Rob Rourke would spray perfume and deliver immediate compliments to his suddenly aromatic customers as a fragrance counter salesman in his college summer days along the East Coast.
Rob Rourke at his home in Lake Forest. BY JAMES GUSTIN SOME FIRES GIVE YOU CHILLS
Rourke—now 54 years old, a Lake For est resident since 2006, a father of three sons, and in his 26th year with L.E.K. Consulting—got paid to flash a blinding smile above his resplendent threads and make shoppers feel, and smell, like a mil lionRourke,bucks.these days, regularly finds him self on the receiving end of compliments, thanks in part to his immaculate, headyanking, bright-blue car, a 1967 Firebird/ Royal Bobcat, a vehicle he’d bought for $2,600 at the age of … 13. It has been restored twice, the second time professionally, and it has rolled for 79,000-plus miles. “I was returning to my car after shop ping at Heinen’s Grocery Store in Lake Bluff one day, when I noticed a note on my Firebird’s windshield,” Rourke recalls.
BREAKFASTSUNDAY Lake Forest native Will Nowesnick uses perseverance to succeed P10 FIND US ONLINE: NO. 514 | A JWC MEDIA PUBLICATION FOLLOW US: SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 INSIDE NEWS Meet North Shore marketing maven Sofia Colucci P6 ALL REVVED UP CONSUMMATE FAMILY MAN AND DIEHARD CAR BUFF ROB ROURKE—A LAKE FOREST RESIDENT SINCE 2006 AND A LONGTIME BUSINESS CONSULTANT— THRIVES AS AN EVER-POSITIVE, FULL-SPEED-AHEAD MAN. WEEKEND WEATHER Saturday, Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of showers, high 78 Saturday night, Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of showers, low 65 Sunday, Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of showers, high 75 Continued on PG 5

2 | SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND 6 BEDROOM | 7.3 BATHROOM | IN-GOUND POOL + POOL HOUSE INDOOR SPORTS COURT | 4-CAR GARAGE | TWO OUTDOOR KITCHENS CONNIE@CONNIEDORNAN.COM | 847.208.1397 coming soon Delivery Summer 2023 TOP 1% IN THE NORTH SHORE * | #2 IN ILLINOIS BY REAL TRENDS ** *By North Shore-Barrington Association of REALTORS® 2021 **#2 in State of Illinois by Real Trends 2015-2021. This data is informational and cannot be guaranteed accurate. Data maintained by MRED LLC may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. I am local. I am global. 219 LINCOLN DRIVE, GLENCOE

THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 | 3 Expert North Shore Broker Expert North Shore Broker FOR MORE INFORMATION, TO SCHEDULE A SHOWING OR FOR A FREE ANALYSIS - CALL, EMAIL OR TEXT SOLD BEFORE HITTING THE MARKET 1445 AMBLESIDE DRIVE - DEERFIELD The real estate market is still hot - but it takes more than just listing in the MLS to get top dollar and sell quickly. It takes experienced professionals with extensive expertise to devise and implement a solid marketing and pricing strategy. From prepping and staging to positioning and timing - we partner with our clients and exceed expectations.

