Interior Renovation Project of Shanghai Transformation International School Stages Involved : Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering January - February 2019
Our Client is Transformation Academy Shanghai (TAS). TAS is licensed by the Shanghai Education Bureau as a non-profit Chinese Private school. The school provides bilingual, comprehensive education for Chinese students whose families desire a mixed East-West approach to academics and character development. The core value of Transformation Academy Shanghai is to transform lives and train servant leaders through high quality education in a loving environment. Hence, our intention is to design a learning space where interaction between students and teachers are enhanced and spaces that could encourage creativity thinking of the students. My task in this project is to designing the interior spaces of an old building, which existing was a car factory. Exterior walls have to be remained untouched while interior spaces could be subject to change. My job scope includes proposing ideas, 3D modelling, 3D rendering and site visit, which are under stages of schematic design design development.
Works Involved
Building 3D model in Sketchup Designing Auditorium Designing Sports Hall Designing Dance Studio Designing Art Studio Designing Canteen Designing Ping Pong Room Designing IT Classroom
BUILDING 3D MODEL IN SKETCHUP Before getting started with designing the interior of the school, I am assigned to do 3D modelling of Block A, also known as secondary school block. 3D model have to be built precisely where the columns, beams and structural walls have to tally with the structural plans and placement and dimension of openings and exterior walls have to tally with the architectural plans. Making sure dimensions and levels correct is the fundamental of a designers or architect. 动 强 弱
力 电 电
建 筑 结 构 给 排 水 暖 通
上 楼梯间
散 水 详见
坡 道 详见
坡 道 详见
楼梯(五) 楼梯(一)
客梯,速度 内净尺寸
男厕 卫生间(一)
无障碍坡道宽坡度为 坡到及两侧扶手做法详见 室外墙身变形缝 详见 下
台阶 下 乙
落水管 楼梯间
男厕 上
楼、地面变形缝 详见
饮水处 乙 乙
内墙、顶棚变形缝 详见
台阶 下
货梯,速度 内净尺寸
上 楼梯(二)
室外墙身变形缝 详见
楼梯(四) 上
下 下
门卫 台阶
说明: 本幢总建筑面积 平方米。 生产的火灾危险性分类: 丙类; 无自动喷水灭火系统。 产品:热固油墨分装; 流程: 热固油墨分装至 热固油墨:主要成份为树脂和颜料,不含溶剂,为环保型油墨。
本工程办公区部分墙体、门窗、屋面等外部围护结构均 防火设计:本工程为丙类厂房建筑,耐火等级为二级; 根据《建筑设计防火规范》的相关条款共分为三个防火分区:做了节能设计,外墙 厚胶粉聚苯颗粒保温浆料。 办公区为一个防火分区,建筑面积: 平方米。 本层建筑面积: 车间一、二层为一个防火分区,三层为一个防火分区; 一、二层建筑面积: 平方米;三层建筑面积: 平方米。
发图负责人盖章处 个人执业章盖章处
审 定 王 珣 工程名称 上海杰屹森企业发展有限公司新建厂房 审 核 张洵伟 校 对 朱晓悦 号厂房 工程负责人 李惠生 专业负责人 李惠生 底层平面图 上海杰屹森企业发展有限公司 设 计 钟 凰 工程编号 上海时代建筑设计有限公司 项目名称 图纸名称
建设单位 本图须加盖本公司出图签章 否则一律无效
图 别 建 筑 设计阶段 施工图 出图比例 修改版次 图 号 建施 日 期
力 电 电 动 强 弱
力 电 电 动 强 弱
建 筑 结 构 给 排 水 暖 通
建 筑 结 构 给 排 水 暖 通
上 墙身大样(一)
排水管,外伸 雨蓬 屋
雨蓬 屋
护窗栏杆 空调柜机
的 砼 接水板(内配双向
女厕 )
楼、地面变形缝 详见
男厕 下
屋顶平台 (结构标高)
砖砌踏步级 弱电预留孔
雨蓬 屋
空调柜机 阳台
下 )
的 砼 接水板(内配双向
雨蓬 屋
护窗栏杆 雨蓬 屋
的 砼 接水板(内配双向
) (结构标高) 屋
(结构标高) 屋
(结构标高) 屋
(结构标高) 屋
发图负责人盖章处 个人执业章盖章处
审 定 王 珣 工程名称 上海杰屹森企业发展有限公司新建厂房 审 核 张洵伟 校 对 朱晓悦 号厂房 工程负责人 李惠生 专业负责人 李惠生 二层平面图 设 计 钟 凰
工程编号 上海时代建筑设计有限公司
项目名称 图纸名称 建设单位
图 别 建 筑 设计阶段 施工图 出图比例 修改版次 图 号 建施 日 期
发图负责人盖章处 个人执业章盖章处
审 定 王 珣 工程名称 上海杰屹森企业发展有限公司新建厂房 审 核 张洵伟 校 对 朱晓悦 号厂房 工程负责人 李惠生 专业负责人 李惠生 三层平面图 设 计 钟 凰
工程编号 上海时代建筑设计有限公司
项目名称 图纸名称 建设单位 本图须加盖本公司出图签章 否则一律无效
图 别 建 筑 设计阶段 施工图 出图比例 修改版次 图 号 建施 日 期
建 筑 结 构 给 排 水 暖 通
动 强 弱
力 电 电
本图须加盖本公司出图签章 否则一律无效
墙身大样(二) 外墙
外墙 外墙
外墙 外墙
