2015 framewalk Duesseldorf Cape Town

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THE CROSSCULTURAL WORKSHOP-WEEK Capetown—Düsseldorf July 2015 Kabawil Studio, Flustraße 11, 40235 Düsseldorf info@kabawil,de www.kabawil.de, www.framewalk.de TEAM Project-Director: Petra Kron Assistance: Angela Kamara Photography, Design: Katja Stuke Catering: Alphonsine Kalala, Heribert Münch Guest musician: Francis Norman ARTIST-INSTRUCTORS Drama: Lesoko Seabe, Simon Eifeler Dance: Julia Mota Carvalho, Owen Manamela Mogane Music: Abiodun Odukoya, Kyekyeku Thomas Klein PARTICIPANTS Aaron Davis, Alexandra Lukas, Amanda Dyantyi, Angelina Anthony, Bettina Enns, Charlotte Figian, Dariya Maminova, David Mendez, Dustin Beck, Faraz Baghaei, Jack Mensah, Lauren Blackwell, Liesl Katzen, Matthew Stuurman, Melih Celik, Odwa Bongo, Sanchia Davids, Sarah Schiffbäumer, Shona Mnqwazana, Sizwesandile Mnisi, Tankiso Mamabolo, Tyshea Suggs


Theaterfabrik Düsseldorf Luisenstraße 120, 40215 Düsseldorf


LVR, Landschaftsverband Rheinland


Kabawil e.V. and UCT University of Cape Town, Drama Department


Petra Kron

Conflict is rarely seen as constructive. Though for me a conflict is a challenge and a chance to grow. It can be stimulating and it’s increasing my motivation to resolve and to learn, yet referring to intrapersonal, cultural and organzational conflicts mostly.

This foreword being a foundation for the variety of conflicts I face while orga-

nising framewalk in general.

Kabawil works majorly with public funding, so basically we never know,

whether our request will be approved. Nevertheless the preparation, the prearrangements, the preliminary organisation have to begin.

Talking about scheduling time, booking tickets and accomodation, facilitating

visa application support, teambuilding… Frustration being a dependable ingredient of this process.

All of this before the actual work, the fun part, the creative work process, the

actual framewalk – the cross cultural workshop week, has begun.

Asking myself, what makes me do this over and over again? Is it my indivi-

dual resilience? Or being masochistic? Pro rata a bit of both maybe. This being my personal framewalk conflict potential.

Do you know what keeps me going?

What makes me do it over and over again?

The gift, this once in a lifetime experience, when fabulous young performers take their stand, bridge divides, connect, create, work hard, grow, bond, accumulate their talents, love each other and pour all these condiments into one, into framewalk.

Sharing their artistic findings with us, the artist instructors, the audience and

the world. Never ever forgetting this process for themselves and handing this, their new reality on to others in their future lifes.

That’s all.


 When angry, separate yourself from the situation and take time to cool out.  Attack the problem, not the person. Start with a compliment.  Communicate your feelings assertively, not aggressively. Express them without blaming.  Focus on the issue, not your position about the issue.  Accept and respect that individual opinions may differ, don’t try to force compliance, work to develop common agreement.  Do not review the situation as a competition, where one has to win and one has to lose. Work toward a solution where both parties can have some of their needs met.  Focus on areas of common interest and agreement, instead of areas of disagreement and opposition.  Never jump to conclusions or make assumptions about what another is feeling or thinking.  Listen without interrupting; ask for feedback if needed to assure a clear understanding of the issue.  Remember, when only one person’s needs are satisfied in a conflict, it is not resolved and will continue.  Forget the past and stay in the present.  Build power with’ not ’power over’ others.  Thank the person for listening.

*Developed by Wholistic Stress Control Institute, Inc. Distributed by the State Wellness Program, a program of the Employee’s Benefits Council



Petra Kron works as cultural

Mogane choreographed a production at

anthropologist and as performing artist.

the Market Theatre titled Ukutshona Ko

He studied stage direction at the Aca-

She does production management for

Mendi and anchored the new financial

demy for performing arts in Ulm, Ger-

plays and programs. She designs and

TV show, Rands with Sense on SABC2. In

many and ever since he is creating and

instantiates art platforms like framewalk

2015 he appeared as a performer in Jaco

directing plays in the fringe or off theat-

and Lab dc in collaboration with artists

Bouwer’s Buite Blaf Die Honde Swart and

re scene. His best known plays are: König

from varying countries. She’s got a Ph.D.

a Kyknet TV Series titled Die Buurtwagt.

