Blaize Dance & Fitness June 2016

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Blaize Dance & Fitness

June 2016

Getting to know Lilly Cover Model

Ballroom Tango’s Rich History Allusions by A. Lekay High -Waisted Bikini


NICOLE CHAPLIN, The Fitness Rockstar™ “How bad do you want it?”

Women in Business! Crossfit Potentia, Greenville, SC Krista Simmons Mayberry


Jordan Matters


“Float liek a Butterfly”

Muhammad Ali January 17, 1942 - June 3, 2016

“Sting, like a Bee!”



Articles 12 Real Life... 51

Swimsuit Fashion & Tips


Babette’s Total Body Bikini Workout

96 Do I really need a fitness plan? Yes, you do!

110 Green Smoothies /Top 5 Recipes Box Fitness Lounge 116 Jam “The Sexiest Space in Fitness”

126 Dance Legends Salutes Charles “Cholly” Atkins


Creative Director: Photographer: Ravimi Photography Model: Carolina Gutierrez Shoe Designer: Shola Designs MUA: Glam Jackie


Stylist: Sophia Rodriguez


Features 28

Nicole Chaplin, The Fitness Rockstar™

46 Ballroom Tango’s




Women in BusinessKrista Mayberry

Rich History


Allusions by A. LekayHigh-Waisted Bikini



Getting to Know Lilly

Editor’s Notes A Few Words from the Editor


ummer is here! No more hiding behind those longs sleeves and coats. It’s time to wear that pretty sun dress or the hottest trendy shorts for 2016. Since the kids are out of school, family vacations, barbecues and soccer games are in motion. Remember to put on sunscreen while you are enjoying yourself outdoors. Go to (Skin Cancer Foundation site) and see what sunscreens are best for you and your loved ones. Speaking of sunscreens, we are so excited about our summer swimsuit issue! A lot of women dread this time of the year because it can be difficult to find a bathing suit that makes you feel confident. Not everyone can wear string bikinis and some of those one pieces are not fashionable. Having said that, we are

delighted to share the designs of Altricia Cook, of Allusions by A Lekay, as she takes us back to basics. Swimsuits for women of all ages and sizes. In addition, our cover model is just not another pretty face. Getting to know Lilly Ranney, is an insightful article about a professional bikini model who is also a nurse, and her exciting fitness journey.

hottest fashion ticket in town. Enjoy photos taken by photographer, Shannon Cordero, of FotoCafe LLC & Events. Finally, if you’ve always wanted to learn how to Tango, check out Ballroom Tango’s Rich History.

Finally, I want to share a quote that resonated with me. “It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.” ~Author unThen there’s our exclusive interview with New York’s known, sometimes attributed to M. Grundler. On celebrity fitness professional, Nicole Chaplin, The this July 4th let us pay homage to all the Servicemen Fitness Rockstar™, giving top notch advice that will and Women who have and continue to make sacrihave you saying; “YES MAM!” (Your Muscle as a Mo- fices for this nation. May God bless them and their tivator (the title of her new book). After reading our families and may God bless the USA! green smoothie recipes, all you will be able to say is; Regards, “Yummy!” So be sure to write down the ingredients from Green Smoothies, Our Top 5 Recipes. Also, back by popular demand is EYE ON FASHION, Tampa’s Constance Baize-Shorter, EIC



Real Stories… I’m just a girl. I can be insecure. I can compare myself to others more beautiful. I can feel “never good enough.” I can fear failure or rejection. But then, I embrace the fact that another person’s beauty or success doesn’t make me any less beautiful or successful. Strive to be a person who can celebrate and encourage others. Be someone who can celebrate and embrace yourself ! In God’s eyes, we are always enough, we are never compared, and we are never unloved. #mondaymotivation #ontuesday Follow Jordan at Facebook: Fit Beast Athletics and Instagram: Mrsjem5 Jordan Maldonado is a wife and mother of three young children. She’s dedicated to ministry at her church and loves working out at the gym in her spare time. She’s also a certified Personal Trainer and recently launched her business, ‘Fit Beast Athletics’. Her mission is to encourage and help others discover their value in themselves through God. Courtesy Image - Jordan Maldonado and content taken from personal Facebook post May 10 at 10:52am · If you have a Real Story, email us at and the title of your email “Real Stories.”

Complimentary Photo- Tony and Philiece Mills


Contributors EDITOR IN-CHIEF

Special Thanks

Constance Blaize-Shorter

Jordan Matters/Photographer/NY

FOUNDERS Constance Blaize-Shorter Joseph W. Shorter III GRAPHIC DESIGNER Joseph W. Shorter III NICOLE CHAPLIN, The Fitness Rockstarâ„¢ Nickai Photo, Inc./Photographer/ FL



Constance Blaize-Shorter

Joseph W. Shorter III Jovette Muniz

Shannon Cordero/Photographer/FL

Dr. Lawanda Ford Johnson


Lacey B. Smith/ The Fashion Movement (TFM)

Babette Nolton Bouchard Media Cre8tors/Sari Famiglietti


Creative Director - Media Cre8tors

Laura H. Shorter

Photographer - Ravimi Photography

Miquiel Banks

Model - Carolina Gutierrez

Vanessa Shorter

Shoe Designer - Shola Designs

Launchland Samuel

MUA - Glam Jackie

Sylvia Omard Esquire

Stylist - Sophia Rodriguez

Ann Thomas

Janet Samuel Alexis Trujillo

Photographer, Sergii Lakhno/ FL

COVER PHOTO Lilly Ranney, Model

Altricia Cook/Owner and Designer a

Makeup: Nita Mandal

Allusions by A.Lekay Highwaist Swimwear

Owner, Candybox Colors LLC

Photography / Ssergii Lakhno, On location at Sandkey Beach Clearwater, FL

Makeup Artist, Nita Mandal

Behind the scenes photos/ Sergii Lakhno and BlaizeDance, Inc.

Owner, Candybox Colors LLC Lilly Ranney, Model/FL


by Wavebreakmedia -

15 16


Meet Some of Our Con and Writers


ntributing Editors Babette Nolton Bouchard- Scottsdale, AZ Group Fitness Instructor and Trainer, Management and Business Banking, at JPMorgan Chase. August/September Issue /2015 (featured) Limit Your Excuses “Taking on Life and Keeping Fit”. This Issue/2016, Babette’s Total Body Bikini Workout.

Jovette Muniz/ Cibolo- TX Contributing Writer, Motivational Speaker and CEO/Founder/Owner at Full of Life, and USMC Veteran.


Contributing Editor-Alexis Trujillo is a third year Advertising Student at the University of Florida and a part time intern at Dax Studios. Alexis enjoys sketching, taking group fitness classes and going to the beach. Her hometown is Miami, Florida.

Contributing Editor-Vanessa Shorter is an Architect and Interior Designer. This busy entrepreneur also designs custom beaded jewelry. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, and spending time with her husband, children, grandchildren and cats. She lives in Atlanta, GA.


Contributing Editor- Laura Shorter is a retired government worker. When she is not editing, she enjoys Sci-Fi Movies, traveling, sewing and spending time with her children and grandchildren. She lives in Atlanta, GA.

Guest Writer - Nikki Hanner, Tampa, FL Owner of Visions Hair Studio and Basic Hair Care Director of Education. August/September Nikki Talks Natural- “Hair Care for Transitioning and Natural Hair”/2015

Guest Writer - Colleen Foley-Vancouver, WA Founder and Coach at The Bee Keeper, and a Integrative Nutritional Specialist. October/November issue: The Bee Keeper, “You can do it all without kicking self-care to the curb!” 2016 Image- Narrow path Photography


Guest Writer, Christian McArthur-Phoenix, AZ, Athletic/Personal Trainer and U.S. Army Veteran. June/July Issue (featured) Profiles of a Master Trainer/ 2015January/February Issue: Power Moves and Power Foods/2016


Contributing Editor- Miquiel Banks is a self-employed Technical Writer and an Author of I AM (2010) Movie Review: Questioning the World's Situation Kindle Edition (2012) and Angels in the Desert (2013). He is an avid lover of all genres of music and a fan of romantic stories. He lives in Tampa, FL.

Guest Writer, Dr. Craig Bythewood-Tampa, FL Professor of Finance and Economics and Personal Success Coach and Speaker. April/May Issue/2015 Finding Your Lemonade “Where desire and community come together for young entrepreneurs�


Contributing Writer, Dr. Lawanda Ford-Johnson-Dallas, TX Mental Health Contributing Writer and Clinical Psychologist at Central Texas VA Health Care System.

Guest Writer-Yolanda Johnson Turner Irving, TX Owner of Crown and Glory Salon. June/July Issue/2015 “10 Tips for Hair Care.”


