Kathubulletinka 20140507

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Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop

8 MEI 2014



Voertyd van vee die beste sonfoto


DIE wenfoto in die Kalahari Bulletin se sonsopkoms- en -ondergang-fotokompetisie is dié pragtige foto wat Abrie van Niekerk van sy pa, Ivan, geneem het terwyl hy sy skape voer gegee het. Kyk op bl. 6 na die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook gekry het en maak seker jy stuur foto’s voor 31 Maart na lizette.slabber@volksblad.com vir die kompetisie Jou oomblik, ons wyn. Foto: Abrie van Niekerk



No. 50 – Kan jy glo? Skenkers gesoek DIE Kathu-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD) benodig dringend nog skenkers. Alle inwoners word aangemoedig om bloed te skenk. Skenkers kan op Woensdae van 08:00 tot 19:00 na die kliniek kom. Bloed kan ook op Vrydae van 09:00 tot 17:00 in die kliniek geskenk word. Die kliniek is in Rietbokstraat in die Ou-Mutual-gebou langs die OK Furniture. Om ’n bloedskenker te word moet ’n mens minstens 50 kg weeg, tussen 16 en 65 jaar oud wees en ’n veilige seksuele leefstyl lei. Rig navrae aan sr. Ansie Klemp by 082-305-4249.

Bulletin a free paper TEBOGO, Kuruman:

VANDAG se uitgawe is die 50ste uitgawe van die Kalahari Bulletin se Kathu-uitgawe - die eerste koerant het op 30 Mei 2013 verskyn. Die lesers en adverteerders van die Kalahari Bulletin word hartlik vir hul ondersteuning en bydraes die afgelope jaar bedank. Die Ka­ lahari Bulletin sien uit na die volgende 50 uitgawes saam met al sy lesers. Vir enige nuus en/of advertensies in die Kathu-uitgawe, kontak die advertensiekonsultant en redakteur by 053-723-2685.

I AM a concerned resident. Last Thursday I was in town when two men approached me with a stack of Kalahari Bulletin newspapers. I asked them for one newspaper and they informed me that I had to pay R2 for it. Of course I refused. Their friends informed me that they always sell the newspaper. Please warn the residents of Kuruman. ) Residents of Kuruman, Kathu and surrounding areas: Please note that the Kalahari Bulletin is a free newspaper and if anybody approaches you to buy it, say no. This is completely unacceptable. Please inform the editor, Ilse Watson (079-8315579), if you experience this in town. – Ed.

Wat is jou mening?

Gesels saam op Facebook deur te gaan na Kalahari Bulletin.


Join fast to fight hunger ACCORDING to the 2013 Global Food Security Index (GFSI) more than 870 million individuals globally do not have a secure source of food. The annual report, which measures the state of food security globally, ranked South Africa 39 out of 107 countries, while neighbouring countries in Africa, such as the Congo, ranked last. According to Andy du Plessis, managing director of FoodBank SA, these figures reiterate the importance of raising awareness around food security both locally and internationally. “In South Africa, approximately 11 million citizens – a fifth of the population – are vulnerable to food insecurity, meaning they do not know where their next meal will come from. While many South Africans live in food uncertainty, one third of food produced in South Africa goes to waste.” In an effort to address the growing issue of hunger and food security, FoodBank South Africa (Foodbank SA), a registered non-profit organisation and the country’s national food banking network, have launched their 12 Hour Fast campaign, which involves individuals donating R40 towards the cause and committing to a 12 hour fast on World Hunger Day on 28 May. Du Plessis says World Hunger Day is a global annual event which celebrates sustainable solutions to ending extreme hunger and poverty. “By donating R40 and committing to fast for 12 hours, individuals will not only be raising awareness for the cause, but will also guarantee that one hungry South African is fed for an entire month.” Participants are encouraged to take part in the initiative by completing the online registration form available on the FoodBank website www.foodbank.org.za which will facilitate the donation and commit them to fasting for 12 hours, from 07:00 till 19:00, on World Hunger Day. Du Plessis says while fasting for 12 hours may prove to be quite a task for some, many individuals endure this each and every day. “Fasting for 12 hours may be a challenge for us, but we are comforted by the fact that we know where our next meal will come from. What we don’t realise, is that many South Africans often go without meals for longer than 12 hours each day.” In the 11 days leading up to World Hunger Day, FoodBank SA encourages participants to partake in their online 12 Days of Appreciation campaign on the organisation’s social media platforms. The campaign invites the public to post a picture every day of what they appreciate, be it photos of family and friends, a pet or favourite destination, and make use of the #12daysofappreciation and #FoodBankSA12HourFast hashtags. “There are many things that we take for granted each day, such as our daily meals. All South Africans value and appreciate different things, and this initiative allows us to share this with the world, as well as our collective appreciation on the 12th day, World Hunger Day.” On the 12th day Du Plessis invites participants to do something special to commemorate their fast. “At the end of the day we encourage you to get together with family and friends to break your fast, while keeping in mind the impact of hunger on the lives of millions of South Africans. “We ask participants to share an image of the meal they ate to break their fast on the social media platforms as this will illustrate a combined effort from all South Africans to beat this growing issue.” Individuals interested in participating are welcome to register on the FoodBank South Africa website – www.foodbank.org.za. Join the conversation and interact with fellow participants on the organisation’s Twitter and Facebook platforms.