Ödipus by Sophokles, Kassandra by Christa

(ABD) in Cultural Anthropology of Mainz

Currently working at the Pollsmore cor-

Wolf, Woyzeck by Büchner, Maria Stuart by

University and a state board examination

rectional services with the Help I am Free,

Schiller, Faust by Goethe and the Odyssee

in Fine Arts and English from Düsseldorf

a Norwegian theatre program to rehabi-

by Homer.

University. She continually teaches, rese-

litate inmates through theatre.

arches and explores her concept of rela-




tional cultural works in the field of the

Julia Mota Carvalho is a dancer

Ampadu, has worked on several artistic

performing arts mostly in cross cultural

and a dramatic advisor for dance. After

projects connected with sound and mu-

and cross disciplinary contexts.

her studies at Folkwang University, she

sic for short movies, theatre, poetry and

has lived and worked in Holland, Mexico,

performance in general. He writes, ar-

Angela Kamara manages the

Brazil and Germany. As a dancer she has

ranges and produces music. A lively per-

German musician Flo Mega and works as

participated in works of Trisha Brown,

former whose music and performances

a freelance writer. She does project ma-

Pina Bausch and Samir Akika among

cut through a cross-section of music and

nagement and public relations for vari-

others and she is co-founder of the en-

performance styles heavily influenced by

ous groups in the field of anti-racism and

semble Performing Group. Her own ar-

the acoustic guitar with a tasty Ghanaian

anti-discrimination, like the AfroGerman

tistic research focuses on the process of

Highlife music yet exploring a mix of

NGO Brothers Keepers, with its persisting

narratives in dance and performance art.

classical, flamenco Jazz and Brazilian

statements against racism. For KABAWIL

guitar styles and sounds.

she was the author of „Simulacra“ and

supervised the political correctness of

voice artist and academic who gradu-

the dancetheatre “Wer hat Angst vorm

ated from the University of Cape Town

singer/ songwriter, is one of the pionee-

Schwarzen Mann?” She was the assis-

with a degree in Theatre Making (Hons

rs of the HipHop and Afro/Reggae/Soul

tent director for “Leila and Madschnun”.

equivalent), a Major in English Langu-

scene in Germany since the 90’s, as well

Angela Kamara studied Social Sciences

age and Literature. She read as well for

as one of the international commuters of

at the Universities of Duesseldorf and Bo-

an MA in Performance (Distinction in

the new Urban Roots Movement. Abiodun


the thesis). Lesoko is a part-time lecturer

also produces young musical talents in

Lesoko V Seabe is an actress, Abiodun Odukoya, a composer/

of Voice and Movement at the UCT and

Nigeria and Germany. He is a founding

Owen Manamela-Mogane is

City Varsity drama departments. In the

member of Brothers Keepers with its

a Post-Graduate from the University Of

theatre she has worked with top direc-

persisting statements against racism. He

Cape Town. A dancer, choreographer,

tors including Mandla Mbotwe, Mark

worked with Maceo Parker, UB40, Gregory

actor and a theatre director born in

Fleishman, Kim Kerfoot, Jay Pather and

Isaacs and Xavier Naidoo. Abiodun is an

(Mpumalanga) South Africa. Raised in

musician Neo Muyanga. Her stage cre-

expericenced teacher for voice, singing,

Johannesburg where he began his craft

dits include Attempts on Her Life (Dir Liz

rap and spoken word.

as a physical theatre performer, formally

Mills), Closer (dir. Kim Kerfoot), The Treat-

trained at the Johannesburg Dance Foun-

ment (dir. Thenjiwe Stemela) and Afrocarto-

dation in different disciplines as a dancer.

