Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop
19 DESEMBER 2013
Terugblik op jaar Ilse Watson
IN hierdie laaste uitgawe van 2013 kyk ons na die jaar se hoofnuusgebeure. Die eerste uitgawe van Kalahari Bulletin Kathu het op 30 Mei verskyn. ) Op ons eerste voorblad het ’n berig oor die riool- en vullisprobleme van Deben verskyn. Inwoners was diep ontevrede met die swak diens van die Gamagara-munisipaliteit. ) In Junie was die hoofberigte oor die nuwe Bestwood-ontwikkeling digby Kathu en daar is ook berig oor die hoë huurpryse van huise op Kathu. Behuising is ’n groot probleem omdat myne so vinnig uitbrei en huurders voel die huurpryse is astronomies hoog. ) Op 20 Junie het André Botha berig oor die bekendstelling van die nuwe koerant vir Kathu. Johanna van Eeden, redakteur van Volksblad, het die nuwe span van Kathu aan sakelui en belanghebbendes voorgestel. “Ons lê die geskiedenis vas, ons vermaak, voed op, speel die waghond-rol en word ’n stem vir die gemeenskap,” het Van Eeden gesê. ) In die uitgawe van 4 Julie is verslag gedoen oor die moord op Herman van der Schyff van Olifantshoek. Hy was ’n veiligheidswag by die Langberg-abattoir en is op 16 Junie deur booswigte oorval en vermoor. Die hofsaak duur voort. ) In die uitgawe van 25 Julie het ons die nou ontslape oudpresident Nelson Mandela se 95ste verjaardag herdenk. Khumani-myn het spesiale projekte by skole in Olifantshoek gehad om dié dag te vier. ) In Augustus het die Olimpiese swemmer Natalie du Toit en Ingrid en Denver Vraagom (akteurs van 7de Laan) toesprake by die Hoërskool Kathu gelewer en leerlinge aangemoedig om altyd na die beste van hul vermoë te presteer. ) Op 15 Augustus word daar weer oor die voortslepende rioolprobleme van Deben verslag gedoen. ) ’n Nuwe sonkragaanleg word by Deben gebou en Kalahari Bulletin berig oor dié besonderse projek wat in Augustus 2014 voltooi sal wees. ) Ook in Augustus het Kansa op Kathu ’n deftige teepartytjie gehou. Vroue het met hul deftige hoede opgedaag om na die motiveringspraatjies van Jana du Plessis en Erica Malan te luister. ) Die Kalahari gaan gebuk onder ’n erge droogte. Ons doen in September verslag oor
Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoedige nuwe jaar
DIE Kalahari Bulletin Kathu wens al sy lesers ’n geseënde feestyd toe. Ons sê ook dankie vir elkeen wat ’n bydrae tot ons koerant gemaak het. Die eerste uitgawe van 2014 verskyn op 16 Januarie. Die kantoor heropen reeds op 8 Januarie. boere wat noodgedwonge hul vee en wild met die hand moet voer. ) Die kameeldoringbome van die Kalahari is as ’n beskermde bos verklaar. Ons berig oor die bewaring van dié besonderse bome en die projekte waarby die Universiteit van Pretoria betrokke is om die redes vir boomvrektes te ondersoek. ) September is ook die tyd wanneer Kumba Iron Ore sy jaarlikse fietsren hou en Rynard Butler was die wenner van die 105 km-wedren. Barend Coetzee van Kathu was die eerste gestremde fietsryer oor die wenstreep. Dit
was ’n yskoue dag, maar dit het nie die fietsryers gekeer om dié dag ten volle te geniet nie. ) Op 3 Oktober verskyn die tragiese berig oor die ongeveer 30 kleinflaminke wat deur kragdrade dood geskok is. ) ’n Ramp tref die Le Roux-gesin van Deben toe hulle huis heeltemal afgebrand het. Dié berig was op die voorblad van 10 Oktober. ) Laat in Oktober ril en gril almal vir die plaag wurms wat die dorp getref het. Kommentaar word van omgewingsdeskundiges verkry en daar word vertel dat híérdie
wurms ’n goeie reënseisoen voorspel. ) Einde Oktober word daar gekyk na huispryse op Kathu en verskeie eiendomsagente verskaf kommentaar. ) In November word berig oor die nuwe Heritage Square-sentrum wat op Kathu gebou word. ) Op 28 November doen Kalahari Bulletin verslag oor die skokkende aantal ongelukke wat tussen Kathu en Kuruman plaasvind. ) In ons koerant van 12 Desember deel Kalahari Bulletin die nuus oor die afsterwe van oudpres. Nelson Mandela en vier sy lewe en nalatenskap aan Suid-Afrika.
Beurse help jonges Benneli Olivier van der Walt DIE Assmang-Khumani-myn en die Gamagara-munisipaliteit het verlede week die Gamagara-Assmang-beursprogram (GABS) se jaareindgeselligheid by Uitkoms op Kathu gehou. Lede van die Khumani-myn, Gamagaramunisipaliteit, GABS-bestuurslede, begunstigde studente en hul ouers het die geleentheid bygewoon. Kamogelo Semamai, die kommunikasiebeampte van die munisipaliteit, was die seremoniemeester. Josephine Nampa het die geleentheid met gebed geopen. Die GABS is in 2011 deur die Gamagaramunisipalitieit en Khumani-myn begin. Die program verskaf universiteitsbeurse aan gekeurde studente van die John Taolo Gaetsewe-streek. Die program het in 2011 beurse aan agt studente verskaf, in 2012 aan 14 studente en in 2013 aan 22 studente. Daar is tot nou al R2,1 miljoen aan beurse bestee. Die studente studeer aan universiteite oor die land heen. Protea Leserwane van die Gamagara-munisipaliteit het gesê die GABS verskaf ’n beter toekoms aan die studente en hul onderskeie gemeenskappe. Miena Jacobs, Adelaide João en Aobakwe Rodney Haarmans is almal gegradueerdes wat die GABS bedank het vir hul beurse. Jacobs het gesê sy het nou ’n beter lewe en het ’n werk op Olifantshoek gekry. Sy het jong mense aangemoedig om onderrig te ontvang en die land se toekomstige leiers te word. João het die graad BCom Rekeningkunde voltooi. Sy het aan toekomstige studente gesê hulle moet nie deur geld en gierigheid gemotiveer wees nie. Studente moet hul doelwitte vasstel en volhard om
daarby uit te kom. Haarmans is ’n instrument-tegnikus by die Khumani-myn. Hy kon sy BTech-graad in elektriese ingenieurswese aan die Tshwane-universiteit vir Tegnologie (TUT) voltooi. Hy sê studente moet hul studie ernstig benader en nie hul geleenthede verspil nie. Poloko Khabae wat nou studeer, sê die GABS-beurs het sy lewe heeltemal verander. Hy het aan toekomstige studente gesê hoewel die werk agter studeer hard is, is dit ook die moeite werd. Tebogo Gaeletse, ’n trotse ouer van een van GABS se studente, het die program hartlik bedank vir die geleentheid wat dit aan sy kind verskaf het. Hy het studente gemaan om hul ouers te respekteer en hard te werk in hul studie. Hy het ook aan die ouers gesê hulle moet hul kinders ondersteun en motiveer om ’n sukses van hul geleenthede te maak. Doris Sibiya, ’n hoof-onderwysspesialis, het gesê die GABS bring ’n daadwerklike, positiewe verandering in die studente se gemeenskappe mee. Sy het die GABS bedank dat dit ook beurse aan vrouestudente verskaf. Sy het die gegradueerdes in hul gemeenskappe verwelkom en hulle bedank vir hul voorbeeld om terug te ploeg in hul gemeenskap. “Julle moet ’n voorbeeld stel vir die jonger geslag in jul gemeenskappe sodat hulle sal streef om soos julle ’n sukses van hul studie te maak.” Dineo Moyo, waarnemende burgemeester van die Gamagara-munisipalitieit, het gesê sy is oorweldig deur die sukses van die studente. Sy sien groot dinge in die Gamagara-streek gebeur. Die GABS verminder die werkgaping van opgeleide plaaslike mense en verbeter die streek se ekonomie.
DIE GABS-gegradueerde studente is van links Miena Jacobs, Aobakwe Rodney Haarmans en Adelaide João. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier van der Walt
DIE GABS-studente by die waarnemende burgemeester, Dineo Moyo.
POLOKO KHABAE is trots om een van die GABS- begunstigde studente te wees.
Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
DIE leerlinge van Sonstraaltjie-dagsorg op Kathu het ’n paar voorstelle aan Kersvader gemaak oor wat hulle vanjaar onder die Kersboom wil hê.
PABALELO MOSIMANE: A skateboard, please!
MEGAN LOMBARD: ’n Swembad, asseblief.
FRANCO LOUW: skaatsplank!
Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
LEAM MEYER: ’n Nuwe fiets!
Kleuters se Kersfeeslys
JEAN-PIERRE REYNEKE: Ek wil graag ’n fiets hê!
JAYDEN BEZUIDENHOUT: Baie karretjies, asseblief.
MARIO LINKS: Ek soek ’n nuwe skateboard !
LISA JONES: Ek wil asseblief nuwe kryte en inkleurgoed hê. SIDNEY PARK: Ek soek karretjies, asseblief.
