No. 24 | A JWC Media publication
sundaY breakfast
saturday august 2 | sunday august 3 2014
out & about
Residents reveal the best advice they’ve ever gotten. P.20
Nancy Searle loves being an engaged citizen. P.31
Paul Jones was an all-around talent for Glenbrook South P.28
featuring the local news and personalities of glenview, northbrook and deerfield
Keeping up the good (wood) work Kandis Wrigley’s exotic pieces grace homes. P22
ECRWSS Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Permit no. 91 Highland Pk, IL The North Shore Weekend © 2014 JWC MEDIA, Published at 445 Sheridan Road, Highwood, IL 60040 | Telephone: 847.926.0911
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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In The Glen
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
Inside This Interiors
North Shore Weekend news 12 News Digest
Find out what’s happened in Deerfield, Glenview and Northbrook along with what’s coming up.
14 On the case
Glenview author Dan Doeden has written a new crime novel.
Lifestyle & Arts 16
M y Favorite Weekend
Orren Pickell and his wife talk about their favorite way to spend time off.
Social Whirl
Take a look at some of the top parties attended by North Shore residents recently.
20 Out and About
Discover the answers our roving photographer received to our weekly question to North Shore residents.
home & design
22 Kandid Konversation
Kandis Wrigley discusses her career dealing with fine imported wood and how particular pieces can add a special touch to one’s house.
real estate 24 North Shore Offerings Two intriguing houses in our towns are profiled.
24 Open Houses
Find out — complete with map — what houses you can walk through for possible purchase on the North Shore on Sunday.
Kashian Bros’ hardwood floor refinishing services feature our Atomic Dust Containment System. This unique system allows us to collect the dust before it gets airborne. No dust in your house. No expensive clean up required when we leave. Watch the video at
sports 29 Globe-trotting
Glenbrook North graduate Jodi Marver is making the most of her basketball journey. The Knox College senior guard has been on two summer basketball tours, traveling to Italy in 2013 and Costa Rica in 2014
last but not least… 31 Sunday Breakfast
1107 Greenleaf Avenue · Wilmette, IL 60091 847-251-1200 · CARPET · AREA RUGS · WOOD FLOORING · DUST-FREE WOOD REFINISHING C A R P E T, R U G & U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N I N G · R U G R E S T O R AT I O N
Nancy Searle has volunteered to help adult literacy and has championed many other causes.
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Riding the rails on the last private club commuter car
he Metra train system — once known as the Chicago & North Western, as a stone bridge’s unalterable etching makes clear — is a comfortable way to travel between the North Shore and Chicago. For the most part, trains are on time and clean. Open seats are often simple to find. Anyone who’s taken the trains from the nation’s largest city, New York, to its suburbs know the superiority of our service (especially since Metro-North’s bar car from Grand Central Station was axed in May). Which brings us to car 553, the last remaining private club commuter car in the United States. The car has been running the rails between Lake Forest and downtown since the dawn of The Great Depression. Phillip Armour, William McCormick Blair and other Chicago business titans were early members. Though those who have never stepped aboard imagine a white-jacketed bartender, cigar-smoking passengers and masseuses, the reality is quite a bit different. It’s a quiet spot where you know your fellow travelers. A refrigerator holds a few six packs. No one has confused it with the Orient Express. Says longtime rider Richard “Buzz” Norton, “The only thing elite about this car is that our conductor wears
John Conatser, Founder & Publisher Jill Dillingham, Vice President of Sales TOM REHWALDT, General Manager David Sweet, Editor in Chief Bill McLean, Senior Writer/Associate Editor Kevin Reiterman, Sports Editor KATIE ROSE MCENEELY, Online Content Editor linda lewis, Production Manager Eryn Sweeney-Demezas, Account Manager/ Graphic Designer sara bassick, Graphic Designer September Conatser, Publishing Intern
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first word
put your head in the clouds, and yo u r b o dy, to o .
You’ll think you’re dreaming at our
annual down sale.
a tie.” Read Jake Jarvi’s report from the belly of the That’s because all our superior European goose down 553 at products are 25% off through the 31st. Like original members of the private commuter car, Nancy Searle possesses a recognizable name (her grandfather-in-law was John G. Searle of the prescription drug firm G.D. Searle, where she once worked). Her focus these days is on the volunteer and chicago hinsdale lake forest winnetka charitable front, including work on adult literacy. 773 404 2020 630 655 0497 847 295 8370 847 441 0969 Nancy has also helped develop the Chicago Biomedical Consortium; started a fund for charter school start-ups, which now comprises 60 schools in the inner city; and, most recently, co-chaired a fundraiser for Cures Within Reach, a research non8.14 BSM NSW Down sale.indd 1 profit that repurposes drugs for new applications. Says Nancy, “I enjoy getting up every morning and knowing I have something to do that is going to make a difference in someone’s life one way or another.” Read about her contributions in Sunday Breakfast.
7/24/14 5:12 PM
Walk to Everything
Enjoy the weekend.
David Sweet
Editor in Chief twitter: @northshorewknd
Contributing Writers kevin beese Joanna Brown sheryl devore Sam EIchner Bob Gariano
Scott Holleran Jake Jarvi Angelika Labno simon murray gregg shapiro jill soderberg
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Joel lerner, Chief Photographer Larry Miller, Contributing Photographer Robin Subar, Contributing Photographer BARRY BLITT, Illustrator ALLISON STEINBACK, Advertising Account Executive COURTNEY PITT, Advertising Account Executive M.J. CADDEN, Advertising Account Executive All advertising inquiry info should be directed to 847-926-0957 &
© 2014 The North Shore Weekend/A publication of JWC Media
Telephone 847-926-0911
8 | news
Performance art Tempel Lipizzans are a sight to behold
Northbrook resident Eliza Ardizzone and Conversano V Almira at Tempel Farms. photography
■ by bill mclean Esther Buonanno put a blade of grass between her thumbs and blew hard, producing a piercing whistle and abruptly interrupting the tranquility of a summer day years ago at Tempel Farms in Old Mill Creek. Wonderment gripped the young girl shortly thereafter, as the blade glided back to the edge of a pasture and a herd of young Lipizzan horses galloped toward the source of the unusual sound. “It was always one of my favorite moments when I visited the horses in the summers, seeing them respond to my call like that,” recalls Buonanno, now the program director of the Tempel Lipizzan Corporation and granddaughter of the late Tempel Smith, an industrialist from the Midwest who bought 20 Lipizzans — mares, stallions and young horses — in Austria and had them transported to the U.S. via a German freighter in 1958. “A veterinarian [Brigadier General Dr. Mikulas Ferjencik] at Tempel Farms,” she adds, “taught me how to call the herd. They came at me out of curiosity more than anything else.” Spectators continue to canter toward 800 seats on select Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays this summer (through Sept. 13) for matinee and evening Lipizzan performances at Tempel Farms, located on 7,000 acres five miles south of the Illinois-Wisconsin border in Lake County. The strikingly white and disciplined horses have always had a knack for captivating people of all ages, as they did when Smith and his wife, Esther VanderLaan Smith, soaked up the sights and clip clops at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria, in the 1950s. Mr. Smith shepherded his herd of 20 Lipizzan prizes to a farm in Wisconsin, where they stayed briefly before settling in on prime farmland in Old Mill Creek more than 50 years ago. Tempel Farms is the only place in the world where Lipizzans breed, train and perform on the same property. The sophisticated training regimen at Tempel Farms mirrors the program that riding masters in Europe devised in the 16th and 17th centuries. Before Tempel Smith died in 1980, the Tempel Lipizzans performed primarily for corporate gatherings
by joel lerner
and charitable events; they also fascinated VIPs — and VPs — at Presidential Inaugurations and drew “oohs and aahs” well before fireworks displays at special Fourth of July bicentennial celebrations in 1976. Smith’s daughters — Chicagoan Linda Smith Buonanno (Esther’s mother) and Lake Forest resident Martha Smith Simpson — opened Lipizzan shows to the public when they took over the reins at Tempel Farms. Years later, in 1997, the sisters received the Officer’s Cross — a Grand Decoration of Honour for Service to the Republic of Austria — for their dedication to the Lipizzan breed and the culture and tradition of classical horsemanship. Larry Leffingwell, grandson of Tempel Smith, serves Tempel Farms as its manager. “He has played a huge role in what we look like, in the aesthetics of the place,” Esther Buonanno says. “Watching one of our shows takes you back to a different time, helps you slow down. Some arrive to see horses jumping. Others may come simply because they love the beauty of horses. Winston Churchill said, ‘There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.’ “A show at Tempel Farms,” she adds, “is a wonderful opportunity to sit and watch performance art. A lost gem exists here.” The classical dressage move that consistently draws the loudest gasps and pops the most eyes at Lipizzan shows is the capriole, one of several crowd-pleasing “airs above the ground.” The horse leaps from all four hooves and, at the apex of elevation, strikes out violently with his hind legs. It’s powerful, athletic, graceful and magical — all at once. “It’s the most explosive move, the most impressive move,” says Tempel Farms trainer Eliza Ardizzone, a Northbrook resident who was born in Lake Forest and is in her 30th year (fourth at Tempel Farms) as a trainer, a post that also includes riding Lipizzans and teaching students. “It’s a move that was used in wars to protect cavalry.” Trainers at Tempel Farms revere the history of the Lipizzan breed, especially when they’re in the presence of master trainer Conrad Schumacher. A native of Germany and one of the world’s foremost dressage trainers, he has guided students at the Olympic and World Championship levels. Schumacher visits Tempel Farms to share his equine acumen at least four times a year.