4 | SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND John Conatser FOUNDER & PUBLISHER ADVERTISING Jennifer Sturgeon CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Dustin O'Regan, Sherry Thomas CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Allison Duncan, Wendy Franzen, Bill McLean DESIGN Linda Lewis PRODUCTION MANAGER GRAPHIC DESIGNER Chris Geimer ADVERTISING COORDINATOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART Barry Blitt ILLUSTRATOR James Gustin PHOTOGRAPHY Maria Ponce ALL ADVERTISING INQUIRY INFO SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO INSIDE NEWS 6 brewing success North Shore-based marketer Sofia Colucci shares the story of her journey LIFESTYLE & ARTS 8 north shore foodie These juicy peach cocktail recipes are the perfect way to say farewell to summer SPORTS 9 footie feat Glenview based FC-1 soccer academy team wins title at the Presidents Cup LAST BUT NOT LEAST 10 sunday breakfast Father figures have figured prominently in the life of former Loyola Academy lacrosse state champion Will Nowesnick INDEX THE FRIENDS OF LAKE FOREST PARKS AND RECREATION FOUNDATION PRESENT MORE INFOTICKETS & presented by Friends of Lake Forest Parks & Recreation foundation

Rourke”hasn’t called the scribbler yet. Will never call the scribbler. You don’t part ways with a 55-year-old asset that brings you joy, daily. Simple as that.“Cars have always fascinated me, espe cially the design element of them,” Rourke says, adding his father, Lake Bluff resident and 80-year-old Norm, was a “car guy” in Rob’s youth and loaned his son $1,300 to help pay for the Firebird (Rob paid his father back in two years, with a smidge of interest).“Thelook of a car, in the year it was in troduced,” he continues, “often reflects the era. You can look at a car and get a pretty good feel for what was going on in society at the time. I love that connection, that history aspect. Cars change so much, don’t they? My Firebird was made right in the middle of the muscle car wars (1960s-early 1970s). It has a bigger engine than the one the manufacturer put in most of its cars in the ’60s. Its engine is tricked-up; it’s a drag racer,Rourke,essentially.”ayearaway from competing as a long jumper and 440-yard sprinter for Chelmsford (Massachusetts) High School’s track and field team, and his father were driving to visit Norm’s sister when they spotted a car for sale on the side of a road in New Hampshire. They stopped, got out, and checked out every inch of the ’67 Firebird. “It needed work,” says Rourke, who owns three other classic cars and has displayed his Firebird at “Then & Now” auto shows staged by the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce. “But, right away, I thought it looked cool. “I still think it looks cool.” But Rourke’s love of vintage cars takes a back seat—make that, a trunk seat—to his love for his family. He met this future wife, Christina, on a blind date and proposed to her in a cave in Napa, California, after having arranged for an array of candles to soup-up the moment and for their guide to halt guiding and disappear for a while. They have three boys: Michael, 21; Wil liam, 19; and Andrew, 15. William attends Syracuse University, where Rob earned a degree in business and, during summers, “minored” in spritzing. “I absolutely love spending time with my family,” Rourke says. “My wife keeps me on my toes and has been incredibly supportive of the demands of my career, and what ex cites me most about our kids is the variety of their Michaelinterests.”achieved Eagle Scout status four years ago. He built a 60-foot bridge for walkers in Middlefork Farms in Lake Forest for his Eagle Scout project, because walking paths would get flooded every spring. Michael consulted contractors and other professionals before tackling the en deavor. Michael’s proudest, loudest cheer leader in Lake County? Rob Rourke, by a few country miles. William focuses on athletics, has an interest in hunting, and, like his father back in the day, is entrepreneurial. (Rob, while growing up outside Boston, was a paperboy, an employee in a regional distribution office of The Boston Globe, a pizza man, and a floral delivery boy, before getting deployed behind that perfume counter). Andrew is into academics and fitness. He also had a lot to do with triggering a family holiday tradition 10 years ago. Rob, an avid cook, made a bouillabaisse for the Rourkes on Christmas Eve in 2011. A 5-year-old Andrew couldn’t consume enough of it and probably considered leaving a small bowl of it for Santa before changing his mind seconds later. Since then, usually around the day after Thanksgiving, Andrew starts to look forward to inhaling the hearty stew on Christmas Eve. Rob Rourke kicked off his consulting career with a position at Andersen Con sulting in Hartford, Connecticut; he also worked for Andersen at its Boston office, before leaving the firm to complete the one-year program at Northwestern Uni versity’s Kellogg School of Management in 1996.L.E.K. Consulting—an international consulting firm, which was founded in London in 1983 and opened its Chicago office in 1993, focuses primarily on growth strategy and mergers and acquisitions— hired Rourke as a consultant in 1996. He served as an L.E.K. manager in Chicago from 1998-2001, and has been a Partner since 2002. He is currently Vice Chairman of the firm’s Global Industrials Practice and previously served as the President of L.E.K.’s Americas Region. “I get to work with unbelievably smart and talented people,” says a grateful Rourke, who, for 15 years, was a board member of the world-renowned social service orga nization Chicago Lighthouse. “Our firm’s culture is such a positive one, filled with highly capable, high-energy, down-toearth people. My colleagues are never, ever satisfied, because they’re trying to do better, always. We’re devoted to better—that’s our mission. Our fantastic team wants to advance things. “It’s rewarding to me, helping companies grow and compete. And it’s an honor to help companies achieve their ideal out comes.”Owning a ’67 Firebird is an honor, too. Honk your car horn, smile, and wave if you’re at a stoplight and you happen to see Rob Rourke behind the wheel of his beloved set of wheels. He’d certainly appreciate the compli ment.
