No. 25 | A JWC Media publication
sundaY breakfast
saturday august 16 | sunday august 17 2014
out & about
Jane Saccaro ensures children devastated by loss feel better at Camp Kesem. P.35
Residents describe themselves -- in three words. P.22
These pole vaulters raise the bar. P.32
featuring the local news and personalities of glenview, northbrook and deerfield
ACE in the hole
Artists to congregate at major North Shore exposition. P8
Jonathan Rutledge
Port Clinton Art Festival
Aug ust 23-24 Highland Park
& Taste of Highland Park
Aug ust 22-24
PortClinton #PortClinton ArtFestival 847-926-4300
The North Shore Weekend Š 2014 JWC MEDIA, Published at 445 Sheridan Road, Highwood, IL 60040 | Telephone: 847.926.0911
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
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8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Port Clinton Art Festival Aug ust 23-24 Highland Park & Taste of Highland Park Official Health & Wellness sponsor
PortClinton #PortClinton ArtFestival 847-926-4300
Aug ust 22-24
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
Inside This Interiors
North Shore Weekend news 08 State of the art
The American Craft Exposition show is ready to open its doors.
12 At top speed
TC Boost in Northbrook helps high school athletes and others attain maximum performance.
Lifestyle & Arts 20 Social Whirl
Take a look at some of the top parties attended by North Shore residents recently.
22 Out and About
Discover the answers our roving photographer received to our weekly question to North Shore residents.
home & design 26 Big space
Designed by architect August Fielder in 1891, a Chicago estate rests on the largest privately owned single-family lot in the Gold Coast.
real estate 28 North Shore Offerings Two intriguing houses in our towns are profiled.
28 Open Houses
Find out — complete with map — what houses you can walk through for possible purchase on the North Shore on Sunday.
sports 32 Rarefied Air
Daring athletes drawn to the art — and adrenaline rush — of pole vaulting
Kashian Bros’ hardwood floor refinishing services feature our Atomic Dust Containment System. This unique system allows us to collect the dust before it gets airborne. No dust in your house. No expensive clean up required when we leave. Watch the video at
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last but not least… 35
Sunday Breakfast
Jane Saccaro runs Camp Kesem, which helps children whose parents have died of cancer.
first word
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
A sport I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole
put your head in the clouds, and yo u r b o dy, to o .
You’ll think you’re dreaming at our
annual down sale.
pole vaulter I am not. Never have been. The idea of running hard while holding what looks like an enlarged pool cue, planting it at exactly the right moment and flying through the air thanks to its powers of propulsion — and then landing flat on my back — is a sport best done by others. Golf seems a tad safer (though the caddy who was unable to dodge my low line-drive hook recently may think differently). I once interviewed a man who was a champion pole vaulter, among his other athletic feats. Rafer Johnson — who captured the gold medal in the 1960 Rome Olympics for the decathlon — was brave enough to lift himself over the bar time and again. But he wasn’t Superman: ironically enough, he told me that before he lit the flame at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, he asked for a waist-sized pole to be engorged in the ground at the top of the Coliseum. The reason? When he held the torch and looked over the magnificent panorama of people and flags, he could grab it rather than collapse from the overwhelming sight.
John Conatser, Founder & Publisher Jill Dillingham, Vice President of Sales TOM REHWALDT, General Manager David Sweet, Editor in Chief Bill McLean, Senior Writer/Associate Editor Kevin Reiterman, Sports Editor KATIE ROSE MCENEELY, Online Content Editor linda lewis, Production Manager Eryn Sweeney-Demezas, Account Manager/ Graphic Designer sara bassick, Graphic Designer September Conatser, Publishing Intern
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That’s because all our superior European goose down products are 25% off through the 31st.
Of all the field sports, no athlete overcomes more physical and mental challenges than the pole vaulter (that shot put is pretty heavy, but to hoist it doesn’t take a massive amount of mental agility). It’s hard chicago 773 404 2020 to believe that one family in the area has reared not one, but two, outstanding practitioners of the sport. Sisters Ofelia and Carolina Carmichael of Lake Forest are shining at the University of Memphis as pole vaulters. But there are others from the North Shore who8.14 BSM NSW Down sale.indd 1 are deft with the fiberglass pole. Why did they chose this unusual sport? How do they overcome fear of flopping? Bill McLean offers a full report inside, complemented by Joel Lerner’s outstanding photographs. Enjoy the weekend.
David Sweet
Editor in Chief twitter: @northshorewknd
Contributing Writers kevin beese Joanna Brown sheryl devore Sam EIchner Bob Gariano
Scott Holleran Jake Jarvi Angelika Labno simon murray gregg shapiro jill soderberg
Joel lerner, Chief Photographer Larry Miller, Contributing Photographer Robin Subar, Contributing Photographer BARRY BLITT, Illustrator COURTNEY PITT, Advertising Account Executive M.J. CADDEN, Advertising Account Executive All advertising inquiry info should be directed to 847-926-0957 &
© 2014 The North Shore Weekend/A publication of JWC Media
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7/24/14 5:12 PM
8 | news
ACE is the place Craft exposition draws artists from across the country
Evanston jeweler Jonathan Rutledge is a former firefighter who now designs jewelry fulltime. photography
■ by joanna brown Evanston native Jonathan Rutledge is a college graduate, a former firefighter, and a military veteran who was honored for his work repairing F-16 jets at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. But the accomplishment of which he is most proud — the day he strained his facial muscles from smiling so widely for so long — was the day he received the People’s Choice Award at the American Craft Exposition (ACE). It was his first exhibition as a jewelry designer — and a huge vote of confidence as he launched a new career. “I lift weights a lot and I’ve always got sore muscles, but that time was different,” recalled Rutledge, who will exhibit at the fine craft exposition and sale for the 10th time this year. “That’s what gave me the confidence to leave the fire department and pursue jewelry fulltime.” The American Craft Exposition is a juried art show presented by the Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem to benefit ovarian cancer research. Rutledge is one of more than 150 artists working in jewelry, ceramics, metals, fashion, glass, furniture, fibercrafts, leather, wood and mixed media who will exhibit American-made pieces at Evanston’s Henry Crown Sports Pavilion Aug. 21-24. The show celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. “I had no idea that ACE was one of the top shows in the country when I applied for its emerging artist program 10 years ago,” Rutledge said. His uses high-karat gold (which has a rich yellow color), gemstones, and an ancient technique called granulation to create pieces influenced by Greek cultures. In addition to the sale, Rutledge considers the weekend an opportunity to interact with those he considers the top contemporary craft artists. “It’s great to talk with them and find out more about them, explore their work and show them what I’ve been working on,” he said. Among them will be California woodturner Mike Shuler, back for his fourth year at ACE. His vessels of various
by joel lerner
Jonathan Rutledge’s work will be exhibited at the American Craft Exposition Show this month.
photography by joel lerner
shapes are created with a lathe, which spins the wood horizontally while he chips away at it. Vibrant colors are brought out through the polishing process; he uses no dyes or stains.