“He’s the Bela Karolyi of the dressage world,” Esther Buonanno says, referring to the renowned gymnastics guru who has coached nine Olympic champions, including Romanian Nadia Comaneci and Mary Lou Retton. “I’ve also compared the training of the Lipizzans to the training of ballet dancers; in each discipline it’s important to build the musculature in a way that will allow them to perform at the highest level.” A Lipizzan horse — born dark brown or black, it reaches its characteristic whiteness between the ages of 7-10 — doesn’t start training until the age of 4. It typically takes two years to fully train a Lipizzan to … walk. But it’s the regal walk before the start of a quadrille, a choreographed dressage ride commonly performed to music, with a minimum of four horses. “Is there anything exciting about a walk?” Beverely M. Bowie writes in “The White Horses of Vienna,” published in National Geographic Magazine in 1958. “One might not think so. … But all [of the spectators] respond to the achievement: the high knee action, the stately vertical carriage of the head, the slight downward thrust of the haunches, the precise and delicate placing of the feet — in sum, the indefinable impression of great vitality under the most sensitive and unobtrusive control.” It’s not unusual for elite-level Lipizzans to perform well into their 20s, and many live for more than 30 years. “What surprises people about the Lipizzans is how closely they work together,” Esther Buonanno says. “Most people think stallions are wild and fight with each other all the time. These are incredibly smart horses.” Trainers have to be incredibly fit. Most of Ardizzone’s workdays at Tempel Farms start at 6 a.m. and don’t end until 5:30 p.m., meaning she can’t wait to hit the hay at night after being around hay all day. “I’m pretty tired at the end of the day,” she admits. “I work with a personal trainer to keep up with the demands; it’s a sport. “Sometimes, though, I want 26-hour days, because there are days when I think, ‘If I just had two more hours, I’d be able to do everything I need to do.’ ” For information on tickets and the dates and start times of the remaining Lipizzan shows this summer (through September 13), visit ■
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
NEWS DIGEST Review Deerfield
Kermit Crawford, president of pharmacy, health and wellness for Deerfield-based Walgreen Co., has decided to retire after 31 years to take on new opportunities, including continuing to serve as a senior counselor to Greg Wasson, Walgreen president and CEO. Crawford, a former Deeerfield resident, announced that he plans to join the University of South California’s School of Pharmacy, where he will serve as executive in residence and senior adviser to the dean. He currently serves as a member of the USC School of Pharmacy’s board of councilors.
The Glenview Village Board has adopted a new collective bargaining agreement with the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Labor Council. The vote follows ratification votes by FOP members — Glenview’s sworn police officers — on July 7 and July 9. The prior contract had been set to expire Dec. 31, 2015. Says Police Chief William Fitzpatrick, “By extending the contract through 2018, we believe the needs of the Glenview community are served well, and the officers will have an excellent working environment with clear rules and fair compensation.” Highlights of the contract include: Wage rates that include a 2.75 percent cost-of-living adjustment for 2015; and 3 percent adjustments for 2016, 2017 and 2018. A second-tier wage scale for all incoming police officers, aimed at helping control long-term costs.
Police are investigating the theft of $10,000 in electronics equipment from a van. A resident contacted police at 8:50 a.m. July 19 reporting that a van behind a building on the 400 block of Huehl Road appeared to have been burglarized. The investigating officer observed the side sliding door open and the front passenger window smashed out. The officer also observed numerous open boxes of cellular telephones and other miscellaneous electronic equipment in the rear cargo area of the van.
The performing arts department of the Northbrook Park District has started a children’s choir for the community.
benjamin schwartz /the new yorker collection/
The reopening of The Glenview Grind last week is just one example of a rejuvenated business community, according to local officials. Couple the coffee shop’s revamp with the planned grand openings next week of a second Family Video (on Monday) and North Branch Pizza and Burger (on Tuesday), along with the planned Aug. 15 opening of Mingle, and things are looking up for the Glenview business community. The Glenview Grind offers locally sourced private label roasted coffee and gourmet pastries. Family Video, located at 2500 Lehigh Ave., joins the store at 3222 Glenview Road to increase the business’ presence in Glenview. North Branch, located at 4520 W. Lake Ave., is one of the community’s newest dining locations. Mingle, located at 1830 Tower Drive, is a juice bar.
Children ages 8-18 are invited to join. “We decided to offer the choir because of the musical talent in the area. We’ve seen some of it through the Northbrook Theatre Children’s Company,” said Drew Kambach, performing arts supervisor with the Park District. “There are few choral opportunities here outside the classroom, and we hope the choir will become a strong presence in the community.” Director of the Northbrook Children’s Choir is Carling FitzSimmons, a professional singer and children’s choir director with a passion for the arts and music education. She also conducts the Pro Musical Youth Chorus of Oak Park. No auditions are required. Weekly rehearsals will be from 4:30-6 p.m. Mondays, beginning Sept. 8 at the Leisure Center. Registration is at the Leisure Center, Northbrook Sports Center and online at For information, call (847) 291-2367.
Preview Deerfield
The Deerfield Park District is giving individuals the opportunity to experience disc golf. “Everyone’s invited — novice through experienced players — to participate in our free, nine-hold golf tournament, the ‘Plastic Classic,’ “ said Athletics Supervisor Jim Gariti of the Aug. 25 event. Deerfield Park District’s disc golf course, located behind Shepard Middle School, 440 Grove Place — and spanning both Shepard and Keller — is open for play year-round. For information about the “Plastic Classic,” contact Gariti at (847) 572-2627 or
Linda Mood-Bell’s Deerfield Learning Center will provide information aimed at helping parents with helping students with homework. A program at 4 p.m. Monday (Aug. 4) focuses on “Seeing Stars.” A program at 11 a.m. Wednesday (Aug. 6) focuses on “Visualizing and Verbalizing.” The Deerfield Learning Center is located in Suite 207 at 740 N. Waukegan Road. Call (847) 914-0771 or email deerfield. for information or to RSVP for one of the programs.
