just Out issue printed since our 1983 inauguration, but many other significant bits of local LGBT history. Each month in 2013 Robin Will, GLAPN secretary and webmaster, and Just Out’s new Historian at-Large, will give us insight into an important issue from the past.

Robin Will is the third generation of his family to be born in Oregon. His great-greatgrandparents were among the first members of the Aurora Colony, the Utopian commune that dissolved in 1883 to become town of Aurora, Oregon. A Portlander since 1956, Robin graduated from Benson Polytechnic High School in 1966, with a major in Graphic Arts. He began college at Pacific University, Forest Grove, in 1966, and graduated from Portland State University in 2007. His work experience has been primarily in the field of publishing, sometimes as a writer or editor, sometimes in print production management. Currently self-employed, he writes for several Portland publications, edits newsletters for non-profits, and assists local car collectors in the areas of documentation and display in addition to working with GLAPN. GLAPN and Just Out look forward to exploring the past together as we work up to our big 30th anniversary celebration this Fall.§

January 2013



VOICES | In The Trenches

by Logan Lynn

Community Work There are many ways to become involved with our community. Whether you have money or time, or both, the bottom line is — pitch in.

I’m overcome with a newfound hope from the monumental strides we experienced as a people during 2012. With marriage equality passing in four states by popular vote, our sitting President and First Lady offering public support for our community during a critical election cycle (and then winning the election), and the surge of positive gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender main characters in movies and on TV, it seems to me that we have, in fact, arrived. The past year has left me with a bright, shiny feeling about the future of this community what I care so deeply about, and I’m guessing since the world didn’t end in December as predicted, we might actually get there. In addition to the national and international strides made in our favor, there have been countless local and regional pieces to the ongoing equality puzzle, which were filled in during 2012. I believe activism comes in many forms, and that to truly be effective in our efforts, we must come at these issues from a variety of angles. There is still much work to be done before freedom is ours, and the more people we have involved in making change, the faster change will come. I hope you will all throw yourselves into some brand of community work this coming year, and that you might use some of the highlights below as your inspiration. There is a queer activist living inside each and every one of you, just waiting to be released into the world!



Local LGBTQ Nonprofit Fundraisers Between Q Center’s Winter Gala, Basic Rights Oregon’s Dinner, Cascade AIDS Project’s AIDS Walk, Our House’s Auction, Quest Center for Integrative Health’s WonderQuest, Portland’s Red Dress Party, TransActive’s Superheroes for Superkids, Equity Foundation’s Bent and a handful of other major fundraising events which support LGBTQ programs and services in the area, we had plenty of chances over the course of the year to bust out our fancy gowns and tuxedos and raise money for a good cause. These big events help make the work of the organizations you support possible, so buy your tickets and tables and write a check while you’re there! There is no such thing as money better spent. Additionally, if fancy parties aren’t your thing but you are still able to give financially, please do. In these difficult economic times, nonprofits of all sizes are struggling, and every little bit counts.

The more people we have involved in making change, the faster change will come. Queer Volunteerism Not everyone can afford to attend an expensive party or write a check, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t able to make just as much of a difference in the community as those who can. For folks interested in changing the lives of LGBTQ youth and young adults, programs like Q Center’s Sex-

January 2013

ual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC), PFLAG Black Chapter, Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition, and TransActive are always looking for help in their quest to make the world a safer, better place for the youngest members of our acronym. If you are drawn to working with the other end of the age spectrum, Friendly House’s Gay and Grey, Q Center’s *eRa*: encouraging Respect for aging, and the Elders in Action programs are great outlets to serve the people who paved the way for our movement today. If you’re interested in community health and wellness, Cascade AIDS Project, Bradley Angle House, Outside In, and Quest Center for Integrative Health are always looking for dedicated volunteers to further their missions. As the old saying goes, many hands make for light work!

Adventures in Advocacy The art of influencing the political, economic, and social landscape for our cause is ever evolving and 2012 was no exception. Q Patrol’s community-driven safety efforts, Basic Rights Oregon’s Trans Justice work, Q Center’s Inter-Community Dialogues, HRC Oregon & Southwest Washington’s election efforts, the Community of Welcoming Congregations working to create allies in faith communities, and PFLAG changing hearts and minds of families and friends all kept the queer fires burning all year long. Large-scale celebrations like Pride NW, Portland Latino Gay Pride, the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus Gay Fair On The Square event, and GLAPN’s Measure 9 Victory Anniversary Celebration helped to keep our local visibility front and center in the media as well as over dinner tables and by water coolers across the region.

Just Do You While supporting and getting involved in organized activism efforts is key to the process of our becoming truly equal citizens, some of the most important work we can do as LGBTQ people is just to be ourselves wherever we go. Being out about who we are and our experience in the world as regular people is an essential piece of the freedom pie, and just being open with everyone you know about what it really means to be queer can create a wave of awareness no financial gift could ever purchase. Ultimately, you are the most powerful vessel of change. There is strength in numbers, so: come out, come out, wherever you are. § Logan Lynn writes In The Trenches for Just Out. He is a Portland based musician, activist, writer, and is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. Reach him at Logan@JustOut.com

January 2013



VOICES | In Transit

by Courtney O'Donnell

Trans-Mayor Quaint, picturesque, and apparently progressive Silverton, Oregon just reelected their transgender Mayor for the fifth term. Stu Rasmussen talks.

On Election Day 2012, a transgender Oregonian drew national attention for the second time by winning a fifth term as Mayor of Silverton, Oregon. Stu Rasmussen first drew media attention in 2008 by being the first transgender person elected mayor in the United States. Stu was born and grew up in Silverton. She was hired by Tektronics right JO: Has being trans presented opportunities for you (and for the city of out of college, eventually ending up as a staff engineer for the Television Silverton) you might not have had otherwise? Products Division. Later, she started a cable television company with a partner bringing service into Silverton and Mt. Angel. After a while she Stu: The publicity after the 2008 election has resulted in a small bump sold that company and moved on to a number of other engineering ven- in tourism — we should probably have capitalized on it early on but the tures as well as running the Palace Theatre in Silverton. She also dabbled Chamber of Commerce was in the other political camp. That may change. in local politics and along the way changed her gender and decided to shoot for the mayor’s chair after serving three 4-year terms on the city JO: How do you view Portland as Mayor of Silverton? council. Although national media came to town following her victory, Stu says it was “no big deal” in Silverton. Stu: I like Portland (it’s really ‘a small town with a lot of people’) and visit at least once a week just so I can appreciate what we have here A visit to Stu Rasmussen’s campaign website reveals that this no ordinary when I return. I describe Silverton as ‘40 miles and 40 years’ from trans woman. The site states: “If you just stumbled on this site you may be Portland. Our downtown is a time capsule of when I grew up in the asking yourself ‘Is this guy for real?’ or ‘Is that really a guy?’” No beating 50s and 60s and is a great spot for day trips from the Portland area. A around the bush here. weekend spent at the Oregon Garden Resort here and wandering in Silverton’s business district is a great opportunity to re-charge one’s Stu kept her first name after she changed gender. Pronoun references to personal batteries. Stu in the local media appear to use both forms. This had me wondering a bit so I checked in with Stu and asked her about this and a couple of JO: Any advice for Portland’s next mayor? other things. Stu: Avoid trysting with a teenager. Just Out: Any pronoun preference? JO: People who know you comment about what a great guy you are. These Stu Rasmussen: I avoid ‘pronoun angst’ by personally not caring whether comments are made by people who live, lived or just drove through SilverI’m referred to in male or female terms. I grew up here [Silverton] as a guy ton. Most politicians would love this kind of feedback. What’s your secret? and have transitioned to something ‘in-between’ where either is correct so either pronoun works fine. Stu: I’m just being ‘me’. § In Transit is written by Courtney O’Donnell for Just Out. Courtney is a Transgender actress, advocate, and writer, including being a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. She is also the star of the film Lexie Cannes. Reach her at Courtney@JustOut.com.



January 2013

Silverton Mayor Stu Rasmussen.

