Brussels Blog: Europe and Turkey

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CHP establishes shadow team

Kade r Se vinc EU Enlargement and the future of

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /0 4/11

Europe. Click here to read more. KADER SEVİNÇ

The Brussels chief criticized the AKP fo r no t do ing eno ugh to o pen the three EU accessio n-nego tiatio n chapters – tho se o n co mpetitio n, so cial po licy and public pro curement – that carry no po litical baggage. “The go vernment remains unwilling to o pen the so cial po licy and co mpetitio n chapters because there is a need fo r refo rms o n state aid, the unregistered [...] Re ad full artic le


CHP EU Representative Party European Socialists Presidency Member Ad ve r ti s e m e n t

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Civil Society Report : “CHP is the Party of Organized Civil Society” Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 4/11 Tag s : AB, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , c ivil s o c ie ty re p o rt , d e mo c rac y in turke y, e le c tio n tre s ho ld s , e nlarg e me nt , kad e r s e vinc , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, kilic d aro g lu, s te p han füle , turke y

Civil So ciety Repo rt Summary: CHP is the Party o f Organized Civil So ciety Civil so ciety is a wide sphere o f so cial o rganizatio n and relatio ns that stands between private life and state. Free individual is at the co re o f civil so ciety. Civil so ciety co nsists o f so cial unio ns fo rmed by free individuals with their free will. Maintaining and [...]

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Abo ut Kade r Se vinc

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Kader Sevinç is the representative

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for the European Union of the Turkish social democratic party, the CHP, in Brussels . She was

Kılıçdaroğlu: “We are the new CHP. We have a new understanding which produces projects, shares the values it creates fairly and thinks of burying poverty in history.”

appointed as the representative in

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 4/11 Tag s : AB, akp mad e c o ns titutio n, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , c umhuriye t , d e mo c rac y in turke y, e u, kad e r s e vinc , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, s te p han füle , turke y

by the Turkish Industrialists’ and

July 2008 and in her capacity she is in charge of driving the EU policy initiatives of the CHP. She is also in charge of representing the party as PES (Party European Socialist) Presidency Member. She started her career in private sector and then worked for three years in the European Parliament as a political advisor. She was awarded Business Association for her entrepreneurship project and by the European Commission for her

Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu emphasized that a high quality demo cracy can be

project entitled

accessed via freedo m and said “Where freedo m and demo cracy are suspended o r wo unded, the pro blem gro ws a lo t faster than we think it will.” Kılıçdaro ğlu

“Turkey’stransformation and

attended the TOBB (Unio n o f Chambers and Co mmo dity Exchanges o f Turkey) Executive Bo ard Meeting. Taking the flo o r, Kılıçdaro ğlu expressed [...]

process”. Kader Sevinç served as

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human capital in the EU accession vice- president of TOSED (Turkish Business Association- Brussels), member of the EU advisory board

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of Kagider (Women Entrepreneurs

Unc ate g o riz e d

Association). Ms Sevinç is

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currently a European board member of TEMA, member of Ka-

Turkish Foreign Policy, Economy and Politics: The View from the Opposition Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 4/11 Ta g s : AB, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , c umhuriye t , d e mo c rac y in turke y, e le c tio n tre s ho ld s , e u, fo re ig n p o lic y, future o f e uro p e , kad e r s e vinc , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, kilic d aro g lu, me d ia fre e d o m, s te p han füle , turke y, turkis h s o c ial d e mo c rat

Kade r’s po st s by dat e

2 3






Women in Politics) and EU adviser for Forum Istanbul. Kader Sevinç

May 2011 M T

Der (Association to Support the



is a frequent speaker in international policy circles with


experience at the European


Commission, European Parliament,

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Forum İstanbul, College of Europe and various think- tanks. Kader Sevinç is a honors graduate from the Akdeniz University and Jean

“In terms o f fo reign po licy, many things will be different when CHP co mes to po wer. First o f all, I think putting Turkey back into the Euro pean, Euro -Atlantic fo ld but no t as it was ten years ago is impo rtant. Turkey is a different co untry than it

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

the Akdeniz University and Jean

30 31

Monnet European Integration Program, she pursued “business

« Apr

communication” training at the

was ten years ago . The way I put it is no t just [...] Kade r Se vinç’s blo g in Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Turkish Brukselname by Kader Sevinç

Kılıçdaroğlu: “As CHP, we propose that the Parliament assembles an extraordinary sitting and reduces the election threshold.” Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 4/11

Kemal Kilicdaro glu Click to reach the full text o f Kılıçdaro ğlu’s press co nference. So me o f the headers fro m Kılıçdaro ğlu’s statement are as fo llo ws: “The peo ple who talked abo ut demo cracy during co nstitutio nal amendment referendum have no t arranged the legal regulatio ns and o bstructed us. At this po int it is po ssible to find a so lutio n witho ut hindering the electio n [...] Re ad full artic le

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Announcement by Vice Chairman Korutürk to the citizens of the Republic of Turkey living abroad

Twit t e r: @ Kade rSe vinc_CHP

Harvard University USA. Ms Sevinç obtained her MA on International Relations from CERISBrussels/Univ. Paris XI with “grand distinction” (Thesis: Theories of International Negotiation, European Union’s Enlargement and the Turkish Case”). She is the co- author of a political poetry

Kader Sevinç WWF: Çöz üm Nükleerde Değil Temiz Enerjide : ID=439&mID=412 FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

book “The European Constitution in Verse” (2009, Brussels).

