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DESIGN STUDIO: AIR TUTOR: Chelle (Xuyou Yang) 2018 SM1 PART: B

Figure 1. A stack of hypars made of 3/8 dowels.

Kai Lin 825663


B1. Research field: Cable-net fabric formwork system. NEST HILO by ETH Zurich Hyparbole by Marc Fornes / THEVERYMANY Los Manantiales / Felix Candela B2. Form-finding/Exploration: Hyperbolic paraboloid Initial geometry-Hypar Variations exploring Design potential B3. Can computational simulation helps physical fabrication? Further exploration on ‘Kangaroo’ B4. Technique: Development. Advantages vs. Disadvantages Capabilities vs. Constraints B5. Physical prototyping process and outcomes Prototype1 vs. Prototype 2 B6. Site analysis: New student precinct Design proposal B7. Learning objectives and outcomes B8. Appendix- Algorithmic sketches

B1. Research field: Cable-net fabric formwork system. The system was used by Zwarts & Jansma Architects (ZJA) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in collaboration with engineering consultants Iv-Groep in Papendrecht, Netherlands for the Landshape Wildlife Crossing, an entry for the ARC design competition in Colorado, U.S. 1 The Cable-net formwork system can be briefly described as A kind of flexible formwork which is possible to reduce the amount of material using and most of the materials are re-usable. In the case, it uses cable-net to replace the traditional timber formwork, the shuttering is replaced by fabric and the external boundary to support it. This system is lightweight and re-usable but it can only be used for light load-bearing structure such as pavilion and roof. The other innovation of this system is that it can be pre-fabricated and then install on site. The Block Research group tested the feasibility of the cable-net system on a doubly curved concrete shell structure and they demonstrated t improves on traditional formwork structures for doubly curved surfaces. Thus this system has its own advantages on forming anticlastic shell structure. By combining fabric and cable-net, it also can be used on long span projects.

Figure 2. Cable-net and fabric formworks for concrete shells

Figure 3. Cable-net and fabric formworks for concrete shells

Figure 3. Cable-net and fabric formworks for concrete shells

B1.1. NEST HILO by ETH Zurich

Figure4. NEST HILO by ETH Zurich

This ultra-thin concrete roof was just a prototype which was made in 2017 and the novel ‘cable-net fabric formwork’ was tested and it will be applied on an actual construction project, Hilo Penthouse in 2018. The average thickness of the concrete roof is 5 cm and the edge of the roof is about 12 cm thick.1 (‘Construction prototype for ultra-thin concrete roof’ ETH Zurich, 12 Oct 2017. Accessed 15 March 2018. news-and-events/eth-news/news/2017/10/innovative-construction. html )The

break-ground innovation of the method is that they are able to build up a complex concrete structure by using less material and they are able to recycle all the tensioned steel cables after use which is very sustainable. The other advantage of the design is that builders can still work under the roof while the roof is hardening. The overall structure of the formwork is shown on figure . The designers used digital software to generate the net and bounced the 2 dimensional net up to a 3 dimensional shape and the material they chose was the tensioned steel cables. The advantage of using computational software to model the net is that the algorithms can ensure the forces are properly distributed across each steel cable. The cable-net fabric formwork has to be calculated very precisely, otherwise the roof will under the risk of collapsing. As Diederik Veenendaal and Philippe block demonstrated that ‘by carefully designing the cable net and its topology, and calculating and controlling the pre-stressing forces, it is possible to form a wide range of anticlastic shapes, beyond those of the hyperbolic paraboloid’.1 ( Diederik, Veenendaal, Philippe, Block,’ Design process for prototype concrete shells using a hybrid cable-net and fabric formwork’, 2013, p39-50. )Thus

we can see the potential of the cable-net fabric formwork. However, it is non-conceivable if there is no computation by digital software.