NEWS THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 | 5 “It said, ‘This is the nicest old car I’ve ever seen. I would like to buy it. Please call me at this phone number when you are ready to sell it.’
Rob Rourke with his wife, Christina, and three boys Andrew, William, and Michael.

Even though Colucci describes Canada as a “multicultural country that embraces different nationalities,” she says not fitting in immediately with other kids because of her accent helped hone her empathetic and inclusive personality. “I try to make immigrants feel supported,” says Colucci. “Sometimes that little extra can go a long way.”Growing up, Colucci’s parents encour aged her and her three siblings to pursue higher education and instilled a sense of hard work and pragmatism. The siblings all took on part-time jobs at early ages. This led Colucci to have a range of ex periences, from her first after-school job working at a brake pad factory to spend ing a summer working the night shift as a translator at a steel plant. “Those early experiences taught me the importance of hard work and, frankly, how lucky I was to be able to get a university education and pursue marketing,” says Colucci. “And even when I did end up in marketing my initial jobs weren’t glamorous. I went from marketing and innovating in bacon, to water, to oatmeal. While I am passionate about my work today, I didn’t start here.”Colucci first discovered her passion for brand marketing working after-school at a Cana dian drugstore Shoppers Drug Mart. While stocking shelves, she’d wonder how a company invented a particular flavor or brainstorm alternative names for brands.Today, she’s parlayed that innate curiosity into a nearly 20-year career in marketing. After joining the Molson Coors team in 2017, Colucci led the innovation team, which is the enterprise within Molson Coors that develops, tests, and launches new brands and products. Think familiar favorites like Vizzy Hard Seltzer (the first hard seltzer with Vitamin C) and Blue Moon LightSky (wheat beer with just 95 calories). Two years into the role, she made the jump to Miller and Economy brands, which account for a large portion of Molson Coors’“Theportfolio.factthat I ended up in alcohol isn’t a shock for my Cana dian friends,” says Colucci, who adds her Uruguayan roots instilled in her a love for music, food, wine, and, of course, beer. “Growing up, the Colucci house was the best party desti nation, as my parents were pretty cool and enjoyed talking to my friends over a glass of wine or beer.” The social aspect of working in beer is a big part of the job. Since business travel has picked up again this year, Colucci has traveled across North America to places ranging from Mexico City to film a new commercial for Miller Lite and Canada for a national sales conference to the Super Bowl in Los Angeles and Jazz Fest in New Orleans.Forthe Super Bowl, Colucci and her team had what she describes as an “amaz ing idea” that they were ultimately unable to execute. Instead, they quickly pivoted and pursued something even better: the
Molson Coors global vice president for Miller Family of Brands Sofia Colucci says that while her career might seem exciting today, it took a lot of failures and learn ing from her mistakes to get there. The child of two Uruguayan immigrants, the now North Shore-based marketer moved from Uruguay to Canada at just 7 years old. And even though Colucci spent most of her upbringing in Canada, her South American roots are strong. “I grew up speaking Spanish and living in a very Uruguayan household,” she says. “The three things that have stuck with me are empathy and inclusivity, pragmatism, and a curiosity for the world around me. The Midwestern mentality and attitude feel very familiar.”

“Something I deeply believe in is the concept of grit and failing forward, taking accountability, learning from mistakes, and using failures to make you stronger,” says Colucci. “As I look at my career, the accomplishments I’m actually the proud est of are when my teams were able to learn from a failure and make something evenWhenbetter.”Molson
The company partnered with Latino singer J Balvin. BY ALMA Shoezie Balance Miller Lite collaboration DUCKWORTH Seltzer. SOULSIGHT
Vizzy Hard
women won’t get opportunities afterward,” explains Colucci. “One of my greatest sources of satisfaction last year was seeing a very talented woman on my team be able to ‘lean back in’ and get promoted post-pandemic craziness.”
- New
Coors launched Vizzy, the company had just discontinued a failed brand Cape Line but took those learnings to make Vizzy what it is today; that is, a top-five growth seltzer in the category. When they developed local advertising that wasn’t resonating, Colucci and her team pivoted to create the iconic ads featuring Miller Lite’s white cans set in notable landmarks, like the Chicago skyline.“Something I deeply enjoy is working through a strategy on a whiteboard with a team of smart people,” says Colucci. “That is the nerd in me. We move with incred ible speed at Molson Coors, and I believe that enabling that behavior starts from the top. I take that responsibility very seriously.”Another responsibility Colucci takes seriously is that of being not only a female leader in business but a female leader in the business of beer. During the pandemic, the Molson Coors team knew some employees were trying to bal ance ‘slowingcourse,trueteamtheColuccifull-timealongchildcarewiththeirjobs.So,reassuredwomenonherandstayedtoherword.“Theworry,ofisthatbydown,’
Cheers to that.
