Blue Hills Equestrian Estate | October 2023

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ISSUE 2023
Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication. Publisher K-Studio (Pty) Ltd on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate Advertising Sales Tobia Calvin Editor Tobia von Zwietring Proofreader Chantel Venter Design & Layout K-Studio (Pty) Ltd e t 082 962 8255 f KreatiefStudio OCTOBER ISSUE 2023 contents OF WATERBERG LIMPOPO HOURS’ . ITS 5 AND IDYLLIC MAJESTIC commands natural, safaricomfort private Plains a room, and on or big the game Plains 05 07 10 16 21 28 30 33 38 41 44 LETTER FROM THE HOA IMPORTANT INFORMATION & CONTACTS SMART SNACKING 7 STAGES TO FINDING FLOW TRANSFORM YOUR SPACE DISCOVER THE WORLD WITH QUINTRIP: YOUR GATEWAY TO UNFORGETTABLE JOURNEYS INSTANT GARDENS ELEVATE YOUR COOKING GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR GAP YEAR MOTORING UNDERSTANDING NOISE PHOBIA IN YOUR CAT OR DOG

letter from the HOA

Dear Homeowners

Estate Manager

As you might be aware, Rashni no longer works for Blue Hills HOA. We are actively looking to find a new Estate manager and will let you know as soon as we have someone in place. In the meantime, please direct all correspondence to Bomikazi Gangxa our Estate administrator at You can phone Bomikazi on the office line 010 109 3182. The HOA directors are working closely with Bomikazi to ensure that all matters are dealt with timeously. We appreciate your patience during this time. We would like to thank Bomikazi for her positive attitude and efforts during this period.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM is scheduled for October, and you will receive notification in due course. We would like to encourage all owners to attend the AGM. The AGM will be held at Reddford House School. Consider becoming a HOA director, kindly submit your nomination as many hands make light work.

Municipal Water Pressure

We are aware of the low water pressure that has been reported by some homeowners. Unfortunately, the Estate has no control over the municipal water pressure and would therefore urge you to report low pressure to the municipality. The Estate’s water is provided by two different municipalities, COJ and Tshwane water. Please check your municipal account to see who your municipal water provider is before making any calls.

The Estate has been experiencing low water pressure up Mopani Road, which has been noticed during irrigation times. We have spoken with a Wet Works Engineer who has advised that unfortunately the water system in Johannesburg is a problem, he was not optimistic that reporting the low pressure to the municipality would yield any results. As a solution, he suggested that homeowners could consider installing a JoJo tank on their property into which the municipal water would feed, the water would then be fed into the homeowner’s house via a water pressure valve which would ensure that the water pressure was good and remained constant.

2023 ISSUE 5 5

Owl and Bat Boxes

In August we had the Estate’s Owl and Bat Boxes serviced, this is an annual occurrence to ensure that the boxes do not deteriorate and ultimately become uninhabitable for owls and bats using them or wishing to use them. The service entails fixing or replacing boxes which show signs of wear, removing owl and bat droppings, revarnishing the boxes, and treating them so that bees don’t lay claim to them. During the service the boxes are also checked for occupancy. We would like to do as much as possible to encourage owls as they are wonderful for controlling pests, such as rats and snakes. Bats eat mosquitos which is also a great way to curb the mosquitos in the Estate. You may want to consider installing owl and/or bat boxes on your property; if you are, you can contact Ecosolutions on 011 72 365 9777 or 011 791 7326 they’ll be delighted to hear from you.


Please keep your eyes open for snakes and report any sighting to the Estate’s Security immediately. Our Security team have been trained to handle snakes and will remove them from your property. Mike Perry the Estate’s go to snake handler can be reached at 083 448 8854.

Outdoor Living

With summer descending upon us at great speed, we will be taking more to living and entertaining outdoors. Please be considerate of your fellow homeowners when entertaining outdoors, with our wonderful open paces noise travels. Speak to your neighbours, you will be amazed at the camaraderie that a quick conversation can build. What you give is what you will get back in return. Let’s make Blue Hills Equestrian Estate the place to live!

Life Green Group

Life Green Group our landscaping maintenance team have been with us since 1 June 2023 and we believe are making a positive impact on the landscaping in the Estate. Unfortunately, we did loose plants during the winter months, but these will be replaced in due course.

Garden Refuse

Garden Refuse is always a problem, we want our gardens to be well maintained and don’t know what to do with all the grass and plant cuttings. Life Green Group have an answer to our problem – at a fee, based on the number of households that opt in, they are prepared to collect garden refuse as often as once a week (a blessing in summer). Life recycles the garden refuse into compost which will be given (free) back to Estate for use in the common areas, obviously this will save us having to buy compost which is crucial to landscaping. The more owners that opt in the cheaper it will be. A few pointers:

• Garden refuse (plant material only) must be placed in Garden Greens Collection Bags outside their property, on a specific day weekly (The Garden Green Collection Bags will be made available at the Estate office at a nominal fee and are branded).

• A maximum of 5 bags per property can be collected.

If we do not have enough households to make this option viable, you might want to consider asking Life Green Group to collect your garden refuse on an ad hoc basis at the following costs:

• A Bakkie load R375

• A Trailer load R460

• A combined bakkie and trailer load R560

Please contact Bomikazi at the Estate office if you are interested in this service.