Leef ’n dag op ’n slag TERWYL ons aan die einde van 2013 staan en begin uitsien na die groot Kersvierings wat om die draai is, blyk dit die 13de jaar van die 21ste eeu was ’n jaar wat gestand gedoen het aan sy getal se reputasie as ’n ongelukkige een. Aan die begin van die jaar was die vraag of dit wel ’n ongelukkige 13 gaan wees vinnig beantwoord. Dié jaar het aangegaan met die ekonomiese resessie wat die wêreld en Suid-Afrika al ’n paar jaar in ’n wurggreep het. Hoewel die Noord-Kaap ekonomies beter gevaar het as die ander provinsies, het mense oor die algemeen swaarder getrek om die jaar te oorleef. Die Noord-Kaap is ook verder getref deur die opspraakwekkende Griekwastad-moorde wat almal oor die jaar heen aan die praat gehad het. Die uitspraak wat nou eers in 2014 gelewer gaan word, sal hopelik die antwoorde op baie moeilike vrae verskaf. Dit was egter nie die enigste
opspraakwekkende moord nie. Hoewel die moorde op Harrismith in die buurprovinsie plaasgevind het, het die raakpunte met die Griekwastad-moorde ou wonde oopgekrap. Ouers veral is getref deur die ou vraagstuk oor wat die grootste rol in die opvoeding van hul kinders speel. Is dit nature of nurture wat die vorming van jong volwassenes die meeste beïnvloed? Daarby het die jaar met die dood van Suid-Afrika se grootste staatsman geëindig. Oudpresident Nelson Mandela se dood het alle Suid-Afrikaners geruk en laat besin oor waar ons vandaan kom en waarheen ons van hier af moet beweeg. Die herbevestiging van sy versoeningsboodskap het egter ’n ligpunt aan dié donker wolk geheg. Nou staan Suid-Afrika aan die voet van 2014. Gaan die komende jaar ekonomiese en politieke verligting bring? Wie weet . . . ons sal dit maar dag vir dag moet aanpak.
Stadiger, rus Ds Philip van Vuuren JESAJA 40 vers 29-31: “Hy gee die vermoeide krag en vermenigvuldig sterkte vir dié wat geen krag het nie. Die jonges word moeg en mat en die jongmanne struikel selfs; maar dié wat op die Here wag, kry nuwe krag; hulle vaar op met vleuels soos die arende; hulle hardloop en word nie moeg nie; hulle wandel en word nie mat nie.” Die pas van hierdie lewe is net te vinnig. Die tempo waarteen ons leef, maak dat vele van ons op die randjie van uitbranding en selfs senu-instortings is. Hier aan die einde van die jaar kan ons nie wag om net ’n ruskans te kan gaan geniet nie. Vir andere is dit nie beskore om weg te breek en te gaan rus nie. ’n Atleet moet hardloop teen ’n sekere pas. Indien hy die pas sal versnel, sal hy nie die wenpaal haal nie; hy sal homself uitbrand. Ons sal moet leer om meer aandag te gee aan ons lewenstempo . God se tempo is “WAG”. Die mens leef teen ’n tempo van “NOU”. Uitgebrande moeë mens, leer om jouself tot stilstand te dwing. Aanvaar dat die lewe vereis ons moet ook STOP. Jy kan nie net aangaan en aangaan sonder om jou krag te vernuwe nie.
Wanneer ons leer om by God se tempo aan te pas sal jy soms voel jy hardloop, soms voel dit of jy vlieg en ander kere stap jy of staan jy net stil. Om dan in Sy pas te kom, sal ons in Sy krag beweeg, dan word ons nie moeg nie, dan is die lewe vir ons ’n uitdaging. Die STOP-oomblik, die WAG-oomblik is nie om passief agteroor te sit nie. Dis oomblikke waar jy bid, na Hom vra, en dit is ook dan dat Sy wil aan ons openbaar gemaak sal word. Koop die tyd uit om Sy Woord te lees en laat toe dat Hy tot jou spreek deur Sy Woord. Wanneer Hy deel word van ons lewenstempo, dan sal die kleur van ons lewe weer terugkom. Sal ons weer energie kry en sal ons weer die lewe kan geniet. Matt. 11 vers 28: “Almal wat vermoeid en belas is, kom na My toe en Ek sal julle rus gee.” Die lewe behoort vir ons ’n reis te wees en nie ’n wedloop nie. Ons is vry om die lewe te gebruik en as ons wys is, sal ons dit leef met die ewigheid in gedagte. Geniet u vakansie, geniet u ruskans, en pak 2014 met nuwe krag aan.
Smul aan ’n happie groen gras DIE boerbokke het lekker langs die pad op Deben gewei.
Foto: Benneli Olivier van der Walt
Dankie, Madiba, vir Afrikaans JAPIE GOUWS, Kuruman: DIE ATKV verneem met leedwese van die afsterwe van Nelson Mandela, of Madiba, soos die wêreld ná die eerste demokratiese verkose swart president van Suid-Afrika verwys het. Nelson Mandela het ’n besonderse verhouding met Afrikaans gehad. As kind op die platteland van Transkei het hy dit nooit gehoor nie, maar in sy 27 jaar in die tronk is hy daagliks daarmee gekonfronteer. Hy moes dit ook verstaan en gebruik tydens die ingewikkelde onderhandelings vir
’n nuwe Suid-Afrika. Ons wil hom vandag daarvoor huldig dat hy, in sy termyn as president en in sy hoedanigheid as leier van die nuwe Suid-Afrika, nooit toegelaat het dat persoonlike bitterheid die demokrasie ondermyn nie, ook nie as dit by taal kom nie. Ons wil dankie sê dat hy die moeite gedoen het om Afri-
kaans en Afrikaanssprekendes as deel van Afrika beskou het, en dat hy Afrikaners nie net as deel van die apartheidsverlede van SuidAfrika gesien het nie, maar ook as deel van die toekoms en die oplossing vir die land se probleme. In Suid-Afrika, waar nasiebou so belangrik is, het ons mense soos Nelson Mandela nodig. Hy het in ’n baie kort tyd grense en persepsies, soos dat ons nie saam kan bestaan nie, verskuif. Hy sal vir altyd deur alle Suid-Afrikaners en deur die hele wêreld onthou word. Ons gun u die rus, Madiba.
Briewe mag nie langer as 400 woorde wees nie. Voorkeur word aan kort briewe gegee waarin standpunte bondig gestel word. Laster en beledigings is nie aanvaarbaar nie. Briewe moet die skrywer se naam, van en adres bevat asook ’n telefoonnommer waar die briefskrywer bedags gekontak kan word. Dit geld selfs al skryf u onder ’n skuilnaam. As die brief na ’n berig verwys wat verskyn het, verskaf asseblief die opskrif van die berig asook die datum waarop dit verskyn het. Die Bulletin behou hom die reg voor om briewe te keur, te verkort of te redigeer vir publikasie. Briewe wat per e-pos ontvang word, sal voorkeur geniet.
En volgende jaar draai die koerantwiel weer . . . Ilse Watson VIR eens het ek geen benul wat om vir ons Kameeldoring-rubriek te skryf nie. Want dit is die einde van die jaar en ek verwys gewoonlik daarna as die silly season. Want baie mense is moeg, gestres, oorwerk, emosioneel uitgeput en ’n mens se verstand wil ook nie meer so lekker funksioneer nie. As ek terugkyk na die afgelope jaar sien ek ’n mengelmoes-deurmekaar-vrugteslaai – partykeer is die vrugteslaai met salige vanielje-
roomys voorgesit en ander kere is die vrugteslaai met suurroom bedien. Elke jaar het sy hoogte- en laagtepunte. Dit is ’n gegewe. Op Nuwejaarsdag glo ’n mens kinderlik dit gaan nét ’n goeie jaar wees. Maar dit gebeur nie altyd so nie. Die grootste deel van my 2013 is deur my werk (en lewe) in die koerantbedryf ingesluk. Sommer vroeg-vroeg het ek na die koerantlewe as ’n hamsterwieletjie begin verwys – want dit hou net nooit op draai nie. Soms het ek gewens daar wil elke dag ’n bietjie nuus gebeur
sodat ek ordentlike aandag daaraan kan skenk, maar nuus kies nie ’n tyd nie – sommer vier goed sal op een dag gebeur en jy hardloop jou beentjies stomp om by alles uit te kom. En die volgende dag is dit weer doodstil. Maar dit is ’n lewe wat ek nie vir enigiets sal verruil nie – skryf is in my bloed. My oupa het as subredakteur by
een van die groot koerante in Johannesburg afgetree. My pa se kunstige streep het in die teken van spotprentjies (oor homself) gelê. Hy het ook graag potloodsketse gedoen. My dogter sing en doen kreatiewe dagboeke oor haar lewe. So hier en daar skryf sy iets (meestal in Engels) wat my mond laat oophang. En dan wens ek dat ek ook sulke mooi kreatiewe stories kan skryf. Ja, ons het almal ’n kreatiewe talent. En so sal ek 2014 ingaan met nuwe moed en hoop vir nog ’n jaar
propvol interessante nuus. Ek wil ook van dié geleentheid gebruik maak om die gemeenskappe van Kathu en Kuruman (en omliggende dorpe) te bedank vir al die nuus wat vir my gestuur is en/of al die dringende oproepe oor “groot nuus” wat pas gebeur het. Ek wil ook vir al die mense by ons hoofkantoor in Bloemfontein dankie sê vir hul geduld, hulp en ondersteuning – sonder julle sal daar ook nie elke week ’n Kalahari Bulletin op straat verskyn nie. Wees asseblief veilig op ons paaie – seënwense tot volgende jaar.
