January 2013 A New World | Page 16
A Logistical Masterpiece | Page 20
A Hot Deal | Page 24
With its new company structure
juwi constructs 17 wind turbines
Hotels in Bavaria and the
juwi focuses even more on
close to the airport San JosĂŠ
Palatinate are supplied with
customer needs.
in Costa Rica.
eco-friendly heat.
Scare Tactics Won’t Work German electricity tariffs increase and renewable energies are used as scapegoat. That is not only unfair, but also untrue. Read more about the real reasons for the price increase on pages 10 to 15.
Contents Insights Bio Natural Gas from the Energy Park Brandis
Projects Page 4
Eye-Catcher in Costa Rica
German Energy Turnaround
Page 6
The 17 E-44 wind turbines in
juwi Brings Water into the Egyptian Desert
Page 8
juwi’s “Valle Eolico Central”
Hunsrück-Wind Contributes to the
wind farm are a highlight for Feature
all passenger flying to San
Scare Tactics Won’t Work
José in Costa Rica.
Page 20
Products German electricity tariffs
A Hot Deal
Page 24
increase and renewable
Solar Energy to Go
Page 25
energies are used as scapegoat.
Page 10
Panorama Technical Drawings or Educating Children
Page 26
juwi Canteen: An Energy Miracle for Gourmets
Page 27
New Company Structure for Extended Customer Support.
Page 16
IMPRINT Published by: juwi Holding AG · Energie-Allee 1 · 55286 Wörrstadt Editors: Christian Hinsch (V.i.S.d.P.) · Benedikt Brüne · Katharina Buss · Hasret Gülmez · Robert Habi · Thomas Hoch · Iwona Kallok · Sabine Schmidt · Felix Wächter Design: kleiner und bold GmbH | Berlin Printed by: Heyne-Druck GmbH | Offenbach am Main © 01/2013 Title picture: istockphoto
A New Design for the Energy Market A heated debate about the energy turnaround is currently taking place in Germany: it is claimed to be too expensive, unsafe, and too much state-directed. Repeating these “arguments“ over and over again does not strengthen their validity, but it fuels the debate. 2013 is election year in Germany and it would be fatal if the position “it would have been better to continue with nuclear power“ found a majority. There are many reasons for the energy turnaround. 1. T he energy transition is not “too expensive”. Renewable energies are already cheaper than any other form of energy production. That becomes very clear when looking at the real costs of energy production: Sun, wind and bioenergy stand for environmental protection, increased regional value creation and decreased costs for energy imports. According to a recent study conducted by the Renewable Energy Agency, renewables lead to a benefit of around 21 billion euros in the electricity sector, compared to 14 billion euros in subsidies. 2. T he energy turnaround is not “state-directed”. Fixing points are an eco-friendly, safe and economic energy supply. The preferred method is a minimum pricing system with guaranteed fees and a preference for renewable energy. A worldwide comparison shows that systems with preset quotes – fundamentally an expression for state direction – lead to increased costs and do not offer the security of investments that is necessary to reach the development goals. No doubt, the successful feed-in tariffs for renewable energies can be further developed. juwi contributes to this discussion with its commitment in organizations, foundations and in direct dialogue. For a new energy market we need a new market design, a legal system that promotes the regional supply of renewable energies and that prevents over-promotion and fixed prices for wind and solar energy. Adjustable power plants and storage systems should be remunerated according to supply and demand. We are convinced that the energy turnaround will happen and have therefore restructured the juwi group. Learn more about our new company structure in this edition. Enjoy reading!
Jochen Magerfleisch
Matthias Willenbacher
Fred Jung
Martin Winter
Bio Natural Gas From the Brandis Energy Park The biogas feed-in plant that juwi is building in the energy park in Brandis (near Leipzig) is really taking shape. Since construction has started in April 2012, major parts of the fermenters (in the foreground) have already been completed. Renewable resources – such as the corn silage juwi will store in the large bunker silos (upper image) – will be fermented in these containers. The power plant will refine the biogas produced into 5.7 million cubic meters of bio methane per year. That’s enough to provide around 7,000 households with power and 1,400 households with heat. Like the solar park constructed by juwi, the biogas plant is also located on the grounds of the former Brandis-Waldpolenz military airport.
Photo credit: Bernhard Witt
04 05
Wind From the Hunsrück Mountains Drives the Energy Turnaround in Rhineland-Palatinate High above the treetops on the Soonwald peak of the Hunsrück mountains, juwi and its Austrian partner Verbund AG have been producing clean wind power since the end of last year. With eight powerful turbines – five Enercon E-126s and three E-101s – the Ellern wind farm will produce almost 120 million kilowatt hours of power each year. That’s enough to supply more than 33,000 private households: a major step forward for the energy turnaround in RhinelandPalatinate. In addition to the Ellern wind farm, juwi and Verbund AG also operate eight other wind turbines in the neighboring towns of Seibersbach and Dörrebach. The logos of both companies are visible on the nacelles of the wind turbines. Our picture shows a rotor weighing 364 metric tons being mounted on one of the nacelles in September 2012.