January 2013



VOICES | In The Pink

by Lyska Mondor

The Completely Subjective Top 5

Lyska Mondor pens In The Pink for Just Out. She is a published poet and aspiring sci-fi author. Reach her at Lyska@JustOut.com

2012 Best films

I had a hard time choosing only five films out of the many released in 2012. Sometimes reviewers will expand their list in order to incorporate more titles they admired. To me, that always sounds like a copout. Choosing should be difficult, as it forces the reviewer to be all in. I’m an all in kind of girl. So, here you are. What follows is a list saturated with personal bias, organized in some particular order. 5. Beyond The Black Rainbow (released 2010 – 2012) The title makes this movie sound like a remake of The Wizard of Oz, but with zombies. Better yet, a Return to OZ remake titled Mombie’s Zombies. Apologies. Beyond The Black Rainbow

Beyond The Black Rainbow, directed by Panos Cosmatos, is set in, and feels like, 1983 dystopia madness. The main character, Dr. Barry Nyle, has a laboratory that was intended to be a center for the evolution of the human psyche, but has become something else. It’s an incubator for one test subject. A girl, Elena, is a captive, suffering from his complete obsession and ruthless assaults on her conscious mind. Many reviewers did not like this movie. It has more of an atmosphere than a plot. The analog synthesizer score is perfect as you watch color palettes assemble geometrically, and then melt like liquid crayons into a pool from which one girl must escape a mad scientist.

4. The Hunger Games

Beast of the Southern Wild



So, The Hunger Games was a blockbuster greatly anticipated by all who read the book of the same name by Suzanne Collins. Not everyone approved, but I did. There’s something special about a movie that can instantly penetrate, yeah penetrate, pop culture. For example, Chad Michaels, a famous queen on Rupaul’s Drag Race, was quoted many times this season saying, “May the odds be ever in your favor.” I think the last time I heard this much homo rumble-speak was in Beyond the Thunderdome. Two LGBTQIA enter, one LGBTQIA leaves.

January 2013

3. Safety Not Guaranteed This movie, directed by Colin Trevorrow, was based on a fake classified ad seeking a partner for time travel. In the film, a young journalist named Darius (Aubrey Plaza) decides to answer the posting. Meeting the author, Kenneth (Mike Duplass) becomes tricky as he’s extremely paranoid that the government is after him. As things get crazier, Darius finds her disbelief starting to fade. This is really what the film is about. Taking risks on people is perhaps the most rewarding or devastating act we can commit. In other words, love trumps reality every single time.

2. Cabin in the Woods This is the best scary movie of the year by leagues. Joss Whedon, a master of speculative fiction, co-wrote this masterpiece. I can’t disclose much without ruining it for you. But, if I say “Government Cthulhu Compound” do you get excited? I do.

1. Beasts of the Southern Wild For many reasons Beasts of the Southern Wild is my number one movie of the year. It’s Benh Zeitlin’s first feature, and it stars newcomer Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy, a six-yearold girl living in a bayou soaked with magical realism called, “The Bathtub.” Hushpuppy lives with her father, Wink (Dwight Henry), as they fight to survive the flooding Bathtub. It quickly swallows everything they own. Her father becomes a rollercoaster of emotion, sometimes scaring, and other times championing her. Eventually, a FEMA-like group tries to rescue the flood survivors, but ignores their desire to return to The Bathtub. The movie has been attacked for utilizing black male stereotypes. Wink is sometimes gentle with his daughter, but can quickly shift into an angry alcoholic. It’s also been called anti-feminist, due to a supposed lack of strong female characters. You must see this film and decide for yourself. I look forward to more productions from all of the newcomers that made this movie amazing. There you go, my completely biased movie list. Some honorable mentions are Looper, The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye, and Jiro Dreams of Sushi. §

January 2013



VOICES | The Simple Truth

by Scott MacDonald

Coming Out

Famously Five celebrities — two athletes, a newsman, and a musician — who came out in 2012.

The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud. Anderson Cooper

As we all know, coming out carries with it certain complications, which are often exacerbated by our environment. Celebrities are unique, however, because of their constant position in the public eye, and their ability to influence society and culture. For the celebrities below, listed in no particular order, their chosen career and passion is yet another complication they must face. Orlando Cruz Many sports are traditionally hyper-masculine displays of machismo, but perhaps none more so than boxing. Featherweight boxer Cruz, who was ranked second by the World Boxing Organization in November, is the first boxer to come out while still active in the sport. The 31-year-old Puerto Rican native came out in early October after several years of struggling with his sexuality. Cruz said in an interview with Der Spiegel that the act of hiding his sexuality consumed an incredible amount of energy — energy that he would rather put into his training. Before his official coming out, Cruz was taunted by spectators at the 2008 World Championship title bout in Puerto Rico where they called him a faggot and encouraged his opponent to “pluck his feathers,” (a slur in the area is to call a gay man a duck). Backed by a close support system of friends and family, his manager and other boxers, Cruz’s coming out has largely been positive.

Matt Bomer Actor Matt Bomer, best known for his role as sly and handsome con artist Neal Caffrey in USA Network’s White Collar, took a different approach to coming out. Bomer avoided questions about his sexuality from



the press, neither confirming nor denying rumors. In a 2010 interview with Details, when asked if all the speculation about his sexuality bothered him, he simply replied, “I don’t care about that at all. I’m completely happy and fulfilled in my personal life.” Bomer is also known for his charity work, and, while accepting an activism award for his work against HIV and AIDS at the Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards in February, chose that moment to affirm his sexuality. The actor closed his acceptance speech by thanking his partner and their three children, and went on to say, “Thank you for teaching me what unconditional love is. You will always be my proudest accomplishment.”

Megan Rapinoe Megan Rapinoe, while busy turning heads with her trademark bleach-blonde hair and exuberant personality and play style, felt obligated to come out as a lesbian. In an interview with OUT, she said, “I feel like sports in general are still homophobic, in the sense that not a lot of people are out. I feel everyone is really craving [for] people to come out. People want — they need — to see that there are people like me playing soccer for the good ol’ U.S. of A.” The 27-year-old midfielder currently plays for the Seattle Sounders Women, but also January 2013

helped the U.S. team take the Gold at the 2012 Summer Olympics Women where she and the team redeemed their loss to Japan at 2011’s World Cup. In November, the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center awarded Rapinoe the Board of Directors Award for being a LGBT role model in sports. In speaking of the barriers the LGBT community faces, Rapinoe said, “I think more people in general need to come out. Until that happens, we can’t expect all these barriers to be broken down.”

Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper is a busy man. The Emmy award-winning journalist hosts Anderson Cooper 360o, works as a correspondent for 60 Minutes, and until recently even hosted his own talk show, Anderson Live. Cooper had said in the past that discussing his personal life would undermine his work as a journalist, and considering the places his work has taken him, potentially endanger his life. The announcement came in an email with writer/ blogger Andrew Sullivan. “The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud. Like others on this list, Cooper felt that visibility is key, saying, “I’ve also been reminded recently that while as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion and equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible.”

Frank Ocean Hip-hop star Frank Ocean’s career is still in its early days, yet the 25-year-old has gained notoriety for writing songs for Justin Bieber, John Legend, and Beyoncé, as well as his debut album, Channel Orange, which garnered rave reviews from Spin, Rolling Stone, and The Guardian. Ocean also gained national attention for a letter he posted on his blog, in which he discussed his previous love with another man. Ocean has since avoided labeling his sexuality definitively, saying in a GQ interview, “You can’t feel a box. You can’t feel a label. Don’t get caught up in that shit…” Genre mainstays Russell Simons, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and Tyler, The Creator, whom Ocean collaborates with in the collective Odd Future, have all shown him support. Much like with boxer Orlando Cruz, Ocean may be the start of a much larger movement to come. §

Scott MacDonald is an award winning young journalist originally from Idaho. He writes The Simple Truth for Just Out. Reach Scott at Scott@JustOut.com

January 2013



Community (PROTECTION)


Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley recently signed on as a co-sponsor of the LGBT Elder Americans Act of 2012, which would amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to provide equal treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender older individuals. OAA serves as the country’s leading vehicle for delivering services to older people nationwide, providing more than $2 billion annually in nutrition and social services. However, even though LGBT individuals experience increased vulnerability and unique barriers to healthy aging, they have not been included in the OAA to date.


If passed, the LGBT Elder Americans Act of 2012 would: Include LGBT individuals in the categorization of vulnerable populations with the greatest economic and social need. Permanently establish the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, the country’s first and only technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services and supports offered to LGBT adults. Prioritize research and development grants for organizations working to improve services for LGBT older adults. Require long-term data collection and analysis relating to the needs of LGBT older adults, program effectiveness and discrimination against LGBT older adults in long-term care settings.


