Topaz Bryant featured in the K.I.S.H. Magazine Summer Issue 2016

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“K.I.S.H. Home, Inc.”

K.I.S.H. HOME,INC.’s vision is to purchase a transitional home for young women presently in or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. For more information about helping us to purchase the home, visit... or call 302-399-6477. 2

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF VISIONARY Dr. Kishma A. George EDITORS Novita C. George Raeisha George


DESIGN/ LAYOUT CTS Graphic Designs CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dell Scott Trina Bowers Jessica Mosley Topaz A. Bryant Tammy Collins Markee


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Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts

K.I.S.H. Magazine represents our desire to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, and INSPIRE everyone from all walks of life to EMBRACE the New YOU! The magazine focuses on foster care “Stories of Hope” as well as, Health/Wellness, Fashion, Relationships & much more! Thank you for purchasing this magazine. Portions of the proceeds will go towards purchasing a 24-hour supervised residential home for young women ages 18-23 who are presently in, or have aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. For more information about K.I.S.H. Magazine or K.l.S.H. HOME, INC. contact us at (302) 399-6477 or


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016



Topaz Bryant



11 BEAUTY FOR ASHES Valerie Anderson







22 DREAM POSSIBLE Bishop Alvernis Johnson




PROPHETIC VISION FOR 2016 Pastor Bill Jenkins

23 I DID IT! Kymberly Lynn Stevenson


THE FIGHT IS FIXED Prophetess Jamila Monroe


11 BEAUTY FOR ASHES Valerie Anderson




16 READY TO RUN Shay Tyri








21 REMOVING LIMITATIONS Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree



(DREAM THE LIFE, LIVE THE DREAM) 31 JOHNATHAN HAGGERTY Dr. Yomi Garnett 33 BUNNY DEBARGE Dr. Yomi Garnett K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


Letter From the Editor-In-Chief


elcome current and new readers of K.I.S.H. Magazine to our Summer issue! We embrace 2016 with open arms. We are anticipating great things to happen in 2016. This is not going to be an ordinary year because not only is this a New Year but 2016 is a leap year. On your mark, get set, LEAP!! Living in this world gets more

challenging each day. All of us here at K.I.S.H. Magazine understands, and so in an effort to make your journey in this world less difficult and more purposeful, we have worked ceaselessly to deliver only articles that will make you leap through this year! We touch on topics that help you to better understand yourself, have a greater love for God, be all that you can become to make your corner of the world a better place, and to be able to deal with your enemies in such a time as this. This Summer issue features Pastor Kimberly Jones-Pothier who is known for her global movement, her book Conquering Hell in High Heels, and Real Talk Kim. She is also a conference speaker, life coach, mentor, and new author. This season’s issue brings new “life after foster care” stories, empowerment, and health & wellness topics, Author’s Spotlight, and as always the latest trends to keep you in fashion. Thank you again for supporting K.I.S.H. Magazine, a project birthed out to raise funds to assist young women in the foster care system in Delaware, as they become independent. We will be supportive to make sure that they have a smooth transitioning from foster care to the real world. We want to help the young women to become world changers in making it a better place for themselves and everyone to live in. As always, we thank our returning readers for your ongoing support. Moreover, welcome new readers to the family! We look forward to seeing you again for the 2016 Fall/Winter Issue. We know there are many magazines to be a part of, and we are pleased you chose K.I.S.H. Magazine. Be EMPOWERED and remember that there is GREATNESS inside of YOU!



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By Dr. Kishma A. George Editor-in-Chief / Visionary Like Us On Facebook /KishmaGeorge Follow Us On Twitter @kishmageorge K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


.I.S.H. (Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts) Home, Inc. was founded by Kishma A. George, out of the desire to make an impact in the lives of girls & women in the community, as well as young women who are presently in, or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. Through Ms. George’s works as an Independent Living Mentor, she has mentored young adults. During her tenure as a mentor she witnessed the tremendous challenges these young people experienced daily, while trying to find their way to a self-sufficient and stable life. A passion within her grew for these young adults and their future as she experienced their frustration in handling basic skills, such as opening a checking/savings account, parenting, and the frustration of single parenthood. Ms. George knew that these young adults - whether they were a single parent or single without children - needed a strong support system that would empower and encourage them to take control of their lives. They struggled in the transition of leaving their foster homes or care because many were still attending high school and were not emotionally or financially stable. Many of the young adults with whom Ms. George worked left their foster homes or care at the age of 18, and found themselves homeless, pregnant, lacking self-esteem, incarcerated or unemployed, and without guidance. She became frustrated by


the minimum amount of resources the community offered these young adults and wanted to make a difference in their lives, making certain that they had a safe; successful transition to adulthood and independent living. It was then that Ms. George began her journey of seeking ways to assist young adults in becoming emotionally and economically self-sufficient so that their transition out of foster care and into independent living was successful. Established in August 2008 as K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. the organization’s goal is to offer young women in Delaware the support they need to become emotionally stable and self-sufficient in every aspect of their lives and community.

What K.I.S.H. means‌

KINGDOM: The Kingdom of God will be built through the ministry of K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. by incorporating programs that will encourage girls and young women to make an impact in the world. INVESTMENTS: An investment of time and life enrichment activities will be implemented in such a way that will empower girls and young women to change their lives. SINGLE: Empowering single girls and women. HEARTS: Helping girls and young women discover their potential in becoming worldchanging leaders by pursuing their Godgiven dreams, goals and visions.

Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts (K.I.S.H.) Home, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, faith-based organization that empowers, educates, heals and inspires teen girls & women ages 13-25. K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. is currently raising funds to purchase a 24-hour supervised residential home for young women ages 18-23 who are presently in, or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. Our vision is to provide a transitional home and the goal is to offer alternatives for this high risk population and minimize homelessness, poverty, unplanned pregnancies, substance abuse and incarceration among young women presently in, or aged out of foster care. K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. also offers a Women Destined for Greatness (WDFG) Mentoring Program for girls and young women ages 13-25 in Delaware. WDFG is committed to inspiring girls and young women to develop self-awareness; promote excellence in the mind, body and spirit; as well as empowering them to increase their creativity, self-esteem, and self and net worth by implementing programs that teach them how to make an impact in their family and community. To help make this transition home happen, you can send donations to: K.I.S.H. Home, Inc., P.O. BOX 672, Felton, DE 19943 Or online at

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


PROPHETIC VISION FOR 2016 | Pastor Bill Jenkins


very number, color, word, name, place, or reference to time in the Bible has significance. It is put there for a reason. When we study to find the deeper meaning to these specific things it will help us to understand the true intent of God for a particular passage of scripture or story in the Word.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17). I want to focus in on the number sixteen and how I believe its references in the Bible lead us in revealing God’s perfect will for our lives in 2016. With 2016 being a leap year, it’s going to be unusual in many ways. It’s extremely important for us to walk in wisdom 8

throughout this year to ensure the full blessing of God in our lives. The Lord spoke to me that understanding the importance of the number sixteen in scripture would connect us to knowing His expectations for us this year. There are 26 references to the number sixteen in the Bible with a majority of them being in the Old Testament. Here are just a few examples: • Uzziah became King of Judah at age 16 and reigned 52 years (2 Kings 15:2). • Out of the 70 people that traveled to Egypt from Israel to escape a seven-year drought, only 16 people survived (Genesis 46:18). • Four squads of four soldiers in each squad, for a total of 16 soldiers, were assigned to guard Peter in prison (Acts 12:4). The four main themes for this year are Marriage and Family, Dominion, Coming of Age (Maturity), and Love. Let’s look deeper into

each one.


1. Marriage and Family The 16th time Noah is mentioned in scripture is Genesis 7:9, and is a direct reference to marriage in that the animals came in “two by two, male and female.” The Hebrew word for sixteen is made of two letters, Yad-Vav, and it represents the hand of God that joins two people as one. I am all for building churches, but this must be a year we build our families. As goes the family, so goes the church. If the family is strong, the church will be strong. If you haven’t already, then this is the year for you to develop a family mission statement that includes setting expectations, establishing boundaries, developing traditions, and learning how to resolve conflict. Mark 10:9 declares, “What God has joined together, let no man separate.” Make your marriage and family a priority in 2016!! 2. Dominion K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Dominion is the power to rule a particular parcel of land. There is no greater parcel of land than of your own personal life. Since sixteen is connected to ruling and reigning, this year you need to focus on improving and ruling yourself. King Jotham reigned 16 years in 2 Kings 15:32-33. There were also 16 Old Testament Judges from Israel’s entrance into Canaan to Saul being appointed the first human king. Hard work, discipline, setting goals, establishing deadlines, seeking counsel, and pursuing your passion are a few things we can do to obtain personal dominion. Rule yourself in 2016!! 3. Coming of Age (Maturity) Sixteen is a coming of age period in a person’s life where there is a transition from childhood to adulthood. It’s the middle point of a teen’s years where physical maturity has begun and more rights are granted. With more rights, comes more responsibility. Trouble always comes when rights go up, but responsibility goes down. 1 Corinthians 13:11 states, When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. We must change our bad habits, grow up, and act responsible.

We must begin to focus in on others instead of everything revolving around ourselves. This is a year for us to have a positive influence and make an eternal difference in the lives of others. Let’s grow up before we go up in 2016!!

10. Hating sin, v.6a

4. Love The book of John uses the word “agape” sixteen times. Love is the unselfish, loyal concern for the good of another. This must be a year; we walk in love towards everyone, including those we disagree with. Agape love is unconditional love and is a verb, not a noun. Put love into action by applying the sixteen characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13.

15. Willing to endure all things, v.7d

16 CHARACTERISTICS: LOVE IS… 1. Patient, v.4a 2. Kind, v.4b 3. Never going to envy others, v.4c 4. Never going to brag about itself, v.4d 5. Humble, v.4e 6. Never behaving inappropriately, v.5a 7. Not selfish, v.5b 9. Thinking no evil or not suspicious, v.5d

11. Rejoicing in truth, v.6b 12. Willing to bear all things, v.7a 13. Willing to believe all things, v.7b 14. Hope, v.7c 16. Never going to fail, v.8 Don’t love with restrictions, or conditions. Love without boundaries in 2016!! Allow God to develop in you the ability to walk in LOVE towards even the unlovable. Rule yourself and gain DOMINION over the hurts, habits, and hang-ups that have kept you from experiencing the fullness of God. COME of AGE and mature by realizing that not everything is about what you can get but what you can do for others. Focus in on your MARRIAGE and FAMILY because whatever you feed will grow and whatever you starve will die. Leap into 2016, focus on the vision of God and success will be yours!!

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he (Proverbs 29:18).

The Fight Is Fixed

By Prophetess Jamila Monroe

YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN DECREED AND DECLARED A WINNER!! There are times when the pressures of life can cause you to feel weak, discouraged, or inadequate to fight any battle. However, you must understand that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). In order for you to gain a victory, you first have to enter a battle. The battle never comes to take you out, but it is strategically sent by God to remind you of who you are, whom you belong to, and what has been placed on the inside of you. Did you not know that there is greatness in you waiting to be unleashed? Sometimes it is the hard times and the challenging times that cause the release of your “something great.” Even when you feel that you are losing the fight, you have to remain encouraged knowing you’ve already been declared a winner before the foundations of the world. You must remind the enemy daily that you are a winner and that Jesus went to the cross so you can receive the crown of life. K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016



The Fight Is Fixed CONTINUED

There are 3 strategies that will help you get through any fight.


PUTTING ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD… in Ephesians 6:11-18, the Bible talks about how each piece of armor is necessary for the battle:

• Truth - to demolish the lies of the enemy. • The Breast Plate of Righteousness- which guards our heart from the accusations of Satan. • Feet Shod (with Peace of Gospel) - keeps you from stepping in the traps of the enemy. • Shield of Faith - protects your faith from life situations causing you to stand on the Word of God. • Helmet of Salvation - protects your mind from the enemy which denies him access to planting anything contrary to the Word of God.


NOT LIVING IN FEAR BUT GROWING IN FAITH… fear is false evidence appearing real; meaning it is only real when you decide to give it life. Take fear out your heart, out your mind and out your vocabulary. Tell yourself by faith you will make it, obtain it and succeed in all God has called you to be and do. Stand tall and go get your trophy. Your trophy announces to the world “YOU’VE MADE IT,” and “you can do all things through Christ Jesus”.