DIE hele ongelukstoneel waar ’n mens duidelik al die voertuie kan sien wat in die grusame ongeluk betrokke was. Foto’s: Ilse Watson
REGS op die foto is die opgefrommelde Polo waaruit die man wat oorlede is, gehaal moes word.
Man sterf kort nadat hy help om verdagte aan te keer Ilse Watson KURUMAN. – Enkele ure nadat Mokwaledi Albert Nthekeng (29) verlede Donderdag die polisie gehelp het om ’n booswig vas te trek wat R25 000 in ’n winkel gesteel het, is hy op slag dood toe twee swaar voertuie, ’n wit Toyota-bakkie en ’n wit VW Polo in ’n botsing op die R380 tussen Kuruman en
Hotazel betrokke was. Vier ander mense is beseer en na die Kuruman-hospitaal gebring. “Dit is so ongelooflik tragies. Die man het ons ’n paar ure gelede op die dorp gehelp om ’n verdagte in hegtenis te neem en nou gebeur dít met hom,” sê kol. Sampie Koopman, bevelvoerder van die Kurumanpolisie.
Bouwerk aan die pad duur nou al maande en sekere gedeeltes van die pad is gesluit, wat dus net eenrigtingverkeer toelaat. “Die pad was vir verkeer van Hotazel af na Kuruman gesluit. “ ’n Wit bakkie en ’n swaar voertuig het by die verkeerslig gewag vir die aankomende verkeer van Kuruman af. “Nog ’n swaar voertuig het van agter
DIE Upington-kampus van die Noord-Kaapse Landelike VOO-kollege (NCR FET) was die gasheer vir 85 dosente van vyf kampusse in die Noord-Kaap. Dosente van die vyf verskillende kollegekampusse in die Noord-Kaap het vir ’n week lange indaba op Upington byeengekom. Dié dosente van die Kathu-, Kuruman-, Namakwaland- en De Aar-kampus het saam met dosente van die Upington-kampus saamgetrek om te werk aan die voortgesette gehalte-onderrig wat op al die kampusse gebied word. Petro Diedericks, hoofkoördineerder van dié indaba, het gesê dit was ’n eerste in sy soort vir die kollege, maar dat dit ’n reuse-sukses was en dat die doelwitte van die indaba beslis bereik is. Die indaba was ’n projek om gehalte-onderrig en -opleiding aan al die kampusse van die Noord-Kaapse Landelike VOO-kollege in die Noord-Kaap te verseker en om standaardisering tussen die vyf kampusse wat gehalte-onderrig, assesse-
ring en eksamens insluit, reg te kry. “Ek wil graag die passie vir onderwys terugbring en daardeur ook ons kollege se slaagsyfer verbeter,” het Diedericks gesê. Daar is ook na al die knelpunte op die verskillende kampusse gekyk, oplossings is gesoek en 2014 se jaarbeplanning is opgestel. Al die dosente het met ’n volledige en gestandaardiseerde jaarplan en gemotiveerd na hul onderskeie kampusse teruggekeer. Sprekers soos Nadine Pote, direkteur van nasionale eksamens van die departement van hoër onderwys, en Melanie Vermaak, akademiese hoof van die Valsbaai-kollege, was van die uitgelese sprekers wat die dosente toegespreek het. Tydens dié week het 40 administratiewe personeellede van die onderskeie kampusse ook opleiding ontvang. Die indaba is met ’n kleurryke spogaand afgesluit waartydens al die kampusse se jaaroorsigte gelewer is en Percy Sago, uitvoerende hoof van die Noord-Kaapse Landelike VOO-kollege, sy visie vir 2014 bekend gestel het.
DOSENTE van die vyf Noord-Kaapse kampusse van die Noord-Kaapse Landelike VOO-kollege het in Desember vir ’n week lange indaba op Upington byeengekom. Altesaam 85 dosente het dié indaba bygewoon. Foto: Verskaf
gekom, nie gestop nie en toe teen die stilstaande swaar voertuig en bakkie gebots,” sê Koopman. “Die bestuurder van die swaa rvoertuig het met die impak beheer oor die voertuig verloor en teen die wit VW Polo vasgejaag.” Die oorledene was in die opgefrommelde Polo. Die ongeluk het omstreeks 14:00 gebeur.
Kampusse byeen vir indaba
NC gets its 1st yogi bar WAKABERRY, the much-loved and massively successful self-serve frozen yoghurt brand, opened their first store in Upington (and in the Northern Cape) on Friday. The froyo brand was the first self-serve frozen yoghurt bar on the South African market and have always prided themselves on making sure their yoghurt is 100% real dairy (no powdered yoghurt for these yoghurt fundis), from some of the best organic dairy farms in the country. Customers, or Wakafans as they are affectionately known, can swirl their own yoghurt and then dispense their own toppings from the famous and sumptuous Wakaberry toppings bars. There are over 50 froyo flavours to choose from and these are rotated weekly in each store. Wakafans can log onto the Wakaberry website or mobi site to see what flavours their local store is swirling that week. “Wakaberry has always been about more than just really good frozen yoghurt,” says co-founder Michele Fourie. “We have striven to create a brand that inspires loyalty and fun. Our stores are destinations where families and friends come to enjoy a top notch product at their leisure, in their own way.” Wakaberry Upington opened on Friday 13 December at 09:00 and the first 50 people through the doors received Wakaberry prize packs. This opening took their store count to 31 locations in seven provinces.
Roads upgraded
KUMBA IRON ORE’S Sishen Mine invested R17 million in the Gamagara Municipality’s project to upgrade the Hendrik van Eck Road between Ian Fleming Road and the R380 (Dibeng Road) intersections. This project included the widening of Hendrik van Eck Road, a bell mouth at the R380 intersection, paving on the side of the road, new street light poles, a bus bay and median islands. The road surface has also been overlaid with a pre-mix tar surface. This project also sees Kathu’s first traffic lights come to life. There is a set of traffic lights at the Ian Fleming intersection, the R380 intersection and at the entrance to the mine. “The traffic lights will be operational after the demarcation of the roads is completed. The project was delayed by the recent rain but should be completed by 20 December, weather permitting. Please take note of this and adhere to traffic regulations concerning traffic lights. “We are right on target and within budget on this construction project,” says Hendrik Smit, civil engineer at the Sishen Mine’s Small Business Hub and project manager of the Hendrik van Eck Road construction. “Kumba is proud to be an investor and partner in this project to ensure a safer road for our employees and stakeholders. “On behalf of the mine and the municipality I would like to thank the road users for their patience and co-operation during this construction time,” concluded Smit.
LONG queues formed in front of Wakaberry on Friday when the first Wakaberry in the Northern Cape had opened in the Kalahari Mall.
Memorial held Benneli Olivier Van der Walt THE Gamagara Municipality in Kathu held a memorial for former president Nelson Mandela at the municipal library. Members of the public had the opportunity to sign a book of condolences to the Mandela family.
THE members of the Gamagara Library with the Nelson Mandela condolences book. From the left are Lenny Mogadile, Theodorah Tsalao, Caroline Rooibaadjie and Miriam Darmas. Photo: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
ANNEMIE en Dewald van Huyssteen.
Foto: Verskaf
Kathu-vrou wen eerbewys ANNEMIE VAN HUYSSTEEN van Kathu het die dorp onlangs eer aangedoen toe sy die direkteurs-eerbewys in die Mevrou Verenigde Nasies Suid-Afrika-kompetisie ontvang het. Van Hussteen sĂŞ sy is trots om die eerbewys na die Noord-Kaap toe te bring. Sy bedank haar man, Dewald, haar borge en die
gemeenskap vir hul ondersteuning met die kompetisie. Die geleentheid het in die Atterbury-teater in Pretoria plaasgevind. Die 13 finaliste het verskeie eerbewyse ontvang. Hannon Bothma en Melinda Bam was die beoordelaars. Van Huyssteen se Drive for Change-gemeenskapsprojek is steeds aan die gang.
Vier veiligheidsmylpaal KATHU PROFILE, ’n onderneming van Kathu, het onlangs sy 600-veilige-dae-mylpaal by Kumba Iron Ore se Sishen-myn behaal. Dit is byna twee jaar sonder enige voorvalle. Veiligheid is van groot belang vir enige onderneming wat in die mynbedryf betrokke is. Foto: Verskaf
Geseënde Kersfees
Tref met smullekker tertjies Barbara Joubert DIT is Kersfees en die ideale geleentheid om allerlei heerlike goed te bak. Die biltong-en-bloukaastertjies is voorwaar ’n maklike manier om jou familie en gaste mee te bederf. Geen ekstra sout of peper is nodig nie. Die kaas en biltong is reeds sout genoeg. Die resep is genoeg vir vier mense. ) 2 x 400 g- vierkantige velle blaardeeg ) 200 g bloukaas, gekrummel ) 150 g gesnyde beesbiltong ) 3 eiers ) 250 ml room
Voorverhit oond tot 180 °C. Voer vier gesmeerde 13 cm-tertbakkies uit met blaardeeg. Krummel bloukaas en sprinkel op deeg in tertbakkies. Verdeel biltong tussen bakkies bo-op bloukaas. Klits eiers en room saam. Gooi eiermengsel in die bakkies. Moenie bekommerd wees as die mengsel nie die bakkies heeltemal volmaak nie, dit sal in die oond rys. Plaas tertbakkies in oond en bak 35 tot 40 minute. Maak seker eiermengsel is gestol. Haal uit oond en laat eers effens afkoel voordat jy dit voorsit. ) Met vergunning van Sarie.