Clackamas “Gayngel” Last month’s shooting at the busy Clackamas Mall during the holiday shopping season was a tragedy, but sometimes terrible things can bring forth the good in people. One woman is calling Allan Fonseca, a young man working at the make-up counter in Macy’s, her personal savior. Fonesca says he wasn’t really thinking when he pulled customer Jocelyn Lay behind the Macy’s counter when they both heard shots at 3:30 p.m., but soon after he knew just what to do. Because he was familiar with the exits, he led her to safety before going back to the “shooting floor” and looking for other scared shoppers to lead to the nearest exit. Commenters on the story have taken to calling the young hero the Clackamas “gayngel.”




Chief of Staff




After 15 years of bringing joy, support, and just plain fun to hundreds of HIV/AIDS-affected and infected children, Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) is pleased to announce that Camp Starlight is now an official program within the agency’s Housing and Support Services department. This integration gives CAP full administrative, programming and financial oversight for Camp, including recruiting volunteers, raising the money needed to fund the effort, and collaborating with organizations to make sure HIV-impacted families throughout Oregon and SW Washington are aware of the opportunity to send their children to the free, week-long Camp on the Oregon Coast. Camp Advisory Committee will hold a retreat to review volunteer positions, Camp policies, and to map out next steps for the next Camp Starlight, which will be held in August 2013. cascadeaids.org/support-services/camp-starlight

January 2013

January 2013



SPIRIT | Like A Prayer

by Jennifer Yocum

Diane Syrcle:

An Inspired Life This Oregon Symphony executive discusses giving, responsibilty, feeling good, God’s sense of humor and singing.

Singing well requires conscious attention to breathing in and breathing out. Living well requires conscious attention to taking in and giving back. As a singer, a choir director and now as Executive Vice President for Development at the Oregon Symphony, Diane Syrcle is living a life of inspiring generosity. “The question,” Syrcle says, “is how do we connect to people’s passion for something in a way that helps them share their resources? Whatever it is — schools, literacy, why is music important, why does music matter — money is a tool. When we have resources, we have a responsibility to share them with others.” Syrcle’s path of intertwining music, spirituality, and giving started early. She grew up singing in church in Texas; she says that singing was “how the scriptures got up in me.” Syrcle says she was profoundly shaped by the evidence of faith in action through God and the Bible in church and music. “I heard the message about living up to your full potential and giving all of the gifts you had to offer.” Syrcle went to college to study conducting “thinking I would help the world by being the world’s best choir director.” She says that she got lucky and won some gigs singing opera in Houston, Shreveport, and Amarillo, but she always had church jobs while singing in opera. She was able to parlay her singing and education background into a job doing music education with Portland Opera. Her choice of Portland as a home came about because she fell in love with a woman, Susan Leo, who told her that she wanted to start a church. Partnering up with Leo, Syrcle helped to found Bridgeport United Church of Christ and was eventually commissioned as the Music Minister of their church, which they served together until Leo retired from that pastorate in 2011. Syrcle’s path took her to the Portland Youth Philharmonic where she says, “I fell in love with organizational development. I love how it intersects with community, how it intersects with artists, how communities participate together.” Syrcle is Christian and she says that she loves the Buddhist idea that when our hands are open, we give and we receive. “When our hands are closed, we are isolated and cut off from life and that’s just miserable. Most people are not giving away money to get the tax deduction, they are giving because it feels good.” (A study from the University of British Columbia in 2008 confirms higher reported levels of happiness from those who give money away above those given the same amounts to spend on themselves). Feeling good is central to Syrcle’s idea of what spirituality is and what it’s for. “I think it’s great to feel good,” she says. “There is a scripture passage that says, ‘The joy of the Lord is my strength.’ We know that Jesus was a real person who liked to go fishing with his friends and drink wine. He had joy in his life.” “God’s sense of humor is apparent all around us. If we are not enjoying life, what’s the point?” Just Out's Like a Prayer is written by Rev. Jennifer Yocum, pastor of the Forest Grove United Church of Christ. Reach her at Jennifer@JustOut.com



Syrcle says that her spiritual practice is everywhere, “I find God with the people I get to talk to every day. I encounter the Divine at symphony concerts. When I’m singing is when I find God most profoundly. The very heart of singing is inspiration. The greatest experience of God is when I’m singing with other people, breathing into the ground, releasing my voice into glory. When I’m singing with others, we are becoming inspired together. That’s where God is.”§

January 2013

SPORTS in Q-Land Text by Lyska Mondor Photography by Horace Long

Sdevelopment. ports and athletics often play an essential part in our As children we can discover the raw experiences of dedication, competition, team dynamics, and arguably the most important discovery, how to play well with others.

Jim Scuba Diving 8 years



Athletes !

As we become older, it’s no longer enough to participate for the sake of playing. We need to incorporate our personal identities into our achievements and passions. Perhaps, this is why athletics so often become the battleground between acceptance and alienation. In our very diverse community we hear all too often of what happens to athletes who choose to come out to their peers, which can be an experience of pain. Queer athletes put this much and more on the line when they choose to, or are forced to, come forward. This is why we need to appreciate their bravery, and respect the strength it must take to simply be themselves. Here are just a few local athletes who have risen to this challenge. Their ages, sports of choice, and experience may all be different, but their importance to us is equal and quite immeasureable.



January 2013

Strength. Weakness. Challenge. Practice. Improvement. Victory. Defeat. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Endorphins. Exhaustion. Breakdown. Comeback. The game. Set. Match. Team. Solitude. Nature. Love. Josh Todd You’re in pictorial for running. What types of running do you do? Do you compete? I run marathons mostly, have completed 4 and am training for my fifth in Eugene this April. I compete, but only with myself; that’s the great thing about running — you don’t have to be an elite athlete to always push for better and faster.

Alyx Wynn How does being out affect your playing (if at all)? Being out doesn’t affect my playing at all. All my teammates, past and present, have no problem with my sexual orientation. When I came out to my high school teammates, they just chuckled and said, “well, duh.” And lacrosse is a pretty gay sport (laughs), I’m pretty sure lacrosse players are assumed gay until proven otherwise.

Kate Bergsgaard For those who have little knowledge of how karate works — are you part of a team or league? I studied Taekwondo and Karate. There are different national “leagues” or “organizations” if you will, but I studied specifically at smaller local schools with about 50 - 60 students per school. Some schools are accredited by different organizations and compete in different sponsored tournaments within an organization around the nation or world.

Will Doering You are in the article for wakeboarding. How has it impacted your personal health? The camaraderie that is around wakeboarding has provided me the opportunity to be part of a sport that pushes personal development of mind and body. Every time you jump out of the boat into the water your body reacts — muscles become tense and your adrenaline levels jump. Wakeboarding takes concentration; your mind is always thinking about waves, boats, speed, edge check, not face planting. By the end of the run your legs, arms, abdomen and back are tense and you get the feeling of self accomplishment that mind and body experience like action sports so often provide.

Jamie Melton You’re in the article for basketball. What team(s) do you play for? I currently play small forward for the Portland Trail Blazers (see my January 2013

jersey?!). That is a good answer, right? I am currently not playing on a team. If that was a requirement, I didn’t get the message, but I have played competitively and leisurely my whole life, in high school and intramurals in college. In my ripe age, I mostly just play for leisure and love of the game.

Lauren Harms What league are you in? Is it friendly or serious, or perhaps a mix of both?

We belong to the nationwide women’s contact football league — the Women’s Football Alliance (WFA). It’s a serious league with around 65 teams nationwide.

Ben Nystrom Is there anything special or unique for you when it comes to the overlap of your identity and your sport? I think of myself as a gay man about as much as I think of myself as a soccer player. They are both important parts of who I am, but they certainly don’t define me. They overlap in the way that all other aspects of my identity have overlapped to create the person I am today.

Kenny Stachovich You’re in pictorial for rugby. What team do you play on, and what’s the league like? I play for the ORSU (Oregon Rugby Sports Union) Jesters, Portland’s premier rugby club and one of the more storied sporting organizations in the Pacific Northwest. We are able to field two competitive teams that play in Division II and Division III of the Pacific Northwest Rugby Union. I play for the latter side, which is a mix of aged veterans and inexperienced younger players. I love this mix, as it has allowed me to learn from some amazing players from around the world that have decided to wrap up their careers with us.