Group Fitness Journalist -Melina Pagoulatos- Orangevale, CA Mel, as she is affectionately known, holds a Masters in Business Administration, is certified Group Fitness Instructor and a Talk Show Host for “Mel’s Motivational Hour”.



Arizona Moms Ruby, Connie and Beth. Image-BlaizeDance,Inc.

Just Run!



Nicole Chaplin


Nicole Chaplin



’m always on the lookout for fitness professionals that not only can help their clients look good on the outside, but also feel great on the inside. I was impressed with Nicole’s client testimonies via her promo video on her website. It’s one thing to see women clients praise their female trainer. It’s quite another when men are so expressive about their female trainer. It has been my experience working in big box gyms that most of the women PT’s clients were women. So I became curious about Nicole and what made her clientele so diverse. Don’t you want to know? Then keep reading.


CBS: Nicole don’t mean to be prejudice here, but being and Antiguan born island girl, I knew that I had to speak with you.

weights and how strength training was something I needed to incorporate into my fitness regime.

Nicole: Connie, first and foremost thank you for taking an CBS: I came to New York when I was about seven years old. interest and the time to allow me to share my story with What drew you here? your audience. Yes all the way the Caribbean is full of flavor Nicole: What drew me to NYC was the lights, the fast movso being Jamaican, I understand the natural connection. ing world. The famous phrase, “If you can make it in NYC, you can make it anywhere”, made me want to take over the CBS: Coming from a West Indian background how did world. I felt like I could prove to myself that I am built for that shape your relationship with fitness? the journey that NYC puts one through to become what Nicole: A lot of Jamaicans are athletic so being active comes they want to be in life. I knew NYC was full of exciting opnaturally from our work ethic. Its no secret that track and portunities as well and that was a major attraction for me to field is a big deal in our country. My mom was always active move to the Big Apple. so it became a lifestyle for me early on.

CBS: Did you fitness model career start in New York? And CBS: How do you motivate your female clients to add what do you like about modeling? weights to their fitness regimen? As many believe that Nicole: My fitness modeling career started in NYC and it weights will make them too bulky. exploded quickly. Posting videos on social media. In the beNicole: I explain to them that the bulky look will not be ginning it was YouTube where I noticed people where viewachieved with a normal range of weights that their bodies ing my workout video clips. What I like about modeling is can handle. I also explain to them that you have to workout that I can be me and pose and show the world that beauty to a certain degree and have a certain level of testosterone comes in many forms and shades and I am a black woman to achieve the bulky look that they’re referring to, so it’s not that overcame major insecurity issues about my complexion a topic of concern for them since they won’t be engaging in and super toned features. Modeling allowed me to realize I am beautiful the way I am and now I embrace my body and that. now LOVE it. God created me this way for a reason and I smile loving who I am exactly the way I am. CBS: Let’s rewind for a second. Were you an active child growing up? Did you play sports? CBS: What is your advice for young people who desire a Nicole: I was super active. I went bike riding a great deal career in the fitness profession? or you could always find me around my neighborhood in roller-skates. Then as I got older I was a cheerleader, track Nicole: My advice is that you have to live the lifestyle so you can understand the dynamics of it to have a successful and field runner, and dancer at the University of Miami. career. If you want to be a chef but never cook or go grocery shopping, how will you successfully serve others? Or have a restaurant if you only serve food from the microwave. Live CBS: Were your parents into health and fitness? Nicole: My mother was heavily into tennis and still is. So the lifestyle so your journey will be authentic. seeing her active made me want to engage in sports activity from a young age. CBS: What would you say to seasoned women like myself about becoming a fitness professional at age 40, 50 or 60? CBS: In your resume you talk about your fitness passion being born in college at University of Miami. How so? Nicole: Being raised in Miami, FL I had the opportunity to workout outdoors and at UM. My fitness passion increased even more because of the campus, all the sports, and the state of the art gym they have called the Wellness Center. At UM is where I started to learn about the benefits of lifting


Nicole: I say no matter what age you are if you have unwavering faith in God and a heart full of desire; go and do what you want to do. There is no age limit to living the life you want.

CBS: You’re certified in TRX, kickboxing and the like. How do you help your clients choose the right workout plan? Nicole: I structure a workout regimen for my clients based on their needs. For example a client that is seeking weight loss verses the client that just left physical therapy and needs to rebuild their strength require different types of workouts. Therefore, it begins with what their goals are and we work from that starting point. CBS: What are clients looking for when they secure your services? Nicole: I believe they are looking for someone who wants to see them win and give them large does of positive reinforcement. CBS: Do you have more men or women clients? Nicole: I have more women clients then men. CBS: Is there a difference with training a man verses a woman? Is our approach different?

Nicole Chaplin

Nicole: I have no difference at all. Everyone on my client roster has one goal and that is to see their goals manifest safely, in a fun environment using personal training as a major tool to get them there. CBS: Is there a celebrity that you have not worked with but would love the chance to? Nicole: There’s a few and their names are Oprah, Warren Buffet and NAS. CBS: Since diabetes, cancer and heart disease is effecting women in larger numbers, it is so important to workout. However, I find that black women in particular need a greater push to workout. Sometimes, although I understand this issue well, we don’t want to sweat out our natural hair! Have you encountered this in your career? Nicole: Of course, the hair issue. I told myself early that my hair is not going to stop me from doing what I want to do. I wear a silk flat headband when I workout and quickly after I am finished at the gym I dry my hair since I sweat a great deal. I also do deep conditioning as often as I can. I haven’t gone back to my natural hair yet, but I find what works best is wearing a headband (silk or satin wrap) to keep the hairline in tact and style in place until after the workout.


Destinations Vancouver, BC V6E 0C5, Canada


Nicole Chaplin

CBS: Now to your book, “YES MAM!” Your Muscle As A Motivator. What inspired this title and tell us a bit about the book and why you wrote it. Nicole: I am into motivation so I wanted to write a book based on motivating others but in a unique way. Therefore, I wrote it like this. I tied one muscle group with one concept of motivation. For example, the chapter about biceps correlates with inner strength and that is how each chapter’s theme is. CBS: Not giving away too much of the book. How is this book different from other exercise books out there? Nicole: The book uses the concepts of muscles to leave the reader with a new way of looking at their muscles to motivate them. CBS: Where can we order you book? Nicole: My book is available at and as well as my website CBS: Bathing suit season in here! And, Ha! I am not ready. What are some quick tips to acquiring that lean summer look for abs, back, shoulders, gluteus and legs? Nicole: You want to start looking at what are you digesting. Eating plays a major role in your body’s development. Squats, lunges, planks and pushups require no equipment so they can be done at home so it’s all about moving and being consistent. CBS: Since becoming fit has a lot to do with a healthy meal plan, give us some tips on what we should cut back on and eat more of diet wise. Nicole: We should be drinking more WATER, less sugar, stay away from processed foods and fruits and vegetables should be your best friends. Also, make sure you get proper rest. A lot of us are sleep deprived and that’s where overeating can occur. Letting the mind and body recover is crucial. CBS: You have been in so many magazine so we are honored you chose to be in ours. Having said that, as a motivational speaker, give us some words of wisdom about staying committed to exercising and eating right. Nicole: My motto is very simple, ask yourself “How bad do

you want it?” If you want it bad enough you will do what you have to do to get it. Everyone has roadblocks, some worse than others, but we can overcome them by engaging in a safe, consistent workout routine and PLAN our meals and workout schedule. CBS: Do you have any new projects coming up? More books, workout DVD’s? Nicole: Yes I have a new book debuting summer 2016 titled A Healthy Love Affair and my 3rd annual Release and Recharge retreat will take place again at the Fontainebleau Hotel on South Beach, FL April 2017. There’s a lot more taking place between all of that but you’ll have to stay connected to my social media to find out. CBS: Curious…where did the name “Nicole Chaplin, The Fitness Rockstar™” come from? Nicole: Stars are my favorite shape from when I was a kid and the word rock star I like so I added fitness to the beginning, trademarked it and boom here it is! That’s who I am. I would like to thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and words with your audience. God bless you and all the best. CBS: Thank you Nicole and blessings to you as well. By, CBS, EIC Edits, Alexis Trujillo


Nicole Chaplin Photography by Dave Oludele 36

NICOLE CHAPLIN, The Fitness Rockstar™ is a successful certified Master Trainer, motivational speaker, author, and owner of Bella X Fitness in NYC. She is a fitness expert certified in boxing, TRX, kickboxing, group exercise, and kettle bells. This successful entrepreneur was able to add fitness model to her resume, having been featured in multiple publications including FitnessRX for Women, Women’s Health, Oxygen Magazine (8 times), Sheen Magazine, New You, Heart & Soul Magazine, and Black Enterprise. Chaplin even landed the # 2 spot on Shape Magazine’s 50 Hottest Trainers in America. Chaplin’s guest feature on ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS News NY brilliantly showcased her magnetic on-screen presence and television appeal. Arise TV and VH-1 also made sure to have her on their media outlets as well. FOLLOW NICOLE NICOLE CHAPLIN The Fitness Rockstar™, Master Personal Trainer, Model & Author of “YES MAM”! Twitter:


Instagram: @NicoleChaplin Snapchat: @NicoleChaplin


Greenville Delectables! The Spice & Tea ExchangeÂŽ of Greenville See all the locations Courtesy Images from BlaizeDance, Inc.- The Spice and Tea Exchange all others BlaizeDance, Inc.

