Diversity & Change in Contemporary Cities

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Urban Design Studio 2017/2018 Prof. Alessandro Coppola Prof. Alessandra Terenzi








Abstract The topic of our project is diversity and change in contemporary cities in urban design studio. During to semester, we analysed Municipio 2 and Sesto San Giovanni as macro area and we focus on some topics like; Socio-Economic, Mobility-Security, Welfare-Services, Housing, Cultural Diversity, Territorial History. According to that topics we try to get understanding about our macro area and then tried to solve problems on our city block where placed on interaction point between Via Padova and Via Cambini. After that, we focused on micro issues and combine them with macro area issues with in balance. Finally, we come up with the idea of createing a new socio-cultural habitat for Padova named Habitat Padova. It contains three different functions as Comunal Market, Socio-Cultural Hub and Comunal Housing. Our Project is also proposing new public spaces on that area and try to create a new interaction center for the region. In this way, we aimed to extend the relation between immigrants and Italian people with cultural and also economical functions which are included in the project.

GENERAL OVERVIEW OF MUNUCIPIO 2 in MILAN and the Unique identity of Cambini-Via Padova region Quantative and qualitative analysis of the Municipio 2 with focusing on Housing issues Via Padova Via Cambini is a specific region in Milan. To identify the Via Padova Via Cambini region in terms of housing topic, a series of analysis should be done about some critical topics such as migration, daily habits of immigrant people, historical evolution of the area, green areas and public spaces, current usage of existing buildings and ownership status, real estate prices and rents, building conditions, criminality and security, abandoned spaces and future projects planned by municipality. These analyses play a crucial role on creating deep understandings about the area. The main difference of this area from other regions of Milan is the foreign inhabitants. As a result of tension between social, economic and cultural issues of migration, this area is facing the questions of how to reconcile interests and feelings of individuals and communities and how to rebuild sufficient social cohesion with this cultural diversity. It still doesn`t have a good solution to create a balance between the needs of immigrants and the needs of Italians, even if there are several indications that it is possible to go beyond the image of an immigrant not as merely a worker and considering them as a citizen of a new inter-ethnic society with intercultural prospects

Fig.1 Mapping of the percentages of foreign inhabitants in Municipio 2 and Sesto San Giovanni

Demographic structure of th region In the 1980s, when it turned out to be clear in general society circle that Italy was turning into a nation of migration, the wonder was considered basically obsessive: a new social issue had fallen upon an officially disturbed nation, tormented by high unemployment and inequalities around the Italian cities. At that point, historical evolution of the immigrant populations in that area is very useful, these studies show the date by date situations of the foreign inhabitants compared to the Italian population. Figure.2 shows the main characteristics of the immigrant population according to main continents. At this process we tried to understand the current situation about immigrants and historical reasons of why the immigrants moved towards the areas of Municipio 2 and Sesto San Giovanni during the last forty years. Confirming to these data and the perfect location of the areas, the map ( Figure.1 ) explains the demographic density of the foreigners inside the area and their distribution. Fig.2 Diagram of the percentages of foreign inhabitants in Municipio 2 and Sesto San Giovanni

Usage and Conditions of the Buildings

Another key aspect is current conditions of the existing buildings in the area. Residential use of the buildings in that particular area is really high with compare to other usages. Generally, ground floor of the buildings at the main streets are used as small commercial shops. At this point, also analyses strictly show that 44% residential buildings are in very bad conditions and the other huge amount of them are in medium conditions (Figure.3). Life quality standards of the area is really low according to the conditions and services of the buildings. Most of the mass residential buildings built as respond to sudden need of housing according to migration.

Fig.3 Conditions of existing buildings

Affordability of the Houses and Criminality Although Milan is the wealthiest Italian city, it shows significant problems related to the access to housing. A polarized scenario has always existed in Milanese housing system, which is characterized on the one hand by the presence of housing exclusion or housing deprivation and on the other hand by a vast proportion of well-housed population. Research on local policies shows that stated policies and performed policies do not coincide, and that the rhetoric of exclusion is often ignored or circumvented in the concrete behaviors of the actors providing services for immigrants (Campomori 2007). The trends in the real estate market can lead to interesting assumptions about the macro area we investigate.The huge difference in the housingprices (both sale and rent) between our macro-area and the other parts of the city centre is an important index of thedegradation characterising that part of the urban fabric.As a result, the low pricing can explainthe settlement of low income parts of the population in the areas of Municipio 2 and Sesto San Giovanni, since they can not afford the cost of living in any other part of the city. Another problem about Municipio 2. is that several big italian owners trying to take advantage of the foreigners in order have more profit on their apartments.The big problem is the sublets without contracts. But at the same time, it can be one of the reasons why local population are strongly disappointed about the immigrant flows in their area and consider the latter as the source of evil. This sense of the public is based by the high ratio of the criminality at that areas.