A long-vacant building in Glenview could be turned into a facility for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients by early 2016. Anthem Memory Care is looking to turn the building at 1879 Chestnut Ave. into a 70-bed facility for seniors with memory issues. The Oregon-based company hopes to break ground on the facility next spring and have the care facility up and running by January or February of 2016. “One of the things that about Glenview that we are most enthused about is that it is a very strong community, with a strong sense of community,” Isaac Scott, a founding principal with Anthem. “We feel that our facility will fold right into that.” Anthem is also looking at putting facilities in Burr Ridge and Tinley Park as part of their entry into the Chicago market. While there has not been a public meeting yet about the Glenview proposal, Anthem’s plan has been well-received by village officials, Scott said. “They recognize a need for what we do,” Scott said. “The village is aging.”
Author Rachel Bertsche will make an appear-
ance at the Northbrook Public Library for a discussion of her memoir “MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend.” She will also bring copies of her newest release, “Jennifer, Gwyneth & Me: The Pursuit of Happiness One Celebrity at a Time” to the discussion set for 7 p.m. Aug. 12. “MWF Seeking BFF” explores the trials and tribulations of befriending people as an adult. Reader Services librarian Tracy Gossage, who is leading the discussion, commented, “We are thrilled to have Rachel grace us with her presence. We chose her book because it is a topic many of us can relate to.” Space is limited to the first 30 people, Copies of the book cab be borrowed from the Reader Services Desk.
Dozens of young children can experience ice skating for the first time during the Northbrook Park District’s Try Skating for Free event Aug. 23. Children ages 3 and older can attend one of two classes at the Northbrook Sports Center to see if they are ready for figure skating or hockey lessons. The program is an introduction to a typical entry-level class, so it is only for children who have not skated previously. They will learn to lace skates and practice the correct way to get up after falling. “Every skater’s dream begins with the first lesson,” said Laila Schlesinger, leisure services supervisor with the Northbrook Park District. “We hope they try their first lesson with us.” The free classes are from 10-10:30 and 10:45-11:15 a.m. For information, call the Northbrook Sports Center at (847) 291-2993 or visit ■
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
North Shore author navigates new publishing model ■ by jake jarvi
Dan Doeden grew up on the South Side of Chicago watching mobster movies and reading detective novels. Now, living on the North Shore, the detectives of the books he pens —“Leverage” and “The Crux Ansata” — are patrolling the streets he grew up on, as well as the streets of Highwood and Winnetka. NSW: Tell us about your new book. DD: It’s crime fiction. It stars America’s favorite family: the mob. It’s about a guy named Frank Via, who’s a reformed mobster and a failed father who’s scraping by as a private detective. He’s no longer in the mob, but his former capo summons him to find his estranged stepdaughter who’s disappeared with the mob’s books. He ends up on a collision course with a lot of old enemies and a few new ones. NSW: Your first novel, “The Crux Ansata,” was self-published on Amazon Kindle. What did you like about that marketplace? DD: It wasn’t my first choice to do that. But you can’t find a publisher unless you have an agent, and you can’t find an agent unless you’ve already been published. Writing the book is one thing, but then actually finding someone who’s interested enough to champion it is another. I saw other people having success self-publishing, but I was really reluctant to do it. In the book business, editors and agents really frown on self-publishing. It’s like sneaking into the computer and giving
yourself an ‘A’ on your homework. There’s no gatekeeper. But I wanted to get it our there and see if it could draw an audience. NSW: Your new novel, “Leverage,” was released through a traditional publisher. Was that a better experience? DD: When somebody actually pays you for it and goes to the trouble of putting it between hardcovers and running prints means they have some faith in it. It’s legitimized. When I talk to agents, they’re more receptive because I’m a published author already. That doesn’t work so well when you’re self-published. What most publishers want now are authors that already have a social media platform. They want you to do a lot of selfmarketing. That’s very difficult for a writer to do. Writing is not a social activity. You lock yourself in a room for hours at a time. You don’t want to promote, you don’t want to develop your brand image, you just want to focus on your book. It’s a difficult fence to straddle. NSW: What draws you to detectives and mobsters as subject matter? DD: I’ve always been a fan of mob stories and movies. I like the characters. There’s a lot of violence and raw language, mean streets and mean characters. It was really just a familiarity with that genre through film, books, and television that led me to it. I earned a Ph.D. from Northwestern University in Radio/TV/Film studies and I went on to teach those things at University of Illinois-Chicago. I taught film writing — and it just lit the fire under me. ■
Dan Doeden.
photography by joel lerner
Let’s Talk Real Estate by Jean Wright, President/Broker Owner Crs, GrI MEMBER
YOur HOme’s ‘resume’ Yes, you’re on MLS, your agent’s website and her company’s website, too. You’ve been added to the virtual tour and there’s been an Agent Open House. What comes next? Your home’s ‘resume.’ Just inside the foyer on that credenza you’ve cleared off and polished to a high shine, there can be a beautiful folder with all the information of your home on it, enough for everyone who visits to take with them and consider at their leisure. Essentials in this package? Photos to reinforce what they know – the rooms are perfect for them. Statistics – Numbers to reinforce what the photos tell them. Bedrooms/Baths, square footage, the types of flooring in each room. Schools and local information. Amenities – What they did and didn’t see. The Jacuzzi, the heated floors. You may know all the statistics and amenities by heart but remember—the buyer doesn’t. They have seen it on the virtual tour, but they’ve been looking at house after house after house and as outstanding as yours is, the information is going to begin to blend together. With a portfolio of your house in their hands, buyers will remember it well! For professional advice from an experienced Realtor, call Jean Wright at (847) 217-1906 or email at
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8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
16 | lifestyle & arts my favorite weekend Orrin and Tina propose a toast to birthdays in Napa
Tina and Orrin Pickell have enjoyed trips to fantastic spots, such as Caneel Bay on St. John’s Island. But just this past weekend, they celebrated the jaunt of a lifetime with 55 friends for Orrin’s 60th birthday in Napa Valley.
“What makes a place great is the people you are with. I’ve never had a better time.” “It was incredible,” says Orrin, who runs an eponymous building firm in Northfield. “What makes a place great is the people you are with. I’ve never had a better time than this weekend.” Friends from all parts of his life — including high school, college and his children’s friends whom he has befriended — traveled to the Silverado Resort, which is spread across more than 1,000 acres. Though not a golfer, Orrin had a blast playing a scramble one morning, where plenty of golf balls with the “Orrin’s 60” logo were lost. A trip on Napa’s wine train was memorable. “The service was impeccable, and the food was great,” he says of the ride in the Vista Dome car, which is two years older than Orrin. Many guests conducted their own activities during the day, visiting vineyards and such. One evening, Tina arranged for everyone to get together for dinner at the Silverado. The Pickell children — Lisa, Eric and Matt — performed a Saturday Night Live-style comedy skit. “It was hilarious,” says Orrin. “What I realized when I was there, everybody in that crowd I could honestly say I love them.” ■ —David Sweet
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8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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c a R e
Post-hospital care that feels like a hotel stay. Just ask our concierge. At Warren Barr, we’ve taken the whole experience of post-hospital care and completely redesigned and reimagined it. We offer a warm, upscale setting that combines the comforts of a stylish boutique hotel with a state-of-the-art rehabilitation facility – providing the perfect environment for our guests to recover their strength and regain their independence.
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7/7/14 10:21 AM
lifestyle & arts
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
a matter of taste
Bringing a taste of Korea and Europe to the North Shore ■ by katie rose mceneely
John Park is the owner of the Glenview franchise of Caffebene, a chain from South Korea styled after the European coffeehouse tradition. How did you hear about the franchise opportunity? I saw Caffebene in Korea. There are more than a thousand in Korea. I bring a lot of friends to Korea with me, and when we visited Caffebene, everyone loved it and said it would do excellent in the United States. So that’s how it started. Years in the business? I’m in the retail business, and I own Taco Bell franchises throughout Korea and in the United States. We also opened all the Red Mango stores in Chicago.
