The Nation Volume 1, Issue 5
June 2010
Warrior Nation
The Creative Works and You! Special points of interest: Creative Works Recruiting! 50 Nukes for a Major! Recruitment Galore! Sections Sadly Closing.
Inside this issue: Diablo 2
Rose Online
CnC Renegade
Golden Eye: Source 10
Hello everyone. Many of you might skim the pages of this humble publications without ever taking the time to sit back and ponder what goes into it, or the people behind the department which produces it. The Creative Works Department, which includes various teams dealing with graphics, music, writing, histories, videos, and web design! It’s easy to forget there is a team working behind the scenes to bring the members of Warrior Nation something more to their clan experience! The Creative Works Department is always looking for talented newcomers to join our family! It is a great way to get a
foot in the door at Warrior Nation and experience a new and interesting side to the clan. Whether you can creative great graphics and join GAT, or editing wonderful videos and join VAT, there is something for you. Writers are needed more so than anything, from sectional reporters to historians! If you have any desire to go above and beyond and involve yourself in the more creative aspects of this clan, then the Creative Works Department is certainly for you! If anything mentioned here interests you, take a look at the Warrior Nation Ranks page for a description of what each position does. You can
then check the Rosters to see what Creative Head you need to contact for more information, or you may PM any Warrior Nation Creative Administrator. We look forward to seeing some new faces and new interest in the Creative Works Department! -Creative Works Team
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The Nation
Allods Online Recruiting drive - Think you have what it takes? Allods is looking for new members to help build the rookie section into something great within the confines of Warrior Nation. If RPG-style PVP is your flavor, then Allods is calling your name. If you prefer PVM, there is plenty of monsters available for the slaying. Allods is a free to download game, so there's no excuse for not giving it a shot! Love potion #9 - WNxTiger and WNxBabyoxide spiced up the forums with a captioned pictorial describing their un-
usual reaction to drinking a love potion. Disclaimer: Not for those who are pregnant, may become pregnant, have a heart condition, or under 48 inches tall.
Member of the month WNxMyuki was presented with the award of Member of the month for the month of May due to his concerted efforts in raising the section from development stage to recently released to a fledgling section. WNxMyuki's dedication to the Allods section has helped it gain more activity as he leads by his
Diablo 2 “No date has been set for this event, but it is sure to be one of epic proportions.�
PvP build competition - Some in-section smack talk began in a battle between WNxFatalDesign and WNxVulture as to the better PvP. The forum thread has inspired others to join in on the competition, and people are now searching for their perfect pvp gear. No date has been set for this event, but it is sure to be one of epic proportions. Mule dump - Now that the second month after the lad-
der reset is over, D2 held a mule dump event in which everyone participating was able to relieve their mules of items they no longer needed or wanted, and could replace them with the items of others. Due to some miscommunication, only a handful of people were in attendance; however the likelihood of another event such as this is high.
has once again taken the reigns as HGFO for the Diablo II section. He has held the position on multiple occasions and seems to find himself at home in it. We all know that he will do well. Congratulations Clay!
FO promotion - WNxClydez
Dungeons & Dragons Online Released - May was a good month for Dungeons & Dragons Online as it was released from development and is well on its way towards being a fledgling section in its own right. WNxCootie has been appointed as its Grand Master with WNxZecrag as his second in command. Congratulations to both of you and to the section. Guild runs forming - WNxThetislongarrow is running some
guild runs and looking for section support as well as potential recruits to join him. They are still in the planning stages, so stop by to provide your input and stick around to see the success. Guild Bank - There is a mule account set up within the DDO section for those less fortunate. Several members have put in countless hours collecting various items that may help in your quest for
victory. Stop in to see what's available before the item you seek is gone!
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Volume 1, Issue 5
Eve Online
Knight Online
Mining Op - WNxKoudo is arit is projected to be ranging a mining op June 1 at released on June 8. 18:00 game time. WNxScottijohn is going to be recording the fray on video. All guild members are invited to attend. Revenue generated during the op will be divided amongst its participants.