Marco Melendez You’re in pictorial for kettlebell lifting. Can you give us a brief description of what that is? The SKOGG system is a combination of cardio and weight training in one workout that is all done by using kettlebells. This system allows you to increase your strength, flexibility and power. I realized that I was burning more calories in an hour than any other workout I tried in the past. § Note: Not all models were available for this interview. JustOut.com


Alex Lacross 8 years

Glen Dragon Boat Paddler 9 years

Ben Soccer 13 years

Joshua Running 2 years

Marco Kettlebells 2 years



Kenny Rugby 2 years

November 2012

Jessica Snowboarding 14 years

November 2012

Lauren Contact Football 1 year



Jamie Basketball 20 years



Will Wakeboarder 12 Years

The detailed recipe for this dish can be found at our website. Justout.com/recipes January 2013

Kate Karate (2nd degree black belt) 15 Years

January 2013

JustOut.com 27 The detailed recipes for this dish can be found at our website. Justout.com/recipes

REAL LIFE | Friends & Neighbors

LGBTQ Allies Text by Alley Hector Photography by Horace Long Immersed in Portland queer life can feel like we live in a world without straight people, but even here the reality is that we are still a minority. But we are part of the majority of a local community that is accepting, loving, and “has our back.” When I sat down in the Q Center’s library, surrounded by rows upon rows of LGBT themed books, with three straight married couples, nothing was more apparent. It was a feel good moment of the highest order and helped me remember that heterosexuals are part of our community and part of our movement. They are excited to be part of it. They are happy give us their time, money and friendship, and we need them. I was raised by one of the staunchest allies I know, and during the course of the interview I heard very familiar words coming from the mouths of Mark and Tracy Fenske, Chris and Monica Reed, and Lisa Watson and Peter Shanky, though they themselves are a diverse group of people. Mark and Tracy work in finance. Chris and Monica own A Word in Edgewise eco-printing company and Lisa and Peter own the tasty Cupcake Jones bakery. Different generations, raised in different places and from different religious and ethnic backgrounds, they hold many similar beliefs and had familiar and relatable tales to tell. One of my mother’s favorite stories is that of her best friend’s coming out to her. When Lisa started palling around with another girl in Jr. High, Jill Hector was angry and hurt. But when she found out it was a love interest all was forgiven. You could be stupid when it came to boys, when it came to a crush, just as long as another BFF wasn’t taking her place. The six people I sat with at the Q Center also have important gay people in their lives. These early influencers helped lead them into a world where they proudly proclaim they are not just allies, but advocates for LGBT people. Here are their stories...

On how they became involved.

Mark, Tracy, & Reggie Fenske

Lisa Watson: My first friend to die of AIDS died in 1987. I did my first AIDS Walk shortly after and became an activist. Chris Reed: I was hijacked. My best friend turned us onto PABA (the Portland Area Business Association for

Lisa Watson & Peter Shanky

gay and gay-friendly businesses). It was the first time I had gone to a business meeting that I enjoyed. Tracy Fenske: We just have a lot of close family and friends. It’s just the right thing to do. It’s kind of weird to be interviewed for something that’s just part of our lives. Mark Fenske: I always joke that we’ve been married for eleven years, have no kids, love to travel and enjoy good wine. Who do you think our friends are? Lisa and Peter (in unison): That sounds really familiar. Mark: I’m convinced we’re the gay couple from Modern Family. It’s your task to figure out who is who. Tracy: He would be the one who went to clown college.

On mistaken identity, alternative sexuality, lesbros and more. Lisa: Peter has a twin brother who is gay. We had more than a few people that couldn’t figure out the relationship because they would see Dustin out with his partner and Peter out with me and didn’t know they were two different men. What was eye opening to me was that there were so many people in the gay community that wanted to figure us out or label our sexuality. What if there were three of us all together? So what? Tracy: I’ve had straight girlfriends tell me I need to watch Mark because he is on the down low and having affairs at networking events. But all of our gay friends love me more than him so I’m fine. And these are people that have known us for years. Chris: Oh and I’m a lesbro. Let’s not forget that. Tracy: [Mark’s] a lesbro too. Chris: Oh yeah, but not to my level. Mark: You’ve got a few years on me. When I’m your age…

January 2013

Tracy: …you’ll have groupies. Chris: You will. I’ve got groupies. Mark: Trying not to picture that.

On the first gay person that they met. Peter Shanky: As I have a close family member that’s gay I’ve been involved as long as I can remember. As a business owner it’s grown. Lisa: I was in drama club in high school but it was also Catholic school so none of them came out until much later. Mark: I’ve had a good friend since kindergarten. It may be cliché but I had GI Joes and he had Barbie dolls. Didn’t make him any less my friend. Tracy: I grew up in a town of 300 where we all knew each other and had last names that ended in “ski.” So I didn’t meet anyone until we moved to the “big city” of 30,000. I had out friends in high school. I was about 200 lbs at the time so they were bullied because they were gay and I was bullied because of that. We bonded over it. Chris: I’ve got a few years on you but I did know some in high school, although to be called queer was the worst thing imaginable then. When I became a merchant seaman in the Navy, that’s when I ran into real gay people. Everything was cool and I was only about 18. When I got back to New York we had that Christopher Street thing. It was a turning point. Monica Reed: My best friend in Jr. High was gay. He passed away from AIDS when he was 35. And I’ve worked with kids my whole career so I see the bullying and put downs that go on.

On the most important issues facing the gay community. Chris: Safety. The issue that bothers me the most is what is happening to young people, the suicides, the risks. Children are our responsibility. I don’t care of they are not my biological kids. As a human being on this planet we have a responsibility to keep our children safe. All our children.



Tracy: And to raise children that know it’s not okay to hate. Peter: Marriage equality is important too. It’s a symbol of equality overall. Lisa: It’s a bigger issue here but access to healthcare for transgendered people is important too. We all need access. These are symbols of bigger issues.

On activism and advocacy. Chris: You need to get out there and advocate. Just joining PABA or throwing a check at the Q Center is not enough. Tracy: I’ve taken it upon myself to educate my family. My father was very [homophobic] but his first trip to Portland we took him to CC [Slaughters] and he loved everyone. My farmer father supposedly never met a gay person until his 60s, but that’s all it took to turn him around. Mark: When I was a kid I was sarcastic and chubby so I really know what it’s like to be picked on. I identify with that. When any one group of people is made to feel less-than or discriminated against it sets me going. There’s really only one group left that it’s “okay” to do that to and it’s wrong. In a generation we’ll look back at that and know it’s stupid but until then [my advocacy] has to continue. Peter: We would do what we do here anywhere and in another city we might be considered activists but here we’re just Portlanders. Lisa: We donate a percentage of sales to non-profits and probably 70% of that goes to LGBT or AIDS related causes. It was kind of scary knowing that might alienate some of our customer base but the reward has been well worth anything we might have lost.

O n what else keeps them busy. Peter: CAP. Our House. P:ear. Red Dress Party. Chris: Q Center. HRC. BRO. GLSEN. I’m passionate about that one because it’s for the kids. We donate to all sorts of organizations but to LGBT ones the most. And I get business from this community. I didn’t start out with the great idea to create change. A friend told me if you get involved in this community you will have the most loyal customers you’ve ever had. He was right. Lisa: At a marketing class given by Travel Portland about marketing to the LGBT community, they said that people will recognize if you’re authentic, if you’re doing it just for the business or if you really support these causes. It rang true to me. al


Tracy: It’s hard to break into this community. You have to rebe there and do your part, be a voice, have personal relationships.

Mark: When we first moved here we didn’t know anyone and just wanted to meet like-minded people. This community was welcoming, and growing my busines was just a great byproduct. Chris & Monica Reed



Tracy: These people have become more than friends. They’re our family. §

January 2013

December 2012



A&E | Culture Club

by Ken Hoyt

Fiercely New

It’s a great month for theatre that is fiercely new and passionate. Our first stop is to talk with Dañel Malán about the remount of her popular play, Frida un Retablo. Our next two shows are part of the fabulous Fertile Ground series that graces our city each January. These two shows, Sonnetscape and The Godmother have strong ties to the LGBTQ community.

Frida un Retablo

The Godmother

Frida Kahlo was one of Mexico’s most acclaimed artists. Yet her life was anything but charmed. She endured (and triumphed through) a tumultuous marriage (to superstar artist Diego Rivera), childhood polio that left her crippled, and later, an automotive accident that damaged her for life.

We talk with playwright Sandra de Helen.

