Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop
17 JULIE 2014
Wikkel sy wiele vir dieresorg VERLEDE Saterdag het motorfietsklubs van die omgewing ’n geldinsamelingspro jek vir die Kuruman dieresorgvereniging (DSV) gedoen. Klubs soos die Kalahari Kwaggas, Kalahari Demons, Christian Motorcycle Associa tion, CimmaronsKa thu, RoadhogsKathu en ook ’n motorfiets klub van Vryburg het deelgeneem. Hier is Louis du Plooy van die DSV. Al het hy nie die grootste motorfiets in die land nie, het hy die geldinsamelingspro jek met groot entoesi asme op sy manier aangepak. Nog foto’s op bl. 15. Foto: Ilse Watson
Nyaope a scourge to be wary of THE Kathu police would like to inform the residents of Kathu and its surrounding areas of the dangers of the street drug called nyaope. Nyaope (also known as whoonga or wunga) is a highly addictive, dangerous and destructive street drug unique to South Africa. The drug made a name for itself between 2000 and 2006 in the Tshwane (Pretoria) townships of Soshanguve, Attridgeville and Mamelodi. Users are so desperate to make the drug that gangs have robbed anti-retroviral clinics in Soweto. A single hit can cost as little as R30 for a parcel or straw and is smoked by heating the cocktail of ingredients and inhaling the fumes. What are the effects of using nyaope? Initially users feel euphoric or, when using heavier doses, a wonderful sense of relaxation, but the effects soon wear off and another hit is required. For some users the less pleasant side effects include stomach aches, muscle cramps and generally feeling really ill, but when these ease up, they use nyaope again. Experts say just using it once is enough to get users hooked – similar to heroin addiction. Withdrawal is said to be especially harrowing and include symptoms of stomach cramps, insomnia, diarrhoea
and vomiting. Nyaope is a cocktail of illegal drugs. Both heroin and dagga, which are the main narcotic ingredients of nyaope, are listed as undesirable dependence-producing substances in the Drugs Act. Some of the drugs are also reported to contain crystal meth. According to some police experts and drug rehabiliation centres, nyaope is essentially just a rebranding of older heroin-based drugs. It is not always clear what else nyaope consists of and the ingredients vary from place to place. Some of the alleged ingredients are a cocktail of antiretroviral drugs, milk powder, rat poison, bicarbonate of soda and pool cleaner. Users also report that, when using nyaope, they can go for days without eating, which in turn weakens their immune system and makes them vulnerable to infection. ) Individuals that wish to seek help can contact the South African Narcotics Anonymous helpline at 083-900-6962. Kathu also has a local support group for those who struggle with substance of alcohol abuse. Contact Schalk van Schalkwyk on 084-673-1075 or Christopher Grobler on 076-988-3844. Meetings are held at 9 Kristal Street in Kathu on Thursdays at 18:30.
KUMBA announced its finalists for the global Anglo American Applaud Awards at the company’s Laurel Awards event that was held in Johannesburg. Among them were from the left Gideon le Roux (technician, Laskas team), Kobus Vreugden burg (ValueinUse), Keaobaka Matilo (LED officer, Kolomela Mine), Aart van den Brink (general manager, Kolomela Mine), Franco Lewis (safety officer, Kolomela Mine), Gerrie de Vos (technician, Laskas team), Gosego Lekgetho (former LED officer, Kolomela Mine) and Johan de Jager (welder, Sishen Mine). Photo: Supplied
Achievers receive awards
ANGLO AMERICAN’S Kumba Iron Ore recognised a record number of employees at the company’s annual Laurel Awards event which was held at the Emperors Palace in Johannesburg. A total of 88 Laurels, Kumba’s highest accolades, were awarded to individuals and groups – compared to 59 last year. These comprised 43 achiever awards, 14 for partnership, 15 for safety, 6 for sustainability and 10 for innovation. The Gold Awards in the various categories went to the Kolomela Mine in Postmasburg (partnership) for the mine’s exceptional productivity, resulting in it exceeding the 2013 production target by 20%. The Value-in-Use iron ore testing facility and pilot plant in Pretoria won the award for safety for going ten years without a single lost-time
injury; the Kumba legal team won the sustainability award for negotiating the new supply agreement with ArcelorMittal SA and the Laskas Technicians team of the Sishen Mine in Kathu won the award for innovation for installing an anti-rollback system on all the mine’s ultra-class haul trucks to improve safety. An individual and a team were also selected per category to represent Kumba at the global Anglo American Applaud Awards that are held every two years. In addition to the teams who won gold, the following individuals were selected: Keaobaka Matilo, a LED officer at the Kolomela Mine, (partnership) for his role in extending gr. R programmes to public schools in the Northern Cape; Franco Lewis, a safety officer at the Kolomela Mine, (safety) for his role
in ensuring full compliance with safety legislation and company standards; Gosego Lekgetho, former LED officer at the Kolomela Mine, (sustainability) for spearheading the construction of a primary health-care facility in Postmasburg; and Johan de Jager (innovation), a welder of the Sishen Mine, for coming up with four different innovations (alpha projects) to improve the production and safety of shift workers. The Laurel Award winners do not get cash, but get to draw the names of charities to receive the money on their behalf. In total R360 000 was donated to 12 charities (R30 000 each) at the Laurel Awards event. “In this way, we not only celebrate the achievements of our employees, but many of those less fortunate than us get to share in this celebration, said Kumba CEO Norman Mbazima.