“One of our biggest items is called honey bread: it’s bread with caramel and whipped cream and berries. It really complements the coffee drink.” | John Park What made you decide to open in Glenview? Glenview has a great mix of developing cultures; it has a high percentage of Asian-Americans that are familiar with this concept. It’s the No. 1 coffee shop in Korea, and it made sense to go into a place where people recognized the brand. Signature drink? I would say European-style latte. They also have bubble tea. What’s the focus at Caffebene? The environment of the facility has that café style. It’s a great destination — it has a unique feel. The atmosphere, the music, the tables are widely spread out so you can enjoy your drinks and desserts. Caffebene has these desserts that people crave and indulge in. One of our biggest items is called honey bread: it’s bread with caramel and whipped cream and berries. It really complements the coffee drink. What do you like to eat at home? I’m Korean, so I enjoy Korean food very much. It’s very spicy and very salty. I’m a big coffee drinker as well. Worthwhile gadget? The La Marzocco GB/5 espresso machine. Favorite fruit or vegetable? Strawberries. What’s notable about the location? Caffebene is located in the Glenview Commons Center, and people are starting to call it the “Caffebene Center.” It’s becoming a destination, because it’s a meeting place, which is really exciting. Caffebene is located at 1749 Milwaukee Avenue in Glenview. For more information, call 847-257-7340 or visit ■
John Park.
photography by joel lerner skin tightening wrinkle reduction sun damage reversal skin texture rejuvenation
Recipe: Iced Spanish Latte with Cold Brew Recipe
Combine 7 cups room-temperature water and 12 ounces coarsely-ground coffee in a large jar or container. Cover the jar with plastic wrap and let sit in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 hours. After coffee has brewed, pour the concentrate into a coffee filter-lined fine-mesh strainer set over a large pitcher (do not stir; coffee concentrate may take up to 45 minutes to come through). For each serving of cold brew iced coffee, fill a glass with ice and pour coffee over; add 1 ounce condensed milk. Cold-brew coffee concentrate will last up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
Time for a renovation? No, not the house. body contouring cellulite reduction acne improvement laser hair removal
Your free pass to the aquarium has expired.
Under the Auspices of Steven Bloch, MD
Innovative Laser Technology Removes Tattoos, glenview 847.901.0800 highland park 847.432.0426 w w. s k i n d e e p m e d i c a l s p a . c o m Unwanted Pigment and RejuvenateswSkin BOTOX® COSMETIC | JUVEDERM™ | RESTYLANE® | RADIESSE® | SCULPTRA™ | MICROPEEL | MICRODERMABRASION | GENTLEWAVES® | PHOTOFACIAL | THERMAGE® | DEEP IR | FRAXEL®
After 30 years of experience as a plastic surgeon, Dr. Bloch has earned a reputation of innovation and excellence in his field, considered an expert amongst experts by his peers. It’s this reputation that has lead to appearances on television programs such as the Oprah Winfrey Show and multiple features in major publications such as Vogue and Allure. The new RevLite® laser provides effective results with minimal discomfort and no downtime. Retire that old tattoo. Contact us to find out more information about our new treatment procedures.
Surgical Practice 847.432.0840 1160 Park Ave. West, Suite 2E Highland Park
Highland Park Med Spa 847.432.0426 1160 Park Ave. West, Suite 2E Highland Park
Glenview Med Spa 847.901.0800 1986 Tower Dr. Glenview
lifestyle & arts
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
wines of the week ■ by johnson ho When the new generation of TV chefs introduced innovative techniques and obscure delicacies to the American outdoor gourmet scene, old staples like hamburgers and cole slaw became overshadowed by beer-can chicken, fajitas, pulled pork, grilled vegetables and exotic spice ribs. These new recipes pose tough challenges to the traditional Beer & Brats or Steak & Cab routines. Here are some enlightening tips for cosmopolitan bon vivants.
SATURDAY DINNER 2004 La Jota (“Luh Hotuh”) Howell Mountain Selection Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa; $65 This little-known district has become the hotbed of blockbuster Cabernet lovers within the last three decades. The steep west-facing vineyards capture the sizzling afternoon sun of Napa, which ensures full ripeness of the grapes consistently. When aged for 8-plus years the powerful (acidic) quality changes into a mellow, black fruit jam — a velvety-textured athlete looking for a real challenging opponent. Besides the typical steaks and brisket cuts of beef, this dark vino loves tackling game meats — e.g. lamb shanks, venison sausage, bison ribs or smoky ham. Cajun/ Creole, TexMex, Carribean and Asian BBQ without chili pepper spice welcome its lavish palate-pleasing generosity. Please allow one hour of decanting before serving. MIDWEEK MEAL 2011 Robert Biale Black Chicken Zinfandel, Napa; $45 Yum! would describe the appeal of this Old World red wine with a hilarious history. Aldo Biale started a vineyard on a sunny hill above his fruit-and-vegetable farm over 100 years ago. During Prohibition, he bred Black Chicken in his vineyard, and customers looking for his popular red wines kept in barrels in the barn would order a “dozen eggs” — and receive a jug of his hooch. Those old vines continue to produce rich and mellow wines perfectly suited for Mediterranean recipes, e.g. gyros, Moroccan kabobs, prosciutto, jamon, spicy pasta and stuffed peppers. Oriental dishes such as Szechuan/Hunan stir fry, Mongolian/ Korean BBQ and pickled vegetable find a spice-quenching pairing here. Please decant for one half hour. best value 2011 Field Stone Alexander Valley Sauvignon Blanc, Sonoma; $18 In hot weather, white wines with low alcohol and no barrel aging provide the vivaciously refreshing crispness that oaky, buttery Chardonnays cannot achieve. The best examples of palate-refreshing wines are dry Riesling, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc. An excellent example of the latter comes from the cool climate of Northern Sonoma’s Field Stone winery, whose melange of citrus, tropical and melon aromas shine with grilled asparagus, broccoli, peppers, egg plant, zucchini, potatoes and mushrooms. Mild grilled poultry, veal, pork, seafood and white meat sausages welcome the zesty acidity of this gem, too. Couscous, quinoa, wild rice, plantain and olive dishes dazzle with this pairing too. Serve medium cool (45 degrees) — not cold to optimize the bouquet. Send your questions to
Simply Chicago photography by larry miller The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) 42nd Annual Hospitals’ Gala, held at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers, brought in more than 600 business, healthcare, and civic leaders from the North Shore and Chicago, raising $340,000. The evening, entitled “Simply Chicago”, began with a cocktail reception, silent auction, and performance by Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. Dinner and live auction rounded out the night. All proceeds from the Gala will support the Grainger Center for Simulation and Innovation (GCSI), a state-ofthe-art facility at NorthShore Evanston Hospital that offers healthcare professionals courses and hands-on training in leading-edge medical and surgical disciplines.
DR. DAVID and brenda KUO
the weekender
The well-suited signature cocktail, a tequila sunrise by head bartender Judy Vanderbeck for La Posada de Santa Fe Resort & Spa, is artfully garnished with a blood-orange slice. A braided red cord from M&J Trimming is used as a decorative border on Classic Hotel cocktail napkins, $12 for six, from Pottery Barn.
lifestyle & arts
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
out & about
What is the best advice you have ever received? photography by robin subar
Melissa Kahn, Highland Park Be true to yourself … live an authentic life.
Michael Brook and his grandfather, Bob Allen Bob: Integrity and reputation are most important to becoming a great musician. Michael: Grandpa told me multiple times no matter how good you get — there is always someone better. I used to be an annoying person until I took my grandfather’s advice.
Dave and Betty, Lincolnshire Dave: Really? That’s like scary! Betty: Buy the best, and you never have to buy that twice
Mollie Brand, Buffalo Grove and Jazmin Roman, Highland Park Mollie: Think before you talk. Jazmin: Everything happens for a reason.
Ghbrehwot Geberemariam, Wilmette Communication is key. Never hate anyone. I am from Eritrea, and we got our freedom in ’91 after 30 years at war.
Connor Riley, Glencoe Always remember who you are.
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Craig Stone, Glencoe Buy when everyone is selling!
