K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
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Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts
K.I.S.H. Magazine represents our desire to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, and INSPIRE everyone from all walks of life to EMBRACE the New YOU! The magazine focuses on foster care “Stories of Hope” as well as, Health/Wellness, Fashion, Relationships & much more!
Thank you for purchasing this magazine. Portions of the proceeds will go towards purchasing a 24-hour supervised residential home for young women ages 18-23 who are presently in, or have aged out of the foster care system in Delaware. For more information about K.I.S.H. Magazine or K.l.S.H. HOME, INC. contact us at (302) 399-6477 or www.kishhomeinc.org.
3K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017 3
CONTENTS 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26
Celebration of Women - Gisele Haralson
The Cycle - Theresa Lewis
It’s Jubilee for Me - Apostle T. Deneen Green
Discovering Your Wings - Andrea Martin Born Pregnant - Pastor Eric Nichols Seeing Beyond Sight - Prophet Tomy Jordan Fill His House - Prophet Terry Weems
God’s Grace - Anita Hopes
Our Love Story- Tamara Overstreet
Beauty in Blessed Beginnings - Chanel Walker-Bailey
Authentic Pursuit Kendra Y. Hill
34 36
Foster Care Story - Nancy V. Brown
Celebrating the Dynasty of Dreamers
The Bonafide Liberator: Cheryl Wood
27 29 30 31 33
Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors - Tammy Collins Markee
A Letter to Papa - Tracy Lopez
Dream Big and Be Different!- Deja Wright Real Woman, Real Worship, Real God - Sherina Hopes Dynasty of Dreamers - Dr. Chyna Bethley
H.H. Princess Maria Amor Torres
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
Letter From the Editor-In-Chief Welcome current and new readers of K.I.S.H. Magazine!! K.I.S.H. Magazine is happy that you have chosen us. You have made resolutions and you are well on your way working on them. However, there are still some of you that need help getting started. It is our hope that these articles will help you in your attempts. This summer issue will feature Cheryl Woods. K.I.S.H. Magazine hand-picked these authors and articles specifically with you in mind. If you have started but need support to finish strong, rely on this Issue’s “Life After Foster Care”, Empowerment, and Author’s Spotlight, just to name a few. No matter where you are in your journey for 2017 this issue of K.I.S.H. Magazine has something for everyone!! Thank you again for supporting K.I.S.H. Magazine, a project birthed out to raise money to purchase a home, which will be a 24-hour supervised residential home to serve the young women ages 18-23 years old that are presently in, or aged out of the foster care system in Delaware, as they become independent. We will be supportive to make sure that they have a smooth transitioning from foster care to the real world. We want to help these young women to become world changers in making it a better place for themselves and everyone to live in. K.I.S.H. Magazine Project UPDATE! K.I.S.H. Home-Transitional Living is up and running!!! We have secured a beautiful place for wonderful young women to call home. These K.I.S.H. Home residents are eager and willing to receive all the help that we can give them to be on their way to making a difference in the state of Delaware. To find out how you can further support K.I.S.H. Home, Inc. efforts, visit us at www. kishhomeinc.org. Presently K.I.S.H. Home-Transitional Living residents are doing well! Many have transition to becoming independent and are doing well on their own. We wrapped up 2016 with a Thanksgiving Dinner and a Christmas gathering. We would like to recognize Mrs. Cynthia Moody (volunteer) and Katrina Woodley and Katrina B.(mentoring) for the year 2016. As always, K.I.S.H. Magazine appreciates your readership and support. We look forward to seeing you again for the 2017 Fall issue. We know there are many magazines to be a part of, and we are pleased you chose K.I.S.H. Magazine. Be EMPOWERED and remember that there is GREATNESS inside of YOU! K.I.S.H. Magazine is looking for feedback! Tell us about your K.I.S.H. Magazine experience. Have past issues gotten you through tough times? Is there a topic you would like to see our editors cover? Mail your feedback to www.info@kishmagazine.com
By Dr. Kishma A. George
Attention Readers: Want to be on the K.I.S.H. Magazine Inside Track? What are you waiting for? Log onto www.kish-magazine.com and subscribe to get exclusive news, info, articles & more sent directly to your inbox!
Editor-in-Chief / Visionar y www.kishmageorge.com Like Us On Facebook /KishmaGeorge Follow Us On Twitter @kishmageorge
5K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 52017
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
heryl Wood is a lady who defines the law of empowerment in its finest form; and she is making a distinct and noble impression on her world.
Cheryl Wood is Founder of Cheryl Wood Empowers, Clinton, Maryland. She has discovered her own purpose; in a quest to make a difference in the lives of countless women. Her spark of life is simply the mantle of leadership. This quiet hero is embracing her life-changing journey as the ultimate people connector; who is teaching about tapping into the creativity of one’s mind. She has captured the salient truth that we live in the land of opportunity, and by her life example; she displays the embodiment of the soul purpose of mental sharpness with her ability to be a pillar of strength to the community. A born world changer, she reawakens a place of readiness at which people can enter into a space to spark a revival that will address the heart of the matter; to help others secure their own future. Her story truly matters, especially to the factual extent that she has an understanding of the profundity of family dynamics; and she is using this to empower those who are still to come to grips with the deepening experience of authentic spirituality.
Even when others have had a brush with success, and then fallen back to old belief thought patterns, especially because the pressure from society does not allow them to have the tenacity and resilience to resist these old patterns of behavior; she manages to imbue in them an enduring sense of hope, love and faith. She is also obviously a pioneer; who is pursuing perfection in order to help expose and recognize the signs that further serve to make people lose their sense of direction. As her work continues, to make a greater imprint and indelible mark on the hearts and minds of women around the world, Cheryl Wood, The Bonafide Liberator, I was inspired to name her. Cheryl Wood is fortifying her life with a proactive stance, and viewpoint that is result oriented for a greater relevance as “The Bonafide Liberator.” TCM: Kindly give us a brief synopsis of yourself. CW: “Whenever I am asked that question, I like to give a little bit of personal, and a little bit of professional. Because I feel like my business is just an extension of who I am personally. So, on the personal front, I am a wife. I have been married for ten years, and I am a mom of three. I have a 9-year-old, a 10-yearK.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017
The Bonafide Liberator continued old, and a 13 year old. And my family is my world. Professionally, I have been an entrepreneur for eight years. I have been a speaker for six years. And that journey started in 2009, when I had been in Corporate America for 15 years. I had worked as a legal secretary for 15 years. In 2009, I decided that I was done, that I wanted to be liberated. I want to breathe that air that most women want: financial freedom, time freedom, and creative freedom. I did not want anybody to put a seal or cap on anything - on my salary, or my creativity, or who I am becoming, or the impact that I can make. So, I started a T-shirt business in 2009. It detoured me to speaking, 18 months later. I would go to these vendor events. And that prepared me, I believe, for my real calling, which was speaking. Then, I received a speaking engagement opportunity at Morgan State University, and the rest is history.” TCM: How can one become sufficiently mentally focused; to overcome the human limitations that prevent us from achieving our desired goals? CW: “I think that the simplest answer to that is by focusing more on what you have, than what you are lacking. When I first received a speaking opportunity at Morgan State University, I had no experience as a speaker. I did not feel qualified, but I felt called. And sometimes, you are not going to meet everything that is on the qualification list. So, you owe it to yourself to say “yes” more than you say, “no” to the opportunities that present themselves. Instead, I said that I have a passion, a drive, a story, and a message to share with women. So, I focused on that and I said “yes.”
the past and what happened in the past, because oftentimes our own self-limiting beliefs are hindering us from moving beyond that past. Sometimes you need someone else who sees more greatness in you, to come in and interrupt your norm, your path of destructive thoughts, words, beliefs, patterns, and behaviors. And sometimes you cannot do that on your own. Mentorship is powerful. Having someone to pour into your life because they see more greatness in you than you do. Until you are able to then interrupt your own norm, and self-limiting beliefs. There is a level of accountability when you are in a positive community. My mom always told me to go where you are celebrated, not tolerated. That is where I go. I go everywhere I am celebrated. I grew up in the projects of Baltimore, Maryland. Where I came from, poverty was the norm. We were on government assistance. My father was an alcoholic. I didn’t go to college. I had graduated from high school. I went straight from high school into working so I could help my mom pay for bills. Everything about my background, when you talk about your past, said ‘Cheryl, you will never be international anything. Who will ever listen to your voice?’ Other people who heard me speak - I believe some of them divinely connected themselves and attached to me. They kept telling me, you have a gift. And the more you hear that, the more you hear that positive reinforcement. And they see something bigger in you, than what you believe in yourself is real. That is why I am where I am today. That is why I am traveling all over the world.”
TCM: How can one become empowered to strengthen the weak linkage between Economic, Social and Environmental Factors? CW: “I believe the biggest way in terms of the economic, is to focus more on your strengths than your limitations. What is that unique thing about you, that you bring into the world? And then you take that, whatever that gift is. You find a way to package it. You find a way to offer it into the marketplace. I do believe in economic empowerment, especially in the African American Community. Economic Empowerment, that is the Great Liberator. When you create wealth versus just making money. We haven’t been taught to create wealth. The generational wealth that benefits our kids and grandkids, and their kids. And finding a way to take that purpose and calling and packaging it. I believe to be the Great Liberator for me and my family. I think that we have to focus more on being creators versus consumers. We have been taught, I believe, especially in our community, to be consumers instead of becoming creators of something that we can sell in the marketplace that would shift the trajectory of our own lives. And the lives of our generation to come, who stem from our family and our lineage.” TCM: How can young ladies break away from the old thought patterns and limiting beliefs of their past? CW: “Community is powerful. I believe community and mentorship are the two most powerful things that allow us to break away from 9K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 20179
The Bonafide Liberator continued TCM: People are so comfortable around you. You bring out the best in others. You make others feel so special, about who they really are.
belief that I felt that I can actually manifest. My actions started to align with those affirmations. It was an alignment of my actions with this core belief that I now started to manifest.”