Photo credit: Michael Löhr
06 07
08 09
juwi Brings Water into the Egyptian Desert Blue sky and yellow desert as far as the eye can see: That is the Natrian desert, located halfway between Cairo and Alexandria. Amid these sand dunes is Wadi-el-Natrun, a green oasis where tomato bushes, olive trees and date shrubs grow. Here, fertile farmland is reclaimed from the desert – also with help from the juwi group. Here, the project developer realized the first project in Egypt: A combination of wind and solar hybrid plants with attached battery storage generates enough clean electricity for driving water pumps and desalination plants. A 50 kW solar plant, four wind turbines with 12 kW each and a battery storage of around a half megawatt hour produce power 24/7. The construction site in the middle of the desert had to be prepared thoroughly, the entire technical equipment as well as all technology had to be shipped to Egypt. Together with a local partner from Alexandria juwi constructed the plant within two weeks.
Photo credit: Fabian Jochem
Scare Tactics Won’t Work A number of electricity companies have increased their energy prices and are claiming that this price hike is a result of the expansion of renewable energies. This is a flimsy excuse because it’s clear that the real reasons lie elsewhere. 5.277 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). This is how much private energy customers will have to pay for the expansion of renewable energies starting at the beginning of 2013. In October 2012, the four transmission system operators agreed on this price. This will increase the apportionment of the German Renewable Energy Law (EEG) by 1.687 cents per kWh. What are the reasons for this price increase? Is it really only due to renewable energies, as the nuclear and fossil-based energy economy and certain politicians keep insisting? Or are there other reasons? One thing is clear: Much is hiding behind the media’s campaign of fear about the increase in the apportionment of the EEG. This campaign is the embodiment of a power struggle between the supporters of the energy transition and the opposition, between newcomers on the market and the long-established power companies. These companies and the people who help them are focused on delaying, blocking, and, where possible, reversing and publicly discrediting these new companies as well as the energy transition. In the end, it’s all about profits and market shares. Claiming that the increase in energy prices is a result of the energy transition is an inherent part of this smear campaign; however, the exact opposite is true.
10 11
Just a moment! That is nothing but a swindle!
The increased supply of wind and solar energy actually lowers
– this means small businesses, but mainly private households. This
the price of energy at the European Energy Exchange in Leipzig.
results in a disproportionately large increase in energy prices for
In particular, photovoltaic installations, which have been unfairly
everyday citizens.
criticized, are the form of renewable energy primarily responsible
Fossil fuels are what truly drive up energy prices
for reducing prices during peak-load times. In the middle of the day when energy consumption is the highest, photovoltaic installations displace conventional peak load power stations on the grid, thus lowering the market price of electricity. Unfortunately, private
When one takes a look at the development of energy prices over the
customers have yet to benefit from this effect because this savings
last twelve years, the myth that renewable energies are primarily
are not passed on to them. Why not? This is how the four main
responsible for the increase in energy prices loses all credibility.
energy providers generate their substantial profits. According to
The real reason for this price hike is the increase in costs for fossil
their own forecasts, E.ON and RWE alone expect to see a profit of
fuels such as uranium, oil, gas and coal. In 2000, at the beginning of
19 billion euros this year. In comparison, the increase in the EEG
the renewable energy subsidies, the average price for household
apportionment amounts to approximately 6.5 billion euros.
customers was 14 cents per kWh. At the end of 2012, households paid around 26 cents per kWh, 3.59 cents of which go to the EEG
The way the EEG apportionment is calculated also adds to the
apportionment. This indicates that only a small percentage of this
distortion. When the market price of energy decreases, the margin
price increase is a result of the expansion of renewables.
between the price and the fixed feed-in tariff increases along with the apportionment. It’s a virtual paradox: The further energy from
A healthy, livable environment and sustainable energy from renew-
renewable sources lowers the market price of energy, the higher
able sources currently costs consumers 5.277 cents per kWh. This
the apportionment seems to go.
increases the additional price for the average four-person household with a yearly consumption rate of 3,500 kWh to 70 euros per year.
When the privileged few pay less, everyone else must pay more
That comes down to 1.46 euros per person per month – less than the price of a liter of diesel fuel.
Repeating the claim that the expansion of renewables alone is what is causing the EEG apportionment increase doesn’t make it true. This figure consists of more
Annual Energy Costs for a 4-Person Household
than just the compensation for the operators of green energy plants. A major part of the apportionment – more than
one cent per kWh – actually benefits industry. This is why, in 2012, more
than 700 operators paid only 0.05 cents per kWh of the apportionment instead
of 3.6 cents per kWh. These operators include more “energy-intensive”
companies such as poultry fattening operations and animal feed processors. further inflated this industry-friendly exemption to unnecessary proportions. Over 2,000 companies have already applied for the exemption for 2013. Unfortunately, when the privileged few pay less, everyone else must pay more
2,400 liter Heating oil
1,120 liter Fuel
The German federal government has 2000
4,000 kWh Electricity Source: German Consumer Association
German energy prices increased at the beginning of the year. A household has to pay the most for heating costs and for fuel. However, the conventional energy industry cries out the most about electricity prices – and renewable energy serves as a scapegoat.
12 13
Bryan Smith Energy-Road 1 Power City
Consumption Bill January – December 2013 Dear Bryan Smith,
please pay the following for 2013
4,000 kWh
26.4 eurocent/kWh
1,056.00 EUR
newable Energy Law) of these 1,056.00 euro the EEG (Re apportionment is at 5.27 Ct/kWh
With best regards, Your Power Supplier
The model calculation proves: Subsidies used for the development of renewable energies account for less than half of the EEG apportionment a German household has to pay in 2013. Source: German Renewable Energy Federation BEE
210.80 EUR
“They Would Use Almost any Means” Dr. René Mono, managing director of Berlin’s 100% Renewable Foundation, explains why the discussion about rising energy costs in Germany has little to do with the reality of the situation. Dr. Mono, what is your impression when
charges and the EEG apportionment. This is a matter of a huge
following the German discussion about
amount of money, in the billions. That’s why they would use almost
increasing EEG (German Renewable Energy
any means.
