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2 Iss u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r

P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y) Ltd on behalf of H ert i ta g e H i l l

contents features ISSUE 6 | D E C E MB E R

A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia tobia@ k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za



C alv in sales3@ k-st udio . co . za


Ed i to r Tobia von Zwiet r i n g


T URN Y OUR G ARDEN INT O A BIRD OASIS The Blue Train is well-known across the world...

W EL COM E T O BAL I Every year, more South Africans fall in love with the sights, scents and flavours of Bali...

Copy w ri te r / p ro of r eader C hantél Venter De si g n & La y o u t K-S t udio (P t y) Ltd e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za t 082 962 82 5 5 f Kreat iefS t u d i o


H EALT H Y, HAPPY H ABIT S A habit is a beahviour that has been repeated enough times to become automatic...


K EEP IT IN YOU R DIARY Events happening in and around Gauteng...

28 05





As the year draws to an end, we ready ourselves for the

Staying home during the holidays isn’t the

December holiday season and well-deserved time off for those

drag it might have been several years ago.

of you lucky to do so. ...

These days there is even a trending name for it, and it is benefiting families across



In case of an Emergency revert to our list of contacts... Disclaimer:





especially for residents/owners of Heritage Hill Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Heritage Hill Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Heritage Hill Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any vintage blue glasses inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.



Know what is happening in our Estate...


H OW T O CONT ROL FL IES T H IS SUM M ER The hot napkins and wet weather during navy s i l vthe e r summer c a n d lmake e s t iflies c k san increased nuisance. Flies pose various health risks to humans and therefore various measures should be taken in order to control flies and keep them away from homes...



The rain season has officially kicked-off in Gauteng and we’ve been blessed with a number of great showers. Unfortunately,

Follow Us On @KSDigitalPublishing @ksdigitalpublishing

Merry Christmas

this doesn’t mean that we should stop using water sparingly. All the usual water-saving tips and tactics apply....

the country by allowing for:..


ESTATE NEWS excessive noise will be tolerated after 22h00 on weekdays and 24h00 on Fridays and Saturdays. Security has been tasked to police this rule. Please respect our security guards as they are expected to protect us. Please ensure that your pets do not cause a disturbance to your neighbours. If you are away kindly ensure that your pets are not left alone. Whilst we encourage celebrations and social activities during the festive season, we ask that you respect your neighbours and refrain from illegal vehicle parking.

Letter from the

HHHOA Dear Heritage Hill Residents, As the year draws to an end, we ready ourselves for the December holiday season and well-deserved time off for those of you lucky to do so. Still celebrating our 2019 RUGBY World Cup victory. What a joyous day it was to be crowned the “Best in the World” team for the next four years. Thank you Bokke, you made us proud! On a very sad note the HOA and the Estate would like to offer our condolences to Odette Fouche who lost her partner Andor in middle November. He sadly passed away after suffering a severe heart attack. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Here are a few things we would like all Residents to take note of during the holidays: SECURITY We will be increasing the number of night security staff members during the festive season in order to ensure additional safety during this time. If you intend to make use of a house-sitter during the holiday period, please inform Moses (our security manager) on msehoma@thorburn.co.za as well as Elsa on elsavs@heritage-hill.co.za, in order to make the necessary arrangements for access. Please be vigilant over this period and assist your neighbours by keeping an eye open when you are home. In case of an emergency and an ambulance is required please call 084124

Residents who require parking for trailers or caravans must inform Fred on fred@heritage-hill.co.za to make the necessary arrangements on or before Monday 9 December. Please refer to our Estate Rules for more detail in this regard. BUILDING ACTIVITIES – ANNUAL SHUTDOWN Building activities will cease on Friday, 13 December 2019 and commence again on Monday, 13 January 2020. No contractors, except those called out for emergency repairs, will be afforded access to the Estate during this period. All building sites should be cleaned from all building rubble by 9 December. No skips will be allowed on the Estate after this date. DEACTIVATION OF DOMESTIC HELPERS AND GARDENERS FROM FINGERPRINT ACCESS Annual deactivation of all domestic helpers and gardeners from our access control system will be done on Tuesday 31 December 2019. Re-registration for admission will commence Friday 3rd January 2020. Kindly email your domestic worker or gardener’s details (name, surname, ID/valid work permit number and access days of the week) to Elsa on elsavs@heritage-hill.co.za to facilitate easy reregistration, before Friday 13 December 2019. New registrations will require the completion of the required application form available from Elsa or retrievable from the Heritage Hill website (www.heritage-hill.co.za) MUNICIPAL REFUSE & OPEN SKY RECYCLING COLLECTION Normal municipal collection will take place on 19 December as well as 26 December 2019. Open Sky will be closed from 20 December and will commence collections on Wednesday, 8 January 2020. Special collection on Saturday, 28 December.