“Ask the artists about where they’re from and how they got started and what their process is. That’s what we’re here for — to talk.” | Betsy Giberson New Hampshire artist Betsy Giberson uses a multi-step process to dye silk she uses to create dresses and constructed scarves. She has participated in ACE for about 25 years because the volunteer team of show managers put on such a unique event. “It’s very, very special that this show is for a cause — for women’s health,” Giberson said. “It’s run by volunteers who find and encourage high-quality artists to apply (to be exhibitors), and they support American-made art in such an important way.” She encouraged guests to interact with the exhibitors. “Ask the artists about where they’re from and how they got started and what their process is. That’s what we’re
here for — to talk.” But there are ways, too, for guests to interact with the artists away from their exhibit booths. Shuler is one of a few artists who will demonstrate his technique at ACE’s Craft in Action stage, a space with allows attendees to see how some of the show’s most extraordinary pieces are created. “Woodturning goes back to my youth, but it is something that has to be shared,” he said. “I like to teach. I’m not going to be around forever and I want to leave as much behind as I can, so I teach as much as I can.” And Giberson will emcee a fashion show of wearable art modeled by ovarian cancer survivors like ACE co-chair Debbie Hulick, of Winnetka. Hulick was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer seven years ago and was successfully treated by NorthShore University HealthSystem doctor Gustavo Rodriguez at the Kellogg Cancer Center. “I’m not model material, but for this cause, I will do it,” she said of her participation in the fashion show. “Artists pull pieces from the show for us, and we parade through the café area so that people get to feel the material and admire the items. One year I got to wear a $250,000 bracelet — that was fun! “But it’s really important for use to show all ends of the craft process. You might look at a bowl in a booth and think that you can find the same thing at the mall, but to see artists physically work it with their hands is incredible.” Hulick’s efforts to chair the benefit craft show with Susan White of Lake Forest are a show of gratitude for the care she received from NorthShore. Her cancer is in remission. “I have three daughters, and the money we raise at ACE will help the next generation of kids that could face ovarian cancer,” Hulick said. Giberson encouraged first-time ACE attendees to take their time and enjoy the view. “Walk the aisles the first time to get an overview and make notes about what you want to see more of. Then make a second round to get a closer look.” Find more information at ■
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Battle of the Bulge veteran fortunate to have survived Irving Abramson received a Purple Heart during World War II.
■ by angelika labno On Dec. 17, 1944, Irving Abramson and his comrades of the 100th Infantry Division populated a heavily wooded part of the Ardennes Forest in Belgium when a barrage of German artillery shells commenced, one landing every 20 seconds. “It would hit the trees and explode, and as the shell exploded, there were thousands of pieces of shrapnel that showered all of the troops,” said Abramson. It was the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge — and Abramson was in the thick of it. That winter was the coldest one Europe had seen in decades, Abramson recalled. On that December day, he and two buddies were chopping at the ground, creating a foxhole only about a foot deep. The shells were coming down so heavily that they stopped digging and lay down together on their right sides in the shallow foxhole, with Abramson in the middle. “I remember it being dusk, and the next thing I knew, it was morning,” he recalled. “As I looked up, there were first-aid men standing over the foxhole. They wanted to help me up. I held up my hand for them to grab it, and that was the last thing I remembered for three days. I didn’t know I had been wounded.” Throughout the night, the men had been showered by the shrapnel. Abramson suffered two broken bones in his leg, a broken knee, broken ribs, a punctured chest and a punctured lung. The left side of the body that had been exposed caught all of the damage. His two buddies were killed. Abramson was taken to a M*A*S*H hospital then transferred to a hospital in Dijon, France, where he endured six major surgeries to put his body “back in one piece again.” He spent his rest and recuperation in Marseilles and concluded his French sojourn in Paris before his flight back to New York. On the overnight train from Marseilles to Paris, German-American actress Marlene Dietrich was aboard to entertain the troops. Abramson experienced some difficulties and was attended to by medics, but Dietrich comforted him, even departing with a kiss. “I call it my 15 minutes of fame,” he laughed. Abramson was medically discharged and awarded a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Combat Infantry Badge, Sharpshooter Badge and a shared Presidential Citation from the Century Division. He was recently invited to the French Legion of Honor. Born Jan. 10, 1926 in Chicago, Abramson enlisted in the U.S. Army at 17 and was a reservist until he could start basic training at Camp Wheeler, Ga. After he was assigned to the Century
photography by joel lerner
Division, he stepped on a troop ship in New York and set out for Europe. It took about two weeks to zigzag the Atlantic Ocean and to avoid German submarines that were preying on Allied ships. They landed at Port of Marseilles in southern France about a month after the invasion of Normandy. Making their way up 900 miles, the men alternated fighting, marching and motoring through French and German territories until they reached the Ardennes. Abramson remembered the horrific effects of war. “Those of us who survived the battlefields of WWII, I don’t think there was one exception who did not suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder — before they invented the term,” he said. “I was in rough shape mentally for a number of months.” After some time, he enrolled in college again and soon thereafter met Doris, with whom he is celebrating 67 years of marriage this month. Having a happy marriage was part of the secret to getting through that sensitive time after the war. The couple moved to Skokie 35 years ago. They have 11 grandchildren and are soon to be blessed with their first great-grandchild. Abramson, 88, and his wife have spent a great deal of time traversing the world and volunteering for various organizations, but Abramson’s favorite job is volunteering for Honor Flight Chicago, which takes World War II veterans on full-day excursions around Washington, D.C. Thinking about his personal trip in 2009 moves him to tears. “Most of us discharged from military services, we came home to no accolades, no parades, no welcomes or anything. We were handed a bus or train ticket and pat on the back with a ‘Good luck, soldier,’ ” he recalled. Describing the Honor Flight experience, his voice occasionally breaking, Abramson continued. “We arrived at Midway Airport to a party — music, food, dancing and singing at 4 a.m. All along the airport, there were strangers that were applauding, there were massive crowds waving flags and shaking the hands of the veterans. It was the homecoming that we had not had when we came home from our service.” One of the highlights for Abramson did not take place on land but on the plane. Volunteers pre-arranged to have family and friends write and send in letters. Once aboard, they started calling out “mail call” and each veteran received a package of “letters from home.” In the comfort of his peers, Abramson finally felt at ease sharing memories of his service in the war. “Re-establishing connections with those men and women who stood beside you in battle was an experience,” he noted. ■
Heinen’s comes to Bannockburn A family-owned grocery chain, founded by an Ohio butcher in 1929, continues to cut a wide swath in Illinois. A Heinen’s Grocery Store was slated to open in Bannockburn on Aug. 13, upping the Cleveland-based chain’s locations in the Land of Lincoln to three; it opened stores earlier in Glenview and Barrington. Its newest site is in Bannockburn Green, 2503 Waukegan Road (intersection of Rtes. 43 and 22). Another Heinen’s will welcome shoppers on Waukegan Road in Lake Bluff, beginning this fall. “We are very excited to have Heinen’s be part of our community,” Bannockburn Village Maria Lasday said in a statement. “Thus far, Heinen’s has brought energy and excitement
to the Bannockburn Green Retail Center.” In addition to traditional mainstay groceries, Heinen’s is known for its in-store butchers and source-verified meats, overnight direct dock-to-store seafood, the highest quality seasonal produce, chef prepared foods, a vast assortment of organic products and an award-winning gourmet cheese and wine department. “We choose our suppliers very carefully and then maintain a true partnership of continuous improvement, which is always designed to benefit our customers,” noted Tom Heinen, who, along with twin Jeff Heinen, oversees the third-generation grocery chain. Their grandfather: Joe Heinen, an enterprising butcher from Shaker Heights, Ohio. ■
