Dundalk Democrat - Crisis Communications

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Dundalk Democrat* Tuesday, 27 January 2015 Page: 7

Lee family just delighted to be home “I’dlike to thank the people for the construction company ofLiosDubh for their generosity Bayview. during a very difficult time “Weare delighted to welcome @DundalkDemocrat for our family,” said Damien the Leefamilyhome and Lee. “The people of Dundalk it was particularly great to see The Irish Housing Association, the children home in time for have been fantastic. Cluid Housing, has said it “Ihave to say a very special Christmas,” a Cluid spokesperson said. is delighted to welcome a Dundalkthanks to Elaine Feran and “Allworks were completed John Menary. family home. “The support of local people on time and the house looks Damien and Simone Lee in general has been amazing.great.” found themselves in a nightmare Damienwas delighted with scenario as their home “Itis great to see it and it reallythe levelofwork completed on restores your faith in the the house. was extensively damaged in a fire shortly before Christmas. community.” “We’revery happy that all The couple, who are tenants the work on the house is now The couple returned home from Mass in early December of the all-Ireland housing done. The place looks really to discover the fire service association, Cluid Housing, well. It was a struggle to get it were housed in the Glengat done in time for Christmas but tackling the blaze. The upstairs area of the B&Bfollowingthe fire. we got there. house was completely destroyedWhile a less than ideal situation,“We want to thank Cluid and the rest smoke Damien expressedly Housing and, in particular, damaged. thanked “the people in Glengat housing officer Laura Killalea for their hospitality, and for all her help and support. The couple and their three children, Evan (8), Aaron (5) for being so nice to me and my “Shedid a great job and we and Cara (4), faced the prospectfamilywhile the house wasbeing can now focus on getting back of Christms in a B&Bbut done up.” to normal.” thanks to the efforts of the Cluid Housing said that Cluid Housing works in local community and Cliud the works were completed on conjunctionwith localauthorities Housing, the familywere able time with thanks to a mammoth to provide quality affordable to return home in time for effort by all involved, housing to low income Christmas. in particular, those working families. Ami Connolly



Damien and Simone Lee with their children Aaron, Evan and Cara.

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