Nenagh Guardian - Housing Management

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Nenagh Guardian* Saturday, 15 November 2014 Page: 16

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Clean-up of Nenagh estates RESIDENTS of Cluid Housing in Ballygraigue Towns representative Martin Langton Court and Ormond Drive, said: “It is lovely to be involved with Nenagh, joined forces recently to tidy these communities on an initiative their estates. that keeps the estates clean, tidy and Councillor Fiona Bonfleld led over attractive. When TidyTowns judging 30 residents at the event in Ormond taking place, the efforts of theses communities Drive on Wednesday October 29th. are sure to be noticed.” “It is wonderful to see entire communitiesQuid Housing Association is an independent, working together for the benefit not-for-profit organisation of all,” said Councillor Bonfleld. “Initiatives that provides rented social housing in like this are integral to creating Nenagh and around the country. As and sustaining both community well as providing housing, the charity spirit and civic pride. In particular I works to enable people to create thriving am thrilled to see so many young people communities. taking part in the clean-up.” Cluid places particular emphasis Holding the event over the school’s on bringing neighbour’s together, mid-term break ensured that local encouraging and promoting involvement children could play a vital part in the and advancing health and wellbeing. clean-up of their community. It was Quid's vision is a society where also a chance for community workers everyone has a great place to live. to get involved, with Sergeant Tom Delee, Garda Mairead Hehir, Garda Sinead Hennessy and Marie O’Mahony of Novas Initiatives helping to pick up litter and improve the general appearance of the neighbourhood. Sergeant Tom Delee said: “This excellent initiative brings the Gardai and members of the community closer together. We are very much looking forward to continuing and developing these relationships.” Organised by both Geraldine Toohey and David Lalor, Chairpersons of both estates’ Neighbourhood Watch Groups, the events helped to bolster community spirit and created a tremendous Mayor Fiona Bonfield busy at work sense of pride amongst the during the Neighbourhood Watch participants. Commenting on the clean-up, Tidy- Clean-up in Ormond Drive Nenagh.

Nenagh Guardian* Saturday, 15 November 2014 Page: 16

Circulation: Area of Clip: Page 2 of 2

6928 41300mm²

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