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
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8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
Full speed ahead for training firm ■ by simon murray
It’s a beautiful summer day, so the garage doors are open at TC Boost in Northbrook. As natural light floods the space and mixes with the artificial light dangling 24 feet above the turf, speakers arrayed around the facility belt out alternative and hard rock. Everclear comes on the speakers, promising to buy you a garden. Tommy Christian, the director of training at TC Boost, can do one better: promising the various athletes that walk through his garage doors a customtailored approach to sports training. “We believe speed is the single greatest differentiator in sports,” explains the shaggy-haired sports performance coach in gym shorts. “And we approach all of our training with that as our goal.” But speed doesn’t come easy. “We want you to be strong; we’re going to use some traditional lifts, we’re going to use some nontraditional lifts,” says Christian as he spots Garret Laflamme, a 6-foot-4, 275-pound offensive tackle in the supine position on the ground, his hands clenching 100-pound dumbbells and raising them above his chest. “But our goal is not to see how much you can squat or lift or deadlift. Our goal is to make you fast, explosive and healthy.” Laflamme finishes his set, sweat beading on his brow. Christian barks words of encouragement and Laflamme, of Illinois Wesleyan University, walks over to the lateral pull-down machine. His two-hour session has just begun. Christian, with his laid-back attitude and gray swaths in patches across his surfer hairdo and beard, is reminiscent of Jeffrey Lebowski, or “The Dude,” the pulp-hero protagonist of the Coen brother’s “The Big Lebowski” — albeit, a much more fit, clean-cut and eloquent version. He also boasts quite the resume. After attending
Northwestern University and earning a degree in mechanical engineering, Christian worked in the automobile industry until he decided to trade piston for sinew, returning in an unpaid internship position with the strength and conditioning department at his alma mater. When he left his fulltime position in 2002 to establish his own speed program, he had worked his way up to assistant director of strength and conditioning for the abundant Division I teams at Northwestern. And, until 2011, he oversaw the off-season speed work of the football program, the Wildcats. “I always felt, for me, sports had a big impact on my life,” says Christian, who was a former starting linebacker for the Wildcats and whose brother, Bob Christian — also a Wildcat —enjoyed a career as a fullback in the NFL for 10 years (and who is coowner and a director of TC Boost). Look around the 10,000-square-foot facility and familiar names and jerseys — signed, of course — deck the walls: Scheyer, Getz, Dempster, Wooton, Garza. So while the goal of the facility was to bring comprehensive speed development of the highest level to high school athletes and anyone looking to get an edge, the professionals — eager to get a boost themselves for the combine, the draft, and the season — have at one time or another utilized the intimate training the center provides. “What’s the role in developing an athlete?” asks Christian, rhetorically. “You need to develop strength and power. But the end goal has to be: how do you translate that into movement on the field? It’s never third down and ‘how much can you bench?’; it’s never the game winning shot and ‘you better squat a ton.’ The ultimate goal becomes how do you apply that. “Watching the pros, they’re big strong guys for sure. But the most impressive thing is watching the way that they move and how athletic they are. That’s why they come to us, to improve that athleticism and movement and refinement of their power.” ■
Tommy Christian
photography by joel lerner
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8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
Thomas Marrinson
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AUGUST 21-24, 2014 Northwestern University Henry Crown Sports Pavilion, Evanston IL (224) 364-7270
Proceeds support ovarian cancer research at NorthShore University HealthSystem
lifestyle & arts | 17 love & marriage
Is this really getting away from it all? 30TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION AND SALE OF FINE AMERICAN CRAFT ■ by joanna brown Summer vacation season is reaching its height. Countless families have endured this conversation recently: Spouse #1: Are we still planning to drive up north Thursday? Spouse #2. Yes. Let’s leave in the morning. Spouse #1: Great. I’ve set aside Wednesday to pack the car and get things together. Spouse #2: A whole day to pack the car? How much stuff do we need? Spouse #1: We each need clothes for the wedding Saturday and the rehearsal dinner Friday, and plenty of regular clothes. The kids all need stuff to do in the car; I need to stock up on snacks and find all of our chargers. Should we buy a car charger for the iPad? And thus, your family vacation — full of early headaches — is underway. Do family vacations make memories? Of course! Stop anyone you see on the street, of any generation, and they will tell you something about their favorite family trip. But do they also make you angry? The research says this is a good possibility. A 2012 survey of 2,000 participants by British travel site found that 78 percent of couples have at least two major arguments on a two-week vacation. A staggering 62 percent of couples admit to bickering up to three times per day on vacation — possibly because of the expectations each person brings to the vacation – and 6 percent of couples even admitted to asking for separate rooms at some point during their vacation due to unresolved tensions. Even more interesting are the respondents’ top reasons for arguing while on vacation. They include: • Where to eat and what to have.
• Spending too much money. •D isagreements over what to do, such as sightseeing or relaxing. • Disagreements on how early to get to the airport. • A rguments over driving in foreign countries and reading maps. • Women becoming irritated when they find their partners checking out other women at the beach or pool. • Men packing too little and women packing too much. • And women taking too long to get ready. From a distance, these seem ridiculous — but as a woman who recently referred to her husband as Imelda (as in the shoe-hording Marcos), I know that tensions are high when suitcases get involved. But maybe, just maybe, these angry vacationers have the right idea. A different survey from India found that arguing once a week might be the secret to strong, happy unions. Forty-four percent of respondents said that fighting helps keep the lines of communication open. Researchers from the University of Minnesota said this study echoes some from Western countries, which determined that arguing and addressing problems constructively make for a more stress-free relationship than bottling them up. Please note that none of the studies condone fighting — nor do they ignore that abusive and bitter fights are destructive. So what’s the lesson today? Pack what you like, and say what you’re thinking. And for goodness sake leave the bigger suitcase for your wife or girlfriend’s wardrobe.; your primary responsibility is to load it into and out of the trunk. Love & Marriage columnist Joanna Brown can be reached at ■
Benefit Preview Part
Collectors’ Hour 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Benefit Preview Party 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
S ecial Events ARTIST DEMONSTRATIONS Friday, August 22 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 24 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
ACE WEARABLES FASHION SHOW Saturday, August 23 1:00 p.m.
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Jennifer McCurdy
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
We Believe in The BesT For You
Coldwell Banker Leading The North Shore at 395 Transactions.
A Difference in Luxury Real Estate On average, Coldwell Banker Previews International® handles $102.7 million in luxury homes sales every day.**
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Based on information from Midwest Real Estate Data LLC. Neither MRED nor CBRB guarantee accuracy of the data; data may not reflect all market activity. Criteria: Area = Deerfield, Evanston, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Northbrook, Northfield, Wilmette, Winnetka; Detached, Attached & Land property closed transactions 1/1/14 - 6/30/14 had 171,141 Unique Views in the month of June. Double the next most visited local site. Data from:
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Has OVER 10,000 Transactions* (YTD)
DEERFIELD 847.945.7100
GLENCOE 847.835.0236
GLENVIEW 847.724.5800
HIGHLAND PARK 847.433.5400
LAKE FOREST 847.234.8000
*Based on information from Midwest Real Estate Data LLC, for the period 1/1/14 through 6/31/14. Due to MLS reporting methods and allowable reporting policy, this data is only informational and may not be completely accurate. Data maintained by the MLS’s may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. Data reports list and buy side transactions.