Kader Sevinç @OrgaFilibeligil bu konuda yanlış bilgi sahibi olduğunuz u düşünüyorum. selamlar FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç @rez adogan bu görüşünüz ü kampanya yöneticileri @1minutekaranlik 'ne iletmeniz in daha faydalı olacağını düşünüyorum. FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

Kader Sevinç #Çernobil'in 25. Yılında #Nükleere Karşı 25 Neden FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç Destekliyorum: Sürekli Aydınlık İçin Bir Dakika Karanlık @1minutekaranlik FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 4/11

Dear Co untryman Turkey will ho ld its Parliamentary General Electio n o n Sunday, June 12th, 20 11. Unfo rtunately T.R. citizens who are living o utside o f Turkey will o nly be able to vo te at bo rder gates. Altho ugh CHP has given its suppo rt to the AKP administratio n fo r the 2.5 millio n citizens o f the Republic o f Turkey who are living [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Kader Sevinç: The European Parliament’s latest report is the toughest-worded document drafted since 2005 Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 10 /0 3/11 Tag s : c hp , e u, e uro p e an p arliame nt , kad e r s e vinc , re p o rt , turke y

Link: JJ4 The Euro pean Parliament expressed serio us do ubts abo ut press freedo m in Turkey in a criticism-laden repo rt it ado pted Wednesday. It said it was clo sely fo llo wing the latest arrests o f jo urnalists, including Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener, fo r alleged links to a plo t to to pple the go vernment. The Euro pean Parliament “is co ncerned abo ut the deterio ratio n in [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Gender equality in Turkey: Policy proposals by the CHP Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 10 /0 3/11 Tag s : e u, g e nd e r e q uality in turke y, kad e r s e vinc

Kader Sevinç Published: 0 8 March 20 11 Link: Kader Sevinç, the EU representative o f Turkey’s largest o ppo sitio n party, the Republican Peo ple’s Party (Turkish: Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi o r CHP), and a member o f the Party o f

Euro pean So cialists’ Presidency Co mmittee. “The Turkish peo ple’s deep civilisatio nal ro o ts and aspiratio ns to live in an advanced info rmatio n so ciety and demo cracy [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Statement by Commissioner Štefan Füle on the situation of media freedom in Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 5/0 3/11 Tag s : ke mal kilic d aro g lu, me d ia fre e d o m, s te p han füle , turke y

”The Euro pean Co mmissio n is fo llo wing with co ncern the recent po lice actio ns against jo urnalists, including the detentio n to day o f Nedim Şener, Ahmet Şık and o thers and the arrests last week o f ODA TV site administrato rs So ner Yalçın, Barış Terko ğlu and Barış Pehlivan.

The Euro pean Co mmissio n has in its

pro gress repo rt highlighted the high number [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

EU concerned for Turkey democracy following detention of journalists Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 4/0 3/11 Tag s : e u, me d ia fre e d o m, s e t jo urnalis ts fre e , s te p han füle

Tho usands pro test in Istanbul demanding jo urnalists’ release; abo ut 50 0 pro test in Ankara o ver lack o f media freedo m. Jo urnalists in Turkey marched in pro test o n Friday after po lice arrested 10 repo rters and writers, detentio ns that pro mpted the Euro pean Co mmissio n to warn the EU candidate co untry o ver its demo cratic

credentials. Thursday’s arrests were o rdered as part o f [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Media groups protest arrests of journalists in Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 4/0 3/11 Tag s : fre e d o m, jo urnalis ts , me d ia, s te p han füle , turke y

Mar 4, 20 11, 13:0 6 GMT Istanbul – Hundreds o f members o f the media pro tested in Istanbul and Ankara o n Friday against a wave o f arrests o f jo urnalists in aspiring Euro pean Unio n-memberTurkey. They called fo r a free press and an end to the current climate o f media persecutio n that they say has increased in recent mo nths. [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

KEMAL KILIÇDAROĞLU: AKP BLOCKING ELECTORAL REFORM, HUMAN RIGHTS LEGISLATION Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 3/0 3/11 Tag s : c hp , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, turke y

CHP leader Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu talked to jo urnalists o n his way to Lo ndo n: CHP has beco me the address fo r change, AKP the defender o f the status quo . Once again, I’m urging AKP to re-write the co nstitutio n in co o peratio n with us to brighten the future o f this co untry. Let’s draft a brand-new basic law, full with [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Voice of America: Press Freedom in Turkey Criticized Again Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 2/11 Tag s : o d atv, p re s s fre e d o m, s o ne r yalc in, turke y

Do rian Jo nes | Istanbul February 21, 20 11 Freedo m o f the press in Turkey the has co me under internatio nal scrutiny, fo llo wing the arrest and jailing o f three jo urnalists critical o f the go vernment. Human-rights gro ups claim mo re than 50 jo urnalists are in jail fo r their repo rting. The Turkish go vernment argues it needs tight press co ntro l because it is [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

PES Secretary General Philip Cordery: Kemal you are the future of Turkey. You have courage leadership to win elections and guide Turkey into the EU. Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 24/0 2/11 Ta g s : AB, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , d e mo c rac y in turke y, e u, EU 20 20 , kad e r s e vinc , p arty e uro p e an s o c ialis ts , p e s

