JXF_4u4U Wine Selected

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Made in Italy No. JXFPCWV03

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W edding & P arty

《4U4U精選》精選義大利 Castel de Paolis 極品葡萄酒


Castel de Paolis

精選義大利高品質葡萄 採用古羅馬釀酒技術 引進最新葡萄酒儲藏設備


地 : Grottaferrata, Italy — 格羅塔費拉塔, 義大利

酒精濃度:12%Vol 容


葡萄品種:梅洛 Merlot 50%, 蒙特普齊亞諾 Montepulciano 50%




建議佐配料理:肉類義大利麵,烤肉及湯品 建議品酒溫度:16-18℃

Characteristics of Wine Color : Ruby red Aroma : Red fruit and flowery Flavor : Balanced with sweet tannins Food : Meat pasta dishes. Grilled meats. Soup Serving temperature : 16/18 °C How to serve : Serve in a medium size wine glasses

未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕

Alcohol : 12 % Bottle : 0,75 lt Year of Production : 2020 Grapes : Merlot, Montepulciano Soil and altitude : Hilly at 150 m Type of soil : Volcanic Vine growing : Trellised Plant density : 3000 plants/Ha Average age of vines : 30 years Yield per hectare : 130 ql/Ha Fermentation : Steel tank at a controlled temperature of 25/28°C Fermentation time : 10/12 days Aging : 15% oak, 85% steel tank 4U4U2022SS

W edding & P arty

《4U4U精選》精選義大利 Castel de Paolis 極品葡萄酒


Castel de Paolis

精選義大利高品質葡萄 採用古羅馬釀酒技術 引進最新葡萄酒儲藏設備


地 : Grottaferrata, Italy — 格羅塔費拉塔, 義大利

酒精濃度:12%Vol 容


葡萄品種:莫瓦西亞 Malvasia 50%, 崔比亞諾 Trebbiano 50%




建議佐配料理:開胃菜、鮮魚及義大利麵、湯品 建議品酒溫度:12℃

Characteristics of Wine Color: Light yellow Aroma: Delicate fruity and mineral finish Flavor: Elegant, medium-bodied, soft Serving temperature: 12 °C Food: Appetizer. Fish and pasta dishes. Soup How to serve : Serve in medium size wine glasses

未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕

Alcohol : 12 % Bottle : 0,75 lt Year of Production : 2020 Grapes : Malvasia, Trebbiano Soil and altitude : Hilly at 150 m Type of soil : Volcanic Vine growing : Trellised Plant density : 3000 plants/Ha Average age of vines : 30 years Yield per hectare : 140 ql/Ha Fermentation : Steel tank at a controlled temperature of 18°C Fermentation time : 10/12 days


《4U4U精選》精選義大利 Castel de Paolis 極品葡萄酒

紅 135


Castel de Paolis

精選義大利高品質葡萄 採用古羅馬釀酒技術 引進最新葡萄酒儲藏設備

種類:紅葡萄酒 分級 : IGT 酒精濃度:13.5%VOL 容量:750毫升 葡萄品種:希哈 Shiraz 50%, 切薩內賽 Cesanese 30%, 桑嬌維賽 Sagiovese 20%

色澤:寶石紅 香氣:黑莓及梅果香、香草,並以高雅的花香點綴 風味:由溫和的單寧酸及優質礦物味協調而成 建議佐配料理:肉類和義大利麵料理、燒烤、熟成 度適中的起司 建議品酒溫度:16/18℃ 建議品酒方式:斟酒前拔塞,中或大葡萄酒杯盛裝

Characteristics of Wine Color: Ruby red Olfaction: Red fruit, blackberries and raspberries, followed by sweet and spicy sensations Flavor: Balanced with soft tannins and good mineral Food: Meat with pasta dishes, grilled meats, medium-aged cheese Serving temperature: 16/18℃ How to serve: Uncork just before serving and serve in medium/ large wine glasses

未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕

Alcohol: 13.5% Bottle: 0.75lt Year of production: 2015 Grapes: Shiraz 50%, Cesanese 30%, Montepulciano, Sagiovese 20% Soil and altitude: Hilly at 250m Type of soil: Volcanoic. Rich in potassium and tufa Vine growing: Trellised- Cordon Spur Plant density: 5500 plants/ Ha Average age of vines: 23 years Yield per hectare: 80 ql/Ha Fermentation: Steel tank at a controlled temperature of 25/28℃ Fermentation time: 10/12 days Aging: 50% barrels, 50% steel tank

《4U4U精選》精選義大利 Castel de Paolis 極品葡萄酒

白 14


Castel de Paolis

精選義大利高品質葡萄 採用古羅馬釀酒技術 引進最新葡萄酒儲藏設備

種類:白葡萄酒 分級 : DOCG 酒精濃度:14%VOL 容量:750毫升 葡萄品種:莫瓦西亞 Malvasia 70%, 崔比亞諾 Trebb, 金麝香 Moscato Giallo, 博比諾 Bombino, 貝隆 Bellone 30%

色澤:金黃色 香氣:濃厚果香、礦物香氣持久;熱帶水果及白肉 水果如水梨、蘋果的香氣 風味:極具圓潤滑順,果香,酒體飽滿 建議佐配料理:頂級香料料理、羊肉、起司 建議品酒溫度:12℃ 建議品酒方式:斟酒前拔塞,中或大葡萄酒杯盛裝

Characteristics of Wine Color: Gold yellow Olfaction: Intensely fruity and mineral, remarkably persistent. Exotic fruits and white fruits like pear and apple Flavor: Great roundness and smoothness, fruity, full-bodied Food: First spicy dishes of the cuisine of Lazio, lamb, cheese Serving temperature: 12℃ How to serve: Uncork just before serving and serve in glasses medium/ big size