DIE allerlekkerste biltong-en-bloukaastertjies.
Foto: Micky Hoyle
Maak hemelse roomys-broodjies
HEMELSE roomys-broodjies.
Foto: Met erkenning aan Sarie-tydskrif.
ROOMYS-BROODJIES: Die hardste werk is om die koekies self te bak, maar dis alles die moeite werd – genoeg vir 12. 280 g (500 ml) koekmeel 90 g (97 ml) botter 155 g (175 ml) strooisuiker 90 ml kakao 2 eiers 1 liter vanielje-roomys Plaas meel, botter, suiker en kakao in voedselverwerker. Pols op hoë spoed tot growwe tekstuur. Klits eiers en gooi geleidelik by terwyl menger loop. Voeg genoeg by tot mengsel in een bal saamkom. Laat rus deeg in yskas vir 20 minute. Verhit oond tot 180 grade Celsius. Sprinkel koekmeel op werkvlak en rol deeg uit tot sowat 2 mm dik. Sny 10 cm-sirkels uit met koekiedrukker. Plaas op bakplaat wat goed met kleefwerende kossproei gespuit is. Gebruik agterkant van sosatiestokkie en druk ronde gaatjies in die koekie. Bak vir 10 – 12 minute of tot goudbruin en bros. Laat afkoel. Keer roomys in houer uit op kapplank en sny met skerp mes in skywe van 2 cm dik. Druk met 10 cm-koekiedrukker sirkels uit skywe roomys en plaas tussen twee koekies. Vries verder of sit dadelik voor.
Koel lafenis net reg vir somer HEERLIKE kortpad-nageregte met roomys – ideaal vir die warm somer. Van die kinders tot Ouma sal vir nog ’n skeppie nader staan. Oreo-en-donkersjokolade-roomyskoek: Die bittersjokoladesmaak van die legendariese koekie is perfek saam met roomys. Maak dié koek vir jou somertafel. (genoeg vir 8) ) 1 x 280 g Madeira-sponskoek, in skywe gesny ) 2 liter vanieljeroomys ) 100 g donkersjokolade, fyngekap ) 176 g Oreo-koekies, gekrummel ) 125 ml room ) 100 g witsjokolade, gekap ) 125 g bloubessies Voer ’n 20 cm-losboomkoekpan heeltemal met kleefplastiek uit. Voer die onderkant van die pan met helfte van die koek uit. Plaas die roomys in ’n groot mengbak en maak dit sag met groot metaallepel – dit moenie heeltemal smelt nie, maar eerder soos saggeklopte botter lyk. Voeg die sjokolade en koekies by en meng goed. Skep die helfte van mengsel bo-op die koek en smeer gelyk. Pak die oorblywende koek bo-op die roomys en skep die res van die roomysmengsel bo-op. Smeer dit gelyk. Plaas dit vier tot ses uur, of totdat dit weer hard gevries is, in die vrieskas. Sous: Verhit die room tot kookpunt en gooi oor die witsjokolade. Roer tot ’n gladde sous. Maak die ring van die pan los en verwyder die kleefplastiek. Lig die koek met ’n slaplemmes van die metaalring af en plaas op ’n opdienbord. Strooi bloubessies op die koek. Skep sous oor.
HEERLIKE Oreo-en-donkersjokolade-roomyskoek.
Foto: Met erkenning aan Sarie-tydskrif.
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Raam om foto keer dat oog afdwaal JOHAN SCHALKWYK
Mine had a good year Johan van Schalkwyk
THE year 2013 is quickly drawing to a close, and what a year it was. In August 2013 I was honoured to be appointed in the position of general manager of the Sishen Mine. In addition to this duty I had an opportunity of meeting employees, leaders and government officials. Kumba is a dynamic company and I am privileged for this opportunity to take Sishen, with the help of my management team and all the employees of the company, to the next level. The safety and wellness of our people is very important to us and I am grateful to report that Sishen has had no fatalities in 2013; 90% of our employees participated in our wellness programmes, which means almost everyone on the mine knows their HIV status and can get the necessary support. We remain involved in big community projects, ensuring a difference in the lives of our surrounding communities. Events such as the Kumba
Classic and the Kimberley Diamond Cup in September, the launch of the nine Early Childhood Development Centres and the SHEQ Community Day are only some of the highlights of the year. Furthermore, we invested in the community with the upgrade of the Hendrik van Eck Road project, scheduled to be completed by 13 December, as well as the upgrading of the Sesheng Recreational Facilities. All in all, we have made a huge investment in community development, emphasising our motto Real Mining, Real People, Real Difference. A big thank you to all our stakeholders and community members for supporting Kumba and keeping the faith throughout 2013. We look forward to strengthened relationships in 2014. For those who will be travelling during the holiday period, please exercise caution when on the road and return home safely. May you have a joyous festive season with your family and friends, and may you be kept safe until we meet again in 2014.
Benneli Olivier van der Walt EEN van die hoofredes waarom ’n mens ’n foto in ’n raam sit, is omdat die raam die kuns van die omliggende gebied skei. Dit vorm ’n grens wat help om die oog binne die fotogebied te hou. Dit is nog ’n tegniek om die oog te lei na die onderwerp van die foto. Kunstenaars en fotograwe het lank gelede al uitgevind dat natuurlike elemente binne ’n toneel ’n klaargemaakte raam vorm wat die oog verhoed om weg van die onderwerp van die foto te dwaal. Hierdie tegniek skep harmonie in die foto. Van die klassieke metodes om ’n raam te vorm is om ’n foto deur ’n oop deur te neem. Die
raam van die deur word ’n natuurlike raam vir die foto. Dieselfde geld oop vensters en ingangsboë van ou kerke en geboue. Een van die oudste tegnieke is om ’n landskapfoto van onder ’n boom te neem. Die takke wat van bo af hang, vorm ’n raam vir die landskap. Dit gee die kyker ’n gevoel dat hy of sy onder deur die boom loer na die landskap en die takke help dat die oog nie aan die bokant van die foto uitdwaal nie. Deur ’n boomstomp aan die linker- of regterkant van die foto te plaas skep die fotograaf ’n natuurlike raam aan die kant van die foto. ’n Foto wat deur die mik van ’n boom geneem word, fokus die oog op die onderwerp in die
MOTORVENSTERS maak ’n interessante natuurlike raam.
DEUR ’n boomstomp aan die linker- of regterkant van die foto te plaas skep die fotograaf ’n natuurlike raam aan die kant van die foto. Foto: Verskaf
Foto: Andre Gunther
INGANGSBOË en vensters van ou geboue maak ook mooi natuurlike rame. Foto: Verskaf
Wees dié vakansie veilig DIT is eindelik vakansie. Alles is goed beplan, maar jy is dalk bekommerd oor jou huis en die veiligheid daarvan. Hier is ’n paar wenke om te verseker jy kan rustig vakansie hou: ) Kontak jou finansiële adviseur om seker te maak jou lewensversekeringsbehoeftes is reg. ) Maak seker jy ken die voorwaar-
middel van die foto. ’n Fotograaf moet altyd op die uitkyk wees vir interessante of ongewone maniere om die onderwerp van die foto te raam. Probeer die foto deur ’n motor se venster te neem of die onderwerp van die foto deur ’n groep mense af te neem. ’n Natuurlike raam kan ook gevorm word deur die “venster” wat gevorm word deur die vingers van ’n hand of ’n arm op ’n heup. Natuurlike rame kan ook gebruik word in ’n portret. ’n “Bob”-haarstyl is een van die vele haarstyle wat ’n raam vir die gesig vorm. Die hande en arms van ’n model kan ook gebruik word om ’n natuurlike raam vir die gesig te vorm.
DIE vakansie is hier. Maak seker alles is haarfyn beplan. Foto: Verskaf des van jou huisversekeringspolis. ) Laat jou voertuig versien. ) Gaan al die slotte in jou woning na. ) Maak seker daar is nie gras,
stokkies en blare by jou elektriese bedrading nie. ) Sluit jou kosbare artikels in ’n kluis toe. ) Maak seker van betroubare sorg vir jou diere. ) Kanselleer jou koerantaflewering. ) Vra bure of vriende om jou pos uit jou posbus te verwyder. ) Maak al die vensters toe. ) Maak seker alle deure is toe en gesluit. ) Ontkoppel alle elektriese toestelle wat nie gebruik word nie. ) Sluit alle buitemeubels weg. ) Verwyder alle bederfbare produkte uit jou vrieskas. ) Laat weet die veiligheidsmaatskappy en bure dat jy weggaan. ) Aktiveer die alarmstelsel.