The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This committee aims to ensure that the Estate is well run and handled with care.


• Andile Mtetwa: Chairlady

• Joe Mahlangu: Security Director

• Obakeng Mathibe: Landscaping Director

• Tracy Roeloffze: Landscaping Director

• Ugen Pillay: Financial Director

• Abel Mudau: Maintenance Director

• Chris Lombard: Director for the Developer (CenturyProperties)


• Michael Schaefer: Director of Trafalgar Properties

• Shahiem Carr: Director of Trafalgar Properties

• Carlos Pinto: Estate Portfolio Manager Head office support Birdhaven


Musi Motsuenyane: 082 806 1735


Daytime (Monday - Friday):

Petrus Mahlangu: 072 983 7379

Evenings and Weekends:

Thomas Nabane: 067 725 6035


Estate Security Control Room: 010 109 0935 079 539 4499


Eskom: 086 0037 566

JHB Water: 0860 562 874

Police: 10111

Ambulance: 10177

SPCA: 011 265 9935


Mike Perry: 083 448 8854

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Smart Snacking:

How to nourish your body and mind with healthy choices...

In a world filled with tempting but often unhealthy snack options, mastering the art of smart snacking is a valuable skill that can benefit both your physical wellbeing and mental clarity. Smart snacking isn’t just about choosing the right foods; it’s also about understanding when and how to snack to support your energy levels throughout the day. In this article, we’ll explore the principles of smart snacking and provide you with practical tips to make better choices when it comes to satisfying your cravings.


1. Balance is Key

When it comes to smart snacking, balance is the name of the game. A balanced snack combines protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This combination provides sustained energy and helps keep your blood sugar levels stable, preventing the dreaded energy crash that often follows sugary or highly processed snacks.

Consider options like Greek yogurt with fresh berries and a sprinkle of almonds, wholegrain crackers with hummus, or a piece of fruit with a small handful of nuts. These snacks provide a well-rounded mix of nutrients to keep you feeling satisfied.

2. Portion Control

Snacking can easily turn into mindless munching if you’re not careful with portion sizes. Pay attention to serving sizes and try to avoid eating directly from a large bag or container. Instead, portion out your snacks into small bowls or containers to prevent overindulgence.

3. Mindful Eating

Smart snacking also involves mindful eating. Take the time to savour and enjoy each bite of your snack. Eating mindfully helps you appreciate the flavours and textures, making your snack more satisfying. It also allows your brain to register that you’re eating, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

4. Hydration Matters

Sometimes, what you perceive as hunger is actually thirst. Before reaching for a snack, have a glass of water and wait a few minutes. You might find that your cravings diminish once you’re properly hydrated.

5. Plan Ahead

Planning your snacks in advance can help you make better choices. Stock your pantry and fridge with healthy options like pre-cut veggies, yogurt, or whole-grain crackers. When you’re prepared, you’re less likely to resort to less nutritious options out of convenience.

6. Healthy Snacking on the Go

For busy individuals, smart snacking on the go is a must. Keep portable options like trail mix, fruit, or low-sugar protein bars in your bag or car. Having healthy snacks readily available can prevent you from succumbing to vending machine temptations or fast food options when hunger strikes unexpectedly.

7. Listen to Your Body

Finally, the most important aspect of smart snacking is listening to your body. Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Snack when you’re genuinely hungry, not out of boredom or stress. Remember that it’s okay to indulge occasionally, but aim to make healthy choices the majority of the time.

Smart snacking isn’t about depriving yourself of tasty treats but rather making thoughtful choices that nourish your body and mind. By following these principles of balance, portion control, mindful eating, and planning, you can enjoy delicious snacks that support your overall well-being. Start making smart snacking a habit, and you’ll reap the rewards of increased energy, improved concentration, and better health. Your body and mind will thank you for it.



Each tented suite is located along winding sand pathways, and commands a stunning space within the natural, indigenous bushveld. These safaristyle tents offer the utmost comfort and an opulent ambience with private timber wrap-around decks. Safari Plains redefines luxury in the bush, with a magnificent high–ceiling dining room, elegant lounge, impressive bar, and relaxing spa.

Explore the surrounding bushveld on open vehicle safaris, bush walks or horseback safaris. An outstanding big five safari experience awaits on the twelve thousand hectares private game reserve that is home to Safari Plains

2023 ISSUE 5 13

7 Steps to Finding Flow: Navigating Stress in Our Fast-Paced Lives

In today’s fast-paced world, the daily hustle and bustle can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. The relentless demands of work, family, and social obligations can make it seem like finding peace is an elusive dream. However, we can explore seven valuable steps to help you reduce stress and find your own path to tranquility.

1. Mindful Breathing

The first step on your journey to finding flow is to practice mindful breathing. Taking a few moments each day to focus on your breath can help you regain control over your thoughts and emotions. Deep, intentional breaths can slow your heart rate, reduce tension, and promote mental clarity. Whether through

meditation or simply taking a few deep breaths during a hectic day, this practice can make a significant difference in your stress levels.

2. Time Management and Prioritization

Our fast-paced lives often leave us feeling pulled in multiple directions. To regain a sense of balance, it’s crucial to manage your time effectively and prioritize tasks. Setting clear goals, breaking them into manageable steps, and allocating your time wisely can reduce the feeling of being constantly rushed and overwhelmed.