Playwright, and Teatro Milagro co-founder, Dañel Malán, creates a powerful look at the life of Kahlo in Frida un Retablo (a Retablo is a small sacred painting in Mexico). A trio of actors represents Frida, Old Frida and the Spirit of Frida. The play itself is written with a good deal of gender fluidity. WHAT ATTRACTED MALÅN TO KAHLO? I felt connected in so many ways. It overwhelmed me that in 1930 in Mexico this woman could do whatever she wanted. She could say, “I am a communist, I’m bisexual … I am Frida Khalo. I think that’s why she’s so iconic, especially in the lesbian community. WHAT MADE HER SO ICONIC? She could be herself, Malân reflects. She visited Tehuantepec (Mexico). There the women are in charge — they make all the decisions. She thought, Why can’t every place be like that.

Frida un Retablo runs January 10 - 18 . milagro.org.

WHAT (OR WHO) INSPIRED YOU TO WORK IN THEATRE? The women’s movement. When I was at the University of Missouri-Rolla, I was one of only 500 women in a sea of 5,000 men. I was the first woman to write for the school newspaper in its 104 year history, and my column got me death threats (seriously) for my attempts at humor. So, I decided to do feminist theatre when I left there, went to Kansas City, Mo, met Kate Kasten, and we founded Actors’ Sorority. When I moved to Portland I founded the Portland Women’s Theatre Company. WHAT DO YOU HOPE THAT YOUR SHOW WILL COMMUNICATE? The theme of the play is “family first.” But this is a mob family. So, there may be some questionable values. We explore them. WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO THIS STORY? I was inspired by two things: One, the estimable playwright Marsha Norman said her most popular play is the one with a gun in it; and two, an article in the Kansas City Star about women running mob families — godmothers. I decided to write my own version of that story set in Kansas City during prohibition (which meant virtually nothing there, thanks to the mob) with a lesbian godmother and a mob of mixed ethnicities. What makes theatre an appealing discipline for you? I like to play! Theatre is where grownup people use their skills to create make believe for all of us. We create it together, and it takes all of us to make it happen: playwright, actors, director, designers, builders, and especially the audience. Theatre needs every single one of us, and then the magic is real, right there in our laps.”

The Godmother plays January 27 at 8 p.m. fertilegroundpdx.org Ken Hoyt is Just Out's A&E Editor. Reach him at Ken@JustOut.com



January 2013

Sonnetscape We talk with director Rusty Tennant. WHAT (OR WHO) INSPIRED YOU TO WORK IN THEATRE? Many people inspire me to create theatre — my mother, my high school theatre teacher, my partner — but I’m lucky to belong to an ensemble of theatre artists each so uniquely gifted that our regular collaboration has become my inspiration. WHAT DO YOU HOPE THAT YOUR SHOW WILL COMMUNICATE? I hope people walk out realizing that the Sonnets are much more informative than we give them credit for being, especially when we are fervently trying to piece together the puzzle of the seemingly unanswerable questions we call Shakespeare’s life. What attracted you to this story? As a student of Shakespeare I was always fascinated by the nonchalant acceptance of this narrative as some sort of epitome of love poetry — “Two loves I have, of comfort and despair...” — an older gentleman falling in and out of love with a young boy and then reluctantly transferring his love to a dark woman.

Sonnetscape - Photo by Emily Ward - Models Kate Mura and Sara Fay Goldman Frida un Retablo - Photo by Russell J Young

We teach Sonnets in schools and speak them at weddings neglecting the painful origins of a love that was more than forbidden; it was a gross indecency, and it could destroy more than a poet’s heart. It could destroy his life. WHAT MAKES THEATRE AN APPEALING DISCIPLINE FOR YOU? Psychology is to science what theatre is to art. I love the process of studying why our minds think our thoughts and how our bodies manifest their story.

“Wisely and slow, they stumble who run fast.” -Friar Lawrence, Romeo & Juliet Sonnetscape runs January 31 - February 2. boxofficetickets.com § The Godmother - Photo by One Brilliant Day - Model Anya Pearson

January 2013



Spotted at a rodeo in 1990 by a modelling scout, Mike Hartman was once in the running to be the Marlboro Man. He’s been part cowboy and part fine artist since he was a kid when he began selling his mostly horse-inspired paintings to buyers as far away as Europe. He grew up in a macho cowboy setting, working on the family cattle ranch on horseback in British Columbia. That’s when horses became his passion; got into his blood. Today, his home base in Woodburn, he makes his living training, showing, and transporting horses all over the country. His crystal blue eyes twinkle when talking about horses, especially his own. He values his friendships and family like you’d expect a country boy in a cowboy hat would. But it seems he is completely content being by himself as long as a horse is nearby. Hartman comes with the signature Wrangers, boots, chaps, quiet confidence, and an endearing humility, the kind that makes any number of men, and women, swoon over a straight shootin’, straight talkin’ cowboy. A LOT OF GAY MEN SEEM TO LIKE COWBOYS. HAS THAT BEEN YOUR EXPERIENCE? Ya, it has been. But I wouldn’t narrow it down that much. A lot of ladies do too. It’s a very romantic kind of image. The whole romantic image of the rough tough cowboy. But I sure wouldn’t say it is exclusive to gay men. It’s everywhere. Even straight men are attracted to it because they like the whole romantic idea of it. ON THE ONLINE GAY COWBOY DATING SITES A LOT OF MEN EQUATE COWBOYS AS THE IDEAL MAN: HONEST, HARDWORKING, UNPRETENTIOUS, MASCULINE, OUTDOORSY, FAITHFUL, SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, MEAN WHAT YOU SAY KIND OF GUY. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE YOU? I hope so. I know a few people like that. I love the term ‘cowboy’ — everyone does — I’ve never used it to describe myself because I think that is something someone else has to choose to call you because I’ve known a handful of cowboys in my life that I’d really call cowboys. The real deal. It’s the way they live there life. It’s not just because they ride horses or break horses or ride rodeos, it’s everything. It’s how they treat people, it’s how they are respected… CAN I CALL YOU A COWBOY? I would be proud to be called a cowboy. But I can’t call myself that. YOU ARE THAT TYPE. ARE YOU ATTRACTED TO THAT TYPE? Ya, but I don’t think it is a gay or straight thing. It’s a people thing. You are attracted to people who know who they are, who are confident, who are the real deal. Continues Page 36



January 2013

Horseman Mike Hartman |PROFILE

Save a Horse

Ride a Cowboy Photography by Dave Jackson Text by Jonathan Kipp

January 2013



IS IT TRUE A COWBOY LOVES HIS HORSE AS MUCH AS ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD? I love mine. WHAT GOT YOU INTERESTED IN HORSES AND COWBOY STUFF? I grew up in it. My grandparents and my father had a family ranch (in very rural British Columbia, Canada). It was 19,000 acres. Really huge. A cattle ranch. Originally that is what we used the horses for — taking the cattle to the mountains for the summer and then we’d go up and get ‘em and bring ‘em down for the fall. And the people I most admired, the guys I looked up to… I was just raised doing it so I didn’t really know anything else. THIS LOVE AFFAIR WITH HORSES AND THIS LIFESTYLE, HAS IT BEEN A HINDRANCE TO RELATIONSHIPS OR A HELP? It’s probably been a hindrance I would say. It’s great. I meet a lot of new people all of the time and a lot of great people but it’s hard to establish a long term. I’m not home every night. It’s hard because it is not normal. YOU PHYSICALLY LOOK LIKE A COWBOY. HAVE YOU BEEN AWARE OF THAT OVER YOUR LIFE? What you see in photos is the real stuff I wear every day. It’s all real. For years I had no idea I had that image. I had very few pictures taken as a child. I just didn’t see myself that way for years. I was unaware of it until I stepped into the gay community I had no idea. The first time I went out I felt embarrassed. What do people wear? I was thinking ‘I can’t wear what I wear.’ But I couldn’t do it. I tried. But I looked a dork. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOMENT ON A HORSE? There are so many of them. I’m so blessed. And new ones happen almost every day.