KNOWING THAT THE BATTLE PRODUCES THE PRESENCE OF GOD. He reassures you in His Word that He is with you and He is protecting you through every fight. He said, “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem”! This is what the Lord says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged! Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you. So on today and everyday for the rest of your life – REMEMBER, YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! NOW SHOW THE WORLD WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF!!! ** PROPHETESS JAMILA MONROE IS ALSO THE PASTOR FOR KINGDOM COVENANT WORSHIP CENTER IN ATLANTA, GA.


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Growing up in a home with both my father and mother and a sister, life was good for me until around the age eleven years old. My dad started molesting me, at that point every ounce of spark or beauty within me was gone. I carried the weight of sexual abuse with me until around the age of 21 when I received Jesus Christ as my Savior! From age twelve to early adulthood I began drinking, fornicating, smoking, clubbing and living a life of sin. I did everything I thought would help move the pain and reality of the abuse, but nothing delivered me from that dark deep-rooted place that was dwelling in my heart and mind. One Sunday morning after partying all night I woke up, washed up, and got dressed not understanding at the time that God had quickened me to go onto His house! This would be the first day of the beginning of my spiritual healing.

BEAUTY for ASHES by Valerie Anderson

At the altar, I cried and gave it all over to Jesus. When I left church that Sunday I knew that a weight was lifted off me. As I grew and matured in God, I realized that what the Devil meant for evil God turned it around for my good (Genesis 50:20). I didn’t know until Jesus came into my heart that I was still beautiful in spite of what I thought and how I felt. Today I can truly say I thank God for healing me and making me whole again. God has allowed me to forgive and minister love and salvation to my father. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit operating in and through you to forgive and minister to your abuser. I’m a living testimony that God will give you beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:1-3)! My occupation as a Cosmetologist reveals that God is concerned and wants us to be concerned about our inner and outer beauty. Transforming women for me is deeper than owning a salon, styling hair, appearing in hair magazines, etc. It’s a ministry! I get excited about the joy that a lot of women leave my salon with after sitting in my chair. I believe that I’m not only allowing them to look and feel good to the naked eye, but somethings are taking place within the hearts of the women. We as believers of Jesus Christ must love and respect one another, because you never know what a person has been through unless they truly tell you. I am thankful and proud to say that God has turned my mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11) and He has set His love upon me. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful husband of twenty years, two beautiful daughters and much more. If I can encourage someone today, that’s battling with any type of abuse, I would say to you totally put your trust in God. He can and He will move you from ASHES to BEAUTY. 11

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

F E AT U R E D S T O R Y Trina: Thank you for speaking with us at K.I.S.H. Magazine! We are excited about what God is doing in your life and we wanted to talk to you today. We have been watching you and we are so excited about your future! We are so excited about what God is going to do in your life! Topaz:Thank you for having me! Trina: We know that you are transitioning from high school to college right now. How did you overcome the barriers and any roadblocks that has led to your success? Topaz: Well, I experienced some very challenging times in my life. When I was in middle school a group of four people was bullying me. I was able to fight back though by speaking up and telling my mother and my teachers exactly what was going on in the class room. My mother didn’t play. And she didn’t waste any time getting to the bottom of that situation. You know she is a praying woman. After my mom met with the school administration, she prayed about it and she saw that it would be best for me to remove myself from that setting. Fortunately enough, I eventually attended another school. Grateful to God, to this day

how He was leading my

mother back then with the concerns of my life. My mother taught me during these tough times the art of setting healthy boundaries. You need to protect your emotional and physical space. I learned that at a very young age. You don’t wait for others to do it for you, you got to set it for yourself. I was able to use that experience later on in life where I then experienced bullying from adults. I was able to act quickly. The odds were against me but God was for me. If you are experiencing bullying, don’t only pray to God but act on it. You have to know your worth so that you won’t give any personal space to bullies. You must speak up and remove yourself from any danger-

Topaz Bryant

ous setting. But most of all, put it in God’s hands. It’s an

A New Generation Leaving a Legacy!

What kept coming to my heart even while we are talking

By Trina Bowers


amazing thing what God can do with a broken life if you give Him your broken pieces. Trina: Awesome, I love it! I was thinking about you today. is about your mother. I see the relationship that you and your mother have and it is powerful for the Body of Christ. It is just a great example of a mother’s love. How has your mother been inspirational to your vision, your purpose, and your life?

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016



K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Topaz: My mother is the real MVP; she is my best friend and my men-

by making time to pray and reading the Bible and attending a church.

tor. Well, let me start by saying that I almost did not even make it here.

I do not believe in religion but having a real relationship with Jesus.

When my mother was at her weakest place of her life, she found her-

I always like to say I am living a life running errands for Heaven. I am

self on an abortion table, pregnant out of wedlock with me. Heaven

serving and having devotion time with God. It is so important. What-

intervened on my behalf because the doctor did not show up. My

ever you are looking for and wherever your passion leads you is a hint

mother knew that was a sign from God and made the best decision

of your purpose. Everyone has a purpose and no one is left out. It is

on that day to keep me. When I was born, my mother in the hospital

a goody bag that God gave us when we were born. You need to find

room anointed me and she gave me back to God. By dedicating me to

your purpose and go after it, and connect to God and you will never

Him, she made a vow to raise me in a God fearing home. My journey

end up at a dead end.

has been a blessing because of her prayers and she has been a definite influence in my life. Now that I am here today, it is my duty to do my

Trina: I am ready to run! I always love to ask people this one question

Heavenly Father’s work. In addition, with her mentorship I am able to

when I talk to them. Topaz Bryant, what do you want your legacy to

be a Minister of the Gospel at a young age and a teen entrepreneur.


Trina: Wonderful! This is what I actually want to talk about next. I want

Topaz: Wow, I definitely want my legacy to be to help others. I am still

to talk about teens and your vision for teens. Now that you are transi-

young so I live a balance life. So many hurting people in this world

tioning to college, I believe you are going to take the college campus

need salvation. I am going to spend the rest of my life staying in my

by force for God and for the Kingdom!

lane doing my part for kingdom advancement. I am going to add heaven’s scoreboard and that is definitely my goal. I want heavens

Topaz: Yay! (Excitement) Trina:Tell us about T.E.E.N. Summit. What does

scoreboard to go higher because of me. It is not about me because it

God want for teens in this next generation?

is greater works to be done here on earth. I want to leave the world a better place than I found it.