3. Embrace Simplicity

In a world filled with constant distractions, simplifying your life can be a powerful antidote

to stress. Examine your daily routines and identify areas where you can simplify. This might involve decluttering your physical space, streamlining your commitments, or reducing digital noise. Embracing simplicity can create more room for peace and stillness.

4. Connect with Nature

Amid the urban chaos, reconnecting with nature can be a source of solace. Spend time outdoors, even if it’s just a short walk in the park. Nature has a calming effect on the mind and can help you gain perspective on life’s challenges. Incorporating natural elements into your daily routine, such as houseplants or soothing nature sounds, can also have a positive impact on your stress levels.


5. Cultivate Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to shift your focus away from stressors and towards positive aspects of your life. Each day, take a moment to reflect on what you’re thankful for. Whether it’s your health, loved ones, or even small joys like a warm cup of tea, acknowledging your blessings can foster a sense of contentment.

6. Self-Care and Wellness

Nurturing your physical and emotional wellbeing is essential in combating stress. Make self-care a priority by getting enough sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and engaging in regular

exercise. Additionally, consider practices like mindfulness meditation or yoga to help you stay centered and resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

7. Foster Connection

Despite the fast-paced nature of modern life, genuine human connection remains a fundamental source of support and joy. Cultivate meaningful relationships with friends and family, and seek opportunities to connect with likeminded individuals who share your values and interests. These connections can provide a sense of belonging and a strong support network to help you navigate stress.

In the midst of life’s relentless pace, finding flow and reducing stress is not only possible but essential for our wellbeing. By following these seven steps, you can regain a sense of balance and inner peace in a world that often feels like a neverending race. Remember that the journey toward a less stressful life is a personal one, and each step you take brings you closer to a more tranquil and fulfilling existence.

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How Trendy Kitchen Designs Can Create a Hub of Togetherness

The kitchen, once a humble room reserved solely for culinary endeavours, has evolved into the heart of the modern home. It’s no longer just a place to store groceries or whip up dinner; it’s a space where families gather, friends linger, and unforgettable memories are made. In this article, we’ll explore how trendy kitchen designs can transform your cooking space into a haven of togetherness, where shared moments become as essential as the delectable meals prepared.

1. Open Concept: Breaking Down Barriers

One of the most significant trends in kitchen design is the open concept layout. This design philosophy demolishes the walls that once isolated the kitchen and segregating it from the rest of the home. Instead, open kitchens flow seamlessly into living and dining areas, inviting conversation and togetherness.

By tearing down these physical barriers, you’re creating a space where you can cook while chatting with family or friends, keeping an eye on children doing homework, or even enjoying a glass of wine together as the aroma of your culinary creation fills the air.

2. Aesthetic Pleasure: Beauty in Every Detail

Trendy kitchen designs are all about aesthetics. From sleek, minimalist lines to rustic farmhouse charm, there’s a style to suit every taste. The right design not only enhances functionality but also creates an ambiance that encourages people to linger.

Incorporate stylish features like marble countertops, pendant lighting, and statement backsplashes to make your kitchen a visual delight. Choose a colour palette that resonates with your personality and complements the rest of your home’s decor, turning your kitchen into a space that’s both beautiful and functional.

2023 ISSUE 5 21

Kitchen islands have become a focal point in modern kitchen design. These versatile pieces serve as a hub for cooking, dining, and socializing. Whether you’re chopping vegetables or enjoying a casual meal, the island brings people together.

Equip your island with comfortable barstools, creating a casual dining space for quick breakfasts or evening cocktails. It’s also an excellent spot for kids to do their homework while you prepare dinner, fostering a sense of togetherness in your daily routine.

3. The Island Oasis: A Gathering Place

4. Smart Kitchen Tech: Simplify and Connect

Incorporating smart technology into your kitchen can enhance the experience of spending time together. From WiFi-connected appliances that let you preheat the oven remotely to touchscreen refrigerators that display family calendars and notes, these innovations can streamline tasks and keep everyone informed and connected.


Thoughtful Seating: Comfort and Conversation

The choice of seating in your kitchen can significantly impact the togetherness factor. Comfortable chairs or banquettes encourage guests to linger, chat, and share stories while you cook. Consider the arrangement of your seating to create cosy nooks where people can relax and enjoy each other’s company.

2023 ISSUE 5 23 DECOR


6. Personal Touches: Showcasing Your Story

Lastly, don’t forget to add personal touches to your kitchen. Display family photos, hang artwork, or incorporate unique decor items that tell the story of your household. These personal elements create a warm, inviting atmosphere that makes everyone feel at home.

In today’s fast-paced world, the kitchen has become more than just a place to cook; it’s a space where we connect with loved ones, share stories, and create lasting memories. By embracing trendy kitchen designs that prioritize openness, aesthetics, technology, and comfort, you can turn your kitchen into a hub of togetherness, where every meal becomes an opportunity to strengthen bonds and savor the joy of spending time with family and friends. So, let your kitchen be more than just a room; let it be the heart of your home.