Section's activity - This section has been rolling smooth. Not super active nor inactive, a good balance if you ask me. No new members or leaving members.
Tyrannis delayed - It comes as no surprise to gamers; the release of the expansion patch Tyrannis has been delayed. There are some inherent scalability issues with the function of the Planetary Interaction function which is the primary feature of Tyrannis. The delay will be short lived, however as
Eve Online
Guild Wars Series Boss hunt - Saturday May 29th marked the date that WNxThrawn gathered together his merry band of marauders to hunt down and kill as many GW bosses possible. Guild Wars organizes many events such as this one so stop in and join one if you can. Coed Naked Boss Slaying WNxThrawn has proposed a boss raid with each character in their underwear only.
Some areas will be held in hard mode, while others will be done in nm. It takes skill, patience, and humility to be able to do something as crazy as this. Congratulations to all those that participated.
your hard work and dedication to the Guild Wars section.
character in their underwear
Medal of Valor awarded Guild Wars' resident baddie hunter WNxDarknyte was awarded the Medal of Valor on May 8, 2010. A big congratulations to you and a bigger thank you for all of
they owe us since one year ago. Section's activity - Last month activity was cool as usual, but this month it was more an ingame activity than a forum activity. Don't take it the wrong way, the forum is always active, and the section is runing a tour which has nice prizes but is not finished yet.
proposed a boss raid with each
PangYa Nickname update - The past month, the game developers finally did something "good". They gave us back the chance to change our nicknames in game. But the big BUT is that it's way more expensive than the old price, and in my opinion a nick change doesn't worth about 10 dollars. I wouldn't be surprised that when they bring us the guild system they'd make it payable, and the guild system is something
“WNxThrawn has
A new FO captain - One Interesting thing to mention is that on May the section had a great promotion, WNxKomatsu has been promoted to Field Operation Captain, and the good thing to mention here is that he was one of the first majors of the section and he's still here with us, and as officer once again.
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The Nation
Rose online Special offer - Summer is almost here and in celebration, Ultimate Game Card, Rose and Ragnarok Online are offering a special event when any UGC is redeemed for the games you play! To participate with Rose and Ragnarok Online, redeem a UGC through the PaybyCash link. This will earn you a special bonus item in addition to their normal value.
Neverwinter Nights Series for monsters 1-80, some requirements for refining have been lowered, NPC Price changes for some items and some icon changes, as well as other things. New Server - The Rose Online section has a new server! With the new NA server, this will allow more players to join in the fun and help extend recruitment efforts! For more information, check out the section’s forum!
Section's activity - The activity for this section is a little low, but I heard they are watching for Neverwinter Nights 2 servers, so maybe they can come up with some cool surprise for us all. Next month for this section will be an important month because... well that is something you will read in the next month's issue.
Game update - A new update with various improvements has been brought online. Here are some tidbits on the changes : reduced dodge rate
“To celebrate Runes of Magic's release of The Elder Kingdoms expansion, the Runes of Magic team is giving away free gift codes at ces1AA.”
Runes of Magic Game update - This month, RoM's development team has added plenty of new features such as: a new instance called the Dungeon of Alanis, a six player instance with variable difficulty settings, new skills that are gained through the gathering of certain items, hirable NPC's that can give you buffs, potions, or other bonuses, 100 new quests with a raised level cap as well as a new level 58 Olympics.
Free codes for everyone! - To celebrate Runes of Magic's release of The Elder Kingdoms expansion, the Runes of Magic team is giving away free gift codes at ces1AA. Each code can be redeemed for one special experience package, which will enable Runes of Magic players (and their friends) to reach higher levels faster so that they may experience the game's newest features and areas! So hurry and get yours!
Siege Wars - Meanwhile Many of the guild members have been burning the midnight oil doing instances and fighting in the nightly Siege wars, instances are being run on an almost nightly basis. Siege Wars however has become a nightly event to which more and more members are becoming addicted to. As more players reach higher levels, and the ins and outs of SW are learned by all, other guilds are realizing that Warrior Nation is a force to worry about.
months. So here it is, another chance to try the world of Classic!