CW: “It is reciprocal. People did it for me. I feel an obligation and responsibility to now do it for others.”
TCM: What would you want your signature legacy to be among the nations?
TCM: How can one truly evolve by shedding the layers of baggage of pain; to make way for the gains that a new life has to offer?
CW: “That is so good! I want my legacy to be... I know that legacy is when you are passing something down. I want to pass down - first, to my three children, and then to the world - I want to pass down the power of possibility. If you just give yourself permission. It’s so much greater on the other side of fear, pressing through your own fears, so that you can really show up in the world. In the state of greatness, leave your unique fingerprint. There is segment of the population that is supposed to be impacted by me and by my story. And the legacy that I want to pass down to my kids, and every other person’s life who I may be able to touch, is to claim your personal power. Pursue the possibilities that will usher you into the greatest version of yourself. Maya Angelou has this quote that I love: ‘Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.’
CW: “It is about interrupting your norm. What is the thing that has been holding you hostage? I think through self talk. Start to create positive affirmations that you repeat to yourself. It will get you out of that place of being stuck. For me, positive affirmations shifted my belief system. Before I left my corporate job, I hated going to the job because it did not give me flexibility as a mom. I wanted to be able to take my kids to school everyday. So, I had to start shifting my own belief system, and my thoughts. Every morning I would wake up and I would say, ‘Cheryl, you are a magnet for success. You have everything it takes to create wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Cheryl, where you are right now does not dictate where you are going, and who you are becoming. You are powerful and the world is waiting for you to show up.’ I would say that every single day, Tammy. But then I would laugh after I said it, because I still had to get up and go to work. I still had to go to the job that I detested. It was something that was happening in my subconscious mind. While I was saying that to myself everyday, I was starting to believe it. One day I didn’t laugh anymore. I didn’t laugh after I said it. You know what, I can do this. All those affirmations to myself the past 4 to 5 months caught up with me. My subconscious mind had started to shift to no longer believing just words that I am saying; now this will become a core
That is the legacy that I want to pass down. ‘Wow, this woman found the thing that she loved to do. And she refused to quit. She had a stubbornness about pursuing it. Even when she got knocked down, she was resilient enough to keep getting back up until she was able to figure it out. She started to shift her mind and her belief, to know that she is worthy regardless of what she was lacking. If she can do it, so can I.’ That’s the legacy that I want to leave.” Rt. Hon. Tammy Collins Markee, Columnist for K.I.S.H. Magazine (Dynasty of Dreamers)
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K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
AnAuthentic Pursuit
By Prophetess Kendra Y. Hill
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
or the last six years, I have done brand management and marketing for small businesses and non-profits. During the Spring of 2016, God said, “You need to do what you love. I am positioning you for something greater.” God was just really dealing with me about following my dreams. I was scared because I didn’t know if I would make money, attract clients, change lives or be successful at doing what I actually love to do.
I had to get in a position to do something that I love and make a positive impact. I’ve been giving my friends and family free style advice since I was about eight years old. I can remember helping my grandmother pick out her looks for church every Sunday morning. She would go into her closet and pulled out what she thought was cute. I always had tweaks. “Change the shoe” or, “Add that African necklace”. Whenever she took my advice, the very thing I had her change was what people complimented her for. I remember announcing that I was going to become a full-time stylist. Immediately, people started e-mailing me telling me that I missed God – that I was too smart to be a stylist. Some said that I should put my focus on other things or what I got my degrees in. My circle really encouraged me, but the general public tried to assassinate me. They attempted to shoot my dream out of the sky. And I let them. I let these people get in my head and tell me that maybe I shouldn’t be doing this. Around the Fall of 2016, I entered a season of transition and I realized that I needed to go ahead and start pursuing my dream of being a personal stylist. I started watching a well-known stylist and made her my mentor-in-my-head. I watched everything that she did. I viewed over 600 videos on YouTube, subscribed to her newsletter, and stalked her social media. A month later, she sent out a newsletter announcing that she was going to do free career consultations for twelve stylists in America. I missed the application deadline but filled out the application anyway. The next day, I woke up to an e-mail telling me that my mentor-in-my-head had selected me as the twelfth person she would talk with. Fast forward to our Skype call. The first thing she tells me is that I have a great personality and would be awesome at styling people on television. She said, “I don’t mean styling for TV, I mean being on the news styling people. Having a TV show styling people. You’re likeable.” She then invited me to come to LA and hang out with her. So… Surreal. Why did I tell you this? You’re probably just like me. You have ideas, vision, and revelation on what to do, but you’re not feeling confident about doing it. Either because you feel like you’re not knowledgeable enough, or you won’t be respected in that industry. Listen…no matter what God has planted in you to do, DO IT! You will always have haters, distractors and dream snatchers. If you are obedient to what He has called you to do, He will send you the right connections and perfect provisions. Don’t allow people – even yourself – to stunt your success or handicap your greatness. Align yourself with God and access your identity. God can’t bless who you pretend to be. Wherever you are in your life, be encouraged to authentically be who God called you to be and pursue your dreams!
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
Dynasty of Dreamers H.H. Princess Maria Amor Torres, D.D. | By Tammy Collins Markee | Episode: Heart of Gold
H.H. Princess Maria Amor Torres, D.D. was born and raised in the Philippines. She is the eldest daughter of HRH Tuangku Dr. Datu Camad Ali. She is the Princess of the Royal House of Balo-i. Princess Maria Amor is a Global Royal Diplomat, Globally-Recognized Humanitarian Icon, philanthropist, peace advocate, consummate speaker, marketing mogul, producer, television host, entrepreneur, publicist, Fashion Designer, singer, choreographer/song writer, Beauty Queen, paint-artist, event coordinator and graphic designer artist. She is the visionary & founder of We Care for Humanity (NonProfit Organization). Upon arriving in the USA, she began honing her craft and turning her big dreams into reality. She is an unstoppable force of creativity. Her zeal and passion is to envision a flow of international leadership events. In the light of this, she has cultivated a penchant for spanning the globe by making a difference. She is the quintessence of breaking barriers to forge her way as a catalyst. Under her leadership, We Care for Humanity was launched in May 2010, and she has been a guiding light every step of the way, inspiring souls to reach within themselves to find peace. She is inspiring the world through education, innovation, and health. She is leading a Global Premiere Wave for the future by impacting on others to have a new lease on life. With an openness of heart, she is a real champion for people around the globe. H.H. Princess Maria Amor, D.D. has created a strong media presence by spearheading humanitarian fundraising and financial management events. She is the proud possessor of a great mind, and the warmth of love. As a strategic solid skill planner, she displays so much beauty to the world. She is also one of the World’s Finest and Renowned Fashion Designers, with a real ability to reach out to the masses with her multi-talented skills. As an advocate on societal issues, she competently demonstrates to the world her legacy of noble and regal class.