And when you’re ready to transform your kitchen into a space where togetherness thrives, remember that Hirsch’s can help you make it happen while also saving you money. Simply visit them in-store or explore their online specials and promotions at Hirsch’s Specials and Promotions. With their wide range of kitchen appliances and accessories, you’ll find everything you need to create the kitchen of your dreams without breaking the bank.

24 ISSUE 5 2023
2023 ISSUE 5 25 THE TV SPECIALISTS BRINGING YOU THE BEST IN HOME ENTERTAINMENT Allan and Richard Hirsch Shopkeepers Hirschs.Homestore Hirschs_Homestores 0861 HIRSCH (447724) 060 688 4840 Shopping hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 17:30pm • Saturday: 8:30am - 16:00pm • Sunday: 9:00am - 16:00pm Waterfall 010-001 1088 - Waterfall Lifestyle Centre, Woodmead Drive Centurion 012-621 6300 - Shop 28 Gateway Plaza, Old Johannesburg Road Silverlakes 012-001 2640 - Hazeldean, Graham Road & Silverlakes Drive 082 095 3777

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Quintin Carlson: The Man Behind the Vision

Quintin Carlson is not just a businessman; he's a globetrotter at heart. With a foot in two continents, he brings a unique blend of African vibrancy and European elegance to Quintrip His love for travel is infectious, and it's this passion that he and his team infuse into every travel package they craft. Whether it's a romantic getaway in the Maldives or a cultural exploration in Zanzibar, Quintin's expertise ensures that every trip is personalized and unforgettable

Discover the World with Quintrip: Your Gateway to Unforgettable Journeys

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In a world where online travel agencies are a dime a dozen, Quintrip stands out as a premier Tour Operator based in Johannesburg. Cofounded by Quintin Carlson, a seasoned traveler and adventurer who divides his time between South Africa and his property in France's

Loire Valley, Quintrip is not your ordinary travel agency. Quintin and his team of travel experts offer personalized, tailor-made travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary. With a passion for travel that's as expansive as the destinations they cover, Quintrip is your go-to for all things travel.

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28 ISSUE 5 2023 TRAVEL
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INSTANT gardens

Nurseries often host show gardens during spring, designed and completed in a short space of time. New hybrids and trends are showcased in this way. The plants are beautifully displayed: All healthy, flowering and of optimal size.

Home gardeners return home with a head full of ideas for a new garden or quick renovation. The one thing everyone require is an instant result.

Gardeners without sufficient plant knowledge and little design skill will need professional help. Garden centres offer advice, but their first priority is selling their products.

Seasoned gardeners can do their own research and planning, before starting a project. Satisfactory instant results can be achieved by most gardeners on a limit budget, but keep the following in mind:

Plant size:

Planting large trees are expensive. A pergola covered with a fast-growing climber could be the instant solution for shade, privacy or height.

The majority of groundcovers are fast-growing and ideal for quick results. They will reach their potential size within one season. Buy small plants in trays. Good soil preparation before planting and they will spread quickly to cover the required area.

There are shrubs as well as a wide variety of herbaceous plants that will mature within one season.

Plant species that take more time to make an impact, in-between the fast growers. A container with one really special shrub can be a focal point.

By the second or third season the herbaceous plants are removed and the fast-growing shrubs severely pruned where needed.


The smaller the garden, the less species should be planted. Repetition of the same plants will produce a harmonious garden with rhythm, one which looks planned and is pleasing to the eye.


Pots, architectural lines or a feature of the house can be repeated with the same effect.

Colour repetition will prevent the fruit salad visual effect, the result of coming home from a nursery with another impulse buy. Designing a garden with white containers, shrubs with grey leaves and a variety of plants with white flowers will have a calming effect during daytime and very attractive appearance at night.


Remember to allow space for growth and do not plant shrubs too close together. Fill these gaps with colour plants.

During the first season you have to plant an abundance of flowering annuals. Seedlings can be planted or seed sown in all beds.

By the second season some of the gaps will be filled by shrubs and perennials. The variety of annuals is endless. Decide on the colour palette for your garden, like you would for the interior of your house.

Shrubs or groundcovers with white variegated leaves will go well with blue, purple and green.

Yellow variegated leaves can be combined with warm colours such as yellow orange and red.

Painting a garden wall or containers according to your choice will complete the picture.


• https://www.gardeninginsouthafrica.


• Indigenous Plant Palettes - by Marijke Honig




With Our Premium DIY Pizza Ovens

Imagine the enticing aroma of freshly baked pizza wafting through your backyard, reminiscent of a cozy pizzeria nestled in the heart of Italy. With Fire and Dine’s DIY pizza ovens, this dream can become your reality. These handcrafted ovens allow you to bring the authentic taste of Italian pizza to your home, creating a culinary experience that will delight your taste buds and elevate your outdoor gatherings. In this article, we explore the benefits of owning a Fire and Dine pizza oven, the different sizes they offer, and the premium features that set them apart.


Fire and Dine understands that one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why they offer a range of sizes to suit your space and needs. Let’s explore the options:

X Small: Perfect for cozy patios and smaller gatherings, the X Small oven (730mm x 630mm)

Standard Small: With a slightly larger cooking surface (930mm x 820mm), the Standard Small oven, ideal for hosting friends and family.

Standard Medium: The Standard Medium oven (1050mm x 900mm) provides the space you need for larger gatherings without compromising on quality.

