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saturday June 6 | sunday June 7 2015
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SUNDAY BREAKFAST Illustration by Barry Blitt
No. 46 | A JWC Media publication
Story remains key for students using top-notch technology By Jake Jarvi
his spring, Apple announced that Steve Douglass, the new media teacher at Lake Forest High School, was awarded a place among the Apple Distinguished Educators, a community who use Apple technology to innovate in the classroom. When Douglass started teaching telecom at LFHS 10 years ago, the most top-of-the-line equipment the students had access to were three low-grade mini-dv cameras. A tour through the new media department these days is a different story. Fifteen Mac Pro towers and monitors capable of handling 4K footage (which is what we see in movie theaters) line the wall. Next to this is a room with a green screen wall and a selection of LED lights rigged to the ceiling. Students have access to 15 HD Canon cameras that shoot using lenses that provide a soft, cinematic depth of field. These kids have everything they need to make a full-blown movie. Though the technology is
Relay for Life event raises more than $27,000. P16
Novelist is able to raise the Barr. P.26
Glenbrook North boys lacrosse falls in first finals appearance. P.22 Follow us:
For young actor, golden age lies before him, not behind BY SAM EICHNER
pon first impression, Harry Thornton is clean-cut and polished. He’s articulate, insightful, and humble — and outstanding, Douglass still em- when he speaks, it’s with a silky timber. It’s phasizes that the most important not hard to imagine him, on stage, spitting element is a well-told story. out Shakespearian soliloquies as Hamlet “I think it is so important for (which he has) or belting musical notes in kids to contextualize what they’re front of a packed audience (he’s done that, going through, especially in too). adolescence, but also throughout Yet, though his maturity may suggest othlife,” Douglass says. “I wanted to erwise, Thornton has only just graduated from figure out a way for them to do high school. that by leveraging the iPhone, Recently, as a senior at Evanston Township which is such an amazing piece High School, Thornton placed as one of ten of equipment.” finalists in the English-Speaking Union’s With the help of Jonathan 32nd annual National Shakespeare CompeKelly of Lake Bluff, the chief tition. It was a long road. More than 15,000 technology officer for MightyN, students compete in 57 ESU branches naDouglass designed an iPhone app tionwide; to reach the finals, Thornton had called showNtell, which offers to win both the competition at his school students an easy fill-in the-blanks and the one for the entire Chicagoland approach to crafting a two-min- branch. Only then could he travel to New ute personal story and outputting York with the other branch winners to it as a well-produced video. Fol- perform a Shakespearian sonnet and monolowing one of several pre-written logue (his was from Hamlet) in front of a scripts in the app, users fill in panel of judges at Lincoln Center Theater blanks about a subject of their — of those 57 student representatives, just choosing, Mad-Lib style. They 10 were invited back as finalists to recite a then read the script off of their randomly assigned monologue later that day. phone as if it’s a teleprompter, “Part of what made it such a powerful recording the narration audio. experience,” Thornton says, “is that there were Douglass’s New Media students students from all over the country, all coming have cracked the code on crafting together to perform the works of this writer who lived hundreds of years ago. Being with Continues on page 11 a group of fellow students who are inter-
Harry Thornton
ested in that idea was rare, and important to me.” This was not Thornton’s first trip to New York. As a freshman, he advanced to New York, but did not make it to the finals. “I’ve gotten a lot better at acting,” Thorn-
ton notes, an achievement he attributes less to a fine-tuning of technical skill and more to the well of life experiences he’s accumulated in the intervening years. “Alienation Continues on page 11
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Cathy Cascia
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2511ILLINOIS.INFO 847.998.0200
5bed/3.1ba Koperski/Tabor
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$649,900 847.998.0200
226FERNWOOD.INFO 773.472.0200
Connie Dornan
GLENVIEW $415,000
308BELAIR.INFO 847.998.0200
Kathy Menighan Wilson
GLENVIEW $779,000
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Barry Newman
Darin Marcus
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6/2/15 11:08 PM
NORTHBROOK 5bed/4.1ba
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GLENVIEW 2bed/1.1ba
David Burdeen
Gail Lowrie
Mark Wortman
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6/2/15 11:08 PM
IN THIS ISSUE [ NEWS ] 1 Body English
Me Being Me is Exactly as Insane as You Being You, written by the Todd Hasak-Lowy, follows the sudden turn of events that occur in the life of a North Shore high school student.
12 North Shore Announcements
Check out what’s happened and what will happen in Glenview and Northbrook
[LIFESTYLE & ARTS ] 16 s ocial whirl
Take a look at some of the top parties attended by North Shore residents recently.
16 o ut & about
Discover the answers our roving photographer received to our weekly question to North Shore residents.
17 n orth shore foodie
Check out a delicious recipe from a top chef on the North Shore.
pen houses 20 o
Find out — complete with map — what houses you can walk through for possible purchase on the North Shore on Sunday.
21 north shore offerings
Intriguing houses for sale in our towns are profiled.
[ SPORTS ] 22 t ennis success
Glenbrook North doubles team gets second in state.
[ LAST BUT NOT LEAST ] 26 sunday breakfast
Lisa Barr’s novel “Fugitive Colors” involves a Jewish protagonist in 1930s Nazi Germany.
The Truth is
You Can’t Live Without It
Graphic Design find out why at 847 386 7611
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6/2/15 11:08 PM
ALL YOU NEED IS “THE ANNE ADVANTAGE”! Whether looking for your 1st home or your next home, Work With Anne DuBrAy, glenvieW’s #1 Agent in 2013 AnD 2014*
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CALL TODAY TO VIEW ANY OF MY LISTINGS Anne DuBrAy • (847) 657-3747 • *Based on information from Midwest Real Estate Data LLC for the period 1/1-12/13 & 14. Status=Closed; Area=25; Property Type=All. Due to MLS reporting methods & allowable reporting policy, this data is informational only and may not be completely accurate. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the data accuracy. Data maintained by the MLS may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. ©2015 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.
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6/2/15 11:08 PM
| saturday june 6 | sunday june 7 2015 the north shore weekend
Defending champ stays on course with putting, stories
David Sweet
t’s rare to find a PGA Tour event that makes the North Shore its home for three years in a row. The Encompass Championship is returning to North Shore Country Club in Glenview in July. The Champions Tour event (previously known as the Senior Tour before a marketing pro rebranded the name) will feature a few new faces during its third visit, including former Masters champion Ian Woosnam and Jeff Maggert. They will join defending champion Tom Lehman, who sank a putt last year on the final hole to capture the tourney — his only victory in 2014. “You do something on the last hole to win, it’s always extra special,” Lehman said at the club recently, where a number of writers tried to sink the same 12-footer Lehman drained to win $100 for charity. The majority weren’t even close, despite the lack of knee-knocking pressure Lehman faced. My miss wasn’t my most embarrassing moment on the hole. Just beforehand, I attempted to make a savvy sand shot from the greenside bunker. Instead, the ball flew onto the roof of the
Let’s Talk Real Estate by Jean Wright, President/Broker Owner Crs, GrI
YOur FIrst LuxurY HOme If you’ve decided to relocate into a luxury home and you’ve made an excellent choice. But quite possibly, you’re wondering where to begin. You may be astounded by the amenities and in need of a guide. Agents who are experienced in the average home market might not be quite suitable for your needs. The luxury home market is different in that there are different things to consider. Take your time. As a first time buyer of a luxury home, you should ask your agent for their advice. After your Realtor® has narrowed down the possibilities for you, previewed the homes and is ready to show you what they consider suitable, take your time on the walk through. Focus on the detail. These properties are immense, so be prepared for a walk through that will take at minimum of two hours to properly see all the amenities; it can often take even longer. This is an important decision to make—let your first luxury in your new home be that of time and consideration.