Figure 5. Analytical drawing of Nest Hilo The analytical image clearly identified the layers of cable-net fabric formwork system. The scaffolding is a temporary supporting formwork which is necessary on large span project. It provides temporary strength against lateral forces in order to balance the load distribution. The Edge beam provides anchor points for cables. The material of the edge beam can be timber or steel, but it is still reducing large amount of materials on formwork by comparing to the conventional formwork. The textile reinforcement above are actually providing extra strength to the concrete shell structure to against tension force. It is an extremely important layer in the whole system. Therefore the Nest Hilo prototype significantly increased my understanding about this whole system.

Figure 6. NEST HILO by ETH Zurich

B1.2 Hyparbole by Marc Fornes / THEVERYMANY

Figure 7. Hyparbole by Marc Fornes / THEVERYMANY

• Location: Providence, Rhode Island • Date: Fall 2017 It is located at the entrance to Rhode Island College’s Fine Arts Center, It dramatically draws visitors into the campus from two different angles by three paraboloid edges peel up towards different direction of the road. When visitors and passers-by walk through the pavilion, they would be abstracted by the patterns on the structure. Those patterns with hollows which allows sunlight penetrated into the pavilion. By incorporating with the central opening in the surface project up to 22 feet high1.(Actar Publishers, ‘rbannext’, Hyparbole: The Lit Lightness ( Actar publisher, copyright date 2018), web-

It makes the pavilion look more dynamic and it provides special experience to visitors about the light as well. site: [Date Accessed: 18/04/2018]

1. Actar Publishers, ‘rbannext’, Hyparbole: The Lit Lightness ( Actar publisher, copyright date 2018), website: [Date Accessed: 18/04/2018]


We choose the Hyperboles as one of our precedents is because of the method it used in designing the structure with multiple hyperbolic paraboloids. It combined three doubly curved surfaces to create the base structure of the pavilion and the base geometry is a triangle as figure shows. It trimmed the sharp corner in the middle to create an opening and three paraboloid edges in different heights to determine they are facing distinct directions as figure shows. It is a three legged structure relies on three individual pleated concrete blocks. Lateral force is always a weakness point of lightweight structures. Because this is a lightweight pavilion with aluminium as main structural material, thus it needs additional resistance to against the lateral force. Same as our ultra-thin concrete shell structure, our project needs additional resistance on base as well.

B1.3 Los Manantiales / Felix Candela The Los Manantiales is one of Felix Candela’s masterpieces, it represents the aesthetics by using geometrical form-finding. This building comprised four intersecting hypars to create a ultra-thin concrete roof with dramatic space underneath. Candela called the roof as ‘Umbrellas’ and the interior space ‘ the Flor’(The flower) This building demonstrated his masterful skills on hyperbolic paraboloid system.

Figure 8. Los Manantiales / Felix Candela

The roof is a circular array of four curved-edge hypar saddles that intersect at the center point, resulting in an eight-sided groined vault. The plan is radially symmetric with a maximum diameter of 139 feet. Groins spanning 106 feet between supports. Trimmed at the perimeter to form a canted parabolic overhang, the shell simultaneously rises up and out at each undulation. The force paths from these overhangs act in the opposite direction from forces along the arched groin, reducing outward thrust.1 The method used on the roof is an efficient way to cover large space and span by joining four straight edge Hypars. The space under the roof can be used as markets or warehouse. The iconic form of the form was derived through continued geometric investigate and exploration. Therefore, we started our exploration on the geometric form-finding and the potentials of the Hypars.

1. Michelle Miller. “AD Classics: Los Manantiales / Felix Candela� ArchDaily. 14 Apr 2014. Accessed 21 Apr 2018. <> ISSN 0719-8884

Figure 9. Analytical drawing of Los Manantiales

B2. Form-finding/Exploration: Hyperbolic Paraboloid

Achievable shapes Multiple Hypars Varying sspan and amount of cables Varying Heights


Varying Heights

Changing the height of the Hypar is actually changing the curvature of the shape. The hypar always need two anchor points set on ground surface and the other two can free-move. In this iterations, we played with the heights of the hypar to see what outcomes we can get. By simply dragging points up and down, we can get infinite outputs which demonstrated the hypars has a lot possibilities within only one direction move.