graphy written by award winner Mwenya

cian and is a member of the internatio-

In his career Owen performed with vari-

Kabwe and directed by critically acclai-

nally known electronic band Kreidler. He

ous dance companies and in all major

med Jay Pather. Internationally, Lesoko

has diverse Solo projects like Sølyst, fau-

Jazzart dance theatre productions in-

Seabe has performed in Denmark, Spain,

na and Clyne.He composes for film and

cluding the award-winning Junction, Rain

England and the Netherlands. Ultimately,

audio productions and he creates arti-

in a dead man’s footprint and Cargo. He

her practice explores embodied voice

stic sound works in collaboration with vi-

worked with highly acclaimed directors

practices, dance making and ways of

sual artists like Mischa Kubal and Dunja

like Mark Fleishman, Ina Wichterich and

working with the body and the voice in

Evers. Regularly he does music for theatre

Mandla Mbothwe. Recently, Manamela-


plays in Cologne and Düsseldorf.


Simon Eifeler is a stage director.

Thomas Klein works as a musi-



How do I begin to tell of this ungenuine

My silence will speak for itself. I use to

thunder within my soul? I chose to walk

argue with people who were very unlike

away and never come back. Charlotte

me and learned that we are similar individuals and in some sense there is always

I fought a lot against my own body and

something that binds us: conflict. Sanchia

accepting myself the way I am has changed everything for me. My feet glide

It was horrible when I tried to get my dri-

across the floor, my soul is more at ease, I

vers licence The teacher said, I’ll never

am in peace. Lauren

make it. I said, I will. Now I can drive a car. Jack

I lost a friend because of a real stupid reason. That made me realize to be careful

»The Rhodes must fall« movement at

who to call a friend and who not. Melih

UCT changed me for the better. Tank

When I voice out my opinion or present

Moving into my own appartement. Betty

an idea not everyone will agree with the idea, but they will speak and voice out

I have always been looked down upon

their opinion and I will learn from that.

and it affected me. But through learning


more about myself and my surroundings I gained confidence. Odwa

My parents got divorced when I was three years. I am the man that I am today be-

Changing majors. Faraz

cause I was raised by a strong single mother. Sizwe

I gave my best. For some it wasn’t good enough. But I’ve learned that you have to

When I told my parents I want to study

be happy with myself and with what I do.

drama, we fought verbally now I’m doing


what I love in Germany. Matthew I had an arguement with my teacher and A conflict which showed me that the

because of that conflict between us we

word „family“ doesn’t always mean a fa-

became good friends and he helped me

milymember like aunty or something.

get into university. Dustin

Angelina Conflict with myself. Dariya I was struggling to find my career (in music or something more serious). I wanted

Instead of disliking a performance in ge-

to make my parents happy, but needed to

neral, I’d rather reflect on what exactly

do it for me. Liesl

bothers me and I might like it afterwards. Alex

A conflict with myself and my friends actually gave me the power to take the de-

The first time I allowed myself to be the

cision and braveness to become a dancer.

opposite of what I had always wanted to


be – dumb. Shona


Tankiso Mamabolo




Liesl Katzen


1 The framewalk experience is so

that I was performing in Germany but

1 framewalk encouraged me to

unique and special. It allows the space for

also because I knew my family and

sing more because all around me were

you to just create and be open with people

community were very proud that I was

great musicians and their joy stimula-

you otherwise would probably never have

journeying to accomplish something over-

tes me. And by that I’m not talking about

worked with. It has definitely left a mark

seas. […] Every single day I was inspired

taking singing classes but enjoying the

on me, in regards to my sense of commu-

by the city and the people. It showed how

music and the rest will follow. All in all

nity and my willingness to give everything

we differ in some instances and how we

my slogan of framewalk is ‚Just do it’. Right

to my art. It has pushed me to become a

are similar in others. framewalk gave us the

after the ending of the week I went to re-

better performer and a better person, pu-

platform to reconcile both our similarities

hearsals in my university and just let it go.

rely based on the soul of framewalk: unity

and differences through something we all

framewalk is refreshing.

and community. Lauren

enjoy — the arts. Shona

I missed getting deeper into the topic of

conflict. For example an exchange about 1 This particular experience was

1 framewalk was something I had

what conflicts do I have as an young Eu-

very demanding, it required each one of us

no expectations about. I walked into the

ropean or a young South African or even

to dig deep into the personal and share it

experience with an open mind and heart.

more private topics, exchanging point of

truthfully. It was not always comfortable.