Poppington’s Gourmet Popcorn

Happy 4th! Thanks to all Service Men and Women Model: Kaeli Ware

Ballroom Tango’s Rich History D

ancing with the Stars just wrapped up season twentytwo by awarding the Mirror Ball to actor Nyle DiMarco and his partner, Peta Murgatroyd. For those who watched, like me, it would be difficult to forget their performance in the semi-finals to the Argentine Tango. We applaud Dancing with the Stars for adding dances like the Tango, Rumba, and the Waltz to their repertoire and staying true the cultural origins of these dances. In that same spirit, we decided to highlight the Tango because it’s a dance that is shared by various cultures and has been around since the 1700’s. Most importantly, although it has evolved, the original technique has been preserved and passed down through generation.


How Tango is divided Ballroom tango, divided in recent decades into the "International" (Yogita) and "European" styles, has descended from the tango styles that developed when the tango first went abroad to Europe and North America. The dance was simplified, adapted to the preferences of conventional ballroom dancers, and incorporated into the repertoire used in International Ballroom dance competitions. English tango was first condensed in October 1922, when it was proposed that it should only be danced to modern tunes, ideally at 30 bars per minute (Rule-120 beats per minute – assuming a 4-4 measure). Subsequently the English tango evolved mainly as a highly competitive dance, while the American tango evolved as an unjudged social dance with an emphasis on leading and following skills. This has led to some principal perceptions in basic technique and style. Nevertheless, there are quite a few competitions held in the American style, and of course mutual borrowing of technique and dance patterns happens all the time.

The history of Tango Tango has influences from African and European culture. Dances from the candombe (Candombe is Uruguayan music and dance) of former slave peoples helped shape the modern day Tango. The dance originated in lower-class districts of Buenos Aires and Montevideo. The music was borrowed from the fusion of various forms of music from Europe. The word "tango" and "tambo" around the river plate basin where initially used to refer to musical gatherings of slaves, with written records of colonial authorities attempting to ban such gatherings as early as 1789. Initially it was just one of the many dances, but it soon became popular throughout society, as theatres and street barrel organs spread it from the suburbs to the workingclass slums, which were packed with hundreds of thousands of European immigrants.


In the early years of the 20th century, dancers and orchestras from Buenos Aires travelled to Europe, and the first European tango craze took place in Paris, soon followed by London, Berlin, and other capitals. Towards the end of 1913 it hit New York in the US, and Finland. In the US around 1911 the word "tango" was often applied to dances in a 2- 4 rhythm such as the one-step. The term was fashionable and did not indicate that tango steps would be used in the dance, although they might be.

Music and styling of Tango Tango music was sometimes played, but at a rather fast tempo. Instructors of the period would sometimes refer to this as a "North American tango", versus the so-called "Argentine Tango". By 1914 more authentic tango stylings were soon developed along with some variations like Albert Newman's "Minuet" tango.

Ballroom tangos use different music and styling from the tangos from the River Plate region (Uruguay and Argentina), with more staccato movements and the characteristic In Argentina, the onset in 1929 of the Great Depression, and "head snaps". The head snaps are totally foreign to Argentine restrictions introduced after the overthrow of the Hipólito and Uruguayan tango, and were introduced in 1934 under Irigoyen government in 1930 caused tango to decline. Its the influence of a similar movement in the legs and feet of fortunes were reversed as tango became widely fashionable the tango from the River Plate, and the theatrical moveand a matter of national pride under the government of ments of the Pasodoble (Spanish light music, with a binary Juan Perón. Tango declined again in the 1950s as a result of rhythm and moderated movement). This style became very economic depression and the banning of public gatherings popular in Germany and was soon introduced to England. by the military dictatorships; male-only Tango practice— The movements were very popular with spectators, but not the custom at the time—was considered "public gathering". with competition judges. Indirectly, rock and roll boosted in popularity because, unlike Tango, it did not require such gatherings. Sources:

The decline of Tango

Tango recognized In 2009, the tango was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. As described in an article on unesco. org/2008 – “As one of the most recognizable embodiments of that identity, the music, dance and poetry of tango both embodies and encourages diversity and cultural dialogue. It is practiced in the traditional dance halls of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, spreading the spirit of its community across the globe even as it adapts to new environments and changing times.”


Forward by BlaizeDance, Inc. 2016 / Wikipedia / unesco. org/2008 / Video link from YouTube. Images by PIXSTILL Photography.


50 Model, Tea Adamson

Swimsuit Fashion & Tips Here are our summer picks of 5 star swimsuit stores nationwide. You can shop online or at a storefront. Also, we are sharing some tips on choosing and caring for your bathing suits.

Choosing the right suit •

Know what body type you are Pear, Apple, Hourglass or Straight shape.

• Measure your cup size, as this is important. Your bra cup may be different from the bathing suit cup size. •

Shop at a store that specializes in swimsuits and can direct you to the style and cut that is appropriate for you. Don't be shy to ask for the sales person's opinion on how your suite looks on.

• Choose a swimsuit that will highlight your best features. If you are flat chested, don't choose a swimsuit that requires cleavage. On the other hand, if you have wide hips, a suit with horizontal stripes may not be slimming. • Get a swimsuit that is versatile and can be used at a variety of places. Or purchase different swimsuits for different events. Such as, a bikini for a beach vacation and choose a full body suit with extra lycra, for a snug fit if you’re doing laps in a pool ( they are actually called Lap Suits). • Your suit should feel comfortable, just like your shoes and clothes. Not too big or too small. • Finally, do mix and match the bottom and tops of your swimsuit. Wear a bikini top with a high waist bottom. Wear a striped crop top and a solid bottom. Express your uniqueness and have fun! (Left), make a statement in dark blue instead of a black full body suit. (Up),everyone will see your volleyball skills in this tangerine bikini!


Let’s Shop! New York Victoria's Secret Manhattan Mall (their biggest store) 1328 Broadway, New York, NY 10001 Phone (212) 356-8380 Florida Victoria's Secret Orlando International Premium Outlets 4959 International Dr. #1f Phone (407) 355-9890 China Victoria Secrets Lippo Plaza shopping center 99 Gong Cheng Lu, Xuhui Qu, Shanghai Shi, China France Victoria Secrets Located in: Vodafone Unit L090/091, Greenhithe, KE DA9 9ST, United Kingdom Phone (+44)1322 381507 OMG MIAMI SWIMWEAR Swimwear Store 815 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Phone (305) 397-8943 Everything But Water International Plaza and Bay Street 2223 N Westshore Blvd (813) 871-5918


Make a splash with this purple and pink print.

Photos by Nickai Peter of nickaiphoto and Model, Brittany S. Jordan.


Lila Nikole In the following stores • Body N Beach Montego Bay, Jamaica • Jamaicia Evolution Swim Boutique Miami Beach, FL • Lady Lux Boutique Pembroke Pines, FL • Tre' Basement Hamilton, Bermuda • Flagpole Swim Featured at New York Fashion Week SOLID & STRIPED Zimmerman Swimwear This site is a celebrity favorite. Olivia Wilde was recently seen in a Zimmerman suite. Agent Provocateur (AP) _ Kourtney Kardashian was seen in an AP bikini recently.

Victoria’s Secret Full Underwire Triangle black bikini.


Caring for your garment • Wash your swimsuit after each wear. Even if you don’t go into the water. • It is better to wash it by hand to preserve the elasticity. If you must use your washing machine, choose gentle cycle with other delicate clothes. Nothing that will stick to or snag the suit in the wash. • Wash in your sink using cold water. Distilled vinegar is optional (it combats odors, is a natural fabric softener, preserves colors and prevents static cling. Soaking is recommended for 20-30 minutes. Don’t leave soaking overnight (this will loosen the elastic). Rinse thoroughly after soaking. • Dry by rolling the swimsuit in a towel, pressing on it to rid it of excess water. Do not wring it. Never put your swimsuit in the dryer.

By, BlaizeDanc,Inc. Edits, Vanessa Shorter Sources WikiHow/ aspx/Top swimsuit stores/Top designer suits/ What the stars are wearing 2015. Allison Chesky's Smart ways to extend the life of your swimsuit/ How to Add Vinegar to Laundry. Images by Nickai Peter, Creative Art Director at Nickai Photography Inc. Model-Brittany S Jordan

This colorful zebra stripe bikini bottom is versatile


Freedom Judhit Mills,TandemSkydive!