Topaz: Awesome, Teen (Total Embrace Empowering Network) Inc. is a part of way bigger vision. It is starting out as a success and I give God

Trina: Awesome! So before we go, you have to tell me all that are going

the glory for it. The past couple of years I have hosted T.E.E.N. Summit,

on for Topaz Bryant in 2016. Your ministry? Your life? In addition, let

which is a conference that is geared to activating young leaders by

everyone know how he or she can find you and talk to you.

encouraging, educating and empowering them during teenage years to become at their best emotionally, spiritually, and socially. I asked

Topaz: Awesome, well a lot of things are happening in 2016. I am excit-

God to help me help others to become good leaders. To help needy

ed and amped about it! But the one thing that stands out the most is

families, orphans, fatherless, the oppressed, those who are even up

graduating! Education is the key to success and I can’t wait to take that

against injustices and to be a voice to the voiceless is what God is tell-

moment. Education is extremely important and I want all the young

ing me to be. It is uniting all cultures at this conference for kingdom

people to experience the moment, the cap and gown and walking

advancement. People don’t care about what you know until they know

across a stage. Learning is something that can never be taking away

how much you care. I am a prophetic dreamer. God would give me a

from you. All that late night studying is definitely going to be worth

dream, and I would in return give Him permission to help me carry out

it! I want the young people to find me on social media at my website

the dream when I pray. God created this universe. I want to tell all the

at . They can also go on my Twitter and every-

dreamers and go-getters to dare to dream big, then go in prayer, and

where it is the same Topaz Bryant. Find me and we can connect.

ask big. You can be the next difference maker to break generational curses, and add generational blessing for your bloodline. Philippians

Trina: Beautiful, It has been an honor to talk to you for K.I.S.H. Maga-

4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. God

zine! I want to tell you that we are behind you and we love you! We

holds the world in His hands! He wants us to pray to Him and ask big!

are so excited about all that God is doing through you! Topaz: To God

The odds may be against you but the good news is God is for you!

be the glory!

Trina: Ask Big! Yes! Now I want to talk about purpose. I read on your

Trina: God bless you!

website that teens were created for a purpose and you wanted them to know that they can get it at a younger age. Tell the viewers how

Topaz: You too! Love you!

they can find their purpose and get to their purpose. Topaz: To find your purpose is very simple. It is connecting with God 15

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016




“I got my mind made up, ready to run. Oh, I’m ready to run. So order my steps in Your Word.” We all have our moments of trying to run from the call God has placed on our lives, through rebellion, pride, fear, etc. Nevertheless, God still has His way of redirecting you right back to Him. In my younger years I was nothing shy of being a “tomboy,” I was just as strong as the next guy on the block and sometimes stronger. I was a drummer in the school band, played basketball, football (alongside my brothers), and had multiple roles on the track team. Yet, two months prior to receiving these words for “Ready to Run,” I found myself passed out on the floor in the doctor’s office. I had a hard time getting my words and thoughts together; I even forgot my name for a moment. However, one thing the doctor did tell me, was that she heard me call on the name Jesus. I had been undergoing a series of tests and ended up receiving a blood transfusion due to severe anemia. I was weary, frustrated and, questioning God, “Why me, why this?” At the time, I didn’t know God was molding and repairing me for the next phase in my life. No more running away but towards the calling. He shed me of insecurities, allowing me to show forth confidence both in Him and His plan to utilize me with this gift and to be a good steward of His manifold grace (1 Peter 4:10). This is more than me just getting up singing a song and saying “I wrote it.” So I sought God for a deeper meaning and purpose of the song, I just knew there was more. In praying and fasting God led me to 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 which says,”Know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection; lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I myself should be a cast away.” Right then I knew I that I have to run this race with expectancy to win! It has been a growing experience. No longer is it acceptable to walk in fear, nor to fix my lips or mind to doubt what God is doing in me and through me. Therefore, I say to you, be encouraged! Run to win and allow God to order your steps in His Word.


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016



K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


Start small, Start BIG


You don’t have to hit a home run the first time, but you’ll never hit a home run if you don’t learn to swing. ~ Dr. Farrah Gray

God has placed a dream in your heart. Whether it’s to write a book, start a business, answer a calling, create an invention… and you want to fulfill this dream. Unfortunately, there’s a devil that exists who doesn’t want to see that happen. Satan is not going to roll out the red carpet for you just because God gave you a dream. He’s going to do everything he can to stop you. Nevertheless, don’t fret, because you have a God and He’s on your side. So trust God, and prepare yourself for the battle. One of the most dangerous weapons that will come against your dream is “procrastination.” The word procrastinate means to be slow or late about doing something that should be done. It also means to put off intentionally and habitually. The reason procrastination is one of your biggest enemies is because it’s a hidden fear. Procrastination is when fear sneaks in. It’s when you’re afraid, but don’t know that you’re afraid. Procrastination pretends to be on your side, but it constantly feeds you excuses for why you shouldn’t move forward. It keeps you stagnant. It keeps your eyes on the dream, but it keeps your feet on the ground. Procrastination paralyzes you, and justifies it with excuses. Procrastination is when fear goes undercover. It’s a spy for fear. So as a result, you’ll talk about your dream, but you’ll procrastinate when it comes to getting started. You’ll make excuses for not taking action. You won’t abort the dream, but you’ll sit it on the shelf collecting dust. Read this carefully – Don’t stop at the start! What do I mean by that? Many of you never start on your dream because of a hidden fear – fear of failure; fear of rejection; fear of


making mistakes; fear of looking foolish… You just need to start. Start small, START BIG – Just Start!

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior. ~ Henry C. Link When it comes to your dream, you need to take bold action. Sure, fear will show up, but don’t let that stop you. Do it anyway! In all honesty, you should have started that business a long time ago. You should have at least started writing that book. You can start preparing for the promotion now! Stop waiting for the perfect moment. Jim Stovall once said, “Don’t wait for all the lights to be green before you leave the house.”

If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. - Ecclesiastes 11:4 (TLB) If God puts a dream in your heart, you must pursue it. You must take bold actions. That’s the only way to make your dream come true. Let’s go!

BILLIE MILLER “The Motivational Minister” is a Bible teacher, speaker, and a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. This article was inspired by his bestselling book, Life in Righteousness: The Word is Your Life and 30 Days of Righteousness: The Word is Your Life Action Plan. Thousands of lives have been changed through Billie’s powerful teachings. For more information, please visit Follow Billie on twitter (@BillieMiller7) and on Facebook (BillieMillerPage).

