Kathubulletinka 20140305

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Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop

6 MAART 2014





Drie in ongeluk beseer Motor rol toe bestuurder vir koedoe uitswaai Ilse Watson DRIE insittendes van ’n ligblou Hyundai i20 het op Vrydag 28 Februarie op pad na Hotazel (3,2 km van die lughawe digby Kathu) vir ’n koedoe uitgeswaai wat voor die motor ingespring het. Met die uitswaai het die bestuurder van die motor beheer daaroor verloor en die motor het omgeslaan. Daarna het dit ’n wal getref en is eindelik deur ’n houtpaal tot stilstand gebring. Die bestuurder van die motor, Christo Lubbe, bestuurder van Kalahari Mining Logistics (KML), en twee ander insittendes, Jaco Stander (leerlingseksie-toesighouer van KML) en Andrew Nowlin (hoof van sekuriteit van KML) was in die motor. Dié ongeluk het tussen 08:00 en 09:00 gebeur. Die drie insittendes is na die Mediclinic Kathu gehaas waar ’n dokter en hospitaalpersoneel hulle ondersoek het en ook X-straal-foto’s geneem het. Lubbe het gekneusde ribbes opgedoen.

Stander (19) het verskeie werwels beskadig en een gebreek. Hy het agter in die motor gesit en hy moes uit die motor gesny word. Nowlin, wat voor gesit het, het die voorruit met sy kop getref en het skrape en snywonde opgedoen. Nadat gevind is Stander se rug is gebreek, het KML se hoofkantoor (in Pretoria geleë) gereël dat hy per helikopter na Johannesburg gebring word. Daar is bevind dit sou te gevaarlik wees om hom per ambulans te vervoer. Stander is Sondag geopereer – hy het gevoel in sy bene en voete en hy sal heeltemal herstel. Hy sal egter geruime tyd in die hospitaal moet bly. “Al drie insittendes het hul sitplekgordels gedra. As hulle dit nié gedra het nie, sou hul beserings baie erger gewees het of hulle sou nie die ongeluk oorleef het nie,” sê Johan van Wyk, ’n kontrakteur vir KML. Van Wyk het ongeveer ’n uur nadat die ongeluk plaasgevind het, by die Mediclinic Kathu opgedaag om sy hulp en bystand aan die beseerders te verleen.

DIE Hyundai i20 wat ná die ongeluk eindelik teen die houtpaal beland het.

DIE Hyundai i20 van die ander kant afgeneem waar dit teen die paal beland het nadat dit gerol het.

DIE motor is heeltemal beskadig en erg opgefrommel.



Mine tackles traffic Police make arrests

THE Kathu police made two arrests on people suspected to be in possession of dagga. Sgt Ben Eiman was in Rooisand, Kathu, when he noticed at one of the houses in the Group 5 camp a man allegedly put down a bag next to his bed and then got into bed to sleep. Eiman searched the bag and confiscated nine clear plastic bags containing dagga. A suspect was arrested and will appear in court. Sgt Kabelo Jonas was busy with operations, and while searching a house at Mapoteng he found 15 packets of dagga. The suspect was arrested. The Kathu police once again want to bring it under the attention of the community that it is illegal to be in possession of or use dagga and other drugs.

Regstelling DIE Kalahari Bulletin Kathu het op 27 Februarie oor die dwergperdjies van Olifantshoek berig. Die perdjies is miniatuurperdjies waarvan die meeste by die Miniatuurperdgenootskap geregistreer is. Die Kalahari Bulletin Kathu vra verskoning vir die fout.

AS part of the Anglo American family, Kumba Iron Ore’s Sishen Mine holds very high standards for the safety and security of its employees and the surrounding communities. Since Sishen is in a ramp-up phase and grows rapidly, infrastructure in and around the mine is also expanding accordingly. A new Sishen Mine entrance parking upgrade project was recently registered to address the challenge of providing suitable, covered and demarcated parking bays for employees and contractors. “A vast number of mine employees, contractors and visitors are parking in open areas that are not demarcated or secure, especially in rainy conditions,” says Lesedi Mashishi, the project manager of Ramp Up. The alleviation of congestion currently experienced at the main entrance during peak hours and the provision of an adequate storm water drainage system to ensure the maximum use of parking bays during rainy seasons are two important components the project aims to address,” he says. In addition to providing suitable and demarcated covered parking bays for employees, contractors and visitors, the project scope includes measure to address the congestion at the main entrance to the mine as it cannot sustain the traffic volumes during peak travel hours, says Lesedi. “The increased traffic congestion during these hours will increase the likelihood of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians in the vicinity. Construction on this 60 000 m² site will address these concerns and will improve traffic flow and safety.” The project scope includes the following:

THE areas where construction work will take place. ) the construction of a new bus terminals to accommodate ten buses; ) the construction of 360 additional parking bays with shelters; ) the construction of a mountable traffic circle with slip ways; ) the provision of access points to all parking areas; ) the construction of waiting areas to accommodate 13 incoming trucks; ) the provision of area illumination and under-roof lighting;

) culverts for storm water diversion; ) sheltered pedestrian pick up areas; and ) the relocation of six turnstiles. The project is scheduled to commence on the week of 24 February and there will be a stop-and-go control at the entrance and exit of the construction areas as well as traffic diversion for pedestrians and light and heavy vehicles monitored by flagmen. Signboards will be erected to warn

Photo: Supplied

oncoming traffic about the stopand-go control. Access will be provided to the existing facilities outside of the mine’s entrance in both the eastern and western parking lots, Areas E and A respectively. All road users and pedestrians are therefore urged to be patient during this time, to exercise caution when using these areas, and, to adhere to the safety rules and regulations of the mine and the country to ensure their own safety and the safety of others.



Liefdestuin bring kleur in ander se lewe Benneli Olivier Van der Walt “DIT is ’n liefdestuin ter nagedagtenis aan my dogter,” sê Alet Maritz, wie se kantoor by die Gereformeerde kerk in Kathu is. Maritz het die tuin al voor haar dogter, Konstanze Maritz, se dood begin maak. Sy glo al is ’n mens net ’n kort tydjie op ’n plek moet ’n mens altyd moeite doen om daardie plek mooi te maak. Sy het nog altyd ’n hand met ’n plant gehad en het ’n pragtige tuin by haar huis in Deben. Die tuin by die kerk het egter ’n spesiale plek in haar hart. “Die tuin is nou ’n spanpoging van die ‘Dopperlaan’ (die huurders by die kerk).” Almal het al iets, hetsy ’n plant of net ’n idee, tot die tuin bygedra. Maritz is dankbaar teenoor die kerk dat hy haar toelaat om haar “groen en pienk stempel” hier af te druk. Hoewel die huurders nie noodwendig lidmate van die Gereformeerde kerk is nie, werk almal lekker saam. Behalwe die bydraes tot die tuin beteken die komplimente en ondersteuning van die huurders en die gemeenskap van Kathu as geheel vir haar baie. “Ek het nou die dag besef die tuin kikker nie net my dag nie, maar ander mense se dag ook op.” ’n Jong vrou van Kathu-glas het nou die dag uit die bloute vir haar gesê haar tuin is pragtig en die kinders van Klouterjasies (die dagsorgsentrum langs haar kantoor) sê af en toe: “Sjoe, Tannie, jou tuin is mooi”. Maritz sê elke pienk petunia is vir ’n meisie in dié sentrum geplant. Die pienk petunias beeld die verryking uit wat die meisies in haar lewe bring. “Die kinders het ’n sagte plek in my hart.” Sy deel ook gereeld plante uit die tuin uit. “Dit is lekker om die mooi van die tuin met ander mense te deel.” Haar dogter was ook lief vir tuinmaak en deur die kerktuin het sy ’n band met haar. “Die tuin en die mense om my het my laat besef dit is die moeite werd om weer ná moeilike tye op te staan, dat dit die moeite werd is om ’n plek vir ander mense mooi te maak.”

DIE klippies in die tuin vorm oral interessante patrone.

Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

ELKE pienk petunia is vir ’n meisie in die dagsorgsentrum geplant.

DIE tuin van die Gereformeerde kerk is ’n spanpoging met Alet Maritz aan die stuur.