GENERAL BEHAVIOUR IN THE ESTATE DURING THE DECEMBER HOLIDAYS With our children being at home during the holiday season, please remind them of our rules and ensure that they respect the communal property and spaces as well as that of others within the Estate. Damage to property is not acceptable.

HOA OFFICE Fred & Elsa will be on leave respectively from Friday, 13 December 2019 and Elsa will be back in the office on the 6th of January 2020 and Fred on the 13th of January 2020. Our security Manager, Moses will be on duty throughout the festive period and must be your first point of contact whilst Fred and Elsa are on leave. Moses can be contacted at the Security Office on 012 657 2350 or 071 670 1016

With added traffic on the Estate roads over this time, please remind your children to be extra vigilant and take heed of the rules of the road when riding bikes and the like. Fireworks is strictly prohibited within the Estate. No

We wish you all a very blessed Festive Season and Prosperous New Year. Please travel safe! Kind regards, HHHOA Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 5




Control Room: 076 936 5249

Emer-G-Med: 0861 007 911

Main Gate: 012 657 2350 (or extension 11111)

Netcare: 082 911/086 133 2332 ER 24: 084 124

Thorburn Security: Security Manager Moses Sehoma: 071 670 1016 / msehoma@thorburn.co.za


PRETOR Group: Levy Enquiries Portfolio Manager Connie Stergianos Switchboard: 012 001 9000 / ConnieS@pretor.co.za SAPS 012 654 2121/3131 011 316 3010 SAPS Flying Squad 10111 Fire Brigade, Lyttelton: 082 612 0509 MUNICIPALITY Water & Electrical supply problems: 012 358 6690 NETWORK & DSTV SERVICE PROVIDER Ssupersonic 0861 SUPERS(787 377) info@supersonic.co.za

Midstream Medi Clinic: 012 652 9102 Medical Centres Midstream: 087 805 5222 NHC (Brakfontein Road): 012 762 6300 Midpharm Pharmacy: 012 940 9000/1 NHC Pharmacy: 012 762 6333 Bees; Snakes & Pest Control: Nico: 071 640 5543 Snake Bite Assist: Arno 083 739 9303 HHHOA Estate Manager Fred Botes 012-657 2329 (or extension 2495) 079 989 6353 fred@heritage-hill.co.za



KREATIEF STUDIO tobia@k-studio.co.za | 082 962 8255



Administration Elsa van Schalkwyk 082 877 4175 elsavs@heritage-hill.co.za

Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 7


2019 village events Friday, 6 Dec

Kids Market (16:00 – 19:00)

Your feedback on our events are most welcome! 8 Iss u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r



into a bird oasis

Roughly 850 different bird species have been spotted across SA, and the great news is that we can attract a variety of these to our Estate and our gardens by giving them what they want: food, shelter and nesting sites.

Plant appetising shrubs and trees To encourage visits by diverse species, plant plants, shrubs and trees that offer natural food to diverse pallets like nectar-drinking, seed- and fruiteating birds. Nectar: aloes, watsonias, lion’s ear, red-hot pokers, wachendorfia etc. Seed: grasses, daisies etc. Fruit: tree fuchsia, dune crow-berry

Plant shrubs and trees for shelter and nesting Established indeginous trees like the acacia is a favourite among many birds seeking shelter or a place to nest. While nesting boxes are a great attraction, it is far more rewarding to provide birds with natural nesting material to build their own. Planting various types of grasses and shrubs in your garden not only make great nesting material but also offer additional shelter from the sun or cold. Add a few bird feeders Bird feeders make your garden extra alluring. Please do not put out old bread and cheap multiseed feed our birds need quality food. Make sure the bird feeders are positioned near cover and remember to sterilise bird feeders regularly to prevent any diseases being spread. Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 9

ESTATE GARDENING NEWS Install a bird bath A bird bath is the final piece to the puzzle. Install one in quiet area in your garden. Seed-eating birds need access to clean, fresh water and most birds enjoy a daily or weekly bath. To prevent a bird bath from becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes, you have to replace water every few days and wash the bird bath every week.

Birds are nature’s own little “landscapers”. They pollinate plants, control bugs and reduce weeds by eating the seeds before they sprout. They are a must for every garden. Make yours more inviting to them with the above tips and enjoy the show!

