The Nation - April 2010

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April 2010 Volume 1, Issue 2

Warrior Nation™

The Nation Developing Skills Most of us know of events long past, and the less-than-likable actions and failings of development in the past. This was indeed a terrible time for Development, and Warrior Nation™ as a whole. Thankfully, we had some good leaders take the stage and lead development into the green once more. WNx the will tactic was a great leader of Development. His tireless efforts and good choices for leadership helped bring Development back from the brink. One choice in particular stands out above the rest: his choice for WNxDHare3 as Colonel. As soon as WNxDHare3 hit the scene as a Colonel in Development, he began taking the initiative in transforming Development into a more viable Department than it had been in quite awhile. Through his internal organization and his training of Development Engineers and game leaders, he ensured the prospering of Development, and the increases veracity of the clan by pushing out well-developed sections. As such, when WNx the will tactic made the difficult choice to step down, there was but one clear figure to choose. WNxDHare3 took the reigns as the new Brigadier General of Development. He has been an active and inspiring leader, and will continue to be a shinning example to all. Congratulations WNxDHare3, very well deserved indeed!

Inside this issue MAG (PS3)................................... 3 PangYa ........................................ 5

Letter From the Editors Hello all from the Editorial staff. It’s time again for another issue of The Nation in its brand new format. Last month’s trial issue gave us good insight into what needed changes, and through your feedback and the feedback found throughout the Creative Works, we have hopefully fixed some majors mistakes and corrected some minor ones. This month, our Combat Journalism staff put forth great effort to submit the reports on time in prime format. The Editors quickly got to work, and here you have our first issue in months that is on time. We’ve hopefully set a standard for the future by which all others will be compared. We hope you will enjoy this issue, and look forward to more to come. Cheers!

Runescape .................................. 6 Air Rivals ..................................... 8 Left 4 Dead.................................. 11 Warhammer 40k ......................... 13 Warcraft 3 NA ............................. 14

Special points of interest  Haiku Contest!  CabalSEA sees new patch!  Easter events in many games!  A plethora of tournaments in many sections!

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