For professional advice from an experienced Realtor, call Jean Wright at (847) 217-1906 or email at
index west.indd 10
““A number of writers tried to sink the same 12-footer Lehman drained to win $100 for charity. The majority weren’t even close, despite the lack of knee-knocking pressure Lehman faced.” clubhouse before resting unseen on a balcony. “That’s not out of bounds, “ exhorted Mike Galeski, the always amiable tournament director. In fact, the golf lifer had seen a similar shot once at the Bob Hope Classic. The pro hopped onto the clubhouse and made a bogey. But back to Lehman. The former British Open champion was full of engaging stories, including the final hole at Royal Lytham & St. Annes Golf Club in 1996. There was plenty to think about that day. Not only had Greg Norman blown a six-shot
lead to lose the Masters to Nick Faldo on the final day that year (the same lead Lehman carried into the British Open’s last round), Lehman had just missed claiming the U.S. Open a month earlier on the 18th hole. A policeman had been assigned to follow Lehman for all four rounds. Once the final balls are on the 18th green at the British Open, the crowd traditionally pushes forward and surrounds the putting surface before the last two golfers arrive. The policeman grabbed Lehman by the arm and stormed through the 50-person-deep group. Eventually, they stood at the
green. “Tom, we’ve been through a lot together,” Lehman recounted the constable saying, “but now you’re on your own.” More recently, Lehman played a club tournament in Scottsdale, Ariz. — an alternateshot event — with his wife Melissa. “Playing with your wife can be tricky,” he said to some laughter. “You have to watch what you say. “On the first hole I hit a 290yard drive, and she puts it in the desert. I hit it on the green, and she putts it 20 feet past the hole. I sink the next putt for a 5. “I come off the green, and I’m mumbling. She asks what’s wrong. I said, ‘We’ve got to do better than a 5 on a par 4 if we’re going to win.’ The champion golfer wasn’t expecting what came next. “Well, you had three shots,” she said, “and I only had two.” Enjoy the weekend.
David Sweet
Editor in Chief Twitter: @northshorewknd
John Conatser founder & publisher Jill Dillingham vice president of sales Zeny Polanco assistant to the publisher [ EDITORIAL ] David Sweet editor in chief Bill McLean senior writer/associate editor Kevin Reiterman sports editor Katie Ford editorial assistant [ DESIGN ] Linda Lewis production manager Samantha Suarez account manager/graphic designer Kevin Leavy graphic designer [ CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ] Joanna Brown Sheryl Devore Sam Eichner Bob Gariano Scott Holleran Jake Jarvi Angelika Labno Simon Murray Gregg Shapiro Jill Soderberg [ PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART ] Joel Lerner chief photographer Larry Miller contributing photographer Robin Subar contributing photographer Barry Blitt illustrator [ SALES ] Gretchen Barnard, Brandon Batt, M.J. Cadden, Courtney Pitt, Mary Ellen Sherman
All advertising inquiry info should be directed to 847-926-0957 & Find us online: Like us on Facebook! © 2015 The North Shore Weekend/A publication of JWC Media 445 Sheridan Rd., Highwood, IL 60040
6/2/15 11:08 PM
the north shore weekend
saturday june 6 | sunday june 7 2015 |
THORNTON Continued from page 1
and frustration with parents — I wasn’t fully able to address those as a 14-year-old. Now I feel like I can do Hamlet justice.” In the fall, Thornton will study acting at Carnegie Mellon’s theater conservatory. While most of the students he’ll encounter there will come from an art school background, Thornton sees his public school education as an advantage. “As an actor, you always want to be drawing on your surroundings, observing people, living life,” Thornton says, “and you really get to do that at a big public school.” If one of the primary goals of the ESU’s competition was to foster understanding and
“I think (Shakespeare’s plays) offer profound insight into human nature.” Harry Thornton preserve the integrity of William Shakespeare’s language in the face of hackneyed texts, tweets and other grammatical injustices, they have succeeded with Thornton. This summer, he’ll play Orlando in a production of As You Like It.
Someday, when he’s old and gray, he hopes to tackle King Lear. “These plays are so old — the fact that they still exist is a testament to their importance,” Thornton says passionately, from a place of genuine authority. “I think they offer profound insight into human nature. There’s something just intangibly beautiful about them.” The English-Speaking Union’s Chicago Branch is dedicated to promoting oral literacy and communication through the English language. To help fund its array of programs and scholarships, consider attending their annual Ascot Ball on Saturday, June 13 at Raffles Hotel. More information is available at ascot_ball/
Swimming sunk by pipe problems By Emily Spectre
eading into Memorial Day Weekend, Wilmette residents received a notice from the Wilmette Park District that two of the four pools at Centennial Family Aquatic Center would be out of commission. The leisure pool — which features water slides — and tot wading pool were both closed due to maintenance issues. “We experienced a break in one of the lines that takes water from the leisure pool to the pump room where the water is treated and then pumped back
to the top of the tube slide to make it function properly,” explained Steve Wilson, executive director of the Wilmette Park District. According to Wilson, the pipe is long and workers were unable to locate the break using cameras and other methods. The Park District continues to work with a pool engineer to find a solution for the tube slide and hopes to get it back in service by June 6 — or at the latest June 13. “When the season concludes, we will be able to address the failure in this line and get the
problem repaired before we go into the winter so we are ready for next summer,” Wilson said. Cool temperatures and rain over the three-day holiday weekend didn’t stop residents from enjoying the 50-meter pool and diving pool, but numbers were lower than last year when the weather cooperated. In 2014, there were 2,397 visits to the pool, while this year there were nearly half at 1,090. The pools will be open from 1-6 p.m. on weekends only until the regular season starts on June 13. For more information go to
TECH Continued from page 1
effective personal stories, as evidenced by their showing at this year’s Chicagoland Television Educators Council Festival, a student video competition for all of the schools in the Chicago area. LFHS new media students swept the awards in the personal story category, taking first, second, and third place. Michael McAfee, an early graduating junior heading to DePaul University next year to study Digital Cinema, won first place for his video introducing the audience to a saxophone
busker working the O’Hare airport parking garage terminal. “Story is the biggest element we focus on,” McAfee says. “But the thing I like most about new media is that it’s very real world-based. For a project, Mr. Douglass will have a real client come in looking for video work. We’ll all produce a video and the client will actually use one.” They’ve produced college recruitment videos for athletes to send with their college applications; videos for school organizations like the LFHS Foundation, the Association of
Parents & Teachers, and LFHS Applause; and videos people use to support their crowdfunding efforts on fundraising platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. The students get paid, and the new media department uses a fraction of the earnings to buy more gear for the students. This July, as a 2015 inductee to the Apple Distinguished Educators program, Douglass will attend a four-day conference in Miami to connect with and work alongside fellow cutting edge educators through projectbased work and workshops.
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6/2/15 11:09 PM
| saturday June 6 | sunday june 7 2015
the north shore weekend
North Shore Announcements Review:
project is complete. Village Hall functions are expected to be moved to the new building in the first quarter of 2016.