To see more photography by Dave Jackson: molallacowboy.zenfolio.com 36


One that stands out is when we rescued a horse on the side of a mountain. The rescue team had given up on him. A buddy of mine and I hiked in with food and water and shovels and equipment — and guns, just in case — and we spent the

night on the mountain with him on the mountain. We had to dig a trail on the side of the hill because the stallion couldn’t go up or down. The horse had slipped and gone down the hill. The girl that was on him was okay but he kept going. He screamed when he saw us coming. How smart he was. He just stood there and stared at us as if he was saying ‘Now what?’ We picked with the shovel and dug out a 12 inch trail along this bluff. We dug it out 4 or 5 feet in front of him and then he’d follow us. If he’d gone even an inch left he’d be off and at the bottom of the river. We got him out. It was great. I’ll never forget it. We were really able to make a difference. That is a great memory. He was gonna die and we got him out of there. It was the best thing... there were a few tears. IS IT DIFFICULT TO BE GAY AND BE AROUND SOME HORSE PEOPLE? SAY, REALLY RURAL CONSERVATIVE HORSE OWNERS AND RANCHERS? Whether I’m sitting here in The Pearl or on the road at one of the ranches in Wyoming or Montana I don’t care…I don’t apologize for being gay. I hear some fag joke and I’m the first to interrupt it. It’s bullshit. They all get over it. Even the roughest, toughest, drunkest ones are kind of embarrassed how they sound when you point it out to them. I’m not a hero. I think anyone comfortable with themselves will stand up and say… ‘Did you just say that?’ The people that hire me as a horseman hire me because I’m really good at what I do. I know what works for me. Ninety-nine point nine percent of them know I’m gay. They don’t care. I don’t care. Many are religious. They could care less. They treat me respect and I treat them with respect. People’s minds get changed over a period of time. Most of these crazy red-necked guys, and I can say that because they are, they don’t know I’m gay up front. We become friends. We spend years working together on projects and later they say ‘Are you serious?’ Some of them are my best friends. They’d be there for me for anything and I would be there for them. It’s kind of one person at a time. It’s logical, right? They love you or they don’t love you. If they don’t love (me) I can’t help that. But I doubt that it because I’m gay. Continues Page 38 January 2013

January 2013



GIVEN YOUR BACKGROUND, WHEN YOU SAW BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, WHEN YOU WERE SITTING IN THE THEATRE WATCHING THE MOVIE, WHAT WAS THAT LIKE FOR YOU? What was in my head was it’s about time. I’d never seen anything like it. This was so dead on. It got criticized. But it is absolutely real. It’s just a small moment with two guys. WAS IT EMOTIONAL TO WATCH? Yes. I watched it with my friend of 19 years — I had to make him go — it was really interesting. There were so many moments in it that have happened in my life. It was beautifully done. I CRIED. Me too... I didn’t want to say that. HAVE YOU EVER SAT BY A CAMPFIRE, SIPPING A CUP OF COFFEE, EATING BEANS, LOOKING UP AT THE STARS, YOUR HORSE TIED UP IN THE BACKGROUND? Yes, but it wasn’t coffee. As I recall it was Jack Daniels. SO THAT ISN’T JUST THE MOVIES? When I was a kid I begged every year to go on the cattle drive. When I was 7 or 8 I got to go. That’s exactly what it is. We had a fire and we sat around and we ate beans. It was my first experience. You sleep under the stars and you look up. The horse is standing three to six feet from you and you get up before the sunlight and you start over again. It’s great. IF YOU WEREN’T DOING THIS WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? WHAT WOULD YOU IMAGINE YOUR LIFE TO BE WITHOUT HORSES? I really don’t think there is life without horses. I really can’t imagine. WHAT DO YOU WANT ON YOUR TOMBSTONE? Oh I don’t want a tombstone. I don’t want all of that stuff. When I lose someone I love it’s hard of course. But you have to get through it. But the best part is that it brings up all of these memories. I’d hope that I was able to make a difference somehow. I’m not original… I’ve tried really hard to do the best I can do. I think most of us do. I don’t want to be buried. I don’t want anyone whining over me... And leave some great memories for people. I hope. SAID LIKE A TRUE COWBOY. §



January 2013

January 2013




Living the Dream

In 2012, from Mexico to Canada, Ron Ulrich hiked the Pacific Coast Trail in 26 wedding dresses — just because. What did this artist learn during his 2,600 mile adventure? People in the woods are scarier than bears, peace of mind doesn’t come easily on the trail, some dresses are heavier than others, and that he wants to do it all over again.

To learn more: hiking26.com 40


January 2013

January 2013





January 2013

January 2013





January 2013

January 2013



GARDEN | The Garden Gal

by Anne Jaeger

Say It With Flowers Now that same-sex marriage is legal in Washington State one local florist looks forward to sharing his talent with gay couples.

Anne Jaeger, writes The Garden Gal for Just Out. Anne was a hard news reporter and anchor at KGW and KOIN before turning to gardening full time. After that her award-winning garden shows appeared on both stations. You can now look for Anne's garden videos on the Oregonian newspaper web site: oregonlive.com/hg, catch her on Twitter @GardenGalTV, send her a suggestion via her web site: GardenGal.TV, or write Anne@JustOut.com.


Anne Jaeger: So you’ve designed flowers for a million weddings, but never a same-sex marriage. Speaking from your heart, as a gay man, how does it feel to know all couples can now enjoy your floral designs? Erik Witcraft: I have always designed wedding flowers with the personality of my couples in mind. It’s very exciting for me to get to know each of my couples and glean attributes from them that translate into living floral art for their special day. I am very excited to share that talent with same-sex couples as well. By the way, who doesn’t love feathers, rhinestones, and sequins! AJ: Have you ever considered that you’re pouring your heart and soul into making someone’s wedding perfect and that very couple you’re helping might be very against equal rights? I know professionalism takes over, but what does your heart say?


EW: I have never sold out of my own pocket, and likewise, I have never sold based on my personal value system. That’s just business smarts. However, I do feel that it’s about time! The GLBT community should be allowed the same recognition and rights as everyone else. AJ: Personally and politically, did you think this statewide change would come now? EW: I was rather surprised at this vote decision. Pleasantly, but still surprised. AJ: Would you do the flowers for your own wedding, someday? If so, what would they be? EW: When I meet Mr. Right, we will select one of my dear friends (in the industry) to entrust with my flowers. Professionals take the pressure off and allow you to enjoy your day. I know that from experience. So, what kind of flowers? I have lists, pending which season we would choose. AJ: I saw a great quote on a chalkboard the other day: “If you don’t like Gay Marriage, blame straight people. They’re the ones who keep having gay babies.” This sign forces people to look at the issue in a different way. In your estimation, what do most people (against) marriage equality seem to misunderstand? EW: I just want to say, there are extremists in every group of people. In our community, some gays are “pretty out there.” The homophobic parts of society often assume all gays are this way, and that marriage is going to somehow promote and encourage this way of life for the younger generations and children of gay parents. I believe that I was born as a gay man, not converted into one. AJ: Let’s future think for a moment. Years from now, you’ll be busy arranging wedding flowers and the struggle for marriage equality will be decades behind us. What would you tell a young, “green” designer standing right next to you about the fight? EW: It will be hard to explain to a young “green” designer about the struggles of marriage equality, just like it was difficult for my mentors to explain to me the 80s trends of peach and teal, or daisies and baby’s breath! I was like… “No… Really?” (Laughs) Actually I think it will be very exciting when we will say, “I remember when…” §

January 2013

Photo by Horace long

When FTD florists hit the ground running (bridal bouquets in hand) with that famous “Say It with Flowers” ad campaign nearly a hundred years ago, there was no hope for same-sex marriage. Let’s face it; the polar ice cap was thawing faster than public acceptance of equal rights. That was yesterday. Today the Save-The-Date announcements and Wedding Invitation(s) are in the mail all over Washington State. Gay marriage is legal across the Columbia River and in eight other states. Now, Washington floral designers, such as 37-year-old Erik Witcraft (AIFD) of Flowers Washougal, are giddy with the prospect of sharing their love of flowers with all couples, regardless of sexual orientation. Witcraft has designed flowers for more weddings than he can remember, but never a same sex marriage (legal or otherwise). Witcraft’s generation of floral designers is the first in history to be allowed into a centuries old legal tradition; they too can now demonstrate love and acceptance at the altar by “Saying It with Flowers.”

December 2012



HOME | Design Matters

by Jonathan Hopp

Art You Can Live In A local contractor who thinks outside the box and defies the stereotypes. His job is to interpret the architect’s vision for a project and bring it to life.