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Dankie, Mamma MOEDERSDAG is om die draai. Op 11 Mei word die oneindige liefde en opofferings van ’n ma deur die dankbare lede van haar gesin vereer. Benneli Olivier Van der Walt het by die kinders van Kathu hul Moedersdag-boodskappe vir dié spesiale dag gekry.

MA YOLANDÉ KRUGER en haar twee dogters, die vyf-jarige Lezandri (voor) en sussie Lize-Marie (1), sien beslis uit na ’n Moedersdag-“bederf”. Die Krugers wens al die belangrike oumas (en mammas, natuurlik) ’n gelukkige Moedersdag toe.

AMY ODENDAL (5) sê sy is baie lief vir haar mamma en sê ook dankie vir alles wat sy vir haar doen. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

ETIENNNE JANSE VAN RENSBURG (5) sê hy het die beste mamma en dat hy baie lief vir haar is.

RUELLE JANSE VAN RENSBURG (9) wens haar ma ’n gelukkige Moedersdag toe en sê ook sy is baie lief vir haar.

DYLLAN VAN HUYSSTEEN (6) sê: “Jy is die beste mamma en ek is baie lief vir jou.”

DAVID KGAMA (50) is op die Reitzhoff-plotte-pad deur ’n Nissan-bakkie van sy fiets af gestamp. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

Fietsryer van die pad af gestamp OP 2 Mei is ’n fietsryer, David Kgama (50), op die Reitzhoff-plotte-pad deur ’n bakkie van sy fiets af gestamp. Die voorval het ongeveer om 07:00 plaasgevind. Volgens Kgama was hy op pad werk toe met sy fiets toe ’n wit, dubbelkajuitNissan-bakkie ’n ander bakkie verbygesteek het en hom in die proses van sy fiets in die veld in gestamp het. Volgens ooggetuies het die bestuurder van die bakkie van die toneel af weggejaag en nie gewag vir die Kathu-polisie om op te daag nie. Kgama is met ’n moontlik gebreekte been per ambulans na die Kuruman-hospitaal gebring. ’n Saak is by die Kathu-polisie ingedien. Motoriste word gemaan om nie die spoedgrens te oorskry nie en om vir ander padgebruikers op te let. Indien lede van die publiek enige inligting oor die besondere voorval het, kan die Kathu-polisie by 053-723-9116 gebel word.

DAVID KGAMA se fiets op die toneel.




Send in tips for clean environment TODAY the Kalahari Bulletin commences with a series called Going Green. The purpose is to inform the community about keeping our towns

clean and share tips on how to do this. Do you do something specific to recycle? Do you have any other tips on how

you make an effort to save the earth? Send your tips and ideas to ilse.watson@volksblad.com or call her on 079-831-5579.