Sarah, Jackie and James Berman, Glencoe Sarah: People never remember what you said but how you made them feel. Jackie: Be nice to other girls. James: Be yourself.
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
real experiences Bill “I choose MedBridge at ManorCare Health Services - Northbrook for aftercare following a complicated surgery on my right foot. After receiving therapy for two weeks, I think I will do very well at home. I feel better and the therapy team helped me a lot – Barbara, Jung, Roger and Mary Ellen were great, along with everyone here!. The food is good and a key component while working so hard in rehab. You can tell what’s going on in a facility by hearing laughter and seeing smiles from staff! I am highly satisfied, as my wife and I have both been to other facilities and I would recommend ManorCare - Northbrook over any other place I’ve ever been!”
for all the right reasons.
More than , patients choose us for their post-hospital rehabilitation care
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Patients are leaving the hospital earlier and sicker than in the past. It’s critical that these patients choose the post-hospital provider that is experienced in providing the services they need to get back home and back to their lives. In 2013, we treated the following number of patients: 61,140 Orthopedic 6,950 Stroke and neurological 31,292 Cardiac 7,604 Oncology 18,560 Pulmonary
Contact us today for more information or to schedule a tour: Northbrook
* All data is based on industry averages and HCR ManorCare 2013 results.
Highland Park 847.266.9266
just listed 3630 Ari Lane
Custom built all brick house on a spectacular 1/3 acre lot. Large family room opens to a high-end kitchen and a stunning sunroom. Perfect for entertaining! Big upstairs, a finished basement with a recreation room and more bedrooms, and a three car garage complete this exceptional family home.
3630 ari lane, glenview
Offered at $1,100,000
antoinette wawrzyn broker associate
Mobile: 847.612.1107 1009 Waukegan Rd. Glenview, IL 60025
You will say “Sold with Anto!”
22 | home & design ■ by joanna brown
Exotic wood is linchpin of Wrigley’s custom work
Decorating a house with Kandis Wrigley might be the easiest job in the world. In her eyes, anything goes. “There are no rules,” says the founder of San Juan Ventures, a fine imported wood company that specializes in custom furnishings and architectural elements made from exotic native woods from Indonesia. “What makes a home beautiful is its reflection of the owners’ diversity and interests in different directions. You give the space personality and color. You can weave antique pieces into even the most modern, urban design.” The business was born from a 2003 vacation in Bali, when Wrigley fell in love with Indonesia and its culture. She watched woodworkers using techniques learned from their fathers and grandfathers to transform exotic woods into pieces she was eager to incorporate into her Lake Forest home.
“You can weave antique pieces into even the most modern, urban design.” | Kandis Wrigley
Kandis Wrigley and her cat at her Lake Forest home.
“I was sending my designer pictures of furniture and telling her, ‘Don’t worry, it will work just fine,’ ” Wrigley recalls. She came home with, among other pieces: flooring, a six-foot coffee table, a table for behind the sofa and another for the foyer in her 1920s Mediterranean-style home. It was then that San Juan Ventures was born, delivering the kind of custom work that Wrigley fell in love with to residential clients, as well as corporate and hotel properties around the world; think of tables made from tree roots and 24-foot slabs for a hotel’s bar. The bulk of San Juan Ventures’s clients are designers with keen eyes for distinctive pieces, but her residential clients, Wrigley says, are often as interested as she is in the story behind the work. Clients browse photos of the company’s past projects for inspiration, and Bali-based designers use the clients’ selections to source materials in Bali. Finished products are shipped around the world. San Juan Ventures will consolidate its Chicago and Bali team into one location in Bali later this year; the local inventory is being sold at deep discounts. Wrigley says the change will help them manage a new, larger facility with greater efficiency (the 13-hour time difference is a killer), but she is quite proud of the business they run overseas. Among other achievements, she pointed to the company’s certification from the Forest Stewardship Council. Though the annual auditing process is a time-consuming and expensive process, it confirms the business’s commitment to using sustainable, salvaged materials in a part of the world with a poor reputation for good business practices. “When you see a photo of a root we’ve found on a dusty road with chickens and dogs around it, you have to have vision,” she says. Consider the Indonesian pieces in Wrigley’s home today: urns holding lanai branches, antique wooden saddles mounted on the walls, reclaimed teak flooring, and hand-carved wooden columns separating two rooms. They could fit into any North Shore décor, she says. “One of the things to remember is that these are statement elements, and they’re intended to be used sparsely and carefully in your design,” Wrigley says. “Even when you take a large element off a dusty road in Java, it can easily translate into a statement piece in any design and any style. It’s no different than a beautiful painting or a tabletop sculpture, but you have to want that.” ■
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
home & design
773.849.8216 773.849.8216 The living room features a set of Indonesian teak mirrors to the left.
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Kandis Wrigley’s dining room features a custom teak and rattan bench sitting below antique embossed leather panels. The flooring is reclaimed teak from Indonesia.
899 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 102, Northbrook, IL 60062, 847.498.1414,
24 | real estate NORTH SHORE OFFERINGS Houses of the Week $1,099,000
1521 Voltz Road Northbrook Exclusively presented by: Kati Spaniak @properties 847.533.9247 katispaniak@atproperties. com
1207 Wagner Road Glenview Exclusively presented by: Shaun Raugstad Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Glenview 847-331-3288
Northbrook home in prime location on almost a half acre. Includes 5 large bedrooms, library and 3.1 baths. Home features open floor plan, great room with skylights, second floor balcony, sunken living room with 2-sided fireplace! 9-foot ceilings included kitchen with granite counter tops, new stainless steel appliances, finished basement with work out room, 3-car garage and more! Located next to Techny Park. PRESENTED By @properties.
East Glenview French Manor estate on over an acre complete with a professional grade interior basketball court and commercial quality weight room. Stunning foyer with dual curved staircase. Resort style living minutes from the expressway and downtown Chicago. Privacy, convenience, elegance, exceptional craftsmanship & exquisite detail throughout. PRESENTED By coldwell banker.