Babette’s Total Body Bikini Workout For summer and beyond

Summer is here and it’s time to time to show a little skin. A lot of ladies dread this time of the year if they have not been eating right during the winter months. But what type of exercise can you do before, during, and after summer to keep your body toned? Master Group Fitness Instructor Babette Bouchard is back to answer some of your questions about ‘working’ our bodies into bikini shape. Babette Bouchard, Master Group Fitness Trainer “You are beautiful, so love your body!”


of time on all body parts. What areas of my body should I exercise to look great in my swimsuit? BB: We are already blessed with healthy functioning bodies, but we can do so much more to feel and look better. I recommend a total body workout (45-60 minutes) including at least 30 minutes of cardio to burn fat. Thirty minutes helps get rid of excess pounds on your entire body and keeps you from focusing all your efforts on one muscle group (body part). I love the following classes because they help you achieve a total body workout: Kickboxing, Barre Ballet, or a high intensity weight training class. Remember to spend equal amounts


I absolutely love to show my back muscles. What exercise will help me achieve definition? BB: I love my back too! It improves the shape of your posture. I believe most people work on what they can see and neglect the back. Since you have several muscles in your back to target, there is not just one exercise that is going to improve it. My favorites are Seated Rows, Dumbbell Fly (Video shows Single-leg Hip Hinge to Dumbbell Reverse Fly) and Lat Pulldowns.


What kind of diet should we have to keep our bodies on the leaner side? BB: It’s a challenge when you have to cook for your kids. Some of their foods may contain treats that are not that healthy for us. However, we should commit to eating clean, more organic, less processed foods! I have seen wonderful results with the Weight Watchers program and there is a mobile application for your phone. Check it out!

How do we get rid of that Diastasis Recti? BB: I struggled with Diastasis Recti. It is frustrating. I would avoid basic crunches and spend more time on core strengthening moves like planks and Pilates. Allow time to strengthen the internal obliques (This muscle is situated deeper within the body and can rotate, flex (bend) the trunk or torso of the body) and transverse abdominal (This muscle is located beneath the internal obliques, also known as lower abs.) Doing Stott Pilates Half Roll Back,Russian Twists, Swimmers, and Oblique Crunches will help strengthen the muscles I just mentioned. By, Babette Bouchard Edits, Alexis Trujillo


Babette Bouchard is an American Council on Exercise (ACE) certified Group Fitness Instructor. She has over 20 years of experience and is a sought after Group Fitness Master Trainer. This hardworking mother of two teaches part time at Life Time Athletics in Scottsdale, AZ. Some of her classes are Cycle, Strictly Strength, Total Conditioning eXtreme (TCX), and Kickboxing. Images- Courtesy of Babette Bouchard, Images and American Council on Exercise (ACE) Video content provided by ACE and linked source content/ Mayo Clinic/ of Babette by BlaizeDance, Inc. on location in Scottsdale , AZ.


EYE ON FASHION (EOF) is a celebration of creativity and innovation in fashion. The Men's Collection, Eye on Fashion Wardrobe Stylists, "Happy Styling", and Bloggers Ball are the four pillars of this show.


Photographer- Shannon Cordero- EYE ON FASHION 2K16 Chief Executive Producer at The Fashion Movement ™, Lacey B. Smith, Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL Stylist mentions at EOF2k16 -Stylist, Monique Cotton, Designers, Mya Styles, Fashion and Wardrobe Stylist, Stephon Kelly. Hair by Chantail Williams and Make up Fotogentic Faces.


Photographer Shannon Cordero’s images gives us a glimpse into the three night fashion extravaganza, EYE ON FASHION 2K16 (EOF), held at The Vault, Downtown Tampa. This event is one of the pillars of The Fashion Movement (TFM) and the brainchild of Chief Executive Officer & Executive Producer, Lacey B. Smith. The next production by TFM will be Haute Accessories Week-September 7th through the 10th. They arecurrently accepting Designers/Artists applications. So if you are Fashion Accessory Designer, Tech Accessory Designer, Boutique, Visual Artist, Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, contact The deadline to apply is July 1, 2016.


Photographer: Shannon Cordero -

Victoria Richards Chocolates

Model: Nicole Herrera Model: Jamieson Fitzpatrick

Stephon Kelly receives the award for in the Stylist Competition 2016

Model: Hana Young

Tampa Premium Outlets A Shopping Center In Lutz, FL

Photograph’s by BlaizeDance, Inc.2016

Altricia Cook, Owner of Allusions by A.Lekay S

ummertime is here and finding the appropriate bathing suit can be stressful. Notice I used the word appropriate. Contrary to popular belief, “the itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini� is not one size fit all. This leaves some of us stuck in the one piece world. Recently, I was excited to find a bikini line that I would actually wear. The name of the company is Allusions by A.Lekay High-Waisted Swimwear out of Lakeland, FL. The Owner/ Designer is Altricia Cook. At 28, Altricia has hit the ground running with her signature luxury designs that stars like Marilyn Monroe and Billy Holiday would appreciate for the modest yet sexy-glam look.


Photography: Frankie Benjamin Photography and Swimsuit Model: Kylah Gibre


How it all began

Many of the different designs you see came about because I was totally intrigued by the patterns and bold designs. I am able to put on a dress and envision it as a swimsuit. A couple When did you know that you had a gift for designing? of outfits that I personally like to wear are now swimsuit Well, I always loved to create looks whenever I thrift designs. shopped. After buying items, I would work with a tailor to make alterations to the pieces. I have been creating looks What’s the age bracket of women who purchase your since the age of eleven, and back then it was really fun for swimsuits? me. Women of all ages and walks of life. As young as high school girls, all the way to 50 plus. My designs are for everyone. What was the first item that you created and who wore it? How did you come up with your company’s name? Well, I designed my own two-piece bathing suit for myself and this gave me the idea to start the business. My own de- Honestly, no one knew why I was wearing this high waist sign made me feel confident and sexy. It gave me the option swimsuit. It was an illusion for them because all they saw was a suit that was retro, fashionable and not what it was to wear a two piece. hiding. So, when it dawned on me to start a business, the Holy Spirit kept brining me back to the word “alluded” as Do you design anything else for yourself ? in “hinting” something. Then, it all came together just like that. I decided to name my business Allusions By A. Lekay. No, just bathing suits. It was all about creating an allusion when you looked at the person in my design. You know, just a hint of something Altricia, I adore the 1950’s as well. Women back then and the rest would be left up to your imagination. did not bare all to be sexy. When you mentioned that the 50’s photo of Marilyn Monroe in her swimsuit inspired your company, I was thrilled to hear that. What kind of Here comes the spotlight feedback do you get from women who are wearing your swimsuits? When I first saw your swimsuit, it was on Nikki Minaj. They love it! They wear it to hide imperfections or for style. How did you get this assignment? Although I embrace my scars from having my son, I don’t want to share it with the world. So, for women who may Well, I actually connected with the Executive Fashion Dihave stretch marks like I do, they can feel more confident, rector for Cosmopolitan Magazine, Aya Kanai, at a confersexy and empowered by wearing the suit. I’ve been ridiculed ence. I was only a year and a half in the business. So, I was in the past by people who say that covering my stretch mark a little reluctant to approach her. However, I did not let sends a message that perhaps I don’t embrace who I am. fear stop me from sharing my vision. She loved the lifestyle Not true. I do a lot of workshops and motivational speak- and empowerment message of my company, which is one ing regarding loving yourself because all of us have flaws. I of wanting women to look and feel comfortable as well as tell the women at these workshops to embrace their flaws; fashionable. It’s all about feeling good within and this is the however, they have a right to be as discreet as they want to message she wanted for the Fourth of July Issue. be. Being discreet does not mean that you are ashamed or embarrassed. It just means that this issue is personal and Did you work with Nikki personally? there is no need to share it with the world. Did not have the opportunity. Hopefully, one day. Well said! Women, do yourself a favor and attend one of her workshops! (Laugh) So, your patterns are pretty unique, festive, bold, and tailored. Some even resemble evening gowns. What inspires your look when creating?


Photography: Frankie Benjamin Photography and Swimsuit Model: Kylah Gibre


Photography: Frankie Benjamin Photography Model: Kylah Gibre


Photography: Frankie Benjamin Photography Model: Kylah Gibre


Photograph by Frankie Benjamin Photography


Kylah Gibre


What celebrities would you like to work with? I absolutely would love to work with Misty Copeland, Taylor Swift, Rhianna and Beyoncé. Moguls and heavy hitters. Women who are fashion forward and like to look fierce and live fiercely. You know, my education and background is in social work. I have a passion and love for people. This love of wanting women do good and feel great about themselves has afforded me opportunities such as going to Chicago, where I just finished taping a segment for the Steve Harvey Show that will air this summer. I will be featured as “The Next Big Success”. Just to be able to finally soar and have that type of exposure for my business is amazing.