GLENVIEW The Glenview Park District The east and west legs of Glenview Road at the intersection of Harms Road have been reopened. Traffic is still blocked from going north on Harms Road from Glenview Road through Wilmette Avenue. That work — to install a new storm sewer under Harms Road — is scheduled to be completed in September. GLENVIEW Construction to consolidate Village Hall and the Police Department at 2500 East Lake Avenue is progressing on schedule. The entrance to the Police Department has been moved to the east side of the building. Also, the Police Department community room is no longer available for public use until the
NORTHBROOK MAGA Ltd., one of the nation’s original long term care insurance specialty brokers, is celebrating its 40th anniversary. When the first long term care policy was introduced in 1974, few people understood it. Yet MAGA’s founder, Murray Gordon of Northbrook, was so convinced of its value, he left his position as sales director with a national insurance carrier to focus exclusively on it. Gordon — now MAGA’s CEO — is joined in the business by his son, Brian Gordon, and son-in-law Peter Florek. “So much has changed,” says Gordon. “The product and benefits are very different. Today, most financial and legal advisors are having the conver-
sation about long term care as part of their clients’ financial and retirement planning.”
NORTHBROOK The Panera Bread location that recently closed its doors over Memorial Day Weekend will eventually reopen in a new location. According to the company’s statement, the location at 940 Green Bay Rd. in Winnetka closed on May 24 with the expiration of a lease, but it will re-open at the intersection of Skokie Boulevard and Dundee Road in Northbrook this fall. NORTHBROOK Seventh- and eighth-graders at Northbrook Junior High School presented at the State Science Fair earlier this month in Carbondale, earning 12 gold awards, two silver, and one bronze for their projects. In addition, eighth-grader Jenna Lasky won Best in State
for Middle School Microbiology for her project on the effectiveness of cranberry juice and antibiotics in treating urinary tract infections. The following students participated: Bridget Billig, Wesley Chen, Julia Greenwood, David Gusis, John Karteczka, Jenna Lasky, Sandra Serbu, Zack Slater, Ashley Suh, Claira Vaynberg-Movchan, Connor Vering, Allanah Elster, Kelly Jordan, and Micah Yoo.
GLENVIEW From June 14 to August 2, the Little Bear Garden will be hosting self-guided tours on its StoryWalk trail (weather permitting). Located at 2001 Patriot Blvd., Gallery Park provides a place to walk, skip, jog, or bike along the path while reading the children’s book “Pete the Cat and the New Guy” by
Kimberly and James Dean.
GLENVIEW In honor of National Dairy Month, Glenview’s Historic Wagner Farm is serving a farm-style breakfast from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 20 at 1510 Wagner Rd. Says Sarah Schoeneberg, program manager at Wagner Farm, “It’s a great way to spend time with your family learning while about dairy farming, engaging in fun activities and events, and enjoying a great breakfast.” After breakfast, attendees can stick around for live music, dairy demonstrations, milk chugs, wagon rides, tours, and hands-on activities throughout the morning. Admission is $10 for ages 11 and up; $5 for ages 2 through 10. Tickets can be purchased at the event.
The North Shore Chamber Music Festival (NSCMF) will
be presented June 5-6 at the Village Presbyterian Church. The festival will celebrate the success of its first four seasons on June 6 with a performance of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons.” This year’s Haag/Galvin Young Artists, Masha Lakisova and Elli Choi, both 13, will both perform lead roles in the “Four Seasons” and also Vivald’s “Concerto for Four Violins” alongside violinists Vadim Gluzman, and Ilya Kaler, harpsichordist David Schrader, and the Festival’s New Generation Ensemble. On Friday, June 5 at 6 p.m. the Ariel String Quartet will conduct a public discussion on The Art of Quartet Playing, which will include a master class given to a student quartet. 98.7 WFMT will broadcast the June 5 concert live from the stage at the Village Presbyterian Church, hosted by announcer Dave Schwan. The June 6 performance will be taped for broadcast.
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6/2/15 11:09 PM
the north shore weekend
saturday june 6 | sunday june 7 2015 |
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6/2/15 11:09 PM
THIS IS HOME New Listing
Glenview Vaciliki Ress
1839 Robincrest Ln
New Listing
$1,250,000 847-724-5800
Northbrook Nancy Gibson
New Listing
Glenview Cheryl O’Rourke
1834 George Ct
3620 Indian Wells Ln
$899,900 847-272-9880
New Listing
$775,000 847-724-5800
Northbrook Debbie Glickman
Lincolnshire Steve Grunyk
New Listing
$839,900 847-945-7100
Glenview Barb Pepoon
New Listing
$729,000 847-272-9880
New Listing
Northbrook $699,000 Susie Raffel & Israel Friedman 847-945-7100
New Listing
$819,900 847-272-9880
New Listing
Northbrook Steven Sims
4011 Rutgers Ln $650,000 847-272-9880
$1,495,000 847-234-8000
$2,849,900 847-272-9880
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
Northbrook $649,000 Robin Blumenthal 847-272-9880
Glenview 2225 Pinehurst Dr $599,900 Shaun Raugstad ABR 847-724-5800
Northbrook 3615 Dauphine Ave $582,900 Nancy Gibson 847-272-9880
Northbrook 1105 Longmeadow Rd $579,900 Nancy Gibson 847-272-9880
New Listing
New Listing
Deerfield $495,000 Julie Dowdle Rogers 847-446-4000
Northbrook 3938 Carousel Dr $489,000 Roberta Goldstein 847-433-5400
New Listing
Riverwoods Michele Wilson
Northbrook 1450 Grant Rd Nancy Gibson
Glenview 1729 Dewes St $575,000 Marla Schneider 847-724-5800
Deerfield 1203 Walden Ln $499,900 Jennifer Waldman 847-724-5800
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
Northbrook $425,000 Mike Mitchell 847-835-6000
Lincolnshire 209 Rivershire Ln 506 $415,000 Judy Greenberg 847-541-5000
Glenview 4402 Hammersmith Ln 4402 $375,000 Mary Pat Lundgren 847-234-8000
Deerfield $369,500 Debbie Brooks 847-945-7100
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
New Listing
Northbrook 1 Court Of Harborside 308 $339,000 Millie Weinberg 847-272-9880
Deerfield $335,000 Shannon Towson 847-945-7100
Lincolnshire 31 Melrose Ln $275,000 Frank J De Novi 847-222-5000
Glenview $249,000 Valerie Kistenbroker 847-272-9880
New Listing
Northbrook Bridget Fritz & Meg Thompson
$1,275,000 847-272-9880 Š2015 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
news_west.indd 4
6/2/15 11:09 PM
KNEE PAIN • ‘Bone-on-Bone’ • Arthritis • Cartilage Damage • Tendonitis • Bursitis • Crunching/Popping
2985 Walters | $1,939,000 | New lifestyle awaits! Custom doors open to expansive home w foyer bridal staircase central to open floor plan boasting incredible details w all the premier amenties! Chef’s kitchen, breakfast room, 1st floor office (or 6th en-suite bedroom), master bedroom suite retreat plus 5 other en-suite bedrooms, theater, wine cellar, sauna, exercise & rec room, 2 laundry, 4 car garage, huge yard. Ensconce yourself in luxury!
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©2015 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
Fifty-Four years of practice
DEERFIELD | 12-4-2.1 | | $688,000 Meticulous, spacious two-story home with first floor office and finished basement. This fantastic home features an amazing family room-kitchen addition that creates a perfect, versatile floorplan. Inviting and bright with vaulted ceilings, skylights and walls of windows. The gracious master bedroom suite features a sitting area, walk-in closet and marble bath. So much, PLUS a quiet residential location.
JUDY SIMON 847-507-1924
©2015 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
news_west.indd 5
6/2/15 11:09 PM
| saturday jun 06 | sunday juN 07 2015
the north shore weekend
out & about Photography by Robin Subar
What change would you make if you were mayor?