Reuben slyp solank kwinkslae Lizette Slabber REUBEN MURPHY, ’n gr. 12leerling aan die Hoërskool Upington, gaan Saterdag aan die eindronde van die Spontaankompetisie deelneem. Dit vind op die Vryfees in die Blêrkas op die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) se kampus plaas. Reuben is in Mei as die streekwenner van die Upingtonuitdunronde gekies. Die Spontaankompetisie was voorheen net ’n sangkompetisie, maar vanjaar het dit sy vlerke gesprei om ’n groter verskeidenheid van talent in te sluit. Dit is juis danksy die verbreding van talentmoontlikhede dat Reuben sy staal getoon het. Tydens die uitdunronde wat deur die Kalahari Bulletin in die Naba Lodge aangebied is, het Reuben die gehoor laat skaterlag met sy komiese optrede. Met sy fyn kwinkslae en die
manier waarop hy grappenderwys na aktuele sake verwys het, het hy die skare laat kraai van die lag. Volgens Neville Schubach, Reuben se drama-afrigter, is Reuben werklik ’n gebore komediant. “Hy het die vermoë om ontsettend vinnig op sy voete te dink. “Hy het ’n ongelooflike liefde vir die teater en is mal daaroor om mense te laat lag,” sê Schubach. Hy meen Reuben kan menslike swakhede uitstekend uitlig en dit baie snaaks uitbeeld. “Hy het ’n groot voorliefde vir die absurde en ’n baie fyn komiese aanvoeling,” voeg Schubach by. Reuben gaan in die eindronde twee komiese sketse doen. Hy tree Saterdag van 12:00 tot 14:00 saam met die ander finaliste op. Toegang is gratis.
Groot pryse vir Spontaanwenners DIE volgende pryse is in die Spontaankompetisie op die spel: ) SpecSavers: Pryse van R3 000. ) ExecuSpecs: Pryse van R5 800. ) Z PR Communication and Public Relations Consultants: ’n Publisiteit-en-bemarkingpakket van R5 000 vir elke finalis, insluitend ’n konsultasie met die Z PR-span, ’n professionele CV, die ontwerp van ’n CD-omslag, visitekaartjies, ’n professionele
profiel, Facebook-profiel en vyf nuusverklarings. Die waarde van die prys is R40 000. ) Atlantis-gastehuis: Verblyf van R4 100. Die wenner, naaswenner en derdeplekwenner wen elkeen twee nagte se verblyf vir twee mense, ontbyt ingesluit. ) PCB Productions: ’n Fotosessie vir die wenner, naaswenner en derdeplekwenner van R4 500.
) DV Village Music: Drie mikrofone ter waarde van R4 500. ) Agter die Mic: Sal ses maande die wenner se besprekings behartig. Franzel (Ghoema-benoemde) sal vir dié tydperk die wenner se mentor wees. Die waarde van die prys is R9 000. ) Music Inc: Gee koopbewyse: Wenner: R1 000, tweede plek: R800 en derde plek: R500.