She devotes much of her time educating and has successfully hosted a myriad of events. Her life has been crowned with favor and grace. She teaches us to reach within the treasure of our heart, for unlimited possibilities, to rediscover God’s given talents. She has enjoyed remarkable success. She has received unreserved and
tremendous respect amongst dignitaries all around the world. Her life’s example has offered pearls of new hope, and her invaluable contribution has conferred upon her a heroine status. Princess Maria Amor’s mission is to empower and educate underprivileged women and children, in far-flung global areas by the provision of live-stream technology. Additionally, her strong and exceptional leadership skills, and knowledge help issues that many face with transracial adoption and mixed heritage. Her Noble Status: H.H. Princess Raden Dato’Seri Maria Amor, Home Minister and Protocol & Appointment Officer of The Royal House of Balo-i-, Foreign Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Sulu, and Honorary Princess of the Melayu Jambi, Indonesia. Also, she is Minister of International Cooperation and Integration of OSJ Knights of Malta. H.H. Princess Maria Amor, is a recipient of DERJAH KERABAT(the highest award for Royalty given to Kings, Presidents, and Sultans). She is the Creator/Producer/ Chairman of the Global Officials of Dignity (G.O.D.) Awards and the WCH Humanitarian Summit. Princess Maria has produced beauty pageants, fashion shows and concerts to benefit the underprivileged and the needy. She has received international awards, accolades for her works for Global Peace, and humanitarian works. She has been an invited speaker throughout the world on issues of human trafficking, humanitarianism and international trade. She had been interviewed on major international news networks, and radio shows. She has written for various newspapers and magazines. Princess Maria travels around the world to find the Greatest Humanitarians of the World, whom she features inspirational stories with the vision and mission of We Care for Humanity to educate and give hope to countless people around the world. She is the host of The Traveling Princess TV Show, and she had published two books under her belt and still counting. Tammy Collins Markee, Columnist for K.I.S.H. Magazine (Dynasty of Dreamers) K.I.S.H. K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017 20177
Gisele Haralson By Tammy Collins Markee
Episode: Celebration of Women Gisele Haralson is an educator, author, screenwriter, film producer and activist. She is also the visionary and founder of Follow Dreams Productions, a film company created to inspire others to bring their projects to reality. Follow Dreams Productions is in pre-production on a featured film entitled, “The Art of the Chase.” Her scintillating professional career has been dedicated to educating and motivating women to follow their dreams and become self-sufficient. Gisele Haralson’s graduate study research led her on the journey to author the books- More Than Just Sex: It’s the Art of the Chase, African American Women Defining Themselves, Secrets to Love and Happiness and When Money Meets Seduction, and Inspiring Financial Lessons of Women Who Have Connected with Money and Power. Also, Gisele is an editor of Teen Insight Magazine, as well as a blogger. Much of her writing is centered on social issues that affect inner city youth and women. In addition, Gisele has received the National Association for Family Childcare Leadership Award. Gisele Haralson is a consultant for Institutional Investors Consulting Company (IICC), a global merchant bank. IICC is ded-
icated to helping to make a difference in the world. She has worked with families and community leaders to improve the quality of life for the women and children in the state of Louisiana. She has served as a board member for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Court Appointed Special Advocate for children who have been mistreated and abused. She also is a graduate of the Baton Rouge Area Chambers Leadership Program. She is skilled at serving others well, a component of the winner’s attitude by setting the stage to respond to her great calling. Gisele Haralson has examined the impact that is vital to celebrating success by shining the light back on others. She has blossomed into that which her mother has taught her to be. In March 2016, she unveiled an epic event (Celebration of Women), during National Women Month in Louisiana. The event made a great impact on the lives of many women by creating a platform for awareness. She honored women from various walks of life including Governor Kathleen Blanco. She created a platform of awareness by the exemplary celebration of the perfor-
mance of women’s endeavors and aspiration. The event, Celebration of Women was moving and appropriate. The merit in the entire event was her devotion and her act of kindness in employing wisdom in the lives of others. Gisele Haralson collaborated with PI 3.14 Inc., an organization that trains high school students to understand the importance of entrepreneurship and giving back to the community. She believes it is important for young people to know why they should help others. The Celebration of Women Event gave proceeds to two charities: St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Baton Rouge Area Food Bank. Gisele’s effervescent personality, unique presence, and kind heart is a guiding light. Through her rare achievements, Gisele has proven to be capable and inspiring, with the courage to continue to celebrate women’s legacy. With such a high calling as a “champion of hope”, she has become an example and standard of a fierce trailblazer that is making waves around the globe. You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Celebration of Women Event, March 11th 2017. For inquires send an email to: giseleh1@att.net. Tammy Collins Markee, Columnist
15 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 15 2017
TerryWells ADVOCATE AGAINST GANG VIOLENCE BIOGRAPHY OF EVANGELIST TERRY WELLS Terry Wells was born May 3, 1975 in Columbia, South Carolina to the union of Cary Peay and Gordon Wells. As a youngster, he attended Burnside Elementary School and graduated from Spring Valley High School in June 1993. During his adolescent years, Terry was brought up in the church and was taught the proper and correct way to conduct himself, but due to peer pressure he succumbed to that pressure. As a result, he suffered numerous run ins with the police, gun possession, selling drugs and alcohol abuse. This downward spiral led to his incarceration in a state prison. It was then that Terry underwent a “Damascus Road” experience that turned his life around forever. He gave his life to Christ and his life has never been the same. Terry celebrates the Scripture, “If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature old things are passed away and behold all things have become new”. Terry is married to the former Alice Swinton and is the father of three beautiful children. Now known as a National Evangelist for all young people, today, Terry is an ordained Elder and is dedicated solely to preaching the Gospel where ever he is asked to go. He has evangelized in churches, prisons, youth conferences and in the public-school system. He is a noted author of the book, I was Cursed to Be Blessed, The Terry Wells Story. He also has recorded DVDs entitled “Don’t Take the Bait”, “Who Gave You Permission to Send Me to Hell” and “Don’t Leave the Marriage”. Terry is also a play writer with his new play “God Loves Things Too”.
EVANGELIST TERRY WELL’S REVIEW Terry Wells’ message is hard hitting and incredibly honest, but in so being, he is able to connect with teens that might otherwise dismiss the message he has to share. Travis Jones, MAMFC, LPCI Family Development Specialist Specialized Alternatives for Families & Youth of Texas/Arlington, Texas You epitomize the character of the “Bridge builder”, which is a person who builds bridges over trouble waters. In today’s society, our youth face many challenges and obstacles that desire to rob them of the riches. Terry, you are the disciple to help restore them of what is dire to be taken from them. You are a Motivator of the “Millennium” … 16
Aaron Bishop - Admissions Director Allen University/ Columbia, South Carolina Mr. Wells’ mission is to reach all of our children, but especially the ones that are most at risk of being overcome by the adversities. He wants to redirect them toward excellent via a positive, spiritually based message that is reinforced with his personal example of redemption. Wayne Williams- Assistant Superintendent Mercy County Youth Detention Center/ Trenton, New Jersey We were blessed by your illustration and delivery of the Word of God and such relevant information that will help our youth maintain their salvation and withstand the distractions created to destroy their destinies.
Estee Bullock - Youth Director Love Fellowship Tabernacle Bishop Hezekiah Walker/Bensalem, Pennsylvania Your personal experience and anti-gang message you promote will no doubt have an impact on children’s lives. I have also had a great response from the parents in attendance. Hopefully they will continue to support your message so their children can fulfill their own dreams. Gregory S. Russ- JCAP Director Juvenile Court Alternatives Program Fifth District/Columbia, South Carolina
K.I.S.H. K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017
by Prophetess Theresa Lewis
The Cycle
My story begins in New York City during the year of 1973. In my first year of high school, I met a young man who became my first boyfriend. And although we were just beginning a relationship, we did not have enough time to get to know one another. I was on the train one morning on my way to school. I remember the day being very dreary and for some reason something came over me that day I could not shake. As I stood in front of the train gazing out the window, the best friend of my boyfriend approached me and informed me that Goody (my boyfriend) had been killed over the weekend. He had been gunned down in the streets. I was really hurt and saddened because I never got a chance to not only say goodbye, but we never
during that time there was verbal abuse more than physical abuse. I would say to myself, ”My God why do I keep going through these cycles with men.” We would break up and get back together; break up and get back together. Overall there were more good times than bad times. We took family outings and trips together, spent a lot of quality
got a chance to build a relationship. One year later in 1974, I met a young man with whom I fell in love with and who later became the father of my two older children. Well, I can truly say, that I would never say never again. He became abusive during our relationship often times leaving for days and coming home thinking I was his punching bag. It made me think about all the times my father beat my mother and I wondered how and why she stayed in that kind of relationship. I had no excuse because I could have left him when I wanted. But why should I, it was my apartment. The one thing I can say, it never interfered with me going to college and raising my two young children. On January 21, 1982, tragedy struck again. I had just returned home from school earlier that day. My girlfriend and I were hanging out together after school and I just had this urge to open up a bank account. Again, for some reason that day felt strange, I had that same feeling that I just could not shake and never wanted to feel that way again. I remember lying down on my bed when my cousin came to my apartment, to inform me that my children’s father had been shot and killed 3 blocks from where I was living. The one thing that stuck with me from that day and down through years was a statement that my cousin made. In his exact words, “Man Theresa, every boyfriend you dated got killed! You must be bad luck,”! I began to believe that statement to be true thinking I was bad luck and could not figure out why these things were happening to me. Although I went to church, believed in God, I always felt that something was wrong with me. After the death of my children’s father, I met and dated my husband. At that time I was lonely, frustrated, and vulnerable. Although we had a very good life together and couldn’t ask for a better husband, the cycle began again. You see, my husband became a drug addict and
time walking through the parks and the streets of New York. If it had not been for the drugs, things would have been great, so I thought. When we finally decided to work on our marriage, my husband found out that he was HIV positive. Although he was doing good for a while, he started using drug again and things became worse to the point where he had to go into a nursing home. In 2001, after the World Trade Center incident, I relocated from New York, to Aberdeen, Maryland. I would always go back and forth to visit with my husband in the hospital. In February of 2002, tragedy struck again and my husband went home to be with the Lord. After that I was determined that I was never going to marry again or get into another relationship. After living in Aberdeen, MD for 5 years, tragedy struck again, and that was the biggest blow that anyone could take. I was at church, preparing for the church’s anniversary. I received a phone call that both of my sons had been shot. It was crazy because the Lord showed me when I was riding down the road one day, both of my sons stretched out in a coffin and my very words were, “Devil you are not getting my sons.” Before I finally answered the phone, from the look on the face of one of the sisters from the church when she answered the phone, I already knew that they were gone. My only
17 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 17 2017
The Cycle continued two sons have been taken away from me. And to date, after 10 years the detectives claim that they have finally caught one of the guys, which I really don’t think they have the right person. According to them, the person that they have is not fit to stand trial. But I have forgiven them a long time ago. But let me tell you how God is; when everyone around me was in disarray, God kept me as He still does today. I knew some people may have felt that with all the tragedy that I have gone through, how could I give God praise? It’s because He gave me peace beyond all my understanding. Even during my sons’ funerals, people could not understand how I was holding everyone else up - encouraging them, singing in the choir, and ushering. My pastors and church family were even in awe, seeing the strength in me, and others saying that I was a strong woman. What they didn’t know was that God had me all the time. I told them that it had nothing to do with me, it was all God. When I should have been in a mental institution, “It was God.” When I could have shut everyone out, “It was God.” The ironic thing is the way that the Lord showed me in the vision, was the same way they were laid out and dressed in their coffins and I never told a soul. The clothes that their friends purchased for them were the same exact clothes and yet still I never told them the vision that I saw. There were family members that were upset with me and to this day still state that If I would have stayed in New York their deaths would have never happened. But what they don’t understand is the call that is on my life is great and sometimes you have to lose some things in life. Adding to the cycle, 5 years after losing my only two sons, my father went home to be with the Lord in October 2012, due to a long battle with cancer. It was but the grace of
by Apostle T. Deneen Green
Ecclesiastes 3:1 declares, “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
will be taken away from you and God only wants to know if
When this season happens, there is an announcement from the Lord, as in the case of the angel Gabriel, when he visited Mary and a performance as when she became supernaturally impregnated by the power of God. Every so often there comes a point in your life where “jubilee” happens. For me, the winds of this season began
you will still stand giving Him praise and honor.
blowing in 2014.