The next time I ran into Don was through his work as the contractor for Blue Hour, a restaurant in the Pearl District. I am one of those geeks that look at everything architecturally, and Blue Hour is a feast for the eyes. Not only is the space innovative architecturally, the craftsmanship is what truly grabbed my interest. An architect or designer is only as good as the contractor that executes their vision – and in that regard the restaurant is a smashing success. More recently, while driving in the Southwest hills, I pulled up in front of an amazing contemporary house that was under construction to admire the building and daydream about the view the future residents would have. As before, I studied the massing of the various planes of the house and the exterior transitions of building materials. I also pondered the ways one would build in such a difficult location. The detailing was completed beautifully, and I could tell that the contractor had quite the task in making this dream home a reality. Naturally I smiled as I read the sign for the contractor – it was another DTC (Don Tankersley Construction) project. I’ve said you can get a feel for people by the spaces they inhabit, and DTC occupies a loft-style office space on Northwest Kearney. I’ve met many contractors over the years, and this is not your usual contractor’s office. The occupant clearly loves open spaces. The modern room displayed everything from vintage lithographs and photos to antique cameras. The conference area holds a Duncan Phyfe dining table and chairs (from Don’s grandparents) where they live comfortably integrated with the classic Barcelona chair and a mid-century inspired sofa. A more typical builder’s office has stacks of building samples, blue prints over-running the desks, tattered office furniture and out of control clutter. DTC’s office looks like a comfortable and organized place to work, confident in its style and furnishings, and suitable for a design magazine. I could tell this contractor didn’t just build spaces; he designed them. Trained in architecture and business at Portland State University, Don started his own company 20 years ago and builds dream homes. A list of projects includes lofts, multi-unit condos and single-family residences. What is exciting about his projects (speaking as a total design geek) is the level of skill in construction. Architects and designers rely on a quality builder to interpret their dreams and drawings to make them a reality.



In each and every project of Don’s that I’ve been to visit there is an attention to detail that might easily be overlooked. There is an art to building a home and a qualified contractor can make an architect or a designer look like a rock star. DTC does just that. To put it another way – a great contractor easily makes or breaks a project. Sitting down to speak with Don, I am struck that he doesn’t fit the contractor stereotype. A slender, handsome and thoughtful man in a buttondown shirt and blue jeans, he more resembles a young college professor or an architect than a builder. While he doesn’t fit my contractor stereotype, there is a sense of quiet confidence that comes through during the interview. He thoughtfully answers each question, and his passion for his work comes through in his responses. While he works on high-end home projects in Portland and Northwest Oregon, he is quick to point out, “Comparing apples to apples, if anyone did the same work it would cost as much or more than our budgets do.” He is able to do this because he has cultivated relationships with architects and clients because of his quality of work. Ultimately he delivers the best in project management and he has cultivated the finest trade resources to complete his projects. “The best training I’ve received is working with architects. In my career, I’ve been lucky to work with some very talented world-class architects. It’s given me a healthy respect for architects and architecture. Our interactions, while trying to please them and deliver what they’ve drawn, has been a great education for me.” For anyone who has built a home, remodeled a room, or completed an addition, they know the importance of a great contractor. Don told me a story, that made me admire him all the more, about a time when he took a stand for a client and made suggestions to the architect that might improve the design of the project. He went so far as to suggest making an architectural change. You can’t accuse him for being shy… and he admits that it didn’t work out well (he didn’t get the job). “Contractors are one of the most important elements of a project. When I work with an architect I try to understand the theme. What is their intention? Then when making the ten thousand decisions along the way, it’s likely to be something they approve of. As I start a project, I get to know the architect to build trust so that my opinion means more. That’s where I have my influence. After I’ve gained the trust of the client and architect, Based in Portland, Jonathan Hopp has worked as a residential interior designer for over 25 years designing homes all over the U.S. In 2011, he published Interior Bliss: How To Decorate Like A Pro Without Breaking The Bank. A regular personality on Portland's AM Northwest, Jonathan shares tips and trick of the trade to create a home that you will be a delight for years. jonathanhopp.com Write him at JonthanH@JustOut.com

January 2013

Photo by Horace Long

My first experience of Don Tankersley was before I moved to Portland. My partner and I were searching Craigslist for a rental and ran across a project he completed for Lair Condominiums in conjunction with architect Rick Potestio. The condos were nothing short of stunning with clean contemporary lines and an inspired use of space with defined areas for furniture and traffic. The rooms had windows in the right locations and the finishes were stunning.

then I will say something. I try to give a different perspective. I am careful not to interject when a client has a strong opinion about something. I’m generally reluctant to give an opinion if I don’t like something. Instead, I try to make it work in the overall. With an architect or owner, until you’ve gained their trust, the last thing they want to hear is their contractor’s opinion.” Apparently that has worked out well. All of DTC’s work is through referral. He prefers to work on no more than four projects at a time, as that is all he can manage while maintaining his level of care and supervision. Once an architect has worked with him they keep working together. That level of trust becomes a shorthand communication his clients expect. Don has developed a reputation for specializing in contemporary projects although that is not necessarily what he originally sought. “That comes out of the interaction with the architects that are coming up with something fresh. I don’t go after modern projects, but there is a correlation between the past work and what comes to me.” Don thinks the ever-changing quality of light of the Northwest is one of the more interDecember 2012

esting details he deals with. Another factor that is critical to consider when building in our climate is weatherproofing since the effects of rain and water require special attention. One of his favorite elements on a home are overhangs because he likes anything that keeps water away from the house and creates an area that provides a dry space as you transition from outside to inside. An architect whose work he admires is John Yeon. Yeon was known for creating a northwest regional style of architecture in the 1930s, with an innovative use of simple building materials and the overhangs that Don loves so well. I asked him how he would advise a homeowner to keep things in line. “Assemble a good team. Hire people who have gone through these types of projects and who can foresee the problems. You have to have trust. I often say to clients –‘You’ve hired a good architect, don’t make him do something bad.’ The single thing you can do is to know what you want. If you’re figuring it out as you go along, the project and budget will follow that path. You have to have everything lined up before you start. It’s a frustrating feeling when someone is spending your money so have the architect and designer decide everything before your start. Specifying makes all the difference.”

Don took me on a tour of a warehouse space in Northwest Portland that is being converted to a private residence. All the rooms in the 5,000 square foot single level home are oriented toward an enormous atrium. Additionally, there are 10 foot sliding glass doors with a view toward a private courtyard that will be part of the next phase of the construction. As we walked the space he pointed out details and items that the owner will likely never think about such as radiant heat flooring, the insulation and a 50 foot uninterrupted expanse of dividing wall. He pointed out waterproofing details that are paramount in our rainy region. The natural wood window frames were receiving a finish coat prior to being set in place to insure a water tight seal, and the roofing material used was a new product that is not only one of the best in the industry, it is a work of art. The architect’s drawings of the space are absolutely stunning, and as I stood there admiring the space and daydreaming again, he listed off the numbers for construction costs that sadly brought me back to reality. Don summed up his work very simply. “I build art you can live in.” I couldn’t have said it any better. §



MUSIC | Best Albums

by Alley Hector

The Top 5 of 2012

Portland is a music town, so while 2012 saw these quality gay club anthems give dance floor debauchery a message a plethora of amazing LGBT-fronted albums and meaning. across the nation, we are lucky enough to be 3. DAMON BOUCHER – Superfag able to give you a “best of” from a smaller It’s amazing the kind of raw rap energy that can come out of this unskinny white dude. Ok, so maybe it’s the dark beats behind local pool. So here are the top five album assuming him in contrast with just some straight up spitting, but it works for me. queers are all about new combinations, unexpected juxtaposireleases of the year (leaving a little wiggle Portland tions, and brilliantly original cultural recipes, and Boucher works that room for honorable mention) from people chemistry well. you might run into at the grocery store. 2. CORIN TUCKER BAND – Kill My Blues For the number 5 spot we’re giving a three-way tie to some EPs that are promising listens in anticipation of 2013 LPs.


MATTACHINE SOCIAL – Nice is the New Punk Rock

These post-punk electronic band members were some of Just Out’s first interviewees and they are as engaging speaking as they are on stage. With an eclectic lineup and colorful fashions, Mattachine Social plays music that is fun while still having feeling and style. Magic Mouth – Believer New indie darlings Magic Mouth have also been featured in these pages. Having just returned from a tour with world famous Stumptownies, The Gossip, the crowd seemed to love their steamy male vocals with raucous rock background as much as the headliners (who are, perhaps, Magic Mouth’s R&B influencers). Lead vocalist Stephan’s soulful tenor blends perfectly with intense drums and strings on their introductory EP to create a new gay gospel. BOY FUNK – Keep Portland Queered Down and dirty hip-hop funk pop has plenty of color both visually and lyrically. He puts on a fun and sexy show that only makes you feel a little uncomfortable (in a good way) just like his first recently release video for “Pop It on the Porch” which may just be the next dirty sexy Portland anthem.