Varying span and amount of cables

This time we tried to move Two points of hypar in horizontal direction and changing the amount of cables simultaneously. The larger span looks fantastic but it needs a lot more reinforcement than smaller spans. More cables apply on the Hyper will reduce the size of the patterns on the Hypar but it will largely increase the load bearing capability on the cable-net.


Multiple Hypars


Number: 2




Combining multiple hypars in order to create new complex design is the design potentials of the Hypars. It is possible to use more than one simple Hypars to generate different forms. For instance, the ‘Hyparboles’ combined three hyperbolic paraboloids to generate the final shape; the Los Manantiales used four hyperbolic paraboloids in totally different ways to generate the shape; Le Corbusier’s Philips pavilion combined nine hypars within different scales to generate the final shape. Thus the simple hyperbolic paraboloid has large design potentials.

4. Trim and ideal achievable

By trimming sharp corners of the shapes, we wanted to make those shapes ideally achievable. We have some constraints for the system as well. For example, Concrete is initially liquid, thus it cannot stay on the sharp corner. Thus those are not achievable. And then we flattened the base those shapes to make them to be able to stand.

Before we started to do more exploration beyond the base geometry, we investigated the properties of materials in cable net fabric formwork system. As the result, we found the cable in the system has no elasticity, thus the only variable element of cable is the tightness of the cable (the length of the cable). The fabric has elasticity, thus it will have deflection when applying any load on it. In this case, we want to cast concrete on the fabric, thus the variable element is the concrete load acting upon the fabric to simulate fabric deflection in physical world. After we poured concrete onto the fabric, the fabric deflection generated patterns in the hollow of cable-net. However, every pattern is unique because they are on different angle. Thus simulate the concrete patterns can be important.

1. Changing cable tightness In this step, we only used one to do the experiment. We adjusted the loads on the shape to simulate the changing of length of the cable. As the figure shows, when the cable is loose, the curvature will become larger. This property might be helpful for us to create the final design.

2.Fabric deflection /concrete loads for a single pattern. The main variable elements in this step are elasticity of the fabric and the concrete loads (thickness of concrete layer). The way we did was to use a single pattern on the cable net system to simulate the fabric deflection when it is under the load of concrete.

3. Patterns with Same load but different angles. By combing the cable net fabric formwork system with Hyperbolic paraboloid shape, each grid will be positioned in different angles, thus the load of concrete will not be equally distributed on each grid. Therefore the shape of pattern will be affected.

4. Timber formwork in digital software. This one is not simulating any material capabilities and force, but it is extremely important to physical fabrication. We used Rhino to build the timber frame for our prototype and it can tells us the angles we need to cut for timbers, and the length. It improved the accuracy of the physical fabrication and saved a lot time on calculation.

During the 1990s, the computation and digital modelling tools were significantly shift from two dimensions to three dimensions. The complex 3D models was buildable in software since that time. By further developing those 3D modelling tools by applying material capacities, external environmental influences and forces. Simultaneously, the architectural design was starting to shift from ‘Composition’ to ‘Generation’. There are more and more software can be used to simulate the physical factors such as Karamba, Abaqus and Rhino Vault. In digital world, we are able to generate a digital model of a physical fabrication with enough details. There are some Engineering programs can actually help them to analyze the weakness points of the structure and them to help them find out the solutions to avoid the failures. However, it depends on the level of skills of users on those software. In grasshopper, for example, the component ‘Spring from mesh’ is actually designed based on Hook’s law, which tells us that the force is proportional to the stiffness multiplied by the displacement - the difference between the rest length and current length. Assuming the Rhino dimensions are in meters (m), then your mass is in kilograms (kg), and your force in newton’s (N). If the set up in ‘Rhino’ is right, then I would be able to simulate the material capabilities and environmental conditions for users. However, the simulation would not be correct if the input is wrong. If we cannot find the exact value of the elasticity of the fabric we used, then we are not able to simulate the digital model. Therefore, we can ideally generate a digital model with enough details but it is very difficult to manipulate all input values. But it can help us to fabricate the model physically such as the timber frame we created in ‘Rhino’.