Gesels saam op Facebook deur te gaan na Kalahari Bulletin
3 PRAGTIGE KLEIN KATJIES soek goeie huise : Neem asb. 'n gratis kleintjie en gee hom 'n goeie Kersfees! Skakel 083 679 9654.
S.J Matthews
Be pleased to take notice that Stephen John Matthews, ID 610208 5026 084, of 387 Farm Vengrove, 1410 Suurlemoen, Kuruman, LITTLE MIRACLES DAY CARE: Children 4 months - 5 years. intends to apply for the Phone Eloise 076 688 2543 rehabilitation of his Melanie 073 342 7152 REGISTER NOW FOR NEXT YEAR! estate. Take notice that the aforesaid application ALGEMENE & in terms of Section 124 HUISDIENSTE (2)(a) of the Insolvency Act, 124 of 1936, shall be brought in the High Court of South Africa (North HOUTWERK Gauteng High Court, Pre1874 toria), on Tuesday 25 February 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the LANDBOU matter may be heard. This application for the Applicant's rehabilitation will lie open for inspection at LEWENDE HAWE the office of the Registrar EN PLUIMVEE of the Court, cor. Paul Kru2210 ger and Vermeulen AANDAG ALLE BOERE: Ek koop bokke, skape, sowel as ou bakkies Streets, Pretoria, as well vir kontant. Skakel 072 604 5219. as with the Master of the High Court, Pretoria and with the Applicants' attorVOERTUIE ney at the address stated hereunder. Please take note that if MOTORS TE KOOP any person intends to object to the aforesaid 3025 application, he/she must HONDA BALLADE, do so in writing to the 1990, elektriese vensters, Registrar of the Court, cor. lugr, kragstuur, CD-speler. Paul Kruger and VermeuGoeie toestand. Skakel 083 len Streets, Pretoria and 772 2316. forward a copy thereof to the Applicant's attorney, or must appear in person EIENDOMME at Court on the day of the hearing. KBVS ATTORNEYS WOONSTELLE Attorneys for Applicant TE HUUR 51 Beare Street, Kuruman 3250 8460. 1-SLAAPKAMER-woonTel. 053 712 0570. Fax: stel in Kuruman.R4 800 053 712 0677. p.m. DStv, water en krag C/o Baartman Du Plessis ingesluit. Skakel 072 381 Attorneys, cor. Dr Swane4311. poel and Third Streets, Montana, Pretoria. BETREKKINGS DAGSORG & CRĂˆCHES
OP SOEK NA persoon wat asb. na seun 11 en dogter van 9 kan kyk volgende jaar na skool. Skakel 079 410 1973.
Requirements: • An appropriate Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences / National Diploma in Nature Conservation or equivalent qualification • Sound knowledge of biodiversity conservation and experience in development of policies, implementation and compliance of biodiversity-related legislation is essential • Good managerial, organizational, planning, communication, interpersonal and administrative skills • Knowledge of financial management and HRM • Experience in or an advanced knowledge of the implementation of Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), Convention on Ramsar Sites etc • and the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) • National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (NEMPAA) and its associated regulations • National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA) and its associated regulations. National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (NEM: ICMA) • Advanced knowledge of sustainable use of natural resources, alien and invasive species, threatened or protected species and CITES species • Sound knowledge of coastal management • The ability to manage different entities • Be in possession of a valid driver’s license. Duties: • The successful candidate will be required to manage the Directorate • Development, alignment and review of the Directorates plans and budgets • Organising, supervision, allocation, utilization, care and or development of human, financial, technological, physical and logistical resources allocated to the Directorate • Performance management, reporting and communication on the Directorate • Overall operations as well as the implementation and monitoring of the Chief Directorate’s annual performance and operational plans • Development and implementation of policies, strategies, projects, programmes, procedures, practices and standards that facilitate effective and efficient performance and quality services by the Directorate • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Conservation Services and Agencies as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Compliance and Enforcement operations, services and functions as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Permit Administration and Coastal management operations, services and functions as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Manage guide and direct the provision of Biodiversity Information Management operations, services and functions as outlined in the Department’s Annual Performance and Operational Plans • Coordinating, supporting and guiding inter-governmental and inter-sectoral integration, cooperation and collaboration in respect of the Chief Directorate’s Services and functions within the Northern Cape Province • Undertake coalface visits aimed at improving service delivery in the spirit of the Batho Pele Strategy and Khaedu Programme. Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to the SMS competency assessment test. Enquiries: The Head of Department: Mr D. van Heerden at (053) 807 7300 DIRECTORATE: BIODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES
REQUIREMENTS: • An appropriate degree of Natural/ Human or Biological Science in or equivalent tertiary qualification in Geographical or Environmental Management • A Minimum of 10 years relevant experience • Sound knowledge of biodiversity conservation and experience in policy development, implementation and compliance of biodiversity related legislation • Strategic capabilities and leadership • People management and Empowerment • Financial management • Project management • Client orientation and customer focus • Good communication skills; Interpersonal skills • Strong analytical skills and Computer literacy • Computer literacy and a valid driver’s license • Experience in and advanced knowledge of the applicable legislation regulating biodiversity management, eg. National Environmental Management Act, CITES, Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (NEM: ICMA) and other related legislation and regulations • A valid driver’s license. DUTIES: • The successful candidate will be required to: Manage Compliance monitoring and Enforcement services • The monitoring of compliance and enforcement of environmental legislation, biodiversity authorization/permits and coastal zone permits and regulations • Ensure the development of a compliance monitoring and enforcement information management and reporting system • Ensure the planning, implementation of monitoring activities, inspections and audits • Manage and consult on the formulation of policies, legislation, guidelines, norms and standards, and strategies • Submit inputs to national legislation/policies • Provide strategic guidance and leadership to the directorate • Develop legislation, policies, procedures, systems and guidelines to guide environmental decisions • Development of strategic and operational plans of the Directorate • Ensure compilation of and submit monthly and quarterly progress and technical reports • Ensure sound financial management and compliance with legislation and regulative frameworks • Monitoring and evaluation against set goals and targets • Manage Human Resource and Financial resources of the Directorate Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to the SMS competency assessment test. Enquiries: The Head of Department: Mr D. van Heerden at (053) 807 7300
Requirements: • An appropriate Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences/Environmental Management or equivalent qualification • Sound knowledge of environmental-related legislation is essential: which include the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act 107 of 1998) and its Regulations of 2006 and 2010 • Air Quality Act (AQA) (Act 39 of 2004) • National Environment Management: Waste Act (NEM:WA) (Act 59 of 2008) • Good managerial, organizational, planning, communication, interpersonal and administrative skills • Knowledge of financial management and HRM • Experience in or an advanced knowledge of the The South African Constitution (Act 108 of 1996) • Public Service Act (PSA) (Act 103 of 1999) • Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)(Act 1 of 1999) and Treasury Regulations • Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) (Act 3 of 2000) • Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) (Act 2 of 2000) • Be in possession of a valid driver’s license. Duties: • Development, alignment and review of the Directorate’s Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plan, Operational Plans and budgets • Effective and efficient supervision, allocation, utilization, care and or development of all resources allocated to the Directorate • Effective performance management of the Directorate • Provision of all Directorate specific services at national, provincial, district and local levels • Coordination, support and guidance regarding inter-governmental and inter-sectoral integration, cooperation and collaboration on EQM and related matters and services in the Northern Cape Province • Development, alignment and review of the Directorate’s Plans and budgets • Organizing, supervision, allocation, utilization, care and or development of human, financial, technological, physical and logistical resources • Performance management of reporting and communication on the Directorate • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Environmental Impact operations, services and functions • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Air Quality and Climate Change management operations, services and functions • Manage, guide and direct the provision of Pollution and Waste management operations, services and functions • Undertake coalface visits aimed at improving service delivery in the spirit of the Batho Pele Strategy and Khaedu Programme Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to the SMS competency assessment test. Enquiries: The Head of Department: Mr D. van Heerden at (053) 807 7300 DIRECTORATE: CHIEF DIRECTORATE: CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION: ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES
Requirements: • An appropriate degree/three-year recognised National Diploma in Administration or equivalent qualification with 3-5 years’ experience / Grade 12 with 10 years’ experience • 3 years' practical administration experience in a managerial position • Sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act 103 of 1994 and Public Service Resolutions • Sound knowledge in development of policies/implementation strategies • A good understanding of financial, budgeting and procurement systems, and the relevant policies • Computer skills and records keeping • Knowledge and acts that inform training and development • Management skills and problem solving skills • Client orientation and customer focus • Data system maintenance • Project management, research and analytical skills • Communication, interpersonal skills and networking skills • In-depth knowledge of the PERSAL, BAS and LOGIS system • A valid driver’s license. Duties: • Managing the regional office • Rendering of support services to the Directorates: Biodiversity Management, Environmental Quality and Environmental Empowerment Services • The rendering of a Human resource management services, Financial Management, provisioning of Corporate Support Services • The overall management of the regional staff and overseeing the work of the different directorates • The facilitation of regular liaison with the public stakeholders, political and community organisations • The coordination and organising of events of the department, e.g. campaigns, national days and other public events • Acceptance of responsibility to manage human resources, administration, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of activities and contribute to sound financial and budget management • Analyse District and Local Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) at municipal level for environmental content as per legislative requirement • Facilitate intergovernmental coordination and ensure cooperative governance and integration of DENC plans, programmes, projects, tools and legislation into IDPs • Reliablity to participate in Local, District and National Government Fora. Enquiries: Mr. PR Mogotsi, Tel. (053) 807 7300 DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SUB-DIRECTORATE: IMPACT MANAGEMENT
