Solar Backup
Fuel saver
Solar Backup System (Rwanda)
Solar Description of the System Solar System 30 kWp crystalline PV-modules. 2 x 10 kWp free field and 1 x 10 kWp roof top mounted. Application The pv-plant provides enough energy for the ensemble of six buildings - three phase current 400V/50Hz for the garages and one-phase current 230 V/ 50 Hz for class rooms and living areas. During the day the additional energy is fed into the battery bank with a capacity of 1000 Ah. All surplus current is fed into the public grid. The operator is paid from these Feed-in revenues. Installation At the beginning 2009 the pv-plant was installed in cooperation with local partners and the college’s students.
Solar-Diesel Hybrid System (Namibia)
Solar Solar-Diesel Hybrid System Solarsystem 201 kWp Poly crytsalline PV-Module. 3.420 m² Free Field Installation 21.840 Ah / 48 V OPzS Battery Bank Diesel Generators: 2 x 140 kVA, 1 x 350 kVA Objectives The centralized solar PV system in Tsumkwe (ca. 600 km NE of Windhoek), is designed to supply the total day time demand of the village and its public amenities (Telecom station, school and hospital). During night time, the diesel generators will supplement the battery system and select the most optimum generator to run. Each home is connected to the system via an 11-kV line. There are 2 lines in this system, one is designated as essential loads (will not be disconnected), and the other non-essential will be disconnected to prolong services to the essential loads Realization The system is built in the 1st half of 2011 with local partners. The O&M contract was signed for 5 years after system handover.
Solar system for desalination plant (Namibia)
Solar Description of the System 2 Solar systems in container solution 19,8 and 14,8 kWp poly-crystalline pv modules, mounted on freefield substructures. 1500Ah / 48V battery bank with sealed leadacid batteries, 3-phase alternating current system Application The pv plants empower three different desalinations plants which are tested in the research project CuveWaters. The battery bank, battery inverters and the distribution box are installed in an isolated 20‘container. Installation The plants have been installed and commissioned by a local partner in juin 2010.
Diesel-Solar System (Burkina Faso)
Fuel Saver Description of the System Solar System 3,3 kWp crystalline pv-modules, mounted in parallel to the rooftop. Application The pv plant powers a administrative building with 230 V / 50Hz alternating current. The solar system is connected directly over a grid inverter to the feeding condiut of a Diesel generator. Thereby the pv system needs no batteries and helps to reduce Diesel costs. A display shows the instantenous technical values. Realisation The system was installed in 2009 by local partners.
Solar System (South Africa)
Solar Description of the System Solar System 1,200 kWp thin film modules. Roof-top installation. 420 Ah / 24 V battery, lead-gel, maintenance free Application The solar system supplies electricity to a wild life project of the White Lions Protection Trusts in South Africa (2 hours from Jo‘burg). One building with eight rooms is equipped with a 230 V / 50Hz power distribution. This project was realised in cooperation with First Solar and the Deutsche Umwelt Hilfe (DUH). Both initators of the „Global White Lion Protection Trust“, Linda Tucker und Jason Turner are fighting for the reintegration of the last white lions into the wild life. Installation The plant was realised in cooperation with our local partner in February 2010.
Solarsystem (Senegal)
Solar Description of the System Solar system 3,96 kWp polycrystalline pv modules, mounted in parallel to the roof-top. 1200 Ah / 24 V battery bank with sealed lead-acid batteries, Alternating current system Application The pv plant powers a health station in N‘Dollor – it provides the whole power supply for three patient rooms, an affiiliated school building and a building with 8 roomes with 230 V / 50Hz alternating current. Installation The plant was realised in cooperation with our local partner in march 2011
Dieselsolar system (Namibia)
Solar Description of the System Solar system 201 kWp polycrystalline pv modules 3,420 m² free-field 21,840 Ah / 48 V lead acid Diesel power: 2 x 140 kVA, 1 x 350 kVA Application A centralised solar power plant supplies the village via mini-grid with electrical power. Each household is connected to this minigrid. It is a mix of energy, which include three diesel generators that startup at night. Installation The plant was realised in cooperation with our local partner in the first half of 2011.
Solar system (Namibia)
Solar Description of the System Solar system 21,6 kWp monocryristalline pv-modules mounted in parallel to the roof top Application The pv plant powers a boarding school. Installation The plant was realised in cooperation with our local partner in February 2011.
On-grid Solar Plant (Rwanda)
On-grid Description of the System Solar System 250 kWp thin-film modules Application The power plant feeds directly to the medium voltage level of the public grid of Kigali. Until today it is the biggest pv solar plant on the African ist die bis heute grĂśĂ&#x;te Solaranlage auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. The contracting entity has been Stadtwerke Mainz. Installation The pv power plant was installed in 2007 by juwi Solar and local subcontractors.
Success through our local partners
Energy is here. Contact: Fabian Jochem juwi Solar GmbH Energie-Allee 1 55286 Wรถrrstadt Germany Tel. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-3351 Fax. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-8559