Geregtigheid moet geskied

DIE afgelope week het die opspraakwekkendste strafregstryd nog in Suid-Afrika begin. Oscar Pistorius, die Paralimpiese held, sal die hof daarvan moet oortuig dat hy Reeva Steenkamp nie met opset doodgeskiet het nie, maar dat hy haar vir ’n inbreker aangesien het en geskiet het om homself te beskerm. Die aanklaer is egter vasbeslote om aan die hof te verduidelik dat Pistorius aan koelbloedige moord skuldig is. Sou Pistorius gevra word om te getuig sal dit ongetwyfeld die hoogtepunt van die verhoor wees. Daar is ook genoem dat Pistorius nie gevra sal word om te getuig nie. Wat het in sy gedagtes aangegaan? Wat het verkeerd geloop? Enigiemand wat in die nag wakker word en sy verloofde, eggenoot of geliefde nie langs hom sien nie, sal eerder gaan ondersoek instel. Dalk is die mens kombuis toe vir iets om te drink – dit is ook moontlik dat jou geliefde in die badkamer kan wees. Enigiemand wat ’n geluid in die badkamer hoor, sal eers vra of sy

geliefde daar is. Die omstandighede is verdag, want as ’n mens in ’n veilige behuisingskompleks woon, is die kans skraler dat daar ’n inbreker in jou huis sal wees. Wat is reg en wat is verkeerd? Is dit die regte ding om ’n inbreker in jou huis te konfronteer? Wat is die regte ding om te doen sou die inbreker jou lewe bedreig? As ’n mens ’n alarmstelsel het, sal dit goed wees om die paniekknoppie te druk om sodoende hulp te ontbied. Om na ’n wapen te gryp en die persoon agter ’n toe deur te skiet is verdag en nie die korrekte optrede nie. Pistorius is ongetwyfeld ontsteld en hartseer oor die hele voorval – hy toon berou. Natuurlik is só ’n gebeurtenis vir enigeen traumaties. Of jy nou iemand per ongeluk doodgeskiet het en of dit nou ’n inbreker was wat jou lewe in gevaar gestel het, dit is en bly ’n traumatiese ervaring. Suid-Afrikaners hoop dat die hofsaak die waarheid sal uitwys en wil helderheid verkry oor wat presies gebeur het. Die reg sal geskied.

Pad na God altyd oop Ds. Schalk Theart DIT is goed wanneer ’n naam betekenis het. In sekere kulture sal die behoefte van ’n gesin bepaal wat die naam van die nuwe aankomeling gaan wees. Die doel wat hy moet vervul, sal regstreeks aan sy naam gekoppel word. In die Bybel vind ons naamgewing was ’n baie betekenisvolle geleentheid. Simson beteken sonskyn. Deel van Simson se roeping was om as instrument in God se hand te dien om die Fillistyne te straf. In Rigters 16 lees ’n mens Simson word deur sy vrou verlei om die geheim van sy krag bloot te lê. Die sonskynseun van Israel beland in volslae duisternis, omdat sy oë uitgesteek word. Simson het sy naam oneer aangedoen. Hy het daardeur sy roeping versaak. En Israel het die spot van die nasies geword. In die tronk waarin Simson met bronskettings geboei is, het sy hare weer begin groei. God wil hom verseker die pad na Hom toe bly altyd oop. Simson het gebid soos nog nooit vantevore nie: “Here, my God, dink tog aan my. Maak my tog net die een keer sterk, o God!” Dié een oomblik in Simson se lewe was bepalend vir hom en sy volk. Hy kon maklik as ’n swakkeling gesterf het wat sy volk in die steek gelaat het.

Maar hy kon ook sterf as rigter wat in sy dood hul redder kon wees. In een beslissende oomblik in Simson se lewe gaan soek hy by God hulp en skuiling. Sy belydenis van “My God” dra geweldig baie gewig, want dit veronderstel ’n persoonlike verhouding met God. Simson se versoek dat God aan hom moet dink, is ook al genoeg. Psalm 40 sê God dink altyd aan ons. Dit beteken vir ons beskerming en die lewe. Simson vra ook nie meer as die een keer nie. Dit ontsluit die poorte van die hemel vir hom. Tydens Jesus se bediening op aarde lees ’n mens Hy het soms net een keer iemand se lewenspad gekruis. Saggeus sit en wag vir Jesus in die wilde vyeboom, want Hy moet daar verbygaan. Die blindgebore Bartimeus het net een keer Jesus se pad gekruis. Toe die omstanders hom wou stilmaak, het hy net harder geroep. Hy is genees en gered. Jesus het ook net een keer vir alle sondaars kom sterwe sodat ons deel kan kry aan die een naam Christus. Ons word Christen genoem op grond van wat Christus kom doen het.

Son trek water DIE son sak oor die Oranjerivier. Dié foto is van die motorbrug af geneem.

Foto: Anena Burger

Kinders nie net speletjies Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

KINDERS. Die van ons wat hulle het, sal weet dit is nie noodwendig ’n maklike ervaring nie. Veral nie as die kinders so siek word dat hulle in die hospitaal opgeneem moet word nie. So gebeur dit dat my eerste en enigste op ’n Vrydag in die Mediclinic Kimberley vir breinvliesontsteking opgeneem moet word. Die skok van so ’n ernstige diagnose laat ’n mens so skrik dat al waaraan jy kan dink, is om so gou moontlik by die hospitaal uit te kom. So tussen die geskarrel om alles gepak te kry, en natuurlik die leë petroltenk vol te maak, vergeet ek die hele gesin se tandeborsels en sommer nog die sjampoe ook. En daar gaan ons. Aangesien ons eers omstreeks 16:00 uit Kathu vertrek het, kom

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ons in die donker by die hospitaal aan. Tussen die administratiewe pligte wat nagekom moet word, vat Pa ons seun na die ongevalle toe. Nie te lank daarna nie hoor ek hoe die mannetjie sy ontevredenheid met die dokter se prosedures hard verkondig. Nadat alles ingevul, gespuit, gepleister en ge-pajama is, sit ek en Pa in die saal en probeer vir Seun verduidelik “Pappa kan nie ook die nag by hom bly nie”. Pa is toe vort om ná 22:00 ’n gastehuis te probeer opspoor, wat hy gelukkig toe reggekry het danksy ’n baie hulpvaardige




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hospitaal-ontvangsdame. Ek neem aan ons laataand-herbergsoekery gebeur nogal gereeld. By die gastehuis het hy natuurlik uitgevind van die vergete tandeborsels. Die sjampoe het darem in ’n klein botteltjie vir hom op sy gehuurde kussing gewag. Ek het natuurlik by Seun in die hospitaal agtergebly. Én geleer hospitaalbeddens is regtig net vir een mens gemaak – ’n baie maer mens. Dit was ’n delikate proses om so onderdeur die aarvoedingpypie ’n plekkie op die een kussing vir my kop te kry. Maar, deur al die drama, ongemak en afgeskeepte mondhigiene, bly ek dankbaar dat ons kind vier dae later gesond uit die hospitaal kon stap. En Ma en Pa met seer lywe en nuwe waardering vir die bed in ons huis.




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Goeie voetsorg belangrik vir diabete Yolandi van Deventer INDIEN iemand aan diabetes ly, beteken dit dat sy of haar bloedglukosevlakke (bloedsuiker) abnormaal hoog is. Oor ’n tydperk kan die verhoogde bloedsuikervlakke skade aan die bloedvate en senuwees veroorsaak. Senuweeskade kan tot ’n verlies aan sensasie in die voete lei en dit kan weer tot beserings lei wat ’n mens nie kan voel nie. Voetbeserings, soos blase en snye, kan tot infeksie lei wat moontlik in erge gevalle tot die amputasie van die voet of been kan lei. Wanneer daar senuweeskade is, beteken dit dat daar verminderde suurstof- en bloed-

toevoer na die voete is. Dit het weer die gevolg dat wonde stadiger genees as by iemand wat normale bloedsuikerwaardes het. Voetsorg by diabete is van kardinale belang. Goeie voetsorg kan baie voordele inhou om sodoende later ernstige komplikasies soos amputasie te voorkom. Hoe om na jou voete om te sien as jy aan diabetes ly: ) Ondersoek jou voete daagliks en kyk vir stukkende plekke of blase; ) Was jou voete daagliks en droog dit goed af – veral tussen die tone;

) Spesiale rome is by apteke verkrygbaar wat iemand met diabetes se voete bevogtig en sodoende verhoed dat harde velletjies afskeur of inskeur; ) Eelte moet saggies geskuur word en moenie met iets soos ’n naelknipper gesny word nie. Bly weg van lemmetjies om self eelte te probeer “afsny”; ) Knip die toonnaels gereeld. Maak ’n punt daarvan om dit nie in ’n ronde vorm te knip nie, maar reguit. Dit verhoed dat dit te diep gesny word en dat stukkende plekke vorm; ) Dra altyd skoene om beserings te vermy. Dit

sal keer dat jy byvoorbeeld in ’n skerp voorwerp trap; ) Dra plat skoene met breë punte en lae, breë hakke. Dit moet te alle tye voorkom word dat jou tone teen mekaar druk. Dit kan tot drukseertjies lei; ) Kies skoene wat nie te styf sit nie, maar ook nie te los nie anders lei dit tot wrywing teen die hak of toon. As jy aan diabetes ly, moet jy ’n punt daarvan maak om goeie voetsorg deel van jou daaglikse roetine te maak. Indien jy bekommerd is oor wonde aan jou voete wat nie gesond word nie, moet jy jou dokter kontak. – Gesondheidswenke deur Mediclinic Kathu verskaf.