Socials North Shore Relay for Life Photography by Larry Miller
Kara Noe and Damien, Evanston I would encourage more familyfriendly restaurants.
Elizabeth Pierre and Debbie Pagels, Evanston Elizabeth: Better integration. We are still divided. If something were to happen here like it did in Baltimore, the issue would be revealed. Debbie: I ditto exactly what Elizabeth said!
Even though the skies threatened most of the day, the stormy weather stayed away for the Relay for Life event on May 17 at Gallery Park in Glenview. The American Cancer Society and HCR ManorCare partnered for an inspiring 5K Run/Walk, which saw 71 participants raise more than $27,000. The day featured an opening ceremony, guest speakers, a hula hoop and limbo contest, and a dance party.
Adriane Grossi, Pauline Mintz, Tam Wagner, Trish Oterbeck
Kristina Eddy, Maryn Ann Rassmussen, Mark Lowry, Adam Schwartz, Stephanie Lyford
Alison Port, Evanston I just moved here. I’m still trying to get used to this city — love the mix of professionalism and collegiate life. I guess I would say that I would promote this great mix in one city!
Northshore Dermatology Center WiLMeTTe 3612 W. Lake Ave., 2nd Floor 847.853.7900 Lake BLUFF 925 Sherwood Drive 847.234.1177
Mike Henry, Evanston I wish there were more street festivals in the summer. I love interacting with new merchants in the area.
Wang Lee, Verle Lenaers
Kristina Eddy, Pauline Mintz
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TiNa C. VeNeTOS, M.D. aMy C. BROWNLee, MS, Pa-C
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© 2013 Cynosure, Inc. All rights reserved. Cynosure is a registered trademark and PicoSure is a trademark of Cynosure, Inc. 921-0420-000 r2
6/2/15 11:11 PM
saturday jun 06 | sunday jun 07 2015 |
the north shore weekend
North Shore Foodie
Ribs help keep things casual at Nieto’s
Owners Debbie and Carlos Nieto By Simon Murray
n 2011, New Year’s Day came and went, and with it Highland Park’s superior fine dining restaurant, Carlos’, which closed its doors for good the night before.
Fast forward four years. The restaurant that opened in its place is a new take, but it’s still all in the family. Owners Debbie and Carlos Nieto, overseeing a restaurant that was named No. 1 in the Chicago Zagat guide numerous times — not to
mention launching chefs Roland Liccioni and Gabriel Viti, two culinary titans of the Chicagoland area — have since overseen a delightful reimagining of their old space. More casual than upscale, the dynamic restaurateur couple brought down the house, bringing an expertise of over 30 years in fine dining to a neighborhood-styled restaurant called Nieto’s. “What happened was — people change, tastes change,” notes Carlos. “We were a fine dining restaurant and people didn’t really want that anymore. So we made Carlos’ restaurant casual. We weren’t ready to go away.” “Here’s what I like to say: Carlos’ plates at casual prices,” adds Debbie. The couple, who met at a bar — “a couple years ago,” jokes Carlos — live in Antioch, where they teach private, hands-on cooking classes at their Crooked Pine ranch. One plate, the Baby Back Ribs, was a new creation for Nieto’s menu, but one Debbie has been making for years. “It’s an old family recipe,” says Debbie, who quit her job as a lab technician to help Carlos oversee the original restaurant, which has now burgeoned into a well-respected group. “You slice apples, wrap the ribs in foil, and cook it very slow in the oven. Slow and low. Then you barbecue them.”
Nieto’s Baby Back Ribs with House-made Barbecue Sauce TOTAL TIME: 3 Hours Serves: 4
4 racks baby back ribs 2 apples, sliced Salt and pepper to taste Place each rack on sheet of aluminum foil. Season with salt and pepper. Place apple slices on the ribs. Wrap the ribs completely in the foil. Cook at 175 degrees for 3 hours. Nieto’s Barbecue Sauce 1 tablespoon ground mustard 1 tablespoon cumin 3 garlic cloves, chopped ½ onion, chopped 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 cups ketchup 1 teaspoon black pepper ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper ¼ cup molasses ½ teaspoon thyme, leaves only and chopped ½ teaspoon oregano 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 cup beer 2 tablespoons olive oil
Nieto’s Baby Back Ribs feature a tasty homemade barbecue sauce. Photography by Joel Lerner
Cook all the above ingredients until boiling, and then let simmer for 30 minutes. Strain sauce. Brush onto the ribs. On
a hot grill, cook each side of the ribs for three minutes. Place on sheet pan, then place in a 375-degree oven for 10
Northshore Dermatology Center
reVeaL the reaL yOU With COOLSCULPtiNg CoolSculpting is the non-surgical body contouring treatment that freezes and naturally eliminates fat from your body. No needles, no surgery and best of all, no downtime. Developed by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting is FDa-cleared, safe and clinically proven. We will develop your customized plan so you can say goodbye to stubborn fat!
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minutes. Any additional sauce can be added to the ribs or refrigerated for next time.
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6/2/15 11:12 PM
follow the leader... market share growth since 2007 * 250%
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Coldwell Banker
Baird & Warner
15 YEARS. STILL GROWING. Since @properties was born in April 2000, we’ve been focused on one goal – to provide the very best brokerage experience in Chicagoland real estate. Through it all, we’ve remained an independent company that continues to grow and remains committed to the local communities and clients we’re fortunate enough to serve every day.