Requirements: • Relevant Degree in Environmental Management/ Environmental Science or equivalent in natural, physical, engineering and planning fields • A valid drivers’ license • Good working knowledge of NEMA (Act 107 of 1998), ECA, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2006 and other related environmental regulations governing development impact, • Good working knowledge of impact management best practice, • basic knowledge of: public administration, financial management, human resource management, project management, • Presentation skills • Computer literacy • Interpersonal skills • Ability to work independently and in a team • Good facilitation skills • Good verbal and written communication skills • At least 2 years’ experience in EIAs or environmental management or related field Duties: The successful candidate will be responsible to: • Review and evaluate environmental impact assessment reports and development control applications including EMPs and mining related EMPRs • Provide comments, recommendations, technical and specialist inputs on all environmental impact management aspects of project including complex and controversial projects • Undertake awareness and education programmes related to environmental impact processes and amongst consultants, developers, government departments, local communities and the general public (i.e. procedural steps and description of legal mandate) • Initiate, plan, coordinate and participate in specially assigned projects (e.g. EMF, administrative guidelines) • Liaise with the relevant provincial, national and international organisations and specialists groups on issues related to environmental impact management • Assist in undertaking administrative and supervisory duties. Enquiries: Mr B Fisher, Tel. (053) 807 7470 DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SUB-DIRECTORATE: IMPACT MANAGEMENT
Requirements: • A degree in Environmental Management/Environmental Science or equivalent in the natural, physical, engineering and planning fields • A valid driver’s license • Good working knowledge of NEMA (Act 107 of 1998), ECA, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2006 and other related environmental regulations governing development impact • A good working knowledge of impact management best practice • Basic knowledge of: public administration, financial management, human resource management, project management, presentation skills, computer literacy, interpersonal skills • Ability to work independently and in a team, and good facilitation skills • Good verbal and written communication skills • Must have at
least 2 years' experience in EIAs or environmental management or related field. Duties: Review and evaluate environmental impact assessment reports and development control applications including EMPs and mining related EMPRs • Provide comments, recommendations, technical and specialist inputs on all environmental impact management’s aspects of projects including complex and controversial projects • undertake awareness and education programmes related to environmental impact management process amongst consultants, developers, government departments, local communities, and the general public(i.e. procedural steps and description of legal mandate) • Initiate, plan, coordinate and participate in specially assigned projects (e.g. EMF, administrative guidelines) • Liaise with relevant provincial, national and international organizations and specialists groups on issues related to environmental impact management • Assist in undertaking administrative and supervisory duties. Enquiries: Mr B. Fisher, Tel. (053) 807 7469 DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SUB- DIRECTORATE: WASTE AND POLLUTION MANAGEMENT
Requirements: • Relevant Diploma / Degree in Environmental or Natural Sciences with 6 years appropriate experience • Sound interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written) • Administrative abilities • Computer literacy (including database management) • Knowledge of environmental management, including waste management • Knowledge of environmental legislation, policies, and regulations • Ability to plan and organize activities • Report writing • Experience in environmental impact management and waste management permitting / licensing • Knowledge of hazardous waste and / or chemical pollution management • Experience in facilitation of public participation processes • a Valid code 08 (EB) driver’s license. Duties: • Assist and support with developing and implementing measures and programs that give effect to Integrated Waste Management Planning in a holistic and sustainable manner, thereby promoting Integrated Waste Management • To develop, manage and facilitate the efficient and effective implementation of measures and systems to regulate waste management facilities through licensing and auditing • To facilitate, assess, monitor and evaluate the development and the implementation of provincial, municipal and industry waste management plans • Assist and support the Department of Health on Health Care Risk Waste Management. Enquiries: Mr B Fisher, Tel. (053) 807 7430 DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SUB- DIRECTORATE: WASTE AND POLLUTION MANAGEMENT
Requirements: • The applicant must be in possession of an appropriate three year tertiary qualification in the Environmental Management or Natural Sciences or an equivalent qualification • 3 years’ experience in the field of Environmental Management • Administrative abilities • Computer literacy (including database management) • Knowledge of environmental management, including waste management • Knowledge of environmental legislation, policies, and regulations • Ability to plan and organize activities • Report writing skills • Experience in waste management permitting / licensing • Knowledge of hazardous waste and / or chemical pollution management • A valid code 08 (EB) driver’s license Duties: • Assist and support with developing and implementing measures and programs that give effect to Integrated Waste Management Planning in a holistic and sustainable manner, thereby promoting Integrated Waste Management • Manage and facilitate efficient audits to monitor and regulate waste management facilities and respond to pollution and waste incidents and complaints • Process applications for authorizations / Permits / Licences related to pollution and waste management • Facilitate and conduct workshops with stakeholders on pollution and waste management processes and legislation • Perform Administrative related duties. Enquiries: Mr B. Fisher, Tel. (053) 807 7469 DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL EMPOWERMENT SERVICES DIVISION: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION AND AWARENESS RAISING
Requirements: • An appropriate 3-year tertiary qualification or equivalent qualification in natural science or educational fields • 5 years’ relevant experience • Excellent interpersonal, communication, negotiation and presentation skills; Office Administration; Human Resource Management and budgeting abilities • Computer literacy, including MS Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher • Knowledge of environmental laws and the national education system • a valid driver’s license and good driving skills are essential. Duties: • Manage and develop environmental capacity building programmes for formal and informal education structures • Ensure the promotion of environmental awareness programmes • Manage and develop educational resource material • Develop and implement environmental capacity building and awareness strategies • Assist with strategic planning, annual planning, budget, expenditure control of the Unit • Supervise regional environmental officers • Liaise with relevant stakeholders, other government departments and possible funders • Represent the Department and Unit on relevant committees. Enquiries: Mr. L. Abrahams Tel: 053 8077 430 (office hours) DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL EMPOWERMENT SERVICES DIVISION: EDUCATION AND AWARENESS-RAISING
Requirements: • An appropriate 3-year tertiary qualification in the natural science or education field • At least 1 year experience in the field of Environmental Education and/or Education • Excellent communication skills, including presentation skills • computer literacy • a Valid driver’s license and good driving skills are essential. Duties: • Implement environmental education programmes to assist with the integration of environmental education into formal education structures • Identify, conduct and facilitate environmental awareness campaigns for the general public and relevant stakeholders • Facilitate/conduct the celebration of international and national environmental days • Assist with the development and implementation of environmental programmes to the youth • Assist with the development and distribution of resource and learning material • Foster working relationships with other government departments and relevant stakeholders to promote environmental education and awareness • Perform administrative and relevant related functions. Enquiries: Mrs. E Groeners at (053) – 807 7430 DIRECTORATE: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, PLANNING AND COORDINATION SUB DIRECTORATE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION, SPATIAL AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING
Requirements: • Relevant Degree(s)/National Diploma (s) in Environmental Management and/or Natural Science • At least three years’ experience in environmental management • Possession of a valid unendorsed code 8 (EB) drivers’ license • Job knowledge of Intergovernmental Relations, Project Management, Sustainable Spatial and Development Planning, Millennium Development Goals, Environmental challenges at local, national and international level, • Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) Process, National and Provincial SOE Report/Outlook, • Environmental Implementation Plan and IDP Environmental Toolkit, Environmental Law and Regulations [especially NEMA and Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act] and IEM Tools • Computer literate • Sound interpersonal and communication (written and verbal), report writing, organizational, planning and disciplinary skills • Ability to apply analytical and innovative thinking to the planning, development and environmental processes. Duties: • Acceptance of responsibility to manage human resources, administration, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of activities and contribute to sound financial and budget management • Analyse District and Local Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) at municipal level for environmental content as per legislative requirement • Facilitate intergovernmental coordination and ensure cooperative governance and integration of DENC plans, programmes, projects, tools and legislation into IDPs • Reliability to participate in Local, District and National Government Fora, • Compile DENC Action Plan and update progress on all relevant environmental matters raised • Provide hands on support to all municipalities in the N. Cape with their IDPs and sector plans • Compile and submit good quality reports related to: Fora attended, Environmental Implementation Plan, State of the Environment Outlook, Integrated Development Plans, Outcome 10, Programme of Action, Working Group 3 and others. Enquiries: Ms Raylene Nel, Tel. (053) 807 7300/35 or Mrs Elise Lameyer, Tel. (053) 8077300/74 DIRECTORATE: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUB DIRECTORATE : ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT
Requirements: • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree in law or equivalent qualification • 5 years' investigations experience • 5 years' supervisory experience • Excellent working knowledge of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004), National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (59 of 2008) and Regulations and other related acts and regulations • Good managerial, report writing , organisational, administrative and financial management skills • Designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances. Duties: • Manage the Environmental Enforcement Unit • Undertake investigations of complaints/transgressions in respect of environmental law contraventions • Coordinate the undertaking of criminal prosecutions with the SAPS and NPA • Plan and execute law enforcement operations • Ensure proper record keeping of Environmental Crime Statistics and compilation of relevant National and Provincial reports. Enquiries: Mr O.T. Gaoraelwe, Tel. (053) 807 7437 DIRECTORATE: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUB-DIRECTORATE: BIODIVERSITY COMPLIANCE MONITORING