NORTHBROOK 847.272.9880
WILMETTE WINNETKA 847.256.7400 847.446.4000
©2014 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
we believe your home is your castle New Listing
Deerfield $1,375,000 Cheryl Waldstein 847-835-0236
Northbrook Nancy Gibson
$1,249,900 847-272-9880
Riverwoods $929,000 Ricky Jolcover 847-945-7100
Glenview $850,000 Paula McGrath 847-724-5800
Glenview $799,900 Marla Schneider 847-724-5800
Deerfield Marla Pierson
Glenview $747,700 Vincent Milito 312-266-7000
Lincolnshire $729,900 Steve Grunyk 847-945-7100
Northbrook $599,900 Barb Pepoon 847-272-9880
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
Northbrook $545,000 Marsha Schwartz 847-272-9880
Northbrook $535,000 Colleen Remsberg 847-446-4000
Anne DuBray
Open Sunday 1-4
Lincolnshire 41 Coldstream Dr. $869,000 Julianne Spilotro 847-541-5000
Riverwoods Diane Reidy
New Listing
New Listing
1731 Walters
Northbrook Anne Kaplan
1702 Silverpine Dr. $559,000 847-541-5000
New Listing
Riverwoods $439,000 Susie Raffel & Israel Friedman 847-945-7100
Northbrook Patricia Furman
$1,299,000 847-945-7100
$291,900 847-724-5800
$799,000 847-272-9880
1Julie .info
$1,995,000 847-945-7100
Glenview $595,000 Marla Schneider 847-724-5800
Northbrook $459,000 Barb Pepoon 847-272-9880
New Listing
Glenview $408,900 Chris Lee 847-724-5800
Deerfield $385,000 Alan Berlow 847-945-7100
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
Lincolnshire $284,000 Judy Simon 847-945-7100
Glenview $259,000 Kathleen Knorr 847-446-4000
Glenview 3801 Appian Way, 509 $147,900 Anne Kaplan 847-541-5000
Northbrook 1175 Lake-Cook Rd., 410 $409,000
Peggy Glickman
Riverwoods Joan Forrest
Riverwoods Marla Pierson
Knowledge is the Difference ColdwellBankerPreviews.Com
©2014 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International, the Coldwell Banker Previews International logo and “Dedicated to Luxury Real Estate” are registered and unregistered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
$1,100,000 847-272-9880
lifestyle & arts
wines of the week ■ by johnson ho In this era of buttery Chardonnays and grassy Sauvignon Blancs dominating the sales aisles, elegant thirst quenching and vibrant white wines have become hard to find. By stepping back a few centuries, we can rediscover some of the favorite summer gems of European nobility served from al fresco picnics to sunset soiree parties.
Saturday Dinner 2005 Georges Vernay Condrieu Coteau de Vernon, Rhone, France; $100. The tiny region of Condrieu (“Con-dreeyew”) lies at the gateway to the Provence in Southern France. The Viognier (“VeeO-neeay”) grape excels on the steep rocky slopes, bathing in bright sunlight all summer. The floral bouquet and opulent flavors of fresh “stone” fruit (with pits, e.g. plum, peach or apricot) unleash a potpourri of succulent delights. Favored with river seafood dishes like trout, scallops, frog legs and carp or with crepes stuffed with poultry or veal recipes. The silky texture seduces the palate with remarkable panache! Serve slightly chilled.
Midweek Meal 2011 Domaine Regis Cruchet Vouvray Sec, Loire, France; $25. When the veterans of World War I returned stateside, they raved about the delicious white wines from the village of Vouvray while recovering from wounds in the field hospital caves dug underneath the chalky vineyards. The Granny Smith and Gala apple taste of the Chenin Blanc grapes provided much needed comfort and a great source of vitamins for them. Vouvrays are among the longest-keeping white wines in the world. When less than four years old, they display a slightly tangy green pear and apple quality. Over five years, a discernible baked apple tart slowly emerges, and the color turns more golden. Look for the word “Sec” (dry) if no sweetness is preferred for rich veal, pork or shell fish dishes, “Demi Sec” (half dry) if you need a fabulous partner for salty, spicy or lean dishes, and “Moelleux” (sweet) for smoked meats or desserts.
Best Value 2012 Chateau du Poyet Muscadet Sevre & Maine Vieilles Vignes Sur Lie, Loire, France; $16 The stand-by quaffing choice of bargain-conscious Bistro and Cafe goers the light pleasant white wines from the Muscadet (“Mews-Kuh-Day”) region served the needs of poor college students and day laborers with ease. However, its low-quality image tarnished its popularity at fine restaurants until a small contingent of passionate estates decided to raise their standards significantly. By segregating the old vines (Vieilles Vignes pronounced “Vee-Ay Veen”) with their long roots that extract more soil nutrients as well as aging the wine in clean barrels Sur Lie (“Ssure Lee” or on remnants of grapes and yeast) for additional months, their wines gained richness, mellowness and power to stand up to gamy fish, pungent (goat) cheeses or pates. Best drinking at 2-4 years from vintage.
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
8th Annual Walk of Love photography by larry miller A little rain didn’t ruin the fun for the Heartland Animal Shelter’s 8th Annual Walk of Love on July 12. More than 200 pet owners and their four legged friends walked through Blue Star Memorial Park in Glenview, all to raise money for the no-kill animal shelter based in Northbrook. After the stroll, all enjoyed shopping at the small pet boutique and readings from Psychic Connections. The event served as the biggest “reunion” event for the pets who had been adopted from Heartland, which gives nearly 700 pets to loving families each year.
the weekender Celebrate the final days of Benihana’s 50th summer by soaking up the sun and enjoying a refreshing cocktail. Sweet and citrusy flavors blend with the cool taste of mint to create the Benihana Exotic Mojito — perfect for warm summer nights. Ingredients 4 lime wedges 8 mint leaves 2 oz. Malibu Mango rum 1 oz. Island Oasis Passion Fruit puree 2 oz. Dole pineapple juice Steps 1. Muddle limes and mint in a mixing glass 2. Add remaining ingredients 3. Add ice and shake for 8-10 seconds 4. Pour into Poco Grande glass 5. Top off with soda water 6. Garnish with lime wedge and mint sprig
lifestyle & arts
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Last Blast poised to elevate summer’s end ■ by sam eichner As vacationers return to the harsh trappings of reality, summer’s end can prove a bit anticlimactic. The Winnetka Community House is making that transition a little easier. On Aug. 23 — one of the last Saturdays before the school year begins — it will host its 2nd annual Last Blast of Summer. “It’s a lot like a neighborhood block party,” Winnetka Community House Development Associate Michelle Hodalj says. “It definitely has that feel of running into people and seeing people you haven’t seen in awhile.” Unlike your standard block party, though, the Last Blast boasts eight different carnival games, four inflatables, a climbing wall, live entertainment, and a slew of activities sponsored by local nonprofits, like the Kohl Children’s Museum and the North Shore Art League. Last year, the event drew around 400 people to the front lawn of the Winnetka Community House and appealed to mostly young children and families. “This year,” Hodalj says. “We’re hoping to get more middle-schoolers and teens there.” One performer certain to draw a slightly older crowd is an incoming junior at New Trier High School, Jordan Xidas. Freshfaced and charismatic, Xidas started playing guitar when he was just seven years old. “I started writing songs pretty much right after I could play chords,” he says.