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6/2/15 11:12 PM
| saturday JUN 06 | sunday JUN 07 2015
the north shore weekend
Skokie H wy Buckley Rd
Lake Bluff
E Park Ave
2. 93 Warrington Dr. Lake Bluff Sunday 12-2 $509,000 Lisa Trace, Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors® 847.234.0485
7. 1001 Campbell Court Lake Bluff Sunday, 1-3 $499,000 Deborah Fischer, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.309.9119
N Green Bay Rd
4. 411 Evanston Ave. Lake Bluff Sunday 12-2 $1,050,000 Andra O’Neill, @properties 847.295.0700
Lake Forest
E Townline Rd
6. 718 Birch Rd. Lake Bluff Sunday, 1-4 $2,195,000 Susan Lincoln, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.846.8814
3. 190 Margate Court Lake Bluff Sunday, 1pm - 4pm $749,000 Susan Updike, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.533.9636
5. 502 E. North Ave Lake Bluff Sunday 1-3 $899,000 Brad Anderson, Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors® 847.234.0485
Everett Rd
Skok Rd lley
Half Day Rd
8.45 Pembroke Lake Forest Sunday 1-4 $1,549,000 Brunhild Baass, Baird & Warner 847.804.0092 9. 421 E. Westleigh Lake Forest Sunday 1-3 $589,000 Jason Hiller , Jameson Sotheby`s International Realty 773.412.3899 10. 525 Douglas Dr. Lake Forest Sunday 1-3 $1,075,000 Ann Marie Farino, Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors® 847.234.0485 11. 901 Timber Lane Lake Forest Sunday, 1-3PM $749,500 Brad Andersen, Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors® 847.234.0485
ie Va
12. 1070 S. Ridge Rd. Lake Forest Sunday 1-3 $1,285,000 Ellizabeth Wieneke, Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors® 847.234.0485
Highland Park
Deerfield ega auk N. W
n Rd
Dundee Rd
15. 5 Reliance Lane Lincolnshire Sunday 1-3 $549,000 Geissler/Love, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.767.1187
Tower Rd
26. 39 Caribou Crossing Northbrook Sunday 2:30-4:30 $399,000 Amy Antonacci and Debbie Glickman- Baird & Warner 312.543.2758/ 847.687.4332
18. 827 Kimballwood Lane Highland Park Sunday 1-3 $1,249,000 Karen Skurie Baird and Warner Residential 847.361.4687 19. 975 Wildwood Lane Highland Park Sunday, June 7, 12-2 $975,000 Marci Sukenic, Baird & Warner 312.804.9614 20. 1260 Taylor Ave. Highland Park Sunday 1-3 $534,900 Nancy Karp, @properties 847.432.0700
22. 1458 Forest Ave. Highland Park Sunday 1-3 $1,395,000 Sonia Cohen, Coldwell Banker 847.337.6005
real estate_west.indd 1
Lake Ave
24. 2313 Sheridan Rd. Highland Park Sunday 1-3 $2,395,000 Jody Dickstein, Coldwell Banker 847.651.7100
17. 611 Ridge Rd. Highland Park Sunday 12-2 $549,000 Sonia Cohen, Coldwell Banker 847.337.6005
23. 1902 Cloverdale Ave. Highland Park Sunday 1-3 $1,150,000 Marla Forbes, @properties 847.432.0700
25. 810A Chestnut St Deerfield Sunday 3:30-5:30pm $299,000 Marlene Rubenstein Team 847.565.6666
22. 1666 Cloverdale Ave. Highland Park Sunday 12-2 $1,100,000 Amy Antonacci and Debbie Glickman- Baird & Warner 312.543.2758/ 847.687.4332
16. 603 Sumac Rd Highland Park Sunday 12-3pm $474,900 Marlene Rubenstein Team 847.565.6666
her N. S
Sunset Ridge Rd
Shermer Rd
14. 1271 Wild Rose Lake Forest Sunday 1-3 pm $739,000 Sue Lindeman, Coldwell Banker 847.234.8000
21. 1400 Orleans Circle Highland Park Sunday 12-2 $365,000 Amy Antonacci and Debbie Glickman- Baird & Warner 312.543.2758/ 847.687.4332
Willow Rd
13. 1165 Mt. Vernon Ave. Lake Forest Sunday 1-3 $628,000 Elizabeth Wieneke, Griffith, Grant & Lackie Realtors® 847.234.0485
1. 40 Inverness Court Lake Bluff Sunday 1-3 $764,000 Deborah Fischer, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.309.9119
27. 1883 Mission Hills Lane Northbrook Sunday, 1pm – 3pm $419,999 Susan Updike, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.533.9636 28. 486 Jefferson Glencoe Sunday 2-4 $1,395,000 Linda Rosenbloom, Coldwell Banker 847.560.0433 29. 585 Orchard Lane Glencoe Sunday 1-4 $1,945,000 Halina Krupa, @properties 847.881.0200
33. 2116 Middlefork Rd. Northfield Sunday 1-3 $929,000 Baylor/Shields, @properties 847.881.0200
44. 579 Hill Terrace Winnetka Sunday 1-3 $1,499,000 Maria Kernahan, @properties 847.881.0200
55. 330 Oxford Rd. Kenilworth Sunday 1-3 $3,649,500 Mary Baubonis, @properties 847.881.0200
34. 3010 Arbor Lane, #302 Northfield Sunday 2:30-4:30 $329,000 Beverly Smith, @ properties 847.881.0200
45. 618 Willow Rd Winnetka Sunday 12-2pm $769,000 Marlene Rubenstein Team 847.565.6666
56. 601 Melrose Ave. Kenilworth Sunday 12-3 $1,199,000 Jeff Holcomb, @properties 847.763.0200
35. 134 Green Bay Rd., #208 Winnetka Sunday 1-3 $385,000 Judy Demetriou, @ properties 847.881.0200 36. 147 Birch Winnetka Sunday 12-2 $1,795,000 Frank Nash, Baird & Warner 847.446.1855 37. 196 Scott Winnetka Sunday 2-4 $1,695,000 Dinny Dwyer, Jean Wright Real Estate 847.217.5146 38. 264 Mary Street Winnetka Sunday 12-2 $2,149,900 John Cleary, @properties 312.254.0200 39. 277 Hibbard Rd. Winnetka Sunday 1-3 $997,000 Marion Powers, @ properties 847.881.0200 40. 335 Fairview Winnetka Sunday 2:30-4:30 $945,000 SFC Team, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
30. 602 South Ave. Glencoe Sunday 12:30-2:30 $1,445,000 Lisa Carrel, @properties 847.881.0200
41. 373 Berkeley Winnetka Sunday, 1pm – 3pm $699,000 Chris Downey, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.340.8499
31. 931 Forestway Dr. Glencoe Sunday 12-2 $1,349,000 Maman/Cummins, @ properties 847.881.0200
42. 385 Provident Winnetka Sunday 1-3 $1,249,000 Meg Sudekum, Baird & Warner 847.446.1855
32. 584 Thornwood Northfield Sunday 12-2 $1,150,000 Bonnie Larson, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
43. 422 Provident Ave. Winnetka Sunday 12-2 $1,290,000 Lyn Flannery, @properties 847.881.0200
46. 757 Locust Winnetka Sunday, 12pm – 2pm $1,445,000 Jeanie Moysey, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.800.8110
57. 614 Essex Rd. Kenilworth Sunday 1-3 $2,595,000 Colleen McGinnis, @properties 847.881.0200
47. 1103 Sunset Winnetka Sunday 1:00 – 3:00 $1,050,000 Anne Malone, Coldwell Banker 847.912.4806
58. 530 Locust Wilmette Sunday 12-2 $685,000 SFC Team, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
48. 1138 Scott Ave. Winnetka Sunday 2-4 $959,000 Susan Segal, @properties 847.881.0200
59. 617 Hunter Rd. Wilmette Sunday 1-3 $1,299,000 Susan Segal, @properties 847.881.0200
49. 1314 Scott Winnetka Sunday 1-3 $1,250,0000 SFC Team, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
60. 1535 Greenwood Wilmette Sunday, 2pm – 4pm $699,000 Jeanie Moysey, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.800.8110
50. 1344 Edgewood Winnetka Sunday, 1pm – 3pm $1,150,000 Chris Downey, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.340.8499 51. 1920 Patriot Boulevard Glenview Sunday 11-1 $690,000 Christina Cloutier, @properties 847.998.0200
61. 2000 Elmwood Wilmette Sunday, 1pm – 3pm $1,350,000 Betsy Burke, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices KoenigRubloff 847.565.4264 62. 2406 Greenwood Ave. Wilmette Sunday 1-3 $895,000 Laurie Foster, @properties 847.881.0200
52. 1605 Forest Glenview Sunday 1-3 $935,000 Marina Bilder-Burman, Jean Wright Real Estate 847.401.1048
63. 3627 Illinois Wilmette Sunday 12-2 $1,199,000 Dene Hillinger, Jean Wright Real Estate 847.275.9143
53. 2312 Strawberry Lane Glenview Sunday 1-3 $595,000 Hollis Angus, @properties 847.381.0300
64. 325 Dewey Ave. Evanston Sunday 1-3 $299,900 Natalie Smith, @properties 773.432.0200
54. 144 Woodstock Ave Kenilworth Sunday 1-4 $2,895,000 Barbara Mawicke, Coldwell Banker 847.446.4000
6/2/15 11:12 PM
| saturday JUN 06 | sunday JUN 07 2015
the north shore weekend
Houses of the week
625 Oak Street Winnetka
2122 Grove Street Glenview Exclusively Presented By: Connie Dornan @properties 847.998.0200
Betsy Burke, Berkshire Hathaway Koenig Rubloff 847-565-4264 New price! Exceptional home on Winnetka’s Village Green.