Throughout the process, I was inspired by

views on tricky issues so that conflicts

Yet out of it came a great sense of liberati-

the talent, community and drive around me.

could start even during the class. […]

on to perform with honesty. Because I was

I felt deeply effected by the intensity we all

I was so touched when one South African

honest, I found that I had nothing to hide.

experienced. I was encouraged and stimu-

asked me to bring him to the toilet in a

I connected better to others by laughing at

lated to create work and art with others

restaurant and wait there, cause ‚you are

the things we often take seriously in life. I

who were also passionate to do so. I left

so far away from home’. This reminds me

also realised that you can change any situ-

with an overall sense of community and

of refugees who live quiet and calm right

ation from being negative to positive.

togetherness that was paralleled by the

next to us but in their inner heart they feel

work we created and reflected in our many

that everything is so different here from

times in and out of the studios. Aaron

their home.

3 I think it is the best thing to

have happened to me. I wasn’t only happy


2 […] For me it doesn’t seem

an own dance […] we spent hours learning

which is a funny fact because there are so

to be the end of this collaboration.

choreographies from the instructors. In

many things that I love: playing drums,

Even if framewalk wouldn’t be able to

my understanding framewalk isn’t the pla-

moving my body; I love to sing, I love to

unite us again, I got to know real interes-

ce for this […] Alex

play football and I also I love to organize

ting partners/artists/friends with who I

platforms like framewalk, building net-

want to work with in the future.

1 framewalk is such a great plat-

works. If I had the chance, I would master

In difference to Germany, in Capetown

form for making friends for a lifetime.

everything! Actually this is what I try.

everybody got the chance to dance and

In this framewalk were so many talented

this is the most fascinating aspect of

people. Sometimes I felt like, I have to run

between the framewalk in Accra and the

framewalk »Framewalk is when a musician

after them. […] Personally I took it as a

one here in Germany […] it was a thousand

dances.« Every participant participates

chance to boost myself into a greater me.

times more intense and more emotional.

in every category no matter how ‚good’

Seriously, this framewalk opened my eyes

We ate, slept, worked, had fun, cried and

you are cause the quality/story counts

again. I really want to find something

laughed together. Even though, it was

and not how high you can move your

which I can define as ‚my thing’. […] I

just one week. But I felt a deep connecti-

right leg. In ‚All Dancers’ the teachers

just don’t want to pretend to be a pro-

on to almost everyone in the group right

chose only the people with the most ex-

fessional anymore, I want to be a pro-

from the beginning. […] I never spoke

perience to do a choreography instead

fessional. Since the need to master some-

to a South African before. I don’t know

of encouraging the other half to develop

thing grew bigger, I feel more desperate,

South African culture, food or languages.

2 There was a huge difference


These South Africans have given me a

are. Yet we have the same common

1 framewalk was another big ex-

sneak peek into a totally different Africa.

interest – art. We work so well together.

perience for me, especially the drama-

[…] Jack

We learn together. We grow together.

class, because I felt that the drama-instruc-



tors were really giving us the space to






1 framewalk is always a great

ged me so much to be a better artist.

create something on our own. Of course

experience to be a part of; this was my

framewalk is such an amazing platform

they helped us in the process. I learned

second framewalk and it left me wanting

for young artist to expose them to a new

that it is very important, to be really open

more! What was special about this frame-

world out there. I now want to travel the

to everything, and to really try things out.

walk for me was the connections that I had

world. To expose myself to a new world.