Fig.5 Ownership status at municipio 2

Fig.4 Residential usage map

Fig.6 Percentages of building typologies

Criminality ratio directly effects the social and economic states of the area. Many people dont choose these areas to live because of safety issues. Criminality mapping (Figure.7) of the Milan is showing that some type of criminalities such as rubberies, murders and thefts are placing around that area. But about that topic analyzing deeply the main resource of this criminality and its historic evolution can be more useful to find a solution. If we go deep, economic conditions of the immigrants after closing the main industrial areas and not creating other labor resources is the main reason. Immigrants’ careers in hierarchical organizations remain difficult, although some local studies have noted some signs of progress, especially at the level of factory workers’ careers (Ortolano and Luatti 2007). It is still rare to find immigrants in the role of managers or even employees in Italy (Reyneri and Fullin 2011): according to Istat, in 2009 only 10.1% of immigrants occupied an intermediate or high-level position, and it should be considered that this same category includes workers from developed countries and self-employed workers (Caritas-Migrantes 2010). In general commercial sector for immigrants are limited with local shops, markets and restaurants. There are many examples of this kind of workplaces at via Padova and viale Monza. This information played a crucial role later on the design process of developing a comunal market.

Fig.7 Mapping of types of criminalities around Milan

City Texture - Occupancy

Fig.8 Empty Spaces at the around of project area

From another point of view, the texture of the region ( Figure 9) also giving lots of information about occupancy rate and empty spaces. From the urban texture of the city, it is clear to see some physical borders inside the area. General city texture created by buildings with courtyard plan shape starting to disappear when it comes to that region. This difference derived from construction sector`s reaction for high level of housing needs in the past. Mass housing complexes and also some suburban settlement examples are located. On the other hand, railway and Canal Martesana are kind of invisible borders at some points. While, these borders can also be convertible to connections between different districts. Increasing the public and social activities at these connection lines can create many opportunities for public realm. Another information which derived from analyzes are existence of some abandoned places at the area that are basically some old small scale industrial places and some old residential buildings. Figure.8 shows empty spaces stock in the area, so these areas also can be very useful for future interventions and new possibilities.

Fig.9 City texture map

Abondenment and Future Projects Agreed projects for this area can help us to see the planned future by the municipality. According to the data, we understood that the municipality of Milan is not interested to change the situation of these municipalities, more over in the area closed to via Padova. The map shows us (Figure.11) the lack of the future projects that are planned in Milan. This information is confirmed also from the inhabitants of the municipalities and a director of “Il Parco Trotter�. New projects generally located outside of the downtown.these connection lines can create many opportunities for public realm.

Fig.10 Locations of the future projects planned by Municipality of Milan

At the end of the first phase, The SWOT analysis were very helpful methodology to see the positive and negative factors clearly. Summarizing strengths and weaknesses of the area, opportunuties and threats shows us the way to approach the site. To sum up, as a result of all the datas and analyses, strong and weak points of the area are appearing. Clear strengthnesses of the region, like higher accessibilty ( closeness of central station and public transportation ), lower land-rent prices, cultural diversity and existance of canal martesana are in the foreground. Besides, lack of security, peoples bias, lack of social activities and current bad conditions of the buildings are various weaknesses of the area. At that point, these weaknesses of the area has negative effects but also they can create some future opportunuties. Most of the weaknesses of the area seems like caused by lack of social services and limited connection between the social actors and features of the region. Also, other advantages of the area, such as the huge social potential of the canal Martesana can directly support the sollution of this key socio-cultural problems. On the other hand, there are some threats of possible interventions for this area like creating prejudice for foreigners or most crucial one isa loosing this existing multi-cultural identity of the region. Because, the basic characteristic value of this region comes from that identity. On that occasion being respectful to the local identity is fatal for future urban development projects.