(Openning speech no tes o f Philip Co rdery – CHP-PES seminars in Ankara, CHP Headquarters) Delegatio n o f PES representing so cial demo crats fro m many EU co untries. Very pleased to be here with a large delegatio n o f PES members: Zita, Richard, Bernard. The high participatio n sho ws the interest we have a po litical family fo r Turkey and the new CHP [...] Re ad full artic le

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Unc ate g o riz e d

Human Rights Violations Becoming Institutionalized in Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 13/0 1/11

As general electio ns appro ach, Turkey’s chro nic human rights deficiencies are beco ming a new epidemic. This time, it is no t the purpo rted “Deep State” that is co mmitting them, but the institutio ns o f the legitimate state, largely by the instructio ns o f the AKP go vernment.

Raids o n Establishments Serving Liquo r:

So far, the media unco vered incidents in [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Police to body search students at the University of Istanbul Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 13/0 1/11

The decisio n o f the I. magistrate criminal co urt o f Istanbul to allo w the po lice to bo dy search students in and aro und the buildings o f the University o f Istanbul is a sign that the co urse o f events change fo r the wo rse. This bo dy-searching decisio n o f general nature is a clear indicatio n that the blo w inflicted o n [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Intervention against DİSK

Intervention against DİSK members Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 13/0 1/11

Once being served as the venue fo r grave to rture o peratio ns during the infamo us 12th September (19 8 0 ) perio d, the Otağ-ı Hümayun building which is situated within the bo undaries o f the Davutpaşa Military Barracks, has, in co o peratio n with the 20 10 Euro pean Cultural Capital Agency and the Yıldız Technical University, been resto red and then inaugurated as a center [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

CHP Deputy Chairman Altay: “AKP’s pressure and violence towards University Students is unacceptable” Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 13/0 1/11

Engin Altay, CHP’s Deputy Chairman in charge o f Yo uth Gro ups and po licies, has co ndemned the AKP’s vio lent po licies to wards University students, and extensive use o f fo rce by the Po lice. His recent statement is as fo llo ws: Just like the reactio ns in the early days o f the Republic to wards Universities o r to the Dar-ul Funun, (The first [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Wikileaks allegations and Turkish politics Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 7/12/10

Tag s : akp , c o rrup tio n, d avuto ğ lu, e rd o g an, e u, kilic d aro g lu, turke y, wikile aks

Wikileaks blew into the Turkish po litics like a fo ul wind. It is no t clear whether the disparaging remakes by US diplo mats wo uld create further tensio ns in an already strained relatio nship, but allegatio ns o f co rruptio n and cro nyism are mo re impo rtant. So far, the accusatio ns o f the Wikileaks are no t legally co nfirmed and I do ho pe that [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Turkey Disputes U.S. Claim Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 7/12/10 Tag s : akp , c o rrup tio n, e rd o g an, e u, turke y, wikile aks

By MARC CHAMPION THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ISTANBUL—Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo gan o f Turkey suggested Wednesday the U.S sho uld punish diplo mats who repo rted claims in leaked State Department cables that he and his family are co rrupt, and said he planned to take legal actio n against them. In a so metimes furio us televised address at the start [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bio Te c h, Bus ine s s & Climate Chang e , CAP Re fo rm, Climate Chang e , Co mp e titio n, Ec o no my & Euro , Ed uc atio n, e G o ve rnme nt , Ele c tio ns , Ene rg y Effic ie nc y, Ene rg y Sup p ly, Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Enviro nme nt , EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n, EU Tre aty & Ins titutio ns , Financ ial Se rvic e s , Fo o d & Co ns ume rs , He alth & Life s tyle , Info So c ie ty, Inno vatio n and G ro wth, J us tic e & Ho me Affairs , Lang uag e s & Culture , Pub lic Affairs , Sc ie nc e & Re s e arc h, Se c urity, So c ial Euro p e , Sp o rts , Sus tainab le De v., Taxatio n, Trad e & Ind us try, Trans p o rt & Se rvic e s , Unc ate g o riz e d , Wo rke rs mo b ility

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The long twilight of the U.S.Turkey alliance


Kade r Se vinc EU Enlargement and the future of Europe. Click here to read more.

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 7/12/10 Tag s : akp , d avuto ğ lu, e rd o g an, turke y, wikile aks

David Kenner Mo nday, No vember 29 , 20 10 When Barack Obama to o k the po dium befo re Turkey’s parliament in April 20 0 9 , in his first o verseas trip as president, he delivered a speech that echo ed much o f the happy talk that has characterized U.S. rheto ric to ward Turkey o ver the past decade. “Turkey is a critical ally. Turkey is an [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Unc ate g o riz e d

Yalcin Dogan: Turkey and EU: Just Pretending Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 28 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , d e mo c rac y in turke y, e g e me n b ag is , e u, hurriye t , turke y, yalçın d o ğ an

They hectically o rganize events; meet in a variety o f fo rums, ho ld bi-lateral summits. No , this is no t US; it is the smaller candidates o n their way to accede to EU. They have o ffices in Brussels. They excel at creating o ppo rtunities fo r getto gethers. Witho ut, fail, their delegates meet EU o fficials o r parliamentarians each day. They meet [...]