‘classic-enable’ their account. The re-opening period is Tuesday 1st June to Tuesday 15th June.
Runescape Back to the future - Adventurers who have discovered Vituvius's Elemental Workshop beneath Seers' Village will be happy to hear that the body door and the secrets locked away behind it are now opened up in Jagex's latest quest : The Elemental Workshop III. Back in November, Jagex opened RuneScapeClassic up to members for two weeks, and said at the time that they would have another re-opening in six
Runescape Classic is the original version of RuneScape as it was six years ago in 2004. This version is not normally open for new users to play, and only ‘classicenabled’ accounts can play it. For a limited period only, Jagex is opening Classic up to new users again, and giving users another chance to
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Volume 1, Issue 5
World of Warcraft - Kael’thas For those of you that loved it... Rejoice! For those of you that didn't... Hehehe... DUCK!!! The Night Elf Mohawk is back! For a limited time, Mr. T’s Night Elf Mohawk returns to Azeroth to hand out his signature grenades while a new nationally televised commercial takes over the airwaves.
and Family Alpha of Cataclysm has been opened up officially for an extremely selected few. Certain websites are releasing tons of information about the next expansion, but there is a big catch : the alpha is currently under a non-disclosure agreement. What this means is that no one can display screenshots or information gathered from the alpha on their forums.
Also, a reminder about something very important that's occurring in the WoW world at the moment. If many of you don't know, the Friends
“Starting this
Battle for Middle Earth II
month, Activity hasn't been bad in the BFMEII section as of late. New members have been showing up as older ones celebrate their birthdays, both seeming a little more common as we near summer. Starting this month, WNxGaleth has started a tournament series that will occur every other month known as The Warg Pit. Points in the tournament will be received by attending gamenights and participating
in a classic 1v1 tournament. Wins equal three points and losses equal one.
WNxGaleth has started a
Also, patch 2.6 is coming for for the BfME2 section soon. More details can be found in the Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit section on the forum.
tournament series that will occur every other month known as The Warg Pit.”
Heroes of Newerth Members have been steadily flowing into this section for the duration of the month, yet forum activity seems to be down due to more people staying in-game rather than web-surfing. This may be because of the several people that left early on in the month. Hopefully, the new people can fill in the sad gap that has been left. The requirements to join the section have changed slightly
this month, yet it did not deter how many people were joining up in the section. For serious gamers, the restrictions are now at: PSR 1600+ KD 0.8 CS 80 CD 8 EM% 0% The Competitive Play team is now having tryouts for anyone who thinks they have the game to play with the best.
In other news, leadership is working up to get a raffle going in which a prize is a copy of the game.
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The Nation - Gamma Activity rises again in Ikariam as we say hello to some new members! 5/12/10, applications for a new BO captain opened up in Ikariam and 10 days later on 5/22/10, the promotion was given to WNxDizzy. On 5/15/10, member progress was posted to reveal the highest point growth winners are as follows: Group Group Group Group
A: WNxArtaxs B: Marcolious C: WNxNozama D: zerozero00
In addition to this, zerozero00 gained 12% in rank and Warrior Nation climbed 3% in clan rank, which, despite the small number, is actually quite a lot! Check the - Gamma forum for more information.
A Pillage against the most units: WNxMistressChaos Congratulations to the winners!
Pillage week ran from 5/24/10 to 5/28/10 and resulted in the following winners: Most Pillages achieved: WNxMistressChaos Most Resources gained: WNxMartiqulous A Pillage with the most units: WNxWattz
League of Legends “Many people showed up when WNxWalrus hosted a game tournament in which the prize was a $10 game card.�
Activity in this section's forum has been dropping very slightly as of late and only a few new members have shown their faces. Still, despite this, the LoL section still seems to be doing pretty well.
continue through June. Also many field rank promotions were given. Thirteen members went from squire to knight and four from knight to teutonic knight.
