Intrepidus Magazine - Summer 2020

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All around us in the world is beauty, something we likely appreciate even more in 2020 as we have a chance to start rediscovering it. For millennia, people have recorded their love of the world in music and in art… and in recent years we have developed a new way of discovering and connecting with the world using computers. And one thing that links all of these things, whether we are aware of it or not, is mathematics. For your summer stretch project, we would like you to consider the wonderful world in any way in which you like, but particularly looking at the way that mathematics exists in art, music or computer science.

Art Ideas  

Your stretch project could be some research, it could be a piece of art inspired by the ideas in the stretch project brief, it could be a song or a piece of music; a piece of coding; or it could be anything that inspires you about the “world of wonder” that is brought to you by all the different subjects you study at KAA.

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Projects are due by Friday 4th September. Good projects will be awarded Silver Merits, with the very best receiving Gold Merits. A great way to start the new academic year!

If you have any questions about your project, email Mr Edwards at

Music Ideas How are fractions and music related?

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What did Pythagoras discover about the frequency of notes in the musical scale? How did this mathematician help shape music? Research Fibonacci and his sequence. Watch these videos to see how Fibonacci’s sequence can be encoded into music either melodically or rhythmically. https:// & https:// Can you come up with your own composition using Fibonacci to help?


The summer stretch project this year is brought to you from the Maths, Art, Music and Computer Science departments and is called “A World of Wonder”…

Check out some mathematical art websites, e.g Produce your own explaining what symmetry you can see in your art work. Explore who Fibonacci was - what was his sequence?

How can it be used to produce art? Create a piece of Fibonacci art Research into M C Escher. Compile some of his work together and describe how it can be seen as mathematical. How are colours represented using RGB colour charts? What can you find out about them? Work your way through this set of 3 lessons on colour pixellation to see how numbers can code images: stage/3/puzzle/3

Computer Science Ideas    

What is binary? How can we use it in a digital world? Try this game - - How high can you score? What is a Caesar Cypher? Create some instructions and some coded messages - computer-science/cryptography/crypt/v/caesarcipher


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