It matters if you litter DOES it really matter if we litter? As we look around our beautiful country, we all too often see plastic bottles, cans, glass bottles, polystyrene containers and cups, plastic paper and a whole lot of other rubbish littering our streets, our parks, our highways, our neighbourhoods, our shopping areas, our rivers and many other places in the environment. No waste company or service can keep a town or city clean when residents litter and dump illegally and randomly. If residents join in in cleaning up their environment and then keep it clean, we win because we have a cleaner, safer and more hygienic city or town. With so many other important issues such as crime and violent crime, Aids, child abuse and unemployment, should we care about whether we put our litter in the bin (or recycle where possible)? Should we care if South Africa and the environment in which we live are kept clean? Also a social issue Litter is both an environmental and social issue: ) It is unsightly. ) It reduces the aeshetic appeal of public places. ) It costs the community huge sums of money and time to clean up. ) It causes blockages of the drainage system and flooding. ) When it gets into the waterways, it can kill aquatic life. ) It decreases oxygen levels when it decays in water. ) It can be dangerous to people. ) It harms birds and other animals. ) It creates a culture of lack of caring. ) It costs the council a lot more money to clean up the litter than it costs them to empty bins. ) It breeds rats which carry diseases and chew electrical and telephone cables. ) Source: www.greenworks.co.za

Garbage belongs in bin IMAGINE it is your turn at home to do the dishes. Your family members do not put their dirty dishes in the sink, but leave them lying around in the house. You would need to go around and collect each plate, dish, cup, knife, fork, spoon and glass before you can wash the dishes. It is still your job to wash the dishes, only it takes longer and it is more effort because no one helps. Street cleaners and garbage collectors will still have their jobs, even if we do not litter. So let’s be respectful and assist them by putting our garbage in the bin.

Lacking respect WHY do people litter? ) They lack self-respect – they don’t care about themselves and therefore don’t think it is important that they live in a clean environment. ) They lack respect for others – they don’t care how their actions and behaviour impact on others. ) The lack of respect for the environment. ) They don’t want to take responsibility for cleaning up and taking care of the environment. ) They are lazy and think it is someone else’s job to clean up. ) Sometimes they just don’t know any better and should be educated about this.

In history TODAY in history: 8 May ) 1912 – The film and television production and distribution studio Paramount Pictures is founded. ) 1921 – Sweden abolished capital punishment. ) 1925 – Afrikaans becomes the official language of the Union of South Africa. ) 1945 – This day marks the end of World War II, the victory of the British Empire (of which South Africa was part) over the forces of Germany’s Third Reich. ) 1952 – Mad Magazine debuts. ) 1963 – Dr No premieres in America. ) 1977 – David Berkowitz pleads guilty in the Son of Sam 44-caliber shootings. ) 1996 – South Africa’s new Constitution is approved. ) 2004 – World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. ) 2013 – Sir Alex Ferguson announces his retirement as Manchester United’s manager at the end of the season.



EFF recruits voters on May Day Benneli Olivier Van der Walt ON Workers’ Day, the John Taolo Gaetsewe (JTG) chapter of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the Northern Cape held a final voter recruitment and Workers’ Day celebration at the Mapoteng informal settlement near Kathu. The Gamagara sub-region hosted the event. According to Andrew Segano, the JTG secretary of the EFF, the event formed part of the final seven days of campaigning before the general elections on 7 May. The provincial secretary of

the EFF, Ronald Februarie, was the keynote speaker at the event. Februarie said that this voter area was important, because of its locality within the mining industry. “The workers here and in the Northern Cape face daily disadvantages. There are no benefits for the poorest of the poor, because they have no ownership in the mines. A positive change will only occur in these people’s livelihoods when a change of ownership in the mines occur.” One of the pillars in the EFF’s manifesto is the nationalisation of the country’s mines.