未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕

Alcohol : 12 % Bottle : 0,75 lt Year of Production : 2017 Grapes : Merlot, Montepulciano Soil and altitude : Hilly at 150 m Type of soil : Volcanic Vine growing : Trellised Plant density : 3000 plants/Ha Average age of vines : 30 years Yield per hectare : 130 ql/Ha Fermentation : Steel tank at a controlled temperature of 25/28°C Fermentation time : 10/12 days Aging : 15% oak, 85% steel tank

L ounge & B ar

《4U4U精選》精選義大利 Castel de Paolis 極品葡萄酒

F rascati

S uperiore DOCG 2019

Castel de Paolis

精選義大利高品質葡萄 採用古羅馬釀酒技術 引進最新葡萄酒儲藏設備


地 : 格羅塔費拉塔, 義大利 Grottaferrata, Italy

酒精濃度:14%Vol 容


葡萄品種:莫瓦西亞 Malvasia 70%, 崔比亞諾 Trebb. Giallo, 博比諾 Bombino, 貝隆 Bellone 30% 色

澤 :金黃色

氣 :濃厚果香、礦物香氣持久 ; 熱帶水果及

白肉水果如水梨、蘋果的香氣 風


建議品酒溫度:12℃ 建議佐配料理:辣味料理、肉類料理、起司 建議品酒方式:斟酒前拔塞,中或大葡萄酒杯盛裝

Characteristics of Wine Color: Gold yellow Aroma: Delicate fruity and mineral finish, Exotic fruits and white fruits like pear and apple Flavor: Great roundness and smoothness, fruity, full-bodied Serving temperature: 12 °C Food: First spicy dishes of the cuisine of Lazio, lamb, cheese How to serve : Uncork just before serving and serve in glasses medium/big size


Alcohol : 14 % Bottle : 0,75 lt Year of Production : 2019 Grapes : Malvasia del Lazio 70%, Trebb. Giallo, Bombino, Bellone 30% Soil and altitude : Hilly at 250 m Type of soil : Volcanic. Rich in potassium and tufa Vine growing : Trellised - Cordon Spur Plant density : 5500 plants/Ha Average age of vines : 30 years Yield per hectare : 90 ql/Ha Fermentation : Steel tank at 18°C controlled Fermentation time : 8/10 days

2021 Gambero Rosso 義大利餐飲評鑑指南-紅蝦評鑑



2021 Vitae AIS




未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕


《4U4U精選》精選義大利 Castel de Paolis 極品葡萄酒


Castel de Paolis

精選義大利高品質葡萄 採用古羅馬釀酒技術 引進最新葡萄酒儲藏設備

種類:白葡萄氣泡酒 酒精濃度:12.5%VOL 容量:750毫升 葡萄品種:Chardonnay 100%

原產國 : 義大利 色澤: 明亮的稻黃色及精緻持久的汽泡 香氣:濃厚果香,優雅出眾。 風味:極具清爽滑順、 優雅和諧。 建議佐配料理:極佳的開胃酒。鮮魚、海鮮料理 、起司和羊肉料理。 建議品酒溫度:8-10℃

Characteristics of Wine Color : Bright straw yellow Olfaction : Intense, fresh and pungent; outstanding elegance Flavor : Dry, but not harsh; clean-tasting, elegant and harmonious Food : Great in aperitif. Raw fish and fish fries. Sea food, delicious first courses. Fresh cheese and goats Serving temperature : 8/10 °C How to serve : Uncork and serve in flute glasses

未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕

Alcohol : 12,5 % Bottle : 0,75 lt (Spumante Flute) Grapes : Chardonnay Soil : Hilly Type of soil : Volcanic Fermentation : Steel tank at a controlled temperature Sparkling Process : Charmat Second fermentation : 6/8 months in steel tank Bottling fining : 3 months

《4U4U精選》精選義大利 42葡萄醇 GRAPPA



獨特蒸餾法呈現完美風味 100% 意大利葡萄古法蒸餾特製 濃。醇。香 後韻回甘之不老神水

Castel de Paolis 種類:葡萄醇 產地 : Toscana, Italy 酒精濃度:42%VOL 容量:500毫升

色澤:透明 適飲方式 : Grappa 作為餐後酒,可純飲。飽食 後品嚐Grappa 能夠緩解腹脹。葡萄醇專用杯 呈上,搖杯聞香後再小酌一口,慢慢品味。 許多義大利家庭都喜歡直接將Grappa冰鎮後飲 用,冰涼口感,清爽怡神。 義大利人也喜歡將Grappa加入 Espresso咖啡中 一起飲用,叫做 "Caffe Corretto"。 建議品酒溫度:9-13℃

Characteristics of Wine Color: Transparent white Olfaction: RTypical and intense Flavor: Soft and enchanting Serving temperature: 9/ 13℃ How to drink : Thanks to its softness it is ideal for tasting at the end of meals How to serve : Serve in small tulip glasses

未 滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 安 全 誠 無 價 酒 後 找 代 駕

Alcohol: 42 % Bottle: 0,50 lt (Primavera) Composition: Distillate from fermented grapes marc Exposure of vineyards: Hilly Type of soil: Average consistency Distillation: Discontinuous steam method Fining: Steel tank

4u4U Gourmet | 創藝私廚 / 新北市三峽區國際一街15號 / 預約專線 02-2673-2828 © 2 0 22 JXF Tr ading C o r p 傑爾富貿易有限公司. . 02-2255-5711 / info@jxf.tw

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