Law) apportionments? The discussion is so one-sided that it totally
And what role do the power companies play?
distorts reality. Of course, there’s a strategy
They’re the second camp. They benefit from the general commotion
behind this. I see two camps with vested
because it allows them to sneak much higher costs for private
interests who systematically promote this
consumers in by the back door. The official explanation for all this is
misinformation. First, there’s the industrial
the energy turnaround. Yet if you take a closer look, the electricity
sector with its high energy consumption.
prices are much higher than the increase in power grid charges and
It conjures up the specter of a decline in
the EEG apportionment. That’s one way to make a quick buck, but
competitiveness as a result of the suppos-
it’s actually quite obvious what they’re doing.
edly expensive expansion of renewables. The more they fuss about it, the easier it
In what direction has the EEG to be developed further?
is for them to defend their privileges when
To begin with, it’s important that the EEG is maintained as a frame-
it comes to electricity taxes, power grid
work for energy management. At the moment, there’s a lot of talk about “market design”. But so far, no one has managed to design a market defined by fluctuating renewable energies which can function without fixed prices. It’s also easy to account for this. When the wind blows, when the sun shines, the production of an additional unit of wind or solar power doesn’t cost anything. For coal or power plants, it’s another story. For them, I have to constantly pour in more fuel to increase production. Wind and solar power, on the other hand, have what an economist would call zero marginal costs. At the same time, the demand is constant. Zero marginal costs and inelastic demand – it’s clear to every economist that the market can’t produce
“The discussion in Germany is so one-sided that it distracts reality”. Dr. Rene Mono, managing director 100 % Renewable Foundation.
any reasonable prices. That’s why we still need the basic system of the EEG with its fixed prices per kilowatt hour. At the same time, we have to ensure that this system neither provides too much nor too little support. Renewable energies are causing prices on the energy market to decrease. When is that going to be reflected in consumers’ electricity bills? That’s a matter of the market structures and the consumer behavior. One thing is clear: Renewable energies provide the power companies with new options for pricing. Solar power in particular is dramatically
14 15
A Quota System that Lacks Perspective reducing the price peaks on the exchanges. The providers aren’t going to pass on this effect voluntarily. The consumer has to force them to do it. If enough customers choose
In a recent statement, economists from the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) advise Germany to continue with the Renewable Energy Law (EEG).
providers based on whether they pass on the decreasing market prices, that’s going
Priority access to the grid for energy from wind farms and solar
to start a dynamic. We have to bank on that.
power systems, fixed feed-in tariffs for clean energy over a period of
And regional green power products are even
20 years: The Renewable Energy Law (EEG) has emerged in Germany
more exciting. We know that these are just
as a successful model. “The EEG has proven to be an effective instru-
the products that consumers want. In three
ment in promoting electricity from renewable resources,” says DIW
or four years, this electricity will be at the
energy expert Claudia Kemfert. The Berlin-based institute has also
same price level as conventional energy.
determined that a quota system, an idea which has received support
With three advantages: It’s produced eco-
from many politicians, would have a number of disadvantages.
logically, comes from the region and offers
A quota system would require energy suppliers to supply a fixed
reliable prices. This scenario shows that,
quota of their power from renewable sources. The disadvantage:
ultimately, the consumer will be the one to
quota systems are not able to attain the goals for use of renewable
benefit from the energy revolution.
energies. Similar attempts in Great Britain have shown that the use of renewables is regularly below the pre-defined targets, which
Proponents of fossil fuel/nuclear energy
would greatly slow the energy transition.
systems argue that uranium, oil and coal supplies aren’t limited at all. Is that true? Of course they’re limited. The trend in prices is the best evidence of that. Bituminous coal has become 230 percent more expensive since 2000. The price of oil has gone up 270 percent. Natural gas has more than tripled in price. And even uranium has become significantly more expensive. These increases in price are far beyond the level of inflation and would be inexplicable if fossil fuels weren’t running out. The dramatic increases in the prices of fossil fuel resources are increasingly becoming a real burden on low-income
Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, expert at the German Institute for Economic Research. Photo credit: DIW (Sabine Braun)
households. For that reason, it would be
In addition, the DIW Berlin warns against underestimating the costs
socio-politically irresponsible not to make
of a quota system. Whereas the EEG, with its fixed feed-in tariff
ourselves independent of fossil fuels using
projects, which often span many years, offers planning security;
renewable energies.
a quota system with tradable certificates leads to a higher investment risk in terms of energy prices and certificate prices. This will result in much higher financing costs for renewable energy systems. Furthermore, due to a lack of differentiation, quota systems also result in increased profits for system operators with lower production costs, for example at locations with good conditions, which would lead to additional costs for energy consumers.