Mother, Designer and Speaker We are very big on women entrepreneurs in our magazine. When did you decide that being your own boss was best for you? I decided that, when I knew that I would take a leap of faith and go for my own business. I knew that it would make my story more powerful. What advice do you have for women who want to work for themselves?

Definitely encourage women to study their market and unCongratulations Altricia! That spotlight will be great for derstand that you have what it takes. It will take all that you your brand. have! Millennials, girl boss-you are in charge of your own I’m thankful that at 28 years old, I have such an insatiable life. Blazing your own trail. At a 9-5 you can clock out, but drive. I had to educate myself quickly on the traditional ba- with your own business you’ll put in more hours than you sics of being an entrepreneur, running a business and cre- can imagine. ating proposals in order to market my brand. Although it was not easy, I was ignited and fueled by an idea. I worked countless hours to be successful, even though I was denied I have two kids of my own and sometimes balancing my business and motherhood is challenging. How do you different things. So, all of this has not sunk in yet. handle your schedule with your son? Get ready for it because your star is rising! I am grateful for that; however, because of that spotlight people assume that I have “made it” because of the magazines and television show. I try to tell them that I don’t have it all together; I still must work hard in spite of all the glitz and glamour that that they see. I’m not a celebrity. Although, I kind of get how they must feel to gain notoriety, in terms of people borrowing money from you because they assume that you are rich! I let people know that I am still striving for excellence because I am not a fan of mediocracy, very quickly. Sure, I desire to make millions one day for myself and to help empower people to become their best selves. Most importantly, to leave a legacy behind for my son. So, being in the lime light and gaining popularity is not the goal at all. I’m still working every day to get paid, not to be popular.

My son is pretty self-sufficient. However, I must have a cutoff time. No phones, no laptops, and no iPad’s. We’ve allowed technology to disrupt our family time, so we need to take that time back and evolve to something different. I am a woman first and a mother. Business comes after my child. I bring balance to our lives by helping with homework, showing up at school, being a team mom at football. Also being present at times he least anticipates it. My son goes with me to different places to hear me speak. When he sees me doing things, he wants to do great things like his mom. He can now realize his potential. This sends a message to the world and also my son about family and career and what it takes to make it all work.



Model Kylah Gibre

What’s next? Any plans on designing other accessories for your swimsuits? Yes, definitely, I would like to do beach travel kits, costume towels, and cover-ups. What I’m doing now takes a lot of time so my focus is getting my swimsuit into major department stores. Once I get there, those other things are sure to follow. What’s next for Allusions by A. Lekay? Continuing to grow my brand and making sure they are readily available in stores nationwide by 2018. By then, I will have had five years in this business. And for you personally? Altricia flashing that winning smile. How old is your son and what does he think about mommy’s business? He is 10 years. I had him when I was 18 and raised him while I was in college. He’s advanced and smart. Definitely, my blessing. Oh my God! He adores me as a business owner. He tells his teacher and friends all about me and the business. Anthony is as popular as I am! (laughing). Giving birth to him was the motivation behind why I wanted to achieve excellence. He tells me; “Mom, I am so proud of you.” He says he is proud of me because he remembers how hard I struggled in school. He would go to sleep in my dorm room, while I studied all night for my exams. He also saw me graduate in spite of all my obstacles. Our experiences will stay with him for the rest of his life. He knows that giving up is not an option. His only option is success. What is your motivation in life to keep going? I would say my son is my motivation. My success is something he is totally relying upon. I’ve always been a self-determined individual and work very hard to achieve my goals. I have passed this attitude on to my son. We talk about him striving for excellence so that he can someday work at his mother’s company and have financial independence. When I get frustrated, I remember that my child is depending on me. I keep going because I want to pass down the legacy to my child and then he can pass it on to his children.

Personally, I want to continue to inspire generations of women to come. I find that women older than I am, my age, and teens are inspired by my journey. After hearing my story, even men, regardless of their background, have told me that my story has ignited something in them. Simply, my story is that life is not always a happy trail. The curve balls will come, but you must pick yourself up and keep moving. Always compete with yourself, not others. Don’t bask in the negativity, as this will keep you from achieving. Get back up and be resilient. Help and not hurt, empower and not envy, and collaborate and complete. I am glad that I now have a larger platform to share what has helped me excel and achieved greatness. I can’t give this all away, but there will be a big reveal coming soon and your swimsuit will be a part of that event. Can we interview you again when that time comes? Yes, of course! I would love to be a part of that. By Constance Blaize-Shorter Edits, Alexis Trujillo For more information on Allusions by A.Lekay visit Photography by Frankie Benjamin Photography and Swimsuit Model, Kylah Gibre.


On location at Sand Key Park, Clearwater, FL


Getting to know Lilly Ranney Cover Model

Have you always been into fitness? Not at all. I was a typical skinny fat girl who ate whenever and whatever I wanted. My husband is a gym rat, and he has been lifting since age 16. He got me a gym membership years ago when we were still dating, but I never used it. In 2014, I decided to work out with a trainer that was a friend of my husband’s. Initially, I just wanted to “try it out” because I wanted to have a “Victoria Secret Model type” flat stomach, and that was my dream physique back then (laugh). I never knew that my lifestyle would be completely changed after I started weight training. Since I worked out very hard and was very dedicated to my diet, my trainer suggested that I compete in the near future. I started researching about Bodybuilding Bikini divisions. I started training with my current trainer Belinda Hope, who’s an International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Figure Pro Athlete, in the beginning of 2015. Finally, in April of this year I stepped on stage and became a National Physique Committee (NPC) bikini competitor. I competed in the Europa Games of Championship in Orlando (one of the biggest fitness expos in the world) and placed first in two classes of the bikini division. This is a big deal because competitors that place in this show will be qualified for national shows.


How has being in shape and eating right changed your life? I feel energized every day. I get sick less and feel stronger physically. Nourishing your body with the right food is so critical. I was skinny before weight lifting and never had any curves. After I started weightlifting I was able to add curves and shape to my body. Being in shape and eating right for me isn’t just about looking better in terms of appearance. As a competitor, keeping my conditioning and maintaining proper nutrition means dedication and self-discipline. So, let’s go back to the Europa Games. How did you go from simply being fit to competing? I heard about bikini competitions from my first trainer. He is a national level bodybuilder. I’ve been doing research about bikini competition since day one of lifting. I waited until this year because I didn’t think I looked good enough. Through research, I developed a better understanding in terms of what kind of physique they are


On location at Sand Key Park, Clearwater, FL


looking for. So I worked hard on getting my body to what they were looking for aesthetically, and I was also mentally ready to compete. A lot of friends tell me that I’m in a good shape. For me, this is only a beginning. I have learned over the past two years that if I want to truly be competitive in this sport, I have to work extra hard on training and eating clean. Building muscle mass for a small person like me takes time. Being patient and consistent is key during this process. So far I have been doing well. My very first show was successful! I will continue to make progress, and hopefully next year I will be ready to compete in national shows.


Competing takes a lot of discipline. So what is your diet like during competitions? Diet is different between off season and competition season. During the past two years, since I am not doing any shows, my diet contains a lot of lean proteins, green vegetables and healthy carbohydrates. I eat six meals a day. Adequate amount of food gives me energy to lift heavy weights and build muscle mass. During competition season, I still eat five to six meals a day, but the type of foods I eat changes frequently each week based on how my body responds to the meals during training. Also, my meal changes as I get closer to the show. Meaning, my food content still contains lean proteins, vegetables and healthy carbohydrates, but the diet is a lot stricter. The amount of food lessens as the show gets closer in order to achieve a leaner look for the stage. How do you maintain your shape when you’re not competing? My trainer Belinda Hope designs my meal plans for off season and competition season. I do very little cardio during off season. A lot of people think cardio is the key to staying in shape. It is not true. Food is the most important factor when it comes to maintaining your shape. My trainer never starves me during off season. I get to eat a lot of food, but clean food only. I get to have a cheat meal once a week, and that’s when I get to eat pizza and pasta types of food. Also, building muscle mass over the past two years gives me a leaner and more toned look. So weight lifting and proper nutrition is truly the key to staying in shape during off seasons. How long have you been a nurse and what’s your specialty? I have been a nurse for four years. I started on a surgical unit in a hospital, and then I switched jobs and started working as a cardiac nurse. I am still working as a cardiac nurse in hospital settings (smile). Does being a nurse have any influence on you wanting to live a healthy lifestyle? Absolutely! As a cardiac nurse, I always educate my patients on proper nutrition. Now that I have been living a fit lifestyle, it is even easier for me to do so. Clean food truly makes a difference in your health. Unfortunately, every hospital I have worked at