wy Skokie H
18 Lake 01 | 1689 Highland Park
Buckley Rd
Sunday 1-3
Lake Bluff
$875,000 Betsy Burke, Berkshire Hathaway 847.565.4264 Longmeadow 02 | 37 Winnetka
7 11
E Park Ave
Bay Rd
E Townline Rd
Everett Rd
15 13
Thomas Place 08 | 40 Lake Forest Sunday 2-4
Sunday 2-4
Lake Forest
$1,049,000 Andra O’Neill, @properties 847.295.0700
$1,795,000 Sherry Molitor Berkshire Hathaway 847.204.6282
5 12 19 10
Edgewood Road 09 | 1341 Lake Forest
Glendenning 04 | 1218 Wilmette
Sunday 1-3
Sunday 1-3
$1,595,000 Sheila Brooks, @properties 847.367.0500
$999,000 Peter Lipsey Berkshire Hathaway 847.606.5525
ie Va
Gardner Lane 10 | 750 Lake Forest
Timber 05 | 546 Lake Forest
Half Day Rd
Sunday 1-3
Sunday 2-4
Sunday 1-3
$2,148,000 Adam Grabowski, @properties 847.295.0700
n Rd
14 25
Tower Rd
Gre Bay
Lake Ave
ida her
22 4 30
$943,900 Rina Du Toit, Berkshire Hathaway 847.814.8648
Sunday 12-2
$1,799,000 Mary Rosinski, Coldwell Banker 847.293.6167
N. Western Avenue Crescent Wedgewood Drive 19 | 100 25 | 85 13 | 1494 Lake Forest Glencoe Lake Forest Sunday 1:00-4:00
$2,999,000 Karen Feldman, @properties 847.881.0200 Walters Avenue 14 | 2770 Northbrook Sunday 11:00-2:00
$885,900 Len Zlatnikov, @properties 847.432.0700 Tallgrass Lane 15 | 1745 Lake Forest Sunday 1-3
$1,299,000 Joanna Koperski, @properties 847.295.0700 Farlin Court 16 | 1100 Lake Forest Sunday 12-2
$1,625,000 Andra O’Neill, @properties 847.295.0700 Sheridan 17 | 695 Winnetka Sunday 1-3
$3,999,000 Jeanie Moysey Berkshire Hathaway 847.800.8110
Sunday 1-4
Sunday 1-3
$1,495,000 Dawn Wheldon, Berkshire Hathaway 847.331.4989
$1,089,000 Debbie Bartelstein, Coldwell Banker 847.624.5826
Sunset Road 20 | 1235 Winnetka Sunday 12-3
$875,000 Marcy Kowalski, Berkshire Hathaway 773.758.9171 Redwood Lane 21 | 700 Glencoe Sunday 12-2
$2,650,000 Mary Schreibstein, Coldwell Banker 847.822.2500 Cumnor 22 | 237 Kenilworth Sunday 1-3
$1,490,000 Mirella Caputo, Coldwell Banker 847.845.2207 Sheridan Road 23 | 575 Glencoe Sunday 2-4
$1,399,000 Mike Mitchell, Coldwell Banker 847.910.0146
Greenleaf Avenue 26 | 666 Glencoe Sunday, 12-2
$879,000 Linda Martin, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000 Regent Wood Road 27 | 24 Northfield Sunday 2:30-4:30
$947,500 Julie Rogers, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000 Lincoln Avenue 28 | 681 Winnetka Sunday 2:30-4:30
$2,975,000 Linda Martin, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000 Woodland Avenue 29 | 341 Winnetka Sunday 12-2
$1,375,000 Claudia Gaynor, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
$1,365,000 Anne George, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
Winnetka 20
Sunday 1-4
Laurel Avenue 24 | 505 Wilmette
Sunday 1-3
N. S
Trowbridge Circle 18 | 35 Lake Bluff
Schiller Avenue 30 | 1932 Wilmette
Sunset Ridge Rd
Shermer Rd
Willow Rd
S Suffolk Lane 11 | 21 Lake Forest
ega auk N. W
Dundee Rd
$1,849,000 Geri Emalfarb, @properties 847.432.0700
$899,900 Laura Henderson, Baird & Warner 708.997.7778
Highland Park
$2,275,000 Stephanie Klein, @properties 847.295.0700
$875,000 Lisa Hathaway, @properties 847.295.0700
Scott 03 | 1183 Winnetka
Sunday 1-3
$850,000 Baylor/Shields, @properties 847.881.0200
Sunday 1-3
$1,495,000 Joe Nash, Berkshire Hathaway 847.846.0100
Sunday 1-3
Meadowood Drive 07 | 556 Lake Forest
Sunday 2-4
N Green
McGovern Avenue S Sheridan Road 06 | 1656 12 | 39 Highland Park Lake Forest
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
new on the market 1231 country lane, Northbrook Create a lifetime of memories in this charming 4 bedroom, 3 bath home tucked away along a peaceful cul-de-sac in Northbrook District 28. Entertain in your amazing updated kitchen with all stainless steel appliances, sky lights and wood plank and beam ceiling while watching the kids play in your beautiful, well maintained, in-ground pool and spacious, mature backyard. Worry free new furnace, water heater and updated bathrooms. | offered at $649,000
1868 mission hills #9d, Northbrook Whether you’re entertaining or just relaxing on your own balcony this lovely 2 story townhouse located on the 16th tee of Mission Hills Golf Course is the perfect place to call home. Spacious living room, dining room and finished basement with speaker system. All bathrooms completely remodeled. It’s perfect for guests. Tons of storage space with 2 large walk-in closets and 2 spacious storage rooms. Laundry hook ups on 1st floor and basement. | offered at $464,500
1521 voltz, Northbrook Stunning, large 5 bedroom plus a library, 3.1 bath, prime location in Park Place Estates in desirable Northbrook District 28! Ideally situated prime almost 1/2 acre. Home features open floor plan, volume great room with skylights, 2nd floor balcony, sunken living room with 2-sided fireplace, 9’ ceilings, gorgeous kitchen with granite counter tops and new SS appliances, finished basement with work out room, 3 car garage and more! Next to Techny Park. | offered at $1,099,000
Mobile: 847.533.9247 | |
sold over $10 million of real estate in 2013 Stop looking, start finding®
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
NO RT H S H O R E featured listiNgs | all of our listings feature their own website. visit their personalized domain for more details.
Northbrook 8bed/8.1ba
1646braeside.iNfo 847.998.0200
Northbrook 5bed/5ba
Jeannie Kurtzhalts 847.998.0200
Del Monte Homes
Northbrook 6bed/5.1ba
1614duNhillCt.iNfo 847.432.0700
N EW !
gleNvieW 5bed/4.1ba $1,399,000
Northbrook 4bed/3ba
gleNvieW 4bed/4ba
Monica Childs
Northbrook 6bed/4.1ba
Susan Teper
N EW !
Northbrook 4bed/2.1ba $674,900
Northbrook 4bed/3ba $649,000
Northbrook 4bed/2.1ba $550,000
Northbrook 3bed/2.1ba
Greg Weissman 847.432.0700
Kati Spaniak
Robin Wilson
gleNvieW 3bed/1.1ba
2225CeNtral.iNfo Connie Dornan
Northbrook 3bed/2ba
Beverly Smith
637ClearvieWdrive.iNfo 847.881.0200
1743happ.iNfo 847.998.0200
gleNvieW 3bed/2.1ba
Jeannie Kurtzhalts
Northbrook 2bed/3ba
3801missioNhillsrd308.iNfo 847.881.0200
"A snapshot of mortgage news across U.S." via @chicagotribune Visit @properties on twitter for the full story. | 847.881.0200 World Properties Michigan, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC | At World Properties Indiana, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC
N EW !
N EW !
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Northbrook 5bed/3.1ba
1521voltz.iNfo Kati Spaniak
SUNDAY 11 - 2
Northbrook 5bed/5.1ba $885,900
Northbrook 4bed/3ba $679,000
Len Zlatnikov
Laura Collyer
Northbrook 1630braeside.iNfo Walsh/spaNiak
$2,495,000 5bed/4.2ba 847.763.0200
SUNDAY 2 - 4
Northbrook 4bed/2.1ba
1122moNtgomery.iNfo 847.432.0700
Northbrook 3bed/2.1ba $464,500 1868missioNhills.iNfo
Eric Booth
Kati Spaniak
gleNvieW 3bed/2ba
1022liNdeN.iNfo Patrick McEneely
• 347 surfside | gleNCoe 4bed/3.1ba $2,990,000
N EW !