Full of Energy for Our Customers
The juwi group focuses on its customer’s requirements, for example when constructing wind farms. Photo credit: Schmidbauer
What are the requirements of a community, an industrial company, a private household or an investor in terms of renewable energy? As part of the restructuring process, juwi consistently looked at the issues from the customer’s perspective. “It is beneficial for every company to ask itself from time to time what
offers for private individuals, as well as commercial and industrial
its customers think of its organizational structure,” explains juwi CEO
customers, in one end-customer team. The company considers
Matthias Willenbacher. “That is exactly what we have done over the
the operation of wind and solar energy systems to be an additional
past few months.” juwi has always been strictly organized according
strategic growth area. juwi wants to continue to expand its inter-
to technologies such as wind, solar and bioenergy. That is going
national business and has put the necessary structures in place.
to change now. The juwi group has decided to change its internal
International activities will be divided into the regions of South
organization starting on January 1, 2013. Close relationships with our
and North America, Asia/Pacific, Southern Europe and Africa, and
customers, a strong regional presence and internationalization are the
Central, Northern and Eastern Europe. Each of these regions will
three main points of focus in this new organizational structure. This
be managed and developed by its own Area Management team.
means that the essential idea of a decentralized solution for supplying energy will be reflected even more clearly in the company structure.
This strategic reorganization will provide juwi with the foundation to continue its success in its main area of business, project
“With our expertise in all technological areas of the renewable
development, as well as its regional growth. “At the same time,
energies sector, it makes sense for us to offer solution packages
our end-customer and management business provide us with two
for groups of customers, rather than individual technologies,” says
additional pillars to support our company’s growth. They also make
Willenbacher. Consequently, juwi has put the customer and the
the company less vulnerable to changing political conditions. In
customer’s needs at the center of its new organizational structure.
addition, we are also working on developing offers that will be
That means: In future, juwi’s main area of business, the development
successful in individual countries without relying on subsidy models,
and construction of wind energy, solar power and biogas projects
and that put the focus on individual energy consumption. Due to
at the community level, will be covered in Germany by one region-
increasing energy prices, we believe our chances of success are
ally organized project development team. juwi will concentrate its
very good,” explains Willenbacher.
16 17
Autonomous with Clean Energy juwi gives private citizens, businesses and industries their independence In future, communities, businesses and industrial customers will receive a comprehensive offer for the cost-efficient use of self-produced, regenerative energy (power and heating) from juwi Energie Lösungen GmbH. Furthermore, the new company will also combine a number of energy efficiency services. juwi offers private customers energy from wind farms and other renewable sources, as well as heat from wood pellets and briquettes and the juwi Home Power battery storage unit. juwi will expand its customer service offerings in cooperation with regional sales partners.
Managing directors f.l.: Dr. Dominik Benner, Barbara Schenk, Robert Stoffers.
Working Together Prospectively, a new company will be responsible for the management of wind, solar and bioenergy systems Starting at the beginning of the new year, juwi is combining the
Klaus Krüder, managing director Operations & Maintenance GmbH.
technical and business management of solar power systems, wind farms and bioenergy plants into one cross-technology service
portfolio and to service systems that juwi did not plan. The best
company. In the past, juwi offered these services through juwi
example is the 20 megawatt Elsterheide-Spreetal solar park in the
Management GmbH as well as through a department within juwi
Bautzen district in Saxony. The juwi group is already servicing 400
Solar GmbH. Klaus Krüder is the managing director of the new
wind energy systems with a total output of 800 megawatts (MW)
juwi Operations & Maintenance GmbH. Before he began working
and solar power systems with an output of 500 megawatts. “In the
for juwi up until the beginning of 2012, he had worked for various
future we want to expand our business outside of our main offices
system manufacturers as well as for maintenance companies in the
in Wörrstadt and Leipzig and also develop new markets outside of
field of wind energy. The goal of the new company is to build up its
Germany,” explains Krüder.
System Expertise juwi Technologies GmbH develops innovative products and components juwi Technologies GmbH develops and purchases products that improve the operating efficiency of wind energy or solar energy systems as well as planning and building these systems. Jan Warzecha (previously worked in juwi Research & Development GmbH), Bernd Schappert (juwi Solar GmbH) and Claus Herting, who transferred from SIAG AG to juwi this fall, make up the managing board. The company is also Bernd Schappert, Jan Warzecha and Claus Herting (f.l.) form the juwi Technology GmbH managing board.
focusing on marketing ATS hybrid tower concepts for high hub heights and developing a new generation of racks for solar power systems.
Experienced Quartet Four area managers coordinate the juwi group’s international activities.
Marie-Luise PĂśrtner Area manager Central and Northern Europe Amiram Roth-Deblon Area manager Asia-Pacific
Lars Falck Area manager North-, Middle and South America
Dirk Retzlaff Area manager Southern Europe, Africa
Energy for Regions In Germany five regional managers share the responsibilities for the construction of renewable energy plants.
Marc Krezer Regional manager Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Herbert Muders
Thomas Broschek
Regional manager North-Rhine Westfalia, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein
Regional manager Hesse
Patrick Hassenpflug
Maximilian Nowak
Regional manager Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland
Regional manager Saxonia, Thuringia, Bavaria
18 19
“A Single Point of Contact for the Major” After the radical changes in the past year, the juwi group is going to provide its customers with even more support in making their energy transition. Fred Jung, founder and CEO of the company, is sure of that. Mr. Jung, juwi reorganized itself based on a new strategy. What exactly does that mean? We’ll be much closer to the markets and customers in the regions, enabling us to offer better solutions for households, businesses, industry and communities. We reorganized our company for that
Fred Jung: “We are starting into 2013 with clarity and stability.”
purpose, and we want to continue shaping the energy transition with juwi’s 16 years of experience. What advantage can you offer customers?
to switch their energy supplies. For that
You could put it this way: We’ve got a single point of contact for
reason, the energy revolution is not in
local governments. Previously, we had parallel structures for wind
energy, solar power and bioenergy. Now we’re consolidating these technologies in the regions. We provide communities or businesses
Where do you see the best international
with one contact person so we can offer them a better solution with
opportunities for juwi?
our products.