‘Nature’s ploughs’ a garden must Benneli Olivier Van der Walt THE pale red garden earthworm is often called “nature’s plough”. That’s because an earthworm pushes through soft earth with the point of its head. If the soil is hard, the worm eats its way through, forming interconnected burrows. These burrows loosen the soil, admitting air and water and helping roots grow. A single acre of cultivated land may be home to as many as 500 000 earthworms. Earthworms in your garden When you add nitrogen-rich compost to your soil, you help the worms thrive. However, adding synthetic nitrogen fertilizers may repel earthworms. Worms are sensitive to physical and chemical changes and will flee the salty conditions that result from an application of chemical fertilizer. As an earthworm feeds, organic matter passes through its body and is excreted as dark granular castings. You may see these casting piles in your garden. An earthworm produces its weight in castings daily. Worm cas-

THE pale red garden earthworm is often called “nature’s plough”. Photo: Supplied tings are a wonderful fertilizer, rich in nutrients otherwise unavailable to plants.

In cold weather, a soil search will turn up mature and young earthworms as well as eggs. By late spring, most worms are mature. As temperatures rise, activity slows; many lay eggs and then die. By midsummer, most worms are very young or protected by egg capsules. As the weather cools, young worms emerge. With wet weather, they grow active, making new burrows and eating extra food, resulting in more worm castings. Egg laying occurs again. Activity continues as long as the soil stays damp. After a heavy rain, earthworms often appear aboveground. Fresh water doesn’t disturb earthworms—they need ongoing skin moisture to breathe—but stagnant or contaminated water forces them from their burrows. Earthworms can survive in soil that freezes gradually, but sudden freezing can kill them. Protect earthworms against sudden freezes with mulch which also provides worms with food. Earthworm bins You can raise earthworms yourself using

earthworm bins through a process called vermiculture or earthworm composting. Kept in a cool, dark place, a worm bin provides a composting system for kitchen scraps and a source of rich, fertile worm castings for the garden. If you don’t want to pay a lot of money for a worm bin, you can make your own from a plastic storage bin, a modified garbage can, washtub, or wooden box. Punch small holes in the sides of plastic washtubs or garbage cans for aeration. To keep conditions moist but well drained, make a drainage area in the bottom of the bin; use a rigid divider to separate it from the worms’ living quarters. A loose cover keeps flies and light out and worms and moisture in. It is best to fill the bin with soaked coir (fibre from the outer husk of the coconut, used in potting compost) and newspaper. Garden soil may also be added. Make sure the mix is as damp as a wrungout sponge rather than wet. Then introduce the earthworms to their new home. – Source: www.organicgardening.com


Vriendskap spreek boekdele DIE Bloodhound Supersonic Car- (SSC) projek het leerlinge van Brittanje nader aan leerlinge in die Kalahari gebring. Die Bloodhound-motor word in Brittanje gebou, maar gaan die landspoedrekord in 2015 op Hakskeenpan probeer verbeter. Daarom het leerlinge van die Laerskool Avon – naby die Bloodhound- Tegniese Sentrum in die suidweste van Engeland waar dié motor gebou word – boeke aan laerskole in die Kalahari geskenk. Vir die meeste van die laerskole in die Kalahari is naslaanboeke skaars en die internet vreemd. Dave Rowley, direkteur van onderwys en van die Bloodhound-projek, sê nadat leerlinge die amptelike opening van die tegniese sentrum bygewoon het, het hulle navorsing oor skole in die Kalahari gedoen. Die navorsing oor Suid-Afrika, die Kalahari en veral Hakskeenpan het die hele skool betrek en tien bokse vol boeke is bymekaargemaak om aan skole in die Kalahari te skenk. All World Freight het die boeke gratis na Loubos, Groot Mier, Philandersbron, Riemvasmaak en Welkom verskeep. Marina du Plessis, waarnemende hoof van die Laerskool Loubos, sê die meeste ouers het nie internet nie en die naslaanwerke is dus broodnodig. Hy meen die

DIE gr. 7-seuns van die Laerskool Welkom lees deur die boeke wat deur die Laerskool Avon geskenk is. Foto: Verskaf boeke gaan ook met take van hulp wees.” Margaret Beukes, hoof van die Laerskool Philandersbron wat slegs 10 km van Hakskeenpan is, sê die boeke gaan baie doen om die kinders se Engels te verbeter. Rowley sê die kinders van Avon hoop die boeke is die begin van ’n vriendskap tussen die verskillende skole se leerlinge, maar dat die Avon-leerlinge groen van jaloesie is, omdat hulle nie ook in 2015 saam met hul nuwe maats op Hakskeenpan sal kan staan om die landspoedrekord-poging te aanskou nie.

DAVE ROWLEY en Wendy Maxwell van die Bloodhound SCC-onderwysspan deel boeke aan die leerlinge van die Laerskool Philandersbron uit. Foto: Verskaf




Australië, SA lei met projek Elretha Britz KUNS staan op die drumpel van nuwe, ongekarteerde weë. Dit is die vooruitsigte wat ’n program deur Suid-Afrika en Australië vir vernuwing in kunsvorm-ontwikkeling (Piko) inhou. Die leiding vir die program is gesamentlik deur die Vryfees en die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) geneem; daarom dat dit sin maak om die projek op vanjaar se Vryfees van 15 tot 20 Julie in Bloemfontein bekend te stel. Piko is ’n drie jaar lange projek waarin kunstenaars van Australië en Suid-Afrika sal saamwerk om eksperimentele en gemeenskapskuns te verken. Die projek behels interkulturele laboratoriums, kuns- en wetenskap-uitruilprogramme, forums en eksperimentele kunsopdragte. “Ons weet kuns en kultuur speel ’n sleutelrol in maatskaplike transformasie en ’n vooruitstrewende gemeenskap. As ons dus die Indeks van Menslike Ontwikkeling op

Stuur gerus enige klub- of skolesportnuus van Kathu en omgewing na benneli. vdwalt@volksblad.com. Kalahari Bulletin is ook op Facebook – besoek www.facebook.com/kbulletin.

Exciting Career Opportunity Kuruman United Manganese of Kalahari (Pty) Ltd (UMK), a leading empowerment company intent on sustainable mining and socio-economic development, seeks specialists to join its fast growing manganese mine. UMK has been awarded a Mining Right over 15 000 ha of land to the north of a dynamic Kuruman. Why not become part of the team that plans to mine an output of between 1,5 million and 2 million tonnes of manganese each year? With a life of mine in excess of 30 years, this well-poised company will be able to unlock your talents.

Shift Electrician (Ref. SE 117167) The Shift Electrician is required to provide technical and hands-on support throughout the Process Plant. Minimum requirements: • Electrical Trade Test Certificate • Minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience • Experience in PLC’s (Siemens S7) • Experience with VSD’s and Soft Starters (Danfoss) • Experience in working on Screens, Crushers Reclaimers and Stackers. Experience in the field of logistics will be an advantage • Strong preventative, breakdown and shutdown maintenance experience • Ability to work shifts • Willingness to participate in further training • Able to demonstrate strong commitment to safety practices • Strong problem solving skills • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills • A valid Code 08 driver’s licence. Responsibilities: The main functions will include, but is not limited to: • Daily maintenance of the plant and all the plant equipment • Responsible for both preventative and corrective maintenance in the plant • Ensuring that the equipment in the plant is well maintained • Daily maintenance and testing of 12; 220 ; 380 and 525 Volt equipment • HT switching. Key performance areas: • Faultfinding on electrical circuits • Repair of all electrical breakdowns • Ability to take ownership of your role and lead and work within a team • Punctual and reliable • Result orientated • Customer focus • Self driven. Please note that the reference MUST be quoted on your application. Please note the following: • Successful candidates will be required to provide a valid medical certificate and may be required to undergo certain medical assessments • Psychometric and other assessments may be used as part of the selection process • Verification of all credentials may be done • Must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence.

How to apply: Interested applicants can forward an abridged CV to: recruitment@umk.co.za or fax: 086 236 1188. The onus is on you to ensure that the reference number is reflected on your application. Closing date: 20 March 2014. If you have not been contacted within 30 days after the closing date, kindly deem your application as unsuccessful. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYMENT EQUITY CANDIDATES IN LINE WITH THE COMPANY’S EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PLAN. Only candidates who meet the stated requirements will be considered. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. www.ayandambanga.co.za 117167

ons vasteland wil verbeter, moet ons in vernuwende kreatiewe bedryfsprogramme soos dié belê. Dit sluit samewerking tussen kunstenaars en wetenskaplikes in,” het prof. Jonathan Jansen, visekanselier en rektor van die UV, gesê. Adri Herbert, organiseerder van die Vryfees, sê Piko sal as ’n navorsings- en ontwikkelingsprojek vir kuns in Suid-Afrika dien. “Australiese kunstenaars is wêreldleiers in eksperimentele kuns en Suid-Afrikaners blink in gemeenskapskuns uit. “Ons weet nie wat die uitkoms van die samewerking gaan wees nie, maar dit maak die projek opwindend.” Tony Grybowski, uitvoerende hoof van die Australiese raad, sê “eksperimentele kuns was nog altyd ’n belangrike deel van die ekologie met programme soos die Synapse Art/Science-projek wat al langer as ’n dekade bedryf word en besonderse vennootskappe en gemeenskapsuitkomste in ons land skep. “Dit is noodsaaklik vir kreatiwiteit in sowel die kunste as wetenskappe.” Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars wat by Piko betrokke is, sluit in Angela de Jesus, direkteur van die Stegmann-galery op die UV-kampus, Angelo Mockie, dramaturg en teater-regisseur, Galetshwane Malebo, dramaturg en teaterregisseur, Godfrey Manenye, choreograaf en bewegingsprakti-

DIE Australiese kunstenaar Cigdem Aydemir by een van die beelde by Naln in Bloemfontein. As deel van die Vryfees se vennootskap met die Salmanca Arts Centre in Australië in die Situate Art in Festivals-projek is Aydemir en Jess Olivieri, ook van Australië, aangestel om nuwe, eksperimentele werke vir die Vryfees te ontwikkel. Foto: Mligisi Louw syn, en Philippa Tumubweinee, senior dosent in die departement argitektuur aan die UV, ’n medestigter en direkteur van IZUBA INafrica. Die Nasionale Lotery het ’n groot bydrae tot Piko gelewer.