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Abo ut Kade r Se vinc

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Kader Sevinç is the representative

Bio Te c h, Bus ine s s & Climate Chang e , CAP Re fo rm, Climate Chang e , Co mp e titio n,

for the European Union of the

Ec o no my & Euro , Ed uc atio n, e G o ve rnme nt , Ele c tio ns , Ene rg y Effic ie nc y, Ene rg y Sup p ly,

Turkish social democratic party,

Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Enviro nme nt , EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n, EU Tre aty

the CHP, in Brussels . She was

& Ins titutio ns , Financ ial Se rvic e s , Fo o d & Co ns ume rs , He alth & Life s tyle , Info So c ie ty,

appointed as the representative in

Inno vatio n and G ro wth, J us tic e & Ho me Affairs , Lang uag e s & Culture , Pub lic Affairs ,

July 2008 and in her capacity she

Sc ie nc e & Re s e arc h, Se c urity, So c ial Euro p e , Sp o rts , Sus tainab le De v., Taxatio n, Trad e

is in charge of driving the EU

& Ind us try, Trans p o rt & Se rvic e s , Unc ate g o riz e d , Wo rke rs mo b ility

policy initiatives of the CHP. She is also in charge of representing the party as PES (Party European Socialist) Presidency Member. She

Speech of Mr Kemal Kilicdaroglu President of CHP, Council meeting of the Socialist International Paris, 15 November

started her career in private sector and then worked for three years in the European Parliament as a political advisor. She was awarded by the Turkish Industrialists’ and Business Association for her entrepreneurship project and by

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, kilic d aro g lu, p aris , s o c ialis t inte rnatio nal c o unc il , s p e e c h

the European Commission for her project entitled “Turkey’stransformation and

GLOBAL ECONOMY AND TURKEY Dear President and Members o f the Co uncil o f the So cialist Internatio nal, I respectfully greet all o f yo u o n behalf o f my co untry and the CHP. I am ho no red to take the flo o r here fo r the first time as the leader o f

human capital in the EU accession process”. Kader Sevinç served as vice- president of TOSED (Turkish

my Party. The time perio d o f this meeting co incides with [...] Re ad full artic le

Business Association- Brussels), member of the EU advisory board

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of Kagider (Women Entrepreneurs

Bio Te c h, Bus ine s s & Climate Chang e , CAP Re fo rm, Climate Chang e , Co mp e titio n,

Association). Ms Sevinç is

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Ec o no my & Euro , Ed uc atio n, e G o ve rnme nt , Ele c tio ns , Ene rg y Effic ie nc y, Ene rg y Sup p ly,

currently a European board

Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Enviro nme nt , EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n, EU Tre aty

member of TEMA, member of Ka-

& Ins titutio ns , Financ ial Se rvic e s , Fo o d & Co ns ume rs , He alth & Life s tyle , Info So c ie ty, Inno vatio n and G ro wth, J us tic e & Ho me Affairs , Lang uag e s & Culture , Pub lic Affairs ,

Kade r’s po st s by dat e

Sc ie nc e & Re s e arc h, Se c urity, So c ial Euro p e , Sp o rts , Sus tainab le De v., Taxatio n, Trad e


CHP re-activates its Women Branch

2 3






Women in Politics) and EU adviser for Forum Istanbul. Kader Sevinç

May 2011

& Ind us try, Trans p o rt & Se rvic e s , Unc ate g o riz e d , Wo rke rs mo b ility

Der (Association to Support the



is a frequent speaker in international policy circles with


experience at the European


Commission, European Parliament,

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Forum İstanbul, College of Europe and various think- tanks. Kader Sevinç is a honors graduate from the Akdeniz University and Jean

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , c hp wo me n b ranc h, z uhal s amli

Republican Peo ple’s Party (CHP) released a written statement o utlining their

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

the Akdeniz University and Jean

30 31

Monnet European Integration Program, she pursued “business

« Apr

communication” training at the

co urse o f actio n regarding the vio lence against wo men. “It is o ur pro mise that passing a law to tackle ho no r killings will be the first actio n o ur party will take

Kade r Se vinç’s blo g in

o nce in po wer. We will do what the AKP has failed to do and ensure that [...]


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Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , So c ial Euro p e , Unc ate g o riz e d

Brukselname by Kader Sevinç

Twit t e r: @ Kade rSe vinc_CHP

EU Ambassador Pierini lauded the involvement of the CHP in the EU process Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , e u, invo lve me nt , kilic d aro g lu, p ie rini

The head o f the EU delegatio n to Ankara, Ambassado r Marc Pierini, lauded the invo lvement o f the main o ppo sitio n Republican Peo ple’s Party, o r CHP, in the EU pro cess o ver the past six mo nths as “go o d news,” referring to party leader Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu’s meetings with EU Co mmissio n o fficials. Re ad full artic le