There’s a huge potential abroad. Our main focuses are on Europe, the
After the dramatic reduction in solar subsidies, juwi had to let a few
Americas and Asia. Particularly in
employees go. To what extent has this event shaken your confidence
Asia and South America, the thirst for
in renewable energies?
energy will be the greatest in the next
That was very difficult for us. In 16 years, we’d never had to make
few years. We’re already active in these
such a major cut. It hurt. We developed various scenarios and
growth markets. That’s where we’re
came to the conclusion that we couldn’t ensure stable development
going to grow the most in the next five
without making this cut. In the long run, this will strengthen us.
I think we can start 2013 with new motivation. Where will the company be a year from The merits of the German Renewable Energy Law (EEG) in terms of
expanding renewable energies are currently the subject of a heated
I think that we’ll have returned to more
debate in Germany. Is the energy transition in danger?
stability, peace and clarity by then.
No, the core principles of the EEG aren’t going to change. It has too
We’ll continue to profit from our highly
much support from the public and the relevant political parties for
diversified range of solutions: We were
that to happen. We have to develop the EEG further; in other words,
able to make up for the 75 percent
we have to optimize the pricing, improve the options for direct
decrease in solar business in Germany
marketing, incorporate storage and operating reserve mechanisms,
through onshore wind turbines and our
and increase the supply reliability. In spite of all that, we can’t slow
international business. This distribu-
down the expansion. The EEG will remain the foundation and has
tion of risk has paid off. Our sales even
to be adjusted continually. The good thing is: The wind and the sun
increased slightly in 2012, and thanks to
aren’t going to send us a bill, neither today nor tomorrow. More and
our very full project pipeline, the outlook
more people and companies are discovering that and are deciding
for 2013 is good.
Projects & Operation
Eye-Catcher in Costa Rica If you look out the window of an airplane as you approach San José in Costa Rica, you can see them shining in the sun: the 17 Enercon E-44s of the Eólico Valle Central wind farm. All turbines were connected to the grid at the end of the year. Construction work was a real challenge – the 15.3 megawatt project is located about 1,800 meters above sea level in the Valle Central region. Roads had to be constructed; the rainy season and fog were other hurdles juwi had to clear. The “Eólico Valle Central” wind farm is juwi’s second wind project in Costa Rica – 49.5 megawatt “Proyecto Eólico Guanacaste” was inaugurated in 2010.
20 21
Continued Potential for Free-Field Solar Power juwi continues to build free-field installations along railroads and on converted spaces In 2010, the German ruling coalition of the Christian Democratic Union and the Free Democratic Party canceled the EEG (German Renewable Energy Law) benefits for solar power systems on farmland. As a result, the focus is increasingly shifting to installations along railroad tracks and highways, or on converted spaces, as evidenced by the examples in the Swabian town of Boms-Haggenmoos, near Ravensburg, and in Prenzlau in the Uckermark district. The 4.5 megawatt system in Boms is one of the largest in the district of Ravensburg. juwi was commissioned by the TWS (Schussen Valley technical utilities) which now also runs the solar park. The public utility company with around 140 employees has invested some 5.5 million euros in the solar
The solar system juwi installed in northeastern Prenzlau is located at a former airport.
park. Not only does the company offer exclusively green power, but it also operates
In Prenzlau, north of Berlin, juwi installed
Lieberose solar park near Cottbus, Germany,
its own regenerative systems. “With the
a system on the grounds of an old military
juwi had to have the area checked for weap-
solar park, the public utility company can
airfield. With an output of 15.7 megawatts,
ons, and conduct controlled detonations of
produce around 4.7 million kilowatt hours of
the location yields around 16 million kilowatt
dangerous objects such as aerial bombs
clean energy. That’s enough to supply about
hours a year. This is equivalent to the energy
and grenades from the Second World War,
1,250 households,” says Sabine Widmaier,
requirements of around 4,000 four-person
before beginning construction.
who works in project financing at juwi.
households. As with the 71 megawatts
In the Land of the Rising Sun juwi realizes first solar projects in Japan and Taiwan Asia is one of the markets with the highest
plant in Japan, together with a local project
a total output of 22 megawatts and is cur-
potential for renewable energies. With the
developer. The one-megawatt plant is loca
rently building three free-field solar systems
economic growth in China, India, the tiger
ted in Kumamoto on the island of Kyushu in
with approximately 50 megawatts in the
states and other countries such as Japan the
the south of the country and delivers clean
state of Rajasthan. In Taiwan, eight solar
energy demand constantly increases. After
electricity to around 300 households. The
rooftop plants were connected to the grid in
constructing several solar plants in India,
Japanese market is developing rapidly, also
the province Jyn Lin at the end of the year.
juwi is now expanding its activities to other
due to the high feed-in tariff of 42 euro cents
All activities in Asia-Pacific are coordinated
Asian countries. In early December, the proj-
per kilowatt hour. In India, juwi has already
from the juwi office in Singapore; currently
ect developer realized its first free-field solar
constructed five free-field solar plants with
around 70 employees work in the region.
Projects & Operation
juwi project manager Stephan Paulus (3rd f.r.) and the cooperation’s managing director Erich Wust (r.) heralded the wind farm’s construction together with partners from governmental agencies and banks.