Hanteer brandwonde só Benneli Olivier Van der Walt HET boererate vir brandwonde enige meriete? Of doen hulle meer skade as goed? Dr. Philippus Nel, ’n algemene praktisyn by Mediclinic, spreek twee mites aan: ) Stoom kan nie brandwonde veroorsaak nie Water kook teen 100°C, wat beteken dat stoom dieselfde temperatuur gaan wees. Die temperatuur van stoom wat onder druk super-verhit word, soos in ’n ketel, kan tot 500°C styg. Stoom kan dus erger brandwonde as kookwater veroorsaak, want dit is warmer. Indien jy met stoom gebrand word, geld dieselfde reëls as vir ’n gewone brandwond. Verwyder die bron wat die brandwond veroorsaak het, verkoel die gebrande gedeelte onmiddellik en raadpleeg dadelik ’n dokter of kliniek. Verseker dat die pasiënt weg is van die bron van die brandwond. Verwyder klere of juwele naby die wond en verkoel die brandwond deur dit in koel water af te spoel. Indien klere in die wond ingesmelt het, moet dit

Foto ter illustrasie liefs nie verwyder word nie. Moenie ys direk op die brandwond sit nie, dit kan die bloedsomloop na die wond belemmer en die besering vererger. ) Botter verlig brandwonde Hierdie boereraat kom al van 19de-eeuse slagvelde af waar dit geglo is dat brandwonde wat met botter, olie of vet bedek is die wond sal seël en infeksie sal voorkom. Dit is egter nie waar nie. Nel noem dat die beste

behandeling vir ’n brandwond steeds is om dit vir 20 minute of langer onder koel, lopende water te hou. Deur ’n olierige stof op die wond te smeer kan die assessering van die erns van die wond negatief beïnvloed word. Die enigste tyd wanneer dit aanvaarbaar is om ’n olierige stof op ’n brandwond te smeer is wanneer daar met teer gebrand is. Die olierige stof sal help om die teer van die vel af te kry en so beter behandeling te verskaf.

ACVV benodig kantoorruimte DIE Afrikaanse Christen-vrouevereniging (ACVV) in Upington is dringend op soek na kantoorruimte om te huur. In Desember het die kerksaal van die NG Moedergemeente afgebrand. Die ACVV se kantoor was in dié saal en die vereniging het alles verloor. Nou benodig hy van 1 April af dringend kantoorruimte vir ses personeellede en al hul voorraad. Die kantoor moet verkieslik toeganklik wees vir kliënte wat die kantoor besoek, verskeie goedere moet geberg kan word en om hulle toe te rus om diens te kan lewer aan die verskeie satellietgebiede wat uit die kantoor bedryf word. Die ACVV is die enigste nie-regeringsinstansie wat gemagtig is om statutêre dienste te lewer soos deur die Kinderwet vereis. Dus is sy dienste van groot belang in die ZF Mgcawu-distrik. Indien enigiemand met kantoorruimte vir die ACVV kan help, bel Rina Liebenberg by 054-331-3096 of by 072-993-0111.


MEMBERS of Sishen’s leadership team with the management of the Sishen Rugby Club, celebrating the opening of the revamped clubhouse.

Sports clubs benefit

FOUR of the Kalahari Country Club’s (KCC) sport clubhouses recently underwent an extreme makeover. The KCC is the sport and recreation leg of Kumba Iron Ore’s flagship operation in the Northern Cape, Sishen Mine. Through the KCC, Kumba made funds available to upgrade four facilities to a standard where conferences, workshops and courses can be presented, while after hours the sports clubs have beautiful clubhouses to host their members and visitors. The clubhouses that were first to get a makeover, were that of the shooting range, the equestrian

club, the rugby club and the tennis club. The tennis courts at Sesheng and Kathu were also re-surfaced and brand-new netball courts and a basketball court were built in Kathu. “This upgrade is all part of a three-year vision to upgrade all the facilities, fields and courts to a national standard,” says Greg Jennings, manager of the KCC. “For the next two years, the KCC envisages upgrading the rest of the clubhouses, including those for karate, gym, cycling, bowls and jukskei. There are also plans to build six additional soccer fields.” On Monday, 10 February,

stakeholders, including members of the Sishen Mine leadership team, were invited to view the new facilities and officially declare them open. At each clubhouse, the committee of the particular sports club hosted the visitors and the improvements could be admired. “Over the years Kumba has proven itself to be a company that cares and invests in the community’s sport. “With this project, sports club committee members once again acknowledged this support and are extremely grateful for what they have been given over the years,” Jennings concludes.

MEMBERS of the Sishen’s leadership team with the management of the Sishen Shooting Club celebrating the opening of the revamped clubhouse. Photos: Supplied

Opportunity knocks

A BRAND-NEW car wash facility opened its doors on 3 February just outside Kumba Iron Ore’s Sishen Mine. Eden Lake Car Wash, owned by Myrah Mothibakgomo, tells the story of yet another small local business that can grow and flourish thanks to Kumba. After a strict evaluation process that included interviews and the presentation of business plans, the car wash opportunity was awarded to Eden Lake. “I was astonished when I heard I was the successful applicant,” says a happy Mothibakgomo. “I knew I could make a success of this venture, because I invested in short courses presented by Kumba since 2010 that helped polish my entrepreneurial skills.” The car wash industry is not exactly unfamiliar territory for Mothibakgomo. She used to work at a car wash facility at the Kathu taxi rank. “Eden Lake aims to offer quality and reliable services to Sishen Mine employees and contractors. We have had clients coming to fetch their cars after a wash that said their cars looked brand new.” Eden Lake employs three people and boasts two washing bays and three dry bays. It offers services such as a full wash, interior cleaning and wash-and-go. Prices vary between R70 and R100. “The car wash operates on a first come first serve basis, but as

SIPHO MAMPANCASHE, Myrah Mothibakgomo and Andronica Greess of Eden Lake Car Wash. Photo: Supplied business increases, appointments can be made,” Mothibakgomo says. “Time-wise a vehicle will take roughly one hour to wash to ensure that it is spotless.” As a local growing up in Kathu, Mothibakgomo always hoped to be employed at Sishen one day. “I never thought that the door would open up this way,” she marvels. “Having your own business is hectic, but more than anything else I want to make a success of this. My life has changed completely because of this wonderful opportunity Kumba gave me.

“The car wash facility was made available with the objective of exposing local SMME’s to a revenue generating opportunity while fine-tuning their entrepreneurial skills in an environment of demanding and informed clients,” explains Kealeboga Pilane, Sishen Mine’s enterprise development manager. “We are excited about Myra’s car wash and wish her the best of luck.” The car wash has a capacity to wash at least 20 cars per day and will operate on Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 until 16:00. Direct enquiries to Myra on 072-994-4756.




Tuinier kweek kultuur Benneli Olivier Van der Walt WAAR ’n wil is, is ’n weg. Só redeneer Seun Standerd oor sy groentetuin by Kathu se vullisterrein. Standerd, wat in Mapoteng bly, het verlede jaar met sy groentetuin begin. Hy het met ’n groentetuin grootgeword en wil graag die kultuur van “jou eie groente” by mense vestig. Hy het self die grond skoon geskoffel en omgespit. Tshimo Gardens in Kathu het vir hom twee kruiwaens vol kompos geborg. Hy plant op die oomblik spinasie en wortels net langs Kathu se vullisterrein. Standerd meen die grond waarin hy nou plant, is beter vir groente as vir blomme. “Maar dit is net ’n toetslopie. Ek wou eers kyk of dit goeie grond is.” Hoewel hy beplan om eindelik sy groente te verkoop, gee hy nou spinasie aan mense in Mapoteng wat geldelik sukkel. “Ek wil graag ander groente ook plant – uie, beet en pampoen.” Hy sê indien mense saad aan hom wil skenk, kan hulle dit net vir hom by die vullisterrein kom gee. “Ek is altyd hier,” sê hy.

SEUN STANDERD kweek in die stadium spinasie en wortels in sy groentetuin.