Xidas played at the Last Blast the previous year, having reached out to several communities in the area to see if there were any available gigs. “The Winnetka Community House is so awesome,” Xidas says. “It’s nice to have that relationship where they were like, ‘We thought you were great, so we’d like to have you back again.’ ” This year, Xidas will play a mix of top 50 covers (“Love Runs Out” by One Republic is a surefire favorite) and original songs off his EP, which he released in November. Another young performer, Preston Fulks, is a drummer and an incoming senior at New Trier. He played his first gig at the Winnetka Youth Organization two years ago, which is housed in the basement of the Winnetka Community House. Since then, he and his jam band, The Fruitful Dave, have played popular Chicago venues, such as the Bottom Lounge, Double Door, and Reggie’s. At his Last Blast debut, Fulks says they’ll play “some more up tempo, happier stuff,” and a few more covers than they usually would. “We want to keep it intimate and have people be aware of what we’re doing,” Fulks says. “Everyone’s outside and having fun, so it’ll be a little more relaxed.” Though Fulks and Xidas differ in style and musical taste, they are both grateful for the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of a local audience. “When I’m performing on stage and I look at all my band members, I get a feeling I can’t get from anything else,” Fulks says. “There’s just an indescribable feeling you get from playing music and having people enjoy what you’re doing.” ■
Children enjoyed a variety games during the inaugural Last Blast of Summer in 2013.
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lifestyle & arts
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
out & about
What 3 words best describe you or the person you are with right now? photography by robin subar
Poinci Zhang, Annelise Van Den Akker, Highland Park Poinci: Annelise is hilarious, fun and different. Annelise: Poinci is interesting, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, fun!
Michael and Jessica Weil, Highland Park Michael: Jessica is beautiful, caring and fun Jessica: Michael is exceptional, kind and smart
Claudia, Casey, Brynne, Ryan, Marty, Lake Forest Kids: Our mom is awesome, fun, loving!
Sarah Woodburn & Elizabeth Woodburn, Winnetka Sarah: Elizabeth is creative, a cook, an organizer (for daughter). Sarah: My three words are busy, traveler, mom.
Connor Egan, Evanston Charismatic, quirky and odd.
Mackenize Paulsen, Highland Park Outgoing, outdoorsy, awkward.
Hannah Miller, Highland Park Sassy, loud, chill.
Joey Marks, Deerfield Funny, motivated, pretty bored!
Let’s Talk Real Estate by Jean Wright, President/Broker Owner Crs, GrI
LOan FundamentaLs: What Is a mOrtGaGe?
Mortgage is the term collectively used by most people when they refer to a loan used to buy real estate. This can be misleading, in that these securities are not always mortgages, but deeds of trust. A true mortgage is a written contract that specifies how the property will be used as a term of security for the loan. In these contracts, the primary mortgage lender will usually have a first lien on the property, giving the lender priority over all other lien holders, with the only exception being a tax lien. In a true mortgage contract, all due taxes must be paid prior to closing and the mortgager (borrower and buyer of real estate) is required to pay into an escrow account specifically earmarked for taxes and insurance, thereby protecting the interests of the primary lender. In these contracts, however, the title of the property is in the name of the mortgager, not the lender; should the mortgager default on the loan, the lender (mortgagee) is required to foreclose on the property in court. If the court approves the action, the property is sold to the highest bidder. A deed of trust differs from a mortgage in that it gives the title to a neutral third party (trustee) who is partial to neither the interests of the borrower nor the lender. In these contracts, the lender is the beneficiary; should the borrower (trustor) default on the loan, the lender then asks the trustee (neutral third party) to foreclose on the property. Following the procedure set forth in the deed of trust and adhering to state laws and regulations, the trustee then forecloses on the property. Lenders prefer deeds of trusts over true mortgages for the provision of security in the event of a defaulted loan due to their quicker and less costly method of foreclosure. The ease and security of deeds of trust has not weakened the state of mortgage contracts. Mortgages are still the prevalent security instrument in many states whose laws and regulations favor the specifications of mortgage contracts. These states are called lien theory states. States whose legal regulations favor deeds of trust are referred to as title theory states. Other states have adapted their legal structures to an intermediary approach, which grants security to both the borrower and the lender in cases of default. The intermediary approach makes provisions for deeds of trust, but also requires the lender to provide a notice of foreclosure to the borrower prior to the physical repossession, allowing the borrower the opportunity to rectify the default. Before entering into any kind of real estate contract, discuss with both your Realtor® and your lender whether you live in a lien or title theory state, or if your state takes an intermediary approach. Though one never enters into a contract with the goal to default on the loan, it is important in today’s economy to be informed and well-prepared for the worst-case scenario.
STYle has never been priced so low.
reg. $1499.00
For professional advice from an experienced Realtor, call Jean Wright at (847) 217-1906 or email at
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
WINNETKA $2,100,000
WINNETKA $1,999,000
WILMETTE $1,995,000 1336 Elmwood
NORTHFIELD $1,350,000
OpEN suNDAy 12-2
WILMETTE $1,225,000
WINNETKA $1,175,000
GLENVIEW $939,000
WINNETKA $849,000
WINNETKA $825,000
GLENVIEW $625,000
NEW ON MARKET OpEN suNDAy 2:30-4:30
OpEN suNDAy 12:15-2:15
GLENVIEW $569,000
THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
N EW !
featured listinGs | all of our listings feature their own website. visit their personalized domain for more details.
Glenview 5bed/5.1ba
Glenview 5bed/4.1ba $1,499,000
Glenview 5bed/3.1ba
Vittoria Logli
Jeannie Kurtzhalts
Vittoria Logli
Glenview 4bed/2.1ba
$925,000 847.998.0200
Glenview 4bed/3.1ba
Jeannie Kurtzhalts
Vittoria Logli
N EW !
N EW !
Glenview 5bed/4.1ba
deerfield 5bed/4.1ba
Ted Pickus
N EW !
Glenview 4bed/2.1ba
northBrook 4bed/3ba $699,000
Glenview 5bed/3ba
deerfield 4bed/2.1ba
Ziomek/Walsh 847.881.0200
Debra Kaden
Raechel Langenbach 847.998.0200
Barbara Gould
northBrook 3bed/3ba
$375,000 Wexler/Gault
northBrook 3bed/2.1ba
Connie Dornan
$599,900 847.998.0200
Glenview 4bed/2.1ba Tina Haffey
northBrook 2bed/2ba
$185,000 847.998.0200
Anthony Mehrabian
Buying a new home? What a difference $1,000 makes! Visit @properties on twitter for the full story. | 847.881.0200 World Properties Michigan, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC | At World Properties Indiana, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
Glenview 5bed/5ba
$1,049,000 847.998.0200
N EW !
Jeannie Kurtzhalts
northBrook 5bed/2.1ba $799,000
deerfield 5bed/3.1ba
Susan Teper
Deck/MacDonald 773.432.0200
$2,475,000 5Bed/5.1Ba 312.491.0200
N EW !
Glenview Paul raGi
northBrook 3bed/3.1ba
$399,900 847.432.0700
Glenview 4bed/2ba
Vittoria Logli
Yvonne Sito
deerfield 3bed/2ba
$389,000 Stephanie Janower
• 347 surfside | Glencoe 4bed/3.1ba $2,990,000
N EW !
Kerry Wolfe
Glenview 3bed/1ba
• 745 Greenwood | Glencoe 6bed/6.2ba $3,475,000 • 795 lincoln | winnetka 6bed/6.1ba $3,575,000 • 884 hiGGinson | winnetka 6bed/7.3ba $4,375,000 • 657 sheridan | winnetka 6bed/6.1ba $6,775,000 new Price
Glenview 2bed/2ba
$175,000 Baylor/Shields 847.