Residents of Franconia Finance and Operate Wind Farm The juwi group’s wind activities in the Middle Franconian town of Dürrwangen are proceeding brilliantly. The best example is the civic wind farm in Neudorf-Dietenhofen in the district of Ansbach, Bavaria.
and the surrounding area founded the cooperative “Bürgerwind Neudorf-Dietenhofen GmbH & Co. KG” in spring 2012 and raised equity capital of around three million euros. The company will operate the wind farm west of Nuremberg itself, allowing it to profit from the earnings. This will bring about 1.1 million euros of “electricity money” into the region each year. The borrowed capital was provided by a bank group consisting of Raiffeisenbank Dietenhofen and VR-Bank Neustadt/Aisch. Project development and organization
After construction started in August of last year, both Vestas V 112 turbines were connected to the grid by November. With a total height of 196 meters, the two systems are the tallest in the district of Ansbach, and ensure maximum yields for Southern Germany. The project is a prime example of the regional value creation effects that residents can achieve with an on-site wind farm. 120 shareholders from Dietenhofen
In November, all turbines were connected to the grid.
22 23
juwi Sets on Solar Energy in Greece
juwi renewable IPP Purchases their First Solar Power System
Financial crisis, economic crisis, economic
On October 1, 2012, juwi renewable IPP GmbH
downturn – within the past months the
& Co. KG bought their first solar power sys-
financial and economic situation of Greece
tem outside of Germany in Magnacavallo in
has often been automatically linked to these
the northern Italian Lombardy region. After
terms. However, there are also diverse posi-
purchasing two wind parks in France, the
tive examples that show that the country
independent power producer is continuing
is moving forward. One of these examples
to advance its international business. The
is the solar energy sector and within this
system was constructed by the juwi group’s
sector juwi Hellas. The company develops
Italian subsidiary, Energie Rinnovabili Srl.
and realizes Engineering-Procurement-
The project is being financed cooperatively
Construction (EPC) projects in the field of
with the Italy-based Banca Etica. The sys-
solar energy (PV power systems) and had
tem has a nominal output of 992.64 kilowatts
a successful year. Counting only the last
and was constructed on a former landfill. The
quarter of 2012, a total of 35 megawatts
remarkable thing about this location is that
were constructed. Only these free-field
the ground is hollow. This means that, unlike
photovoltaic-systems, will be producing
with other installations, the racks could not
50 gigawatt hours of clean electricity an-
be driven into the ground; instead a special
nually. “Although Greece is caught in the
concrete rack had to be designed to hold the
middle of an economic downturn and there
solar panels. The symbolic handover took
are severe limitations in financing and there-
place in September with the community, juwi
fore in project realization, we have managed
and the Banca Etica. “We’re very pleased
of the citizens’ involvement was man-
to locate the opportunities,” says Panagiotis
with our successful first project in Italy,”
aged by Wust – Wind & Sonne GmbH,
Sarris, juwi Hellas managing director. “After
said Manfred Jakobs, managing director of
while juwi acted as an EPC partner to
all, the photovoltaic industry has been so
juwi renewable IPP. “We also share the goal
construct both turnkey systems. The
far the only growing industry that sustains
of an electricity supply made up entirely of
two 3-megawatt systems with a hub
thousands of direct and indirect jobs in the
renewable energies and we’re committed to
height of 140 meters will generate a
decentralized energy supply.”
yield of 11.2 million kilowatt hours per year. This is equivalent to the energy requirements of around 3,000 private households. juwi is currently also building the civic wind farm in the Franconian town of Mühlhausen in the district of
juwi Expands its Activities in Central America
Erlangen-Höchstadt in cooperation with Wust – Wind & Sonne GmbH. The two
After constructing two wind parks in Costa
to the grid by the end of 2013. “We are
partners are breaking new ground; the
Rica, juwi now expands its activities to other
currently establishing juwi as a comprehen-
wind farm with four turbines is the first
Latin-American countries. juwi Energías
sive project developer in Latin America,”
in the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt.
Renovables coordinates all activities for the
says Enrique Morales, General Manager at
“Once again, 220 citizens were involved
realization of a 39.6 megawatt wind farm in
juwi Energías Renovables. “juwi is already
in financing the systems and will profit
Rivas, Nicaragua, for the customer Alba de
known to many people in the renewable
from the operating revenue of the wind
Nicaragua S.A. (Albanisa). The wind farm
energy business in Costa Rica; now we are
turbines,” says Erich Wust, managing
“Alba Rivas” with 22 Vestas V100 turbines
developing our activities in the Caribbean
director of the cooperative.
(1,800 kW) is supposed to be connected
and Central America.“
Products & Trends
juwi also supplies the Alte Post hotel in the center of Oberammergau in Bavaria with heat energy from wood pellets. Since the beginning of October, the hotel, which once held a bowling alley, now houses a wood pellet furnace with an output of 300 kilowatts. In addition to this central heating system, juwi also installed a heat grid and multiple transfer stations that distribute the heat to the various areas of the hotel in place of the old, discarded oil-fired boiler. juwi signed a contracting agreement with Anton Preisinger, whose family has owned the building in the The Hotel “Alte Post” in Bavaria is supplied with eco-friendly heat energy.