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Bio Te c h, Bus ine s s & Climate Chang e , CAP Re fo rm, Climate Chang e , Co mp e titio n, Ec o no my & Euro , Ed uc atio n, e G o ve rnme nt , Ele c tio ns , Ene rg y Effic ie nc y, Ene rg y Sup p ly, Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Enviro nme nt , EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n, EU Tre aty & Ins titutio ns , Financ ial Se rvic e s , Fo o d & Co ns ume rs , He alth & Life s tyle , Info So c ie ty, Inno vatio n and G ro wth, J us tic e & Ho me Affairs , Lang uag e s & Culture , Pub lic Affairs , Sc ie nc e & Re s e arc h, Se c urity, So c ial Euro p e , Sp o rts , Sus tainab le De v., Taxatio n, Trad e & Ind us try, Trans p o rt & Se rvic e s , Unc ate g o riz e d , Wo rke rs mo b ility

Harvard University USA. Ms Sevinç obtained her MA on International Relations from CERISBrussels/Univ. Paris XI with “grand distinction” (Thesis: Theories of International Negotiation, European Union’s Enlargement and the Turkish Case”). She is the co- author of a political poetry

Kader Sevinç WWF: Çöz üm Nükleerde Değil Temiz Enerjide : ID=439&mID=412 FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

book “The European Constitution in Verse” (2009, Brussels).

Kader Sevinç @OrgaFilibeligil bu konuda yanlış bilgi sahibi olduğunuz u düşünüyorum. selamlar FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç @rez adogan bu görüşünüz ü kampanya yöneticileri @1minutekaranlik 'ne iletmeniz in daha faydalı olacağını düşünüyorum. FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç #Çernobil'in 25. Yılında #Nükleere Karşı 25 Neden FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç Destekliyorum: Sürekli Aydınlık İçin Bir Dakika Karanlık @1minutekaranlik FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

Kilicdaroglu criticized the progovernment media for presenting

government media for presenting the NATO summit as a success for the AKP Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : kilic d aro g lu, Nato s ummit

Hurriyet Daily News – Referring to the NATO summit and missile defense system, Republican Peo ple’s Party, o r CHP, leader Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu criticized the pro go vernment media fo r presenting the NATO summit as a success fo r the AKP. Also , Kılıçdaro ğlu recalled Fo reign Minister Ahmet Davuto ğlu’s remarks that Turkey perceived no threat fro m either its neighbo rs o r fro m [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , J us tic e & Ho me Affairs , Unc ate g o riz e d

Main opposition leader was in Diyarbakir and Sanliurfa Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , d iyarb akir, kilic d aro g lu, third way

Turkish press The party leader visited Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa, two pro minent cities in So utheast Anato lia, o ver the weekend in an attempt to bo o st the CHP’s po pularity in the regio n, where its suppo rt has diminished o ver the last decade. The head o f the main o ppo sitio n expressed o ptimism o ver the weekend abo ut clo ser ties with the co untry’s [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Unc ate g o riz e d

Kilicdaroglu met Papandreu in Paris, CHP wants to be more active in the Socialist

active in the Socialist International Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : kilic d aro g lu, p ap and re u, s o c ialis t inte rnatio nal

Sabah Daily Turkey’s Oppo sitio n Party Leader Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu met Greece Prime Minister Yo rgo Papandreu o n Tuesday at the meeting o f the So cialist Internatio nal in Paris. Kilicdaro glu asserted that CHP wants to be mo re active in the So cialist Internatio nal activities and to ho st next the So cialist Internatio nal meetings in Istanbul. During the meetings, the two leaders [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Unc ate g o riz e d

Kemal Kilicdaroglu was in Paris for Socialist International Council and bileteral meetings (15-17 Nov 2010) Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu

Hurriyet Daily News The leader o f Turkey’s main o ppo sitio n party, who is attending a meeting o f the So cialist Internatio nal in the French capital o f Paris, will jo in Greek Prime Minister Geo rge Papandreo u; Martine Aubry, first secretary o f the So cialist Party o f France; representatives o f France’s Turkish co mmunity o n Mo nday. Kılıçdaro ğlu is expected to give a speech [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bio Te c h, Bus ine s s & Climate Chang e , CAP Re fo rm, Climate Chang e , Co mp e titio n, Ec o no my & Euro , Ed uc atio n, e G o ve rnme nt , Ele c tio ns , Ene rg y Effic ie nc y, Ene rg y Sup p ly, Eng lis h, Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , Enviro nme nt , EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n, EU Tre aty & Ins titutio ns , Financ ial Se rvic e s , Fo o d & Co ns ume rs , He alth & Life s tyle , Info So c ie ty, Inno vatio n and G ro wth, J us tic e & Ho me Affairs , Lang uag e s & Culture , Pub lic Affairs , Sc ie nc e & Re s e arc h, Se c urity, So c ial Euro p e , Sp o rts , Sus tainab le De v., Taxatio n, Trad e & Ind us try, Trans p o rt & Se rvic e s , Unc ate g o riz e d , Wo rke rs mo b ility

Kemal Kilicdaroglu met Iraqi leader Talabani in the Socialist International Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 26 /11/10 Tag s : c hp , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, talab ani

Cumhuriyet Turkey’s main o ppo sitio n leader Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu met Iraqi leader Talabani during a meeting o f the So cialist Internatio nal in the French capital o f Paris o n Mo nday. While Talabani asserted ho w much Turkey is impo rtant fo r Iraq, Kilicdaro glu stated the relatio ns between two co untries will be much stro nger after ending the PKK pro blem. Kilicdaro glu asserted their unco mfo rtableness [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h