Len Zlatnikov
deerfield 4bed/3.1ba
• 745 greeNWood | gleNCoe 6bed/6.2ba $3,475,000 • 795 liNColN | WiNNetka 6bed/6.1ba $3,575,000 • 884 higgiNsoN | WiNNetka 6bed/7.3ba $4,375,000 • 657 sheridaN | WiNNetka 6bed/6.1ba $6,775,000 NeW priCe
Northbrook 2bed/2.1ba $397,000 3741missioNhillsrd411.iNfo Kaplan/Goldberg 773.432.0200
Northbrook 3bed/2.1ba $370,000 3560bayberrydr.iNfo Del Monte Homes 847.432.0700
saWyer $399,000
12317spruCe.iNfo Sue Daubert 269.612.2888
uNioN pier $525,000
15607NaNNeNe.iNfo Jacobson/Gantman 305.790.9876
5bED/5.1bA $2,575,000 | 847.881.0200 World Properties Michigan, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC | At World Properties Indiana, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC
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28 | sports
Retro-active Jones proved to be a ‘seasoned’ veteran in three sports at Glenbrook South ■ by bob gosman Glenbrook South baseball coach Steve Stanicek paused and pondered the question: When was the last time he coached a three-sport varsity athlete? “It’s very rare,” he said. “I don’t know if I had coached one in the last 10 or 15 years.” This past spring, he coached two of them. Recent graduates Paul Jones and Tommy O’Hara each were major contributors to the baseball, basketball and football teams at GBS. Jones was a starter for all three teams. Stanicek and his assistant coach Alan Greenberg were high school teammates and each also played three sports. Of course, that was back in the late 1970s, when specialization was not so common. Stanicek went on to play nine seasons of minor league baseball and saw Major League time with the Milwaukee Brewers and the Philadelphia Phillies. “We always gave those two guys a hard time so they didn’t get too big of a head,” Stanicek said with a smile. Stanicek said it’s rewarding to coach multiple-sport athletes. “Multi-sport athletes are more well-rounded,” he said. “When you’re playing one sport all the time, you focus so much on the sport that you can become one-dimensional and forget to actually compete.” Added football coach Mike Noll: “One thing I don’t know if parents realize nowadays is that if a kid is in two sports, he’s learning to compete and as a coach that’s what you want. We value that very much.” Last summer, it was common for Jones and O’Hara to participate in practices or games for all three sports on the same day. Both said they benefited from sharing the experience with each other. “Tommy was one of my hardest-working teammates, and a guy who was always trying to get better; he cared more than anyone,” Jones said. “I was lucky that we were really good friends and that we were able to keep pushing each other.” This fall, Jones will attend Northern Illinois but will not play any varsity sports. O’Hara will play baseball for Division III Tufts University in Boston. “We spent 12 seasons together, and I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else,” O’Hara said. Jones was a safety/wide receiver in football, a guard in basketball and a right-fielder in baseball. O’Hara was a linebacker, back-up forward and third baseman/pitcher. “We both got to a point where we loved competing in all three sports, and we didn’t want to give one up,” O’Hara said. Jones said the benefits of playing all three sports outweighed any negatives. “Friday night football under the lights, Friday night basketball and baseball games with guys I’ve been playing with since I was 10 years old; it was an unbelievable experience.” Noll said Jones and O’Hara made major contributions to the football program. “Paul was a very athletic, fun kid to coach,” Noll said. “He’s a playmaker, a guy who elevates his (performance) when it’s time to play the game. The thing I liked most about Tommy was his positive attitude. He was a two-year
Air Titans: Paul Jones (left) and Tommy O’Hara were teammates in basketball, football and baseball at Glenbrook South.
photography by joel lerner
starter and just a great kid to be around.” Jones earned all-CSL South honors in the fall. Versatility was his calling card. In addition to playing safety (27 tackles) and wide-out (19 catches, 304 yards), he was the long snapper. In the winter, he was an underrated player for coach Ben Widner. The lefty connected on 37 percent of his threepoint shots and ended up averaging 8.1 points per game. In baseball, Jones contributed with his glove and bat after playing sparingly as a junior. “He’s always been a pretty good defensive outfielder, but this season he (emerged) and had a real nice offensive year,” Stanicek said. Jones hit .300 for the 29-6 Titans with 24 runs and 23 RBIs. His on-base percentage was .390. O’Hara just missed hitting .400 (.392) for the season. He finished with four homers, 15 doubles and 35 RBI. “He has a lot of Division I abilities,” Stanicek said. “He’s a big, strong kid with a nice arm. I think he’ll do very well at Tufts.” ■
Paul in a pickle: Paul Jones batted .300 for the Titans baseball team this past spring. photography by george pfoertner
sports | 29
8/02 – 8/03/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Glenbrook North grad Marver enjoying her basketball journey ■ by bob gosman Jodi Marver, an incoming senior at Division III Knox College in Galesburg and a 2011 Glenbrook North graduate, knows how lucky she is. For the past two summers, she has traveled internationally to play the sport she loves. Last year, she spent 10 days in Italy on an American International Sports Tour. Already this summer, she journeyed to Costa Rica with Beyond Sports. On both trips, when she wasn’t playing basketball, she was sightseeing. “Playing basketball and getting to travel are two of the most fun things I can think of,” Marver said. Of course, putting herself in position to travel internationally and play the game she loves required tremendous reserves of toughness and determination. As a junior at Knox, she averaged a team-high 16.5 points per game. She was second on the team in rebounds (4.4) and assists (2.3). After two years as the starting point guard for Glenbrook North, Marver tore the ACL in her left knee in the second game of her senior year. Just like that her high school career was over, and she feared the opportunity to play in college as well. “At the time, it was the worst thing ever,” Marver said. She credited her high school coach, Renee Brosnan, with keeping her positive during the rehabilitation that followed. “I was devastated for her, but there was no doubt in my mind that she would get after it in rehab and play college basketball,” Brosnan said. “I still remember when she came to a summer basketball camp before her freshman year, and how she looked like a basketball player. She was a girl that was going to go somewhere.” Injury or not, Knox women’s basketball coach Emily Cline never wavered in her interest in Marver. “She was very supportive, and that was a huge reason I chose Knox,” said Marver, who is studying elementary education. It didn’t take Cline long to realize what Brosnan already knew about Marver. “Her work ethic is one of the best I’ve seen in all my years in coaching,” Cline said. That work ethic was on full display this year when Marver excelled despite battling through a painful case of tonsillitis. She had surgery shortly after the season ended. In her first year as point guard, Marver was in charge of Knox’s frenetic offense that averaged 87.4 points per game. Knox uses a version of the fast-tempo style of basketball
Knox on wood: Glenbrook North grad Jodi Marver, seen here handling the basketball for Knox College, played in Costa Rica this summer with Beyond Sports. photography by knox college
developed by Grinnell College coach Dave Arseneault. In 2012, Grinnell guard Jack Taylor scored an NCAA record 138 points. “What I like most is the idea that I get to dictate what happens,” she said. “We play very aggressively, and I can
pull up for a three-pointer or drive to the basket.” Cline likes it when the ball is in Marver’s hands. “As a point guard, she can score even more,” Cline said. “She finishes so well.” ■
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/02 – 8/03/14
With Kevin Reiterman & Bill McLean
Club Soccer FC United Select: Things started out fabulously for this U-16 girls squad at the US Youth Soccer 2014 National Championships in Germantown, Md. (July 22-27). Highlighted by Loyola Academy’s Devin Burns (2 goals), New Trier’s Kelly Maday (2 goals) and Lake Forest’s Adrian Walker (1 goal), FC United opened Group A play with a rousing 5-0 victory over Carlsbad Elite (California). The team, which is coached by Loyola’s Craig Snower, followed that up with a 0-0 tie against the MRM Coyotes (Maryland) and a 2-0 victory over Tennessee SC on goals by Maday and Glenbrook South’s Olivia Peters to finish with seven points and a berth to the semifinals. Its bid for a national title ended, however, with a 2-1 loss to Tampa Bay United. Lake Forest’s Sheridan Bufe scored FC United’s lone goal. Tampa Bay wound up losing 1-0 to California’s Beach FC 97 Academy in the championship. Eclipse Select: Marvelous Marwede. For the second year in a row, the Lake Forest resident was spotlighted for her defensive play in the Elite Clubs National League’s national tournament. placed Marwede, who has made a verbal commitment to the Miami Hurricanes, on its Best XI list after the Eclipse Select U-16 defended its ECNL national title in Richmond, Va., on July 17. She also earned that honor in 2013. Marwede was joined on the list by three of her fellow teammates: goalkeeper Stephanie Rodriquez and midfielders Marissa Bosco and Alia Martin. Meanwhile, Eclipse U-16 also competed in the US Youth Soccer 2014 National Championships in Germantown, Md. Playing in the Group B bracket, Eclipse went 1-1-1 (4 points) and just missed advancing to the playoff round. The Eclipse roster included Marwede and Lake Forest’s Lea Waddle. Chicago Magic Preacademy: This U-16
boys squad, based out of Highland Park, finished Group A play with a 1-1-1 record at the 2014 National Championships in Maryland. It’s lone win came on July 24 against Florida’s Sunrise Elite 3-2. In other action, the Magic fell 4-2 to Santa Barbara SC White, while it tied New York’s Dix Hills Elite 1-1. Spencer Farina (New Trier) had one of the goals in the loss to Santa Barbara. Baltimore Celtic defeated OP Eagles Green (Ohio) 2-1 on penalty kicks in the title match.