Many people showed up when WNxWalrus hosted a game tournament in which the prize was a $10 game card. Results are pending as people post who won what. The contest will most likely
OGame There was a massive rollcall boost for the OGame section in May, gaining 8 more primary members compared to last months rollcall. Thanks to WNxKOTR, the Recon Captain of OGame, as he made sure everyone would sign. A new redesign of OGame has been released in uni1 and is expected to shortly be released in uni27, were our OGame section is situated. A 'Beta team' started up in uni1 to test out the redesign and it
has received positive marks, however, the graphic requirements are criticized, as some computers cannot function with OGame. As part of a initiative by uni27 and uni28 players, many of the WNx members have started up new accounts in uni28 to try and increase activity in the uni. Along with this many uni28 players have started up new accounts in uni27 to increase activity. Many experienced WNx mem-
bers have joined up with former JEDI enemies in a uni28 mini-clan called UNI27 to help a better cause. Field promotions were a plenty in May for OGame, as WNxBlack Knight, WNxClericHelper, WNxDoumeki, WNxForward and WNxRuler4lyf were all promoted to Sergeant and WNxMartiqulous was promoted to Master Sergeant.
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Volume 1, Issue 5
Warcraft 3 NA The May Rollcall was solid for WC3 NA, as they stayed at 31 primaries. This is also the first time since late 2008 that WC3 NA have had 2 consecutive rollcall's with 30 or more primaries. WNxHydrolysis keeps on improving, his activity in game and on the forums, along with his recruiting skills are impressive. As WNxWeeeooo changed to Royal Guard of the section, the Recon HG was open and as decided by the leadership, WNxHydrolysis was the perfect candidate, moving from his rank to Paladin, to the
new Recon HG of WC3 NA. The X Hero Siege Tournament is in the end of the signing up stage, as the full 8 players have signed up and been accepted. The Tournament date is TBD, but it should be big. The goal is to get the most kills in one game of X Hero Siege on Extreme hard mode. Hopefully the date of the tournament is not too far away and good luck to all participants. In the middle of May, WNxMirager caught up with WNxDobby, a dedicated Admin of WC3 NA and inter-
viewed him. The interview looks sweet and as WNxMirager said "there will be more to come." a small thanks to WNxWattZ for editing and reviewing the interview. Check the forums for the interview. Every month, members are rewarded for their loyalty and in WC3 NA, this month is no different. Congratulations to WNxTinuva and WNxRabidChicken who both have received 2 year medal's, WNxMistressChaos who received a 3 year medal and WNxPureLuck who received his 5 year medal.
Warcraft 3 EU WNxCominbk2life the GM of WC3 EU has been recently demoted after 3 weeks of inactivity in the forums. Hopefully another member can step up to the role as the section is struggling and without a GM will be closed. He who started it shall end it, as WC3 EU was without a GM, the Admins decided to put in charge someone who could get the job done until July when SC2 comes out and the
“The guy who section will close as majority of the small section will move. The guy who could get the job done is WNxPeter, he was the section's first Grand Master way back in December 2002 and has shown himself again to lead the section and eventually close it. Being the first and last GM of WC3 EU.
in May. Hopefully the section can improve their rollcall number or keep steady.
was the section's first Grand Master way back in
Rollcall is borderline danger again, although they improved from April, by getting 1 more primary to make it 18
DOW II has just opened a new section Slogan and Banner Contest, the activity is promising and they should have a great new slogan and shiny banner in a few weeks time. The Coolest Army Contest has just began, and guess
what it's about... making the coolest army! Members must create a Race / Chapter Name, Badge and color set, and a quick back story on their chapter 250 words. Entries are already coming in and are looking promising. Patch 2.2.1 has come out and the DOW II members like it, featuring many balanced tweaks. WNxDreadWolf had this to say about the patch "actually this little patch is impressive"
job done is WNxPeter, he
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II Leadership change... WNxAbaddon the HG Recon and WNxDreadWolf HG FO have swapped ranks, as they were doing each other's jobs and there are both suited for there new ranks.
could get the
The Killzone event was started and finished this month and it was quite a competition. The Event was based on the Space Hulk game, in which players had to survive and try to get as many kills as possible, there 6 participants and the final standings were... WNxFragEmAll placed 1st with an impressive 83 kills, WNxPigPen placed 2nd with 73 kills and placing 3rd with 48 kills was WNxRipVanWinkle.