SEUN STANDERD is ’n ywerige tuinier wat groente op Kathu se vullisterrein kweek. Foto’s:

Benneli Olivier van der Walt

Today in history TODAY in history: 6 March 1899 – Aspirin patented by Felix Hoffmann at the German company Bayer. 1918 – US naval boat Cyclops disappears in Bermuda Triangle. 1950 – Silly Putty invented. 1964 – Cassius Clay joins the Nation of Islam and its leader Elijah Muhammad and renames himself Muhammad Ali 1982 – Susan Birmingham makes loudest recorded human shout (120 dB) 2006 – Tsotsi, directed by Gavin Woods, becomes the first South African film to receive an Oscar.

Nog skenkers benodig DIE Kathu-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens benodig skenkers. Almal wat graag wil bloed skenk, kan Woensdae van 08:00 tot 19:00 en Vrydae van 09:00 tot 17:00 na die kliniek toe gaan. Die kliniek is in Rietbokstraat in die Old Mutual-gebou, langs OK Furniture, geleë. Rig navrae aan suster Ansie Klemp by 082-305-4249.



Seuns leer op eie manier Renske van der Walt MANS ouer as 50 jaar kan makliker as enigiemand anders hul werk verloor en dan is dit nie weer maklik om werk kry nie. Met deesdae se keuring aan tersiêre instansies kry mans veel minder die geleentheid om toelating of keuring te kry. Dit is te sê indien die manne ooit tot by universiteitsvlak vorder. Is dit ’n aanvegbare stelling? Kom ek motiveer. Pietman is nou ’n paar wekies oud. Hy is mal oor die mobiele vliegtuigies en bytjies wat oor sy bababed dans as die wind roer. Vir sy tweelingsussie is Mamma se gesig baie belangriker. Selfs die breinselle tussen seuns en meisies verskil – vandaar die verskillende belangstellingsvelde van hierdie twee babas. Toe Pietman drie jaar oud was, het hy al die verskillende motorfabrikate se name en kentekens geken. Pietman breek weg uit die klas en bring sy draadkar kantoor toe vir ’n diens. Hy loop toilet toe, die mondjie met ’n tuit, hy maak soos ’n motor en jy sien net spoeg spat. Is dit ongewone gedrag? Glad nie! Pietman maak soos enige seunskind: Hy leer deur beweging. Solank sy wiele draai, ek bedoel sy ledemate beweeg, leer hy. Seuns bly ook baie langer in die groot motoriese fase (waar die groot spiere van die liggaam ontwikkel) as meisies. Sunette, die tweelingsussie, bly soet in die klas. Sy wil graag doen wat Juffrou vra. Sy luister mooi na die juffrou en teken met sagte kleure en net soos Juffrou vir haar vra om te doen. Seuns kom dikwels meer in die moeilikheid op skool as meisies oor die feit dat hulle deur beweging wil leer. Dit is die seuns wat risiko’s neem op die speelterrein, om twee redes: Hulle toets die vermoë van hul spierkrag, en hul waagmoed begin ontwikkel. Sunette is besig om “skool” te speel, of saam met maatjies tipiese veilige speletjies waar gesprek met mekaar baie belangrik is. In die klas kan Pietman nou net nie tot stilsit kom nie. As Juffrou ’n storie vertel, wurm hy op die mat rond,

LARS EN PATRICIA PARNET het die Hoërskool Kathu verlede week besoek. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

Duitsers kuier in Kathu FOTO ter illustrasie. maar tog kan hy die hele storie vir Juffrou terugvertel. Sunette is die soetheid self, sy antwoord al die vrae en sit mooi stil. Lê die fout by Pietman? Nee, glad nie! Die goeie nuus is dat daar niks met Pietman verkeerd is nie. Hy is ’n tipiese seunskind en al hierdie baie beweging van hom verseker breinontwikkeling in dele van die brein wat later daardie voorsprong in die wiskunde- en wetenskapklas gaan gee. Oor ’n paar jaar is Pietman die ster in die wiskunde- en wetenskapklas en Sunette gaan in haar tale uitstyg. Kom ons draai die horlosie weer terug na die vroeë skooljare. Daar wag moeilike tye vir Pietman. Juffrou verwag dat kinders moet sit en leer. Vir Sunette is dit nie ’n

Benneli Olivier Van der Walt probleem nie, maar Pietman, nog in sy groot motoriese fase, vind dit baie moeilik om te sit en werk. Hy wil nog speel, en veral buite wees en beweeg. Die baie skryfwerk en die klein ou potloodjie maak hom sommer moeg. Hy ervaar frustrasie, en dit kan omsit in woede, ’n minderwaardigheidsgvoel, ’n gevoel van onmag en selfs vrees. Die druk is baie: Hy moet saam met Sunette vorder, en Juffrou wil hê dat al haar kinders presteer. Mamma en Pappa ook. Teoreties sou dit dus beter wees dat ons seuns ’n jaar ouer is as hul meisiemaats. Dit is iets wat voorskoolse onderwysers reeds jare weet. ) Renske van der Walt is die hoof van die Bana- Vroeë Ontwikkelingsentrum vir Kinders in Kathu.

DIE Hoërskool Kathu het verlede week twee Duitse besoekers gehad. Patricia en Lars Parnet, ’n broer en suster van Frankfurt in Duitsland, het kom kyk hoe die leerlinge van ’n Noord-Kaapse skool leer. Hulle is altwee in gr. 11 en sê hul skoolwerk verskil nie veel van die werk wat in Suid-Afrikaanse skole aangebied word nie. Die Parnets sê dit is verskriklik warm in Kathu, en dat die mense van Kathu baie vriendelik is. Dit is hul eerste besoek aan Suid-Afrika, maar hulle gaan beslis vir nog ’n besoek terugkom.



Diere kry hulp Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

’n GESINSPOGING. Van links is Bianca Ferris, pa Billy Ferris en Geneve Ferris.

Kleurig vir ’n goeie doel Madri Scheepers KANSA KATHU het verlede Saterdag sy jaarlikse nasionale Shavathon aangebied. Die geleentheid het in die Kathu Village Mall plaasgevind. Inwoners van van Kathu het saamgestaan om die geleentheid suksesvol te maak.

MARIETJIE BAM spuit Pedri Swanepoel se hare ’n vrolike groen.

Foto’s: Madri Scheepers

“DIERE is ons passie – dit is hoekom ons doen wat ons doen.” Só sê Marli Schalekamp van Kathu-dieresorg. Kathu-dieresorg word deur Schalekamp, Marietjie Janse van Vuuren, Sonja Grobler (van die Kuruman-dieresorgvereniging) en Belinda du Plooy behartig. Die organisasie se diens dek ’n wye gebied wat Kathu, Deben, Mapoteng, Daniëlskuil, Olifantshoek, Hotazel, Blackrock en Kuruman insluit. Dié vroue word nie vir hul diens betaal nie en soms gaan dit maar swaar. Kathu-dieresorg se hoofinkomste is die skenkingsblikkies wat oor Kathu heen versprei is. Ongelukkig lewer die blikkies deesdae nie genoeg geld om die organisasie se uitgawes te dek nie. Kathu-dieresorg kort dringend geldelike skenkings van die publiek of ondernemings. Daar is ook ’n groot tekort aan kos vir die diere. Lede van die publiek wat dierekos wil skenk, kan dit in die Dieresorgtrollie by die Kathu-Spar sit of een van die vroue kontak sodat hulle dit kan kom haal. Geld en kos is nie al wat benodig word nie. Die vroue van Kathu-dieresorg het almal heeltydse werk en hul tyd raak ook soms min. Die publiek word genooi om tyd af te staan om met die diere te deur te bring of om diere in die omliggende gebiede te gaan voer. Sommige van Kathu se verlore honde word tydelik by Sonica Wiese se Kathu Kennels naby Kathu gehuisves, maar kan ongelukkig nie te lank hier bly nie. Hier word hulle goed versorg, maar soms kort hulle vertroeteling. Enigeen wat lief vir honde is, kan reël om tyd met die

DIÉ skaaphond-kruising soek ’n liefdevolle huis. Hy is al van Desember af by die Kathu Kennels. Die reun is ongeveer ’n jaar oud. Hy is huis-vriendelik en onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak Kathu-dieresorg vir inligting. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

eienaarlose diere deur te bring. Natuurlik sal nog heeltydse vrywilligers wat by die organisasie aansluit, ideaal wees. Kathu-dieresorg sal graag sy eie hokke by die Kathu Kennels wil aanbring. Hulle moet die meeste verlore diere na die Kuruman-dieresorgvereniging se hokke neem en dit beteken brandstofuitgawes styg. Skenkings, hetsy geld of boumateriaal, sal verwelkom word. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan pleeghuise vir verlore diere. Dié wat daarin belang stel om ’n dier aan te neem kan Kathu-dieresorg bel sodat die personeel kan kyk of die erf reg omhein is en of daar genoeg ruimte vir die dier is. Al dié diere word gesteriliseer. Dit word by die aanneemgeld ingesluit. Vir inligting bel Sonja Grobler by 082-744-9057 of Marietjie Janse van Vuuren by 083-942-9658.