注:外墙、外墙、外墙、外墙均为高级外墙涂料,颜色另定。 审查机构盖章处
发图负责人盖章处 个人执业章盖章处
工程名称 审 定 王 珣 上海杰屹森企业发展有限公司新建厂房 审 核 张洵伟
工程编号 上海时代建筑设计有限公司
图 别 建 筑 设计阶段 施工图
发图负责人盖章处 个人执业章盖章处
工程名称 审 定 王 上海杰屹森企业发展有限公司新建厂房 审 核 张洵
工程编号 上海时代建筑设计有限公司
AUDITORIUM 阶梯教室 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 140 square metres Location Block B (Primary School)
An auditorium is required by clients in the primary school block to use as facilitated classroom for students and seminar room for the teachers. The main challenge in this project is this building was previously designed for a car maufacturing factory, not for a school. Hence, the natural lighting is not enough for the interior space. In the design process, I decided to remain all the openings untouched to maximize the natural lighting for the class while providing blinds that could be rolled to keep the room dark for projection. This is a renovation project where the outer walls have to be remained untouched. So, in the floor plan, there is an extra pocket space at the openings side corner. Instead of neglecting it to be an unusable space, why not making a platform that is accessible for the users to have some small discussion and to clean the openings. Idea Development
Talking about designing a space, it is not how we make the space to become beautiful, but the art and strategy of how we interpret and arrange the relationship of the spaces. First, the circulation have to be experimented and fixed. By using the notion of circulation, blue colour is used as a guide to signify the main circulation, which is the transition between the entrance and the seatings. The seating area, covered with warm tone, speaking opposite language to the main circulation. This creates space relationships.
Location of Auditirum at Ground Floor Plan
Auditorium Floor Plan Scale 1 : 150
SPORTS HALL 体育錆 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 700 square metres Location Block B (Primary School)
In Block B, adjacent to the main lobby, where the space has the tallest height, 7.2metres, is proposed for a sports hall, The activities required in this sports hall are basketball court, badminton court and space for table tennis. However, position of the columns, dimensions of the space and the ceiling height are huge restraint for me to design an appropriate sports hall. For a basketball court, the ceiling height has to be at least 10 metres. As all the structure and outer wall have to be remained unchanged, we cannot make anything bigger to fit the sports. We have to compromise and decided to make it designated for only primary students. With the limited space, we proposed a notion where the sports hall could be more interactive, not just any other 'selfish' and rigid sports space. Spirits of togetherness among students are celeberated in the space.
Site Visit of the Existing Limited Space and Heights for an Indoor Sports Hall
Wayfinding and Sign Design Creating chat bubbles signage to help users in wayfinding, costefficient solution to design the interior wall elevation
Graphics Sports grahpics are displayed with different thickness of louvres which seperate and define the space
Sports Hall Floor Plan With the limited space, we proposed a notion where the sports hall could be more interactive, not just any other 'selfish' and rigid sports space.