God that held me together through all of this, not knowing that it was leading me to my destiny. Sometimes when you have a call on your life that is great, there will be things that
It’s Jubilee for Me! K.I.S.H. K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017
It’s Jubilee for Me! continued After 3 years of pressing through multiple storms, becoming discouraged and fatigued, I heard a still small voice say, “Write a manual for missions.” Being still and inquisitive enough to receive further instructions, I began to write my first manual for preparing and traveling on the mission field. This writing and training tool turned into three modules. As soon as I completed the first module and held my first class, a door to West Africa opened to me. Although I had been traveling with teams on the mission field since 1998, this experience was quite different because now I was leading the team. My sole purpose for traveling there was for logistical reasons, but God had a different agenda in mind. A few short days into the mission, I was taken to a region called Aboisso where I met the king of that region. In response to many prophetic announcements over my life leading up to that day, I was welcomed by a local assembly, then the elders of the village and lastly the king himself. He immediately recognized and embraced me as his daughter. He also bestowed the high honor of “princes” upon my life and named me Princess Affiba (light) with a written decree. The amazing thing is that this king appointed the decree of Prince to the Reverend Jesse Jackson and his father
decreed this honor upon Michael Jackson. Just when I thought things could not get any better, I sat at the computer at the prompting of the Holy Spirit in 2015 where He led me to recall and research a vision I had as a teenager to have my own fragrance. Immediately, I came across a company that enabled me to create my own fragrance. I put three of my favorite scents together and ordered a personal bottle for myself. Upon sharing it with others, it came into demand. In 2016, I entered my personal jubilee (50th). I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “Declare this your personal jubilee year,” so I did. As a result, I launched my fragrance which I called, Dominion. This fragrance is spreading across the US, Africa, and France so far. As you read this article right now, I have begun living in a time of restoration of all things. I decree this season over your life too according to Isaiah 61:2, ”It is the year of the Lord’s favor!” It is jubilee for me and it is jubilee for you. Embrace it!
Discovering Your Wings: Your History Is Not Your Destiny! by Andrea T. Martin
Can any good thing come from someone who has a painful past of guilt and shame? Can they dream again? These are questions that I used to ask myself. How did I get to that point? I grew up in a strict, religious household and I didn’t have much of a life outside of the church. While most of my friends had boyfriends—no one wanted the tall, skinny, dark-skinned, church girl, ME. This constant rejection turned into bitterness and it damaged my self-esteem. Eventually, I was able to get a boyfriend, but when things didn’t go his way, he ended the “relationship” and quickly moved on to the next girl. It was in that moment that my thinking shifted. I felt that I needed to try harder to get someone to love me. I looked for love in all of the wrong places. I worked hard trying to be everything to everybody—all in search of love. Eventually, I lost myself—I didn’t know who I was. I was broken. This cycle of rejection continued well into my adulthood until I experienced the ultimate rejection from a man that I so desperately wanted to marry. This deep hurt forced me to my knees crying out to GOD for help. It was at this low point in my life that GOD spoke to me through my tears and gave me a process that I needed to go through—I call it the “Cocoon Experience”. I believe that if you have a painful past that continues to hover over you, this process will work for you too. One of the first things
that you must do is to confess and acknowledge any past mistakes— no one is ever so far gone that GOD can’t forgive you! Ask for forgiveness and don’t forget to forgive yourself! Next, you’ll need to identify the obstacles that are preventing you from moving forward with your dreams—if you don’t identify them, you can’t address them (for me, it was fear and procrastination). The third step is to practice self-love because in order to give or receive love, you have to love yourself. Use this opportunity to also identify the gifts, skills, and talents that GOD has instilled within you—you will use these to pursue your dreams. The fourth step is to learn the valuable lessons from your past so that you can grow from it. Let your past wounds become your future wisdom! The last step is to go after your dreams by creating an action plan that is broken down into baby steps. No matter how bad you’ve messed up, it’s never too late. GOD is merciful and if you follow this process (understanding that you may need to repeat a few of the steps)—you will experience transformation, and you’ll be ready to go after your dreams! So, to answer the initial question, the answer is YES, you can emerge from under your painful past, spread your beautiful butterfly wings and SOAR. You can DREAM AGAIN!
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017
A u t h o r ’s S p o t l i g h t
Pastor Eric Nichols
xploding onto the author scene is Eric Nichols, a Pennsylvania pastor, of a church just twenty minutes outside of Philadelphia. In his new book Born Pregnant, Eric masterfully zooms in on the always popular subject of “divine purpose”. In this literary gem, Mr. Nichols was both creative and effective in centering his book around the experiences of an expecting mother’s journey from conception to birth, yet without being gender bias in his approach. Eric highlights the various stages one typically experiences giving birth to their purpose in life. One stage is discovering your purpose through a nagging situation, to the necessity of building a circle that will help usher your purpose into existence. Another stage is dealing with the multiple frustrations and distractions that occur as you get closer to fulfilling your purpose. In Born Pregnant, Eric explores the necessity of understanding that though it may be the world’s fault if they forget you, but it’s your fault if they don’t remember you. In this book, Eric stresses the importance that no one should ever pass through life and no one notices. Born Pregnant is a book flooded with wisdom, revelation, and impartation that only could have come from God Himself. Yet it is elegantly written, that those from clergy to lay members, and from those that are currently walking in their purpose to a novice can greatly benefit from its principles. Having spent many years as conference teacher and pastor, who is known for his revelatory gifts and ability to see the Person of God through the Divinity of God, he has now turned his attention to the literary arts, to help people through Born Pregnant not to miss their moment with divine order. Born Pregnant effectively guides its readers to their
initial introductions to purpose, even if it comes as gentle ripples in their everyday life. Born Pregnant is very skilled at helping its readers understand how often Providence is misinterpreted as a coincidence. Thus, for these reasons and many others the birth of Born Pregnant was a necessity. Through this book, Eric will help to simplify and translate the divine principles of destiny and purpose. It will also reveal how through the application of these principles will lead to a victorious and purposeful life.
We challenge you to try this on for size. How would you feel knowing that your body has been keeping secrets from you and it has been living a reality much different than yours? In fact, it has been making accommodations for a life that you didn’t even know existed for you. And how would you feel knowing you’ve been responding to voices you didn’t know you were hearing? Well this is what it’s like to be born pregnant; this is what it’s like to be born with a purpose. Born Pregnant teaches how your inner man is fully aware of something that your logical man has been completely unaware of. But the secret is out! In his new book, Born Pregnant, Eric Nichols reveals how certain experiences and even feelings are directly related to what you were born to give birth to. Eric Nichols walks us through nine (9) chapters and stages liken to the nine months of pregnancy. This book has been getting rave reviews by those that have read it (especially noted by the reviews on Amazon). We highly recommend it as well! So do yourself a favor and purchase Born Pregnant which is available at ericnicholsministries.com, Amazon.com, Barnsandnoble.com or Tatepublishing.com. You will not be disappointed! K.I.S.H. K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017
An AWAKENING to the Prophetic
Seeing BEYOND Sight The prophetic is an embracing of the divine possibilities of God. It is an ANOINTING released through the Holy Spirit to bring clarity to the areas in our lives that have been hidden by fear, rejection, unrepented sin, ungodly soul ties, and other issues that keep us blinded. It is a divine enablement to see beyond what our intellect can comprehend. It is a faith-driven and love infused vehicle used to lead us to a place where God is. The prophetic is much needed in our local assemblies today to breathe the breath of life back into the church. And with this breath comes NEW VISION no longer seeing “men as trees” but to see with accuracy and precision in the Holy Spirit. It is the corrective lens of God used to shift us into this next paradigm and to brake systems of tradition, religiosity, and custom. For so long, we have been functioning in a “Jetson” age with a “Flintstone” mentality. The prophets of old have gone on; and we have been simply mimicking what we have seen rather than echoing what HE said. But there is a remnant of God being raised up with Fresh Revelation, God-driven ideas, and a loving heart that will not compromise the standard of HOLINESS nor will be “Prophets for Hire”. For they realize that Christ is soon to come and the KINGDOM must advance. So with this advancement we must keep in mind that our works can get us to a place but only our character can keep us there.
By Prophet Tomy Jordan
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
The caliber of the people Jesus instructed us to apprehend are the halt, blind, withered, and lame (John 5:3). What was it about these types of people that Jesus found so interesting? God, unlike man, sees the heart. Why then, like a metal detector, is the church not locating these buried treasures? Maybe it is because some view them as trash and not as the untapped potential they really are. As they are discovered they will be displayed as God’s prized possessions!!!