MEMBERS of the Economic Freedom Fighters held a Workers’ Day celebration and final voter recruitment in Mapoteng near Kathu. Photos: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

OBAKENG LECHUTI (left), chairperson of the JTG EFF, and Andrew Segano, the JTG EFF secretary, attended the celebrations.

RONALD FEBRUARIE (left), the JTG EFF provincial secretary, and Phenyo Ohentswe, the JTG EFF mining and resources provincial leader, were satisfied with the day’s turn-out.

Laai Ma te bederf op FB ONTHOU: Moedersdag is op 11 Mei. Dit is die een dag waarop Ma behoorlik bederf moet word om vir elke dag se opofferings, liefde en ma-wees dankie te sê. ’n Mens hoef nie noodwendig baie geld te bestee om dankie te sê nie. ’n Drukkie, ontbyt in die bed of ’n handgemaakte kaartjie spreek boekdele en is gewoonlik voldoende. In die week se Kalahari Bulletin word ’n paar idees gegee oor hoe om daardie spesiale vrou in ’n mens se lewe te bederf.

Gaan laai jou Moedersdag-boodskap op die Kalahari Bulletin se Facebook-blad by www.facebook.com/kbulletin.

Begeer liefdevolle huis ’n OULIKE hondjie by die Kuruman-dieresorgvereniging wat ’n huis soek. Die Kuruman-dieresorgvereniging benodig ook dringend komberse vir die honde. Enigiemand wat met skenkings kan help, kan dit by die vereniging aflaai.

NOG ’n hondjie wat ’n liefdevolle huis begeer. Maak gerus ’n draai by die Dieresorgvereniging in Kuruman indien jy kan help met die aanneming van ’n troeteldier. Foto’s: Verskaf


Rally in Sesheng draws crowd Benneli Olivier Van der Walt THE Northern Cape constituancy of the DA held a final voter campaign, Workers’ Day celebration and political rally on 3 May. The event was held at the Sesheng Hall near Kathu. The rally was attended by Patricia de Lille, the mayor of Cape Town, Andrew Louw, the provincial leader of the DA in the Northern Cape, and Harold McGluwa, the Transport, Safety and Liaison MPL for the DA. McGluwa is also active in the Office of the

Premier. Many local DA supporters came to listen to the keynote speakers. Louw gave a message of hope and change in the Northern Cape. McGluwa assured the crowd that under the leadership of Louw, the province would prosper. He also urged registered voters to go to the polls on 7 May. The Local Gamagara councillor Faith van der Heever was very positive about the DA’s chances in the national elections. “We are going to win,” Van der Heever said.

THE rally was well attended by local DA supporters.

PATRICIA DE LILLE fired up the crowd at the DA Sesheng Rally held on 3 May. Photos: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

Kom wys jou talent en wen groot pryse

OP 28 Mei vind die heel eerste oudisie van die Spontaankompetisie vir Kathu, Kuruman en omgewing plaas en groot pryse kan gewen word. In dié uitdunronde, wat om 14:00 by die Kathuhari-gastehuis begin, word ’n streekwenner gekies wat aan die eindronde op die Vryfees in Bloemfontein gaan optree. Talentvolle mense wat wil deelneem, kan hulle van 12 Mei af by die Kalahari Bulletin se kantoor in Kathu of Kuruman registreer of hulle op die dag van die oudisies van 13:30 tot 14:30 in die Kathuhari-gastehuis registreer. Dié sangkompetisie, wat jaarliks deur Volksblad se Sentrale Plaaslike Koerante aangebied word, brei vanjaar van ’n sangkompetisie na ’n talentkompetisie uit. Enigeen met ’n besonderse talent kan deelneem. Die kompetisie is oop vir almal ouer as 16 jaar. Deelnemers moet alles wat hulle nodig het om deel te neem na die oudisie bring. Die oudisie is gratis. Die wenner van elke streekkompetisie sal net ná die oudisie aangekondig word. Die beoordelaars behou die reg voor om nie ’n streekwenner te kies indien daar nie ’n gepaste kandidaat is nie. Indien jy as ’n streekwenner aangewys word, moet jy op Saterdag 19 Julie vir die eindronde in Bloemfontein wees. Dit vind in die Blêrkas op die Vryfees op die Universiteit