Requirements: • 3-year tertiary qualification in Nature Conservation or equivalent degree in Natural Science • Good working knowledge of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10 of 2004) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Protected Areas Act (57 of 2003), Northern Cape Conservation Act (9 of 2009) • Good report writing, organizational and administrative skills • Training and designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Computer literacy • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances Duties: • Perform administrative related functions • Conduct biodiversity related advisory services • Responsible for marking, tagging and micro- chipping of wild animal specimens • Provide inputs in relation to the processing and issuing of Biodiversity Permits • Render proactive and reactive Compliance Monitoring Enquiries: Mr L. Muller, Tel. (027) 341 8360 DIRECTORATE: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUB-DIRECTORATE : ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT
Requirements: • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree in environmental management or equivalent qualification • Good working knowledge of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004), 2010 EIA Regulations and NEMA S24G administration • Good report writing, organizational and administrative skills • Computer literacy • Excellent investigative skills • Training and designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances. Duties: • Undertaking of proactive and reactive compliance monitoring site inspections • Respond to public complaints of non-compliance with illegal developments, pollution and waste legislation • Provide support to local municipalities on regulation of waste management activities • Report and follow up on non-compliances picked up during compliance monitoring inspections. Enquiries: Ms T. Tsimakwane, Tel: (053) 807 7440 DIRECTORATE: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT SUB DIRECTORATE : ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT
Requirements: • A 3 year bachelor’s degree in environmental management or equivalent qualification • Good working knowledge of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998) and Regulations, National Environment Management: Air Quality Act (39 of 2004), 2010 EIA Regulations and NEMA S24G administration • Good report writing, organizational and administrative skills; Excellent investigative skills • Training and designation as an Environmental Management Inspector will be an added advantage • Computer literacy • Possession of an unendorsed driver’s license • Applicant must be willing to travel long distances. Duties: • Undertaking of site inspections and investigations • Drafting of legally sound Compliance Notices/ Directives • Drafting of informed recommendations on NEMA S24G applications, more specifically the EIA review of unlawful activities • Plan, coordinate and undertake Compliance Monitoring activities. Enquiries: Ms T. Tsimakwane, Tel. (053) 807 7440 DIRECTORATE: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUB DIRECTORATE: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING
Requirements: • Applicants must be in possession of a 3-year Diploma / equivalent qualification or Senior Certificate with 5 years Financial Accounting Experience in Government • Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point, • Knowledge of BAS and Supply Chain Management Systems (LOGIS) • Excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to work under pressure are a prerequisite • Knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Standard Chart of Accounts and all Financial prescripts and guidelines • Strong communication and listening abilities • People management skills • Computer literacy (MS office package, especially Excel) • Knowledge of Basic Accounting System (BAS) , PERSAL and LOGIS • Financial management • Performance management • Good analytical writing and reporting skills • Interpretation of financial data and transforming it into management reports • Knowledge and application of relevant legislation/policies • Good knowledge of the Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) • Knowledge of compilation of Annual Financial Statements • Personal attributes: • Strategic and visionary leadership, • Self-driven, Self-confident and innovative • Ability to work under pressure. Duties: • Bank Reconciliations, miscellaneous payments and cashier functions • Administration of the bank account of the Department • Assist in the compilation of Annual Financial Statements • Revenue Management functions • Expenditure Management functions. (payments) • Ensure that the “end of financial year responsibilities” is met in accordance with prescripts • Ensure that ledger accounts always reflect favourable balances • Establish measures with a view to efficient financial management and record keeping • Ensure effective management of the Basic Accounting System • Ensure compliance with financial prescripts i.e. Public Finance Management Act, National Treasury Regulations, Provincial Treasury Instructions, Delegations and departmental policies • Interpret financial policy and provide accurate guidance and advice over a broad spectrum of financial matters • Draft circulars, submissions and memorandums with regard to all aspects of financial matters •Supervision of personnel and responsible for Staff Performance within the unit. Enquiries: Ms K Mackay, tel. (053) 807 7300 DIRECTORATE: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
Requirements: • An appropriate National diploma/Degree in Financial Management with 2 years relevant experience • Good interpersonal, analytic thinking, negotiation, communication (verbal and written), organizing and planning skills • Innovative thinking and creativity, • Computer literacy, • Knowledge of PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Public Sector Risk Management Framework • Public service Anti-corruption Strategy and Departmental anti-corruptions measures, Departmental policies and procedures, principles and practice of Enterprise Risk Management, Internal control and assurance, ERM concepts, framework and methodologies and Framework for managing Programme Performance Information • Ability to work individually and in a team, • Ability to work under pressure, • Self-driven with problem solving, self-supervision and management skills. Duties: • Develop, implement and maintain an ERM framework and supporting policies and procedures • Develop and implement a strategic and annual ERM plan • Develop and implement risk assessment methodologies, models and systems • Assess and maintain the risk maturity profile • Facilitate the identification of risks utilising appropriate tools and techniques • Facilitate and coordinate the compilation of strategic and operational risk registers • Facilitate the development of risk response strategies (mitigation plans) • Coordinate the activities of the Departmental Risk Management Committee. Enquiries: Ms B.B. Mashobao, tel. (053) 807 7300/08 DIRECTORATE: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUB-DIRECTORATE: LABOUR RELATIONS
Requirements: • An appropriate degree / Three-year recognised National Diploma in Labour Law, Human Resources Management or Public Management or an equivalent qualification • 3-5 years’ experience in a similar position • Knowledge of labour relations legislative framework for the public service, including the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 , Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997, Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act 103 of 1994, amendments to these acts and Public Service Resolutions • Experience in negotiations, disciplinary hearings, conciliation and arbitration • Management skills and problem solving skills • Project management, research and analytical skills • Communication, , interpersonal skills and networking skills • Client orientation and customer focus • Knowledge of the PERSAL system • An unendorsed driver’s license. Duties: • Facilitate the implementation of high quality labour relations services to line functions and the Department • Facilitate the implementation of strategic, dynamic and proactive labour relations programmes • Ensure compliance with labour relations policy and framework and procedures • Promote sound labour relations within the department • Facilitate meetings between union representatives and Management • Conflict and dispute resolution • Case management in respect of individual and collective disputes • Co-ordination of individual and collective grievances • Interpretation of various labour statistics • Monitor and co-ordinate functions to collective bargaining • Represent the Department in conciliation and arbitration in the CCMA and the GPSSBC • Assist the Director: Human Resource Management in drafting of submissions and labour relations policy in the Department • Provide expert advice regarding labour relations issues, including disciplinary and grievance matters • Represent the Department on relevant forums Enquiries: Mr K.J. v/d Westhuizen 053 807 7300 or DIRECTORATE: CHIEF DIRECTORATE: CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION: COMMUNICATION
Requirements: • Degree / diploma in communications, Journalism or Public Relations • Practical experience in a communications related environment between 3-5 years’ experience • Experience in the management of resources 2-3 years’ experience • Change Management • Knowledge on policy research, analysis and development • Planning and organizing • Retrieval of information on Internet and other databases • Finance (category C) • Time management • Legislation and policy applicable to the Public Service • National and provincial institutional framework • Interpretation • Creativity • Interpersonal skills • Analytical skills • Conflict resolution • Ability to communicate issues in a tactful manner • Well- develop report writing skills • Ability to work under pressure and adhere to deadlines • Supervisory Skills • Computer skills • Numeracy skills • Literacy skills • Influencing skills • Research methodology • Leadership skills • Commitment • Integrity • Professionalism • Loyal • Tactfulness • Accountability • Innovative • Objectivity • Must be in possession of a valid driver's license (Code 08) and proven ability to drive • Must be able and willing to travel and work long hours including weekends and public holidays • Ability to work well under pressure and in a team. Duties: • Overall management of the Communications unit • Ensuring the implementation of the departmental communications strategy • Maintaining the website of the department. • Provide a media writing function for the Department (this includes; media invitations, media statements, fact sheets, briefing notes, articles for internal and external publications) in hard copy and electronically • Media monitoring and liaison • Ongoing analysis of the media environment. • Maintain regular contact with news organizations • Arranging of press conferences and scheduling of interviews with media (radio stations, newspapers, new media, television etc.) • Writing and researching of articles for newspapers and magazines • Regular liaison with public stakeholders, political and community organizations. • Research and draft speeches of the MEC • Assist with the organizing of events of the department, e.g. campaigns, national days and other public events • Marketing of the department and its services. • Conduct media research; draft media plans; assist with compilation of exit reports; Revise and update the media database; Manage audio recordings for media distribution • Branding of the department. Enquiries: Mr P.R. Mogotsi at (053) 807 7300 CLOSING DATE: 10 JANUARY 2014 Applications must be forwarded to: The Department of Environment and Nature Conservation, Private Bag X6102, Kimberley 8301. Applications can also be hand delivered to the receptionist on the T-floor Metlife Towers “Post Office Building” Kimberley, marked for attention: Mr V. Fredericks. NOTE: It is the Department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of posts, according to the set Employment Equity targets. To facilitate this process successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department or on the internet at and should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualification(s) [Matric certificate must also be attached] and ID-document and Driver’s licence [where applicable]. Non-RSA Citizens/ Permanent Resident Permit Holders must attach a copy of his/her Permanent Residence Permit to his/her application. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to the security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s).
