2 minute read
#Find Something Special
By Janelle Rivera
Yes, we are making a comeback and the photos are coming in hot! First off, we want to thank you for continuously using our hashtag even with our long hiatus. We appreciate and love seeing an array of creativity showcasing the beauty of the exquisite Okinawa. This month’s #FindSomethingSpecial was tough due to the myriad of entries you’ve submitted, but as diffi cult as it was, we managed to narrow the photos down to three. These three photos all distinctly feature the different realms this island is notorious for.
@chelsiedv perfectly captured the mood of what this onsen (hot spring) pool is meant to make us feel. What’s more relaxing than taking a dip in a hot spring surrounded by this pristine, natural greenery and radiant sky where the fl uffy white clouds stand out. This photo was taken on Miyako-jima, an outer island of Okinawa Prefecture.
@_simplynikkie fearlessly swam with several moon jellyfi sh for an hour and managed to capture photos basically right next to one. She watched in awe as they swam with the fl ow of the ocean. This photo makes you want to go out in the ocean and wonder what other amazing creatures you can fi nd. Of course, with caution.
@milandwerlen took a trip to Okinawa World with family and captured the enchanting view inside the Gyokusendo Cave. We love seeing the stalactites and stalagmites coming from both the bottom and top of the cave as they posed on the lit pathway displaying the depth of the cave. This long natural cave is one of the main attractions Okinawa World has to offer along with a craft village and a snake museum.
Have your camera ready to capture everything and anything when exploring the island and keep us in mind when you #FindSomethingSpecial. @simplynikkie @chelsiedv
We can’t wait to follow your adventures!
謹んで新春をお祝い申し上げます。 この場をお借りして旧年中の皆様の数々の 功績に感謝申し上げます。
The Kadena Air Base Civilian Personnel Offi ce wishes every local national assigned to 18th Wing and servicing tenant organizations a Happy New Year!
Kadena Civilian Personnel Offi ce, JN Personnel Section
「あじまー」とは、沖縄の方言で「交差点」を意味し ます。このぺージが私達 18th FSS と嘉手納基地 の日本人の皆様との交流の場となることを願い、嘉 手納基地に関するさまざまな情報を日本語で提供 していく予定です。 ご意見ご感想お待ちしています: marketing@kadenafss.com
タスクリスト(TL) • Task List
職制課より、タスクリスト(TL) の重要性について お話したいと思います。TLは、その職の全職務におけ る主な業務と責任を説明します。 その目的は、遂行 される業務が組織のニーズに合致するよう、適切な スキルと能力を持った人材を採用する為です。 この TLを通して従業員は上司が求める事と組織の任務 を完了するために必要な作業をよりよく理解する事 が出来ます。なお、TLは、その職が行う全ての業務を 明記しているわけではないこともご理解のほどよろし くお願いします。
The Classifi cation Section would like to go over the importance of the task list (TL). TL is a document that describes the major duties and responsibilities of the position's total job. The purpose of the TL is to ensure the work performed meets the needs of the organization and to recruit talent with appropriate skills and abilities. The TL will help the employee better understand the supervisor's expectations and what work is needed to complete the organization's mission. Please remember that TL does not cover every kind of work assignment.
Nice to meet you!
Hello! 日英会話 サークル
お元気 ですか? 日本語を習得したい外国人と一緒に英会話の練 習をしてみませんか?テキストなどは使用せず に会話形式で気軽に参加できるグループです。 嘉手納基地へアクセスできる方はどなたでも参 加できます。 毎週木曜日の午後4時半から6時半まで、嘉手 納基地のMilitary & Family Readiness Center (建物番号220) で開催しています。 おひとりでも お気軽にご参加ください。
*参加希望の方は下記のサイト又は QRコードからサインアップして下さい。