Foto: Verskaf
Tyd om oor lewe te besin
DIE vakansie wat end se kant toe staan, skep die geleentheid vir ’n mens om ’n blaaskans te kry en opnuut te besin oor jou lewe en werk. Die tyd waarin ons leef, stel geweldig baie eise. Baie mense kry geldelik swaar en ’n vaste aanstelling het uiters skaars en kosbaar geword. Juis daarom is dit noodsaaklik om tyd aan beplanning te bestee. ’n Mens moet weer seker maak wat die belangrikste doelwitte in jou lewe is, die dinge wat voorkeur bo ander moet kry. En daarna moet jy seker maak dit wat die belangrikste is, kry die meeste van jou tyd en aandag. ’n Mens moet byvoorbeeld jou dag so beplan dat jy iewers ’n tydjie afknyp om net stil te word en jou “batterye” daagliks te herlaai. Miskien is dit nodig om net ’n halfuur vroeër te gaan slaap sodat jy ’n halfuur vroeër kan opstaan. Probeer ook jou dag so inrig dat daar nooit ’n koorsagtige gejaag ontstaan nie. ’n Gejaagde lewe is onnodig dreinerend en ontneem ’n mens van jou vreugde. Maak dan ook seker jy ruim daagliks tyd in vir die mense na aan jou, wat hopelik onder die topdrie voorkeure in jou lewe is. Probeer jou bes om jou geldsake sorgvuldig te beplan, want as jy sonder ’n begroting en geldelike dissipline lewe, stamp ’n mens die een of ander tyd jou kop. Moenie wag om hulp in te roep van kundiges as die faset van jou lewe in ’n chaos is nie (en moenie skaam of sleg voel nie, dit is die geval in die meeste mense se lewe). Hier volg sommer nog ’n paar
wenke om jou lewensgehalte te verbeter: ) Die TV is ’n gevaarlike tydrower. As jy jouself (of jou gesinslede) betrap dat julle doelloos tussen kanale rondswerf, is dit tyd om die masjien af te skakel en iets sinvols te doen. ) Wees goed vir jouself. Maak seker jy doen gereeld iets wat opbouend en positief vir jou is. ) Wees goed vir die mense om jou. Probeer om gereeld iets goeds en moois vir hulle te doen, al is dit net om ’n sleurwerkie oor te neem. ) Maak seker daar is ’n gesonde taakverdeling in die huis. Dit beteken veral die ma in die huis word beskerm teen byvoorbeeld kinders wat hul goed oral laat rondlê vir haar om op te tel. ) Probeer om minstens een keer per maand as gesin iets lekkers saam te doen. ) Kom gereeld in die buitelug en ervaart en waardeer die skoonheid van die omgewing. ) Probeer om jou gedagtes op positiewe dinge te rig – ’n mens word wat jy dink, en ’n mens se lewe neig in die rigting van waaraan jy die meeste dink. ) Kry positiewe vriende, en probeer om self een te wees. ) Moenie jou siek bekommer oor dinge waaraan jy niks kan doen nie. En as daar dinge is wat jy kan doen om jou bekommernisse te verminder moenie uitstel hiermee nie. As lesers nog wenke het oor hoe ’n mens jou lewensgehalte kan verbeter, stuur dit gerus aan die Kalahari Bulletin. Baie sterkte vir die tweede helfte van die jaar. Mag dit met al die lesers net al hoe beter gaan.
Mandela-dag ’n eer Lizette Slabber JULIE is altyd vir my ’n heerlike maand. Die lang skoolvakansie laat ’n mens weer asem skep en die lekker lê en lees onder ’n spul komberse is altyd een van my gunsteling-maniere om af te skakel. Dit wat Julie egter besonders maak, is Mandela-dag, oftewel Mandela-maand. Dit is altyd vir my heerlik om die innoverende maniere te sien waarop mense veel meer as net 67 minute afstaan om ander te help. Van al die maniere waarop Nelson Mandela mense aangeraak het, is Mandela-dag vir my die kosbaarste. Dit is hoe ek dink elke mens onthou moet word. Elke mens moet daarna strewe om op dié manier sy nalatenskap te skep. As elkeen probeer om op sy of haar verjaardag iets goeds oor die wêreld heen vir ander te doen, ander te help en ander mense se
nood te probeer verlig is geen monumente of name op naamborde nodig nie. Dit is elke jaar vir my wonderlik om te sien hoeveel hooggeplaastes op dié dag hul das en baadjie uittrek en self ’n huis verf, self nuwe vensterruite insit en self vuil word vir ’n goeie doel. Op dié dag verval titels en posbeskrywings en werk almal saam om ander te help en só ’n klein bietjie verligting in die koue te bring. Dit is so maklik om vasgevang te raak in jou eie probleme, maar as jy hoor van mense wat onder ’n boom bly, kan jy nie kla nie. Mag mense my asseblief nie onthou oor alles wat ek bereik het nie, maar eerder oor alles wat ek gedoen het.