Description of Micro Area

-General Information The micro area where we are working on is city block which is on interaction point between Via Padova and Via Cambini and and it is in Municipio 2, more specificly in NIL 19. Municipio 2 has %27 of immigrant population of Milano city and the immigrants has so many diversity in own. At the same time, NIL 19 has %22 of immigrant population of Municipio 2. Philipines, Egyptians, Chinese and Peruans are most important ethnic groups. (Figure. 11) -Socio Economic When we look average age of immigrant population, potential labour percentage is very high. (Figure 12) Based on this case, it is expected as positive effect. Hovewer, when we look income status in that area, it is not reflecting on life quality. The population in this area has lower income than most part of the Milan. The immigrant population have variety of jobs but mostly they are working in industrial jobs. On the other hand, unemployment rate is so high in this area as %26.(Figure 13)

Immigrant Population

44.822 Italian Population



Philippines Egypt China Peru Sri Lanka Romania Ecuador Ukrania Morocco Bangladesh 0






Figure 11: Population and Ethnic Groups




Municipio 2 Milano Center










Figure 12: Range of Ages





%11 60,000€>

Figure 13: Employment Rates

-Services The ethnic markets and ethnic restaurants are so many since the area is very intense and very active. Hovewer, this functions are not linked in between and random. On the other hand, densifying the number of restaurants and so many different cuisines is seem as a potential. There are 33 ethnic market from 8 different ethnicity and there are 119 restaurant from 16 different cuisines.(Figure 14)


-Accesibility Since our micro area is placed on after railway which is as a border and divide to Via Padova as two parts, it is working as entrance. The North of Via Padova which railway divides is isolated and disconnected from city center. On the other hand, Viale Palmanova is also border for Padova. For public transportation, Udine Metro station on the yellow line and Turro station on the red line are close to our area, Bus 56 is also working on Via Padova during twenty four hour.(Figure 15)


-Close Environment Our area has different functions buildings inside. It is very big as size according to around of city blocks and accesibility is difficult. Near of Via Padova of city block has a church and municipality building. Near of Cambini has Milano Sport Center. Near of Palmonova has some residential buildings. There is unused public pool in the middle of our area.


Figure 14: Services

VIA PADOVA Bus N56 is passing from Via Padova.



SP11 (HIGHWAY) 56 56

RAILWAY Railway blocks the accesibility of Via Padova. There are few entrance which people can access by car and walk.





Figure 15: Accesibility Diagram

EMERGING ISSUES IN MICRO AREA -Interviews We also have some interview to analyse our micro area. +Questions 1( to people who live in Padova): 1. Why do you choose to live here? 2. What kind of house do you live in? How do you find it? 3. What kind of infrastructure do you need? What is lack in the neighbourhood? 4. Where do you usually go to meet friends or for social activities?Do you know any neighbours? 5. What is your opinion of the padova area?

+Answers 1: Kids: -Like to go to the parks -Need more children facilities Students: -Cheap and near school -Need guards and cleaners;Need more room -Library; At home; -Facilities for people to work or study -Not safe; Chaos; Dirty -Close Environment Adults: -Cheap; Near work place; -Convenient traffic; -Rent a flat with other immigrants; agency -Place for leisure -Often go to Bars, restaurant,markets Elders: -Have Lived here for so long time -Have bought own flat -Place for Leisure, art, literature, interesting things -Library; Parks; Markets

+Questions 2( to people who live outside of Padova: 1.What is your opinion of the Padova area? 2.Do you usually go to Padova? 3.Is there anything which attract you to go there?

+Answers 2: Students: -Can buy things from homeland -Often go there -Restaurants; Markets; Shops; Friends Adults: -Criminality; Chaos; Dangerous; Immigrants -Seldom go there -Nothing attractive Elders: -Immigrants; Different shops; Markets; Food -Sometimes go there -Food and Cheap shops

As result, we got some information about our micro area:(Figure 16) 1) 2) 3) 4)

Insufficient and irregular ethnic markets Insufficient socio-cultural public spaces Ineffective relation between ethnic groups and job status Incompatible relation between housings and area

Temporary comers

Workers Elder people

Unemployed Libraries




Lack of place to meet friends


Bars, Restaurants

Bad Living Situation

Lack of socio-cultural activities


Lack of leisure facilities


Single person Parks Lower Rent Prices


Lack of guards (security)

People from outside

Figure 16: Results of People`s ideas and preferences for the area from Interviews

-Associations To understand status of cultural activities and art activities, we explored around associations which work on this case. We searched the associations and social institutions in the neighborhood of via Padova. There are several art cultural associations on the north of the site and several labor associations focus on safety and environment. The most important one is Trotter park, which provides playgrounds and public spaces for students and kids. After these findings, based on the function and location of associations existing now, we try to combine all these associations together in the micro area, to make it more impressive, influenced and multi-functional.