Figure 10. Engineering and optimization

B4. Technique Development Advantages:




1. Reduce large amount of non-reusable material by comparing to conventional formwork Such as re-usable cables, scaffoldings. 2. Saving concrete, less concrete needed to build the ultra-thin roof. 3. During concreting the roof, the area underneath remains unobstructed. 4. Can be pre-fabricated.

1. By combining cable net with fabric, it is possible to be the formwork for large span project. 2. It is possible to form a wide range of anticlastic shapes (multiple Hypars) 3. It is possible to produce ultra-thin shell structure 4. The project can be self-supported. 5. Adjust the length of cable (tightness of cable) to increase the curvature. 6. Work with computational methods to optimize the system or find weakness points in order to strengthen the system.


1. It requires high skilled labor to do the concreting. 2. Needs to make sure the load distribution is accurate. 3. Difficulty to install utilities on the project( ultra-thin concrete shell structure)

1. Difficulty in to build a dome-like structure as gravity is acting upon the cable-net. To be able to build the complete design as a whole it would be extremely difficult. Thus, needing to separate the whole design into sections and then form as one after it has been built and cast. 2. Controlling the concrete load on the cable-net need to be accurate in order to avoid failure. Thus capability of cable-net need to be calculated and then the thickness of concrete needs to be controlled as well. Therefore the concrete shell cannot be too thick, otherwise it will occur failure. 3. Difficulty in casting concrete on an angle which is larger than 90 degrees. Because the concrete will fall off. 4. The load bearing capability is limited, large number of weight may cause failure to the whole system. 5. Difficulty in making openings.

To improve the system from case study, we need to investigate the method that ETH Zurich group used on Nest Hilo. And then analyze the system from materials they used, additional computational support they used. Hopefully we can potentially improve our understanding of the system and make it better. The first thing we need to improve is to incorporate our digital design with computational analytical software to exam the weakness points, main load bearing points and maximum concrete thickness we can apply to our project. By adding more external environmental influences, internal material capabilities and forces into the simulation, the cable net system can be optimized digitally. The second important thing is that we need to gain more understanding about the material we use such as the concrete mix ratio, the cable maximum capability and the elasticity of fabric. Therefore the cable net fabric formwork system would be optimized physically.

Figure 11. Cable net fabric formwork system on Hilo

Formwork variations:

Our system and iteration basis, the Hypar can actually produce numberous of interconnecting hypars which can be in different scale, can be trimmed to curved edges, void in the middle and so much more. Thus the cable net fabric formwork system has a lot possibilities need us to explore. By analyzing the cable-net fabric formwork system, the first point in constraints may not be a constraint. Because the property of cable can generate the other benefit to us, we can use the system reversely to get a dome shape. This is very similar to the design of Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia. By further exploring this idea, we realized this system can be used to create catenary design. Thus it has almost infinite variations waiting for us to explore.

Figure 12. Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia Figure 13. Catenary Design Figure 14. Catenary Design

B5. Physical prototyping process and Results

Prototype 1 vs. Prototype 2

B5.1 Prototype 1 Process

1. The first step we did was to test the elasticity of the fabric and stretch it to be a hyperbolic paraboloid shape. For our cable net system, we do not want the fabric to be very stretchable. Thus we choose the geotextile (Right) one as the fabric for Prototype 1.

2. The second step is to get all materials we need for the cable net system. Turnbuckle- Adjust the tightness of the cable to create more curvature and variations. Eye bolts- use as fixed end Swage- use to fix the cable and make a round end. 2mm wire rope 0.9mm steel wire will be used to fix intersections of cables. 3. 600*600*600mm timber frame Equally divide the length of each side to seven. Seven holes were made for cables to go through.

4. Half of the ends are fixed and the other half are fixed with turnbuckles. So the cable tightness can be adjusted after the cable is trimmed.