Because I realized that you can be more

with the German students, it went beyond

creative, if you are really not thinking

the work, it was a real human connection

It was much harder saying goodbye this

about what you are doing.

that we shared and I feel that I have made

time around. I think framewalk has chan-

Like Petra always says »framewalk allows

friends for life. I was also very inspired

ged but only for the better. […] I personally

failures«. I really understood this statem-

by the level of work and commitment by

seemed to have been more serious in

ent in this framewalk. Also I learned not

everyone around me and I also learned

terms of the work/tasks given. There was

to give up on things, in which I am not so

how to count properly in dance class. Sizwe

a sense of hunger from the students in

good at, because everything is a learning

2 I think for one we grew closer.

wanting to make this better […] So there

process. In dance I learned a new dance

1 framewalk always leaves a

was more a shift in the mentality of the

style, which was very difficult for me, but

mark on me. I’m always amazed by how

students and the way the tasks were

I tried my best and I was very happy that I

diverse we as a group (now my family)

approached. Sanchia

somehow did it well.[…] Angelina

2 This year’s framewalk was in-

performing and being present. It also en-

I was forced to be open and to be accepting

deed different from the one in Cape Town.

couraged me to study further and to do it

of others and that made the experience

I feel that in this framewalk we were more

abroad. Maybe even in Germany. The re-

even greater.

together and everybody gave their best

lationships created, are very strong ones

in trying to stay out of their comfort zone.

and I will never forget the people I met. I

The bond between Capetownians and

do wish however that the experience was

artist, but also as a person in general.

Germans was even more than last year.

slightly longer but I also understand that

framewalk opened my mind tremendously.

I feel that we all see each other as family

funds are an issue one cannot help.

Last year at framewalk I was very uncertain

better than we did last year. Germans are

2 Yes, there were differences.

of things and shy, and although I made

so nice!


1 […] not only did I grow as an

In this framewalk the participants were

friends I never felt like I belonged, but this

3 It felt good for once to be out

much more open and free with each

year I felt that the artists were more than

of my own country and experience work

other because it was the second time we

just colleagues, as there was a sense of

in other places. I enjoyed working hard

met. Another difference was the dance

family and support. Because of this I was

in Germany because I realized how much

sessions and how they were specifically

not afraid to give of myself and experiment,

strength I had. I was more free and I felt,

aimed at the participants who the tea-

and as such I felt that my movements,

for the first time in my life, comfortable

chers felt were good enough dancers. This

singing and acting were genuine. Through

working with other people. Germany is

was rather discouraging to the rest of us

framewalk this year I learnt that I need to

a wonderful country to visit. The people

because the experience is supposed to be

take risks, and that there is nothing wrong

were very nice to us and security was the

about the process and the not the end re-

with jumping into things head first, and

best for me. I have never felt so totally free

sult. A positive difference was that there

that I need to be more confident because

to walk around and know that nothing

were more music teachers and it was great

there is beauty in every single thing you

will happen to me. German Summer is

working with teachers who have so many

do, and this is a lesson I will keep for life.

the best! Odwa

different strengths. The end performance


also felt more like a performance and less

1 The framewalk experience for

like a presentation of different pieces of

1 […] Being creative, exposing

me was a truly unique and amazing one.

work which was great.

all problems that we face /go through as

‎It left a significantly large and positive

3 I found it to be absolutely

young people in a creative manner. This

mark on me because I got the chance to

amazing. Everything about Germany was

year was exceptional for me because it

experience performance in another coun-

refreshing and interesting. Being in South

got me thinking of all things that I per-

try and it taught me a lot of tolerance

Africa I only know the rules and cultures

sonaly went though all the conflict I have

and understanding how different people

we have this side but seeing other oppor-

been involved with being the ignorant

think and do things differently to me. It

tunities and other ways of living in Ger-

person that I am, it was eye opening

boosted my confidence when it came to

many inspired me to travel the world more.

for me. Amanda


1 The time we had was very

store when the guy didn’t understand

Cape Town couldn’t stay that long – that

intense. Even though it was really hard

what I was asking and gave me a pen to

we couldn’t show them a lot. I would

I appreciate having being a part of it. I

write which wine I wanted.

have loved to show my friends more

learned that every conflict is something

All in all Germany was amazing, I actu-

about Germany and to spend more time

beneficial and it is necessary to go th-

ally feel like a part of me has grown,

with them. Hopefully next time they can

rough, because you grow from conflicts.