To sum up, we have emerging issues about whole micro area:(Figure 17) 1) Irregularity of commercial activities in Via Padova 2) Non-identified area although the area has cultural richness 3) Prejudice to immigrants population in the area from Italian population 4) Irregularity of ethnic markets and non-attractiveless 5) Independent behaviour of the functions in our area and being big size 6) Disconnection between Via Padova and Via Palmonova

A Painting Cultural Association (Enzo Morelli is an Italian Painter) ENZO MORELLI

A Art Cultural Association about Theatre,Acting,Painting,Thought Key we Associazione Natiaonal Cultural Promote Association



Parco trotter is It includes schools playgrounds and parks for public and students Parco trotter is It includes schools playgrounds and parks for public and students. Students from 24 different nationalities. But knowadays some of the buildings and facilities are abondened like boarding school.



A Voluntary Association for kids from different nations


An Activity Center for International people A Labor Association to promote the protection of the environment and safety in the places of life and work


A Knowledge Workers Federation for area of education, vocational training, university and research


Figure 17: Association Diagram

LOCAL ACTION PLAN Habitat Padova According to our analysis on macro and micro area, we observed some diffirent issues and create some relation between existing situation and our architectural touchs. As a main idea, our Project is called “HABITAT PADOVA” which include three main function inside. The Project is based on cooperation(Figure 18). This concept gives us that three main function: 1. CO-Working 2. CO-Relation 3. CO-Living 1. COMUNAL MARKET AS CO-WORKING Based on our analysis, we think that existence of different ethnic group is big potential to identify this area. In that point, market function creates so many positive effect for environment and relation between existing social actors who are immigrants and Italian people who live in city center. On the other hand, this function can fit easily to Via Padova which is already commercial line. This creating identity can show ownself on the entrance of Via Padova. Main purpose of this function is to meet and get interaction between Italians and immigrants. More clearly, we have some facts about market function: -It is available for commercial function -It can create a new identity to area -It can solve disconnection problem between city center and Padova -It can create new work area for people who live in Padova Result of that facts, our Comunal Market will create economic effect which will use multicultural diversity as commerce and social effect which will create new relations and attractions between Padova and city center.

CULTURAL ACTION Creating multicultural identity for relation between Immigrants and Italians







Spaces for co-working Workshop and labarotaries for creating social attraction to area.

New type of solution for people who can not afford a place.

SOCIAL ACTION New connection and relation opportunuties for society and also new comers

CO- WORKING COMUNAL MARKET ECONOMIC ACTION Multicultural diversity as a commerce.

SOCIAL ACTION Relation and attraction between immigrant area and city center.

Figure 18: General Functions Scheme










Figure 19: Diagram of the Idea that is combining associations and creating a hub

2. SOCIO-CULTURAL HUB AS CO-RELATION Socio-cultural hub will work for entegrating people who are immigrants and Italian people. Without interaction, it is impossible to understand people each other. Our scenario is that the function of Market will bring people here for commercial activity, then socio-cultural hub will make people stay there while they will have relationship with area and people who live inside. On the other hand this functions contains the space for associations which they can work together to create a bigger impact about the topics which can help for the area. (Figure 19) More clearly, we have some facts about socio-cultural hub function: -It can increase awareness about multi-cultural identity -It can create opportunity to share between Italians and immigrants -It can attract high skilled people from all around the World. -It can block prejudice about multicultural issue from outside of area. In conclusion, our socio-cultural hub will create cultural effect which will create multicultural identity for relation between immigrants and Italians and social effect which will create some spaces for co-working as workshops and labarotaries for creating social attraction to area. 3. COMUNAL HOUSING AS CO-LIVING We have some facts about comunal housing function: -It will provide new kind of spaces for possible changes in the area. -It can create flexible, affordable and temporal living area. In conclusion, our communal housing will create economic effect which will be new type of solution for people who can not afford a place and social effect which create new connection and relation opportunities for society and also new corners.