On location at Sand Key Park, Clearwater, FL


has nothing but junk food to offer the nurses. Every Nurse’s Week or during any holiday, people always bring in cookies, cakes, pizzas, and other unhealthy food. I get stared at everywhere I go, because I always carry my own food and a whole gallon of water when I go to work. I am used to it by now. How did you get into modeling? My trainer Belinda Hope does photoshoots from time to time. Back then, I was just lifting in the gym and never thought about being able to model. Last year I mentioned to her that I was interested in doing some photoshoots, and

she suggested that I set up a Model Mayhem account. Belinda’s husband, David, is very talented and does photo shoots when he has free time. So he helped me with my very first fitness photoshoot. I was clueless when I first started doing shoots. However, after meeting so many amazing photographers, I acquired good experience and eventually got signed by local agencies. What is one of your most memorable photo shoots and why? My very first photoshoot with Belinda’s husband, Dave, because it is my very first shoot and I had no idea how to



pose. Dave told me that I was a natural though. I didn’t get nervous in front of the camera. I was just being myself and it worked! I would never ever have started modeling if it wasn’t for Belinda and Dave. Is our magazine the first that you’ve been featured in? No. I have been featured in Pump Magazine. Kevin Kolber is the talented pro photographer that shot the swimsuit photos in the magazine. What woman has inspired you to be who you are today? I would say two women have inspired me the most during my entire life. My mother and my trainer Belinda Hope. I grew up watching my mother working full time and taking care of everyone in my family. She taught me to be strong, independent, and to work hard for what I want. My trainer Belinda Hope, is an IFBB Figure Pro Athlete, and she has been competing for over 10 years. As a trainer and competitor herself, she’s set the standard for me when it comes to training and competing. She’s definitely my role model. She has such a positive and strong athletic mindset. Belinda is very encouraging and always tells me that I can go far, as long as I keep up the hard work and never give up.


Any advice to our readers regarding accomplishing goals in life, professional and health wise? Just like what my trainer always tells me, we can achieve anything with hard work, dedication, and belief. No matter what you are trying to achieve in your life, be strong, be consistent, work very hard, and results will come. What’s your motivation in life? Myself. I motivate myself to be a better version of me every day. I make every day count. What one word best describes you. Driven. Have a motto that you live by Lilly? “Work hard and stay humble.” This is also the logo of my favorite fitness apparel company called Fit Hustle. Thanks for being our cover model for the issue and for sharing your wisdom. Thank you for providing this great opportunity! By, Constance Blaize-Shorter Edits by, Alexis Trujillo Lilly is a full time Registered Nurse and a part time agency model who lives in Clearwater, Fl. She is also a National Physique Committee (NPC) bikini competitor. You can follow her on Instagram @misslillykitty and Model Mayhem page http://www. For booking inquiries Athletic clothes Bra Top by Affinity/Fitness Shorts from National Physique Committee (NPC) Bikini’s designed by Suits You Swimwear. Hair by Model (Lilly) Makeup by Nita Mandal Owner of Candybox Colors LLC Photography by Sergii Lakhno Photography

Makeup Artist, Nita Mandal, Owner and Editor-In-Chief, Constance Blaize-Shorter.. Bottom left to right- Owner, Joseph Shorter and Model, Lilly Ranney.


Do I really need a fitness plan? Yes, you do! By Jovette Muniz, Edits, CBS


No invitation necessary!

2-3 miles per day, then don’t run. Maybe riding 2-3 miles is something you would enjoy more. Back in my day, I recall my family going on 6 mile bike rides, play football on You don’t need an invitation to start living a healthy life. our street, and go to the park. All in one day. Right there, If you were not an athletic kid growing up, like I was, does you’ve got your cardio, distance training and strength all not mean that you don’t have the genetics to get fit. Get- in a couple of hours. Simply, just get your body moving at ting fit and staying fit is a lifelong journey. It really both- least three times a week. Make sure that you are breaking ers me to see so many people living a defeated life simply a sweat, as this is a sign that your heart is pumping. because they don’t believe they can achieve their health goals. Or more shockingly, because they may think that they don’t deserve it. I am not sure why some people have Some tips to start your fitness journey and stick with it a victim mentality, but I am here to help you adopt a victor mentality! The bottom line is this; having a positive Like I said, you don’t need an invitation to start your fitoutlook about yourself and your life, effects your health. ness journey. I also said, that you need to choose physical As well as your finances, but we will discuss that topic activity that is fun. So, what else do you need? later in another article.

True story-#IAmAJock As I stated, I have always been a very active child and I knew the importance of moving before I even went to high school. Back in the day, we didn’t have little leagues, or should I say we didn’t have it in my neighborhood. As a youth I played football in the streets of Brooklyn New York and loved every minute of it. (Yes I was a tomboy.) Whenever we had “visiting teams,” from the other blocks, we got a great workout. As for my high school years, mom wanted to send me to a school that had a variety of sports available, but the cost of these extracurricular activities was too expensive. So I wound up attending a school that I could afford and continued my athletic journey. For 4 years I played one sport per season, volleyball in the fall, basketball (for only 3 years) in the winter and softball in the spring. I had so much fun.

Speaking of fun As a kid, I had fun playing sports and really had no clue of how good being physical was for my health. So I say that to say this, adults need to choose an exercise regimen that is fun! Especially those who cannot stand the thought of exercising because they view it as a chore, rather than something fun. Listen, if you don’t you don’t like to run

1. Take baby steps and be consistent with your bike rides, jogs, or group fitness class 5 days a week for about 45 minutes. Exercising needs to become a part of your routine. Like brushing your teeth. 2. If you don’t have money to join a gym, go to the park and use the playground’s monkey bars for pull-ups and the benches for triceps bench-dips or incline pushups. Or simply ride or run around the circumference of the park. If you have kids, you can take them along with you. 3. Keep a fitness journal or use an app to record your progress, such as how many miles you ran or walked. . This way you can see what you have accomplished and will motivate you to keep going. 4. Mix it up after you have been consistent with sticking to an activity for about a week to two weeks. For example, take a yoga class to add the element of flexibility to your workout on Tuesday and Thursday and walk 2-3 miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 5. Keep it real people! You're not going to lose 20 pounds in a week. So make sure that you are in for the long haul and increase your workout time as you get stronger. You always want to challenge yourself. If you can run 2-3 miles easy, add another mile to it, and time yourself. If



your workout begins to be too easy, you’re not challenging Here are some tools to help you with your diet and to help you track your workout. your muscles. 6. Bring a friend or a spouse along on your workout. Having an accountability buddy helps you to finish what you have started. Also, having conversation or encouraging words hances more positive feelings about exercise. 7. Don't be too hard on yourself. What I mean is, there are days that you won’t feel like exercising. Still do something anyway. Put on the music and dance for an hour! Go outside and play kick ball with your kids. Whatever you do, keep the momentum moving.

Sources, web MD and, and Images by BlaizeDance, Inc. Next issue: More discussion with Jovette regarding getting your finances in order.





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Women in Business Crossfit Potentia Greenville, SC

Krista Simmons Mayberry 102

Krista in a triathlon



y first impression of Krista was that she looks great! Fit! I mean after all she’s a fitness professional, right? But there was something different about the shape of her body that I liked. It encompassed the physique of a runner, dancer and weight lifter. “Lean but ripped” was the image that her potential female clients would aspire to. She seemed a little older than her partners, Tyler and Tee,so I was immediately drawn to her since I’m in my 40’s. Interview questions were already swirling around in my mind, but after speaking with her one- on- one, new questions specifically geared to women bombarded my thoughts. The first question that popped into my mind was; “Do all women in CrossFit look this great? If so, sign me up!”

I must ask Krista,how old are you? Krista: I am 43, but I feel 25. Many women see Crossfit as a man’s workout. You know, the pull-ups,and lifting heavy weights. What would you say to them? Krista: Most women are afraid of becoming big, too bulky or look like a man. That is what I here the most often from women. The fact is, that pull-ups and weightlifting at such a high intensity burns more fat and calories, in short intervals, than hours on machines or in traditional aerobic classes. Every movement we do incorporates the hip drive and engages the core, which in turn, yields trimmer bodies.

Krista, for those who do not know,what is Crossfit? Krista: CrossFit was developed to be both meaningful and measurable fitness. It is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity levels. All movements maximize workloads over distances in short time intervals.

What type of clients are drawn to Crossfit and what are some of their goals?

Have you always been athletic?

Is this a safe program for women who are pregnant and want to work out?

Krista: I did not become active until high school and was never the best athlete, but I’ve always had the desire to motivate my team mates by cheering them on. I didn’t really start running until college and my first 10k run was with my father in 1994. How did you get into Crossfit?