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

START! By Billie Miller “The Motivational Minister�


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


Living By

Design and Not By DEFAULT

Hon. Tammy Collins Markee, RCC, Royal House of Rochefort


iving by design, as a potent catalyst for growth, operates by reinforcing the strategy of commitment and worthiness in applying God’s precepts. In refusing to live by default, you infuse light into a tumultuous and dark life. Adopt a grim determination not to focus on the opposition, hurtful lies, verbal abuse, disorderly conduct, rage, harassment, ignorance, materialism, and evil deeds. The Devil’s perversities are designed to lure, to entertain troubled, tormenting, and superficial beliefs. Leave your crippling past behind, and eliminate gossip from your human interactions. Rise above the fray by living a life of design. Peaceably, choose to embrace and understand your precious and holy covenant blessing. Love is truly a spiritual experience; and will indeed cover a multitude of sins. Purge your life of disempowering thoughts and an impure heart, refusing to allow them to embalm your future. Beloved, rejoice, and be determined to be happy. Cultivate a profound sense of your own significance. Remember, hope begets further hope. It is inevitable that your battle will continue to be made and manifest your emotional turmoil, unsavory character, evil deeds, troubled past, moral dilemmas, vanity, vexation of spirit, betrayal, deception, and deprecatory pronouncements. Simply refuse to entertain evil reports from the adversary. Clean up your thoughts. After all, you do pine for freedom from your past hurts, dire circumstances and misfortunes. Honor the person within you, and the person that you will eventually become. Sometimes, life can seem vacant of all-purpose, and all promise.


In truth, there is a fine line of distinction between ‘ignorance is bliss’ and the ‘spirit of truth.’ By insisting on living by design, and not by default, you establish the right pedigree in purity of heart, appropriate goal setting, and a desire to live a Godly life. Establish your own truth by applying the Law of God in your life. Stay connected to the Holy Spirit, your spouse, your family, wholesomely good health, your fulfilling career, your finances, and your personal and social life. It is from all these aspects of your life that you can derive true nourishment. Be genuinely grounded in your simple acts of kindness. Be victorious in your quest. Let God be your armor against the assault of oppression. The enemy tries to intrude in the lives of many by visiting them with an invisible form of destruction. Many are fatally plunged into despair by the attitude of others. Humbly pick yourselves up, and reinforce your own weaponry, which, quite simply, is the Word of God. Remain undefeated. Rip off the enemy’s mask and reveal him for who he truly is. It is his stock in trade to appear as an angel of light. But, refuse to be fooled by this deception of his. The comforting truth is that God wants to bear our pain. When we spend time in the Word of God, it cleanses us. The Bible outlines the truth. Commit to enriching the lives you encounter. Remember that you do not require the approval of anyone to live by design, for in truth, God has made your enemies your footstool.

God-investors will soon own the store” (Psalm 37: 8-9 MSG).God will give you the right time to do, and to say. Seize your golden opportunities. Cultivate divine precision. Employ your tongue as the ready writer, and call those things, which are not as though they already were. You are the light of the world. See the light in others, for Light will always overcome dark. Allow spirit to hold the reins of your heart. Take a leap of faith by optimistically prophesying into the glorious future you have trustfully placed in God’s hands. Finish this year strong. The past is in your rear view mirror. Be confident and bold in the Lord by putting on your full armor of God. Bow in prayer, and be filled with the breath of His Spirit today!

Tammy Collins Markee, is a Goodwill Ambassador and Referral Agent for K.I.S.H. Magazine.

“Bridle your anger, trash your wrath, cool your pipes—it only makes things worse. Before long the crooks will be bankrupt; K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


ear can be the griping entity that keeps us from living life and walking into our destiny. Many have walked away from opportunities, business ventures, projects, or even people, because of the unknown. We question whether we are worthy, good or intelligent enough, or even qualified, based on standards others have set. Will I look silly? What if I fail? What will my family and friends think? All of this pondering keeps us stuck. In 2013, I declared I would no longer let fear keep me from trying anything I wanted to explore. I set out on what I called my “Personal Courage Journey.” The essence of this self-motivated challenge was that I would try something new every month for 12 months. It could be big or small, just something I hadn’t done before. I allowed myself to remove all limitations and go for it. Freedom ensued, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Not just for myself, but for those following and watching me as well. I went skydiving, travelled outside of the country, ventured onto the canopy walk in Kakum National Park in Ghana West Africa, baked a white potato pie, cooked a turkey, went horseback riding, attended a women’s conference, got braces in my 40’s, and the list goes on. I learned so much about myself during the challenge. I discovered things I liked and things I didn’t like. I found I had more courage than I’d ever imagined. All I had to do was trust in me. Interestingly enough, once you have jumped out of an airplane all other obstacles are measured against that. Anytime I would say I was nervous about something people around me would say, “But you jumped out of an airplane.” I am not suggesting everyone needs to jump from an airplane to release fear but I am suggesting you challenge yourself to do those things you have always wanted to do. Stop letting fear hold you back from all of the amazing wonders of this world.

REMOVING LIMITATIONS by Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree

Contact Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree:

Speaker*Author*Self-esteem Educator*Success Coach Social Media- @MsKimmoly K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

What I realized was fear is a dirty little liar. Nothing was as scary as it first appeared. Needless to say, my adventure didn’t stop in 2013. I have continued to live a fearless life, pushing past the limits, living life on my own terms. I forged ahead with my favorite scriptures tucked away in my heart, “If God be for me, who can be against me,” Romans 8:31 and “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go,” Joshua 1:9. Feel free to borrow them as you chart your own fearless course in life. Remove the limitations and expand far beyond your comfort zone. You’ll thank yourself later. 21