1 0 Is s u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r



How to control

The hot and wet weather during the summer make flies an increased nuisance. Flies pose various health risks to humans and therefore various measures should be taken in order to control flies and keep them away from homes.

this summer

Try these tips: • Deny flies access - keep windows and doors closed. • Flyscreens - fit flyscreens to windows especially around kitchen and waste areas. • Cover food - flies spread diseases by landing on food before we eat it. • Clear away - clear food debris and liquid spillages after food consumption and in • preparation areas, under kitchen benches and appliances. • Dustbins / Compost bins - ensure all waste containers have tightly sealed lids. • Pets - exercise fly control by cleaning up after pets. Not only are faeces a perfect breeding place for flies, they may also land there before landing on your food. • Clear up dead flies - they provide a tasty snack for other pests such as carpet beetles. • Water butts - cover these with well fitted lids. • Standing water - do not leave standing water (in watering cans and pot plants for example) as this offers flies opportunity to breed. • Ponds - if you have a garden pond, introduce goldfish as they will eat fly larvae. • Drains - ensure drains are kept clean and free of debris to reduce fly breeding sites.

Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 11


1 2 Is s u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r


Custom wallpaper

Custom wallpaper

Plexi art

Pomogranit produces bespoke high quality wall art in the form of mounted canvas, wallpaper, plexi art, blockmount posters, wood and vinyl cut outs and many more creative applications for any home or office environment. We offer a full turn-key service, from concept to print to installation. All prints are handmade to order therefore we can accommodate any customisation or personal touches you may wish to add to your piece to make it truly unique. 530 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria l 012 348 7363 www.pomogranit.co.za l info@pomogranit.co.za Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 13

1 4 Is s u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r

What’s new?


Rainwater Harvester

An innovative water storage solution: The Rainwater Harvester

has been drained from it, it can simply be folded up and stowed away for a rainy day (literally).

The rain season has officially kickedoff in Gauteng and we’ve been blessed with a number of great showers. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that we should stop using water sparingly. All the usual water-saving tips and tactics apply.

The Rainwater Harvester comes with all the attachments and fittings needed and its outflow nozzle connects easily to a hose or pump. The pillow can also be used to store borehole and grey water.

We would like to give one of our readers Catching rainwater is still one of the most a chance to win one Rainwater effective and eco-friendly ways to water Harvester 1 x 2m in size, 500 litre. gardens and fill up swimming pools. While there are multiple water storage How to Enter: Find the answer in the tanks available on the market, most of e-magazine and email your answer to these are rather large, permanent and tobia@k-studio.co.za not that easy on the eyes. Until now... Subject: Heritage Hill Festive Competition The Rainwater Harvester from Power Plastics is a revolutionary water storage Question: harvester capable of capturing between Where can you buy the Rainwater 500 and 4000 litres. The Rainwater Harvester and with what material is it Harvester is made from a 600gsm PVC made of? material that has been UV treated to allow for a lifespan of at least 5 years Terms & Conditions Apply! with no degradation of the material.From There can only be one (1) winner, we will 1m x 2m in size, this pillow takes up little draw a winner on 18 January 2020 space when filled, and once the water Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 15


Welcome to Bali 2020’s hottest travel

Every year, more South Africans fall in love with the sights, scents and flavours of Bali. The Island of the Gods offers luxury beachfront villas that won’t break the bank, incredible beaches and world-class surfing, but also ancient temples, artistic retreats and a spiritual sense of place. Set foot on its shores and you will feel immediately at harmony with your surrounds. Bali is a perfect destination for self-reflection and tranquillity. When you’re done with getting your om on during a beachfront yoga practice, learn how to surf, go on a hike or simply relax at your resort pool or spa. Whether you’re exploring the temples of Ubud and its surrounding rice fields or simply lazing on the beaches of exclusive Nusa Dua, laid-back Kuta or trendy Seminyak, there’s a slice of Bali for everyone. Great for: • • • •

Family holidays Romantic getaways and honeymoons Spiritual and cultural journeys Beach adventures

Why we love Bali? • • • • • • •

Affordable No visa required for South Africans Family-friendly Variety of resorts An Instagram paradise Welcoming people An adventure playground 1 6 Is s u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r

LIFESTYLE great range of shopping options. Monkey Forest Road in Ubud boasts everything from boutique handicraft stalls to upmarket fashion outlets. Hire a car to visit the craftsmen villages in nearby Tegallalang and Batubulan. If you need a shipping container to get all your shopping home, this service is offered at many places in Bali! Bali bucket list: Watch a traditional Balinese dance show Practise yoga on the beach Learn to surf Take a picture on a swing Seek inner peace at a temple Get pampered at a Balinese spa Climb up Mount Batur See the Tegalalang Rice Terraces at sunset Tuck into some street eats


Want to discover Bali for yourself?