From the floor plan, you could see that the activities are sharing spaces with each others. Basketball zones are sharing space with the badmintion zones while the running track could be replaced with table tennis zone, where the tables can be pulled out from the storage. The users can decide which activities to implement in different days with this flexible space planning. The baskets for basketball are hung on the columns and ever y columns are cove r e d u p w i t h s e m i circular-corner pole pads to ensure the safety of the users. Besides, to preser ve the natural lighting coming from the openings. soft pads with random arrangment are designed to protect both users and the openings from breaking.
Sports Hall Perspective View from Entrance
Rythmn in Chaos Experimenting arrangement of Soft Pads
DANCE STUDIO 舞蹈室 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 85 square metres Location Block B (Primary School) Ground Floor
Th e p r o p o s e d d a n ce s t u d i o i s l o ca te d adjacent to the sports hall, where people have to circulate through the sports hall in order to reach the dance studio. Hence, the concept of 'arch' used in the sports hall is drew into the dance studio to extend its architectural language into this smaller space. The arch is reinterpreted and experimented in different kind of form. The final form of the 'arch' turns into a smooth curved line, inspired by the movement of Ballet performances, where the volume of space becomes smaller and smaller from the existing openings to capture the natrual lighting into the interior space.
Dance Studio Floor Plan Scale 1 : 200
Due to long and narrow layout of the dance studio, minimal furniture is designed in this space to maximize the usage of the space. There is only a row of 750mm height cabinet designed for the users to store shoes and bags. Except for the side with openings, other elevations are covered with mirror for dance practising purpose. The color pallet is constant throughout, the light, minimal approach acts as a canvas allowing the dancers to shine and take centre stage. The cleaver use of materials, forms a balance between delicate and strength, a metaphor for the dedication, athleticism and prowess of the Ballet performances. The interior architecture plays to emphasize the gracefulness of dance movement, where the louvres cover the beam with different thickness to perform fluid lines and patterns to enhance the feeling of movement. Randomness of sphere lights further enhance the movement of the space.
Design Process the concept of 'arch' used in the sports hall is drew into the dance studio to extend its architectural language into this smaller s p a ce . Th e a r c h i s r e i n t e r p r e t e d a n d experimented in different kind of form.
Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 85 square metres Location Block B (Primary School)
The brief is to design an art studio for primary school students in a 85-square-metres space. I believe that interactive learning space supports a conscious approach to education, nurturing the growth, spirit and mind of the 21st century student. Instead of traditional classroom furniture layout, where all students facing towards front, why not creating shared table where a group of students can sit together to allow exchange of ideas, thoughts and skills with each others. One classroom will have 30 students. Four islands are created to accomodate eight students each to encourage collaboration by emphasizing transparency and sharing of space.
The space planning of the art studio is simply divided into two zones, which are art zone and pottery making zone. Cupboards are arranged beside the students' seatings so they can store their belongings and take the materials easily from the cupboards. For the pottery making zone, enough size of space is designed for the students and lecturers to gather. The concept behind the project is quite simply to bring students and teachers together, without barrier. One room for the creation and enjoyment of arts in tandem. Th i s s i m p l e i d e a , co m p l e m e n te d w i t h wooden materials to enhance the sense of experimenting and creativity. The form of an 'arch' is brought into this space, arranged perpendicularly with the direction of the tables, extruded, then replicated from front to back of the art studio. The artificial lighting are arranged according the placement of the furniture. Circular recessed lighting at the bottom of the arches, while suspended lgihting tubes are used at the top of the arches to provide lighting evenly for the art studio.
Design Process the concept sharing space to enhance collaboration and creativity are experimented in different form of language
CANTEEN éŁ&#x;ĺ ‚ Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 577 square metres (508 occupants) Location Block A (Secondary School) Ground Floor
A canteen is a space where students eat, rest and chit-chat with each other. It is a place where they have to come everyday. It should be a place where they can enjoy themselves and really take a break from the restless lessons. Hence, my design intention is to make it a lively and comfortable space where students enjoy eating and chating, not a rigid, boring space they have to see everyday. However, having limited space, which is only 577 square metres to accomodate around 500 occupants, is a main challenge in this project. Therefore, the arrangement of tables and chairs are arranged with the positions of columns to ensure maximum efficiency of human circulation. The arrangement of the furniture makes the boxy space looks even more rigid. To achive the design intention, circle elements are added into the space to break the discipline. For the ceiling, circle plaster ceiling and lighting are complemented with circular columns to divide the main seating space from others. Playing with the contrasting colour tone of the elements and graphics makes the space more playful. Spirits of togetherness among students are celeberated.