With that spirit in mind, coming soon from Molson Coors is a top-secret initia tive celebrating women in beer. It further amplifies the work Molson Coors is doing to become a more inclusive company, or as they like to say, “inviting everyone to the bar.” That includes scholarship programs for Latino students and developing train ing materials for bars and restaurants to ensure they are being authentically inclu sive to guests and staff who are LGBTQ+. “I’ve struggled with imposter syndrome my entire life, perhaps from being an immigrant or being a woman or just my driven personality,” says Colucci. “When I was early in my career, this wasn’t some thing people talked about, and we didn’t have the tools to deal with it. Now, it’s so important to me to be vulnerable and let young women know that I have doubted myself.”Thelone woman in her household, too—she shares two boys, Joaquin (7) and Alejo (6), with her husband Jonathan— Colucci has instilled similar values in her family. Catch them at Glencoe Beach this summer, where she says Joaquin will hap pily hand you a Miller Lite or Blue Moon LightSky.“Hewill proudly tell you his mom makes these,” laughs Colucci. “Yes, my seven-year-old son promotes my product on the North Shore but, as long as he’s not actually drinking it, I’ll take it!”
Meta Lite Metaverse activation, a virtual bar for Miller Lite aficionados to watch the game, that quickly went viral. For the holidays, they launched Miller Lite “Beer naments”—and subsequently couldn’t keep up with the demand.

• 1 12-ounce can peach sparkling water (such as Waterloo, Bubly, or AHA), chilled • Crushed ice PEACH TEA SPARKLERS
• 8 ounces peach nectar, chilled • 1 (750-ml) bottle sparkling Moscato wine (Moscato d’Asti), chilled
• 10-12 thyme sprigs, divided • 16 ounces peach nectar, chilled • 3 12-ounce cans peach sparkling water (such as Waterloo, Bubly, or AHA), chilled • 4 teaspoons superfine sugar, plus more to taste • Crushed iced Place sliced peaches and 6 thyme sprigs in a large pitcher. Pour in peach liqueur and swirl to combine. Let stand for 1 hour. Add nectar, Moscato, and sparkling water, stirring gently to Pourcombine.into glasses filled with crushed ice, allowing a few peach slices to slip into each glass. Garnish each with a fresh thyme sprig. Place sliced peaches, superfine sugar, and 6 thyme sprigs in a large pitcher. Pour in peach tea and swirl to combine. Let stand for 1 hour. Add nectar and sparkling water to pitcher, stirring gently to combine. Sweeten to taste with extra superfine Poursugar.into glasses filled with crushed ice, allowing a few peach slices to slip into each glass. Garnish each with a fresh thyme sprig.

A North Shore youth team featuring a bevy of multisport athletes achieved a singular feat in the sport of feet—soc cer—in North Carolina this summer.
FC-1 Academy’s 14U girls club, which trained in Glenview and Northbrook and represented the Illinois Youth Soc cer Association in the Tar Heel State, captured the National Presidents Cup Championship in Greensboro, defeating North Union United (Pennsylvania) 3-0 on July 10. “It’s an extremely fit group, with dedi cated athletes who play at a high level in several sports,” FC-1 Academy coach Kyle Kurz says. “Our players are strong, physically and mentally. You could see them break an opponent’s spirit with their athleticism and determination.”