Gleaming hardwood floors, affluent millwork, custom cabs and builtins. Full basement with wet bar, exercise room, 5th bedroom and recreation room. Just two blocks to Metra, library, shops, park and more.
950 Brookside Deerfield Debbie Brooks Coldwell Banker, Deerfield 847-702-1939 Three bedroom, 2 bath split-level home with large open living room and dining room has hardwood floors and sliders to a spacious yard with a deck. Updated eat-in kitchen. Three generous-sized bedrooms. Great closet space.
The Market is Moving... Are YOU?? new on market in woodmere
2122 scoTch pine 5 Bedrooms | 4.1 Bathrooms | $999,900
new Price on Stunning Home
4095 sunseT LAne 5 Bedrooms | 6.1 Bathrooms | $1,599,000
coming Soon
under contract
630 BALLAnTRAe $325,000
2117 VALey RoAd $729,000
116 RuTgeRs $549,000
2586 MeLAnie $749,000
3320 oLd MiLL $725,000
Susan Teper
Experience Exceptional Service | 847.275.6566 over $24 million sold in 2014*
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*Source: @properties internal data
6/2/15 11:12 PM
| saturday JUN 06 | sunday JUN 07 2015
the north shore weekend
sports ‘A fun ride’
Follow us on twitter: @tnswsports
Glenbrook North’s Perez, Zakhodin navigate their way to near perfection
ore than three years ago, an eager Glenbrook North High School freshman bounced around in front of Spartans varsity tennis coach Jeff Jordan and made a prediction. It was a bold forecast, uttered with a straight face. Jordan recalled the moment at the state tennis meet last weekend. “He came right up to me and told me, ‘We’re going to win a state doubles championship,’ ” Jordan said. “My reply was, ‘I’d like to see you hit a ball first.’ ” The enthusiastic seer then was Miguel Perez, now a Glenbrook North senior. His prediction was nearly spot-on. Perez and classmate David Zakhodin finished runner-up in doubles on May 30, falling 7-6 (6), 6-3 to Deerfield High School’s Chris Casati and Niko Wasilewicz at North Shore Racquet Club in Northbrook. Top-seeded Perez/Zakhodin had entered the final against the pair of Warriors (seeded 3-4) with a 34-0 record, 2-0 vs. Casati/Wasilewicz. “They played better than we did,” Zakhodin said. “They totally deserved to win. State final, the level of tennis was high, and we gave it all we had. It was a tough way to end our season, our high school careers. We feel crushed, yes. Look, my feeling is, [playing in the final] was one of the best moments of my life. “It was,” he added, “a fun ride.” Zakhodin/Perez raced to the championship final without dropping a set in six matches. Their most competitive test in the first two days of the three-day tourney was a 7-5, 6-4 decision over Oak Park-River Forest High School’s Joe Gullo/Jacob Palley in a quarterfinal on May 29. They downed Highland Park High School’s David Aizenberg/Max Gordon 6-3, 6-2 in a semifinal held indoors (at North Shore Racquet Club) because of soggy conditions on May 30. “They were fired up throughout the match,” Jordan said following the semifinal. “That’s key for them. When their emotions are up, everything just flows. That Highland Park team had taken a
sport west.indd 1
Gripping performance: Spartans Miguel Perez and David Zakhodin celebrate a point during a state semifinal. They advanced to the final after beating Highland Park. PHOTOGRAPHY BY joel lerner
set against us … one of only two sets David and Miguel had lost all season. So there was a lot of respect for that Highland Park doubles team.” HP’s duo broke serve in the first game of the match. Zakhodin/Perez broke right back and won the next three games to take a 4-1 lead. The critical juncture of the second set came in the sixth game. Perez was serving, with a 3-2 lead, and facing a love-40 deficit. The Spartans won the next three points and the game to thwart the Giants’ most significant challenge in the final eight games. “Big hold,” Jordan said. Zakhodin/Perez, three-time state qualifiers in doubles, play a classic brand of doubles. Zakhodin is smooth and powerful, seemingly always striking shots in the sweet spot of … his racket’s
sweet spot. His service return is scary fast, scary accurate, almost Ping-Pong quick. Jordan calls the returns “demoralizing to other doubles teams.” Perez is fiery and active and highly skilled, a relentless, tireless tornado with a racket. The two constructed beautiful points together. They also bludgeoned tennis balls. “His effort, everything he brings — his fight, his commitment, his attitude,” Case Western Reserve University-bound Zakhodin said of University of Wisconsin-Whitewater-bound Perez. “I enjoyed his effort. I enjoyed playing next to him and competing with him. We grew a lot as doubles players.” They went 4-2 at state as sophomores. They went 5-2 at state as juniors, reaching the consolation semifinals. They went
6-1 at state last weekend. They grew. They grew together, physically and mentally. Their success grew each year. Their runner-up showing last weekend matched Ross Ampel/ Peter Dussias’ showing in 1983 for the best state doubles performance in program history. “David and Miguel are class acts,” said David Duberstein, a former University of Illinois netter and a longtime instructor at Northbrook Racquet Club. “They’ve worked with me. They’ve taught tennis to all ages. Great, great guys.” Notable: Spartans sophomore Mark Wu reached the fourth round of the singles draw at the state meet last weekend. All three of his matches in the back draw were decided by a super tiebreaker (played in lieu of a third
set because of inclement weather). He went 2-1 in the back draw. Glenbrook North tied for eighth place (22 points) at the state meet. … Glenbrook North wasn’t the only Central Suburban League North team from the Deerfield Sectional that finished among the top nine teams at the state meet last weekend. Deerfield placed fourth (26 points), and GBN and CSL Meet champion Highland Park finished in a tie for eighth place. All three fielded only two state entries. Sound, state-worthy players from the three schools could only watch the state meet. “The group of death,” New Trier coach Tad Eckert said of the highly competitive Deerfield Sectional. His Trevians (two singles and two doubles entrants) placed third (31) at state. … Glenbrook North principal Paul Pryma stood
among spectators courtside for the state doubles semifinal between Perez/Zakhodin and HP’s Gordon/Aizenberg on May 30. Steve Rudman sat courtside, serving as HP’s head coach. Pryma, a former athletic director at HPHS, hired Rudman. … Two players were named Tom Pitchford Sportsmanship Award honorees at the state meet last weekend. Illinois boys tennis coaches selected Zakhodin and Stevenson High School senior Colin Harvey. Glenbrook South Titans senior Gavin McClanahan and sophomore Bryce McClanahan went 3-2 in doubles at the state meet last weekend. They won their first two matches in straight sets and topped a duo from Champaign Central in the back draw.