Krista: Our clients are from across the board. Most are seeking a safe place to work out with small classes, oneon- one direction, and coaching throughout the class.

Krista: Most exercise programs can be safe for pregnant women; however, that is individually based on other issues not pertaining to the pregnancies. Most doctors recommend exercise if the woman has been doing so prior to pregnancy. All movements in CrossFit can be scaled to the most basic of levels.

Krista: I was seeking another challenge, other than running and triathlons. In May 2013, my friend intro- Post pregnancy weight is an issue and can be difduced me to my first CrossFit style class. This was my ficult to shed, specifically for women who have the first class ever and I was hooked automatically! Diastasis Recti (separation of the rectus abdominal muscle). Are their specific exercises you would recommend for them to do? What do you like about this specific genre of exerKrista: Most of my post pregnant ladies have issues cise? with isolated abdominal exercises. In CrossFit, the Krista: I like the small class and the challenge of the core is utilized in all movements, so that it becomes so clock. Each class is different as it incorporates barbell, much stronger from the indirect support. Any type of gymnastic, body weight, and running movements. Ev- exercise with the hands overhead increases the cardiac eryone works together, but the challenge is against one output, which in turns burns more calories. another to finish first. The movements are basically the same, but the workout is never the same. Mostly, the intensity is difficult to duplicate on your own or in a Any exercises that they should not do? regular style gym.


Krista show us that that girls were made to pump iron 105

Posing in front of her Crossfit tools Krista: That depends on the individual based on what type of delivery they had , how much weight was gained , and any other comorbidities (the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient) present during the pregnancy.

Krista showing that winning cheerleading smile What kind of diet plan do you recommend to clients? Krista: The issue with health and fitness is that we teach our clients not to diet. It has to be a lifestyle change. You CANNOT exercise enough to compensate for a bad diet. You simply have to be responsible about what you put into your mouth. It’s all about moderation. Making smart dietary decisions boils down to individual taste. One type of plan does work for everyone. So, we tailor the meal plan based on the individual and their goals. How many days out of the week should a member do Crossfit? Krista: A client can CrossFit 3-6 days a week. The program design is 3 on and 1 day off (or active rest day). Let’s talk about the start of this business for a second. How did you meet Tyler and Tee? Krista: I have known Tee for years through fitness and mutual friends. I actually did not meet Tyler until we developed the business and opened our doors. Tee and Tyler worked out together prior to the business, so they were already friends.


How did you guys choose this location for the gym? Krista: Our spot really just fell into our laps through a cascade of events. It could not have worked out better for us! Our first month was in the Augusta Road Baptist Church gym. The gym was very old, no air conditioning, and had these huge sky lights. I think it was the hottest June on record! Most boxes (CrossFit gyms) don’t have AC, but usually have big garage bay doors to open along with big fans. What’s the chemistry between the three of you that makes this business a success? Krista: The chemistry has just worked from the beginning. We have such open lines of communication between the three of us. Tyler has to be one of the most positive people I have ever met and he is so gifted at program design. Tee is the brains behind so many business ideas for us to continue to grow and diversify. I have learned so much from both of them this past year. We all have full time jobs- so this business is not responsible for putting roofs over our family’s heads. So, it’s a great adventure for us and we just always have

Does being a Physical Therapist help you to teach Crossfit differently than your colleagues? Krista: Being a therapist for me is not only what I do, but who I am innately. I am always analyzing movement or running gait patterns. I’m a stickler for correct form and so are Tee and Tyler, that is always priority one for all three of us. Safety is inherently the most important thing for me in my classes. So, physical therapy helps me to me assist with shoulder and knee issues that arise with our client needs. What is your advice to women who desire a career in the fitness field?

so much fun. We do so well at contributing to our business on so many levels. None of us has to remind the other to get things done. It’s just automatic! What unique skill sets and or certifications do you bring to the management team? Krista: I take care of the business side such as, paying bills and scheduling classes. I am always there to assist any injuries or sore areas that develop with our clients. Caring for our clients is a great outlet for me as I get to be a coach and cheerleader for my team. Another amazing part about working with small groups, is setting goals and seeing each goal achieved by each individual. When a client accomplishes their goal, it makes my day. My memory skill sets allow me to be detail oriented, as I remember a lot of details about each client. This makes them feel valued as they have my undivided attention ,which they appreciate. Finally, I am a certified in using foam rollers, Kinesio tape and physio balls (Swiss ball) and have a Level One certification for CrossFit. Of course, being a Physical Therapist with 7 years of physical therapy practice helps in general.

Krista: A career in the fitness field is a difficult place to be for a man or woman. People bore easily. Technology is available everywhere for anyone to do their own fitness regimen at any time. CrossFit is my passion and I look forward every day to seeing my clients challenge themselves and feel accomplished once they get through the Work Out of the Day (WOD). It is all about building your niche. I absolutely love the challenge for myself each day too. I have never been involved in a small group atmosphere where we battle against each other and the clock is so fierce and then instantly, gears are switched and students start encouraging and cheering for their classmates. CrossFit is uniform across the USA and worldwide. Each box is different for sure, but you can walk in off the street and fit right into a class no matter where you are. It is an amazing like-minded group of fitness seeking folks. Thanks Krista for the hospitality you showed my family and me while in Greenville. In addition, for the in depth knowledge that you shared with our readers about CrossFit. Krista: You are so welcome. By Constance Blaize-Shorter, EIC Edits, AlexisTrujillo Krista Simmons Mayberry is Co-Owner at Crossfit Potentia. She’s a Physical Therapist and a certified in CrossFit. She and her husband Danny live in South Carolina. Complimentary Images from Krista Simmons Mayberry. Complimentary images-Krista Mayberry.


Green Smoothies, Our Top 5 Recipes We’ve all had one. A green shake. Some are yuck and some are yum. The good news is that the green goodness can be prepared in many different ways. Some are filling, low fat, detoxers, and protein boosters. Whatever your need, our recipes will get you on the right track.


G1- Curb your sweet tooth with this smoothie! Avocado and Ginger Protein Shake YIELD: 2 SERVINGS CALORIES: 428 THEME: BREAKFAST TThe dates in this shake curb a sweet tooth while packing in vitamin B6, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and fiber. Almond milk is a lactose free substitute for milk offering 30 percent of the recommended daily amount, as well as 25 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin D. Also, it contains plenty of B vitamins such as iron and riboflavin, both important for muscle growth and healing.

Ingredients 1 1/2 cup almond milk 2 scoops protein powder 2 tbsp. flax seeds 1/2 avocado 3 pitted dates 1 lime, juiced 2 tsp chopped ginger

Directions In a blender process all ingredients until smooth. Makes 2 cups. Recipe from (Posted on 12/08/2014 | By Ulli Stach . Photo from Benefits of Almond Milk Important: read the labels on protein shakes to ensure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.


G2- The pineapple adds a tropical taste, like a Pina Colada Kale Smoothie YIELD: 4 SERVINGS CALORIES: 70 THEME: ANYTIME DRINKS

Ingredients 11/2 cups kale 1 cup bananas (chopped) 1 cup pineapple (chopped) 1 cup coconut water 1 cup ice You cannot go wrong incorporating Kale, the superfood, as it is filled with vitamin B6, E, B2, B1, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids phosphorus, protein, folate, and niacin. Did you know? Eating bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones

Combine all the ingredients in the blender and blend for 1 – 2 minutes. Serve and drink up! w w w.y u m m l y. c o m / r e c i p e / K a l e Smoothie- Kale Smoothie from GRAB YOUR SPORK/ Added by Clint April 21, 2014.


G3- Great choice for hydration after a workout Avocado Smoothie YIELD: 4 SERVINGS

1 teaspoon agave syrup (optional)

CALORIES: 105 (without sugar)

1 teaspoon fresh lime juice, plus more to taste



Nutritionally, coconut water has B6, B12, Vitamin C, D, and E. It can also help lower high blood pressure. Agave Combine avocado, coconut water, agave, if using, and 1 tsp. is optional and you can also use honey. Use both sweeten- lime juice in a blender and puree until smooth. Add more ers sparingly as they are sugars. Get a touch of antioxidants lime juice, if desired. with lime juice.

Ingredients 1/2 small avocado

Contributor(s) Sara Dickerman + Marissa Lippert http:// - PUBLISHED: DECEMBER 30, 2013 /A collection from

1 cup coconut water, preferably cold-pressed and raw


G4- Get your caffeine fix with this antioxidant organic blend Matcha Pear Green Smoothie What is Green Tea Powder? It’s a powerful antioxidant Japanese organic culinary grade. As for spinach, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Fact: Pears are high in fiber, which can produce a feeling of fullness and lead to weight loss over time? They may also help increase beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. YIELD: 2 SERVINGS CALORIES: 110 THEME: ENERGIZE AND DETOX

Ingredients 1 cup almond milk 1/2 bananas 1/2 pears 2 cups spinach 1 tsp matcha green tea powder 1 cup ice (For a different taste with added caffeine use Lipton Tea)

Preparation Combine all the ingredients in a blender and mix well. Important: People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) tend to be sensitive to FODMAPs (can cause bloating), that are found in pears. Limit your intake. Source: 12, 2016 by Annie /Upstate ramblings. About Match Green Tea Powder / www.