how? Im not quite sure. All I know it that

stay longer :-) Tyshea

I wouldn’t trade this experience for a

2 Apart from the fact that we

had just a few days — we achieved a lot.

single Euro. Charlotte

This framewalk was much more inten-


1 framewalk gives me selfconfidence and helps me to be more open into

se for me in different ways. […] maybe

1 This time I tried to encourage

trying new things out. Especially in dan-

because we spent nearly the whole time

myself in music.The framewalk musici-

cing I’m now more willing to let things

together even when the training was

ans are so incredibly good and they have

happen, get creative and use my body as

over. For me it feels like we are a much

so much experience that I felt so intimi-

a way to express my inner side. This has

closer group where everybody is a part of.

dated. The first day in music was hell and

a lot to do with the people of framewalk.


I really didn’t want the other days to be

It’s a pleasure to be surrounded by so

like that too, so I tried to ‚get my ass up’

many respectful and pure human beings

1 framewalk made an enormous

and made some melody propositions on

who gave me the space to try new things

difference in my life and I must say I’ve

the second day, which were satisfying

and rise. If I could have one wish, I would

learnt a lot from this experience simply

for everybody. Secondly I had the feeling

desire a deeper touch with the topic. For

because it also gave me and some of my

that the group got even closer this time.

me the moments where the friction and

fellow framewalkers a chance to explore

I don’t know if it’s because we knew each

radicality began were quiet rare. Being

themselves in a foreign country. It also

other already before or because they

ready to lose in order to win.

encouraged me that for as long as you

were with me in my home which was a

keep following your dreams and doing

beautiful feeling. All I can say is that I

sion between the participants. Everyone

what you love most, the sky is the limit.

really miss everybody a lot and I want to

was able to communicate and laugh and

3 Ahaaaaa…!! Being in Germany,

2 There was a really big cohe-

see all of them again as soon as possible.

cry with each other. This has for sure a

I felt like a MADAAAM… I never imagined

2 Unfortunatly this time not

lot to do with the fact that we already

myself being in Germany. I felt so wel-

everybody had the chance to present him

knew each other before. But still there is a

comed. Not even a day was I home sick.

or herself in each genre. For me it was a

large connection between us all because

I did however sometimes feel foreign but

pity because I think there were a lot of

of our ways of living in our everyday life

that was only when I didn’t understand

people who could have done or shown

which is quiet similiar. South Africa feels

the people in the street when they tried

much more. Another difference was –

quiet close, even though it is so far away.

talking to me and of course at the liquor

but that’s just because our friends from


1 As always I felt my mind was

periences. Most of ‚classics’ will not

And yes it left a mark because I never

opening more and more, as always my

whistle, cry, sing like a bird or like one

kept myself busy with the topic »Con-

heart was opening more and more. Such

crazy animal, they will not play different

flict«. I never thought that we always

a good feeling. Every participant of frame-

drums or concurrently sing. They even

have a conflict in our live, in a conver-

walk leaves a mark on me. And as al-

don’t want to try! They are afraid to be

sation for example, because it starts in

ways I loved our final performance. I love

crazy, to be strange. But it is the opposite

our brain and we are never satisfied.

how we combine our elements (the ma-

in framewalk. Here not all people are mu-

terial all groups did) and and how it turns

sicians, but they are more open, more da-

to previous framewalks because we are

into beautiful beads. Just love it! And of

ring to try new things. Honestly. […] And

all different and have different ways of

course at the end I get this beautiful

framewalkers WANT to do it. This is most

working and so it can’t be always the

feeling: I love everyone, everything. I can

important – framewalkers want to. It me-

same. We learn every time to work with

be relaxed. Everyone loves me and all

ans art has no borders, artists should just

a topic and go over our limits in dance,

other people around. We sing together,

try. framewalk provides the conditions for

music and acting, and that’s why I

we dance, we joke, we laugh, we also

it! Yeah! Dariya

always want to be a part of framewalk,

cry together. It is like a big family. I can

2 2 There is always a difference

that’s what makes my heart happy. David

trust everyone. I can be myself. […] I

1 For me this framewalk was,

love that people in framewalk don’t have

like every time, a great experience. I

borders. In the area of classical music,

made very professional new friends,

my area, there are so many people, who

all very unique and beautiful with that,

are too academic, too closed for new ex-

what they were doing.