Hawkers' Counter Elevation
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Floor Plan 577 square metres to accomodate around 500 occupants 21
Ceiling Plan Rectangular columns are claded in circular to complement the circular elements at the ceiling
Graphics Relating to Food Nutrition
1. Seating Area 2. Hawkers' Counter 3. Kitchen 4. VIP Room 5. Corridor
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TABLE TENNIS ROOM 乒乓球室 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 85 square metres Location Block B (Primary School) Ground Floor
Adjacent to the sports hall, the client wants a room for table tennis. The room is too small for more than two table tennis, the client requires at least four table tennis. With the standard dimensions of table tennis activity area, different arrangement of table tennis are experimented. The solution to fold some of the table into half, making them one-playertables has overcome the issue and maximize the usage for the small space.
1 The standard dimensions for table tennis moving area is 5800mm x 3300mm, where the room cannot fit any of them with this arrangement.
2 By rotating them perpendicularly, only two table tennis could be fit in this arrangemennt.
3 Why not making both of the table tennis to be functioned normally, while other table tennis can be halfly folded against the wall, which allow one player playing at once. The columns are covered to prevent injury caused by their sharp corners.
IT CLASSROOM 1 IT 教厤 1 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 99 square metres Location Block B (Primary School) Second Floor
Located at second floor of primary school block, the Information Technology Classroom is partitioned into two spaces, which is classroom and storage. In the classroom, islands of tables and chairs are arranged in the centre while the robotics zone are located behind. The side with windows are designed with 750mm height cabinet while the opposite side designed with a shelf that speaks a strong language of an IT classroom. Arrangement of the students seatings is intended to increase the interaction between students, so they could help each other during class.
1. Seating Zone 2. Front (Whiteboard) 3. Robotic Zone 4. Storage IT Classroom Floor Plan Scale 1 : 150
Elevation & Shelf Design Design Process
B e s i d e s d e s i g n i n g a s p a ce with students interactions and teamwork, the notion of technology hub is emphasized in this space by using graphics of technology. With the inspiration from the circuit from microchip in computer, the patterns are studied and incorporated into furniture, for instance, the shelf and cabinets.
Ceiling Plan Design Process
Different patterns and lines of the circuit are experimented to be the members of the shelf. At the same time, function as the first priority, so things could be placed on it. The column which located at the centre of the shelf is covered by playing with solid and void, while maintaining its characteristics. Graphics are extended from the walls to the ceiling to make the space as a whole
IT CLASSROOM 2 IT 教室 2 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 98 square metres Location Block A (Secondary School) Second Floor
Located at second floor of secondary school block, the Information Technology Classroom is designed for more matured students compared than the previous one. However, creativity and innovation should never stop. The space is attempting to transform to another form but remaining the same language and functionality. Clean straight lines accompany with some curve is the starting point of the design.
上 2
1. Seating Zone 2. Front (Whiteboard) 3. Discussion Zone IT Classroom Floor Plan Scale 1 : 150
Elevation & Shelves Design Rejected idea
Rethinking of what could the shape and form be to channel the same language get into and experimenting of how could it transforms from one to another get me into one conclusion - there is no one best or correct forms or shapes to perform a design, but to clarify the space relationship itself is a design. Hence, a clean and smooth line is used to help me connecting, at the same time, dividing the spaces and functions.
Elevation & Shelves Design Design Development
Final Elevation Solid and Void are designed to perform the language and at the same time, covering the columns that would break the design language
Designing as a whole Fundamental principal to design a space is to making all the elements speaking a same language. In this case, design of floor plan, ceiling and elevations are continuing the language of each others, making the space as a whole. Lines in elevation are intensified while lines in the floor plan and ceiling are weakened to echo to each other.