Standard Large: For those who love to entertain on a grand scale, the Standard Large oven (1200mm x 1000mm), ensuring there’s enough pizza to go around.

X Large: If you’re serious about pizza and want the ultimate experience, the X Large oven (1350mm x 1250mm) is just for you.

What You Will Need to Complete Your Fire and Dine

Pizza Oven:

To ensure a successful and enjoyable experience with your Fire and Dine pizza oven, it’s essential to have the following items on hand in addition to the components provided in your DIY kit and any optional upgrades you choose:

2023 ISSUE 5 33

Premium Quality Craftsmanship: Indulge in the Finest Wood-Fired Pizza Experience

Received with a Standard DIY Unit:

• Oven Dome

• Oven Floor

• Insulation Materials for Underneath the Oven

• Glue for Sticking the Oven and Floor Together

• Grout & Floor Insulation Materials

• 1.2m Galvanized Flue Pipe and Chimney Hat

Optional Upgrades:

• Stainless Steel Flue Pipe and Cowl

• Door with Thermometer and Shovel/Paddle

You will need:

Cement Top for the Specific Oven Size Required (Height: 1.2m): Depending on your outdoor setup and personal preferences, you may choose to install a cement top for your pizza oven.

This cement top is custom-sized to match the dimensions of your oven, providing a sturdy

and convenient surface for preparing your pizzas and other dishes. For specific sizing options, please refer to the Fire and Dine website, where you can find details tailored to your chosen oven size.

34 ISSUE 5 2023

Buon Appetito! Appetito!

With these items at your disposal, you’ll have everything you need to complete and customise your Fire and Dine pizza oven to perfection. Whether you’re an experienced outdoor chef or embarking on your woodfired cooking journey, Fire and Dine ensures you have the tools and options necessary to create delicious, authentic pizzas and more in the comfort of your own outdoor space. Say goodbye to delivery pizza and hello to homemade perfection with Fire and Dine. Embrace the flavors of Italy, right in your own backyard.

For more information, pricing, and ordering, visit the Fire and Dine website or contact us: +27 83 438 1485 / +27 16 013 0411

2023 ISSUE 5 35
36 ISSUE 5 2023 A THROO M S Luxe living Elevate your bathroom with classic marble 399-99per m2 So ta polished porcelain tile 798x1598mm | dove & sand 3 999-99 Classics Grandeur stone basin A sk about our Nuvo range of bathroom furniture in-store Evox Thea freestanding bath (also in black) matching basin On good footing choose your style of feet 14 999-99 Classics Grandeur freestanding stone bath Selected stores · Alternative feet on special order -99 NEW ARRIVAL ® VALID 28 SEPT TO 12 NOV 2023 OR WHILE STOCKS LAST YOUR SPACE • YOUR HOME • YOUR STYLE design it c eramic & porcelain tiles tiles & décor MORE than TILES TILES · LAMINATES · BASINS · BATHS · TAPS · TOILETS · SHOWERS & THE KITCHEN SINK SAVINGS NOW ON Product prices and availability subject to change at the discretion of the supplier. Prices are correct at time of going to print, and are valid until 12 November 2023 or while stocks last. All bathroom ware excludes accessories, taps and plumbing supplies. All prices are in South African Rands. All prices include vat | E&OE. To view terms and conditions go to WOODMEAD Value Mart, Waterval Crescent - T : 011 804 1226

Choosing the best Built in braai for your home entertainment area with Chad-O-Chef

Lifestyle products

If you are looking for a way to enhance your entertainment area for your friends and family at home, you will certainly find something in Chad-O-Chef’s vast range of quality braais. The Chad-O-Chef Entertainer Built-In Braai is a stylish and functional choice for high end homes, with many benefits from saving space, high-end appearances & the ability to be closed up while not in use.

Chad-O-Chef boasts expert precision manufacturing, ensuring perfectly laser cut, bent, and welded edges for a high-quality look and feel, combined with meticulous attention to detail during the hand assembly stages, setting their products apart from their competitors.

Before deciding on which Entertainer to buy, you will need to take a few things into account. Most importantly would be where you will be installing it. The positioning will determine whether you can build a traditional chimney above it, or if you will require an extraction system. Forced extraction systems are a great option when you do not have the space for a traditional chimney to go straight up, or when you are building the Entertainer into an enclosed area where the smoke in your living area simply won’t do.

Secondly you will need to decide which accessories are important to you. These Entertainers offer the option of a rotisserie spit (Deluxe), or a simple warmer tray above the braai grid (Standard). Additionally, you can purchase other accessories such as stir-fry pans, skewers and more, which open up endless possibilities to your menu.

Locally designed and manufactured in South Africa, Chad-O-Chef take great pride in their after sales service. You are able to enjoy a three year guarantee on their entire gas braai range with the promise of the availability of a full spare part back up for a life!

CHAD-O-CHEF LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS Tel: 011 668 1910/1 Email:

Getting the most out of your gap year

A guide for South Africans leaving the nest after matric

A gap year is not just a pause between academic pursuits; it’s an opportunity for personal growth, exploration, and the chance to gain a fresh perspective on life. Whether you’re a young South African considering a gap year or a parent supporting your child’s journey, this guide will help you plan and maximise the potential of this valuable time.