A Hot Deal
district of Garmisch-Patenkirchen for five generations. Preisinger recalls: “Our oldest oil-fired burner was from 1965; the newest
juwi provides heat energy to hotels in Upper Bavaria and the Palatinate
was from 1980.” His passion for bioenergy and the increased price of oil in 2011 provided him with the motivation to switch to a renewable heating supply: “juwi simply made the best
Sustainable development in the Palatinate, which also helps to pre-
offer.” Now the 500-year-old main building
serve natural resources for future generations: This is the top priority
can offer its guests cozy heat, supplied by
of the Civic Organization Mainz (Bürgerstiftung Mainz). That is why
an even older, more sustainable fuel: wood.
the organization engages in particular projects, e.g. the complete regenerative energy for the organization’s conference hotel, the “Stiftgut Keysermühle” in Klingenmünster, Rhineland-Palatinate. The organization has implemented an important component of the project and, with help from juwi, has transitioned from oil heating to wood pellet heating. Since September, juwi has had a contracting agreement with the hotel and has been supplying it with heat from wood pellets that juwi produces in Morbach (Hunsrück region, Rhineland-Palatinate). This means that every year, approximately 8,000 guests spend the night enjoying rooms that are heated using climate-neutral energy and showers with sustainably heated water. “The project fits our values and our philosophy,” says Christiane Steinmetz, managing director of the civic organization.
Christiane Steinmetz, managing director “Bürgerstiftung Pfalz”
juwi Wood Pellet Factories Receive ENplus Certification The DEPI (German pellet institute) has
certification refers not only to the quality of
is maintained long-term. The pellet factory in
awarded the wood pellet factories in both
the product, but also to the entire process
Langelsheim (Lower Saxony, Germany) eas-
Dotternhausen (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Ger
chain: from production, to storage, to trans-
ily managed to qualify for renewed ENplus
many) and Bad Arolsen (Hesse, Germany) with
porting the pellets. The pellet institute con-
certification. The most important heating
the ENplus certification. Unlike conventional
ducts annual reviews to ensure that the high
system manufacturers now recommend that
certifications for wood pellets, the ENplus
level of quality for all ENplus-certified pellets
their customers use ENplus pellets.
24 25
Solar Energy from the Internet With its “We for Solar“ online shop, juwi Italy offers people a cost-efficient way to produce solar power on their own roof. They are almost a delayed Christmas present – the boxes that juwi Energie Rinnovabili Srl is currently sending out in Italy. The “We for Solar“ packages contain everything that solar enthusiasts need to set up a solar plant on their own roof, for very little money: modules, inverters and tools. ”Solar systems with a size from three to twelve kilowatts can be ordered through an online shop,” explains Marco Margheri, juwi managing director at juwi Italy. Before deciding on a solar plant, customers have to fill out an extensive online questionnaire. Questions deal with their roof top’s size, its down-grade or the yearly energy consumption. Based on these answers, an online program calculates the best solar plant. “People then have three options: they can install the systems themselves. They can let juwi do all the work. Or they can choose an installer from a list on our website,” explains Margheri. Costs vary, depending on plant size and installation work; all packages contain an insurance, monitoring
juwi Italy started a massive “We for Solar“ publicity campaign – even on buses in Verona.
and consulting. ”We have initiated ‘We for Solar’ for two reasons: to be able to produce solar energy without subsidies and to give everyone the chance to create solar energy efficiently,” says the
managing director.
Produce Low-Cost Electricity with the Solar Fuel Saver Fabian Jochem, head of juwi’ s Off-grid department developed a tool to make use of solar energy in diesel generator based off-grid systems. Mister Jochem, juwi offers a new product,
Why do we need the Solar Fuel Saver?
the Solar Fuel Saver (SFS). What exactly
The system makes economic sense and has great marketing po-
is the SFS?
tential in the world’s sunniest countries. In many of the countries
The Solar Fuel Saver is an “intelligent”
diesel generators are currently the main source of electricity;
system for integrating solar systems into
however, we can already use the Solar Fuel Saver today to generate
existing, or even new diesel generator sys-
lower-cost electricity than that from conventional diesel systems.
tems. It consists of a normal solar system,
Customers do not only protect the environment, but are also kind to
a diesel generator and a control unit, the
their wallets. There are also other advantages: customers depend
Solar Fuel Save Controller. What makes this
less upon the development of global oil prices and have lower
concept unique is that it is the first hybrid system that doesn’t
maintenance costs, since the generator is used less and therefore
need batteries, making it up to 60 percent cheaper than our
has a longer lifespan.
Fabian Jochem
current off-grid systems. The solar system stores the solar power generated directly in the diesel generator system, vastly reducing the need for diesel during daytime hours.
w ww.juwi.com/solar_energy/solar_fuel_saver
Educating Children or Technical Drawings Every year the juwi group offers training in a wide variety of fields J ean - C
kids as
laude N
a Boy S
shu ti: ”
cou t an
I have w
d in the
o r ke d w
chur ch
it h
Daria Sonnych: wor k at ju wi.” “I love the team
Sarah and Anna-Kessia are beaming.
care, gastronomy and business. “We take
day of work. “We try to make the new
They’re happy that their dad is taking them
on trainees in the areas where we see a
trainees feel comfortable and introduce
home directly from daycare. The workday
need for them. We offer traineeships in the
them to juwi and the company culture,”
is also over for their father, Jean-Claude
areas of inter-office communication and
says Frondorf.