Jesus was a skilled transformer who knew the art of transformation. This should be the role of the church. A place not for the special interest or the elite; but a place reserved for those devastated by circumstances that are, in some instances, beyond their control. Transformation occurs by renewing of the mind. Once the mind is renewed, lives will be revolutionized. The Scripture states, “He that winneth souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30). The soul of a man deals with his emotions, his will, and his hearts’ desire. So many souls are full of toxicity and are in need of deep cleansing and purification. Many times, we are able to win the soul but we are not positioned to keep it. Our churches are surrounded every day by buried treasure. Such was the case when the man that was laid at the gate daily in Acts 3:2. What is lying at the entrance of the immaculate sanctuaries we enter and exit every week? Those “laid” must be challenged to confront their state of helplessness. The true essence of Jesus’ ministry was not restricted or confined to four walls. He was a revolutionary who was driven to the streets attempting to reach 22 22
the unreachable, touch the untouchable, and love the unlovable. Lives are in need of rapid transformation. As disciples of Christ, our responsibility is to transform lives internally so they can be reformed externally. When we follow the example of Jesus we look passed the outer man and embrace the inner man. 1 Samuel 16:7 is a reminder that God looks at the heart and not at the outward appearance. The question then becomes, “Who is going to go out and get the people?” Doing so requires love, compassion, and understanding. Those who are in need of rescuing are faced with all types of issues. If the Body of Christ does not go get them, who will? Our position then becomes like the priest and the Levite in Luke chapter ten, going on the other side while the wrong people grab the very thing that we supposed to be taking. The Scripture states in Ephesians 4:27, “Give no place to the devil.” “Place” speaks of territory or geographical location. When we, as the church step aside, we give that place to the enemy. He occupies that place, establishing his own agenda. The commission in Luke 14:23 to go into the hedges and the highways is an important factor. It positions us as recruiters. This is the narrative Jesus gave when He said “go out so that my house will be full” (Luke 14:23). The house should be full of people ready to experience Christ. Once they experience Christ, their lives will be transformed: spirit, soul and body. The house should display “reserved seating”; not for the special elite, not for the important nor the dignified. “Reserved seating” should be for those who are tired of being sick and tired. “Reserved seating” should be for those who are ready for their purpose to be unlocked.
His House by Prophet Terry Weems
The house will not be full if business is being done as usual. The house will not be full if we make it about ourselves and not about Christ. The house will not be full if we remove God’s agenda and replace it with our own. Let us be diligent about our Father’s business and do our part to FILL HIS HOUSE... K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017
God’s Grace
by Anita Hopes
stress disorder), brought a lot of stress and I became very ill, almost to the point of death. I coded while in the hospital once and on another occasion arrived at the hospital just in time. I had lost the ability to speak what I was hearing and had to learn to walk again. Through the entire one year process God showed His amazing grace to me, always encouraging and reassuring me that I would indeed function again. And so, His Word came to pass! During this period, He revealed to me His will that I forgive my dad! Our relationship was severely strained, in fact I didn’t like to be around him. I was watching a Christian TV program on healing when God spoke to me and said that I needed to forgive my dad and my heart would be physically healed. After asking His help, through my tears, I forgave. Instantly it felt like someone was performing surgery on my heart. When the pain finally eased, I knew I was healed. Later, tests at the doctor revealed the healing. Praise God for His grace! Needless to say, my dad and my relationship was healed.
here is so much to my story but I will concentrate from the point of grace. I grew up in a household with four siblings, a mother and a father. My mother taught us about Christ and made sure we all attended church regularly with her. I was fascinated with church and loved the Lord. I always volunteered for special events and offices in the children’s Sunday School, until my beginning teens after seeing so many things contrary to the Word. My life experienced many turns, including deception and being molested as a child. My teen years were full of accomplishments and turmoil at home. At the point of desperation one night, I went into the dark bathroom to cry out to the Lord and was met by Him in a supernatural way! On the wall appeared the shadow of an arm with the hand stretched toward me. It looked like a liquid was flowing out of a puncture and running down the arm. Then the Lord called out my name and said, “Put your hand in my hand! I will never leave you nor forsake you!” I needed His reassurance a couple of times before putting my hand in His, and through my tears, vowed to keep it there. I had found the strength to go on and wanted to live. One day a traveling minister came to our church and preached a message that was different and full of joy! He said you must be baptized, so I went to a Baptist Church and was baptized (I took the entire youth choir with me). I came up speaking fluently in new tongues! Totally thrilled, I took this back to my church but was told to not speak. This forced my decision to leave the one church and seek out another. So I went to the church that baptized me. This is where I would stay for the next 20 years, growing into the Superintendent of Sunday Schools and assisting the pastors. Years came and went, and I now had a family of my own. However, the stress of my past and my current situation (my husband was a war veteran with multiple injuries, including post-traumatic
One day God guided our family to a new church where we would hear of righteousness through Jesus Christ and be liberated! He miraculously put me in Bible School, where I graduated and went on to become a pastor and a Bible School Teacher. Then one day after almost 23 years of marriage, my world was disrupted and turned upside down! My loving husband went through two surgeries and then died. I never thought this would really happen, even though, I had seen in dreams that he wouldn’t be here. This was a very long deeply hurting period in my life. Days passed and I never knew it. All I could do was cry and wish that I was asleep so I wouldn’t have to deal with the reality of him being gone. But when I’d sleep I would dream of him being here, only to wake up and find it was just a dream! During this time, God’s grace kept me and He blessed me with family and friends to intervene and care for me. I remember thinking that if I stop eating, I would die and go where he was. But this didn’t work. One day I realized that I had to live. I still had work to do here. So, God’s grace helped me. In the midst of it all, we began Huggable Bear Sidewalk Sunday School for inner city children, along with the Children’s Church groups, totaling about 500 children and their families. Later God blessed me with grandchildren who loved me and needed my love. I was so glad I lived to see them and impact my children and grandchildren’s lives! While praying one day, God gave me a vision of three people and a ministry He was going to build. I knew in my spirit that they lived in Michigan but not sure where. And He gave me dreams and visions of being in Michigan. When I turned 50, He moved me there. I knew exactly where I was going to live because He had also shown me this in a vision. So, in obedience, I left the church I was an associate pastor at and moved to Michigan. Now I was there without family or friends living in an unfamiliar place. By the way, God told me to leave Delaware and go to Michigan without any family. Sell my things or give them away but only take the essentials. (No furniture and only a few dishes). So alone in an unknown land, I came to love God more dearly as I experienced His grace and love in motion!
23 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 23 2017 continued
God’s Grace continued I had no job but only dreams of working at a particular church. However, someone occupied that position and wasn’t leaving it! One day she got sick and needed surgery, so they hired me as her temporary replacement. As I was learning the job, we all (the entire church) prayed for her and she was healed. Surgery was cancelled and so was my job! Now what God? I was in a stupor for a couple of weeks, questioning God about what this meant? He never showed me this part! In the midst, they announced one Sunday about a newly created secretarial position. Now, I understand God. I am to apply and get the job. I did apply but my friend got it. As I was walking away from the office I was asked to fill in for another person temporarily. Immediately the Holy Spirit said take it. I did and was there for three years!
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. - Ephesians 5:31 (KJV)
I became very ill again and then was directed to the other church. By the way, I met those three people a year after moving there. God had been directing me to leave staff and go to this church but I was reluctant since this is where I worked and that meant I would be out of a job! However, with prodding, I went and joined. Within a few months though I was back in DE to be treated by doctors and get much rest. Through it all, God used this time to begin bringing restoration to my family. God told me that I would be returning there someday and that when He is ready He will whistle for me. Three years later He gave me the Scripture of whistling for me. So, I went back and there He anointed me to minister to women, men, teens and children. By the way, He directed me to a major ministry to apply for a job that they didn’t know they were creating! I got the job. And stayed there until He sent me back to Delaware. He said to me that He was sending me back because one of my granddaughters needs me. In Delaware was birthed Women’s Ministry International and the School of the Prophets, all by the inspiration of the Spirit of God. Out of this has come numerous women ministered to and began their ministries and businesses. All of the conferences have come as a result of this ministry. And the school has brought clarity and understanding of the prophetic. Thus, raising many into their prophetic destinies and purposes. And, oh yes, God has restored my family! 24
e v o L r u O y r o t S By Tamara Overstreet
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
We grew up together, being in the same circles, and our families being friends with each other when they were young; I never thought of our families actually being families. It’s hard to pin point when we actually met because we’ve always been in one another’s life some kind of way. Growing up, I can remember Tommy being nice and silly, always fun to be around, but kind of weird. He’s always had a big heart and has been caring and considerate. Our journey has not always been an easy one. We connected more by being members of the same church. We started hanging out and doing things together as friends only. One day I jokingly told him that if I wasn’t married by a certain age and he wasn’t married that we should marry each other (he always says he doesn’t remember this, lol). Needless to say, the age that I specified at that time passed and neither of us were married or had ever been married. As I said before, we started spending time together as friends, and he has always been around my son who has always been crazy about him! People always asked us while we were out together if we were a couple and we would both say simultaneously, “No we are just friends”. The more someone asked if we were a couple, the more I pondered the thought. I still remember the day I realized I was in love with him and I didn’t want him to only be my friend. Over the years, we went back and forth about what we felt for each other, and had an on again off again relationship for years. So, by us denying our feelings, I experienced one failed relationship right after the other. We were still friends, but because we let feelings get in the way we were not as close. One day all this changed and we started dating, this time around I just wanted him. I wanted him to be in my life forever, not only as a friend! I knew Tommy wanted to marry me, we had talked about marriage numerous times; I just didn’t know when this would happen. I can be very persistent at times and was just as persistent about being married to Tommy. Of course, he didn’t like the persistence and wanted me to just chill out. I started praying to God for patience and whew! I believe that God had me walking in patience to the fullest!
On December 20, 2015, I was sitting in church and it was a typical Sunday morning at Full Deliverance Ministries, in Trenton, TN, the church we both attended. Tommy did praise and worship as usual, our pastor preached, and then he called all the women ministers to the alter for special prayer. As I am standing at the altar after our pastor, Pastor Douglas Harris prayed for me, he asked me to turn around. As I turned around Tommy was behind me on one knee holding a ring! Not only was I crying and screaming, but so was everyone else in the church! Tommy was so sneaky because I didn’t know that he had already talked to my parents and asked for my hand in marriage! Yep, he did it the old-fashioned way, that’s just his style! I prayed and prayed for this moment when I could be Tommy’s wife. So, if there’s something you have been asking God for I want to encourage you to stand strong and keep the faith! God is so faithful and He hears your every prayer! When God has promised you something and it seems it’s not going to happen or it’s taking too long, hold fast to your faith!