“A gap year is an investment in yourself,” says Antoinette Turner, GM of Flight Centre South Africa. “Planning a gap year can be exciting, but it requires careful consideration and preparation. There are fantastic options out there – whether you’re planning on jetting off for a full year, volunteering, or just taking two or three weeks out to travel. For those heading overseas to work, ensure your ‘break’ isn’t all work and no play – it’s easy to add on a holiday before getting into the ‘adulting’ part of the experience.”

Exploring your options: Where to go

For those with an affinity for adventure, South Africa boasts an unparalleled safari experience that surpasses all others. Imagine basking in the untamed beauty of the African savannah, surrounded by the “Big Five” and other rare wildlife species. With exclusive private reserves like Safari Plains and Sabi Sands, you can escape the confines of everyday life and embrace the raw, primal allure of the wilderness.

Classic Europe for the history lover

If you’re eager to immerse yourself in Europe’s rich culture and history, a guided holiday is still the preferred choice for many travellers. Companies such as Contiki and Costsaver offer a range of trips, from short city breaks to month-long journeys, taking you through the major sights of the continent. You can choose to spend most of your time in a specific region, like Italy or Spain, or embark on a whirlwind adventure covering multiple countries. A guided holiday is by far the most hassle-free, efficient, and safest way to explore the continent, and in a short space of time too, advises Turner.

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By Kim Taylor, Big Ambitions

Embrace new cultures and trends in Asia

For those fascinated by Asian cultures, K-dramas, manga, and bubble tea, a trip to Asia will blow your trendy socks off. Asia offers a diverse range of experiences, from the bustling streets of rand-friendly Bangkok to the serene temples of Kyoto, Japan.

Beach bums, sail Turkey’s coast

If your idea of a perfect gap year involves soaking up the sun on beautiful beaches, Turkish sailing could be your calling. Turkey offers a stunning 8,000 km long coastline with crystal-clear waters, charming villages, and historical sites. Explore the Turquoise Coast on a sailing adventure, where you can swim, snorkel, and relax on secluded beaches. Turkey is also relatively friendly on the South African rand.

Southeast Asia remains affordable for South Africans, with Thailand and Vietnam being particularly popular. Other countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, although not as affordable as the Southeast Asian destinations, also offer an intriguing blend of traditional and modern, and an experience completely different to life in Mzansi. Hike Bhutan for the ultimate adventure

If you’re an adventure seeker, Bhutan’s Trans Bhutan Trail with G Adventures might be your dream destination. Imagine trekking along the same path used by royals, monks, and traders for thousands of years! The 12-day trail takes you through high mountain passes, lush river valleys, and villages frozen in time, traversing the ‘happiest country on Earth.’

Did you know this historic route was only reopened last year after being closed for 70 years? As if you needed another excuse to add it to your gap year travel bucket list!

Adrenaline junkies unite on a ski trip

For those craving adrenaline-pumping experiences, how about skiing in Austria? The stunning Alpine landscapes, world-class ski resorts, and vibrant après-ski scene make it a haven for those intrigued by winter sports, including skiing and snowboarding. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice, you’ll easily find your feet here.

For something truly special, visit Europe’s Christmas markets

For a romantic and festive experience, start your gap year early and explore the various iconic European Christmas markets. Cities like Vienna, Prague, and Strasbourg transform into magical wonderlands during the holiday season. You’ll be enchanted by the twinkling lights, the aroma of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts, and if you’re lucky, perhaps some snow.

How to make the most of your gap year

• Set clear goals

Begin by defining your goals for the gap year. Consider what you want to achieve, whether it’s personal growth, cultural immersion, skill development, earning money

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to pay for studies, or a combination of these. Understanding your objectives will guide your decisions.

• Research destinations

Explore potential destinations that align with your goals. Research each country’s culture, visa requirements, and entry restrictions. Be aware of seasonal factors that may impact your travel plans, such as weather conditions and festivals.

• Choose your crew

Decide whether you want to travel with friends or embark on this journey alone. Travelling with friends can provide companionship and cost-sharing benefits, while solo travel offers greater independence and personal growth opportunities.

• Budget wisely ahead of time

Financial planning is crucial for a successful gap year. Start by setting a budget and estimating your expenses. Consider costs like flights, accommodation, meals, transportation, and activities. Don’t forget about the visa costs! Then look for student discounts, travel deals, and budget-friendly options. It’s also a good idea to open a separate bank account for your gap year funds and consider getting a travel-friendly card. To help build that nest egg, explore fundraising options and part-time job opportunities to fund your gap year. Selling items you no longer need or working abroad during your travels can help cover expenses and even generate some savings for when you return.

• Stretch those rands on the trip

Practice smart spending habits when travelling to make your money go further. Cook your meals as often as possible instead of dining out, use public transportation, and opt for affordable accommodation like hostels or guesthouses. Also, prioritise your spending on what matters to you – be it experiences or splurging on an extra luxe stay.

• Invest in travel insurance

Travel insurance is a must for any traveller. It provides crucial coverage for unexpected events like trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and lost belongings. Flight Centre offers a range of travel insurance options through TIC, ensuring you’re protected throughout your journey.