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The Nation
Air Rivals
Area 51
In Trouble - The section is having trouble with activity, it seems to have slowed down to a crawl. WNxWesker and WNxPinkShadow have come in to help them out. The Recon Black ops team is going to help bring the section back to what it was and hopefully activity is going to go back to where it once was.
Recruitment - Area 51 is quite active in recruiting people they’ve had about six new people join the section in the last month. Showing Off - They do their best to provide people with the screenshots of their games and what is going on in the section as well.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PC) Good Start - The section has had good activity this month and the in game activity is good as well. They have a new server up and running. The members in the section have grown fast and are going to be very successful. The section is finally out of development and has had its first leadership positions decided.
Change At The Top - They have promoted a new Recon Captain and a new major after WNxWildo has stepped down from his position, WNxcptskip.
Battlefield Heroes
“WNxCookie… the latest Recon Captain of the section, Congrats Mate.”
New Combat Journalist The section has been passed around from one CJ to another, I know this because I used to do it when I was a CJ, the latest lamb to the slaughter is WNxWolf. New Recon Cookie... I Mean Captain - WNxCookie is no stranger to Creative Works, and it pleasures me to give him more congratulations on becoming the latest Recon Captain of the section, Congrats Mate.
Questioning The Game Itself - When you see a member questioning the game itself, you could have a problem but its something we all go through, we all fall out with the game we like for many reasons WNxBunny has brought up another reason, read it here: http:// showthread.php?t=585122
CnC Renegade OK, Start From The Top Needless to say WNxM3 is a legend in the making the renegade section, he was a major when I joined in January, he became a BO Commissioner not long back, now he has become a colonel of special forces, what I want to know is who is he paying off, only joking mate congratulations really well deserved. Captain Kenny Honoured As you have read above the
Renegade section is no stranger to bringing up the best members in WNx, it's always nice to see those members rewarded, WNxKenny achieved the medal of honor, congratulations mate. Yet Another Promotion - I am not saying it again... Ok i will Renegade brings up the best members because he is another promotion, WNxAcatel is now a marshal.
Captain & MP Applications - The section is also looking for new members to fill up some big spaces left by their predecessors.
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Volume 1, Issue 5
Call of Duty 4 (PC) FPS Domination - The COD 4 (PC) section is one of a kind, no wonder they won in the FPS challenge. The section held 10 game nights in the month of May, majority of them being inter clan, with great attendance at all of them. Hopefully their game night fever can continue on to next month. Change At The Top - They have been many changes in the leadership of COD 4 (PC).WNxJesus, the well known GM of COD 4 (PC) stepped down as GM, in order to become a Commis-
sioner of Battle Ops. The member to replace him was his second in command, WNxBeyond. As they was no longer a HG FO, WNxRedreader was promoted to HG FO. WNxSilent was also promoted to HG BO and keep the competitive edge of COD 4 (PC) alive.
threatening their position. To read more go the COD 4 (PC) forums.
New Event - A new event called the "Castle Siege" was started a while ago and with 5 teams of 4 participating, it has been very competitive and interesting. Currently 'the dutchnabs' are the castle holders, but other team is
Call of Duty 2 (PC) Leadership Shake-up There are some new officers in town... WNxSol1ce has started to build up his team, promoting WNxNinja to FO Captain, WNxQuill to Recon Captain and WNxKRakiiiE to MP. Good luck to the following members and hopefully they can improve the section. CoD Factor - The WWII Song contest finished late in the month of May, WNxClimaxx took 1st place, with WNxPaRaNoiD coming in a
close 2nd and WNxDma clinching 3rd place. Section Contest - The May 'Guess the map contest' was a hit, with a vast amount of members, participating in the contest. The contest is hosted by WNxKRakiiiE were he displays an image of a map and the members must guess, the first person to guess correctly wins.