Journalist Mustafa Balbay: Your conscience is even harder than granite! Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 23/11/10 Ta g s : ak , akp , c hp , e rg e ne ko n, e u, e uro p e an p arliame nt , jud ic iary, jus tic e , mus tafa b alb ay, turke y

Cem TURSUN/İSTANBUL, (DHA) Mustafa Balbay: Yo ur co nscience is even harder than granite! Tuncay Özkan: The Feast o f Sacrifice is co ming. Sho uld I co nsider myself as to be sacrificed? In the 9 5th hearing o f the 2nd Ergeneko n case, in which the retired full generals Hurşit To lo n and Şener Eruygur are amo ng the defendants, the claims o f [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Slo ve nian, Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Turkey’s opposition party proposes Croatia model for EUbacked reforms Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 16 /11/10 Ta g s : c hp , c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c o mme nts , c ro atia, e nlarg e me nt , Enlarg e me nt & Ne ig hb o urs , e u, kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, re p re s e ntative , turke y p ro g re s s re p o rt 20 10

FULYA ÖZERKAN ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News Mo nday, No vember 15, 20 10 The o ppo sitio n party’s Brussels representative dispatches an 18 -page repo rt to party leader Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu, briefing him abo ut the EU executive’s annual do cument o n the co untry’s pro gress in membership nego tiatio ns. The CHP repo rt pro po ses a natio nal reco nciliatio n co mmittee be established like the o ne in Cro atia, [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Slo ve nian, Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Press Freedoms, AKP Style – Atilla Yesilada Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 10 /11/10 Tag s : AB, akp , b rus s e ls , c arto o n, c hp , e rd o g an, e u, ke mal kilic d aro g lu, kilic d aro g lu, p re s s fre e d o m, re fo rm, turke y

Mr. Oktay Ekşi, ho no rary chief edito r o f large selling daily Hürriyet, used to be o ne the mo st senio r po litical co lumnists in Turkey..until he was fo rced to resign fro m Hürriyet. His crime? He was no lo nger relevant? His readership declined? Co ntractual disputes? No , in an article abo ut which he later apo lo gized, he wro te that AKP deputies [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Slo ve nian, Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

CHP leader Kilicdaroglu wants a party volunteer for each street in Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 10 /11/10 Tag s : akp , c hp , c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , c hp me mb e r, e uro p e , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, p o litic s , re c e p tayyip e rd o g an, turke y

CHP chairman Kemal Kilicdaro glu spo ke to NTV, o ne o f Turkey’s premier private news channels. Kilicdaro glu anno unced that in Wednesday’s party caucus meeting he’ll be co nsulting members

o n the make-up o f the Central

Administrative Co mmittee, CHP’s to p decisio n making bo dy. Kilicdaro glu was also asked his reply to PM Erdo gan’s co mments that “He’ll get used to po litics”. [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Slo ve nian, Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

The Speech of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu – European Policy Center, 16 September 2010 Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 1/10 /10 Tag s : ac c e s s io n, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, d e mo c ratis atio n, e p c , e u p o lic ie s , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, s p e e c h, turke y

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests, As the leader o f the Republican Peo ple’s Party, I undertake my first jo urney to Brussels, the centre o f the Euro pean Unio n. This has a special meaning fo r me and my party. This decisio n is a so lid pro o f o f o ur co mmitment to co ntinue the accessio n pro cess to the Euro pean Unio n, [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Kılıçdaroğlu asks European standards for the judiciary in Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 1/0 9 /10 T a g s : c hp , e u, e u re p re s e ntative , ind e p e nd e nc e o f the jud ic iary , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, re fe re nd um

Leader o f the Oppo sitio n and the President o f the CHP Mr Kilicdaro glu calls all the demo crats to suppo rt his po sitio n o n the co nstitutio nal amendments package put to the referendum. Please click here to view the letter o f Mr Kılıçdaro ğlu: Excerpts : The High Bo ard fo r Judges and Public Pro secuto rs (HBJP) sho uld be in co mpliance [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

CHP PRESIDENT KEMAL KILIÇDAROĞLU EXPLAINS HIS “NO” VOTE Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 29 /0 8 /10 T a g s : akp mad e c o ns titutio n, c hp , c hp p re s id e nt , c o ns titutio nal ame nd me nts , d e mo c rac y, d e mo c rac y in turke y, kad e r s e vinc , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, kilic d aro g lu, no vo te , re fe re nd um, turkis h s o c ial d e mo c rat , why no

The CHP do es no t suppo rt the AKP’s effo rts to change the co nstitutio n fo r the fo llo wing two reaso ns: 1)A questio n o f metho do lo gy: the need fo r so cial co nsensus 2)A questio n o f principles: the CHP wants a Co nstitutio n inspired by the Euro pean demo cratic values. We believe that the Turkish peo ple deserve a co nstitutio n which is new, mo re freedo m-based, [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