6/2/15 11:12 PM
exceptional service
• Charming home on 1/2 acre lot adjacent to park, lake & beach • • Living room & dining room with French doors that open to huge deck • • Eat in kitchen with dual fireplace. Sun room • Main floor bedroom and full bath • Call or email Jenny for an appointment •
sport west.indd 2
6/2/15 11:12 PM
| saturday JUN 06 | sunday JUN 07 2015
the north shore weekend
Amazing Metzger All-American defenseman a driving force in GBN’s success
t is the fall of 1983. Glenbrook North High School wins the state championship in boys soccer, solving Wheaton Central 2-0. Jim Metzger is a forward on North’s Spartans squad. More than 32 years later, a man sits in the stands at Naperville Central High School, taking in the Illinois High School Lacrosse Association (IHSLA) boys state championship between his alma mater and New Trier High School. It is cold, rainy, windy, miserable. The weather means little to the man, who roots for No. 8 on the Glenbrook North team. No. 8 is senior defenseman Tommy Metzger, proud son of a state soccer champion. “My dad told me how exciting it was when his team won state in soccer,” recalls Tommy, a soccer player in the autumns. “I wanted to feel that same excitement.” Glenbrook North’s lacrosse boys, alas, lost 10-5 to New Trier’s Trevians on May 30. It swelled the Trevians’ state championship total to a state-record 11, breaking a tie with another perennial power, Loyola Academy. The Spartans’ statefinal appearance last weekend was the program’s first. “Coach Geo [ Justin Georgacakis] has always emphasized the importance of becoming a family during a season,” says Metzger, a 2015 US Lacrosse All-American. “We became one. It was like we were playing with our brothers, every game. Everybody had everybody’s back.” Glenbrook North (17-6 overall, 13-5 against Illinois teams) started the season with a 15-1 rout of visiting Fremd on March 16. Four days later it lost 8-7 to visiting Lake Forest High School. Next up: three games in two days against teams in Pennsylvania. Coach Geo’s boys went a rock-solid 3-0 in The Keystone State in late March. The Spartans dismissed Seneca Valley 7-2 in the final contest of the trip. “It was then,” Metzger says, “when we started to realize we have a good chance to be something special.” Glenbrook North fell 5-3 to host New Trier on April 14. The Spartans then won 11 of their next 13 games before facing
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Glenbrook North’s Tommy Metzger advances the ball during the state championship game at Naperville Central on May 30. The Spartans lost 10-5 to New Trier. PHOTOGRAPHY BY joel lerner
New Trier for the state title last weekend. The club outscored its first four playoff opponents 48-12. The 6-foot, 170-pound Metzger, a captain, had something to do with that meek goals-against figure. Few defensemen in the state are as proficient as Metzger is when he executes an overhead check. “Tommy is an amazing, amazing player, with athleticism,” Spartans senior middie and captain Kyle Slovis says. “The way he puts his arms over and around an attackman, then shoots his stick down to strip the ball … it’s one of his great moves. He never hits [an opponent’s body]; its stick on stick, always stick on stick.” Metzger’s biggest moment of his junior season took place in
a triple overtime win against New Trier last spring. He had to outhustle a Trevian, behind the Spartans’ goal, to a bounding ball NASCAR-ing toward an end line. Metzger chased the ball and got vertical in the third OT. Metzger outstretched the Trev. Glenbrook North retained possession. Shortly thereafter, James McFarland (a 2014 Glenbrook North graduate) scored the clincher at the other end of the field. “He just knows where to be … where he has to be at all times,” Georgacakis says. “He knows when to check, when not to check. Tommy has one of those high lacrosse IQs. “He is,” the coach adds, “one of the best defensemen we’ve ever had here.”
Glenbrook North tightened up its defense in the second half of the state championship game last weekend. NT (18-4 overall, 16-0 vs. Illinois schools) had sped to a 6-1 advantage after two quarters. GBN got as close as 6-3 and 8-5 in the second half, with two of its tallies (one from Slovis, one from junior middle Nick Hilgendorf ) coming in a 90-second span in the third quarter. Patient, measured passes — lengthy possessions, really — prevented Glenbrook North from establishing a sustained rhythm on offense. Hilgendorf ended up with two goals; Spartans senior middie Logan Nein tallied a goal and fed an assist; senior attack Hank Young scored Glenbrook North’s first goal, at 4:47 of the first quarter;
Slovis and junior attack Michael McFarland each contributed an assist. His prep career behind him, Metzger, a day after the state championship, looks ahead, looks back. He is thinking about playing club lacrosse at Texas Christian University. “Lacrosse … it’s so fast-paced, so physical,” he says. “I was in eighth grade, looking to play something instead of baseball. Baseball was a little too slow for me.” He found lacrosse. He stuck with lacrosse. And he helped the Spartans’ lacrosse program make some history. Notable: Senior Chad Yale served as Glenbrook North’s state runner-up goalie. … New
Trier and Glenbrook North battled for another state championship in March, this one staged at the United Center. GBN beat reigning state champion New Trier Green 3-2 in overtime for the state hockey title. … Hilgendorf made the IHSLA boys lacrosse all-state second team. Metzger landed on the all-state first team. James McFarland (Glenbrook North, ’14) played lacrosse for Williams (Mass.) College this spring. … Metzger likes to fish when he gives his lax stick a break. His favorite boat mates are his dad, Jim, his grandpa, Storm, and his younger brother, Matt, a freshman at Glenbrook North. He once caught a 135-pound tarpon. It took him about an hour to reel in the game fish. “A little tiring,” he recalls.
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the north shore weekend
saturday JUN 06 | sunday JUN 07 2015 |
Team Roundups Circling the Bases Baseball Glenbrook South: Jordan Libman, take a bow. Now, take another bow. The Glenbrook South junior right-fielder was Mr. Clutch times two in the Class 4A Glenbrook South Regional. First, in a 1-0 semifinal win over Buffalo Grove on May 28, Libman sent everyone home with a game-winning single in the bottom of the seventh inning. Then, on June 1 in the title game against No. 4 seed St. Viator, Libman pushed across two runs in the top of the seventh with a single to left center field. A few moments later, the No. 5 seed Titans celebrated a 4-3 victory. “He (Libman) has been Mr. Clutch,” said GBS head coach Steve Stanicek. “He did an outstanding job.” Libman couldn’t have done it without the help of his friends — and, in particular, Mike Henderson and Peter Stellas. Henderson not only scored the winning run against BG, but he also coaxed a two-out walk in the seventh inning against St. Viator after falling behind 1-2. It will go down as the “Best Walk of the Year.” Stellas followed up Henderson’s base on balls with a double down the right-field line. Moments later, Libman did his thing. Henderson, Stellas and Libman — all three finished the game with two hits — also were productive in earlier at-bats against St. Viator. Henderson drove in Justin Machado with GBS’s first run in the third inning. In the fifth inning, Stellas drove in the team’s other run with a groundout. On the mound, GBS received solid work from starter Connor Pauly (5 IP), Fitz Stadler (1 IP, 2 Ks) and George Karavidas. Stadler threw just 13 pitches but got the win. Karavidas picked up the save. After allowing a walk, he ended the game by striking out St. Viator’s cleanup hitter Dan Sullivan. “George hadn’t done a ton of pitching in the last couple of weeks,” said Stanicek. “There was a lot of pressure on him.” In the win over Buffalo Grove, Stadler went the distance on a two-hitter. He finished with 10 Ks. The Titans (22-11), who
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shared first place in the Central Suburban League South with New Trier and Evanston, were scheduled to play the host Patriots on June 3 in the Stevenson Sectional semifinals. The sectional title game is set for June 6 at 11 a.m. Glenbrook North: Things started out so promisingly. The Spartans opened postseason play with Kyle Mitter hitting a walk-off sacrifice fly in a 4-3 nine-inning victory over the host Pirates in the semifinal round of the Class 4A Palatine Sectional on May 27. The victory featured another outstanding mound performance by junior Michael Oh and a two-run home run by David Burnside. Oh didn’t allow a walk in the nine innings. And in the bottom of the ninth, GBN (29-7) executed perfectly to tally the go-ahead run. Following a double by Mitch Schermerhorn and a sacrifice bunt by Brandon LaBunski, Mitter fouled off a several pitches before driving a fly ball to right center field. “It was a phenomenal at-bat by Kyle,” said GBN head coach Dom Savino. That game was played the right way. Three days later, the Spartans took on Stevenson in a raindrenched regional championship at Palatine and lost 14-9 in eight innings. “Major League games were cancelled that day,” said Savino. “The game balls were waterlogged by the third inning. The rain came down hardest in the eighth inning. Stevenson tallied eight runs in the top of the eighth. GBN managed to score three times in the bottom of the frame. “No one could hold onto the baseball,” said Savino. “I know it’s the same for both teams but ... .” But playing in those conditions? “That’s not baseball,” the GBN coach added. The eighth-inning stat line included 11 runs and 10 walks by two teams with a combined 54 wins. “I was completely numb after the game,” said Savino. “I don’t know what to say. I never saw anything like this before. “I feel bad for our seniors,” he added. “This is going to be their last memory of high school baseball. But I told them that one
Jordan Libman of the Titans stands on first base after coming up with the game-winning hit against Buffalo Grove in the regional semifinals. PHOTOGRAPHY BY GEORGE PFOERTNER
inning doesn’t define us. It doesn’t define our season.” GBN senior Matt Tedeschi did supply one highlight. With the wind blowing in, he crushed a home run in the fourth inning. He finished the game with three hits and three RBIs. The Rundown Boys Track Glenbrook North: Michael Papper came home with a state medal from the IHSA Class 3A state track and field meet at Charleston on May 30. The junior took eighth place with a leap of
22-1 ½. Girls Track Glenbrook South: Freshman Emily Noone claimed a medal in the girls state track meet on May 23 in Charleston. She placed ninth in the 800 meters in a personal best 2:15.85. Her winning sectional time was 2:16.25. Her time at the Central Suburban League South meet was 2:19.28. Volleys Boys Volleyball Glenbrook North: The Spar-
tans saw their season come to a close with a 32-29, 17-25, 25-23 setback to Loyola Academy in the semifinal round of the Glenbrook South Sectional on May 29. On May 27, GBN claimed a regional title by downing the host Grenadiers 20-25, 25-19, 25-21. The Spartans finished the season 22-13 and 8-2 in league play. Senior Rob Chatterton finished with 315 kills and 73 blocks. Jon Simon registered 181 kills, while Jeremy Doman had 156 kills. Danny Martens led the team in digs (304).