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. ~~ John15:7 (KJV) In reference to the above Scripture, I am not saying that it will happen quickly but it will happen! Even though we are asking and praying for something we have to consider God’s timing! Because of everything both of us have endured throughout the years, I am glad God saw fit all along to bring us together as one. Even though sometimes things were rocky between us, I am thankful that I trusted God’s timing for us and our marriage. I thank God for a true man of God that is willing to be led by God!
25 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017 K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 25 2017
Beauty in Blessed Beginnings by Chanel Walker-Bailey
Remember that feeling you experienced when you finally discovered what you were called to do? You finally took the steps necessary to open that business, return to school, start that ministry, accept that job and join that organization.
He provides us room to learn, to network, to be groomed, to be pruned and to seek wisdom along the way. Any steadier pace would most likely lead to disaster! Now who needs that! What every child of God requires a level of patience, wisdom, and strength to endure the process of getting to success. There is so much splendor along the way that we could surely miss by not appreciating where we currently are. Love and embrace “The Now”! Value the time, the room to make error without substantial consequence, take the opportunity to research, network and strategize. It’s all so priceless and completely necessary! If we trust and believe that the road we travel is the one God called us to, then even now is part of His divine plan if we don’t faint in the midst of our small beginnings. Chanel Walker-Bailey Website - www.Realboldtruth.com E-mail - RealBoldTruth.press@gmail.com Twitter - @RealBoldTruth5 Instagram - RealBoldTruth Face Book Page - Real Bold Truth
Visions of the possibilities come with exciting sleepless nights. Your spirit can clearly see the peak and end result of your new found success. Your steam is abruptly stifled weeks, months and even years along the journey to obtain growth. You are beginning to discover that the process towards your highlights of this thing can be painfully slow! • • • •
Resources are becoming scarce. Those who said they would support; don’t. You work countless hours only to receive a mere trickle in return. You start to question if what you are striving for is even worth the time and strenuous effort.
I certainly know and can relate to all of these feelings. As I chip away at the process of becoming a writer and published author of substance, weariness and doubt surface from time to time. My natural flesh kicks and screams; throwing an inner child-like temper tantrum! However, my spirit ultimately prevails and holds these tidal wave of emotions at bay. They are all truly superficial and don’t define the promised outcome if I choose to survive the agony of small beginnings.
“Success does not come overnight” is the cliche we often hear and try to remind ourselves. But it’s true never-the-less and God has reason and beauty in the humble starts of all things. (Zechariah 4:10) 26
K.I.S.H. K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017
Beyond the By Rt. Hon. Tammy Collins Markee It is time to look beyond the “smoke and mirrors”. Conversely, it is time to come into insightful realization that all the storms of your life are now in your rear-view mirror. These include your formative past, your disappointments, sabotages, subterfuge, unspeakable loss, broken promises, pacts of secrecy, contentious people, shambles, maltreatments, financial setbacks, suboptimal working conditions, lingering resentment, infidelity, Jezebelic Forces, wounded spirit, and the me, myself and I mentality. We have a tendency to betray our truest selves, living with restraint, restrictions, wrongful judgment, and scars from the past. Start to gain peace of mind by quietly meditating on the nature of God. The lessons of LIFE will always present themselves. It takes a strong mind, and a resilient spirit to circumvent the inhuman treatment. However, the true mark of maturity is to keep stretching your faith. Become a teacher of forgiveness by developing an abiding love for God. The joy of the experience of God is far deeper than the joy you experienced before your harrowing events of hardship. When you fall in LOVE with God, you will experience a state of deep calm in which you exchange beauty for ashes, possess a renewed sense of worth, and luxuriate in a joy that reverberates. The powerful tools against the enemy are a refusal to harbor anger, breaking mental slavery, eliminating pointless drama by developing the ability to employ transformative and life changing words in your life. Your beautifying metanoia is already established and seeks to guide you in the divine order. It will allow you to gain an understanding that all you have endured was to form and fashion you into a polished shaft. Use this to help others in similar straits, especially those whose lives have been claimed by deception, and those who have been robbed by the enemy. Many forsake their loyalty to God because of fame, position, and money. Sadly, these are fatal character flaws. The devil enjoys negativity and confusion. He constantly whispers in our ears that we are failing, and he reminds us of the insurmountable odds that are stacked against us. This is to get us to believe the lie that our situation is worse than it appears. We can never go around or jump over our struggles. We will go
straight through the flaming fire and smoke, and the blessing in that we will always come out on the other end not smelling like smoke. Indeed, we will even look better than we did before we entered the fire. Now, when you look in the mirror, it will reflect a TRUE SURVIVOR who eliminated self-doubt, spiraling debt, poor money management, mental slavery, reckless living, hurdles, tremendous pressure, and negative comments of critics. You have clawed from the depth of unimaginable scars, pain, sorrow, and exposure to the implacable foe.
Being honest with yourself will guide you on your path to recovery. The responsibility lies upon us to brighten up someone’s day. The vicissitudes of life, limitations and shortcomings all teach us how to navigate, how to be resilient and have a positive outlook. Also, we develop a burning desire to grow deeper, to overcome barriers, imbibe unshaken peace, develop the ability to renew and revitalize, while reconnecting to our authentic self in God. God is your ultimate recourse. He is your PATH to your freedom, your sense of accomplishment from rigid economic circumstance, and financial woes. Adopt creative innovation to end all failure in your life. Triumph of the human spirit is within you. It is time to extirpate poverty to move beyond lack. It is time the brutal lows of troubled marriages give way to effective husband-and-wife teams. A sense of authenticity will be undeterred by disappointments. For the sake of your bond with God, say, “Deo Gratias” (Thanks be to God). God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The miseries of indebtedness, overbearing personalities, and misinformation are all the devil meant for evil. You survived and conquered all that were supposed to kill you.
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Your spiritual survival is assured because of sacramental grace. You possess enormous power to impart greater joy. Realize that He is the great restorer of the wounded spirit and of defensive pride. You suffered many forms of violence, self-centeredness, gossip, grudges, criticism, and evil hearts that are experts at creating deception, contention, and confusion. It is all smoke and mirrors. Be more inclined to think that the pain and loss have kept you going. Focus clearly, and take a collective effort to seek to dismantle extreme poverty, disband the marked attachment of fear, antagonism, and seeking security and attention from others. Explore how to become more intimate with God in order to live a joyous and more active Christian life. Embrace the desire to move beyond the pain. To achieve harmony, have no qualms. Deal with your past circumstances, because your future is waiting to deal with you. Confront the fear and doubt swirling around in your mind. Have a sound mind and moral character. The truth will become real to your heart. God speaks to dust. Is that not magnificent?
Follow God’s divine protocol and preparation. Stop trying to figure out how. It will simply be done. Be grateful beyond words and find consolation in the Word of God. The superior workmanship of God calls for optimism. Do not neglect to fit into the mold of the expectation of God. Pronounce blessings and get your financial house in order. Know that that there will be a resurgence in your finances. God’s Word gives the exact blueprint to bring peace to your mind-body-spirit to reach the heights of your potential. Be staunch in the position where your true strength lies. Your progress has been stymied by the lack of positiveness. In their inability to see others have disregarded your feelings. You have to believe what the Word of the Living God said about you. “Come away by yourself to a quiet place and rest a while,” states Mark 6:31. Through it all, you are still standing. God has turned things for your good. Now get up, stand tall, and dust the dust off your feet. Straighten up your Royal Crown, and lift up your head. You are a TRUE SURVIVOR!!. No more smoke in your mirrors!! Tammy Collins Markee Columnist for K.I.S.H. Magazine and Ambassador (We Care For Humanity) to Princess Maria Amor
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
A Letter to Papa by Tracey Lopez
Dearest Papa, Remember when You waited with eager anticipation the moment my life was conceived? Oh, Your joy! Heaven rejoiced when I was born! You knew my end, from my plans, You placed in my heart in the beginning. The plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me hope and a future. You marveled at Your creation. My little eyes could still see You and I giggled at Kingdom on earth. Your heart was full. Your love spoke “you can do it” with my first word and then my first step. I grew.
Then I began to learn… How to hate How to fail How to fall I grew some more, And I learned… Loneliness Hypocrisy Death
You wept when my heart completely forgot Kingdom. When the lies and misery of life overtook me. Your treasured, hopscotched little girl became a woman of the
You burned with anger to see me, Your treasure so lost, abused and broken. You radiated with love waiting to help, hoping that once again I’d choose to come home to a place long forgotten. I never saw the path because my eyes were closed. Remember the day I finally accepted Your messenger? Heaven rejoiced at my new birth! You’ve made me clean again and washed me with Your love. Restoration is my portion.