I was unfortunately injured one day. I

There was favoritism in a certain class

When we got lost on the way to the

thought I would not perform. The con-

and I felt like I gained nothing out of it.

museum everybody started fighting. Then

flict in my body was solved by doing less.

I felt for some there wasn’t a chance to

we all started following Jack. Tank

However, I am still questioning. Aaron

expose ourselves in a class where we can

I was scared to give up on myself in dan-

gain so much from. The conflict has not

There was a conflict in my group during

been resolved. Sanchia

the dance lesson. Everybody offered their

ce and fought with my mind. Now I am more confident. Matthew

solution. We took the best one. Angelina My conflict was resolved by all the scenes created by my fellow mates opening and

I dealt with it by thinking before I spoke,

I like this one person and I am conflicted

enlighting my mind. That educated my

choosing my battles carefully and by just

whether to tell the person or not. It is in

way of thinking. Amanda

not lowering myself to their standard so I

the process of getting resolved. Shona

just walked away. Dustin I did not have any problems, honestly.

I didn’t believe in the process in the


all-dance group. I felt like saying some-


Not having had enough time to spend with my South African friends. But I’m

thing, but I was afraid of killing the

In music for the first time I came up with

sure we will meet again. Faraz

vibe. Besides I was very emotional at

lyrics and melody, but my idea was taken

that moment, but restricted myself and

out. That did not sit well with me, but

I had a misunderstanding with a friend

waited for a chance to deal with the

then I had to let go by accepting that my

of mine and we simply talked it out like

issue secretly. Jack

idea did not work for the song. Odwa

civilised adults. Sizwe

I’d humble myself and apologize. Then

evening I just tried to encourage my-

trying not to repeat the same incident.

self and the next day my shyness was

Because we strive for peace in our lands.

gone. Thank you. Tyshea

Charlotte I resolve conflicts by sometimes talking I had no conflict during this framewalk.

things through. It is the best way to ma-

But if so, I would talk to the person, I

nage conflict in any situation. Liesl

have a conflict with and find a solution. David

We solved conflicts by giving each person the chance to tell their point of view

I lost my voice and I resolved the situa-

and trying to find the best way to com-

tion, asking my new friends to take over

promise. Sarah

my singing parts. Betty One thing I like about framewalk is that By focusing on the bigger picture and

every participant participates in every

the small special things that people do

section and for me this time it didn’t

for eachother. Lauren

happen enough. I found the solution to create an own acting scene. And it’s in

In music I was very shy at the first

now. Alex

day and struggling with myself. In the


Lesoko Seabe

On 1 July 2015 12 South African

laborate, create and connect not just as

experience which means that it is show

It is Day Five of the framewalk

singers, dancers and actors board a pla-

artists but as fellow human beings, to

day. We have four days of intensive work-

ne and travel to Dusseldorf to collabora-

walk the outer edges of the frames we’ve

shops and daily showings behind us, all

te in creating a new work with (mostly)

used to define ourselves and on the other

of which were fuelled by passion, collabo-

German performers and practitioners. We

side find..more. Dancers expose there

ration, high skill and not much sleep. On

arrive in Dusseldorf during a heat wave.

singing talent, actors reveal their ability

arguably the most challenging day of the

Having left Cape Town midwinter, amu-

to express themselves fully with their

process, the day where we move into the

singly, it is the Africans who battle most

bodies, and musicians learn how to be

theatre, run the production for the first

to cope with the 40 degree heat on the first

present without hiding behind music or

time before showing to an audience la-

day. Three days of workshops in the three

instruments. All the while human beings

ter that evening, Mastermind Petra Kron

major performance driplines: music, dan-

are learning about each other’s cultures,

insists that we all take the morning off

ce and theatre, performers are challenged

home towns, languages ways of existing

away from any rehearsal studio or theatre

to engage in all mediums whether or not

on this shared planet albeit on opposite

to experience Thomas Saraceno’s live in-

they feel proficient in all of them or not.

