Making the Invisible Visible: An Architecture without Form

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An Architecture Without Form WINTER 2022

Kai Lin 825663 Can Yang Ivy 980929 Yidi Chen Anita 1029519



Due to the special geographical features and unique geographical location, Melbourne's sky will produce completely different scenery at different times of the day. On a sunny day, it gives a comfortable feel and makes people feel very cozy.


However, the sky is like a canvas at dusk, ending the day with colourful clouds like oil painting.


When the sun is about to set completely, the clouds use exaggerated oranges and purples, implying the gloom of the night. However, the sky of Melbourne is unpredictable. If you pay close attention to the sky, you can perceive different atmospheres from minute to minute.



An Architecture Without Form WINTER 2022

Kai Lin 825663 Can Yang Ivy 980929 Yidi Chen Anita 1029519


Tangled Fragments

Restrained Deformation

Many a little makes a mickle



An Architecture Without Form WINTER 2022

Kai Lin 825663 Can Yang Ivy 980929 Yidi Chen Anita 1029519



The space was blurred in the heavy darkness.

Here, the sight was deprived, as I was confined in this oppressive place. A chill filled the enclosed room, activating my senses of touch, hearing, and smell.

I groped along the wall, the stone’s stiff, cold, and rough touch stimulating my palms as if robbing my body of the last bit of warmth. The rugged stone road forced me to slow down. I was eager to speed up my pace in pursuit of a ray of the skylight in the distance but also trapped in fear of the unknown space ahead. My heavy boots made a dull sound on the road. Sounds were both muffled and magnified, echoing off the space, heightened by the stone.

I could feel the dampness of the space from the moist wall, humid air and the soft moss beneath my boots. I could smell decay in the damp, musty air as if engraved in the wall, ceiling, and road. I was alone, but I seemed to smell the countless traces of people, the passing years, and the dusty history and memory confined in the stone.






An Architecture Without Form WINTER 2022

Kai Lin 825663 Can Yang Ivy 980929 Yidi Chen Anita 1029519

Too little has been said of the room, its door face turned to the night’s random and its other to the shift and glisten of neon lights.

Air, clasped by this cover, into the room’s book, is filled by the turning pages of dark and fire as the wind shoulders the panel, or unsteadies that burning.

Not only, the city’s chaos , but the sudden frontier to our concurrences, appearances and as full of the offer of space as the view through a cromlech is.

For doors are both frame and monument to our spent time, act as counters, and too little has been said of our coming through and leaving by them.

The reading room is a living chronicler, we come and go, to memorize the history, the past time and people. And our movements are carved in stones, being part of the history in the future.

The Sculptures of Sculpture


I passed through a narrow door into a sad and tall interior space with only a faint skylight to guide me. The room was meandering and unpredictable, like it was broken into pieces of different sizes. As I passed through a few thresholds, even the daylight faded away. I seem to be devoured by silence and darkness. I fumbled along the cold stone wall, shouting and trying to feel this dark space through the echoes. The delayed echo described the grand spatial volume. I cannot predict where the next exit is. Intense fear of the unknown space gradually tore my sense of security bit by bit. Then, continuing to walk through a few intermittent spaces, the skylight suddenly quietly appeared, which brought comfort and hope to my journey through the maze of fragmented rooms.

I often wonder how much space people need to live. How small is too small? How small can be defined as a confined space? A confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not intended or designed primarily for human occupancy and within which there are risks. But under economic pressure and the Covid pandemic, we actively choose smaller living space seems like we are confining ourselves.

Putting ourselves in a confined space for long periods can cause serious psychological unease and stress. On the contrary, some people around the world actively choose to live in confined spaces like Buddhist monks, hermits, and agoraphobics. For them, the confined space would provide the feeling of safety, retreat, or spiritual gain. A confined space can have a two-way effect on us, depending on the mindset we choose.

I wondered which way I should follow, every form was so clear yet there are hundreds of rough surfaces and lines, I felt obscure, I was all alone in the hundreds shades of gray, the haze mirrored my fear of the unknown. Thousands of sharp corners gave images of anxiety and hesitation.

As I stood in between the thick volumes,I was gazing at the ultimate depth in solitude. Here, the transition of energy no longer existed, the exchange between the gloomy inside and outside world, heats and walls, thoughts and ambiance disappeared. The ultimate darkness revealed the most secret regions of my own being while the sensitivity was lost, thus I became isolated.

Night time falls, revealing a glimpse of the rising darkness, as the sunshine slips into the vast realm of nothingness, frozen in time. The city shows its hidden side. Smoke upon smoke, over the stone lips; of chimneys bleeding, a darker fume descends. Chaos proceeds to grow uncontrollably. It takes over the city, breaking the peace of the night. I was trapped in a crowded, stuffy carriage in the dense traffic. I want to escape this narrow, moving box, the crowds, and the chaotic night. I gasp in the park to get rid of the suffocation. I come for silence but am swallowed by the noise. The smell of earth and grass mixed with burnt smoke, the cold air comes with pungent exhaust, and the occasional nicotine rushes into the nose. The chaotic smell filled my tired body and mind and dragged me into the endless dark.