A Better Europe – From a Turkish point of view Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 23/0 8 /10 Ta g s : a b e tte r e uro p e , AB, c hp , c hp AB , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp e u re p re s e ntative , c umhuriye t , e nlarg e me nt , EU 20 20 , e uro p e , e uro p e an c halle ng e , future o f e uro p e , kad e r s e vinc , p arty e uro p e an s o c ialis ts , p e s , re p ub lic an p e o p le ' s p arty, s o c ial d e mo c rat , turke y, whic h kind o f e uro p e



http://www.neuro m-a-Turkish-po int-o f-

view/10 2130 .php Autho r: Kader Sevinç 22 August 20 10 - Issue : 8 9 5 Our wo rld is living thro ugh difficult times. The glo bal financial system, the use o f natural reso urces and the co nsumptio n so ciety as we have kno wn fo r several decades are no lo nger sustainable. These pro blems co incide with po litical crises and unso lved po verty dilemmas aro und the [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bio Te c h, Bus ine s s & Climate Chang e , CAP Re fo rm, Climate Chang e , Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

EU 2020, Turkey and the CHP Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 15/0 8 /10 Tag s : c hp , EU 20 20 , future o f e uro p e , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, p e s , turke y, turkis h g and i, turkis h s o c ial d e mo c rat

The Euro pean Co mmissio n’s paper “EU 20 20 strategy: A Euro pean Strategy fo r smart, green and inclusive gro wth” was presented by President Barro so o n March 3, 20 10 . Fo llo wing the debates in the Euro pean Parliament and the Co uncil o f Ministers, the repo rt appro ved by the EU Co uncil in June 20 10 . The prio rities, targets and flagship initiatives determined by [...] Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Turkish Constitutional Amendments: AKP’s undemocratic approach and CHP’s proposals for a progressive and European new constitution Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 13/0 8 /10 Ta g s : akp mad e c o ns titutio n, akp yap ımı anayas a, avrup alı re fe rans lar, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c o ns titutio nal ame nd me nts , hayır, ind e p e nd e nc e o f the jud ic iary , kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, ne d e n hayır, o p p o s itio n, re fe rand um, turke y

Turkey has recently discussed the draft co nstitutio nal amendment package prepared by the ruling party, AKP, witho ut integrating all the parties in the Parliament in the pro cess. As the main o ppo sitio n party, the CHP has suppo rted fo r lo ng the idea o f changing the co nstitutio n with the aim o f further enhancement o f Turkish demo cracy, and shared co ntinuo usly , in this regard, its stance with public. Ho wever, the CHP will no t suppo rt the AKP’s effo rts to change the co nstitutio n fo r the fo llo wing two reaso ns: - A questio n o f metho do lo gy: the need fo r so cial co nsensus - A questio n o f principles: the CHP wants a Co nstitutio n inspired by the Euro pean demo cratic values .. Main Euro pean references o f the CHP’s stance fo r judicial independence and co nstutio nal amendments package is explained belo w in detail. Re ad full artic le

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian, Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

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Rıza Türmen: A democracy without Judiciary


Kade r Se vinc EU Enlargement and the future of Europe. Click here to read more.

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 12/0 8 /10 Tag s : akp , akp mad e c o ns titutio n, c hp , c o ns titutio nal ame nd me nts , ind e p e nd e nc e o f the jud ic iary, kad e r s e vinc , kilic d aro g lu, turke y, und e mo c ratic

RIZA TÜRMEN (Fo rmer Judge at the Euro pean Co urt o f Human Rights, Co uncil o f Euro pe – Strasbo urg) Milliyet – February 22, 20 10 The arrest o f Erzincan Chief Public Pro secuto r İlhan Cihaner has indicated dangero us dimensio ns o f po larizatio n in Turkey. We canno t agree o n even the mo st basic fundamentals such as “demo cracy,” “independence o f judiciary,” and “separatio n [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Pub lic Affairs , Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

CHP bids to lower ‘unfair’ election threshold Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 5/0 8 /10 Tag s : c hp , e le c tio n tre s ho ld s , lo we r, turke y

The leader o f Turkey’s main o ppo sitio n party, Kemal Kılıçdaro ğlu, is attempting to lo wer the co untry’s electio n thresho ld in parliament, which is the highest in Euro pe, ahead o f a general electio n next year. EurActiv Turkey co ntributed to this article. Backgro und The Euro pean co untries who se electio n thresho lds exceed 5% are Mo ldo va (6 %), Geo rgia (7%), Russia (7%) and [...]

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Abo ut Kade r Se vinc

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Kader Sevinç is the representative

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for the European Union of the

Ele c tio ns , Eng lis h, EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n, Turkis h

Turkish social democratic party, the CHP, in Brussels . She was appointed as the representative in

CHP President Kılıçdaroğlu: We want a stronger, more modern and more civilized Turkey

July 2008 and in her capacity she

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 0 5/0 8 /10 Tag s : c hp , kilic d aro g lu, turkis h s o c ial d e mo c rat

started her career in private sector

is in charge of driving the EU policy initiatives of the CHP. She is also in charge of representing the party as PES (Party European Socialist) Presidency Member. She and then worked for three years in the European Parliament as a

“We are here to discuss a co nstitutio nal amendment where the principle o f separatio n o f po wers is suspended, an amendment made by the ruling party in its o wn kitchen, where -fo r the first time in the histo ry o f Turkish Republic- all the

political advisor. She was awarded by the Turkish Industrialists’ and Business Association for her

o ther po litical parties are excluded with all gates to reco nciliatio n effo rts are shut do wn [...] Re ad full artic le

entrepreneurship project and by the European Commission for her project entitled

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“Turkey’stransformation and

Ele c tio ns , Eng lis h, So c ial Euro p e , Turkis h

human capital in the EU accession process”. Kader Sevinç served as vice- president of TOSED (Turkish