Bali contains a diverse range of places to stay. Visit www.flightcentre.co.za for a wide range of From cheap ‘losmen’ bungalows and guesthouses to packages and experiences. luxurious 5-star resorts, Bali accommodation offers something for absolutely everyone. If you’re backpacking your way around the island, then Kuta is an obvious first port of call, while nearby beach towns such as Seminyak and Nusa Dua offer more exclusivity. If you’re after a more culturally enlightening experience, head for the highlands around Ubud. Eat Bali is a very multicultural dining destination, which means there’s plenty of dining options. Try seafood in Jimbaran, enjoy the beachside bars at Seminyak, or live lightly on health foods in Ubud. Street food in Bali is common and often includes the popular satay dish ‘Sate Lilit’ – a grilled dish of minced seafood served on a lemongrass stick. It’s also a great place to eat pork dishes such as ‘Babi Guling’ – a ceremonial dish of roast suckling pig served with rice. Shop From inexpensive trinkets at Kuta Art Market to highend clothes and jewellery in Seminyak, Bali offers a Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 17



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*Package & hotel prices are per person, based on double occupancy for total length of stay unless otherwise stated. Prices are subject to availability for select departure dates and subject to fluctuations. Prices are correct at advertising deadline 19 Nov '19 and can change without prior notification. Errors and omissions can occur. Prices quoted are on sale for a limited period unless otherwise specified or sold out prior. Some prices are based on payment by cash in store only. Group rates may differ and are available on request. tRefer to flightcentre.co.za for more information on our Lowest Price Guarantee. All flights, where included, are per person return from Johannesburg / Durban / Cape Town in economy class unless otherwise specified. Resort Credit/Added Value inclusions may vary per resort and are per room. Various tours may be age specific, depending on supplier. All savings are already included in advertised price. Please refer to flightcentre.co.za for more details.

1 8 Is s u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r

SOUTH DOWNS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT HEALTHIER SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse has just opened doors in South Downs. The latest in 30 stores nationwide, Wellness Warehouse South Downs offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit the exciting new outlet for anything from quality health supplements and organic and real foods to natural beauty products, eco home solutions and natural baby care - all offered with personalised service and a characteristic 360° approach to health. Visit www.wellnesswarehouse.com for more information or to shop online.

EXCLUSIVE OPENING OFFER Present this voucher to GET R100 OFF when you spend R500 at Wellness Warehouse South Downs. T’s & C’s: Offer available at Ballito Junction store only. Expires 29 February 2020.




Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 19



habits By

“Few things can have a more powerful impact on your life than improving your daily habits.” – James Clear, Atomic Habits A habit is a behaviour that has been repeated enough times to become automatic. A mental shortcut learned from experience, if you will. As behavioural scientist Jason Hreha shares, “Habits are, simply, reliable solutions to recurring problems in our environment.” The ultimate purpose of habits is to solve the problems of life with as little energy and effort as possible. Contrary to popular belief, positive daily habits don’t restrict freedom – they create it. It’s important to remember that small changes can appear to make no difference… until you cross a critical threshold. The most powerful outcomes of any compounding process are delayed, and it pays to be patient. We’ve round up some tried-and-tested positive habits for improving the quality of your day and life…

DO ONE THING AT A TIME “To do two things at once is to do neither.” - Publilius Syrus We tend to think that we can increase our productivity by doing several things at once. Yet research shows that multitasking damages our output and efficiency. Trying to do more than one thing at once not only slows us down, but causes us to make more mistakes. We feel busier, but we are actually doing less, and doing it less well. Studies at the Human Information Processing Laboratory at Vanderbilt University have shown that people doing two tasks simultaneously took up to 30 % longer and made twice as many errors as those who completed the same tasks in sequence. These findings have been replicated time and again by other scientists. MASTER THE ART OF SINGLETASKING Webb suggests that you can work fewer hours, and less hard during those hours, by batching your tasks more similar 2 0 Iseffectively. s u e 6 | 2 0Practise 1 9 | Vi grouping l l ag e C r i etogether r

tasks so you spend less time and energy switching between different types of activities. For example, you could batch together in-depth thinking or creative work; responding to messages and e-mails; meetings; personal projects and administrative tasks. Once you’ve batched your tasks, identify uninterrupted blocks of time for each. Turn off alerts to remove distractions, and take brief breaks to refresh your mind between the different task zones.

VISUALISE THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME “Visualisation is daydreaming with a purpose.” - Bo Bennett Research shows that everyone from surgeons and business executives to musicians and athletes can successfully use visualisation to focus and improve their performance. Scientists believe that we may experience real-world and imaginary actions in similar ways. Whether we hike up a mountain or only picture it, we activate many of the same neural networks paths of interconnected nerve cells that link what your body does to the brain impulses that control it. Take a moment to visualise the most important part of your day going exactly as you hope. How will it look and feel? How will you look and feel?