Adds FC-1 Academy Executive Direc tory Tony Youhanna: “We don’t threaten our club’s players by saying, ‘You must play soccer only.’ We want them to be happy playing soccer, without ever hav ing to give up another sport that they love.”Goalkeeper Reese Crosby, of Highland Park, who’s also a standout in basketball, earned the shutout in the title match. FC-1 Academy (25-5-3) led 1-0 early— super early—when Northbrook’s Kaya Schneider blasted a goal from about 35 yards out only 40 seconds after kickoff. Defender Ella Beach, also from North brook, provided the assist. “It shocked them, how quickly we scored,” defender and rising Glenbrook North High School freshman Emily Pe tersen recalls. “And we never let up from there. Those on our team, who are two-, three-sport athletes, were valuable be cause the skills they had developed in their other sport came into play in the championship game. “It was a thrill to end our season like weNorthdid.” Union United had defeated FC-1 Academy 2-0 in Presidents Cup pool play on July 7. Three days later, the club from Pennsylvania faced a 2-0, first-half deficit when it absorbed an own goal following a corner kick by FC-1 midfielder and Glenview native Meghan Rupprecht. A 25-yard free kick off the foot of Highland Park’s Nadia Barbieri in the second half capped the scoring. “Our coach had prepared us well for the final and kept our hopes high after the pool-play loss,” says forward and Northbrook denizen Caitlyn Panek. “It was clear how super ready we were.” They weren’t strangers to early set backs. At a regional in St. Louis in June, Kurz’s crew topped a club in the final, another win that avenged a pool-play loss.“Such a resilient group of girls,” says Kurz, adding 16 of FC-1’s 18 players will suit up for high school teams next spring. “They did a good job of understanding what we needed to do to advance after a bit of adversity. They were able to adapt to different formations—our opponents’ and“Theyours.”played unselfish soccer, gave everything they had, and had fun along the way,” he continues. “It was a month (of postseason soccer) that they’ll never forget.”Other members of the championship FC-1 Academy 14U squad: Glenview residents Chloe Beach, Jaime Devine, Cecilia Durow, and Jessica Wang; Mor ton Grove’s Claire Georgees; Evanston’s Tinsae Geyer; Wilmette’s Catherine Shean; Chicago’s Lucia Trautman; and Northbrook’s Ellie Schneider, Sophia Wenk, and Morgan Link. Dannit Schneider, the mother of twins Kaya and Ellie, served as FC-1 Acad emy’s indispensible team manager. “Our parents did a lot of for us, but I have to single out Dannit,” Kurz says. “She led the charge, made my life easier as a coach. She was organized and han dled all kinds of administrative matters for us.”
ABOVE: Academy U14 soccer teammates Meghan Rupprecht and Kaya Schneider celebrate the second goal in their team’s 3-0 victory in the National Presidents Cup Championship game in North Carolina on July RIGHT:10. Academy U14 soccer goalkeeper Reese Crosby punches a shot a way in the National Presidents Cup Championship game in North Carolina on July 10.

His father, Greg, a whip-smart architect with a resolute work ethic, had died less than a year earlier, reducing the Nowesnick house hold in Lake Forest to Will, Will’s mother, Denise Andresen, and Will’s sister, Grace, then 9 years old. “I’m still processing it,” Will, now 26 and a resident of Chicago, says of his father’s death in 2007. “He was an extremely hard worker. He owned a showroom in Winnetka, and I’d go on work road trips with him. One was to Indiana, where the Amish had built cabinets for“Athim.home,” the son adds, “I saw how hard he worked, how late he worked, how much he cared about his profession. I’ve tried to emu late his work ethic and passion ever since.” Lacrosse became Will’s architecture. And haven. And comfort zone. A firsttime ice skater at the age of 4 atop the sheet of indoor ice at Lake Forest College, he’d become a hockey enthusiast. Later, when he was a seventh-grader, lacrosse—the sport dubbed “hockey in the air”—entered his life and soothed his aching ticker in the first minute, give or take a few seconds. Nobody would have been surprised had Nowesnick replaced the pencil behind one of his ears with a lacrosse stick on the way to practice. Local lacrosse coach Tom Walters stuck Nowesnick under his wing and the youngster took off in no time, eventually making an elite Lake Forest Lacrosse Association team in the eighth“Coachgrade.Walters, a fantastic coach, got me hooked on lacrosse,” Nowesn ick recalls. “More than any other sport, lacrosse helped me cope during a tough time in my life. My father excelled in his field of work; I tried to excel in la crosse. I needed an outlet that I loved, because I was a highenergy kid who always wanted to be Thebusy.”burgeoning defenseman enrolled at lacrosse powerhouse Loyola Academy in Wilmette and emerged as a two-time state champion for the Ramblers. Nowesnick suffered a broken left thumb early in his sopho more season, scaring off sev eral Division-I college recruiters. Nowesnick wound up taking his D-1 talents to Division III Salisbury Univer sity in Maryland, home of the Sea Gulls and scads of national championship trophies, and thrice earned First Team All-America honors. The 6-foot-4 Nowesnick and his Boe ing-747 wingspan, along with his speed and savvy, helped Salisbury capture two of the program’s 12 NCAA D-III national titles under SU men’s lacrosse coach Jim Berkman.