I’m growing again. I’m learning… How to love How to succeed How to overcome And more… Fulfillment Truth Life Until my hair turns all gray, and life fades into my next chapter when I meet You face to face, I remain, Your treasure and hopscotched little girl. Tracey
At my lowest points Kingdom remembered me. You helped as much as I allowed. Your hands were tied because I refused to come home to You. You watched with heartbreak as I ignored Your calls, ignored Your reminders, and ignored Your messengers. I chose the lie because it seemed easier. I was comfortable with what I knew and could “control”. After all what does the unknown offer? Who is God anyway? Some unseen force of energy that doesn’t really care that I can’t pay my rent. That I don’t have the education society tells me I need. The One that allowed me to be abused and incapacitated. Where has He been? Up on His Heaven cloud ignoring the world at large. (If He exists at all.) Like a dog returning to vomit, I returned to what was killing me, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Being used, condemned, and broken was an accepted way of life. The smile could not hide the deep raging ocean of despair in my soul. The eyes told it all. I accepted whatever I was given with gratitude that someone as fat, ugly and stupid as I was, could get any scrap available to me. I was puffed with pride that I was the captain of my ship (with a hole in it) and no one could tell me what to do. The little good never outweighed the bad. I thought well at least I’m not doing…
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
Growing up, being different is what I felt. Victim to bullies for not meeting social requirements is where I fell. Even now I’m targeted for the “what are those” epidemic. Had poor self-esteem, felt rejected. I surrendered to society just to feel an acceptance. Seventeen I had enough, was tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing myself. I felt like a copy of that doll on the shelf. Was tired of seeing that off brand version of everybody else. I knew it was time to take off my disguise, and reveal the true beauty that was hiding inside.After a while I realized that being myself was never a crime. What is now revealed in the mirror is one of a kind. Eighteen, not long after starting to find myself. Jesus Christ found me and revealed Himself as well. In those moments, my life was forever changed. The next day I left that alter with broken chains. After the course of the year to the present day, He has blessed my life in ways I could never repay. What else can I say my first love is that in which He became.I never would have thought my life would be the way that is it today. All this time He has been showing me my purpose in this world. He’s brought back to life the destroyed dreams I had as a little girl. He told me I don’t have to be like everyone else. My place here requires me to be myself. To be the Woman God created me to Be. A God-fearing woman with an abundance of Creativity. You see in this world we are all meant to be different. Because in a world like this being different makes a difference. -Deja Wright
Dream Big and Be Different! By Deja Wright
God created each of us with a purpose in life that requires us to be ourselves. If you don’t KNOW what that purpose is, one thing I’ve learned is... When You Find God, You Find Yourself! GEN321S is an artistic expression. It’s a voice for those who are constantly judged and mistreated by society for being themselves. Each piece created is one of a KIND. No one else will have the same color and design combination, to represent that by God we all are uniquely created. We may have some similarities, but all in all we are different in such beautiful ways. Also, if you notice I’ve cut the labels as a silent protest, to show that there is not one person in this world that has the right to put a label on you based on what you are going through, where you have been, 30
who you are on the inside, and what you look like on the outside. GEN321S is meant to be a light to bring others back to “genesis” (definition: the origin or beginning of something) meaning back to God’s beginning through Jesus Christ... Back to a place before the fall of man, a place of indescribable joy, unconditional love, ordained purpose, and back to a place of true freedom! For we are God’s Masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago (Ephesians 2:10). Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”, in John 14:16.
K.I.S.H. K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017
Real Woman, Real Worship, Real God “You made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion!” Psalm 139:13-15 (TLB)
From the time, we are little girls, we are taught that we need someone to complete us. At an early age, the world also impresses the picture deeply into our minds of the image we need to fit in order to be worthy of the love of that someone. Whether it’s looking like Barbie, being coy like Minnie Mouse, or the message of a woman’s worth as conveyed through the music, television and movie industries, we learn early that we just don’t measure up to the “standard.” Ultimately, this awakens us to the fact that there is a void, but also with a lingering fear that it will never be filled. It is this fear that drives so many of us to extremes, desperate to feel complete. The journey most women embark on when they are still young in search of what amounts to a mythical love, is generally born from this fear. For some it results in abusive relationships, others dysfunctional friendships, drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, shameless attempts to garner attention on social media, and a host of other self-destructive behaviors. But what if instead of grasping for the sand of love and fulfilment from any of these sources to fill this void, we cried out to our Creator as David did in Psalm 22:9-11: “God, the truth is, you are the one who brought me into this world. You made me feel safe while I was still at my mother’s breasts. You have been my God since the day I was born. I was thrown into your arms as I came from my mother’s womb. So don’t leave me! Trouble is near, and there is no one to help me”. Most of us do not have someone in our lives to teach us the whole truth. The truth is, there is a void. The whole truth is we are designed to have that void filled, not with anything or any man, but with God. This world tells that we are flawed, but God’s Word tells us that we are His workmanship carefully crafted under His watchful eye. The love of God is undeniable according to David. He declared, “You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!
By Sherina Hopes
How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward me. And when I waken in the morning, You are still thinking of me!” Psalm 139:13-18 (TLB) When we encounter God’s love and begin to experience how high, how long, how wide and how deep His love is, our natural response is worship. In that place of worship, we finally experience that sense of wholeness that has eluded us for so many years. The one place women can be who we really are, is in worship. God inhabits the praises of His people, and it is here that we come to know that love more intimately. In that place of intimacy there is such a sense of overwhelming love and acceptance that brings liberty. It was in worship that I began to experience this freedom for myself. It was in worship that I was able to remove the mask that I hid behind for so many years. It was in the place of intimacy that I could stand naked and unashamed before the One whose love never fails and offer my love without fear of being rejected. This is where Sing Over Me comes from. It comes from my journey. It tells my story of how I have been liberated—not just from the people of my past, but from the mindset they placed on me. It is where I, as a real woman learned to offer real worship to a real God. Sing Over Me is my first CD due to come out March 7. The first single, #Love, set to drop on my birthday, January 7 is a paradigm shift on our concept of how we can experience God’s love through each day. It paints a picture of how intimate and real God’s love and pursuit of us is daily. It is my prayer that everyone who listens and watches the video will begin to experience the freedom to explore their own avenue and style of worship. Worship is not just singing, it’s bringing your gift as an offering to God. It’s the place where you get to say, “I love You” in your own way. Booking Information: Sherina Hopes Music Website: www.sherinahopesmusic.wixsite.com/singoverme Twitter: @sherina_hopes Instagram: sherinahopes Facebook: Sherina Hopes Music Phone: 302-317-1045
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Sherina Hopes’ Bio It’s that feeling that envelopes you when you are offering worship to the God of your salvation and He responds with a rush into your very soul. That’s the feeling you have when you experience the warm, sweet melodic worship of Sherina Hopes. One listen revels that God designed this beauty for His own enjoyment. The fact that He has shared this gift with us is part of His goodness. Sherina has been singing since she was seven years old. She has sung background vocals for various artists and has led worship on three continents. Her unique melodic tones reflect the sweetness of God’s presence and her story magnifies His glory. With a global passion to proclaim liberty to women who are held captive by abusers of all kinds, Sherina shares her gift and God’s truth when she ministers. As she often says, she’s a ‘‘real woman, offering real worship, to her real God.’’ Her debut CD entitled Sing Over Me, due to be released March 7, 2017, is a proclamation of the healing, delivering, and saving power of God’s relentless love. Her collaboration with producer, Dscroll, has given birth to a new sound, a sound that gospel music has been anticipating. She is offering a sample with her bonus Christmas song, “Angels We Have Heard on High.” Listeners get a taste of bold African rhythms, over smooth R&B tones, set perfectly with Sherina’s irresistibly sweet vocals. Listening to this CD, one truly experiences those words written in Zephaniah 3:17. Yes, His love really does sing over me.
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
Dynasty of
Dreamers Episode: Enterprising Mind By Tammy Collins Markee
“I see myself as a Royalty Kingdom Builder, doing my Father’s work.”
r. Chyna Bethley, the woman with an enterprising mind, knows how to “turn cents into dollars.” This notable, dynamic and intelligent renaissance woman, is also a game changer, and an inspirational person who strives to bring financial equilibrium to people’s lives internationally. Dr. Chyna Bethley is a Consummate Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Coach Extraordinaire, Public Speaker, Business Developer and Master Coiffure. She made her first million before the age of 30. She is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana and resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Remarkably, she has triumphed over breast cancer. She was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer, and she truly is a survivor. Her signature quality is the possession of the boldness as an inspirational individual for wealth strategies in the 21st Century. She is a proactive leader. She is the Founder and Visionary of Rich Inc. and Rich University. Dr. Bethley is a Lifestyle Coach who helps clients develop a successful portfolio in Forex Trading and the Gold Market. Also, she is the author of Millionaire Makers International Curriculum for Success. Her mentors are the late Dr.
Myles Munroe, Les Brown, Robert Kiyosaki, Lisa Nichols, and John C. Maxwell. Q: Dr. Chyna Bethley, please give us a brief introduction of yourself! A: I am a woman of God, who is a wife of fifteen years and a mother of three children. My husband and I were high school sweethearts. We have a beautiful family here in Atlanta, Georgia. My husband and I are both entrepreneurs who are exploring this space. We were born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. We relocated to Atlanta after Hurricane Katrina, and this is where we both built our enterprises. Thank you so much Tammy! I am excited to be here, and to have this interview that would prayerfully inspire people that read it, as this may encourage someone on their own epic and iconic journey. Q: Beauty is a “state of the mind”. You have been an inspiration in helping to polish peoples’ image as a Master Coiffure. What was the experience like working with Master Stylist Farouk Shami?
A: I worked with Farouk Shami while in high school. I was always extremely ambitious. I started attending Moler’s Beauty College. I had the aspiration of getting my degree in Business Administration. I had the opportunity to work in some of the top salons in New Orleans. He was the one who invented the Chi Flat Iron, which introduced ceramics to us. So, it was an amazing experience to work with someone that is so world renowned in his profession. I just gleamed off the wisdom and knowledge that he shared to further my own career as a Master Stylist. Q: The power of suggestion serves as a constant reminder to speak to our system. You have taught countless people how to turn cents into dollars. You have been particularly helpful in providing the public with tools to engineer their future for financial equilibrium. What can you share with us on how to break the chains of old financial patterns?