DREAM POSSIBLE by Bishop Alvernis Johnson

Life doesn’t come with a lot of guarantees. However, there is one thing that is for sure, you will definitely fail at 100% of the things you do not try. Unfortunately, a lot of people are unsuccessful in the pursuit of fulfilling their dream. As a result, they end up in survival mode living from paycheck to paycheck. In most cases, this is due to the lack of courage that is necessary in making the bold moves and tough decisions associated with success. You cannot operate in fear and expect to accomplish great things. Courage is an essential component in the execution of your plan to build a quality life worth living. Courage is defined as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficult situations with certainty of the desired outcome. This is not to imply or suggest that fear is not a factor, but to emphasize that courage is the ability to move beyond the fear and accomplish the task at hand. Moving beyond fear is only achievable once the true fear has been identified. If you are uncertain of what it is that you are afraid of, then overcoming it becomes virtually impossible. This is not as complicated as it may appear and can all be summed up in one of my favorite quotes by Marianne Williamson from her New York Times bestseller, A Return to Love. She pens, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the


world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” You see, my friend, it is not failure that we fear most. It is the responsibility of success. Your dreams are meant to inspire others, causing them to reach inside themselves and tap into their own possibilities. Although there are times when achieving these dreams seem unrealistic and impractical, you must persevere with the confidence that they are attainable. It does not matter how many obstacles you face along the way. The important thing is that you keep moving toward your goal. Be relentless in your pursuit, persistent in your purpose, and passionate in your perseverance. Develop an “anything is possible” attitude and never entertain quitting as an option. The only and longest distance between winning and losing is one more step! I’m challenging you today to take the next step and remember your dream is possible!! All you need is the courage to pursue it. (Excerpts taken from 16 Things to Remember in 2016 are available at

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


I DID IT! by Kymberly Lynn Stevenson


It’s such a blessing and an honor to be in the land of the living. Living and fulfilling my purpose here on earth. I was born Kymberly Lynn Stevenson on January 14, 1972 at Milford Memorial Hospital in Milford, Delaware. As a young girl, I had dreams and aspirations of being famous and being a star. I would watch award shows and look at pictures of celebrities in magazines and daydream. When I got older, I began writing, writing a lot, about everything. Although I started doing hair and made a career for myself doing so, I never stopped writing. I have endless journals full of my life ups and downs, plays that I’ve written over the years along with commercial ads and the whole nine yards. So writing a book was definitely something to add to the repertoire of writings.

to know me on a more intimate level. Transparency helps others. People want to know what happened and how you dealt with it. Writing some of my stories helped me to understand myself, and helped me to see how much I’ve grown.

ME- Inside and Out, is exactly about what the title says. I decided to write about myself, because I believe that sharing my story will definitely inspire and empower others. I’m an over comer. The Word of God says that we are overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimonies. This book is full of testimonies. You will laugh and you will cry but you will definitely finish the last page with a changed outlook on life. This book will also allow the reader to get

I’ve learned that I really can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Without Him I can do nothing, absolutely nothing. Reflecting back and over my life about who I am and the journey it took to get here, I give all praise, honor, and glory to Jesus. Giving my life to Him has revealed to me who I am and all that He has placed in me. Fulfilling my purpose and reaching my destiny, I can only do through Him. So as I embark on the rest of my journey, continual writing shall be the vehicle used to set the captive free, part of my assignment here on earth as a published author.

I began writing ME- Inside and Out, a few years ago. I didn’t realize how emotional it would be reliving my actual story as I typed. There were days that I had to close down my laptop and pray. Then there were days when I typed non-stop. Procrastination also played a big part, I can’t lie. Then I would go back and forth, about what I wanted to share. Finishing my book brought forth a sense of accomplishment. I messaged my publisher after she told me that my book proof was in the mail, “I DID IT”!!! Writing a book may be easy to some, but for me, it was and is a major accomplishment. MAJOR!!!

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

S I N G L E S / R E L AT I O N S H I P S / M A R R I A G E S

Prophetic Declaration

for Your Marriage When It Is In Trouble by Jessica Mosley

friends says, statistics says, ONLY what God has said in His Word. I decree and declare that I walk by faith and not by sight. I decree and declare that I will trust in the Lord with all my heart. I will NOT lean to my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5, 6). I decree and declare that I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. That’s in good times, bad times, sad times, hurtful times, confused times, lonely times, and disappointed times. (Warfare Confession) Praise ye the Lord, for His Mercy endureth forever! (II Chronicles 20:21) (Say several times). I decree and declare that the foul spirit of divorce and division will not penetrate my marriage. I decree and declare that my marriage shall NOT die but LIVE and shall declare the works and recount the illustrious acts of the Lord! (Psalms 118:17 Amplified Version)

But the WORD is very nigh unto thee, in thy MOUTH, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. Deuteronomy 30:14 (KJV) But what saith it? THE WORD IS NIGH THEE, EVEN IN THY MOUTH, AND IN THY HEART: the word of faith, which we preach. Romans 10:8 (KJV) I want to encourage someone today. I want you to know that there is NO situation that you can get in that God cannot bring you out of! I want you to know that God is FOR you and FOR Marriage! I want you to know that God has given you the means and ability to transform your marriage with the words that you speak! I have included in this brief article words that can help you change! Speaking the Word of God into the atmosphere is life changing! It will literally transform your marriage! God is the ONLY ONE who can change your situation! When I was going through a tough time in my marriage, the Holy Ghost taught me how-to-PRAY for my marriage! He taught my hands to war and my fingers to fight! Open YOUR mouth and say what God said and WATCH the Lord of Host do BATTLE for you!!!

Prophetic Declarations for Your Marriage When It Is In Trouble: I, (Your Name Here), decree and declare that I come into agreement with the Word of the Living God! I will align my faith with what God says in His Word. I will not be moved by what man says, 24

I decree and declare that I come into agreement with what Jesus said. And Jesus said in John 11:25, “I Am The Resurrection”. Therefore, I call on the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ to resurrect my marriage to (husband’s name). I decree and declare that I serve The True and Living God Jehovah and He answers by FIRE! Holy Ghost, You are a Consuming FIRE! Burn any acts of unfaithfulness, hurt, misunderstandings, disappointments, failures, trust issues, let downs, backbitings, on either my husbands’ end or me. Remember our frames. Remember that we are just dirt. I decree and declare that my times are in Your hands O God! Therefore, this difficult time in my marriage is in Your hands! I decree and declare that I shall let nothing separate me from The Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus; not a broken heart, not being misunderstood, not feeling abandoned, and NOTHING shall separate me from The Love of God! I come into agreement with Jesus and what He said in Mark 10:27. Therefore, I am not ignorant with what’s going on in my marriage. But, this situation is not too hard for God to fix! With people it might be, but NOT with God! I decree and declare that although this situation seems hopeless, I choose to HOPE though in God! The Word of God tells me that HOPE maketh not ashamed! Keep speaking these confessions daily until you see the hands of God change you and your marriage FOREVER!