GOSSIP – A Joyful Noise

I have to admit that I am a fan, but only because every single record of the Gossip’s since 2006’s Standing in the Way of Control has knocked it out of the park. This year’s Joyful Noise is no different. When I heard “Perfect World” last spring, Beth Ditto’s sultry voice remained as powerful as it has ever been with a slightly more electronic edge to her usual rock background. The synthesis worked. From the whimsical “Get a Job” to the inspirational “Move in the Right Direction,” The Gossip remains every bit the badass rock’n’rollers as they ever were while continuing to grow. Honorable mention:


It may only have two songs, but the record single released this fall from Reynosa is a welcome departure from the typical Northwest indie fare. With a queer punk take on Cumbia and a combination of other Latin styles, the trio of ladies have a great ear for how to take traditional songs, like the 1960s Peruvian cumbia/Chicha song “Cariñito,” and make them contemporary and fun to listen to. Expect a lot from these cowgirls in 2013. §

LOGAN LYNN – Tramp Stamps & Birthmarks

His danceable beats with upbeat tunes have landed him praise such as “the new Golden boy of electro-pop.” To me, the darker lyrics behind


Sleater-Kinney veteran Corin Tucker’s new project released its first album two years ago. The self-dubbed mom rock was a far cry from Tucker’s roots and a little too tame for my taste. But this year the rock is back, grown up as it may be. Their new collaborative process has also made for a soothingly Pacific Northwest sound reminiscent of a 90s heyday.


Alley Hector is Just Out’s Editor-In Chief. Reach her at alley@JustOut.com

January 2013

January 2013




REYNOSA (7”) BOY FUNK – Keep Portland Queered

Magic Mouth – Believer



LOGAN LYNN – Tramp Stamps & Birthmarks


BOY FUNK – Keep Portland Queered

MATTACHINE SOCIAL – Nice is the New Punk Rock




November 2012

Q+A Tommy Hartman

WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? Great question! I am on a career shift plan. After ten years in banking and financial services, I stretched out of the cubicle and behind a stylist chair. I attend the Aveda Institute Portland full time. In about ten months I will be a licensed cosmetologist. HOW DO YOU IDENTIFY? Gay. I used to have homosexual tendencies, engaged in gay-activities but I didn’t want to give anyone the idea that I was a queer. Then I attended a Pride service at Metropolitan Community Church Portland in June of 2009. Pastor Nathan Meckley asked the congregation of LGBTQ peoples to close our eyes and think on the first moments we recalled being proud. I was like “BAM!” I feel it. I am gay. Gay! Gay! Gay! Not only am I proud to be me. I am proud of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans people, and queers around me who are so loving and supportive. WHAT’S THE BEST PART ABOUT BEING PART OF THE LGBT COMMUNITY? Being queer is awesome. What jumps out to me is when I meet someone, and we acknowledge we are both in the LGBT, there is a magic moment I would call, “I get you in a way that your parents or co-workers do not.” We share some of the pressures and some awkwardness of our youth. We can be excited about the developing world around us making it more and more of an empowered environment for someone who is LGBT. WHAT WAS THE BEST PART ABOUT COMING OUT FOR YOU? I no longer hold anything back and the more open I am the more I believe I am empowered by supportive individuals around me.

Photo by Horace Long

WHAT WAS THE WORST PART ABOUT COMING OUT FOR YOU? The hardest part was telling my parents and some of my friends that my life would not follow the path that they dreamed for me. It was frightening because I did leave behind me an entire identity and perceived future. §

January 2013






November 2012


WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? I’m a PR, marketing, and business developer/ strategist with an MBA from Marylhurst University. WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO PORTLAND? Its magnificence and my gay uncle, Steven Nash. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF BEING A PORTLANDER? The stunning terrain, amazing arts/food/culture, and the chosen community and family that all reside here. WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE ABOUT PORTLAND AND/OR OREGON? Lowering unemployment rates, raising the economy, and legalizing gay marriage. HOW DO YOU IDENTIFY? Queer, professional-female, proud mother, Italian/Cajun-French, and a celebrating democrat. IS PORTLAND A GOOD PLACE TO BE LGBT? Gratefully, YES! WHAT ARE EVENTS?




Basic Rights Oregon’s yearly gala, CAP’s walk-athon and art auction, and the many live performances and open mics of all age groups. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE PEOPLE COMING OUT? Have strength, integrity, patience, and compassion with yourself and others without denying yourself that which is everyone’s basic right.

Photo by Horace Long

WHO DO YOU LOOK UP TO OR REVERE IN THE GAY COMMUNITY OR HISTORICALLY? I’m surrounded by dynamic leaders and humanitarians that inspire me constantly. The list is extraordinarily long starting with Cleopatra, Da Vinci, MLK, Gandhi, Howard Zinn all the way to local leaders like Michael Kaplan, Zan Gibbs, Jenn Burleton, Jeana Franzzini, Wayne Mia, and today it is mostly Obama. § Be a part of OUR PEOPLE: Send a short note to editor@justout.com and tell us about yourself or a friend.

January 2013



Just Out Business Directory

These businesses support you. Please support them. Adult


Hawks Gym................................................55 Mr. Peeps.....................................................55

Cascade AIDS Project, Art Auction..........5 Chocolate Fest @ World Forestry Center...........................9 Q Center Winter Gala.................................2


Jay’s Wide Shoes.........................................11



Northwest Surrogacy Center....................13 Oregon Reproductive Medicine...............59

Kelly K Brown.............................................57 Legacy Preservation Law...........................53 Redden & Findling LLP............................57


US Bank.........................................................3



Herzog-Meier Volkswagen.........................7

Willamette Valley Confectionery.............15



GLAPN..........................................................7 Pivot Project..................................................5 Q Center......................................................31

Linnton Feed & Seed.................................57

HIV/STD Prevention


CAP - Counties..........................................55 Multnomah County Health Dept......55, 57

Jonathan Weedman....................................57 Susan Rosenthall........................................57



Dan Kasch...................................................57 Harper Construction.................................57 Sunlan Lighting, Inc..................................57

Bling Dental................................................17



Malka Diamonds & Jewelry........................3


Center for Dermatology and Laser Surgery.............................17 Dr. Robert Ruiz..........................................57 Eyes on Broadway........................................9 Oraquick......................................................60 West Portland Physical Therapy Clinic....................15


Rose City Veterinary Hospital..................17


Morel Ink.....................................................53

Real Estate

Brad Wulf - Remax....................................17 H. Dwayne Davis - Realty Trust...............53 Kelly Stafford Home Sweet Home Realty..................57

Resorts & Spas

Bonneville Hot Springs Resort & Spa......13


Lincoln City Visitors Bureau....................11

Bias Insurance.............................................57

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Goose Hollow Window Co.......................17

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Queer Portland


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If you have selling in your blood, would like to work for a quality LGBTQ magazine in a sales capacity, want to work in an autonomous environment, are self-motivated, and a team player, we want to talk to you. Send your resume to sales@JustOut.com for consideration.

January 2013

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January 2013



January 2013









Detail Dance Company brings you a dance rendition of the beloved story The Wiz & The Wizard of Oz under the artistic direction of Durante Lambert. $27 – $43, 8 p.m. at Newmark Theater (1111 SW Broadway)


This quarterly party celebrating furry guys and their friends returns with DJs Matt Stands and John Cross. $6, 9 p.m. at Rotture (315 SE 3rd Ave)



Lady Gaga

Mother Monster returns to Portland for her Born This Way Ball Tour. $50 – $175, 7:30 p.m. at the Rose Garden Arena (1 Center Court)


th Rose City Rollers



Catch all 4 Women’s Roller Derby home teams at the Season 8 Opener. $8 – $24, 5:45 p.m. at the Memorial Coliseum (1 Center Court)

Fire & Ice - Q Center Winter Gala

Fire and Ice, yin and yang, will bring together a night of passion and confidence as we move into the next chapter of Q Center’s development as a much needed program and resource center. $35 – $250, 6 – 11:30 p.m. at Castaway (1900 NW 18th Ave) 58 JustOut.com

December 2012

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