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Summer 2017
Dynasty of Dreamers Continued A: What do I need to do to get this result that I desire? I think we need to look at the results. There is the idea that we are still chasing the American Dream. For most, it is rather an American Nightmare. One of the first places that I believe we should look at those results is within our own home. Another place is the community, where we were taught to do things in a certain kind of way in order to get a certain result. Q: Dr. Bethley, you are a woman with strong leadership abilities, and an enterprising mind. You have various outstanding achievements under your belt. What is the next level that you aspire to? A: I am working on a book right now whose title is The Golden Rule. We want to help break the chains of bondage in the minds of the people, who have corrupted the ideology that is causing them to be enslaved. So, that they can elevate their legacy and ultimately reach their destiny, to be rich in all areas of their life. Q: Your survival skills are an embodiment of those qualities of grace, poise, acuity, light and love. In your zest for life, you have flown high above the clouds as a breast cancer and Hurricane Katrina survivor, and you serve as a shining Beacon of Hope for all those struggling to come out of darkness into the light. That reflection
and God’s infinite grace have been the ultimate power that has propelled you to the heights of successful personal living, and culminated in a position of magnitude. Did the promises of God help you to better cope, stand strong, by shaping your present to be such a vital force to help others reclaim their lives? A: It was absolutely the promises of God that allowed me to be breathing right now. I was 25 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Even though you are challenging the Goliath, you know that you can make it through. God built me strong enough to make it through it. And I believe that He was stronger than any cancer. I totally trusted God. Q: God, marriage, family and your career have kept you grounded. What are some nuggets of wisdom that you can share, when so many people are sitting on the sidelines with the persistence of a problematic lifestyle? A: I am big on vision. I remember my husband and I always said we wanted to give our daughter a life that was a little better than what we had. We just spoke it, believed it, and wanted it. We were all over Black Entertainment Television (BET) with our own reality show called Amateur Millionaire Club. First, start in your mind,
allow it to be your fuel, the light to show you that you are able to make it through. So, to those of you sitting on the sidelines, all I can do is encourage you to get in the game. And play to win! Q: What do you envision as your lasting legacy in the financial arena as it pertains to Gold and Forex Trading? A: I believe that if another Bible were to be written, my name will be in that book. And the story will be told that I will change nations and generations. Tammy, I believe that undoubtedly with everything in me. I am fully persuaded that we will be one of the most sound financially, not just financially but in all areas of our lives. We will be the richest of our times. Q: You surround yourself around a Dynasty of Dreamers and Legacy Builders, and Rich minded individuals. Is this the key element to your lasting legacy? A: God, My Father, I see myself as Royalty Kingdom Builder, and doing my Father’s work. In addition, the importance of my mother and father. The important role that they played in my life. My parents set the foundation to my success! Rt. Hon. Tammy Collins Markee, Columnist for K.I.S.H. Magazine-(Dynasty of Dreamers)
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
FOSTER CARE STORY “When New Life Begins” By Nancy V. Brown
round the age of 13, I ended up in the Department of Social Services (DSS) system. I was battling with emotions that I did not understand how to control. I was angry and I started getting in trouble in school and at home. It became a safety concern, so my mom allowed me to be placed in the DSS system and I moved in with a foster family. I had to report to a probation officer and schedule updates with the judge. The DSS system gave me a clear picture of what I did not want for my future. It was a reality check for me. Many times, when you have been through the DSS system people continue to pass judgement on you even after you are out. You sometimes become labeled, looked down upon and written off as damaged goods. This motivated me to make a change in my life and go back to school. I studied social science, did my internship at the probation department at the Dorchester Court in Boston, and became a special police officer while continuing to work on my artistic talents in the hair industry. Through this process, I learned that it doesn’t matter what you say until you decide to change your mindset and it reflects in your actions. When you make this ultimate reset in your mind and spirit, everything is possible. My struggles pushed me into leadership. I followed my dream to open a salon. Today, I stand in 2017, the proud owner of two successful hair salons, NV MY HAIR in Boston, Massachusetts and in Buckhead, Georgia. I have also established a hair academy and I am building my nonprofit to help young women develop skills and achieve their goals, like I did. In spite of the labels that were placed on me in my youth, I’m still standing, living out my dreams and being of service to others. To the next generation, I remind you that you are your own author. Everything and anything is possible when your heart is in the right place and you make the decision to change your mindset, refocus your energy, take action and take steps to creating the beautiful story you deserve.
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
Celebrating the Dynasty of Dreamers
Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow Founder of The Ordinary People Society Pastor~Community Spokesperson~ Prison Activist www.theordinarypeoplesociety.org Dothan, Alabama Photo: Pastor Kenneth S. Glasgow (L) & Rev Al Sharpton (R)-Glasgow’s brother
Bishop Henry W. Bolden, lll Founder of Perfecting Life Church, Sr. Pastor Bishop of Operations, Family of Churches Fellowship International New Orleans, Louisiana
Min. Jona Stoute CEO of Healing Humanity International Market Place Minister Houston, Texas
Prophetess Tameka Trask Founder of P31 W Shine Minister~Author~Global Women Empowerment Houston, Texas
Evangelist Cherie Ashley Founder of Cherie Ashley Ministries & Ca$shley Publications Author~Motivator~Entrepreneur www.cherieashley.com Shreveport, Louisiana
Honorable Marie Williams, Attorney-At-Law~ Social/Community Activist Former Administrative Judge (New Orleans & Shreveport, La) (DWI & Health Human Service) New Orleans, Louisiana
Dr. Shon Neyland Chaplain/Colonel, USAF Author~Motivational Speaker Beavercreek, Ohio
Min. Narda Goodson Founder of Narda Goodson Ministries Author~Speaker~Minister WhiteWright, Texas Former First Lady of Whitewright, Texas Wife of The Honorable Former Mayor Late William “Bill” Goodson
Dr. John Alderson, DC, CCN Founder of Alderson Clinic of Chiropractic PC Wellness Promotion~Disease Prevention~Nutrition~ Acupuncture drjohnalderson.com Houston, Texas
Rev. Lillie Young-Dunbar Founder of God’s Faith Walk Ministries Women Empowerment Monroe, North Carolina
Rev. Kristie Roberts-Lewis Ph.D (Elder) Founder of Women of Destiny and Distinction, LLC Atlanta, Georgia
Toriana Brown Founding Prophet of Toriana Desir’re Ministries CEO & Creator of Rapha Revivifi System Personal Care Product Line Surprise, Arizona
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Seven Johnson Founder of Quinspirations, LLC Author~Motivational Speaker~Mentor (Pink Pearls Organization for Girls). New Orleans, Louisiana
Dr. Nicoline Ambe Founder of Nicoline Ambe International Parent Education~Speaker~ Educator~Best Selling Author www.nicolineambe.com Carson, California
Charles Clark Professional Actor~Multi Award Winning Speaker~Public Speaker~Social Justice Advocate Woodbridge, Virginia
Tammy Lee White Owner of Chef’s Aid, LLC Author~Motivational Speaker~ Entrepreneur New Orleans, Louisiana
Ashley M. Martin CEO of WTL Press Publishing /Blue Brillante LLC Consulting Firm/ 3G (Great Girls Global) Author~Speaker~ Edutrainer Houston, Texas
Ebony L. Thomas Founder/ President, Good Money & God’s Way Ministries Personal/Business Strategist~ Speaker | Houston, Texas ebonylthomas.com
Robert Santee Former Houston Astros/PVILCA, Hall of Fame CFO of Liberty & Associates Accomplished Speaker~Advocate For Feeding the Homeless Houston, Texas Photo: Robert & Roschell Santee
Rick & Brenda Reese Founders of Surge 365 Founder’s Circle & Better World Changers Market Place Ministry www.ettc-cs.com - Surge 365 Travel Business & www.betterworldchangers.com (BWC) Colorado Springs, Colorado
Trichologist Leola Anifowoshe CEO of Solutions Hair Restoration & Wellness Center Co Founder Nzuri Hair Care & Wellness Products Marketing Guru~Business Coach~Public Speaker | Houston, Texas
Roschell Santee CEO of SBSB (Simple But Sexy Beauty) Advocate for Domestic Abuse & Feeding the Homeless Recipient of the Congressional Award from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston, Texas
Roshé Anthony Founder of Roshé Cosmetics & Beat School of Makeup Artistry (Director/Founder) Baltimore, Maryland
Rohit & Ashuman Garg Owners of Parinaz a Boutique Entrepreneurs~Fashion Industry of Majestic Designs Houston, Texas Photo: Ashuman, Rohit Garg
Raul R. Leal Owner of TexaCali Studios Professional Photographer~ Cinematographer~Editor Houston, Texas
Ezra Melodic Styles Owner of DiDis Fashion Styles Production Professional Photographer~ Gospel Jazz Keyboardist~Tailor Film Producer~Playwright
Kari Wilson Founder of Extraordinary International Princess Motivator~Women Empowerment San Francisco, California
Kelly Fawaz CEO of Fawaz Arts Professional Artist Hollywood, Florida
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
Tony Taylor Actor~Brand Fashion Model~Publicity Ambassador~Model/Actor Talent Scout Staten Island, New York
Roderick James, Sr Founder of Or-d-nary Gentlemen Entertainer~ Organist Goldsboro, North Carolina
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Mel Rose Owner/Creator of MelRose Creative Suite Singer~Songwriter Houston, Texas
Sand Man Artist (Protect Ya Neck Records /Wu Tang Management) Visionary~Musician~Entertainer~ WCH Ambassador~TV Anchor~ Radio Personality
Benjamin Musunza Neighborhood Development Initiative Patron (Medishare Africa)~Director Nairobi, Kenya
HRH Yomi Garnett, MD Chancellor/CEO, Royal Biographical Institute President/CEO, The Global Institute For Human Excellence Creative
K.I.S.H.Magazine Magazine| |Summer Spring 2017 2017 K.I.S.H.
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017
K.I.S.H. Magazine | Spring 2017