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


Do I Dare to be Hopeful When I feel Hopeless? Sometimes we come to a place in our lives when we just feel like nothing is going the way we thought it should go. Then we start getting these feelings of why bother, there’s no use trying, feelings of uncertainty and unsure what is next for our lives. I realize in my own life the more and more I was trusting and believing God for something and didn’t see it come to past, there came a point where I started feeling hopeless and wanting to give up on what God promised me. After feeling like this for about a week or two, I was sitting on my sofa with the remote in hand flicking through channels and came across a sermon on television titled “Thankful” and boy did it encouraged me! As I was listening to the message, I started thanking God for all He has done! I just started speaking out loud: ‘Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank You Jesus, You are worthy to be praised! Thank You Lord for loving me, Thank You Lord for not giving up on me, Thank You Lord for holding me, Thank You Lord, for never leaving me even when I feel alone, Thank You Lord, for hearing my cry, being my Rock, Refuge, and true Friend.’ As I began speaking words of “thankfulness” I started feeling my spirit man being uplifted and I started praying and asking God to help me through my weakness, lift me up where I feel low, help me to believe again and give me grace to endure. Show me the way Lord and fulfill my purpose here on earth. After I said that prayer, I felt rejuvenated, a peace came over me, it was joy and hope for what I believe God will do for me. One thing about the Word of God is it is always refreshing, renewing of the mind and sweet sense of Love, Hope, and Joy. I realized that through prayer that I needed to devote more time with the Lord by getting back in my prayer closet and worshiping Him. Understand that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, that’s when 26

by Natalee Burke

we can truly cast all our cares unto Him and God can give us clarity and answers to questions we have. We just have to be consistent, obedient, and wait. Don’t allow the enemy to disrupt your peace. When we feel this sense of hopelessness it’s O.K. to embrace and understand where you are, just don’t stay where you are and move forward in the promises of God. Remember, you can’t cope without hope so continue to expect the goodness of all God has for you! Ways to help you move past your hopelessness: - Stop complaining and start reflecting on the things that are good in your life. - Talk and/or surround yourself with someone you know who is supportive and motivating. - Stop thinking about all the wrong things that happened and looking back in your rear view mirror. - Start praying and building a stronger and a deeper relationship with the Lord. - Believing better things are coming your way because God is working in your favor. - Be Tenacious, Press, and Move forward in your spiritual happiness. - Accept that you are a child of the highest God, who loves you, appreciates you, and cares for you. In Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The title to the article asked in the beginning, Do I Dare to be Hopeful when I feel Hopeless? The answer is, yes! I choose to have hope because hope helps us to navigate through our ups and downs, it gives a positive outlook on our lives, and it brings encouragement, resilience, and excitement! Now a question for you, “Do you DARE to be hopeful when things seem hopeless?” K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Fighting an Unknown Battle by Porschia T. Guess This was my story. I was going along with life, as I knew it to be normal, when one day; I discovered that I had been enlisted in a war that I never signed up for. I’d always known that the enemy sought to keep me from my destiny, but this time he went for blood. He attacked the one area of my life that I thought was untouchable. The enemy went back to my childhood and dug up oppressions that I’d already overcome; they were now taunting me. Here I was battling low self-esteem, depression, rejection, and abandonment. I was heartbroken. I wanted answers. Why me? I became angry, outraged, and wanted revenge... But God said, “No.” I told God if He didn’t help me, I was going to lose my mind. Immediately, the Holy Ghost brought Philippians 2:5,Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, to my remembrance. If I was going to persevere, I had to have the mind of Christ. I had to lose my mind in order to maintain my sanity! When I understood this concept, I began to study God’s Word more, pray harder, praise intensely, and worship like a woman gone mad. I had gone to war. Ready! Aim! Fire! Things kept happening, but I kept going. I became a wounded warrior, but I never quit fighting. Although I’ve overcome that battle, I’m still fighting in the war. However, this time, I’m guarded and no matter what happens, I will not fret. I will not become weary in well doing. I won’t relent because purpose won’t let me quit. Just like me, someone else needs to be reminded, that whatever it is you’re facing, you can handle it. Cast your cares on Him because He cares about the things concerning you. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will step in and raise a standard. He’s your banner of protection, and He will never leave nor forsake you. Even in what seems He is with you always. Just remember, whatever your test, you’ve got IT, because He I just preached to myself...

to be your darkest hour, He’s there. Behold, got you!

About Porschia T. Guess the Author: Porschia T. Guess is married to Rashed C. Guess, Sr. and they have four wonderful children- Adeyla Guess, 11; Rashed C. Guess, Jr., 10; Csiairé A. Guess, 4; R’Chai A. Guess, 2. They are natives of St. Petersburg, FL, now reside in Atlanta, GA. Porschia is known for setting atmospheres of worship and making the presence of the Lord known while her husband is a warrior minstrel on the stringed instruments. She is currently getting ready to release her debut single entitled, Never Leave Me Lonely, produced by none other than her husband. Keep your eyes and ears open for this pure sound of worship.


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016



ave you ever been so low in your life and

women in the community would eventually culminate

wondered if you could ever get back up again?

into the founding of Women of Courage, Incorporated.

Women are faced with many challenges and

Women of Courage, Incorporated was created to

obstacles that prevent them from having the

empower women by helping them build their self-

courage and confidence to live again. There will be life storms that

confidence, self-esteem, personal development and find

will come to hinder and keep women bound from living the life that

the empowerment within to reach their full potential. I

God desires for them. Being a woman who has been faced with many

want to encourage those and the many women reading

challenges and trials that could have very well defeated or killed

this article to begin to love yourself, gain the courage

me, however that which did not kill me has made me stronger and

and confidence to conquer your fears and keep moving.

determined to turn my pain into purpose. The pain of depression,

Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s.