Nowesnick’s alma mater, alas, won both clashes, 11-8 in 2021 and 6-5 this past spring. “I loved playing for Loyola Academy and its coaches (Rob Snyder, Brian Rynes, and Eric Genova), but it was fantastic to come back to the Lake Forest community, coach the sport I love, and be a part of a program that grew and reached elite status,” Nowesn ick“I’llsays.always be part Rambler, part Scout.” Youth player, prep star, college superstar, pro player, administrator, coach—Will Now esnick did it all in lacrosse. No wonder Will’s mother called lacrosse her son’s North Star. Nowesnick stepped down from coaching after the 2022 prep season and welled up— “I somehow avoided full-on crying,” he says— at the Scouts’ team banquet. He’ll now focus all of his attention on his career at Boston Scientific, a biomedical/biotechnology engi neering firm and multinational manufacturer of medical devices used in interventional medicalNowesnickspecialties.sellsspinal cord stimulators.
At the age of 12, Will Nowesnick fell in love with lacrosse when his heart resembled a slew of disconnected jigsaw puzzle pieces.
“Coach Berkman,” Nowesnick says, “was the best father figure to me. He’s an avid cyclist, a man who gets up at 6 a.m., every day, to exercise. Every la crosse season to him is a reloading one. He’s an every-base-covered coach. But Coach Berkman doesn’t just care about lacrosse and his program; he also cares deeply about his players as people and asNowesnickstudents.”
next stop on his lacrosse journey was in good ol’ Lake Forest, as a Lake Forest High School varsity boy’s lacrosse assistant coach. The Scouts played none other than the Loyola Academy Ramblers in each of the last two state championship games.
More than any other sport, lacrosse helped me cope during a tough time in my life. My father excelled in his field of work; I tried to excel in lacrosse. I needed an outlet that I loved, because I was a high-energy kid who always wanted to be busy. Will Nowesnick
failed to shake the lacrosse bug after earning a degree in economics. He joined True Lacrosse, an organization com mitted to the education and development of young lacrosse players in Illinois and served as a regional director. Professional lacrosse teams Atlanta Blaze and Philadelphia Bar rage signed Nowesnick to one-year contracts in 2019 and 2020, respectively. While with the Barrage, he bottled up Chesapeake Bayhawks star attackman and former SUNY Albany standout Lyle Thompson—the most prolific goal scorer in NCAA Division I history and the top overall pick in the 2015 Major League Lacrosse Collegiate Draft—and chose to walk away from profes sional lacrosse shortly thereafter.Thecomparable, in baseball: smacking a 100-mph-pitch for a walk-off homer off Nolan Ryan in his prime and hanging up the cleats on the sameNowesnick’sday.
“I will always be grateful for the many people who came into my life, and mentored me, through lacrosse, and I’m not just talk ing about all of my wonderful coaches,” says Nowesnick, a perennial contender for the un official title of Most Polite Human in Amer ica. “I met Dr. Josh Tepper (of Deerfield), a surgeon, because I coached his sons, Mason and Evan. Mark Lawrence is in the food business and the father of Jack (of Glenview), another boy that I coached. “Mark,” he adds, “is wise, a great guy, a good friend. I’ve received a ton of great ad vice from Nowesnickhim.”moved from Lake Forest to Chicago in early July. But the bulk of his heart, if not all of it, remains entrenched in Lake Forest. It’s where he huddled with his mother and little sister after an agonizing loss that had nothing to do with relinquishing a late-game lead or failing to defend too many man-up situations. Their family, sadly, was a man down. “The love my mom has for her family is her No. 1 quality,” Nowesnick says, “And she’s a great leader, able to see ahead and still be in the present. My motto is to live with love and continue to learn every day. I still learn from my mom and my sister (Grace, now 24 years old). They’re both interesting and inspiring. “You know what?” he adds. “I don’t tell them that enough.”

THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 | 11 NORTHSHORE EXPERIENCE THE NORTH SHORE TO NAPLES CONNECTION Maureen Runzel of DMG has lived along the North Shore for the past 25 years and has recently relocated to Naples, FL to best serve her clients’ needs. Having lived in both markets, Maureen knows the best locations & communities in Naples and would love to help you find your “home away from home” in sunny southwest Florida! The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. Affiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Not intended as a solicitation if your property is already listed by another broker. *Source: #10 Large Team by Volume in the Country ranked by RealTrends The Thousand, as advertised in The Wall Street Journal 2021 WWW.DAWNMCKENNAGROUP.COM | @THEDAWNMCKENNAGROUP EXPERIENCE THE DAWN MCKENNA GROUP #8 REAL ESTATE TEAM IN THE NATION 1557 CHESAPEAKE AVE. | NAPLES, FL Sleek Waterfront Home | Indoor/Outdoor Living | Two Private Balconies 1180 SANDPIPER ST. | NAPLES, FL Remodeled with Luxe Features | Bright Open Floor Plan | Access to Gulf of Mexico MAUREEN RUNZEL Maureen@DawnMcKennaGroup.com239.595.3906 CHICAGO | NAPLES | HINSDALE | LAKE FOREST | WINNETKA CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EXPERT NORTHSHORE EXPERIENCE THE NORTH SHORE TO NAPLES CONNECTION Maureen Runzel of DMG has lived along the North Shore for the past 25 years and has recently relocated to Naples, FL to best serve her clients’ needs. Having lived in both markets, Maureen knows the best locations & communities in Naples and would love to help you find your “home away from home” in sunny southwest Florida! The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. Affiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Not intended as a solicitation if your property is already listed by another broker. *Source: #10 Large Team by Volume in the Country ranked by RealTrends The Thousand, as advertised in The Wall Street Journal 2021 WWW.DAWNMCKENNAGROUP.COM | @THEDAWNMCKENNAGROUP EXPERIENCE THE DAWN MCKENNA GROUP #8 REAL ESTATE TEAM IN THE NATION 1557 CHESAPEAKE AVE. | NAPLES, FL Sleek Waterfront Home | Indoor/Outdoor Living | Two Private Balconies 1180 SANDPIPER ST. | NAPLES, FL Remodeled with Luxe Features | Bright Open Floor Plan | Access to Gulf of Mexico MAUREEN RUNZEL Maureen@DawnMcKennaGroup.com239.595.3906 CHICAGO | NAPLES | HINSDALE | LAKE FOREST | WINNETKA CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EXPERT NORTHSHORE EXPERIENCE THE NORTH SHORE TO NAPLES CONNECTION Maureen Runzel of DMG has lived along the North Shore for the past 25 years and has recently relocated to Naples, FL to best serve her clients’ needs. Having lived in both markets, Maureen knows the best locations & communities in Naples and would love to help you find your “home away from home” in sunny southwest Florida! The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. Affiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Not intended as a solicitation if your property is already listed by another broker. *Source: #10 Large Team by Volume in the Country ranked by RealTrends The Thousand, as advertised in The Wall Street Journal 2021 WWW.DAWNMCKENNAGROUP.COM | @THEDAWNMCKENNAGROUP EXPERIENCE THE DAWN MCKENNA GROUP #8 REAL ESTATE TEAM IN THE NATION 1557 CHESAPEAKE AVE. | NAPLES, FL Sleek Waterfront Home | Indoor/Outdoor Living | Two Private Balconies 1180 SANDPIPER ST. | NAPLES, FL Remodeled with Luxe Features | Bright Open Floor Plan | Access to Gulf of Mexico MAUREEN RUNZEL Maureen@DawnMcKennaGroup.com239.595.3906 CHICAGO | NAPLES | HINSDALE | LAKE FOREST | WINNETKA CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EXPERT NORTHSHORE EXPERIENCE THE NORTH SHORE TO NAPLES CONNECTION Maureen Runzel of DMG has lived along the North Shore for the past 25 years and has recently relocated to Naples, FL to best serve her clients’ needs. Having lived in both markets, Maureen knows the best locations & communities in Naples and would love to help you find your “home away from home” in sunny southwest Florida! The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. Affiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Not intended as a solicitation