Fourth Place - With the rankings of the FPS BO Tournament has been released this month and this section has achieved fourth place! The section has done a lot of events, and managed to make it pretty high in the standings, only losing to three others and beating out all the rest. The Major, WNxSwitchBlade, made a celebratory speech by bringing out the drinks and laughs.
“The WWII Song contest finished late in the month of May, WNxClimaxx took 1st place...�
WNxSol1ce was the first person do guess correctly and
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC) 2v2 Handgun Only Tournament - WNxSilver has started the 2v2 handgun only tournament in the section, which is sure to be a hit. Many people have registered for the tournament and the first round is ready to begin. If you want more information on the tournament, or just want to root for your favorite person, then look here: Forum/showthread.php? t=586843
he won 1st place and a gold medal, while WNxAquaFresh won a silver medal for 2nd place and WNxPaRaNoiD won a bronze medal for third place.
Call of Duty: United Offensive Out With The Old, In With The New... - To put it bluntly the section has lost three members this month; WNxFroggy, WNx0wnd34d and WNxCartman, but has recruited five more to replace them, so welcome WNxJ3ff, WNxn00bster, WNxSpooner, WNxveser and WNxSwifty.
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The Nation
Day of Defeat Source
Still Growing - To say that Day of Defeat is back on its feet is a vast understatement. The section was dangerously close to being archived only 2 months prior, gained another 5 new primaries and 2 new secondary this month. When you consider that there were only 17 primaries last month this is an amazing feat. This means for every 5 primary members the section had over 2 new members were recruited. Of course it was not only rollcall that improved this month, but they also had many game nights with several members attending and it seems that Day of Defeat is only going up from here.
It is with a heavy heart that I report the closure of the Dystopia section. In the last couple months the section has went from bad to worse with absolutely no activity. Despite all efforts nothing seemed to work and it was ultimately decided that the section was to be closed. The Dystopia section was brought into Development on 10/10/2006 and one of the game champions was Gump, who was the last Major for the section. The largest the section ever had gotten was in March 2009 with 58 members signing rollcall. It has been a great ride for the Dystopia section and it is truly sad to see it go.
Golden Eye: Source “FPS Challenge - Yes, the free mod GES was only beaten out by Call of Duty 4.�
Maintaining The Average This month, although GES did not lose any members, they stayed exactly the same with 54 primaries and gained one secondary. Despite this, 54 primaries for a free source mod is quite a feat and we should expect even more great things from this section. They have kept their members interested by having a game night on every Saturday at 8pm GMT, usually consisting of 2 rounds with a race to 50 each round. They
also have a fun night every Sunday at 8pm GMT. The FPS Challenge - So among many call of duty sections and several other retail games where did we see a free mod like GES place. Let us look down near the bottom, but wait it isn't there. Going up the list of games you won't find GES until you reach the 2nd place spot. Yes, the free mod GES was only beaten out by Call of Duty 4. Even United offen-
Halo (PC) Officer Promotions - With WNxJingo stepping down from Major and leaving the section as primary, the Admin support had a serious decision to make. So WNxRoses did what any good Admin would do and stuck everyone's name on a Dart board, blindfolded himself, and spun around in circles three times. The name that came out of all of this was WNxThorsT3r. In all serious, let us all give a congrats to Thor and his well
sive, which came in a close third, could not catch up with them. Great job to the GES section and congrats on the second place finish.
Combat Arms deserved promotion. Rollcall and Activity - Despite a loss of 3 primaries, bringing Halo to 21 primaries, they are still giving it everything they have got to keep the section alive. They have regular game nights and are currently in the works for running a new server. This section has a lot of great potential and is a section to keep an eye out over the next month.
Slow Times - It's been a slow month for this section, however they've managed to make out some activity. The major event that has happened this month was the promotion of a new captain. WNxmustang2u has promoted WNxGanjaMinion for the new Battle Operations Captain spot. The thread for congratulations can be found here: http:// showthread.php?t=586786
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Volume 1, Issue 5
Left 4 Dead Activity Crisis - It seems the sections activity is slowing down gradually, this month many game nights have been arranged as well as polls to arrange the game night times. WNxWesker is on to it along with other section leaders to find out why the section is quiet, hopefully the left will not be Left 4 Dead.
section started a screen shot contest this month; with Left 4 Dead being quite an expressive game in terms of facial expressions the results should be good.