Relation with Site -Existing Functions It is necessary to know the status of micro site – Via Padova Via Cambini deeply so that we can design the site better. there are two abandoned buildings in the micro area, which can be reused in the future. There is also an unused swimming pool in the south of the site, which is abandoned because of accidents many years ago. So, it is better to change the function of it so that people can reuse the pool. Around the site, there is a public services place of Municipio 2 and a church on the south-west of the site. There is a large sports area on the south-east of the site, which includes football field, basketball field, tennis field and office, which can be used in the future. Along Via Padova, there are supermarkets and shops which is the main commercial street now. Other areas are all residential areas.(Figure 20) -Approach on Site These abandoned buildings can be used as temporary living units for people who integrate with the complex. They can create affordable living units for people who are working in habitats and also for the people come from abroad to make some cooperative works in habitats. For the whole habitats, it is better to use two axis to break the block into 4 smaller parts, as the block now is too large than the around neighborhood. It can also make the whole block more connective and integrative for the people living nearby. There is a temporary urban market once a week on Via Cambini now, which sells cheap food and clothes. It can be moved into the communal market in the future, so that the outside environment will be cleaner and brighter.(Figure 21) Via Padova is the main access of the site. People can take bus, ride or drive here. The Metro red line and green line can also be the access to the site but they are a little bit far. People from city center can come and buy diversified food and goods from different countries which contributes to the multi-culture and integration of Milano. Immigrants who stay in the neighborhood can have a job here, selling goods or do other temporary things in hub or housing, which will provide employment of the area and increase the income of immigrants. Selling and buying will be the best way to communicate with each other for both Italians and immigrants. Students from different universities can have temporary rooms here and can make new friends from all around the world. Both children and adults ca share the sports facilities here and contributes to communication. From the interview, we summarized the needs as commerce, multiculture, connection, communication, equity, living space, affordability and flexibility. For communal market, the main entrance should on Via Padova as it is the main access of the area. It also needs enough open space for flexible use. For socio-cultural hub, it needs connection with communal housing and open space for outside activities. For communal housing, it needs quiet environment and green space.

Figure 20: Existing Functions

Figure 21: Aproach on site

Design The main empty area for design is like an “L� shape which can be used as a place for modular units to create needed spaces. Structure is designed based on environment and landscape relations. Longterm markets are an attractive markets for population of city center and provide diversity of food and market types. There are also short-term markets. For example, weekly market in Via Cambini can move here and avoid gentrification for local population in Padova. The restaurants are place middle of the place. It include some units for food services as cafe, bar, restaurants. The restaurants in city center can advertise themselves in these units and provide more attractiveness for population of city center, especially Italians. There shows art and culture services in the part of socio-cultural hub. It build relations between immigrants and Italians through art. Activities like workshops and events can change Italian’s profile of the area. More physical and visual relation between structure and environment can be built through circulation. The corridors between the buildings can make the whole are as a social system so that people can take the whole area as one destination and can enjoy each function in the area. Existing abandoned buildings will be reused as temporary housing units, which is in the north of the site and is a quiet corner which is good for residence. The whole Habitat is composed of the units above which make sure the flexibility of the design and can be used in different cases. (Figure 12)










Figure 23: Possible Layouts for Functions

Future Scenario In the future, market place will be an entrance to habitat and the focal point, also the starting point of the Green corridor between via Padova and via Palmanova. The old unused swimming pool will be turned into different opportunities, as a public swimming pool, as a sport function with other sport facilities in summer time or as a stage for events concerts or other activities in winter time. The integration of existing abandoned buildings as temporary housing units with modular units and transparency of the spaces will provide full relation for people. Existing sport facilities enriched with some new ones and from via Palmanova to public square will create a sport activities corridor. The project will create cultural, sport and social activities at the different levels of the area. (Figure 25)

Figure 24 : Some key points of the project

Figure 25: Masterplan

In summary, the aim of the Habitat Padove project based on creating more opportunities for the area and also solving cultural, social, enviromental and also urban structural problems. At the design process, core idea was trying to reflect the most of the problems which are analyzed at the first phase to the design. At that point; macro analysis at the region, keeping the main identity of the enviroment, using enviromental opportunuties, social and psychological problems according to people who are living close and abroad by interviews and micro analysis; existing functions, accessibility of the site, micro opportunuties played crucial role to identify optimal action plan. The most contradiction was the selecting most important issues between all of them and creating possible solutions. In addition, Habitat Padova with the three main functions inside (co-working, co-relation, co-living) beside the solution for the characterized problems, aims to create a comunal center for people to create more relation between the region and other sides of the plan. Figure 26 and Figure 27 shows some examples of planned future scenarios for the area. Briefly, that area will become an attraction point and this new generated place with all the facilities inside will provide new solutions and also support the identity of the region.

Figure 24 : Entrence from via padova

Figure 24 : Unused pool area as a new developed public square

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