Applous nou hier

B O N Y U A S D B H s t I T r o R e b e found. uch 1 Million lucky vo

SUID-AFRIKA se oudste skoolkoorkompetisie, ATKV-Applous, nooi alle skoolkore om deel te word van die nasionale prestige-koorkompetisie. Laer- en hoërskoolkore kan hulle vir dié skoolkorekompetisie inskryf wat vanjaar die 37ste keer aangebied word. Laerskole kan hulle in die volgende afdelings inskryf: ) Meer en minder ervare senior kore, asook junior kore. ) Nie-Afrikaansmoedertaalsprekende skole kan hulle in die afdeling vir senior en/of junior kore inskryf. Die hoërskole-afdeling bestaan uit Afrikaanse en nie-Afrikaanse minder ervare kore, asook ’n meer ervare afdeling. Albei afdelings sluit die volgende kategorieë in: seuns-, meisie- en gemengde kore. Skole en koorleiers het tot 14 Maart tyd om hul skoolkore vir ATKV-Applous in te skryf. Vir meer inligting besoek www.atkvprojekte.co.za of kontak Bessie Keun by 082-454-6060 of Johan Esterhuizen by johane@atkv.org.za.

Water in NC tested THE civil rights organisation AfriForum has taken samples of potable (Blue Drop) and treated sewage water (Green Drop) from across the Northern Cape. This is part of a national project which is known as the AfriForum Blue and Green Drop Branch Project. The following towns in the Northern Cape are included in the project: Kimberley, Daniëlskuil, Upington, Hartswater, Williston, Springbok, Olifantshoek, Kathu, Garies, Kamieskroon and Kuruman. “AfriForum will monitor the water in South Africa this year to ensure that the quality is up to standard and to assist with the sustainability and conservation of this crucial resource,” says Julius Kleynhans, head of environmental affairs at AfriForum. AfriForum will continue to monitor the water and sewage quality in the country. “If the water does not comply with national standards, we will put pressure on municipalities to solve the problem. “If that does not happen, we will take the necessary steps to force compliance,” says Stefan Pieterse, organiser for AfriForum in the Northern Cape. “The crisis facing South Africa as a result of inadequate water provision, the collapse of infrastructure, the demand for water and pollution has necessitated our intervention in order to protect our water sources. “We will not allow mismanagement any longer and alternatives for the provision and protection of water are considered,” Kleynhans adds. AfriForum launched its #thinkwater initiative to create awareness of water quality issues. The public is invited to act as watchdog and report issues to AfriForum at www.afriforum.co.za/dink-water/. You may also let them know if the water in your town is clean. SMS “Yes” or “No” to 32277. (R1/SMS) “The water samples will be tested by an independent Sanas accredited laboratory. “A complete report of the results will be made available to the public and the media on 17 March,” Kleynhans concludes.

HET jy enige van Kalahari Bulletin se vorige uitgawes misgeloop? Lees berigte oor sport, nuus, leefstyl en dagboek-gebeure op die webblad www.kalaharibulletin.co.za. Kalahari Bulletin is ook op Facebook – besoek www.facebook.com/kbulletin.

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FLORCARE MATTE EN BLINDINGS: Ons installeer volvloermatte en blindings teen die beste pryse. 073 558 4705. Talana 072 747 1991. HYDRO CLEAN: Laat u matte en meubels professioneel stoomskoonmaak teen die beste pryse! Aubrey 072 747 1991 of 073 558 4705.

NISSAN HARDBODY D/KAJUITBAKKIE, 2008-MODEL, 102 000 km. Prys R125 000. Skakel 071 603 9170.


UNO FIRE, 1995, puik toestand. Ideale studentemotor. Skakel 083 772 2316.


ELEKTRIESE HEININGS: Beveilig u eiendom. Vir professionele, geakkrediteerde installasies. Skakel Francois 072 156 4035. HEKMOTORS EN GARAGEDEURE: Motorhestel en installasies. Skakel Okker 082 829 0292.


KURUMAN: 3-slaapkamer-/2-badkplus 2 twee-slaapkamer-houthuise te huur. Huis is loopafstand van Palmgate-sentrum. Skakel 073 870 3269.



ADMIN. COPY/PASTE WORKERS NEEDED: For info SMS full name, address to 084 904 6873 or email hubdata555@gmail.com


EK IS 'N HUISWERKER wat werk soek. Ek kan goed kos kook en is ook goed met kinders. Het verwysings. Skakel 076 612 8922.




LUUKSE OORNAGKAMERS te huur. R600 per nag, B & B. Veilige parkering. Skakel 082 260 2181.


MUSIEK VIR ALLE GELEENTHEDE, troues, funksies, ens. Skakel Dirk 079 877 7134.


1-SLAAPKAMER-WOONSTEL in Kuruman, R4 500 p.m. Water en krag ingesluit. Geen kinders of diere. Skakel 072 381 4311.



NATIONAL TRAILER RENTAL KURUMAN: Op die oomblik beskikbaar - 3 x 3 m x1,5 m x 1,0 m, enkelas. 1 x 4 m x 1,8 m x 1,0 m, dubbelas. Skakel 083 310 0272.


HUISWERKER BENODIG: Moet goed kan stryk. Skakel 071 361 2522. SOEK JONG MAN as battery-'fitter'. Matriek en moet goed Engels en Afrikaans kan praat. Stuur CV na 053 712 2207. TUPPERWARE-AGENTE dringend benodig in die hele Noord-Kaap gebied. Faks of SMS u besonderhede voor 16 Maart. Benodig naam en van, ID-nommer, adres en telefoonnommer. 053 723 1717/082 578 5215 Hester.



KG Tetemi In die boedel van wyle Kealeboga Grace Tetemi van Huis E70, Gamasepa Village. Boedelnommer: 7371/2013 Skuldeisers van bogenoemde boedel word hiermee versoek om binne 30 dae vanaf 6 Maart 2014 hul eise te bewys en hul skulde te betaal by die ondergetekende. KBVS PROKUREURS Posbus 565 Bearestraat 51 Kuruman 8460.



NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the High Court of South Africa, (Northern Cape High Court, Kimberly) Case No: 1499/13 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Registration No: 1986/004794/06 Plaintiff NICOLAAS DANIEL SWART N.O. In his capacity as Trustee of ND SWART FAMILY TRUST IT2555/2003 1st Defendant NICOLAAS DANIEL SWART Identity Number: 550129 5036 08 3 Married out of community of property 2nd Defendant HESTER JOHANNA CATHARINA SWART N.O. In her capacity as Trustee of ND SWART FAMILY TRUST IT2555/2003 3rd Defendant HESTER JOHANNA CATHARINA SWART Identity number: 611122 0098 0807 4th Defendant SUTHA CIVILS (PTY) LIMITED Registration No: 2003/000092/07 As surety for ND SWART FAMILY TRUST - IT2555/2003 5th Defendant PURSUANT to a judgment dated 11 July 2013 and an attachment in the above Honourable Court, the undermentioned property will be sold by public auction on THURSDAY, 20 MARCH 2014 at 10:00 at the office of the Sheriff, Skool Street, KURUMAN, subject to the conditions of sale which will be read prior to the sale by the Sheriff for the district of Kuruman, which conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff of the High Court, Kuruman, the property being: Erf 1848, KURUMAN, situated in the Kuruman Township, Extention 16,Municipality GaSegonyana, District of Kuruman, Province of the Northern Cape, measuring 1060 square metres, held in terms of Deed of Transport No T2354/2009. Better known as 3 Leach street, Kuruman. IMPROVEMENTS: Dwelling with outbuildings. No details are available. No details are guaranteed. CONDITIONS OF SALE: 1. Payment of 10% of the purcase price in cash or by way of bank-guaranteed cheque on date of the sale and balance payable on registration of transfer onto the name of the purchaser, which balance is to be guaranteed by means of an acceptable bank guarantee to be received by the plaintiff's attorney within FIFTEEN (15) DAYS of the date of the sale in execution. 2. Auctioneer's commission on the gross purchase price is payable on the date of the sale, together with all arrear and outstanding rates and taxes etc, if any. The purchaser shall in addition to the sheriff's commission, which is 6% on the proceeds of the sale up to a price of R30 000 and thereafter 3,5% up to a maximum fee of R9 655 plus VAT theron, pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash or bank guaranteed cheque or EFT into the sheriff's trust account immediately upon closing of the bid and the balance against transfer, which shall be secured by a Bank guarantee in a form acceptable to plaintiff's conveyancers, which guarantee shall be delivered by the purchaser to the sherrif within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of the sale and shall provide for the payment of the full balance and any such interest payable as provided for hereunder. The conditions of this auction are availble 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, Kuruman. The Sheriff of Kuruman will concuct the sale. Registration as a purchaser is a prerequisite, subject to conditions, inter alia: a. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act No 68 of 2008 (URLhttp://www.info.gov/za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=99961) b. FICA-legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars. c. Payment of a registration fee of monies in cash d. Registration conditions of the Consumer Protection Act, No 8 of 2008. The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the CONDITIONS OF SALE which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff, Kuruman, during normal office hours from Monday to Friday, or at the office of the attorneys acting for the Execution Creditor/Plaintiff, VAN DE WALL & PARTNERS, VAN DE WALL BUILDING, 9 SOUTHEY STREET, KIMBERLEY. Tel: 053 - 830 2900. VAN DE WALL & PARTNERS B. HONIBALL/LG/B10949 Van de Wall Building Southey street Kimberley Tel. 053 830 2900 J.J. MOORCROFT SHERIFF FOR KURUMAN