MEDITATE “When you know that everything that is happening is only appearing on the screen of consciousness, and that you yourself are the screen on which it all appears, nothing can touch you, harm you or make you afraid.” – Annamalai Swami In addition to injecting spontaneous moments of mindfulness into your daily life, try a formal meditation practice to help foster a more direct experience of your own mind. Meditation can be seen as a form of mental springcleaning. It rests and relaxes the mind, develops powers

ESTATE NEWS of concentration and awareness, helps us deal with daily challenges with greater equanimity, and helps us to move through life more effectively and efficiently. Meditation is fundamentally about attention. The meditator identifies what to watch, then observes it steadily throughout the meditation session. Anything can be the object of this watching. The sights, sounds and smells of the environment, the body, the breath and thoughts themselves are all popular ‘anchors of attention’. There are countless different forms of meditation. Have fun exploring which resonates most with you. MEDITATION TO BECOME CONSCIOUS OF THE MIND 1. Sit comfortably with your back upright, close your eyes and turn your attention to your thoughts. Don’t try to think of anything in particular. Just watch what arises. 2. Don’t attach to any of these thoughts – whether pleasant or unpleasant. Don’t interfere with or judge them. Simply watch them come and go, as you would a river flowing under a bridge. 3. Continue the meditation for five minutes, or longer if you wish.

BREATHE “Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” – Thich Nhat Hanh As highlighted by popular breathwork teacher Dan Brulé, breathing is the only system in the body that is both automatic and also under our control. It is “an invitation, an opportunity to take part in our own nature and evolution.” There are details in the way you breathe that you have probably never observed and explored, and these can act as doorways that lead you to new and profound abilities. “Mastering the breath is a major skill if you want to become a high performing individual and enhance every aspect of your life,” shares Brulé. According to medical doctor and Breathe (Jacana, 2018) author Dr. Ela Manga, OPTIMUM BREATHING is: OPEN AND FLOWING If you watch a sleeping baby, you will see how her breaths occur in a smooth and gentle rhythm, and are accompanied by a rise and fall of her belly. ADAPTABLE Ideally, the breath adapts to our emotional state and environment in a way that supports our energy instead of depleting it. In times of high demand such as exercise, the breath deepens and the rate intensifies to meet the metabolic demands of the experience. Once the situation has been dealt with, the body should return to its resting state and the breathing should respond by softening and opening up to a natural gentle flow. Then the body’s selfregulating mechanisms remain intact and untainted by poor posture, stress, emotional baggage and negative thinking.

RIGHT UNDER THE NOSE The nose has the perfect architecture to facilitate the delivery of prepared air to the delicate tissue of the lungs. Its aerodynamic design spirals and slows down the inhaled air so that it has enough time to be filtered, warmed and humidified by the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract. Habitual and unconscious mouth breathing at rest is a dysfunctional pattern as this whole mechanism of nasal breathing is bypassed and one becomes susceptible to respiratory infections. LOW AND SLOW A maximum healthy respiratory rate is between 10 and 14 breaths per minute at rest. Work on a breathing technique where you are consciously slowing your breath, imagining that you are breathing from and sending the breaths deep into the pelvis. Consciously training low and slow breathing will reset your breathing to a naturally slow rhythm. CONSCIOUS BREATHING EXERCISE þ Sit comfortably, close your eyes and gently place your hands on your belly. þ Breathe in for a count of five seconds, and out for a count of five seconds. Spend some time settling into this rhythm, making it as smooth and steady as possible. Inhale, 2, 3, 4, 5 Exhale, 2, 3, 4, 5 Inhale, 2, 3, 4, 5 Exhale, 2, 3, 4, 5 þ Repeat for five minutes, and observe how your body and mind feel when you gently open your eyes.

MOVE “True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.” – Wilhelm Von Humboldt We were made to move. Many researches believe that humans, for most of our history, walked almost 25 km a day – hunting, gathering and escaping predators. What happens when you take humans designed for almost constant movement and sit them in a chair in front of a computer for nine hours each day? Chronic pain, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety, insomnia and more. Even moderate exercise - 30 minutes three times weekly - has tremendous health benefit. Research at Bristol University has shown exercise to boost people’s mood and motivation by 41 % and their ability to deal with stress by 27 %. It increases blood flow to the brain, and stimulates the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin, which serve to boost our interest, alertness and enjoyment. AEROBIC EXERCISE This is movement that increases your heart rate and breathing. The word ‘aerobic’ means ‘with oxygen’, and during sustained aerobic exercise your body is able to increase its oxygen consumption to supply oxygen to the muscle cells. Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 21