As I sleep, the screams of fire alarms, tram bells, racing cars and drunken people burst into my dreams, overwhelmingly in my mind. They grow louder and louder, piercing the silence, haunting the night. They circle endlessly in the dark. Together this night would span forever, floating endlessly in a sea of black.

The thundering sound of garbage trucks and shrill birds cut through the night in the early morning, clamouring to announce the arrival of a new day. Is it a fresh start of order or a new round of chaos?

Due to the special geographical features and unique geographical location, Melbourne’s sky will produce completely different scenery at different times of the day. On a sunny day, it gives a comfortable feel and makes people feel very cozy.

However, the sky is like a canvas at dusk, ending the day with colourful clouds like oil painting.When the sun is about to set completely, the clouds use exaggerated oranges and purples, implying the gloom of the night. However, the sky of Melbourne is unpredictable. If you pay close attention to the sky, you can perceive different atmospheres from minute to minute.

Walking on the little bourke street and passing a series of alleys, I’m one of the audiences who is curious about the drama going on in the unnoticeable narrow stage.Uncanny fragments can be deciphered by senses and seeping into my perception. It is a sense of immediacy that makes the scene blurry and ambiguous, yet it is the essence of urban life, the Melbourne city is filled with busy strangers moving freely to watch different theatre every day. When neon and sky are entangled during the night, it confuses the focus, then my mind becomes blank-we are ephemeral in the world, just like the transient light .

We are discursive, by losing ourselves to rhythms, the sound of traffic lights, trams, wind, people talking to their phones in the alley and music from the shops. Sounds are mutable, intense, coexisting and colliding to perform an alluring distortion for every performance.

We are detached. I feel the chilling wind as I’m standing in front of every stage, yet everything is blown away from me, every step I take is useless. Something in the city further detached us, the show no longer interests me anymore. We become more indifferent in this fleeting moment.



I passed through a narrow door into a sad and tall interior space with only a faint skylight to guide me. The room was meandering and unpredictable, like it was broken into pieces of different sizes. As I passed through a few thresholds, even the daylight faded away. I seem to be devoured by silence and darkness. I fumbled along the cold stone wall, shouting and trying to feel this dark space through the echoes. The delayed echo described the grand spatial volume. I cannot predict where the next exit is. Intense fear of the unknown space gradually tore my sense of security bit by bit. Then, continuing to walk through a few intermittent spaces, the skylight suddenly quietly appeared, which brought comfort and hope to my journey through the maze of fragmented rooms.

I wondered which way I should follow, every form was so clear yet there are hundreds of rough surfaces and lines, I felt obscure, I was all alone in the hundreds shades of gray, the haze mirrored my fear of the unknown. Thousands of sharp corners gave images of anxiety and hesitation.

As I stood in between the thick volumes,I was gazing at the ultimate depth in solitude. Here, the transition of energy no longer existed, the exchange between the gloomy inside and outside world, heats and walls, thoughts and ambiance disappeared. The ultimate darkness revealed the most secret regions of my own being while the sensitivity was lost, thus I became isolated.

I often wonder how much space people need to live. How small is too small? How small can be defined as a confined space? A confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not intended or designed primarily for human occupancy and within which there are risks. But under economic pressure and the Covid pandemic, we actively choose smaller living space seems like we are confining ourselves.

Putting ourselves in a confined space for long periods can cause serious psychological unease and stress. On the contrary, some people around the world actively choose to live in confined spaces like Buddhist monks, hermits, and agoraphobics. For them, the confined space would provide the feeling of safety, retreat, or spiritual gain. A confined space can have a two-way effect on us, depending on the mindset we choose.


The space was blurred in the heavy darkness.

Here, the sight was deprived, as I was confined in this oppressive place. A chill filled the enclosed room, activating my senses of touch, hearing, and smell.

I groped along the wall, the stone’s stiff, cold, and rough touch stimulating my palms as if robbing my body of the last bit of warmth. The rugged stone road forced me to slow down. I was eager to speed up my pace in pursuit of a ray of the skylight in the distance but also trapped in fear of the unknown space ahead. My heavy boots made a dull sound on the road. Sounds were both muffled and magnified, echoing off the space, heightened by the stone.

I could feel the dampness of the space froWm the moist wall, humid air and the soft moss beneath my boots. I could smell decay in the damp, musty air as if engraved in the wall, ceiling, and road. I was alone, but I seemed to smell the countless traces of people, the passing years, and the dusty history and memory confined in the stone.

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