CHAIRPERSON – RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Directorate: Finance Salary: R3 392 per day Kimberley

Requirements: • CA/MBA/MBL/CIA or other relevant qualification in Legal, Accounting, Auditing and Financial Management • 10-15 years’ management experience in Accounting or Auditing field • Excellent knowledge of the Risk Management and Corporate Governance, Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations, Enterprise Wide Risk Management (EWRM), COSO model and Public Sector Risk Management Framework • Experience in serving on oversight committees • Knowledge of the Social Development sector will be an added advantage. Duties: The candidate will chair the Department’s Risk Management Committee and provide an oversight role regarding: • Monitoring implementation of risk management within the Department • Assisting in reviewing risk management action plans to be instituted and ensuring compliance with such plans • Integrating risk management into planning, monitoring and reporting processes • Reviewing risk appetite and tolerance levels of the Department • Providing reports to the Head of Department on a quarterly basis and other management committee or other oversight committees • Implementing risk maturity model. Term of Office: • The term of office will be 3 years subject to renewal at the discretion of the Department • Risk management meetings are held quarterly (4 per annum) and attendance of 4 quarterly Audit Committee meetings. Enquiries: Ms Shouneez. Wookey, tel. (053) 874-9167 Applications, together with a detailed CV and 2 references, must be delivered at the CFO’s Office, Block I, Mimosa Complex, Barkly Road, or posted to Private Bag X5042, Kimberley 8300. Closing date: 14 March 2014 at 16:00


Salary: R771 306 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package consists of the basic salary, the Government Employees Pension Fund and flexible portion, which may be structured in terms of the rules for the structuring of the flexible portion and which may include a 13th cheque, motor car allowance, homeowner’s allowance and medical aid assistance) (Level 13) (Ref. SMS/FIN/01) Kimberley

Requirements an competencies: • B Commerce degree with Accounting or relevant equivalent qualification • 3-5 years’ middle management experience • Good knowledge of financial systems, such as BAS, Logis and Persal • 5-10 years’ practical experience in a financial environment of which a minimum must have been 3 years in middle management in the public sector • Experience in the management of resources and development of policies/implementation strategies • Knowledge and understanding of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, and Public Service Act, budgeting processes, financial management and human resources management • Knowledge of financial systems and information management • Knowledge of the functioning of Provincial Government • Knowledge of policy research, analyses and development • Knowledge of Job Evaluation practices and processes • Knowledge of the EPMDS • Ability to communicate ideas and issues to audiences in a tactful influential manner, verbally and in writing, informally and informally • Problem-solving skills • Policy formulation, conflict resolution, coordination, management and computer skills will serve as added advantages • Ability to give strategic inputs and guidance in Management structures • Project management skills to ensure activities are monitored and evaluated to ensure the Unit delivers the desired outputs. Duties: • Provide support to the Chief Financial Officer by implementing and maintaining internal controls to ensure compliance with required prescripts and reliable financial accounting systems and reports • Manage financial accounting support services at provincial and district level in its entirety with inclusions of expenditure management, salary administration, ledgers and others • Identify internal control weaknesses and implementation and maintenance of internal control systems • Manage the Directorate’s resources and performance • Provide financial reporting services which include monthly financial reports, interim and annual financial statements of the Department • Develop, implement and maintain departmental financial policies, guidelines and procedure manuals • Manage risks in all the aforesaid areas. Enquiries: Ms Shouneez Wookey, tel. (053) 874-9167


Salary: R771 306 per annum (all-inclusive remuneration package consists of the basic salary, the Government Employees Pension Fund and flexible portion, which may be structured in terms of the rules for the structuring of the flexible portion and which may include a 13th cheque, motor car allowance, homeowner’s allowance and medical aid assistance) (Level 13) (Ref. SMS/FIN/02) Kimberley

Requirements and competencies: • B Commerce degree with Accounting or relevant equivalent qualification • 3-5 years’ middle management experience • Good knowledge of financial systems, such as BAS, Logis and Persal • 5-10 years’ practical experience in a financial environment of which a minimum must have been 3 years in middle management in the public sector • Experience in the management of resources and development of policies/implementation strategies • Knowledge and understanding of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, and Public Service Act, budgeting processes, financial management and human resources management • Knowledge of financial systems and information management • Knowledge of the functioning of Provincial Government • Knowledge of policy research, analyses and development • Knowledge of Job Evaluation practices and processes • Knowledge of the EPMDS • Ability to communicate ideas and issues to audiences in a tactful influential manner, verbally and in writing, informally and informally • Problem-solving skills • Policy formulation, conflict resolution, coordination, management and computer skills will serve as added advantages • Ability to give strategic inputs and guidance in Management structures • Project management skills to ensure activities are monitored and evaluated to ensure the Unit delivers the desired outputs. Duties: • Provide support to the Chief Financial Officer by implementing and maintaining internal controls to ensure the efficient and effective use of the Department’s resources and enable reliable reporting • Manage the departmental expenditure in line with the allocated budget and performance objectives • Identify internal control weaknesses and implement and maintain internal control systems • Manage the Directorate’s resources and performance • Monthly reporting on status on expenditure and alignment with strategic and performance plans • Develop and implement budgetary controls, policies, guidelines and procedure manuals • Manage risks in all the aforesaid areas. Enquiries: Ms Shouneez Wookey, tel. (053) 874-9167


Salary range: R252 144 per annum (Level 9) (Ref. AD/PROV/2014/08) Provincial Office: Kimberley

Requirements and competencies: • 3-year tertiary qualification or equivalent, with minimum of 3 years’ working experience in asset management • Valid driver’s licence • Knowledge and understanding of the Public Finance Management Act, Asset Management Framework, Asset Management policies and guidelines, departmental policies and project management • Working experience on BAS and LOGIS • Basic knowledge of LRA and BCEA • Computer literacy in Microsoft Office packages, especially Word, PowerPoint and Excel • Good communication skills (verbal and written) • Conflict resolution skills • Good analytical skills. Duties: • Implement an effective system of asset management • Compile monthly DAMP reports • Compile monthly asset reconciliation between BAS and LOGIS • Compile and submit disclosure note for Interim and Annual Financial Statements • Monitor all district offices and ensure quarterly asset counts at all sites • Update the asset register with all movement of assets • Ensure disposal of all obsolete items • Assist with the development of asset management policies and guidelines • Compile all submission for transfer of assets in line with section 42 of the PFMA • Compile monthly unit performance report. Enquiries: Mr T Monyane, tel. (053) 874-9178


Salary range: R252 144 per annum (Level 9) (Ref. AD/PROV/2014/09) Provincial Office: Kimberley

Requirements and competencies: • 3-year tertiary qualification or equivalent, with a minimum of 3 years’ working experience in fleet management • Valid driver’s licence • Knowledge and understanding of the Public Finance Management Act, Fleet Management Framework, Fleet Management policies and guidelines, departmental policies and project management • Basic knowledge of LRA and BCEA • Computer literacy in Microsoft Office packages, especially Word, PowerPoint and Excel • Good communication skills (verbal and written) • Conflict resolution skills • Good analytical skills. Duties: • Implement an effective system of fleet management • Compile monthly fleet management reports • Manage monthly reconciliation between the billing and actual kilometres travelled • Compile monthly accident status reports • Conduct quarterly workshops with district offices • Provide support to district offices • Review all applications for subsidised vehicles and ensure completeness • Compile monthly utilisation reports for all subsidised vehicles • Liaise with the appointed service provider for termination of subsidised vehicles contract • Maintain and update a register for all scheme A (subsidised) and scheme B applications • Manage the investigation of all accidents and damages to State vehicles • Assist with the development of fleet management policies and guidelines. Enquiries: Mr T Monyane, tel. (053) 874-9178



The Northern Cape Provincial Government is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. During appointment, the Department of Social Development will consider its Employment Equity Plan. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department, and should be accompanied by originally certified copies, date not later than 3 months (not copies of certified copies) as well as a comprehensive CV in order to be considered. Failure to comply with these instructions will disqualify applications from being processed. The Department of Social Development reserves the right not to fill the posts. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check, criminal record, verification of qualification and, where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a competency assessment. Suitable candidates are expected to avail themselves for an interview at the place and time determined by the office, failing which will lead to forfeiture of the opportunity. The successful candidates will be required to enter into a performance agreement and will also be required to disclose her/his financial interests Please forward applications, quoting the relevant reference number, to: The Executive Manager, Corporate Services, Private Bag X5054, Kimberley 8300, for attention: Mr Z Albanie. No faxed, e-mailed or late applications will be accepted. Closing date: 14 March 2014 All applicants should please note that correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 6 weeks of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Northern Cape Provincial Government