ESTATE NEWS Try some aerobic exercise: • Aerobics classes • Cycling • Cardio machines • Dancing • Jogging • Rowing • Swimming • Hiking Enjoy the benefits: • Reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, vascular disease and cancer • Elevated mood • Enhanced libido and sexual ability • Better sleep • More effective weight loss • Improvement in respiratory conditions STRENGTH TRAINING Strength building happens when you use your muscles to do a task that increases your strength over time. It’s particularly important as we age, as we progressively lose muscle mass and strength as the years tick on. Try some strength training: • Squats • Sit-ups • Push-ups • Rope climbing • Weights • Super circuit Enjoy the benefits: • Increased metabolic rate • Enhanced sports performance • Development of core musculature • Improved bone density FLEXIBILITY AND BALANCE TRAINING This type of movement is vital to being and staying youthful, as both flexibility and balance tend to deteriorate with age. Try some flexibility and strength training: • Yoga • Tai chi • Qigong • Dance Enjoy the benefits: • Improved performance in other athletic endeavours • Prevention of injury • Alleviation of chronic pain An ideal exercise plan includes some activity from each category, for example cycling, weight lifting and yoga.

EAT CLEAN The nutritional field is varied and vast, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We explore a few of the many different ways to clean up your diet elsewhere in this edition. For the purposes of our daily habits overview, here are a few foundational principles that can 2 2 serve Is s u e us 6 all | 2well… 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r

BASIC CLEAN EATING GUIDELINES EAT þ Foods grown or raised without pesticides, hormones or antibiotics wherever possible. þ Nonorganic dairy and meat. þ Organic produce whenever possible, avoiding the nonorganic produce with the highest pesticide content. þ Five to ten servings of fruit and veg daily, with an emphasis on green, red and orange vegetables. Go crazy with the leafy greens! þ Protein with every meal. AVOID ý Fast food restaurants, deep-fried foods, sweets and soft drinks ý Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (often found in margarine, crackers, crisps, packaged baked goods and bagged and boxed snacks) ý High-fructose corn syrup (present in most soft drinks and packaged desserts) ý Sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame and sucralose ý Cane sugar ý White flour ý Processed foods, including commercially prepared and packaged foods with artificial flavours, colouring, preservatives, and salt and sugar

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 28 stores nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.




DIARY Thursday 5 December The Irene Good Mood 14 December 2019, The Goldfish Outdoor Christmas Market Experience Montecasino will play host to the 6th The Irene Good Mood Christmas Market is HAPPENING and will take place on Thursday, 05 December from 17:00 - 22:00! Join us for our 10th night market, the Christmas edition, & indulge in delectable food and thirst-quenching drinks, arts and crafts, niche gift stalls, a gift wrapping station AND enjoy live entertainment. The Good Mood Christmas Market offers a place for you to spend quality time with family and friends whilst enjoying a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere, that will get you in the Festive spirit!

Goldfish Outdoor Experience that’s happened in Johannesburg and we cannot wait to feel the electrifying energy. A new venue means a new fresh look and feel with out of this world stage design, beautiful décor and pyro to wow the crowds. You can expect a full day out with food from over 20 of Joburgs best street food vendors, a full bar and a kiddies area where you can drop your little ones off. A massive lineup that includes South Africas best bands and DJs includes December Streets, Easy Freak, Kyle Cassim, Ricardo Da Costa, MS Cosmo, Roger Goode and a whole lot more.

1 - 31 December, Jakaranda Children’s Home , Liggiefees. In an effort to become more sustainable we

host successful fundraising events. Our biggest annual event is our Liggiefees (Light Festival). From 1 to 31 December 2019, for the 10th consecutive year, visitors will be able to experience a magical display of the most Sunday 01- 31 December 2019 Festival of beautiful Christmas lights Lights Joburg Zoo in association with the City of Johannesburg entities; Joburg Theatre, City Parks and City Power are excited to announce the annual Joburg Zoo Festival of Lights featuring an enchanting collection of illuminated life-size animal characters featuring classical, harmonious entertainment, food and craft market for visitors to the Joburg Zoo Open from 7 – 10pm daily in the evenings except on Mondays, patrons can enjoy a tranquil walk in the Zoo on a designated lit route away from the animals under trees decorated in enchanting lights. Tickets are available at R60 for kids 3 – 12 and R120 for kids 12+ and adults, Kids under 3 free entrance. Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 23


SETTING THE TONE FOR A Merry Christmas As we head closer to the most anticipated holiday of the year, it’s time to think about the year’s most important meal, and naturally,setting a memorable festive table to complement it. Traditional Christmas decorations and table settings always make a festive impact. However, if you are looking to bring something new to the Christmas table, try some of these trends. Decor • Patterns: Dots (polka dots) and lines (herringbone) are clear Christmas favourites this year. Choose dotty runners, baubles with interesting embossed lines or napkins that combine the two. • Figurines: The sparkly deer will be featuring on Christmas tables across the world. Invite it to your table to bring a bit of that American “white Christmas” charm to sunny SA. Lights: Christmas isn’t complete without lights (i.e. fairy lights). Add even more lights this year in a warm golden glow. Lighting overhead or near the Christmas table will add extra warmth.