Groet die dag ’n TIPIESE sonsondergang in die Kalahari.
Foto: Ilse Watson
Mense het altyd keuses André de Villiers HOE handel die Here regtig met ons? Psalm 103:10 – Hy handel met ons nie volgens ons sondes nie, vergeld ons nie vir ons ongeregtighede nie, want so groot as die afstand tussen hemel en aarde is, so groot is sy liefde vir dié wat Hom dien. Word wette gegee om lewe te neem of lewe te gee? Moet wette ons help om foute te vind of om nuwe keuses vir ’n beter lewe te vind? Baie mense sal sê wette moet ons help om reg te lewe. Maar kan ’n wet of reël konsekwent toegepas word om die lewe te reguleer? Selfs in die tyd van Jesus was dit ’n probleem. ’n Goeie voorbeeld hiervan is die vrou wat met owerspel betrap is (Joh. 8:3-11). Die Skrifgeleerdes en die Fariseërs het gedink hulle het ’n sterk saak dat die vrou gestraf moes word volgens die wet wat hul gemeenskap se standaarde gereguleer het. Daar was geen uitkomkans vir haar nie. Jesus het dit waarskynlik deeglik besef. Maar Hy het waarskynlik ook besef die mense wou haar nie straf oor haar
oortreding nie, maar dat hulle eerder ’n manier gesoek het om Hóm uit te vang. Die manier waarop Hy die saak gehanteer het, was toe nie om op die saak te fokus nie, maar om as’t ware ’n tweede saak by te trek, naamlik om daarop te wys dat geen mens hom- of haarself voor God kan verontskuldig nie. Alle mense oortree gereeld een of meer reëls en is daarom strafbaar. Dit val op dat niemand Hom teruggebring het na die saak voor hande nie. Niemand het probeer teenpraat nie. Klaarblyklik het hulle verstaan hulle moet genaakbaarder wees, selfs al is die vrou skuldig. En hulle het hul saak laat vaar. Interessant is dat Jesus die saak nie daar gelaat het nie. Nadat almal weggeloop het, het hy na die vrou gedraai en gevra: “Het geeneen van hulle die oordeel oor jou voltrek nie?” En Hy het bygevoeg: “Ek doen dit ook nie. Gaan maar en moet van nou af nie meer sonde doen nie.” Jesus staan dus nie op die wet in dié sin dat Hy reken dit moet
tot elke prys gehandhaaf word nie. Hy het dit met genade en deernis gehanteer. Hy wou toesien dat die oortreder insig ontwikkel in die gevolge van haar handeling, en Hy wou hê dat gedrag dienooreenkomstig aangepas word. Daarom sê Hy gereeld ook vir ons: Verstaan jy wat jy gedoen het? Verstaan jy dat jou gedrag ander beïnvloed? As jy begryp dat jou gedrag ander mense seermaak en nadelig beïnvloed, gaan dan en doen dit nie meer nie. Ons moet as gelowiges ernstig besin of die manier waarop ons in die lewe optree nie vir ander mense as hoogmoedig en veroordelend voorkom nie. Ons kan maklik die indruk skep dat ons manier van leef “reg” is en alle mense wat nie soos ons leef nie, verkeerd en selfs boos is. Miskien moet ons vra watter waardes ons in die Bybel raaklees. Jesus wys hier deernis vir ’n vrou wat die pad byster geraak het. Dit laat Hom optree op so ’n wyse dat Hy nie staan op ’n wet wat voorskryf dat doodgemaak moet word nie. Hy wys vir die vrou (en vir my en jou) dat ons beter keuses in die lewe het as om ander mense seer te maak en af te breek. Gebruik jou kans.
Art his way of making a living Maxwell Rampai WHERE there is a will, there is a way. That is the motto of a young Zimbabwean artist who sells his handmade art in Kathu. Philip Mphahle (28) uses wire to create handmade artwork. Mphahle came to South Africa in 2009 to escape poverty in Zimbabwe. He attended the Ndima Primary School and here he was taught his artistic skills. This versatile artist can create almost anything using wire and his hands. His products include trees, animals and toy cars made of wire. Even though it is difficult to find employment without qualifications, he is dedicated to making an honest living through his art. Mphahle sells his art in Rietbok Street next to OK Furniture.