5. After fixed all the intersections between cables, the cable-net system is done.

6. Place membrane to stop moisture losing from con- 7. Mix concrete crete which can reduce shrinkage, Pour concrete onto the fabric and then smooth the And then we placed the fabric above the membrane. surface of concrete to finalize the prototype 1.

B5.2 Prototype 1 development: Re-casting

The first prototype was pretty successful in terms of exploring and constructing the formwork for a single hyperbolic paraboloid by using cable net fabric formwork system. We gained our understanding to the system and the hypar as well. But this attempt was very conservative, we only made the highest point to 200mm high and the other one to 100mm high. The prototype one used turnbuckles to adjust the tightness of the cable which can help us to achieve different curvature. The wire fixing provided us a rigid and stable cable-net surface. These two components are very important to the prototype 1. However, we ignored about the natural property of concrete, it can be very weak in large span without reinforcement inside the concrete. Thus we forgot to put reinforcement when casting concrete. Unsurprising, it cracked while we trying to lift it up from the fabric. The other factor caused this failure is the time, we did not wait for more than 24 hours to let the concrete set before we lift it up. Therefore, we improved our prototype one by adding reinforcement mesh, changing the concrete/water ratio and the type of concrete as well. This time we used ‘Fast dry concrete’, it would be set in 15 mins. However, the concrete surface are not smooth like before. Simultaneously, the concrete’s strength undoubtedly increased. To make the next prototype better, we must add reinforcement to minimize the shrinkage, choose the right concrete and achieve the suitable concrete/water ratio. The other important improvement is to replace the geotextile fabric to another kind of fabric which has smooth surface and less stretchable.

B5.3 Prototype 2 process:

B5.4 Results from prototyping Result from protype 1: It demonstrated that the feasibility of using both large cable nets with a secondary system of fabric shuttering as well as fabric directly as a formwork for concrete shells and it represented its capabilities on forming doubly curved concrete shell structure.

Result from Prototype 2: We tried to make a curved hyperbolic paraboloid with more curvature. We also applied our ideas of void and round edges. We were aiming to fabricate this prototype as a part of our proposed design to demonstrate that curvier Hypar can be achieved by using this system as well. This prototype 2 used same materials of the cable-net system as the prototype 1. However, the differences between them are the timber formwork, the mixture of concrete and the fabric. This timber formwork is much more complicated than the one used in prototype 1, however, we used rhino to build up the timber framework before we start prototyping. It clearly told us what angle we need to cut for each timber and then assemble them together to get the complex framework. The concrete type we used for prototype 2 was the cement and sand without any stones or other aggregates. However, it does not perform well. The third improvement we made is replacing the geotextile fabric to the black fabric with the mixture of 70% polyester and 30% Lycra. It performed much better than the geotextile one, but the moisture in concrete lost from the fabric. That’s why the bottom of the concrete shell was shrinking. For further improvement, we would like to place a layer of waterproofing membrane above the fabric. This prototype 2 demonstrated that we are able to form curvier hyperbolic paraboloids shape with the cable-net fabric formwork system and continuous concrete shell can be formed in once with complex timber framework.

B6. Site

Figure 15. New student Precinct


Project: University of Melbourne New Student precinct Location: Carlton, Melbourne, Australia Architect: Lyons Architecture Group Year Built: Under Construction

Figure 16. View from Alice Hoy

B6.1 Project brief and analysis Project brief:

The New Student Precinct offers a once in a generation opportunity to transform the campus-based student experience and provide benefits and quality outcomes for university student and staff. It aims to be a world-class student precinct.


The precinct will be refined by Monash Rd to north, Grattan Street to the south, Swanston Street to the east and the Melbourne School of Engineering Precinct to the west, incorporating nine University of Melbourne buildings.


The precinct is conveniently located on the campus, it will be directly accessible and linked to the nearest public transport such as the tram station on Swanston Street and the metro station in the future and walking distance to the neighbouring communities. It represents the New student will become a hot spot for university communities, students and visitors.


It created a large social hangout area and large space which focus on events and activations. And then providing opportunities that enable all students to get involve into it.

Study space:

The precinct will provide contemporary study and informal 24/7 study spaces.