Kader Sevinc: The CHP is the most progressive political force in Turkey working for a truly European and democratic Turkey Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 27/0 7/10 Ta g s : b rüks e l, c hp , c hp ab te ms ilc is i, c hp b rus s e ls , c hp e u, d e mo c rac y, e u, kad e r s e vinc , ke mal kilic d aro g lu, p ro g re s s ive , turke y

Business Association- Brussels), member of the EU advisory board of Kagider (Women Entrepreneurs Association). Ms Sevinç is

More Photos

currently a European board member of TEMA, member of Ka-

Kade r’s po st s by dat e




Asked abo ut the CHP letter to the S&D Gro up, the CHP’s EU Representative in


Commission, European Parliament,

wo uld be inappro priate to make it public witho ut the co nsent o f o ther perso ns. The letter co nveyed the message o f the CHP President Mr Kilicdaro glu and the

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

party’s po sitio n o n [...]



international policy circles with experience at the European

2 3


is a frequent speaker in


Brussels Ms. Kader Sevinc replied that “This was a private co rrespo ndence. It


Women in Politics) and EU adviser for Forum Istanbul. Kader Sevinç

May 2011 M T

Der (Association to Support the

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Forum İstanbul, College of Europe and various think- tanks. Kader Sevinç is a honors graduate from the Akdeniz University and Jean

the Akdeniz University and Jean Re ad full artic le

30 31

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Bulg arian, Cz e c h, Dutc h, Eng lis h, fre nc h, G e rman, Hung arian, Po lis h, Ro manian,

Program, she pursued “business

« Apr

communication” training at the

Slo vak , Sp anis h, Turkis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Kade r Se vinç’s blo g in Turkish

Turkish opposition wants ‘better channels’ with EU socialists

Twit t e r:

Harvard University USA. Ms Sevinç obtained her MA on International Relations from CERISBrussels/Univ. Paris XI with “grand distinction” (Thesis: Theories of International Negotiation, European Union’s Enlargement and the Turkish Case”). She is the co- author of a political poetry

Published: 26 July 20 10 | Updated: 27 July 20 10 Turkey’s main o ppo sitio n CHP party said it was deeply disappo inted by the “wro ng advice” it said it had received fro m within the Euro pean so cialist ranks to which it is affiliated, EurActiv has

Brukselname by Kader Sevinç

@ Kade rSe vinc_CHP

Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 27/0 7/10 Tag s : c hp , kad e r s e vinc , turke y

Monnet European Integration


Kader Sevinç WWF: Çöz üm Nükleerde Değil Temiz Enerjide : ID=439&mID=412 FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

book “The European Constitution in Verse” (2009, Brussels).

Kader Sevinç @OrgaFilibeligil ___________________________________________________________________________________________ bu konuda yanlış bilgi sahibi Ambassado r Marc Pierini, the Co mmissio n Representative in Ankara, warned

that “the Co mmissio n’s po sitio n [...] Re ad full artic le

Co mme nts O ff

Eng lis h

Turkish parties lock horns ahead of referendum Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 27/0 7/10

The Turkish go vernment avo ided early electio ns yesterday (7 July) when judges appro ved its pro po sed co nstitutio nal refo rms. Ho wever, the changes will need to

olduğunuz u düşünüyorum. selamlar FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

Kader Sevinç @rez adogan bu görüşünüz ü kampanya yöneticileri @1minutekaranlik 'ne iletmeniz in daha faydalı olacağını düşünüyorum. FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç #Çernobil'in 25. Yılında #Nükleere Karşı 25 Neden FOLLOW ME 7 days ago Kader Sevinç Destekliyorum: Sürekli Aydınlık İçin Bir Dakika Karanlık @1minutekaranlik FOLLOW ME 7 days ago

be appro ved in a referendum, with the main o ppo sitio n party already campaigning against them. EurActiv Turkey co ntributed to this article. Turkey is heading fo r a September referendum, after the Co nstitutio nal Co urt anno unced late [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Turkish opposition: No regrets over rejected constitutional amendment Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 27/0 7/10 Tag s : c hp , kad e r s e vinc , turke y

As the ruling AK party had unilaterally intro duced a series o f amendments which might have resulted in harming the independence and the impartiality o f the judiciary, CHP, the Republican Peo ple’s Party, do es no t regret the rejected amendment, Kader Sevinç, the party’s representative to the EU in Brussels, to ld EurActiv in an exclusive interview. “The rejected [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, Unc ate g o riz e d

Kader Sevinc: Turkish opposition: Erdoğan is authoritarian and un-European Po s te d b y kad e rs e vinc o n 27/0 7/10 Tag s : c hp , kad e r s e vinc , turke y

Published: 0 5 May 20 10 Turkey needs to mo dernise its co nstitutio n but so me o f the go vernment’s refo rm pro po sals wo uld serio usly undermine the independence o f the judiciary, Kader Sevinç o f the main Turkish o ppo sitio n party to ld EurActiv in an interview, accusing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo ğan o f sho wing “autho ritarian” and “un-Euro pean” behavio ur. Kader Sevinç is the Brussels-based representative to [...] Re ad full artic le

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Eng lis h, EU Prio ritie s and O p inio n

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