if your property is already listed by another broker. *Source: #10 Large Team by Volume in the Country ranked by RealTrends The Thousand, as advertised in The Wall Street Journal 2021 WWW.DAWNMCKENNAGROUP.COM | @THEDAWNMCKENNAGROUP EXPERIENCE THE DAWN MCKENNA GROUP #8 REAL ESTATE TEAM IN THE NATION 1557 CHESAPEAKE AVE. | NAPLES, FL Sleek Waterfront Home | Indoor/Outdoor Living | Two Private Balconies 1180 SANDPIPER ST. | NAPLES, FL Remodeled with Luxe Features | Bright Open Floor Plan | Access to Gulf of Mexico MAUREEN RUNZEL Maureen@DawnMcKennaGroup.com239.595.3906 CHICAGO | NAPLES | HINSDALE | LAKE FOREST | WINNETKA CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EXPERT NORTHSHORE EXPERIENCE THE NORTH SHORE TO NAPLES CONNECTION Maureen Runzel of DMG has lived along the North Shore for the past 25 years and has recently relocated to Naples, FL to best serve her clients’ needs. Having lived in both markets, Maureen knows the best locations & communities in Naples and would love to help you find your “home away from home” in sunny southwest Florida! The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. Affiliated real estate agents are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2022 Coldwell Banker. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker logos are trademarks of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The Coldwell Banker® System is comprised of company owned offices which are owned by a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC and franchised offices which are independently owned and operated. The Coldwell Banker System fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Not intended as a solicitation if your property is already listed by another broker. *Source: #10 Large Team by Volume in the Country ranked by RealTrends The Thousand, as advertised in The Wall Street Journal 2021 WWW.DAWNMCKENNAGROUP.COM | @THEDAWNMCKENNAGROUP EXPERIENCE THE DAWN MCKENNA GROUP #8 REAL ESTATE TEAM IN THE NATION 1557 CHESAPEAKE AVE. | NAPLES, FL Sleek Waterfront Home | Indoor/Outdoor Living | Two Private Balconies 1180 SANDPIPER ST. | NAPLES, FL Remodeled with Luxe Features | Bright Open Floor Plan | Access to Gulf of Mexico MAUREEN RUNZEL Maureen@DawnMcKennaGroup.com239.595.3906 CHICAGO | NAPLES | HINSDALE | LAKE FOREST | WINNETKA CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EXPERT

12 | SATURDAY AUGUST 20 | SUNDAY AUGUST 21 2022 THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND Buyer Respresented | †Source: BrokerMetrics LLC - #1 Individual Brokerby sales volume in Glencoe 1/1/2019-12/31/2021 | *Newsweek and RealTrends, individual sales volume, 1/1/2021-12/31/2021 | **MRED, LLC, Top 10 in New Trier School District, June 2021-June 2022 ***Awarded by The American Registry | ****Named one of Chicago’s Top 100 Real Estate Agent by Chicago Magazine. MRED Source All residential sales 2019, 2020 and 2022 Ranked top 15 Illinois Individual Real Estate Professionals * | Top 10 In New Trier School District for the past 12 months, volume ** | America’s Best REALTORS® 2021: Illinois Award *** | Named Top 21 Real Estate Brokers by Chicago Magazine 2021 **** | 2019 & 2020 Who’s Who in Chicagoland Residential Real Estate * *** 847.878.5235 • #1AGENT GLENCOEIN 2019 - 2021 † 247 Beach • Glencoe 1 | 501 Washington • Glencoe 1 | 1046 Bluff • Glencoe 1 | 230 Franklin • Glencoe 1 | 537 Greenleaf • Glencoe 1 111 Lakewood • Glencoe 1 | 675 Valley • Glencoe 1 | 455 Sheridan • Glencoe1 | 247 Beach • Glencoe | 789 Greenleaf • Glencoe 300 Keystone • Glencoe | 120 Harbor • Glencoe | 980 Green Bay • Glencoe | 537 Greenleaf • Glencoe | 111 Lakewood • Glencoe 225 Sheridan • Glencoe | 60 Brentwood • Glencoe | 2075 Painters Lake • Highland Park1 | 1418 Ferndale • Highland Park1 233 Park • Highland Park1 | 950 Timber Hill • Highland Park | 1963 McCraren • Highland Park | 1655 McGovern, 300 • Highland Park 1660 First, 405 • Highland Park | 149 Saint Andrews • Deerfield | 643 Martin • Deerfield | 421 Elm Tree • Vernon Hills1 RECENTLY UNDER CONTRACT/SOLD HOMES 1055 HILLCREST ROAD GLENCOE JUST LISTED 6 BEDROOMS • 4.2 BATHS 1055HILLCREST.INFO European inspired magnificent lakefront home set on almost an acre of lushly landscaped property.