The precinct is home to both heritage and significant listed trees that university is committed to protecting. The 1888 garden will be protected and be remained.


The precinct incorporated nine university buildings. Those nine building will be refurbished or re-developed to respond to the change of the campus view. By lowing the ground, it will provide enhanced accessibility to the campus. New art and new cultural centre will be located in the precinct.

B6.2 Design Tasks The design task is to design a bike shelter in the New Student Precinct of Melbourne University by using cable net fabric formwork system. However, we wanted to beyond the brief to incorporate both productivity and creativity in our design. And then we want to design a project more than just a bike shelter. Therefore we listed some ideologies which will be found into the new student precinct into our bike shelter.


Public Realm


Urban diversity

Bike shelter




B6.3 Proposed location of bike shelter Determining the proposed location of the bike shelter:

1. We were inspired by the precedent ‘Hyparboles’, it HYPARBOLE’s multifaceted formal character draws visitors in from all angles. Its three paraboloid edges peel up towards distinct directions of approach1 . Because we are proposing to design a multifaceted ultra-thin concrete shell structure, it will be very interesting if we place the bike shelter there. Firstly, it draws people to enter into the open social hangout area from two directions through the shelter. It is gives people a sense of feeling about entering into a new world or entering into University-life. 2. The new student precinct was designed as ‘walking distance to neighboured communities’, thus people does not need to ride their bike in the precinct. It will reduce the risk to pedestrians in the campus. 3. The location of bike shelter will not influence the existing landscapes. There is no vegetation near the location.

B6.4 Proposed Site View

Figure 17. View from Alice Hoy

B6.5 Design Proposal

Design proposal:

1. 24/7 bike shelter with multiple functions. It incorporate ideas with the design proposal of the New Student Precinct. We are trying to make the form more dynamic and openness. 2.

Hypar edges extend to the social hangout area to provide shading for students

3. Guiding circulation- people come into the campus from two different directions through the bike shelter. Firstly, it can reduce the amount of bikes in the campus which is able to reduce risk to students. Secondly, it becomes a dramatic opening to campus scene. It may attract more visitors. 4.

B6.6 Inspirations

Pavilion for students

Figure 18. Hyparboles(night)

The proposed design was inspired by the Hyparboles Pavilion. It combined three doubly curved surfaces to create the base structure of the pavilion and the base geometry is a triangle. We decided to play with four hyperbolic paraboloids to generate our proposed design. The other inspiration we got from the Hyparboles is the opening in the middle. Designing an opening in the middle will not affect too much about the structure. Thus it is a strategy to make ltra-thin concrete shell structure look more dynamic and it allows sun light penetrate into the bike shelter as well. Therefore we decided to have an opening in the middle. The last inspiration form the Hyparboles is trimming all edges to avoid the constraints. It is very difficult to achieve the sharp corner by using concrete. Because it is very easy to shrink, thus we decided to trim all sharp edges.

Figure 19. Armadillo Vault designed by ETH Zurich 1. Void: Armadillo Vault designed by ETH Zurich Ideas of the pavilion: Stone structure, 399 slabs of limestones and no glue. Similarities to our project: The geometry, Load bearing system, material properties and the digital and physical design processes. Shape: Curvy canopy (Pavilion) Span up to 16m Digital design processes: Rhino Vault & Tessellation design Physical fabrication: Edge supports, scaffold, timber formwork, place limestones on, decanting formwork and then get the self-support structure. The concept: Compressive force affects the architecture design. Sustainable materials rather than steel. Play with geometries and force. Inspiration: The pavilion was designed in a exist building with 8 structural columns inside. The form finding in this pavilion is quite interesting because it has two columns inside the pavilion and the designer created two voids for the columns to minimize the influences to the exist building. The second reason for the voids is about the natural lighting I suggest, and I took that point as one of my considerations to the new project. We wished to have a contrast/comparison between the old style building to the new generation building (parametric design or other digital design), so we want the bike shelter to build on exist building without affecting it. Thus the natural light sources of the building should not be affected. Secondly, the void can provide natural light to the bike shelter in order to save energy for environmental sustainability.