Glenbrook South: The Titans (23-14, 8-2) came up just shy against host Loyola Academy in the regional final on May 27. The Ramblers moved on with a tense 23-25, 25-20, 26-24 victory. Senior Wesley Blodig concluded the season with 543 kills, 101 digs, 30 aces and 27 blocks. The other stat leaders included Alex Freidinger (77 digs, 984 assists), Shan Kadalimattom (275 digs, 22 aces) and Paul Rafalo (112 kills, 54 blocks).
6/2/15 11:12 PM
| saturday JUN 06 | sunday JUN 07 2015
the north shore weekend
sunday breakfast
novelist sets L
isa Barr slides out of the booth and stands to greet me. Even surrounded by the brunch crowd at The Original Green Bay Café, there’s little mistaking the petite spitfire in the dress. Barr, in fact, practically pulsates. It’s not long before the truth comes out: she admits to being a little wired on caffeine. But this shouldn’t come as a surprise, she tells me. It’s merely a daily ritual. So much so that her husband, David, bought her a sign that could be mistaken as a mantra. “Get me the coffee,” it goes, “and nobody gets hurt.” Good thing she’s had her coffee. And yet the Original Green Bay Café is typically a place reserved for the author to decelerate from the daily grind. The buttery pancake yin to her up-tempo yang. I can see why. A chalkboard on the far wall is filled with menu items written in electric-colored chalk. The wooden booths feel cozy. The word quaint comes to mind. It’s as if the entire state of Vermont were being represented by a café in Winnetka. Barr orders a grapefruit juice, followed by an omelet with spinach, Swiss cheese, mushrooms, potatoes, and a side of rye toast. Her preference for most, if not all, of the above is to be cooked well done (burnt). Barr is a woman who knows what she likes.
How far would you go for your passion? This is the question at the heart of her debut novel, “Fugitive Colors” (Arcade Publishing). Her novel won the Independent Publisher Book Awards gold medal for Best Literary Fiction 2014 and first prize for Best Unpublished Manuscript at the Hollywood Film Festival (Opus Magnum Discovery Award). Having just returned from a whirlwind trip to Israel, Barr’s novel will be published in Hebrew in the fall. “Fugitive Colors” tells the story of Julian Klein. A young, idealistic Jew growing up in 1930s Chicago, Klein rejects his orthodox upbringing in favor of his true passion: painting. Absconding to Paris, Klein is quickly caught up in the artistic freedoms of the City of Lights, or what Hemingway referred to as a “moveable feast.” Klein, however, is the only expatriate at his feast. Once there, he meets the aspiring yet inferior German artist, Felix von Bredow, and the talented French painter Rene Levi, along with Levi’s girlfriend Adrienne and Charlotte, a promiscuous artist’s model. And yet, the creative Eden the friends enjoy in Paris cannot last. It’s out of this ever-rising backdrop of World War II that Barr weaves a tale of love, lust, deception, and revenge; where you can almost feel the world lurch as the Nazi party comes to power.
the barr high
Says Barr, “Ironically, [Adolf ] Hitler’s war started with art, and it’s the piece of Holocaust history that’s continuing 70 years later —still making front-page news.” Hitler was himself an unsuccessful artist who had been denied admission to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. In “Mein Kampf ” he attacked modern art, labeling
Nazi war machine. Even today, it’s estimated that at least 100,000 pieces of artwork have not been returned to their rightful owners. In 1991, Barr was a young journalist serving as managing editor of “Today's Chicago Woman.” She still remembers being sent on assignment to cover the "Degenerate Art" exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. What struck her in that moment was a poignant feeling some authors spend their whole lives searching for. She had found a story that needed telling. She would find the time to actually write it years later. She was in Jerusalem, placed on a nine-month bed during the pregnancy of her first child. At the time, the graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University was living in Israel, working as a reporter for The Jerusalem Post. All that energy had to go somewhere. She invested it into the first draft of her novel. “I never get writer’s block because I don’t have time for it avant-garde found in Cubism, now,” says Barr, who has three Futurism, and Dadaism — among teenage girls at her home in Deerother disciplines — as “degenerate.” field — or what she refers to afWhen the Nazi party came to fectionately as “Drama Central.” power, classical portraits and land- Barr has a beautiful home office, scapes in the vein of the Old she tells me. But there’s the laundry, Masters of Germanic origin were the dogs — all these distractions. deemed the aesthetic ideal. All So she retreats to the nearby Starother plundered paintings were to bucks. Each morning, after dropbe burned or sold to further the ping her daughters off at school,
she has a 20-minute coffee date with her husband. Then she writes for close to three hours, looking up only to greet friends and acquaintances — the other regulars. Barr tells me she’s halfway into her next novel. “I find myself very excited to get to the computer and write,” she says, adding that she’s finally getting to the evil characters, of which she’s “having a blast” writing. With a second novel coming and more than 20 years experience as a journalist under her belt (she covered the famous handshake between the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the late Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat at the White House) the sky’s the limit for Barr. She also is the editor and creator of a racy parenting blog, titled GIRLilla Warfare, which generated over 100,000 responses — from Singapore to Australia —on a single story. (“It struck such a nerve that it was gangbusters,” she notes.) But at the end of the day, Barr is still the same energetic regular at the caffeine-packed haunts she regularly attends in the North Shore. “She’s a regular here,” the waitress whispers to me after she zips off. There’s something nice to be said about that.
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