High School Soccer New Trier: Two of the top players on the Trevians’ Class 3A state championship team have made college commitments. Senior Bina Saipi will take her game to DePaul University. Junior Kelly Maday announced earlier this summer that she will play for the University of Illinois.
Circling the Bases
Baseball Midwest Classic: Lake Forest’s George Karkazis, Glenbrook South’s Ben Samborn and four Glenbrook North players — Sage Bruhl, David Burnside, Brice Call and Matt Tedeschi — were selected to play for Team Illinois Orange in the 12-team Midwest Classic Baseball Tournament at Plainfield South High School (July 29-Aug. 3). The 17-player roster also includes Stevenson’s Willie Bourbon, Warren’s Andrew Hill, Libertyville’s Jack Shanahan and Niles North’s Anthony Sanchez. The tournament features teams from Colorado, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Illinois will have three entries. Future Games: Cal Coughlin and Ben Brecht will be two of the headliners playing for Team Illinois in the 4th annual Prep Baseball Report Future Games, which will be held in Westfield, Ind. (July 31-Aug. 2). Coughlin, a Lake Forest resident, is a pitcher/third baseman, who is ranked No.
3 in the Class of 2016 by the Prep Baseball Report. PBR also is very high on New Trier’s Brecht. The 6-foot-6 left-hander is ranked No. 7 in the state’s junior class.
Chip Shots
Golf Chick Evans Junior Am: Matt Murlick didn’t tear it up during stroke play at the 34th Chick Evans Junior Amateur at Itasca Country Club on July 21-25. He shot a 149 in the two rounds to finish in a tie for 11th place to qualify for match play. As it turned out, match play was a different story for Murlick, who will be a junior at New Trier High School. He caught fire and won all five of his matches, beating Wataga’s Hunter Nesselrod in the championship (3 and 2). Jacob Krugman of Riverwoods also played extremely well in match play. He lost to Murlick (4 and 3) in the semifinals. After finishing in a four-way tie for second in stroke play (146), Andrew Huber of Winnetka and Nicholas Rossini of Kenilworth had high hopes heading into match play. But both were eliminated in the round of 16. Huber lost to Cary’s Daniel DePrey (3 and 2). Rossini was ousted by Murlick (4 and 3). Winnetka’s Connor Prassas (147, tied for 6th) and Glenview’s Charlie Nikitas (149, tied for 11th) also advanced to match play. Both lost first-round matches. In the girls bracket, Wilmette’s Louise McCulloch earned runner-up honors. She was defeated by Lemont’s Lauren Beaudreau (2 and 1) in the championship match. McCulloch (Class of 2016) carded a tworound 153 to place fourth in stroke play. U.S. Amateur Qualifying: Nick Hardy in. Charles Waddell in. Jack Watson in. This trio qualified to the U.S. Amateur Championship after finishing 1-2-3 on July 21 at Lake Forest’s Onwentsia Club. Northbrook’s Hardy shot a 135, which was two strokes better than Wilmette’s Waddell, a Lake Forest Academy grad who played collegiately at Bucknell.
Lincolnshire’s Watson qualified with a 140. The U.S. Amateur will be held at the Atlanta Athletic Club in Johns Creek, Ga., on Aug. 11-17. Kenosha Classic: Kenilworth’s Blake Yaccino put together an outstanding second round (75) to earn medalist honors in this Mid-American Junior Golf Tour event at the Kenosha Country Club on July 24-25. The Loyola Academy junior shot a 158 to finish three strokes in front of Taylor Hakala. The Lake Forest tandem of Cindy Wang (Class of 2016) and Emily Young (2016) shot 164 and 167 respectively to end up in third and fourth place. Others who finished in the top 20 included Glencoe 14-year-old Rachel Rhee (182, tied for 11th), Lake Bluff 15-yearold Megan Sturonas (182, tied for 11th), Highland Park 15-year-old Nicole Berardi (183, tied for 14th) and Winnetka’s Taylor Getzkow (20th, 188). Yaccino has put together a strong summer against MAJGT competition: tied for 2nd at the Sanctuary Classic (July 17-18), tied for 4th at the Blackstone Classic (June 12-13) and 11th at the Championship of Geneva National (June 17-19). Wang also has been productive: 1st at the Blackstone Classic, 2nd at Second City Classic (June 9-10), tied for 4th at the Deerfield Open (April 19-20) and Championship of Geneva National, and 6th at the Championship of Purdue (July 8-10). Young placed 6th in the Sanctuary Classic, while she finished in the 10thplace tie at the Classic at Notre Dame (June 23-24). In boys action, Lake Forest senior Jack Garrity finished in a tie for 11th at Kenosha (79-79—158) while Winnetka 14-year-old Chip Savarie placed in a tie for 14th (80-79—159). Kevin Paek of Glenview finished in a tie for 16th (160). Illinois State Classic: Northbrook’s Luke Oberholter (2015) scored points (10) in this MAJGT tournament at Weibring Golf Club (July 21-22). His 36-hole score was 158, which put him in a tie for 13th place. ■
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sunday breakfast | 31 Commitments galore keep Searle engaged ■ by sam eichner
the Dominican, Searle began her career as a medical librarian at G.D. Searle & Company (her grandfather-in-law is John G. Searle, whom she affectionately refers to as “Grandfather Searle”). Since then, she’s helped to develop the Chicago Biomedical Consortium; served as the Lead Searle Consultant to the Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust and as finance chair for the Civic Consulting Alliance; started a fund for charter school start-ups, which now comprises 60 schools in the inner city; and, most recently, co-chaired a fundraiser for Cures Within Reach, a research non-profit that repurposes drugs for new applications. One could potentially decrease the amount of radiation necessary for cancer patients by half. “I enjoy all the work I do,” says Searle, while eating a Winnetka Special omelette with no tomatoes along with a cup of coffee. “I love the challenge. I enjoy getting up every morning and knowing I have something to do that is going to make a difference in someone’s life one way or another.” A self-proclaimed “worker bee,”
Nancy Searle sits at a table tucked into the back right corner of the Original Green Bay Café in Winnetka, wearing a modest red sweater over a white blouse. She is bookish and amicable, and when she speaks her eyes squint and crinkle around the edges, lending the impression that she’s somehow trying to see you more clearly. Framed by the restaurant’s juvenilia —construction paper cut-outs in plain yellows, reds and blues, all those delightfully uncomplicated colors of childhood — she fits the traditional mold of a librarian, which she was before she became so much more. “For a long time, I worked on adult literacy,” she says. “If asked what I wanted most in the world, I knew I should say world peace. But what I really wanted was for everyone to read. And to experience the joy of reading like I do.” After receiving her bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and her masters in library science from Rosary College in
Nancy Searle.
Searle also makes time to serve on the Women’s Board of the Lyric Opera and as a trustee of the John G. Shedd Aquarium. In addition, she’s a scuba diver (her deepest dive was 120 feet), a champion triathlete (albeit with rheumatoid arthritis), a skier (she has a home in Utah), and a mother (on the brink of her son’s wedding in California). With an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, Searle admires an entrepreneurial spirit; she regales me with an anecdote from a recent trip to Normandy, where she met a veteran who had almost single-handedly developed a landing craft for the Navy, despite having been dealt several harsh rejections. “He kept on going,” Searle recalls. “I think that’s a really good lesson.” And it’s one she has taken to heart. Because though Searle mentions off-hand that she is retired, she also acknowledges that she can never see herself just staying home. “I think when you’re an engaged citizen, you don’t stop,” Searle says. “You’re always involved in some way. I guess at the end of the day, I’d like people to say I really contributed until my time was up.” ■
illustration by barry blitt
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