Promotion - Congratulations go out the WNxSpydow for been promoted to a miner of research, the section and myself wish you luck with your future endeavours. Screen Shot Contest - The
Planetside Rollcall Results - The Planetside section isn't the biggest in WNx but it is still a very steady section. The section has a total member count of 23 members, 21 primary and 2 secondary.
“WNxLithiumLT has brought
Screen Shot Contest - Like other sections the Planetside section has started a screen shot contest in hopes of getting the sections activity back up. They are always fun and give the members something different to do and win.
something new to the attention of the section,
New Vent Server WNxLithiumLT has brought something new to the attention of the section, that is there new vent server, have fun guys and remember so vent harassment .
that is there new vent server…”
Team Fortress 2 Hawkeye Steps Down - I am sorry to start with the bad news but I have to put it somewhere so lets get it out of the way first, WNxHawkeye isgoing to hang up his boots as Captain at the end of the month. Update - It seems the TF2 section are waiting on an update for the game, they go one but not what they wanted. See the updates here: http://
War Rock showthread.php?t=587715 Rollcall Results - The TF2 section have a very healthy number of members this month, the have 36 primary and 24 secondary, that a huge total of 60 members, well done guys and girls keep it up.
Mass Recruiting - At first glance of the WR forum I couldn't seen anything else but welcome, welcome, welcome... Well done guys and getting so many new members. Rollcall Results - The WR section is struggling despite the mass recruiting, they have 16 primary and 4 secondary, needless to say that is a total of 20 members, but they are still a very active section, well done guys.
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The Nation
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) Points for Promotions? WNxFandango, the Recon Captain of the section, has devised a method for increasing activity by implementing a point system. Basically, for every event they go to that is hosted by him, and for every other set of requirements they meet, they will gain points. At the end of rollcall, they'll be able to qualify for certain promotions. Each month the points will add up until the members reach a high field rank. So far this has been going well with 20+ participants.
A Mass Exodus - Not really. WNxPwnstar4hire left the section early in the month to start his own clan, taking a couple of members with him (not intentionally of course). This has setup the leadership being on edge and their Major, WNxDropkikkmarc71, has taken a course of action to nullify any great losses. With everything on edge, they managed to get into the top 3 of rollcall with 2nd place. They have proved that no loss is too big for the section and have moved on. Good job to the leadership for acting responsibly and taking the
right actions to move on from members leaving.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 EU (Xbox 360)
“The Major of the section, WNxShifty, got his 50th Nuke this month!�
Shifty Is Just Amazing - The Major of the section, WNxShifty, got his 50th Nuke this month! I'm sure a lot of people know about Nukes, but to enlighten those who don't, they are very difficult to achieve. It takes going 25kills, with no deaths in a single round to achieve a nuke to win the game automatically. To see that WNxShifty got his 50th Nuke, shows he is showing
the rest of the MW2 community what Warrior Nation is made of, Good job mate!
sure to be a success in boosting the activity of the section
Did you say Double XP? The section has been capitalizing on Double Experience weekends, by making game nights in order to boost participation in their already healthy section, as well as gaining some experience to level up. Of course, everyone loves double XP, so this is
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) Another Month At The Top - While this month saw a major rise in console membership and sections in the top 10, this section was able to maintain their reign at the top for another consecutive month. The game's hype is still as high as ever, and recruitment has been steady enough for new people to join more and more. This section is showing what console sections are made of, and by being at the top of
rollcall, setting a standard of recruitment for other sections. Do you have SKILLZ? There Major, WNxMcCLURE361 has started to SKILLZ Tournament, which pits teams of two against each other. Each round has it's own specific rules and limitations. For example, the first round was sniping only, which would allow the players to only use
weapons such as the Barrett 50. Cal and Intervention. This tournament has been in the process of moving with teams determined for the second round. Good luck to all participants!