• Seek guidance

Planning gap year travel can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Flight Centre’s Travel Experts can help you tailormake your dream gap year experience. They have access to a wide range of travel

products, including those that specialise in catering for the youth market, and can assist with everything from flights and accommodation to tours and activities. Take advantage of their knowledge and expertise to create a personalised, budget-friendly itinerary. “A Travel Expert can advise on those moneysaving tips for booking travel that you probably don’t know about or can’t access on your own,” advises Turner. “For example, you can get round-the-world airfares with one ticket lasting up to 12 months or book flights that include multiple stops on one air ticket (don’t skip a leg though!). If you’re embarking on a DIY adventure train-tripping through Europe, Flight Centre Experts are also well-versed in the intricacies regarding which of the many options would be the best fit for you.”

• Gap year essentials

Prioritise your health by getting necessary vaccinations and medications well in advance. Notify your bank and relevant authorities of your travel plans.

• Pack smart

Pack and plan according to your itinerary. If you’re doing a tour in Europe, there’s no need to lug around a heavy backpack! Avoid overpacking and be prepared to purchase items as needed during your journey.

• Prepare for your return

Plan for your return by setting aside money for your travel, rent, and living expenses while you seek employment or continue your studies. Update your CV with newfound skills and experiences from your gap year.


Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG) SA is part of Flight Centre Travel Group, an Australia-based international travel company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, with a market cap of AU$4.26 billion and a current share price of AU$19.48 as of 21 September 2023. FCTG with three leading brands: Flight Centre, Corporate Traveller and FCM, of which Corporate Traveller and FCM are proud level 1 BBBEE Contributors. FCTG SA is wholly owned and has been recognised as one of Deloitte’s Best Companies to Work for in South Africa for over a decade.

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Remember, your gap year is not just a break from routine; it’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. So, plan ahead and make it a year to remember.


The electric vehicle segment is starting to become one of interest for the South African consumer. With improved range capabilities and an expanding charging network these cars are a focal point. Mercedes-Benz has been a pioneer within the all-electric segment and currently offers the widest range of electric vehicles, the latest being the sublime EQS SUV.

With the luxury saloon EQS and the sporty executive saloon EQE, Mercedes-Benz has entered a new, all-electric era in the upper market segments as well. The EQS SUV, the third model series with this architecture developed for electric vehicles has finally arrived on local soil.

This SUV offers plenty of space, comfort, and connectivity for up to seven passengers in its avant-garde, luxurious interior. Thanks to powerful electric motors, responsive 4MATIC all-wheel drive and an intelligent OFFROAD driving mode, the EQS SUV is also capable of tackling light terrain with ease.

Electric. Crafted by Mercedes-Benz

Immaculate and evocative in design, the EQS SUV exemplifies the Mercedes-Benz philosophy of sensual purity, all while striving towards contemporary luxury aspirations. Its innovative and holistic design is rooted in a novel vehicle architecture, setting it apart from its internal combustion engine counterparts at first glance. This unmistakable purpose-driven design seamlessly blends uncompromising functionality, exceptional aerodynamics, and cutting-edge aesthetics. The EQS SUV captivates with its dynamic proportions.

The EQS Saloon is the current aerodynamics world champion for production cars. Its purpose design with smooth underbody and usually closed radiator shutter was a good starting point for aerodynamic measures on the EQS SUV. The optimisation of SUV-typical flow details led to a hitherto unique combination of spaciousness and aerodynamic efficiency. The EQS SUV is one of the most aero-dynamic SUVs on offer today.



Interior opulence elevated cabin experience

True to the luxury lounge concept, the interior of the EQS SUV exudes opulence, harmoniously interwoven with a fully digitised experience. Intelligent software powers the MBUX system, providing users with personalised suggestions for a myriad of infotainment, comfort, and vehicle functions, adapting flawlessly to their individual preferences.

The second generation of the MBUX operating system is now also used in the EQS SUV. With adaptive software, the display and operating concept adapts completely to its users and makes personalised suggestions for numerous infotainment, comfort, and vehicle functions. With the zero-layer design, the user does not have to scroll through submenus or give voice commands. The key applications are always offered on the top level in the field of vision, depending on the situation and context.

Uncompromised MBUX Hyperscreen experience

The MBUX Hyperscreen is one of the interior highlights. This large, curved screen unit spans almost from A-pillar to A-pillar. Three screens sit under a common bonded glass cover and visually merge into one display. In addition to the zero-layer design, the MBUX Hyperscreen offers intuitive touch operation with haptic feedback and force feedback. The scratch-resistant glass is coated to make cleaning easier.

With the MBUX Hyperscreen, three displays merge almost seamlessly into one another to create an impressive screen band over 141 centimetres wide: driver’s display (screen diagonal: 12.3 inches), central display (17.7 inches) and front passenger display (12.3 inches) appear as one visual unit.

Optimised luggage capacity highlights true SUV qualities

Because the second row of seats is electrically adjustable as standard, the luggage compartment can be continuously expanded from 645 litres (for maximum legroom) to up to 880 litres. This means that even with five occupants, up to 24 crates of mineral water or four golf bags can be transported. With the second row of seats folded down, the

luggage compartment offers a generous volume of up to 2100 litres.

Electric powertrain

Making its debut into the local market is the EQS 450 4MATIC SUV. This model is equipped with a powerful lithium-ion battery, delivering an impressive 265 kW and 800 Nm of torque, this visionary vehicle boasts a substantial 108.4 kWh battery capacity, granting an estimated range of up to 616 kilometres according to WLTP standards.