AIDS HELPLINE 0800-012-322

Human Communications 107206






ALLE ADVERTEERDERS Die gebruik van die letter

"A", leestekens soos "!" of "*" of die gebruik van syfers met die doel om die advertensie na die bopunt van die klassifikasie-lys te skuif, is streng verbode. SMALLS NOTICE


We make a difference because our people do. BASIC AMBULANCE ASSISTANT, KUMBA IRON ORE, SISHEN


Kumba Iron Ore is a world leader in the mining and supply of the highest quality iron ore to the global steel industry. With haematite reserves of more than a billion tonnes, we’re a growing South African company and the fourth largest supplier of seaborne iron ore in the world. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company. We need you to perform emergency rescue procedures, stabilising and medical treatment on casualties, as well as to safely transport patients to medical facilities. In addition, you will be expected to inspect, maintain and distribute first aid and other equipment. Specialised tests (such as eye, urine, pulse, blood sugar, lung function, blood pressure, audiograms and urine cannabis) will also be your responsibility, and we’ll require of you to report any deviations. It’s therefore very important that you maintain an ethic approach. With a Grade 12, 3 years’ emergency services experience and qualification as Basic Ambulance Assistant (accreditation with the Health Professions Council SA, with proof of HPCSA registration), Spirometry and Vision Screening certificate, an audiometry certificate and accreditation and a Code 10 driver’s licence with PDP, you could be our ideal candidate. The role involves working shifts and being on standby. Ref: 708362 Incomplete applications and applications without valid copies of qualifications and/or licences attached as indicated in the job requirements for this role will not be considered. Preference will be given to applicants from the designated groups, as defined in terms of the company’s Employment Equity policy. It’s your time to shine with Kumba Iron Ore Ltd. Apply today by visiting www.angloamerican.com/careers Follow the links to Careers/Current Vacancies, enter the above reference number/job title and continue. Alternatively send an application to sishen3@angloamerican.com Internal applicants can apply via Eureka. Closing date: 14 March 2014. All applicants are thanked for their interest. If you do not receive feedback from us within 6 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Communication will be with short-listed candidates only.


Human Communications 107058



VAN links is Mariska Matthys (wenner, 200 m vir vroue), Gaynor van Rooyen (tweede, 1 500 m vir vroue), Marlene Nel (kampushoof), Kennedy Mkanzie (wenner, 1 500 m en 800 m vir mans), Moncho Valencia (wenner, 800 m vir vroue), Letobane Tefo (tweede, 1 500 m vir mans) en Franklin Afrikaner (tweede, 400 m vir mans). Foto: Verskaf

Kampusse ding mee DIE Upington-kampus van die Noord-Kaapse Plattelandse Verdere Onderwys-en-opleiding-kollege het vanjaar die eerste keer ’n atletiekbyeenkoms vir die vyf kampusse van dié kollege aangebied. Upington was die gasheer vir die ongeveer 200 atlete wat van De Aar, Kathu, Namakwaland en Kuruman gekom het. Dit is in die Moxilisi Dicky Jacobs-stadion gehou en Johan Hendrickz, organiseer-

der van dié byeenkoms, het gesê dit gaan beslis jaarliks aangebied word. “Dit gaan aan ons kampusse se atlete die geleentheid bied om teen mekaar mee te ding.” Marlene Nel, kampushoof van die Upington-kampus, het gesê die holistiese ontwikkeling is vir hulle belangrik. “Ons wil aan die studente op sport- en kulturele gebied blootstelling en geleenthede bied.”


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Atletiekdag groot pret vir kleuters DIE Preprimêre Skool Pikkie Pret het verlede Vrydag ’n sportbyeenkoms vir leerlinge en hul ouers gehou. Allerhande nommers soos naellope, sakresies en toutrek is aangebied.

DIE Volle Evangelie-kerk Kathu op die hoek van Taaibos- en Kokerboomstraat bied op 8 Maart die Doringfees aan. ’n Tradisionele




se webblad: www.kalaharibulletin.co.za. Kalahari Bulletin is ook op Facebook – besoek www.facebook.com/kbulletin.







Foto’s: Malinda Roux

basaar en vlooimark word gehou. Die fees begin om 08:00. Toegang is gratis. Smullekker kos en vermaak vir almal word beplan.

Lees vorige uitgawes op web ENIGE van Kalahari Bulletin se vorige uitgawes misgeloop? Lees artikels oor sport, nuus, leefstyl en dagboek-gebeure op Kalahari Bulletin

LIZEL STEYN het die verrigtinge geopen.




DIE leerlinge pak uit so wat hulle kan.

Northern Cape Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No 103 of 1994)

Secretaries (10 Posts)

Salary: R115 212 per annum (Level 5) • Office of the Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Physical Resource Management (Ref. NC 1/2/2014) • Provincial Organisational Development and Strategic Management (Ref. NC 2/2/2014) • Provincial Financial and Administration Service (Ref. NC 3/2/2014) • Provincial Technology Management Services (Ref. NC 4/2/2014) • Kimberley Cluster Control Sub-component (Ref. NC 5/2/2014) • Provincial Operational Coordination (Ref. NC 6/2/2014) • Office of the Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Operational Services (Ref. NC 7/2/2014) • Kimberley SAPS: Control Sub-component (Ref. NC 8/2/2014) • Provincial Head: Legal Services (Ref. NC 9/2/2014) • Provincial Supply Chain Management (Ref. NC 10/2/2014) Requirements: • Competency in the post-specific core functions • A Grade 12/Senior Certificate or at least an applicable completed SAQA-accredited NQF 4 qualification • Fluent in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English • South African citizenship • No criminal record or pending criminal/departmental/ civil cases • The ability to render at least 10 years’ pensionable service • Computer literacy (competency in MS Office) • Good interpersonal relations and organising skills. 2 years’ appropriate/relevant experience in the core functions of the post will be an advantage, as will the completion of internship in the Public Service. Core functions: • Render secretarial services and administrative support functions • Manage the diary of the Principal • Coordinate travel arrangements, including accommodation and subsistence allowances • Maintain a filing system • Distribute post and circulars to the relevant receivers and keep a register in this regard up-todate • Handle routine correspondence immediately • Send and receive faxes • Answer and make telephone calls and take messages professionally • Render general reception services • Administer meetings • Ensure the optimal utilisation of resources. General: • Only the official application form for appointment to salary levels 1-12 (available on the SAPS website and at SAPS Recruitment offices) will be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to; failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application • The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the application form • A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the application form • Original certified copies (not older than 3 months) of an applicant’s ID document, motor vehicle driver’s licence (where applicable), all educational qualifications obtained, together with academic records thereof, and service certificates of previous employers stating the occupation, must also be submitted and attached to every application • Applicants are requested to initial each and every page of the application form, CV and annexures • Applicants will be subjected to a vetting process, which will include security screening and fingerprint verification • Persons who retired from the Public Service by taking a severance package, early retirement or for medical reasons, as well as persons with previous convictions, are excluded • Applications must be mailed timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or considered • The closing date for all applications is 12 March 2014 • If a candidate is short-listed, it can be expected of him/her to undergo a personal interview. Short-listed candidates may be subjected to security clearance • Correspondence will be conducted with short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful • Appointment will be made in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No 103 of 1994) • The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a post after advertisement thereof • The South African Police Service is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and it is the intention to promote representivity in the Public Service through the filling of these posts. Persons whose transfer/appointment/ promotion will promote representivity may therefore receive preference • Candidates short-listed for appointment to certain identified posts will be vetted in terms of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) and the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005). A candidate whose particulars appear in either the National Register of Sex Offenders or Part B of the Child Protection Register will be disqualified from appointment to such posts • The South African Police Service will verify the qualifications of applicants. Reference checking will be conducted on all short-listed applicants. Enquiries can be directed to Warrant Officer Swanepoel/PO Syfers/PO Raaf/PO Lebere/PO Phasha at (053) 839-3776/3724. Complete application forms must be hand delivered or mailed to the Provincial Head: Personnel Management, Private Bag X5001, 19 George Street (locked silver container at entrance), Kimberley 8300.

DIE sakresies begin.

“TREK!” Die leerlinge wys hul spierkrag.

REG vir aksie. Human Communications 106846




Kathu bobaas Linda Burger

DIE Hoërskool Kathu was verlede naweek die gasheer vir die interhoërskole-atletiekbyeenkoms. Ongeveer 570 atlete het aan verskeie nommers deelgeneem. Ongeveer 60 skole het aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem. Die Hoërskool Kathu het die dag die meeste wenners opgelewer. Altesaam 25 atlete van die Hoërskool Kathu het eerste of tweede plekke behaal. Uit die wenners van die dag word ’n distrikspan saamgestel.

DIE Hoërskool Kathu se Dené Burger in haar verspringnommer.

MARIUS VAN SCHALKWYK van die Hoërskool Kathu neem hier aan die driesprong deel. Foto’s: Denisha Dippenaar

DIE Hoërskool Kathu se atletiekspan.

Enige van Kalahari Bulletin se vorige uitgawes misgeloop? Lees artikels en dagboek-inskrywings op Kalahari Bulletin se webblad www.kalaharibulletin.co.za. Kalahari Bulletin is ook op Facebook – besoek www.facebook.com/kbulletin.

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