low self-esteem, financial difficulties, unemployed, single parenting and lastly a broken marriage was trying to keep me bound from living the life that God desired for me. One day I realized that I was worth more than what I was settling for. Even though I did not want to let go, I knew it would be in my best interest. It takes courage to walk away from a marriage where there is no change and causing you the most pain. As women, we tolerate so much and hope that things will change. We may not be able to change a person but we can change ourselves. As I began to get my courage back and step out on faith, I began walking into my purpose. After being on a job for more than 10 years, I decided to let my job fire me and collect unemployment. I enrolled in college and 2 1/2 years later, I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Human Service. There were many challenges during and after this time but they were not going to deter me from pursing my dreams. One of the biggest challenges that was very hard to deal with was raising four children alone while pursuing my dreams and goals. As I was getting my courage and confidence back, I was also

Scriptures that helped me as I regained my courage and confidence back…

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

building my relationship with God, identifying who I was and what I was created to do. Past experiences, working in a women’s shelter and observing

Regaining Your Courage & 28

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Confidence after the Storm by Lakisha Selby K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


C E L E B R AT I O N O F E X C E L L E N C E (Drea m the Life, Live the Drea m)

JOHNATHAN HAGGERTY R o ya l H o u s e o f R o c h e f o r t

BY DR. YOMI GARNET T, ADVISOR OF ARTS & CULTURE “Johnathan Haggerty, as you continue to wear your cloak of uncommon achievement, so does your stellar performance continues to attract recognition and honor! Keep up the amazing spirit!” -Hon. Tammy Collins Markee RCC 31

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Johnathan Haggerty, a great American athlete, was


football wide receiver for the New England Patriots in the National Football League (NFL). He was previously a member of the Cleveland Browns and Chicago Bears. He played college football at South Western Oklahoma State University. Johnathan has had a remarkable, if not eventful career as an athlete. On April 30, 2010, he was signed as an undrafted free agent by the Cleveland Browns. He was signed to the Bears practice squad on December 20, 2011. Again, on August 1, 2013, Haggerty was signed by the New England Patriots. He was released by the Patriots on August 30, 2013. He is currently an NFL free agent. He is also currently a life coach, Group Fitness Trainer, and a Public Speaker. He has a passion for mentoring youth and young adults, and assisting individuals on reaching wellness, health, fitness, and life goals. His hobbies include working out, jet skiing, reading, recreational activities, and fun and adventure.

In 2015, Haggerty signed with the Wichita Falls Nighthawks of the

must I surmount? What information or knowledge will I require?

Indoor Football League. In March 2015, Haggerty joined the Texas

Who will be my helpers?”

Revolution of Champions Indoor Football. On April 7, 2015, Haggerty was assigned to the Jacksonville Sharks of the Arena Football League (AFL). Dr. Yomi Garnett is Host of the Talk Show: Dream the Life; Live the Currently, when he is not playing, he is still kept incredibly busy

Dream on VOICEAMERICA, Phoenix, Arizona. VoiceAmerica (http://

honoring engagements for public speaking, life coaching and per-,

sonal and group training.

a subsidiary of World Talk Radio, is the largest, and the world leader in live Internet Radio Broadcasting. The network has an estimated world-

During the Talk Show, Johnathan had these sentiments to express,

wide listening audience of 4.5 million people daily. Dr. Yomi Garnett

“To be really successful, you must be goal-oriented. This is because

is also an accomplished Ghostwriter and Author (yomigarnett@gmail.

goal setting is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible,


and like all other activities, it demands an articulate process. Always commit your goal to paper in explicit detail. This will take your goal

In a LIVE broadcast from the studios of VOICEAMERICA in Phoenix, Ar-

from a mere wish to an articulated desire. You will now set a dead-

izona, I had as Special Guest, a great athlete named Johnathan Hag-

line for the achievement of this goal, turning the whole exercise

gerty. The episode was titled: Goals Turn the Invisible into the Visible.

into a quantified and time – specific objective. Finally, you will need


to draw up your master plan for success, in which you will simply

The Author’s Business Manager is Tammy Collins Markee.

ask and answer seven questions- What do I want? Why do I want

She is also Ambassador Referral Agent for K.I.S.H. Magazine/Business

it? When do I want it? What is my starting position? What obstacles

Manager for Johnathan Haggerty

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

Bunny DeBarge Royal House of Rochfort BY DR. YOMI GARNET T, ADVISOR OF ARTS & CULTURE

Bunny DeBarge is a timeless performer blessed with a beautiful soul. As a lady, she is the epitome of all that is representative of the finest breeding, and of the richest pedigree. As an artiste, she is celebrated as an iconic contributor to America’s music industry. - Hon. Tammy Collins Markee, RCC

Etterlene “Bunny” DeBarge is a singer-songwriter, best known as the lone female in the 80’s Motown family super group, DeBarge. Since she wasn’t an instrumentalist like her brothers were, Bunny became acclaimed as a great songwriter. In fact, she became the main songwriter in the group DeBarge with her brother El DeBarge.

A significant mention must be made of her solo song, “In Conclusion,” while also mentioning that she has a brilliant and touching new song about God called “God Is Good.” Additionally, her song “A Dream” has been sampled by many artists.

Currently in the midst of completing 2 newly reedited editions of her books, The Kept Ones: The Beginning Years, Volume I and Volume 2, Bunny details the definitive story of the DeBarge family as told through her eyes. Her new book is available on her website, www. Bunny is set to release a dynamic new CD simply 33

K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016


entitled, A Rebirth. She is also embarking on a Nationwide

in live Internet Radio Broadcasting. The network has an estimated

Motivational Speaking and Singing “Walk It out with Bunny

worldwide listening audience of 4.5 million people daily.

DeBarge Tour” in which she will share her overcoming, powerful

life testimony with the world, while the tentative name of her new


movie production is Rhythm of the Night. Dr. Yomi Garnett is also an accomplished A new lease of life is opening up for Bunny, and that was why I

Ghostwriter and Author.

christened her The Comeback Kid during the Talk Show.In a LIVE

broadcast from the studios of VOICEAMERICA in Phoenix, Arizona, I had as Special Guest, a Motown girl with a very rich pedigree in love ballads. Her name is Bunny DeBarge. The episode was titled,

The Author’s Business Manager is Tammy Collins Markee. She is

The Come Back Kid.

also Ambassador Referral Agent for K.I.S.H. Magazine/ Executive

Dr. Yomi Garnett is Host of the Talk Show: Dream the Life; Live

Producer for Bunny DeBarge.

the Dream on VOICEAMERICA, Phoenix, Arizona. VoiceAmerica, a subsidiary of World Talk Radio, is the largest, and the world leader


K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2016

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