sides of the world.

stallation In Orbit which Is on at the K21

The performers are also asked to reflect

Six short days after arriving in Dussel-

Gallery. Suspended just beneath the cei-

on the central theme »conflict« by answe-

dorf, it was time for us to part ways again.

ling of the gallery 6 storeys above ground,

ring a »Question of the Day«. One might

The goodbye at the airport was as the old

walking ’in orbit’ presents two possibili-

be forgiven for anticipating that the work

song goes ’such sweet sorrow’: made up

ties: the feeling of flying or fear of falling

produced in such a short period would be

of long hugs and tears, the kind of parting

a sheer 25 metre drop to your death. To

trite, surface and thin.

that can only be had when real relations-

navigate the installation participants

On the contrary — the work

hips have been forged. We weren’t bid-

must be brave (just a little), respectful (a

is of a high standard and from a South

ding farewell to our fellow collaborators

lot). 10 at a time participants are invited

African perspective the performers are

we were parting as friends. Truly.

to walk/explore the suspended world cre-

better than I have even seen them. There

ated out of steel netting. As one explores

is something about the pressurecook-

from an experience in which I have felt

one must let go cause the strict rules of

er-ness of the process that forces you to

like I was in orbit in a parrale universe.

gravity apply only loosely here, in fact,

bring your fullest self from the first rehe-

And if I were in a »Question of the Day«

every move you make affects the next

arsal to the final curtain call. When you

asked to describe the framewalk experi-

person’s experience by means of ripple

do that a few things happen: you disco-

ence I would answer: framewalk is an in-

effect. The interconnected experience in

ver you are better than you ever though

ternational artistic collaborative process

Saraceno’s orbit will yield connection or

were and you have a capacity far greater

where the risk of abject failure is ever

conflict. It is inevitable. Reflecting on this

than you’ve ever expected. framewalk has

present, where every move one makes

later, I realized that In Orbit is the perfect

offered an opportunity to all of us, pro-

affect another but mostly it just feels like

metaphor for the Framewalk experience.

fessionals and young performers to col-

flying. Cape Town, July 2015

It has taken me a week to land


Angela Kamara

Feeling still lightheaded by this

in news is negativity: East against West,

context of conflict, they never negatively

framewalk’s good energy, its amazing in-

North against South, man eats man, all

influenced the process in a sense that

tensity and its magnificent achievement,

against each other and everything. One

it damaged the group cohesion. Rather,

writing this text confronts me inevitab-

assumed fear after the other – global

once again, the group’s diverstiy prooved

ly with inner conflict: What am I going

unity seems to be defined by a culture of

in itself, with all its (supposed) sub-nati-

to write? So many impressions and no


onalities and/or sub-ethnical groups, the

words, too many incomplete thoughts


enormous potential of alleged contro-

attached to a deep high of happiness.

That it can also work the other

Where do I begin?

way this framewalk has more than pro-


Fact is, beyond any rational ana-

ven. Not least against the background of

music and theatre, it was probably

lysis of this workshop week, new friends

the workshop topic of conflicts, a sceptic

this diversity, which allowed suchlike

were made. Friendships that last a life-

would have never expected such positive

sensitivity with each other and suppor-

time at best or remain a wonderful, mol-

dynamics with such a glorious final pre-

ted such a powerful interaction among

ding expericence at least. In this sense

sentation. But, reduced to its essentials,

the participating young performers.

framewalk in its entity, once again proved

young people simply met in a creative

how important, beautiful and merging

process to work together and created so-

sum of its parts! This exactly framewalk

creative encounter and creative exchange

mething unique – regardless of any preju-

creates in repetition, over and over again.

is and that it’s always exceeding national


Clearly embodied in this final presen-

or continental boundaries.

We are living in a world in

located in Germany and South Africa as

which media power is universal and

well as the political-racial history of both

highly emotional. A most striking factor

countries were certainly a subject in the

Thus, the participants being


and in

heterogeneity. the



Working dance,

A whole is more than the

tation.Thank you for this experience.

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