Glenview 2bed/1ba
$130,000 Barry Newman 847.998.0200
sawyer $399,000
3bed/2ba Sue Daubert 269.612.2888
union Pier $525,000
6bed/3ba Jacobson/Gantman 305.790.9876
5bED/5.1bA $2,575,000 | 847.881.0200 World Properties Michigan, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC | At World Properties Indiana, LLC, a subsidiary of At World Properties, LLC
• 164 oxford | kenilworth 6bed/6.1ba $3,175,000 • 229 essex | kenilworth 6bed/6.2ba $3,675,000 • 514 aBBotsford | kenilworth 6bed/6ba $3,675,000
26 | home & design
Gold Coast 19th-century residence stays true to architect’s intent Original stained glass and intricate woodwork are a hallmark of the estate.
home & design
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
■ by anne marie schiedler Designed by architect August Fielder in 1891, a Chicago estate rests on the largest privately owned single-family lot in the Gold Coast. The historic residence has been impeccably maintained and restored, remaining true to Fielder’s Romanesque intent, while integrating state-of-the-art amenities. Original stained glass, mosaic tile fireplace surrounds, inlaid flooring, and intricate woodwork complement modern conveniences such as Traulsen, Miele and Wolf appliances, opulent fixtures, a full-sized elevator, and sidewalk radiant heat.
“There’s a warmth to this home unlike any I’ve ever seen.” “People must know when they look at this property that it’s a home — not a museum,” says @Property’s listing agent Sarah Lurie. “There’s a warmth to this home unlike any I’ve ever seen.” The expansive first floor on Dearborn features a charming foyer, sunny living area, library, solarium, and grand dining room adjacent to a luxurious kitchen with stained glass skylight. Each room on this level features a custom fireplace. “While this property has served many purposes over the years, it’s at its best as a family home,” Lurie notes. The second floor boasts 12 bedrooms, including a master suite with walk-in closet and luxurious bath. Each bedroom is paired with custom lighting fixtures and detailed finishes, as well as generous storage and lavish baths. Perfect for entertaining, the lower level includes a commercial grade catering kitchen and plenty of open space, with a separate guest apartment complete with full kitchen. The sprawling garden allows for a captivating array of flowers and trees, accessible by brick pathways that sweep throughout a fivecar garage and charming coach house. And more space is available for additional parking or landscape development. “There is no lot in the city with a yard like this home has,” says Lurie. ■
August Fielder’s exterior has remained true to its Romanesque intent.
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28 | real estate NORTH SHORE OFFERINGS Houses of the Week $1,049,000
2524 W Lake Avenue Glenview Exclusively presented by: Jeannie Kurtzhalts @properties 847.845.5114
364 Sunset Northfield Exclusively presented by: Marina Burman, Jean Wright Real Estate 847-401-1048 Step inside and prepare to be surprised by the size of this ranch home. A gracious foyer flows into a beautiful living room with fireplace and views of the private backyard. Enjoy entertaining in the separate dining room with hardwood floors
Stunning home w/beautiful views of the lake in the Glen boasting 5 bdrms on the 1st/2nd floors, 5 full baths, kitchen w/ new stainless appliances & island open to spacious brkfst rm & family rm w/stone fireplace, redone hrdw flooring, 1st flr liy Skokie Hw
01 | 602 Dundee Glencoe 29 28 N Green Bay Rd
E Townline Rd
Everett Rd
$2,200,000 Chris Downey, Berkshire Hathaway 847.340.8499
02 | 346 Dundee Glencoe
E Park Ave
Sunday 1-3
$575,000 Jeanne Keiler, Baird & Warner 847.446.1855
Lake Bluff
Sheridan 04 | 184 Winnetka
Sunday 1-3
Buckley Rd
brary, newly refinished lower level w/rec. rm, bar, game rm, exercise or 6th bdrm & wine rm, easy access to train & restaurants, shopping, soccer fields, walking & bike trail! PRESENTED By @properties.
14 27
Westmoor 05 | 965 Winnetka
Sunday 1-4
Sunday 1-3
$699,000 Mary Anne Perrine, Baird & Warner 847.446.1855
Lake Forest
18 15 16 24 35
$729,000 Chris Downey, Berkshire Hathaway 847.340.8499
03 | 316 Lamon Wilmette
Sunday 1-3
$359,900 Frank Nash, Baird & Warner 847.446.1855
ie Va
$429,888 Eileen Campbell, Berkshire Hathaway 847.757.5181
Eaton 07 | 243 Northfield
Sunday 12-3
Gre B en
ay R
Lake Ave
3 21 20 34 Wilmette 6
$1,050,000 Chris Downey, Berkshire Hathaway 847.340.8499
Sunday 11:30-1:30
$1,475,000 Jeanie Moysey, Berkshire Hathaway 847.800.8110 Locust 12 | 757 Winnetka
Sunday 1-3
$600,000 Barbara Roseman, Berkshire Hathaway 847.217.4718
$437.500 Laura Henderson, Baird & Warner 708.997.7778
Glenview Sunday 12-2
Sunday 2-4
$775,000 Laura Henderson, Baird & Warner 708.997.7778
$1,195,000 Karen Strey-Rappaport, Berkshire Hathaway 847.338.7833
N Waukegan 17 | 1742 Garland Lake Forest 23 | 1905 Highland Park Sunday 12-2 Sunday 1-4
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25 | Drive
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Sunday 2-4
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10 11
her N. S
Sunset Ridge Rd
Shermer Rd
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12Tower Rd 4
490,000 Betsy Burke, Berkshire Hathaway 847.565.4264
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19 30
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$1,449,000 Nancy Adelman, Griffith, Grant & Lackie 847 234-0485 Heather Lane 29 | 450 Lake Forest Sunday 1-3
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32 | sports
Rarefied air
Daring athletes drawn to the art — and adrenaline rush — of pole vaulting
Deerfield High School’s Matt Gibson clears a height during the Lake County Meet last spring. photography
■ by bill mclean The best moment in Brandon Kiraly’s athletic career occurred while falling from the sky — without a parachute. Deerfield High School’s pole vault coach was a pole vaulter at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater at the time, having realized he’d cleared a personal-best effort of 16-feet, 3-inches at a track and field meet in 2012. “That’s the greatest feeling in the world,” says the DHS graduate. “I absolutely loved it, the instant I knew I had made it. “Those two seconds, on the way down,” he adds, “I was celebrating.” Carolina Carmichael knows the feeling. The 2012 Lake Forest High School graduate and University of Memphis junior had enough strength left to joyously pump both of her fists above a cross bar during a highly successful college vault. On her way back to earth she yelled, “Yes!” “That rush, that sense that you’re flying … that’s what keeps us vaulting,” says Carmichael, whose older sister, Ofelia Carmichael (LFHS, ’11), vaulted at Division III North Central College in Naperville and transferred to D-I Memphis before the start of the 2013-14 academic year. “There’s nothing like pole vaulting,” she adds. “Nothing.” It’s a daunting and demanding discipline,
a field event ideally suited for anybody interested in becoming a stunt person/body double in action-packed movies. Pole vaulting is physically and mentally draining, attractive to brave souls with penchants for altering jet streams. Unlike high jumpers, long jumpers and triple jumpers, pole vaulters must rely on a crucial piece of equipment (a carbon fiber or fiberglass pole) — in addition to sheer athleticism — in order to achieve feats. Pole vaulting requires upper-body strength, speed, acute body awareness, gymnasticsesque flexibility, patience, persistence and unshakable confidence. Fearful athletes need not apply. “Pole vaulting is 99 percent mental,” insists Carly Schmidt (LFHS, ’13), who recently transferred from Auburn University to two-time reigning NAIA outdoor women’s track and field champion Indiana Tech in Fort Wayne. “Some people think all we do is run, get up in the air and hope to clear a bar. But pole vaulting is so much more than that. “Everything has to be meticulously planned,” adds the 2013 Class 3A state pole vault champion. “There’s so much preparation involved, and the more you’re prepared the better you are mentally. So many things go into it … it’s crazy.” The stages of a vault: grip a lengthy, unwieldy pole; sprint down a runway without fumbling the lengthy, unwieldy pole or veering perilously to the right or to the left; plant pole in a box while running at full