The EQS SUV combines unmistakable Mercedes-Benz luxury with the very latest in all-electric mobility, boasting the pinnacle of battery technology for fast charging and class-leading range capabilities.

More information about the new MercedesBenz EQS SUV and other progressive EQ models within the product offering can be found at

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The all-electric Mercedes-EQ range. More information at

Understanding Noise Phobia in your Cat or Dog

What is noise phobia?

Many animals are fearful of loud and unpredictable sounds like thunder, gun shots, construction noises, heavy traffic and fireworks. In nature, this is an appropriate and self-protecting response. It motivates the animal to find shelter or move to a safer environment.

Noise phobia, however, is an inappropriate response. It is when animals develop an exaggerated fear to loud noises. It is characterised by intense fear and anxiety, avoidance behavior and wanting to escape or hide. These behaviors are inappropriate because, for the most part, our pets are sheltered from any real danger that could be brought about by whatever is causing the noise, so they have no reason to be anxious or fearful.

Understanding the causes, symptoms, and effective management strategies for noise phobia is crucial to help with the emotional well-being and overall quality of life of both pet and owner.

Why do animals develop this fear?

Many factors contribute to an animal developing noise phobia. Often it is not a single cause but a combination of:

1. Being genetically predisposed. Although this phobia can occur in any animal, genetics does play a role. A 2001 survey of 69 cases of thunderstorm phobia in dogs, from different countries, indicated that there may be a predisposition among some herding breeds. Another 2015 study conducted in Norway showed significant differences between breeds that show sensitivity to noise. The study found the following breeds to show consistently to be less sensitive to noise: the Boxer, Chinese Crested and Great Dane. Also In this study, owners of Pointer dogs reported that 87.3% of the dogs, not being specifically trained, were not fearful of

gunshots. Because the Pointer was bred for hunting, it is possible that they were genetically selected to be less triggered by loud noises or gunshots, with or without specific training.

2. A lack of proper exposure. During their socialisation period of development (3-14 weeks of age in puppies; 2-7 weeks of age in cats), also play a significant role in how they respond and adapt to loud noises, when they are adults.

3. Previous negative experiences. If something negative happens to an animal during a loud noise, they usually associate that noise with the experience and anticipate something negative to happen every time they hear the noise again. In cats, their first response is usually to escape a fearful situation as quick as possible, and this leaves little time for them to assess whether the situation is a true threat. This makes it difficult for them to realise and learn that there is no true threat.

4. Old age. As animals get older, their brain chemistry, memory, and the way they perceive their external environment change. Geriatric dogs and cats can develop a syndrome known as cognitive dysfunction and this could lead to anxiety or worsening of preexisting anxieties.

What are the signs that my pet is suffering from noise phobia?

Every animal is an individual, with their own personality and their own way of dealing with the world around them. One animal might display only one behavior, and another might show a combination of behaviors. The following behaviors are commonly associated with noise phobia:

• Trembling or shaking, this is common in dogs.

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• Panting and drooling

• Hiding or trying to escape. It is common in both dogs and cats, but cats are so good at hiding that their phobia is sometimes overlooked because their owners never notice they are in distress. Hiding usually occurs in closets or under furniture. The escape behavior can lead to injuries.

• Excessive barking in dogs or vocalisation in cats. Some cats may meow excessively, growl, or hiss in response to the triggering sound.

• Restlessness, pacing back and forth and just being unable to settle down.

• Destructive behavior like chewing on objects, digging, scratching at doors.

• Loss of appetite. No treat in the world will be appetising to them.

• “Potty accidents”. In cats, they might urinate or defecate in unusual places instead of their litter box. Dogs will also commonly have accidents in the house because they are too scared to go outside.

How can we help them?

Managing noise phobia in our animal friends require a combination of patience, understanding, and, in some cases, professional help. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Create a safe place or identify a place where your pet keeps going to feel safe. Soundproofing a specific room can also help.

2. Training: Desensitise and counter condition your pet by gradually exposing them to the noise that causes

the trigger at a low volume. While this is happening, it must also be associated with a positive experience (like giving treats or playing with a favourite toy). This will help reduce fear over time. Taking your pet for training in general, to build their confidence and resilience, is also very important.

3. Using calming products: Anti-anxiety wraps, calming pheromone spray, collar or diffusers etc.

4. Prescription medication: After doing a health check on the patient, getting a good history from the owner, and discussing the needs of both patient and owner, a veterinarian can prescribe medication that will help decrease anxiety and/ or medication that helps in training to modify your animal’s behaviour. Behaviour modification medication works best when combined with behavioural training. It is also advised that prescribed medication be used as an adjunct to the above-mentioned points for a wholistic and balanced approach to therapy.


Noise phobia in dogs is a serious issue that can significantly impact your pet’s mental and physical health. Understanding the causes, recognising the symptoms, and implementing appropriate management strategies are essential steps in helping both dogs and cats overcome their fears and lead happier, more comfortable lives. With patience, proper training, and a commitment to your pet’s wellbeing, noise phobia can be managed effectively, allowing both you and your furry friend to enjoy a more harmonious existence.

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