G5- Create your own immune booster Kiwi Kisses Smoothie The Kiwi provides 273% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C in every one-cup serving – five times that of an orange. It’s a natural immune booster that staves off colds and flu. Also known for vitamin K – best known for its role in helping blood clot, or coagulation, properly and providing an 89% daily value. Honeydew melons are approximately 90 percent water, they are low in energy density, meaning they contain very few calories per gram. This fruit can help you maintain your weight.


Directions Place melon, kiwis and lime juice in a blender and puree until smooth. Serve with a mint leaf and a slice of kiwi, cut into a heart shape. Tip: For hot summer days, add larger pieces of ice chunks for that cold crunch!


By BlaizeDance, Inc.

1 honey (dew melon, peeled and cubed)

Edits, Vanessa Shorter

8 kiwi (peeled and cubed + 1 for decoration) 4 lime (juiced) Mint leaves (for garnish)



Jam Box Fitness Lounge “The Sexiest Space in Fitness”

Robert O’Neill of Owner, Dominique showing her party smile

First Impressions I had the opportunity to visit Jam Box earlier this year. From the moment I walked in, I knew that I was witnessing something very unique. It was aesthetically beautiful, so inviting with dim lights and a lounge equipped with sheer white curtains and video screens. Greeted by the friendly staff of Jam box I felt immediately at ease. Meeting Dominique was great. She knew that I was here not only to get a story but to workout. I wanted to speak with her a little more, but she was extremely busy, as you might imagine.


What was really impressive was the studio space with a large open floor plan that accommodates many students. There’s a stage which makes the instructor visible to every student, even those in the back. I really enjoyed taking classes there and highly recommend that you visit and get your dance on! Dance technique, sound instruction and an allaround good time is guaranteed.

Dominique Lasha’e Journey Dominique has owned a marketing and event firm for over 16 years. However, it was after taking Zumba classes for eight months straight and realizing this is the longest that she has ever stayed committed to exercising- she embarked on a new career as a certified Zumba instructor. Her love of dance fitness and marketing have now merged as she combines her party planning experience with her Zumba workouts. This combination creates dance parties that are contagious and her classes have become extremely popular. I believe that the students really enjoy her classes because the dance techniques used, such as, hip hop, merengue, and reggae are taught in a way that is very easy for the students to follow.

Birthing Jambox “After a while, it became very exhausting to rent studio space, lug my equipment around, and conduct classes at various locations”; says Dominique. So once she started to seek a permanent spot to conduct business, an opportunity presented itself. Today, Jam Box Fitness Lounge, located in Addison, TX, is the place where Dominique is able to share her brand of fitness dance and a whole lot more with her clients.

On location in TX, GF Journalist Melina took a selfie with Dominique


Photography by Brian Guillaux3

Photography by Brian Guillaux3

Robert O’Neill of

Aesthetically speaking, Jam Box in a word is luxury. Students are able to “jam out” in a plush party atmosphere. With sexy club lighting big screen TV’s, a juice bar, and a post workout lounge, that can be rented for private events. This club has definitely lived up to their motto “We don’t work out, we jam out”, as they have taken fitness to the club!

Girl Power With an all-female staff, Ashleigh, Cathy, Tonya, Towanda and Tye, members can select from a variety of classes to include, Bass Camp, Funk the Fit, Pound and Barre 2.0, just to name a few. If that’s not enough, for women who want to get in shape for their big day, there’s a Bridal Bootcamp available. In addition, there are workshops that teach proper nutrition, and they are facilitated by Holistic Health Coaches. .


Robert O’Neill of Dominique flexing her muscles. Can you say girl power?!

What members are saying This place is amazing. You don’t even feel like you are working out because of the vibe they have created with all the sound and lights. - Jessica There is so much variety here for one price. I love to dance and get my cardio in, but the boot camp really gives you a full body workout. -Jai By Melina Pagoulatos Edits, Vanessa Shorter Courtesy image by Mel P, Jam Box Fitness Lounge, and Robert O’Neill of All venue images by Brian Guillaux3. Follow Jam Box at



Fashion Designer Nina Gleyzer Tyrone Tortusa Photography

From Las Vegas to New York

Dance Legends Charles “Cholly” Atkins


s Salutes Michael Jackson, NSYNC, Janet Jackson,

Jason Derulo, Beyoncé, Boyz II Men, Madonna, Brittany Spears, Aaliyah, and Usher Raymond are certainly known for their talent. However, they are also known for their fantastic stage performances that includes stellar choreography from individuals such as, Megan Lawson (Madonna), Michael Peters (Michael Jackson) Frank Gatson Jr. (Beyoncé), and Wade Robson (NSYNC). But have you ever wondered who choreographed for acts such as Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, Gladys Knight and the Pips, and The O’Jays? Wonder no more-his name is Charles “Cholly “Atkins and we salute his artistic contribution to countless Motown artist. 127

Early Life and Career-from World War II to Broadway Born Charles Sylvan Atkinson, a native of Pratt City, Alabama, Cholly Atkins began dancing in the late 1930s before entering military service in 1942 during World War II. Upon leaving the U.S. Army. Atkins first found fame as one-half of Atkins and Coles, a top vaudeville dance act with partner Charles "Honi" Coles, debuting at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York. Atkins and Coles toured extensively nationally and internationally, performing in showcases with major jazz and swing bands, including those led by Louis Armstrong, Charlie Barnet, Count Basie, Cab Calloway and Lionel Hampton. The pair also performed from 1949 to 1952 on Broadway in the stage production, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Freelance Choreography, Contribution to Motown, Partner Dance In the mid-1950s, Cholly began teaching dance steps to the Cadillacs, Shirelles, Moonglows, Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, Little Anthony and The Imperials, and other vocal groups. His dance steps were a new style coined "vocal choreography", as singers enhanced their vocal performances with stylish combinations of gestures and steps. After working as a freelance choreographer in 1962 for The Miracles, Atkins was hired by Berry Gordy to work as a Motown choreographer in 1964, and set about developing the routines that would later become the trademark moves of other Motown acts like The Supremes, The Temptations (Atkins was also featured in the video for their hit single "Lady Soul"), The Four Tops, The Marvelettes, Gladys Knight and The Pips and others. Atkins would, in fact, continue working with Motown artists well into the 1980s. He choreographed for non-Motown artists as well, namely the dance routines of The Cadillacs in the 1950s, and the Sylvers, as well as The O'Jays during the mid- 1970s, appearing with them on an episode of Soul Train. He also worked with Detroit rock band DC Drive and is featured in the "You Need Love" video. Cholly is also known by a few Detroit dancers to create the Partner Dance known as The Graystone, named after the great Graystone Ballroom. The dance rhythm is slow, quick, quick, slow, quick, and quick. Romance, Accolades and Transition Atkins and his wife met June 22, 1962, on a blind date in New York. Neither was really interested in a relationship. She had a career at Macy's. And Atkins was still recovering from the death of his second wife, Dottie Saulters, two years earlier. An earlier marriage had ended in divorce. The couple went dancing. "We danced every dance that night," Maye Atkinson said Monday from the couple's Las Vegas home. "But after that we never did dance again. Come June, we would have been married 40 years. But he wouldn't dance. 'That's my business,' he always said. 'I don't dance unless I get paid.' I guess I should have paid him."



In 1989, Atkins received a Tony Award for choreographing the Broadway show Black and Blue. He also accepted a 1993 National Endowment for the Arts threeyear fellowship to tour colleges and universities teaching vocal choreography. He continued to teach dance in Las Vegas until February 2003. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March 2003, Atkins died of the cancer several weeks later on April 19, 2003 Las Vegas, Nevada. He was five months short of his 90th birthday. What people said about working with Atkins "You saw 2,000 people doing a Cholly Atkins move," said Brian Pastoria, a partner in the Harmonie Park Creative Group and a longtime friend of Atkins. "It was amazing." "He taught us to move in spite of our capabilities," said Martha Reeves, lead singer of Martha and the Vandellas, who worked with Atkins for more than a decade. "He worked us eight hours a day at his house on Buena Vista," recalls Rogers. "He gave us a class that no one else in the country had." "He gave us more than steps," Fakir said. "Cholly gave us wisdom. He taught us how to touch an audience and about living life. He was Motown's father figure." Sources: and theatredance. com. Images from Google images.



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