by joel lerner
speed; bend pole; swing up; get hips north of head; spin at the apex of the launch; attempt to avoid bar resting on pegs; plummet; and, finally, land on an expansive mat, preferably shoulders or back first. Crazy. “There are about 8 million things you could think about as a pole vaulter, unfortunately,” Kiraly says. “The key is simplifying it, thinking about no more than one thing [while approaching the plant box]. You might want to focus only on the flight plan or the swing phase or maybe the rock-back. “It’s an up-and-down sport, pole vaulting,” he adds. “It’s not easy, especially when you have to deal with the lows of it and the challenges of overcoming fears.” Fear shook Alec Deer on his first day as a pole vaulter at Highland Park High School in 2011. He was 5-foot-2 at the time, “maybe 5-3,” he says. And he weighed about 120 pounds. “I wanted to be a hurdler,” recalls Deer (HPHS, ’14), now a 5-6, 150-pounder. “Freshman year, I got to a practice a little early, and [then-senior] David Berk said to me, ‘Try this; try pole vaulting.’ I did. It was really scary at first. I wasn’t good then. I definitely thought I was a waste of time [for the coaching staff]. But I was fortunate, having a David Berk around my first year.” Berk holds the school pole-vault record, 15 feet. The summer before his sophomore year, Deer improved his personal-best height by
a notable 2 feet, 3 inches after throwing himself into the discipline via drills, lifting and vaulting. He didn’t just turn heads; he turned heads upward. Deer was named a Giants captain his senior year and cleared a personal-best 12-6. “You’re not going to be great right away; all pole vaulters discover that in a hurry,” Deer says. “That first day of practice, you might not even get off the ground. The best pole vaulters mess up … the best pole vaulters sometimes are off by one step, which ruins everything for them.” Highland Park’s best pole vaulter last spring was Eddie Smoliak. Now a senior, the 6-2, 180-pounder placed fifth in May at the Class 3A state track and field meet with a personal-best height of 14-6 — the fourth consecutive meet at which he supplanted a personal-best mark. Smoliak was all set to give gymnastics a try as a freshman when a sophomore convinced him to try his hand at clearing a high bar outdoors instead of gripping one indoors to execute a chalky flyaway. That sophomore’s name? Deer. “I’d never seen a pole vault competition on TV or a video of one,” Smoliak says. “But we did some drills on the first day, and I had a blast. I thought that was great, Alec asking me to join the pole vaulters that day. The practice lasted more than two hours. I remember thinking, ‘I’ve found something pole vaulting >> page 33
sports | 33
8/16 – 8/17/14 | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | THE NORTH SHORE WEEKEND
pole vaulting >> from 32
awesome.’ “What I learned early on was, once you learn how to bend the pole properly, the whole game changes.” Smoliak cleared 6-6 at his first meet, topping a field of frosh-soph vaulters in a triangular. In no time — his sophomore year — he was a 12-3 vaulter. He easily eclipsed his junior-season goal of 13-9 last spring. At the second meet of the season, he obliterated his previous personal record by nine inches. “People like to ask me, ‘Do you get scared when you’re up so high in the air?’ ” Smoliak says. “I tell them, ‘No, you get used to it.’ Every pole vaulter has a breakthrough [vault] at a meet or at a practice. Mine was when I realized, ‘Whoa, I can invert … and feel comfortable while doing it.’ ” Smoliak feels comfortable in his own skin — especially when it’s covered by something pink. He likes to don pink spikes, pink sunglasses and pink shin sleeves for meets. His water bottle? Think pink. “Pink,” Smoliak says, “is an aesthetically pleasing color to me. I’m flamboyant.” And colorful. And entertaining. And talented. The men’s indoor pole-vault world record holder is Renaud Lavillenie of France. He cleared 6.16 meters (a little more than 20 feet, 2 inches) at a meet in February. The exploit is available on YouTube. Matt Gibson has seen the footage at least 100 times.
“As he’s about to run, his eyes … you can tell from his eyes that he’s completely fearless,” says Gibson, a 2014 Deerfield High School graduate who will attempt to make the men’s track and field team at the University of Rhode Island as a walk-on pole vaulter. “Then he runs; he’s so fast. Lavillenie’s plant that day is one of the strongest I’ve ever seen.” Gibson thought he’d take root as a sprinter his freshman year. But Warriors track and field coach Jeremy Kauffman told Gibson to work with the pole vaulters on Day 1. “I wasn’t the most in-shape freshman,” Gibson admits. “And I wasn’t the best sprinter. “I was nervous at first, watching the junior and senior pole vaulters we had. Two of the seniors then [eventual state qualifiers Kyle Friedman, who wound up fifth at the 2011 meet, and Thomas Schweinfurth] were so good. “That was a little intimidating,” he adds. “But their presence was also beneficial. The next best thing to receiving quality coaching is observing teammates’ work habits and approaches to handling the technical aspects of the discipline. “It took me a while to figure it all out,” says the 5-9, 160-pound Gibson, who achieved a personal-best 13-0 last spring, two-plus years after he dwarfed his top height of 8-0 (as a freshman) with a 10-6 before the start of his sophomore season. “It was difficult at the beginning, really difficult. I could run, but swinging up, doing some of the other things … I struggled. “It eventually all clicked for me,” he adds. “Muscle memory kicked in, and I didn’t have to
think too much while competing. Not thinking a lot — that’s a good thing in pole vaulting.” A significant thing in the development of the Carmichael sisters’ pole-vault games: coaching. They coach each other. Each also coaches Mundelein Mambas track club vaulters; some 20 youths, ranging from beginners to college-bound athletes, have pole, will travel (make that, … will soar). The Carmichaels’ mother, former heptathlete Toni, serves the club as its head coach. “That was a humbling experience at the beginning, coaching kids,” says Ofelia, who, like Carolina, competed for Lake Forest High School’s gymnastics teams. “I have a new-found respect for the track coaches I’ve had and what they had to go through when they coached me. “Coaching … it opens your eyes,” she adds. Carolina Carmichael’s prep career results at state mirrored the post-takeoff action of a strong vault. They climbed — steadily and impressively: She took third at the Class 3A state meet as a sophomore, then second as a junior, then first as a senior in 2012. “It’s crazy, pole vaulting, but it’s the good kind of crazy,” says the 5-5 Carolina, who earned All-America second-team status last spring after placing 10th (4.2 meters, or 13-feet-7 ¼) at the NCAA outdoor women’s track and field championships in Eugene, Ore. “A lot of times the mental part of pole vaulting is the toughest hurdle to overcome. But, physically, planting is basically everything. If that’s good, the rest of the jump is very, very easy. Plant late, though, and your timing will be off. “My [runway approach] is 115 feet, exactly 16 steps.”