van die Vrystaat (UV) se kampus plaas. Jy moet jou eie vervoer en verblyf reël as jy ’n streekwenner is. Die pryse wat die wenner kan wen, sluit in: ) SpecSavers: pryse van R3 000. ) ExecuSpecs: pryse van R5 800. ) Z PR Communication and Public Relations Consultants: ’n Publisiteits- en bemarkingpakket van R5 000 vir elke finalis, insluitend ’n konsultasie met die Z PR-span, ’n professionele CV, die ontwerp van ’n CD-omslag en visitekaartjies, die ontwerp en skryf van ’n professionele profiel, die skep van ’n Facebook-profiel en vyf nuusverklarings. Die algehele waarde van die prys is R40 000. ) Atlantis-gastehuis: Verblyf ter waarde van R4 100. Die wenner, naaswenner en derdeplekwenner kry elkeen twee nagte se verblyf vir twee mense; ontbyt ingesluit. ) PCB Productions: ’n Fotosessie vir die wenner, naaswenner en derdeplekwenner van R4 500.

THE day’s keynote speakers. From the left are Andrew Louw, Patricia de Lille and Harold Mcgluwa.

Forum beplan tak Ilse Watson DIE burgerregte-organisasie AfriForum beplan om ’n AfriForum-tak in Kathu te stig. Hy wil die veiligheid, swak dienslewering, munisipale wanbestuur en omgewingsake aanpak. “AfriForum is ’n nie-politieke, inklusiewe burgerregte-organisasie wat minderheidsgroepe verteenwoordig sodat hul stem gehoor en hul regte beskerm kan word,” het Stefan Pieterse, AfriForum se provinsiale koördi-

neerder vir die Noord-Kaap, gesê. “AfriForum bemagtig sy lede op plaaslike vlak deur takke te stig en takbestuur op te lei om daadwerklike veranderings in hul dorpe en stede teweeg te bring. “Op die wyse word gemeenskappe gehelp om self probleme te identifiseer en op te los.” AfriForum sal kyk na die behoeftes in die gemeenskap en onder meer kan ’n buurtwag gestig word om misdaad te verminder. Hulle hou gereeld vergaderings met die gemeenskap

om die probleme van die dorp se mense aan te hoor en na aanleiding daarvan op te tree. AfriForum benodig 50 lede in ’n dorp vir ’n tak om gestig te word. Hy doen ’n beroep op die mense van Kathu om hulle aan te sluit. ) SMS “Kathu” na 32532. Dit kos R1 per SMS. Bel Stefan Pieterse by 076-424-1400 vir meer inligting. ) Vir enige vorige artikels oor AfriForum besoek die Kalahari Bulletin se webblad by www.kalaharibulletin.co.za.




Sterre gepoets Benneli Olivier Van der Walt MAURICE PRINSLOO se Junior Golf Excel-program is waar die toekomstige sterre van die Sishen-gholfklub opleiding ontvang. Prinsloo is die klub se professionele speler. Klasse word op Maandae van 14:00 tot 16:00 in twee sessies aangebied en op Woensdae van 14:00 tot 16:00. Die program werk in siklusse van agt weke waarna leerlinge na die volgende module aanbeweeg. Rig navrae aan Maurice Prinsloo by 076-766-2133 of maurice.prinsloo@gmail.com.

MARKO STEYN (links) en Christo Smit is van die junior spelers van die Sishen-gholfklub.

MAURICE PRINSLOO, die Sishen-gholfklub se professionele speler.

DIE toekomstige kampioene van die Sishen-gholfklub. Van links is, voor: Riane Gray, Ethan Nortje, Ruben Steenkamp, Divan Theron, Garren Stonestreet, Brian Shone, Henry Shone en Erard Theron; agter: Maurice Prinsloo. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier van der Walt

RIANE GRAY oefen hier met konsentrasie haar gholfhoue.

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