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Metallics, whites, reds and greens are still very much the Christmas go-to colours, but we are excited about the addition of blue and black. Use as a complementary colour or opt to make one of these your centre-stage colour. • Blue - From midnight blues to aquamarine, blue is invited to this year’s feast either subtly (in crockery or crackers) or in all its glory as the base colour to your summer Christmas table. • Black - We love how black is making a statement this year. As a gun-metal to add some depth to a silvery-white palette or as the star of the show. Black tables and chairs, black underplates, plates and candle holders. It feels as if this colour should have been here all along. Trending style: Cool Natural The hottest style trend this year is a “natural” Christmas. Irrespective of where you are your local surrounds offer multiple items that can be foraged into an inspired look. Shells, pebbles and driftwood from the beach, bark, feathers and grass from the surrounding veld or acorns, leaves and seeds from the forest. Wherever you are, walk around and bring nature to the table. This is a look that can be complemented by modern and Scandinavian decor and enhanced further by other natural elements such as wooden platters, grass underplates, wreaths etc. Merry Christmas!



Merry Christmas




vintage blue glasses

navy napkins

silver candlesticks

Merry Christmas silver napkin rings

blue votives



wood name tags



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white napkins

white pinecones

amber glassware

white candle holder

Merry Christmas

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Classifieds DOMESTIC HELPERS Maria (079 098 2981): Tues & Wed Martha (073 243 4638): Mon, Tue & Thu Poppy (082 479 4416): Tue & Thu Suzan (073 529 0214): Tue & Thu Titi (073 804 5016): Mon to Fri Xolisani (074 562 7770) Tue Thu & Fri Josephine (083 565 7195): Mon to Fri (Current employer is moving to the UK in December) Jennifer (073 261 4610): Wed

Uncle John Construction Tiling, painting, Building, plastering, Ceilings, Water proofing, Paving. Contact John 078 662 8483 / 061 323 6045 Heritage Tutors Lessons at your home within Herritage Hill for Mathematics, Physical Science, Natural Science, English. R150 per hour. Contact Andre 082 881 6552 or Stacey 061 547 9393

SELLING Forever Living Products Residents who are interested in purchasing any of our amazing Forever Living products can contact Anza 982-08 Heritage Square Cellphone: 083 255 3627 Do you want Tupperware? Please contact Desiré for any Tupperware orders or enquiries - 071 269 7875 Annique Products Annique Products conveniently delivered at your doorstep in our estate! You are more than welcome to place an order wiht me or contact me for current specials. Mea van der Merwe 071 172 7074 or gmvdmerwe@gmail.com

SERVICES Straight-edge knife and scissor sharpening, from R20. WhatsApp Cobus on 082 906 7830. Handyman: Kobie – available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays to assist with any handyman work. (072 329 7464) 2 8 Is s u e 6 | 2 0 1 9 | Vi l l ag e C r i e r

Looking for unique gifts this Christmas, follow us on facebook to find that perfect gift. https://www.facebook.com/ moimoigeskenke/

PET-SITTING Wian – 082 877 4175. Naomi – 079 718 6720 Michelle – 072 579 3618



Let’s go on an adventure and sleep under the stars and this is exactly what a couple of our residents and their kids did on Friday, 18 October when they pitched their tents in the rose garden The slept under the stars, woke up to the sound of singing birds and drank coffee and ate muffins in the morning sun…sometimes this is all you need! Alan Kesselheim said “A great many people, and more all the time, live their entire lives without ever once sleeping out under the stars.” We invite you to join us again on Friday, 13 March 2020 to sleep under the stars.

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SENIORS TEA Yoko Ono said: “Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90. Time is a concept that humans created.” We definitely have young seniors in our Village! 18 seniors joined our Seniors Tea in the Boardroom and it was amazing to see how they want to reach out and support one another. Thank you to Helen from MealThyme for the delicious sweet and savoury bites. Save the date for our next event on Friday, 14 February (10:00 – 12:00).