Jillian Schwartz, another LFHS product with a gymnastics background, took zero steps as a Scouts pole vaulter. She graduated in 1997 — four years before the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) added pole vault to its state events for girls. But Schwartz discovered the daredevilish event at the home of the Blue Devils, Duke University, and excelled at it pronto, landing All-America honors three times and later qualifying for two Summer Olympics. She represented the United States in Greece in 2004 and competed for Israel at the 2012 Summer Games in London. “She proved it’s never too late to start pole vaulting,” Ofelia Carmichael says. During his senior track and field season at HPHS, Deer was late for dinner. Often. The Giants’ pole-vault crew typically arrived at practice before any of the team’s other athletes did, and many of them stuck around until it was too difficult to see the cross bar. “We’d be there sometimes as late as 8:30 [p.m.],” says the University of Iowa-bound Deer, who will not go out for the Hawkeyes’ track and field team. “Janitors were also there, working around us. My parents [Steven and Wendy] liked to call me, wondering where I was. But they kept dinner warm for me until I got home.” For Schmidt, home away from home is well above a vault bar and just below the stratosphere. That’s where the 5-8 former Scout finally gets to exhale again. “That’s the best feeling up there, being able to breathe out, mostly because I hadn’t been able to do that the previous five minutes while waiting for my turn,” Schmidt says. ■
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THe North shore weekend | glenview, northbrook, deerfield | 8/16 – 8/17/14
She’s a perfect fit — now
Playing college ball at Columbia is a real prize for Loyola Academy’s Elston ■ by bill mclean Had Sarah Elston immediately put on the T-shirt she caught in the stands — after it had been launched from a mini cannon at a Columbia University women’s basketball game — and attempted to walk, she would have likely stumbled. The short-sleeved top would have swallowed her, neck to toe. Elston, a Loyola Academy senior forward/ center, was 7 when she made that memorable grab in New York City. The size of the prize? “XXL,” Elston recalls. A better fit for her, beginning in the fall of 2015, will be her status as a student-athlete at … Columbia University. A varsity starter since her sophomore season, the 6-foot-1 Elston committed to the Ivy League school in late June after attending a CU Lions basketball camp. “I’ve always loved the city and the campus,” says Elston, a Bannockburn resident who was born in Chicago, moved to New York with her family at the age of 3 and returned to the Chicago area six years later. “Columbia … it’s an amazing school, and it’s a place where I want to reach my academic and athletic goals.” Elston ranked third among teammates in scoring (8.7 ppg) and second in rebounding (5.8 rpg) for a Class 4A sectional semifinalist last winter, shooting 47 percent from the field and 37 percent from three-point range. The righty was a handful for opponents inside the paint as well. “Sarah can handle the ball well, with both hands,” Ramblers coach Jeremy Schoenecker says. “Some of her post moves … she’s strong with her left hand; it’s one the best in the area. She’s a complete player who understands opponents’ strengths and weaknesses. “Sarah,” he adds, “plays a lot, really enjoys the game. She’s one of those kids you know
Loyola Academy’s Sarah Elston drives to the bucket during action last season. She will play collegiately at Columbia University. photography by joel lerner
you’re going to get the most out of, no matter what.” The future Lion played AAU ball for the Illinois Lady Lightning this summer. At a tournament in Nashville, Tenn., where her team placed third, Elston hit all four of her three-point attempts in a game. One of her
strengths that should come in handy at the next level is her smooth catch-and-shoot ability. “I want to improve my shooting in other situations, as well as work on driving and finishing better, beating my defender with my first step,” Elston says. “I’m not as consistent of a shooter as I want to be. I’ve
worked with a ton of great shooting coaches, and it’s nice knowing that when I miss a shot, I usually know why I missed it. I then make sure I correct [her form] the next time I get the opportunity to take a similar shot.” The theme of the Ramblers’ 2013-14 season was to get another shot at netting a state trophy at Redbird Arena in Normal. Elston had played as a freshman reserve on LA’s fourth-place squad (26-9) in 2011-12, scoring three points in a semifinal loss and four in the third-place game. LA didn’t get off to a promising start last winter. But Schoenecker’s crew found its traction near the end of the third quarter of the season, particularly on Feb. 1. State-ranked Fremd visited Loyola then. The Ramblers edged the Vikings 48-46. “We were struggling [in late December and parts of January],” Elston recalls. “But we did play much better as the playoffs neared and came together well during the postseason.” As an eighth-grader, Elston came to the conclusion that basketball would be her thing, her main sport. Volleyball, soccer and softball couldn’t match the thrilling pace of hoops. “Two years earlier, the love I had for basketball was real,” says Elston, who is thinking about majoring in political science, minoring in Spanish and pursuing a career as a homicide detective for the FBI. “I had a feeling it would be the sport I wanted to play more than any other. “Every step of the way, I’ve received such great support from coaches.” Columbia basketball coaches liked what they saw from Elston at that summer camp: a tallish guard who could shoot the trey in one possession and split post players on a driving layup in the next. Elston also gave it her all during drills. “How hard she works … that’s a big part of her personality,” Schoenecker says. “She’s a great kid to coach, and she has a really good heart.” ■
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sunday breakfast | 35 She helps bring magic into lives of devastated children ■ by sam eichner Inside the sheltered courtyard at Avli in Winnetka, jazz drones on in the background; what’s left of the midmorning sun slips through a crevice; bulb lights rest on black wire crisscrossing the ceiling. But until Jane Saccaro arrives, the room is completely and utterly empty. As the chief executive officer of Camp Kesem, Saccaro has all the composure and charm one would expect of a leader. But Camp Kesem is not your typical organization; in fact, it’s the only one of its kind: a network of summer camps, fueled by college students across campuses nationwide, catering to some of the three million children who have a parent with cancer or who have lost a parent to cancer. “Our program is all about fun and connecting with others who can truly understand you,” says Saccaro, enjoying Diane’s Salad with grilled chicken and a club soda with lime. “For many children, it’s hard to have big breakthroughs when they are in a formal setting. Often, children really open up when they are engaged in play. There are moments when you see this courage — this sense of childhood — coming back.” Saccaro worked in the corporate world for years before deciding to move to the non-profit sector. She wanted to find an organization that was fulfilling an unaddressed need and that had significant opportunity to grow. During her search, her brother-in-law introduced her to Camp Kesem. “Imagine if this happened to me or my husband,” Saccaro remembers thinking. “Imagine the support we would want for our children.” Saccaro became CEO in December 2010. Seven weeks later, her sister Susan was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. Less than three months after that, Susan passed away, leaving behind three children under the age of four.
“I have never had a time at Camp Kesem that wasn’t personal, really, and didn’t have meaning for me,” Saccaro says. There’s a cohesiveness about her — the light blue pants and matching shirt, her electric blue eyes — that starts to crumble when she opens up. “It’s allowed me, it’s allowed my whole family to do something in her honor. And there’s a whole host of children like hers that need this support.” For the last four years, Saccaro has channeled her emotional loss into productive energy. Since she started, Camp Kesem has tripled in size — from 23 to 63 college campuses and from 1,200 to 4,000 campers.
“I have never had a time at Camp Kesem that wasn’t personal, really, and didn’t have meaning for me.” | Jane Saccaro “Sometimes people say, ‘Oh, everything happens for a reason,’” Saccaro begins. “There is no good reason why Susan died. But I do think there was a reason I was in this job. On the tough days, I remember what a gift it is to do the work I do.” As the courtyard fills up, the paltry light outside undergoes a subtle transmutation. Inside, it shines bright yellow. “Technically, Kesem means magic,” Saccaro tells me before we leave. “For us, and for me personally, it’s the act of really transforming lives and turning every child into their whole, authentic self.” ■
Jane Saccaro
illustration by barry blitt
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