Airchestra Manual

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‘We value outdoor play in all weathers and times of year. As such we would like a play device that incorporates sensory stimulation, exploration and fun’ The Airchestra is a simple concept. We want to create an air powered orchestra that is not only fun and stimulating, but that also teaches children about the importance of recycling in today’s world. Our aim is to instill in children the desire to create and explore different ways of making music. And show them that by recycling discarded objects and using some imagination they can turn them into new, amazing instruments. This manual shows you how to make the 4 instruments we created. But ultimately we want you to create your own recycled instruments. The only limit is your imagination, so start dreaming and create your own Airchestra!

By: Farah Yusof Alex Fraser Richardson Steffi Kuhn Zineb Benslimane Hannah Pells Kaegh Joshua Allen Year 1 Architecture – Oxford Brookes University

BOTTLE FLUTES What is it? The bottle flute is a collection of recycled bottles tuned to different notes by filling with varying levels of water. The positioning and quantity allows for multiple players to collectively create a tune. How Do You Play It? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Remove lid. Position lower lip on bottle top. Blow down across the bottle opening. Adjust mouth position if no note sounds and try again 5. Remember, practice makes perfect.

How to Make it. 1. Fill the bottles(a) with water to the appropriate height (look at chart) 2. Hold the bottle to desired height on the pole(b) and attach it with cable ties(c).

Products Used Name Water 34mm2 x 2.1 m 500ml Water Bottle Cable Ties Total

Tips: •

Mary had a Little Lamb: 3212333 222 355 3212333 322321 Jingle Bells: 333 333 35123 444 4433 3355421 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star: 11 55 66 5 44 33 22 1 55 44 33 2 55 44 33 2 11 55 66 5 44 33 22 1 This Old Man: 535 535 6543234 345 1 111 12345 5224321

How Many?



N/A 3 9 9

N/A B&Q Recycled B&Q

£3.60 £0.63 £4.23

1 2in

2 3in

3 3.5in

4 4.25in

5 5in

6 5.5in

HORN TREE What is it? The horn tree is the centre piece of the ‘Airchestra’. It consists of 5 poles with 4 unique horns protruding from the top. The horns are powered by blowing through the bottom of the polytubing which tangles up the tree, like vines, confusing which pipe leads to which horn.

How Do You Play It? 1. Pick a tube. 2. Blow into it. 3. Have a blast!

Products Used Name

How Many?



34mm2 x 2.1 m




Water Bottle




6M of 12.5mm clear poly tubing




Cable Ties






How to Make it… 1. *Cut the tubing to the desired lengths. 2. Attach one end of each tube to the lower end of each of the outside poles with a cable tie (this is the mouthpiece). 3. Wind the tubes around, and up the central pole (the more tangled, the better!) 4. Attach the other end(a) of each tube to a different pole. 5. *Cut the bases off the bottom of the water bottles(b). 6. *Cut a hole in the water bottle lid(c), large enough for the ‘noise maker’(d) to fit through. 7. Decorate the horns. 8. Attach the horns to the top end of the tubes. 9. BLOW AWAY!

*Take care when using blades. UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION.

Tips: •

Change the bottle sizes and colours to make new funky horns. Try and tangle the tubes as confusingly as possible – then you never know which horn makes what noise! Find as many weird and wonderful noise makers for your horns. BLOW HARD!

PUMP DRUM What is it? The Pump Drum is an air powered drum. As you step on the pump, air is generated. This air flows through the pipe and pushes the ping pong ball upwards. The Ping Pong Ball hits the drum skin and makes a beat.

How Do You Play It? 1. Stomp on the foot pump. 2. Listen to the ping pong ball hit the skin. 3. Repeat. 4. Keep the beat!

Products Used Name

How Many?



3L Bellow Foot Pump








Water Bottle




Ping Pong Ball




Kitchen Roll Tube




Packing Tape




Cable Ties Joining Funnel

5 1

B&Q Recycled

£0.35 -


x 2.1 m


How to Make it… 1. *Cut the base(a) off the bottom of the water bottle(b). 2. *Cut a 10cm hole in the base. 3. Tape the cardboard tube(c) to the funnel(d). 4. Tape the funnel to the bottle mouthpiece(e) 5. Place the ping pong ball(f) in the cardboard tube. 6. Create a ‘skin’ by repeatedly running tape along the hole in the bottom of the bottle. 7. Connect the foot pump(g) to the funnel. 8. Check that it works. 9. START JAMMIN’

*Take care when using blades. UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION.

Tips: Change the bottle size to create different sounding drums.

WHISTLE CHOIR What is it? The whistle choir is designed to promote group participation between children of different ages and adults. Bird whistles positioned at varying heights allow multiple players to create a chorus.

How Do You Play It? 1. Place your mouth on the mouth piece of chosen whistle; be sure not to cover the hole with your lips. 2. Blow through your whistle. 3. Adjust widget whilst blowing to change note produced 4. Whistle away...

Products Used Name

How Many?



34mm2 x 2.1 m






Honest Stationary


Cable Ties






How to Make it… 1. Hold whistle(a) to desired height on the pole(b). 2. Attach each cable ties(c) diagonally, one at a time. 3. Repeat process for all the whistles.

Tips: • • •

Have 2 people blowing the whistles. It makes life easier! Height can be varied, depending on height of user.

YOUR INSTRUMENT What is it? What ever you want it to be.

How to Make it… 1. Imagine an instrument. Anything you like. 2. Find discarded materials, and see if you can start using them to create your instrument. 3. Make it. 4. PLAY IT!

Tips: •

• •

Be as imaginative as you can, you’ll be surprised what you can make out of junk. Only use safe, clean and recyclable material. HAVE FUN!

Place our Instruments in this order and position. But feel free to add your own wherever feels right. Remember to group each set or instruments together, just like a real Orchestra.

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