Nshuti. Since August 2012 he has been
mechatronics every year,” says Verena
Daria Sonnych explains why this works so
training to become a child care worker at
Frondorf, who is in charge of the business
well: “On the very first day you weren’t alone;
“juwelchen”, the juwi daycare center. Born
trainees. Her co-worker Petra Debusmann
you were immediately part of a community.”
in Belgium, Jean-Claude originally worked
is in charge of the child care trainees dur-
Since August 1, 2012, the 21-year-old has
as an auto mechanic. After following his
ing their practical year, Michael Schwab is
been a trainee at juwi. “I’m studying techni-
heart to Germany, he recognized an op-
in charge of the technical trainees. “The
cal system planning with a focus on elec-
portunity to start an entirely new career
application is naturally an important cri-
tronic systems,” she says, grinning: “It used
path: “I used to work with children in my
terion when selecting a trainee. Trainees
to be called a ‘technical draftsman’.” Daria
church and with scouts. I’m glad that I can
can only apply using our career page on our
currently spends her days sketching out
train to become a child care worker with
website. It’s important that applicants make
systems for licensing agreements. “I always
juwi.” Alongside classroom training, the
their applications personal and explain
did well in art class and I find technology
32-year-old works three days a week with
why they have chosen juwi as well as their
fascinating,” says the trainee, adding: “I like
the children at juwelchen: “Everything is
specific career path.” Over the course of
the teamwork at juwi. I’m involved in all
so modern, the atmosphere is great and I’m
the training, the young people are individu-
aspects of the job and can contribute in a
learning a lot.”
ally mentored. An introductory block week,
productive way.”
Every year a number of young people like
communal meals, workwear and course
Nshuti begin their training at juwi. The
books are as much a part of the training as
juwi group currently offers eleven training
the events that the older trainees organize
positions in the fields of technology, child
for the newer ones – even before the first
Further information about training at juwi: w ww.juwi.com/career.html
26 27
An Energy Miracle for Gourmets Open, energy-efficient and made of sustainable resources: The new central building at juwi’s headquarters in Wörrstadt, Germany, was designed in accordance with juwi’s established principles. On four stories, it offers room for 500 juwi employees. A central, suspended staircase leads to the different floors of offices – each with a unique color scheme – where the various teams can communicate directly and work flexibly. The open room concept and the wood design adopted from the existing juwi buildings provide a pleasant work environment. The highlight is on the east side of the building: the new cafeteria with an innovative kitchen design. Here, the company’s own juwitality GmbH prepares up to 2,500 meals each day. Over 50 individual measures were taken to make this kitchen a third more efficient than ordinary commercial kitchens. For example, the area of the juwi kitchen is about a third smaller than that of the average commercial kitchen. This reduces the amount of energy used for heating, cleaning and cooling. The kitchen also features the latest cooking devices with low-temperature cooking
In its in-house canteen juwi offers fresh, regional and seasonal meals.
technology for improved energy efficiency. Another unique feature is that the juwitality employees don’t wash the dishes until evening, regardless of when they prepare or serve the food. The heat energy for washing dishes comes from the ventilation system, which is shut
The new cafeteria has more than just technical advancements to
down in the evening. The plates, which still have a temperature of
offer: It also serves outstanding food made with regional products.
around 85 degrees Celsius after being washed, are kept warm in
“Our principle is to cook with as many regional and fresh ingre-
innovative dispensers until the next meal is served. Food that needs
dients as possible. We always use what’s in season,” explains
to be kept cool is stored in well-insulated refrigerators that use the
Frank Branitzki, head of catering at juwitality. In summer, the
company’s own geothermal system. All the energy requirements of
fruits and vegetables used come almost entirely from the region,
the juwi kitchen are met by renewable energy sources.
90 percent of the pork comes straight from Wörrstadt, and the seasoning comes from herbs planted at company headquarters. Frank Branitzki knows each supplier personally: “We don’t serve a dish until I’ve been on site and gotten a real idea of where the
Guests are welcome
ingredients come from.”
As of the beginning of November, guests can
Every day, the employees can visit four counters to choose from
also enjoy what juwitality has to offer. The menu
a wide variety of soups, salads, entrees and homemade des-
has new dishes every week, both for vegetarians
serts. The new kitchen is even equipped with its own pizza oven.
and meat lovers. The
And employees who don’t like meat still get their money’s worth:
cafeteria is open from
Not only does the cafeteria offer vegetarian dishes every day, but
11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
every Tuesday is “Veggie Day”, further reducing the company’s carbon footprint. Employees can eat in the spacious dining hall or under the open sky.
Calendar The juwi group regularly attends fairs and trade shows. Come and visit us at one of the following events and get firsthand information about our portfolio. All our upcoming events are listed online www.juwi.com.
German Environmental Minister
EWEA Annual Event
Peter Altmaier inaugurates new
February 4 – 7, Vienna, Austria
office building
E-World Water and Energy February 5 – 7, Essen, Germany
5,000 people celebrated the inauguration of juwi’s new office
PV System Expo
building in August.
February 27 – March 1, Tokyo, Japan
One of the prominent guest was
Solar Expo
German Environmental Minister
May 8 – 10, Milano, Italy
Peter Altmaier.
Intersolar Europe June 19 – 21, Munich, Germany
Cult Goal Keeper Tomislav Piplica Celebrates Comeback in juwi Dress Tomislav Piplica knows very well what a sliced shot is. When his Bundesliga soccer team Energie Cottbus played against Borussia Mönchengladbach in April 2002, the ball flew through the air for a long time before hitting his head and then the goal. With this misfortune, Bosnian-born Piplica made it into the news. In November, the cult goal keeper once again put on his goal keeper’s gloves. For a game in the regional league in Saxony the 43-year old kept the goal for a local soccer team, FC Eilenburg. Eilenburg is located close to juwi’s office in Brandis and juwi sponsors the club’s uniforms.
juwi Holding AG
Energie-Allee 1
Tel. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-0
55286 Wörrstadt
Fax. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-7001