Ceiling Plan Overlaps on Floor Plan Ceiling Materials and Lighting are designed according the floor plan and arrangement of furniture layout
Interior Renovation of Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School Stages Involved : Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering January - February 2019
Our Client is Shanghai World Foreign Language. (WFLPS). WFLPS is licensed by the Shanghai Education Bureau as a non-profit Chinese Private school. The school provides bilingual, comprehensive education for Chinese students whose families desire a mixed East-West approach to academics and character development. My task in this project is to designing the interior spaces of an old building, which existing was a car factory. Exterior walls have to be remained untouched while interior spaces could be subject to change. My job scope includes proposing ideas, 3D modelling, 3D rendering and site visit, which are under stages of schematic design design development.
IT CLASSROOM IT 教厤 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 98 square metres Location Block A (Secondary School) Second Floor
In this school, the previous proposal done by my colleague for this IT Classroom was rejected by client due to costing problem. Hence, new proposal with consideration of cost efficiency is required. I was assigned by the director to combine the concept of two previous design of IT classroom into this classroom.
IT Classroom Floor Plan Scale 1 : 150
Fundamental principal to design a space is to making all the elements speaking a same language. In this case, design of floor plan, ceiling and elevations are continuing the language of each others, making the space as a whole. Lines in elevation are intensified while lines in the floor plan and ceiling are weakened to complement to each other.
Shelf Elevation Within the shelf, simple straight lines creating racks for placement of robots and equipments, complement with a sentence of quote graphics
Ceiling Plan Overlaps on Floor Plan Ceiling Materials and Lighting are designed according the floor plan and arrangement of furniture layout
Mix Development Masterplan Proposal in China Jiang Shu Stages Involved : Schematic Design February 2019
My task in this project is to designing the exterior facades of mix development project. Innovation in technology and sustainability are implemented as the core principle to design the facade. My job scope includes proposing ideas, 3D modelling, 3D rendering and site visit, which are under stages of schematic design design development.
GREEN FACADE 绿植墙 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, 3D modelling Floor Area Location North Entrance
The design for one of the main entrance employs the public’s curiosity to draw visitors in and create an iconic presence in the developement. The mall is split between two facades, both architecturally and conceptually. The ground level is transparent and open, meant to provide transparency of its content to the public; the upper floors is the architectural showpiece, floating above the ground, the green facade is design, meant to draw attention and at the same time, insulate the interior from harsh sunlight.
Aerial View
Green Wall Facade Design Process
Green Facade Wall Design Process
GREEN CUBES 绿植块 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, 3D modelling Floor Area Location Central Space
The entrance of the bookstore is designed with a significant size of frame which is made of planting cubes. This installation is created to emphasize the entrance to create curiousity for visitors and passer-by to walk into it. The small cubes of the frame play with solid and void, breaking the continuous facade pattern from both sides, creating juxtaposition with the entrance from its surrounding. Plenty of 3D models have been experimented to get the final one. Another reason to build this huge frame at the entrance associates with the Chinese culture, which is to provide impression of generousity.
The Entrance of Green Cubes
Renovation of Shanghai Bao Shan World Foreign Language InterSchool Stages Involved : Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering March 2019
Our Client is Shanghai World Foreign Language. (WFLPS). WFLPS is licensed by the Shanghai Education Bureau as a non-profit Chinese Private school. The school provides bilingual, comprehensive education for Chinese students whose families desire a mixed East-West approach to academics and character development. The core value of Transformation Academy Shanghai is to transform lives and train servant leaders through high quality education in a loving environment. Hence, our intention is to design a learning space where interaction between students and teachers are enhanced and spaces that could encourage creativity thinking of the students. My task in this project is to designing the exterior and interior spaces of a building, which is currently in construction process. Exterior walls have to be remained untouched while interior spaces could be subject to change. My job scope includes proposing ideas, 3D modelling and 3D rendering, which are under stages of schematic design design development.
Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, 3D modelling, Rendering Floor Area 2160 square metres Location Block B (Main Block)
The space between the drop off area and the multipurpose hall, which comprise the landscape and方案 grand staircase, is assigned for me to design. This space is located 平面图 between 综合楼大厅 primary school and secondary school blocks. This a first option I did for this proposal. 1. Drop Off Area 2. Frontyard (Landscape)
Floor Plan Design from Landscape to Staircase
3. Staircase 4. Multipurpose Hall
精神形象与办学内涵,是具有象征性的 公共空间。
综合楼大厅 方案
作为综合楼主入口,我们希望创造一个 具有象征世外精神的大门。运用“流动” 在空间中名言、标语为载体,展示世外 精神形象与办学内涵,是具有象征性的 公共空间。
The concept starts with the spirit of an entrance. As the main entrance of the main block, I suggest to create a 上海宝山世界外国语小学 generous and substantial door that symbolizes the 'RISE' spirits of this international school. By ascending through the staircase, the body of the 'door' structure present to the users movement of quotes which are engraved at steel plates, showing great impression and connotation when one is entering to the school. The design of Bao Shan International School reinterprets an integration and collaboration with global culture. With its old school european style exterior facade, I suggest a louvres-like structure wrapping around the staircase, juxtaposing to its surrounding, drawing attention towards the entrance when the users are standing at the drop off area.
综合楼大厅 方案
综合楼大厅 方案
综合楼大厅 方案
Street Furniture The frontyard located adjacent to drop-off area was previously designed with planter box. Instead of just a planter box, why not we transform it to street furniture that provide s e a t i n g s a n d ca n o p i e s . I t ca n t u r n s i n t o a w a i t i n g area for students to wait for their parents to fetch them. Besides, interaction between students are fostered as it is now served as an informal space for students to wander around.
Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, 3D modelling, Rendering Floor Area 2160 square metres Location Block B (Main Block)
The space between the drop off area and the multipurpose hall, which comprise the landscape and方案 grand staircase, is assigned for me to design. This space is located 平面图 between 综合楼大厅 primary school and secondary school blocks. This a second option I did for this proposal. 1. Drop Off Area 2. Frontyard (Landscape)
Floor Plan Design from Landscape to Staircase
3. Staircase 4. Multipurpose Hall
综合楼大厅 方案
作为综合楼主入口,我们希望创造一个 集交谊、休憩和观影于一体的公共核心 空间,一个具有趣味性且聚集人气的公 共活动空间,也是象征世外精神的展示 空间。
上海宝山世界外国语小学 As the main entrance of the main block, it is the most common area where everyone would pass by. Hence, why not we make it a place where students make friends, sit back, relax and talk to each others. It could become the core of the public spaces with a variety of functions allow children to move freely throughout the day and to learn from the environment around them and each other. The learning landscape encourages collaboration by emphasizing transparent and communal spaces,
综合楼大厅 方案
综合楼大厅 方案
大厅设计 方案
Ceiling Plan Design Process
Plenty of modular systems of ceiling are experimented in the basic of grid system to complement the random wooden plank seatings at the staircase. The ceiling and vertical timber panels have to speak same language to the staircase and seating area. In the end, the results of playfulness of timber plank seatings and generousity of the ceiling panels are complementing to each others create a sense of place that leads back to the design intention - to create a collaborative communal space.
Design Process
CORRIDOR 教室走廊 Job Involved Schematic Design, Design Development, Rendering Floor Area 226 square metres Location Block A (Secondary School) Second Floor
Corridor is a very familiar path that we walk everyday during our school time. Can a 平面图start 中学部走廊 corridor be an interesting pathway that lead students to their respective class? Before designing the corridor, we should start rethinking the elevation of the classroom wall at corridor. Normally it comes with two entrance and the rest are windows and plastered wall. What could we do with them?
Classroom Corridor Floor Plan Scale : NTS 上海宝山世界外国语小学
公告栏 书包柜
Close-up Corridor Floor Plan For One Classroom
Corridor Elevation For One Classroom 上海宝山世界外国语小学
Corridor Perspective Design Process
In this proposal, I suggest that the main entrance could be highlighted with a frame and graphics on it, while the other entrance is weakened. This would welcome and lead the users, especially teachers to enter the correct entrance. Besides, cabinets for students to store their belongings are designed between both entrances, while the window is raised above the cabinets. Leaving a space for bulletin allows the students to paste important notice or timetable on it. From the design of the elevation of the classroom, the elements extended outwards to the floor and ceiling by using different material to further enhance the design language. Dark blue colour is used to outstand the 'frame', while thin yellow lines are used to embellish its opposite colour of blue.
Floor Material The Chosen One