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Volume 1, Issue 5
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3) Birth Of A Section - The Battlefield section is coming together quite nicely they have just found there first BO Captain they have plans in the future to get the section active in game.
The sections activity has improved a lot. Section Rivalry - They are currently in a competition with the Battlefield (Xbox 360) Section.
Mass Recruits -They have a event on 29th of May. That will surely start things off with recruiting. So far the section has got 17 recruits in less than a month.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360) Out Of The Pan Into The Fire - The section its self is having some trouble, they are looking for new officers right now. The Recon Captain has been promoted to Recon Black Ops. The in game activity is up by a lot and so is forum activity. The Major is planning to train someone for a new BO captain. They have acquired some new recruits and are competing with the Battlefield (PS3) section.
Info-man - They have gained a new informative member WNxOldironsides, he has been getting information on the new stuff in the game.
MAG (PS3) Sections Over Activity? The MAG section is so busy, there has been at least 3-4 threads made daily, is that good? Not really. The section is posting up anything and everything, there MP needs to sort it out and quickly because it is just looking plain messy. Leadership Shake-up - It seems the sections major and two of there captains are going to be stepping down very soon. Major
Halo 3 (Xbox 360) WNxHighruler, Captains WNxSoulReeperXIII & WNxAdams4535 will be sorely missed. Recruits Galore - Amongst the mess that is the MAG forum, there has been many recruits brought in this month, which can only be good for forum and in game activity.
Although their primary numbers were practically unchanged, losing one member from the previous month, there does not seem to be any activity on the forums to report on. As of the writing of this article there has not been a gamenight all month, but is one planned for Thursday May 27th. Hopefully the gamenight will be successful and we can hope to see things go upward for this section sometime soon.
“Amongst the mess that is the MAG forum, there has been many recruits brought in this month, which can only be good for forum and in game activity.�
Warrior Nation
This newsletter, known as The Nation is produced by the Creative Works Department, a subsection of Warrior Nation™. All original content is © Warrior Nation™ 2010. All Rights Reserved. Game content is © its respective owners.
Warrior Nation™ was founded on team dynamics, building relationships, gaming skills and tactics, improving performance and the most important, respect for the individual. I try to do everything I can think of to make the ultimate video game experience possible, by not only researching the competition but also making sure Warrior Nation™ is always moving forward into a direction that will satisfy our number one resource, "Our Members". Warrior Nation™ also accepts members worldwide. We believe that discrimination is totally unacceptable and all residing on this planet are equal and shall be given equal opportunities regardless of culture, religion, race, color, origin.
Back Page Story Headline Major & Grand Master WNxThorsT3r - Halo (PC) WNx E r i s e Dx- Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360) WNxMissy - Heroes of Newerth WNxMcCLURE361 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) WNxMaliciousWolf - Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PS3) WNxKenpachi - Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PC) WNxcptskip - Area 51 WNxCootie - Dungeon & Dragons Online WNxBeyond - Call of Duty 4 (PC) WNxPeter - Warcraft 3 EU Field Ops Captain & Honor Guard WNxvalnod - Runescape WNxNubblyBubbly - Heroes of Newerth WNxMuddyFox - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360)
WNxKomatsu- PangYa WNxAtmaHex - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3) WNxFatality - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PC) WNxLink - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) WNx Ninja - Call of Duty 2 (PC) WNxRedreader - Call of Duty 4 (PC) WNxAbaddon - Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War Battle Ops Captain & Honor Guard WNxbadbro4life1 - Runescape WNxSynyster - Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360) WNxSilent - Call of Duty 4 (PC) WNxCannibalSanta - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) WNxChias - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PC) WNxGanjaMinion - Combat Arms
WNxMPD1CKW33D - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3) WNxDizzy - Gamma WNxNubcake2 - War Rock Recon Captain & Honor Guard WNxCookie - Battlefield Heroes WNxWind - Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PC) WNxNCAAVibe - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) WNxDreadWolf - Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War