Figure 20. Form-finding drawings

B7. Learning Outcomes Part B of studio Air is a group task, it challenged me ot on teamwork and communicating with group members. Fortunately, we have overcome almost all challenges in this part. The part B has its own complete sequences of exploring the topic which was given by tutor. Nobody understood the topic at the beginning, but by following the procedure of exploring the topic, such as form-finding, making iterations, searching possibilities of a simple shape, we are able to see the possibilities that the hyperbolic paraboloid has. By generating the digital model in Rhino and Grasshopper and play with it, we are gaining our understanding to the topic. After generation of the digital model, we used ‘Kangaroo’ to simulate forces, external environmental influences and material properties, and then as the result, we can demonstrate our assumptions by simple sliding the numbers in Kangaroo. It saved us a lot time on physical fabrication as well. For instance, we generated the timber formwork in Rhino, then we do not need to calculate any angle between two timbers, thus the computation allow us to explore more complicated designs. After the prototyping the hyperbolic paraboloids, we clearly understood the advantage and disadvantage of the cable-net fabric formwork system; the capabilities and constraints as well. I love fabrication, so I think physical fabrication has more fun than the digital simulation. Physical fabrication always challenge me and my understanding to the cable-net fabric formwork system, it always inspire me about the potential of the system such as use the cable net system reversely can actually have the same principle as Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia. Therefore I enjoy the study in part B and more excited about the coming part C. HAHA

B8. Appendix- Algorithmic Sketches

Figure 21. the Bridge over the Basento River by Sergio Musmeci

Figure 22. Los Manantiales / Felix Candela The top one is the Bridge over the Basento River by Sergio Musmeci. And the other one is Los Manantiales designed by Felix Candela. These two projects are my favourite projects, I tried to simulate them in grasshopper in order to understand their designer’s thinking while designing this kind of project. Therefore it helped me to analyse the structure of the project and the generation process of those project. I believe that I can take their thinking into my own design thinking.

B9. References Figure 1. A stack of hypars made of 3/8 dowels. Figure 2. Cable-net and fabric formworks for concrete shells Figure 3. Cable-net and fabric formworks for concrete shells Figure4. NEST HILO by ETH Zurich Figure 5. Analytical drawing of Nest Hilo Figure 6. NEST HILO by ETH Zurich Figure 7. Hyparbole by Marc Fornes / THEVERYMANY Figure 8. Los Manantiales / Felix Candela Figure 9. Analytical drawing of Los Manantiales Figure 10. Engineering and optimization Figure 11. Cable net fabric formwork system on Hilo Figure 12. Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia Figure 13. Catenary Design Figure 14. Catenary Design Figure 15. New student Precinct Figure 16. View from Alice Hoy Figure 17. View from Alice Hoy Figure 18. Hyparboles(night) Figure 19. Armadillo Vault designed by ETH Zurich Figure 20. Form-finding drawings Figure 21. the Bridge over the Basento River by Sergio Musmeci Figure 22. Los Manantiales / Felix Candela

Actar Publishers, ‘urbannext’, Hyparbole: The Lit Lightness ( Actar publisher, copyright date 2018), website: https://urbannext. net/hyparbole/ [Date Accessed: 18/04/2018]

Construction prototype for ultra-thin concrete roof’ ETH Zurich, 12 Oct 2017. Accessed 15 March 2018. news-and-events/eth-news/news/2017/10/innovative-construction.html ) Diederik, Veenendaal, Philippe, Block,’ Design process for prototype concrete shells using a hybrid cable-net and fabric formwork’, 2013, p39-50. Michelle Miller. “AD Classics: Los Manantiales / Felix Candela” ArchDaily. 14 Apr 2014. Accessed 21 Apr 2018. <https://www.> ISSN 0719-8884 Veenendaal D. and Block P, ‘Design process for a prototype concrete shells using a hybrid cable-net and fabric formwork’,Engineering Structures,75: 39-50,2014.

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