PHILIP MPHAHLE is a creative artist who uses wire to create unique home decorations.
Photo: Maxwell Rampai
Stuur foto’s en wen Lizette Slabber STUUR nou jou pragtige foto’s van voëls na die Kalahari Bulletin, want die tema vir die Julie-fotokompetisie is Voëls. Die wenfoto wen elke maand ’n geskenkbewys van Wakaberry in die Kalahari Mall in Upington en die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry, gaan ’n geskenkpak van die Orange River Cellars wen. Elke maand wen die beste foto en die foto met die meeste likes op Facebook pryse, maar die eindelike wenner, wat uit die 12 maandwenners gekies word, word behoorlik
bederf. Die wenfoto van die jaar wen ’n naweek vir vier mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges. Die prys sluit ontbyt daagliks, asook ’n Sondagmiddagete, in. Die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook gekry het, wen ’n naweek vir twee mense met ontbyt daagliks by een van die NC Famous Lodges. Foto’s moet groter as 500 KB en 300 DPI wees en moet in jpeg-formaat aan die e-pos geheg wees. Stuur inskrywings na Verskaf ’n kontaknommer in die e-pos, asook inligting oor waar en
deur wie die foto geneem is en waar die fotograaf woon. Slegs amateurfotograwe mag hulle voortaan inskryf. Geen korrespondent van die Volksbladgroep mag hom of haar voortaan inskryf nie. Daar is geen beperking op die aantal inskrywings per persoon nie en foto’s van oor die land heen mag ingeskryf word, maar slegs inwoners van die Noord-Kaap mag hulle inskryf. Hou die Kalahari Bulletin se Facebookblad en webtuiste dop om die pragtige inskrywings te sien.
JACO KRIEK van Groblershoop ontvang sy geskenkbewys van Wakaberry vir die wenfoto in die Kalahari Bulletin se dierefotokompetisie. Hier oorhandig Jané Knoesen (links) en Janél van der Merwe van Wakaberry sy prys aan hom. Foto: Lizette Slabber
RUDY VAN TONDER het dié besonderse foto vir die Julie-fotokompetisie ingeskryf. Foto: Rudy van Tonder
LYNETTE SMYTHE het die pragtige nuuskierige hoenderhaan afgeneem. Stuur nou jou foto’s van voëls na Foto: Lynette Smythe
Vir nog kompetisie fotos gaan dan na Facebook en ‘like’ die fotos Kalahari Bulletin.
Today in history TODAY in history – 17 July ) 1850: The Harvard Observatory takes the first photograph of a star (Vega). ) 1856: The Great Train Wreck of 1856 between Camp Hill and Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, kills over 60 people. ) 1867: The first United States dental school, the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, is established. ) 1890: Cecil Rhodes becomes premier of the Cape Colony. ) 1917: The British Royal family changes its name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor. ) 1919: Finland adopts its constitution. ) 1933: After successfully crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the Lithuanian research aircraft Lituanica crashes in Europe under mysterious circumstances. ) 1950: The South African Broadcasting
Voltooi 60 km
Corporation (SABC) introduces its first national news service. ) 1954: Construction begins on Disneyland. ) 1959: Paleoanthropologist Mary Leakey discovers the partial skull of a new species of early human ancestor Zinjanthropus boisei or Zinj (now called Paranthropus boisei) that lived in Africa almost 2 million years ago. ) 1964: Don Campbell sets the speed record for a turbine vehicle at 690,91 km/h. ) 1968: The Beatles’ animated film Yellow Submarine premieres in London. ) 1972: The first two women begin training as FBI agents at Quantico. ) 1975: Apollo 18 and Soyuz 19 make the first American and USSR link-up in space. ) 1995: Forbes Magazine announces that Bill Gates is the richest man in world ($12,9 billion).
BAREND COETZEE van die Kumba-fietsryklub in Kathu het aan ’n wedren by Vanderbijlpark deelgeneem. Hy het die klub se naam hoog gehou deur die 60 km-wedren in 2:33:08 te voltooi. Foto’s: Verskaf
COETZEE met die wegspring. Sy volgende wedren is die Lost City-wedren wat op 16 Augustus by Sun City plaasvind.