Alkohol verhoog risiko
Nooddiens vir eers toe PASIËNTVEILIGHEID is een van die belangrikste doelwitte van die Mediclinic Kathu en bied daarom omvattende hospitaaldienste van hoë gehalte om so die lewensgehalte van pasiënte te verbeter. Die Mediclinic Kathu is toegewy daaraan om te alle tye sorg van hoë gehalte aan sy pasiënte te lewer en omdat ’n heeltydse doktersdiens nie by die noodeenheid aangebied kan word nie het die bestuur besluit om die 24-uur-noodeenheid van Sondag 22 Desember af tot verdere kennisgewing te sluit. Ná deeglike oorweging van die uitdagings om noodeenheidsdokters te kontrakteer om in die eenheid te werk is besluit dit sou nie in die belang van pasiëntveiligheid wees om enige noodgevalle te aanvaar nie. Dit is ook besluit om vir eers nie ’n 24-uur-nooddiens te bied nie. Die hospitaal verseker egter die gemeenskap alle ander gesondheidsdienste van die Mediclinic Kathu gaan normaalweg voort. Die hospitaal stel pasiëntveiligheid eerste en bied kundigheid wat vertrou kan word. Vir meer inligting bel Melinda Pelser by 021-943-6002 of stuur e-pos na
Yolandi van Deventer
DIE Artistica-kunswinkel bied iets vir almal wat die vakansie kreatief wil wees. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Raak kreatief dié vakansie Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
KUNS is ’n skeppende manier om mense van alle ouderdomme die vakansie besig te hou. Malinda Roux van die kuns-en-geskenkwinkel Artistica in Tshimo Gardens op Kathu
bied in die Desember- vakansie kunsklasse aan. Die klasse sal mosaïek, modge-podge, verf en sementwerk insluit. Kom maak gerus vir alle lede van die gesin Kersgeskenke. Rig verdere navrae aan Roux by 082-876-6802.
FETALE ALKOHOLSINDROOM (FAS) is fisieke en verstandelike defekte wat voorkom in ’n fetus (ongebore baba) van ’n ma wat alkohol tydens haar swangerskap drink. Tydens swangerskap en selfs wanneer ’n vrou beplan om swanger te raak is dit van die uiterste belang om geen alkohol te drink nie. Daar is geen veilige vlak van alkoholinname tydens swangerskap nie; daarom is dit wys om dit eerder heeltemal te vermy. FAS is ’n voorkombare toestand. FAS verwys na die verskillende soorte probleme wat kan voorkom wanneer ’n baba gebore word van ’n moeder wat alkohol tydens haar swangerskap gedrink het. Verstandelike gestremdheid is die grootste komplikasie van alkoholgebruik tydens swangerskap. Ongelukkig is die hoogste voorkoms van FAS in die wêreld in Suid-Afrika. Die voorkoms daarvan is 75 per 1 000 geboortes in die Wes-Kaap – dit is 7,5% van alle geboortes. Die ander hoërisikogebiede is in Gauteng: Soweto (2,2%), Lenasia (1,2%) en Westbury (3,7%). Wanneer ’n mens kyk na die skokkende risiko wat met alkoholgebruik ge- paard gaan, is dit nie die moeite werd om eers een drankie tydens swangerskap te drink nie. Vroue wat twee of meer drankies per dag drink, se babas het ’n groter risiko vir intra-uteriene groeivertraging (baba groei nie optimaal voor geboorte in die baarmoeder nie),
verlaagde plasentagewig, onderontwikkelde motoriese aktiwiteit en tonus, swak suiging by geboorte, asook doodgeboortes. Vier of meer drankies kan tot gevolg hê dat daar fout met die baba se breinstruktuur kan wees. Wanneer ses of meer drankies per dag gedrink word, het die baba ’n verhoogde kans vir FAS. Vroue wat oor die algemeen nie alkohol gebruik nie, maar tydens hul swangerskap per geleentheid matige hoeveelhede alkohol drink of selfs alkohol drink terwyl hulle onbewus is dat hulle swanger is, is ’n hoë risiko vir FAS. Daar is geen behandeling vir FAS nie behalwe voorkoming deur geen alkohol tydens swangerskap te drink nie. Die voorkoms van FAS in die Noord-Kaap is ook onrusbarend groot. Indien u vermoed dat u ’n afhanklikheidsprobleem het, kan u met die naaste AA-kantoor, ondersteuningsgroep of geneesheer in verbinding tree. Mense word teen die misbruik van alkohol, veral in die feestyd, gewaarsku. ) Gesondheidswenke verskaf deur Mediclinic Kathu
Noodnommers MEDICLINIC KATHU: 053-7233231 Kathu se SAPD: 053-723-3111 SAPD-noodnommer: 10111 Kathu-speurdiens: 053-723-1153 Eenheid vir seksuele misdrywe:
Reg vir vakansie DIE kinders van Kathu is opgewonde oor die vakansie! Omphemetse Nkge (links) en Rethabile Skeiman wens elkeen ’n genotvolle en veilige vakansie en ’n voorspoedige nuwe jaar toe. Foto: Benneli Olivier van der Walt
Huurders hier word uitgebuit CHRISTELLE GROBLER, Kuruman: EK wil verskriklik graag by Jacques Groenewald se brief, Huuren lewenskoste te hoog, aansluit. Die inwoners van die Kuruman/ Kathu-omgewing buit die huishuursituasie heeltemal te veel uit. Julle (en die agente) glimlag lekker aan die einde van die maand wanneer die huishuur inkom, want dit beteken die neseiertjie groei . . . of ek kan nog ’n maand die paaiement van my nuwe luukse voertuig bekostig. Die huurder moet raap en skraap om deur te kom, want die “pakkette” wat aan hulle betaal word, lyk glad nie meer so wonderlik nadat mediese en pensioen-aftrekkings,
asook die huishuur, af is nie. Die kontrakteursmaatskappye moet net voet dwars sit . . . die huiseienaars sal nie ’n keuse hê as om die huur af te bring nie. Wat my dwars in die krop steek, is wat van die mense wat in die dorp werk wat nie ’n salaris van die myn ontvang nie. Wat van daardie enkellopende man of vrou wat in ’n winkel werk? Hoe gaan hulle ooit die geleentheid kry om ’n plekkie van sy of haar eie te besit? Wat van daardie geskeide man of vroue wat nog afhanklikes het?
Waar is die geleentheid vir so ’n mens om te begin spaar? Die ironie is so ’n mens betaal ten duurste elke maand huurgeld (moet betaal), maar die bank is nie bereid om aan hom of haar ’n lening vir ’n plekkie toe te staan nie. Die uiteinde is agteruitgang – dit tas jou menswaardigheid aan. En dan is daar die ontwikkelaars – om die een of ander rede is hulle altyd aan die uitbrei, die huise skiet soos paddastoele op en Jan Alleman moet maar net toekyk hoe die stukkie grond wat uitgesit is vir “parke” ewe skielik toegebou word. Ja, ons klop ons op die skouer oor wat ons bereik (goeie geldelike besluite wat ons neem) – ten koste van wie?
079-697-9494 Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens se Crime Stop: 08600-10111 Vrouemishandeling-hulplyn: 080-015-0150 Vigs-hulplyn: 080-001-2322
ONTHOU om ons webblad en Facebook-blad in die vakansie dop te hou vir interessante gebeure. Kry ons op en as jy op Facebook wil saamgesels, is ons by
IN Oktober het die 2013-matrieks van die Hoërskool Kathu teen leerlinge van ander grade rugby gespeel en die wedstryd met 15-7 gewen. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Hoogtepunte in sport KALAHARI BULLETIN kyk terug oor die jaar se sporthoogtepunte. Bulletin herinner graag alle skole en sportklubs om weer vir in 2014 hul sportnuus te stuur. Die eerste koerant vir die nuwe jaar verskyn op 16 Januarie, maar die kantoor is reeds van 8 Januarie af oop.
IN September het Kumba Sishen Iron Ore sy jaarlikse fietsrendag gehou. Hier is Barend Coetzee, wat die eerste gestremde fietsryer was om oor die wenstreep te ry. Hy het aan die 50 kmwedren deelgeneem. DIE Springbok-ruiter Viljoen van der Linde was op die sportblad van 4 Julie. Kort na dié publikasie was hy op pad om aan die uithourit op Fauresmith deel te neem. Foto’s: Ilse Watson
DES TERBLANCHE: Bulletin het ’n heerlike gesprek met dié professionele gholfspeler gehad.
IN Julie het Bulletin met Regardt Dreyer (links) en Boeta Wessels gesels oor die afrigting wat hulle doen vir die Sishen-rugbyklub. Wessels het op Sishen en Kathu grootgeword en in 1997 Springbokkleure verwerf.