Week 01 journal

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Images provided by students who were present for the ac4vity

A brief analysis of the ac4vity from photographs and observa4ons as I was unable to aBend this session.


Load path: the direc2on in which each consecu2ve load will pass through connected members, ul2mately transferring the total load of the structure to the founda2on Masonry: refers to building with units of various natural or manufactured products…usually with the use of a mortar as a bonding agent1 Compression: when an external load pushes on a structural member, the paCerns of the material compact together2 Reac2on Force: is a force ac2ng in the opposite direc2on3 Point Load: Is a load that is localized to a specific loca2on on a structure4 Beam: a horizontal element designed to carry ver2cal load using its bending resistance5

1 RMIT. (na). Primary Loads. Retrieved 08 03, 2014, from Build Right : hCps:// www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/toolbox/buildright/content/bcgbc4010a/01_loads_loading/ 01_primary_loads/page_008.htm 2 (CHING, F. D. (2014). Building Construc4on Illustrated (FiZh ed.). New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons. 3 The University of Melbourne. (n.d.). Basic Structural Forces. Retrieved 08 03, 2014, from ENVS10003: Construc2ng Environments : hCps://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/ courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM2/WEEK%2001/Basic%20Structural%20Forces%201.pdf 4 Elena Cox. (2003-­‐2014). Ac4on and Reac4on Forces. Retrieved 08 03, 2014, from Educa2onal Portal: hCp://educa2on-­‐portal.com/academy/lesson/ac2on-­‐and-­‐reac2on-­‐ forces-­‐law-­‐examples-­‐quiz.html#lesson 5 (The University of Melbourne: ENVS10003, 2014)

The tower construc2on task in week 1 tutorial was based on construc2ng a tower which would accommodate an object through minimal materials. This demonstrated that the task was aimed at building a ‘construc2on system’ to understand the factors which impact a construc2on and its significant points. This many involve the materials, the dimensions, the surface, the layout and its form. One of the main discussions which arise from this task is how forces work and the ways in which load paths divert forces throughout a construc2on. This task would have been carried out through trial and error to achieve the strongest orienta2on for maximum height and minimal material use. The blocks, as the primary material, works efficiently to support the direct weight and height of the tower.

The structure also clearly explores load paths and how the loads placed one on top of each other divert the load down to the base (red arrows). The orienta2on of the constructed tower is therefore cri2cal for its strength. The arrows depict the distribu2on of the loads.

This drawing depicts how the orienta2on of the tower is vital as the length of space (blue arrows) leZ for the block underneath or above supports and strengthens the overall construc2on. If it is too short the blocks may collapse, if it is too close together there will be a high usage of materials. Compression forces allows the structure to remain stable and in tact even though irregular deconstruc2on takes place. Deforma2on is hence also explored, as the shape is altered.

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