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MOVIE NIGHT Movie week in the Village – watching your movie stars under the stars Movie week in the Village – watching your movie stars under the stars A movie week was born as a result of our Friday movie night on 25 October being cancelled due to the weather and, of course, the fact that most of our youngsters are already on holiday! The five evenings in the rose garden also had additional excitement none of us were expecting! On Monday and Tuesday nights, the irrigation surprised us all when it went on resulting in a scurry to restore order and those who have dozed off during the movie, well, they were all awake for the second half of the movie! We were blessed with approximately 10 mm of rain early on Wednesday evening just before the movie started. But even the wet grass couldn’t dampen the spirits of our kids as they looked forward to watching “A dog’s way home”. We are extremely privileged to stay in a community such as Heritage Hill, where children are free to watch movies in the park without their parents’ supervision. The teens probably agreed that the Friday night movie was the best way to end their week, especially after the exams. We will most definitely continue with this in 2020 and if you have any movie suggestions for our “2020 movies in the park”, please send it to elsavs@heritage-hill.co.za Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 31


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village events 2020 KEEP IT IN YOUR


for the year ahead JANUARY:

Blood Drive – Monday, 6 January 2020 (15:00 – 19:00)


Senior’s Tea – Friday, 14 February 2020 (10:00 – 12:00) Village Walk/Run – Friday, 21 February 2020 (18:00 for 18:30 – 20:00) Movie in the Park – Friday, 28 February 2020 (19:00)


Blood Drive – Monday, 2 March 2020 (15:00 – 19:00) Camp in the Park – Friday, 13 March 2020 (18:00 – 07:00)


Teens Movie in the Park – Friday, 3 April (19:00) Village braai – Saturday, 4 April (15:00 – 20:00) Wine & Champagne Festival/Tasting – Saturday, 18 April 2020 (15:00 – 17:30)


Blood Drive – Monday, 4 May 2020 (15:00 – 19:00) Soup & Blanket Drive – 12 - 17 May 2020


Anti-hijack prevention and awareness talk – Saturday, 6 June (14:30 – 16:30) Blood Drive – Monday, 29 June 2020 (15:00 – 19:00)


Senior’s Lunch – Friday, 10 July (11:30) Lemon Festival – Sunday, 26 July 2020 (12:00 – 14:30)


Blood Drive – Monday, 24 August 2020 (15:00 – 19:00)


Heritage Braai – Saturday, 12 September 2020 (15:00 – 20:00)


Gin Festival – Saturday, 3 October 2020 (15:00 – 17:30) Camp in the Park – Friday, 10 October 2020 (18:00 – 07:00) Blood Drive – Monday, 19 October 2020 (15:00 – 19:00) Movie in the Park – Friday, 23 October 2020 (19:00)


Teens Movie – Friday, 27 November (19:00)


Kids Market – Friday, 4 December 2020 (16:00 – 19:00) Blood Drive – Monday, 14 December 2020 (15:00 – 19:00) Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 33



Planning a memorable


Staying home during the holidays isn’t the drag it might have been several years ago. These days there is even a trending name for it, and it is benefiting families across the country by allowing for: • More quality family time - During the week it’s busy at work and at school, and over weekends various social activities often tend to rob us of quality family time too. A holiday away often adds insult to injury. A Staycation is a great occasion to spend quality time with each other. • Other kinds of spoils - Any way you look at it, a holiday is expensive. The money saved can be used on something that can benefit the family in the year ahead like that kitchen revamp, new car or a swimming pool. You also have extra money to splurge on Staycation luxuries. • Pets to join - A Staycation let’s the furry family members that usually have to stay behind join in on the fun. • Added comfort - While there are some comforts we can live without during a breakaway, others, like the ensuite bathroom and complete kitchen are probably the ones you will miss the most. With a Staycation you can get the best of both worlds. • A boost in the local economy - A Staycation is a great investment into the local grocers, restaurants and retail outlets. Something every business in the country needs at the moment. • Creative planning- A Staycation can be as wild as you want it to be. Get the kids involved and make a list of exciting activities to do at home or while out and about.

Ideas for a spectacular Staycation: Be a tourist in your own town When was the last time you visited the Voortrekker Monument or the National Zoo? Be a tourist in your own town and enjoy Pretoria’s rich history and iconic places like:

• • • •

Melrose House Moreleta Kloof & Rietvlei Nature Reserves Pretoria Botanical Gardens The Union Buildings

Fun activities Fun activities and outings to pass the day can be found at your nearest mall, a short drive to Johannesburg and Krugersdorp or simply in your own home. Here are some ideas: • Acrobranch • Happy Island Waterpark • Gold Reef City • BOUNCE Inc. Trampoline Park • Movies • Ice Skating • A Spa Day • Reading • Puzzles You can even make a big thing for dinner every other night by playing Come Dine With Me with other fellow Staycationers. Make a day of it In the mood for something a little further afield, here are some ideas: • Take the train to Cullinan • Take a game drive in Dinokeng • Brunch in Parys or Hartbeespoort Dam • Visit the Cradle of Humankind We live in one of the most beautiful estates in the country. Make the most of what the Estate has to offer! Issue 6 | 2 0 1 9 | V illa ge Cri er 35


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