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Dopperfees lê voor Steve van der Walt DIE inwoners van Kathu moet hul dagboeke oopslaan en ’n kruisie by 2 Augustus trek. Die Gereformeerde kerk in Kathu bied op dié dag sy Dopperfees aan. Die fees begin al vroeg en belangstellendes kan van 08:30 af aankom. Dit gaan ’n heerlike gesinsdag wees met donkiekarritte en plaasdiere vir die jongspan. Daar sal hope kindervermaak wees en besonderse speelgoed sal te koop wees. Gesinsfoto’s sal geneem word en die CD’s met die foto’s daarop word gemaak terwyl die feesgangers daarvoor wag. Ouers kan rustig inkopies doen terwyl die kinders deur die studente van die Bana Early Development Centre opgepas word. DIE Gereformeerde kerk Kathu gaan ’n bielie Soos elke jaar van fees vir die inwoners van Kathu aanbied. staan die Doppers Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt (ook bekend as die Gereformeerde kerk Kathu) pannekoek en sosaties te koop se gelowiges gereed om almal wees. gul te ontvang en gehalteproDit is maar enkele van die dukte te verskaf. hoogtepunte wat op besoekers Die kerk bied gehaltebees- en aan die Gereformeerdes se -skaapvleis teen bekostigbare Dopperfees wag. pryse te koop aan. Die kerk is by Elandstraat 15 Daar sal ook heerlike geleë.
DAISY MODISE explains how she plans to tackle life with a new and positive outlook.
CHRISTOPHER BODUMELE put a lot of effort and thought into his life-size “future self”.
Students meet their future self Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
THE Assmang Khumani Mine’s Socio-economic Development Department sponsored a Let’s Go life skills initiative for its bursary students. The classes were facilitated by Wilna Engelbrecht-Smuts and Alf Tlomatsana of the Gauteng-based company Thinking Fusion. The Let’s Go development initiative included a four-day programme in which the 28 students went on a journey of
self-discovery and learned to master self-development through a set of new life skills. The students designed their own brand by understanding their individualism and using it towards personal growth. Day one covered individual learning. The students started keeping a journal for reflection. They also explored their personality types, brain profiles, values and passions in life. On day two the students learned about personal performance, body language and
conflict resolution. Activities on the third day of the course encouraged the students to re-evaluate their personal boundaries, explored the detrimental consequences of alcohol and drugs and looked at networking and decision making. On the last day the students presented a life-sized paper doll depicting the expectations and improvements of their future self. This life skills development programme is in line with the mine’s commitment to local youth empowerment and development.
THE 28 Assmang Khumani Mine bursary students who successfully completed a four-day life skills development programme. Photo’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Bloedskenkers in Kathu gesoek DIE Kathu-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD) benodig dringend nog bloedskenkers. Alle inwoners word aangemoedig om hierby betrokke te raak. Skenkers kan op Woensdae van 08:00 tot 19:00 na die kliniek kom. Bloed kan ook op Vrydae van 09:00 tot 17:00 in die kliniek geskenk word.
Die kliniek is in Rietbokstraat in die Old Mutual-gebou langs die OK Furniture. Bloedskenkers moet tussen 16 en 65 jaar oud wees, meer as 50 kg weeg, twee tot vier uur voor skenking iets eet, goeie gesondheid handhaaf en ’n veilige seksuele leefstyl lei. Rig navrae aan sr. Ansie Klemp by 082-305-4249.
Bly op die hoogte van nuwe publikasies BOEKE is fassinerend en ’n uitstekende tydverdryf op koue dae. Die Kalahari Bulletin se weeklikse Op die boekrak-rubriek stel aan lesers nuwe boeke bekend. Daar is iets vir almal. Is daar enigiemand in die Kalahari wat al ’n boek uitegereik het? Laat weet gerus deur ’n e-pos aan te stuur of skakel 079-831-5579.
Bruinders skryf roman Elretha Britz SIMON BRUINDERS is ’n naam wat dikwels in die rolverdeling van TV-reekse gesien word, maar van die begin van vanjaar pryk sy naam op die buiteblad van ’n roman. Dié veelsydige kunstenaar besoek die Vryfees met sy debuutboek, Die Sideboard (Naledi), waaroor Petrus Kuhne hom sal uitvra. Sy verhaal gaan oor die Suid-Kaapse bruin mense wat in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog die wapen vir Suid-Afrika opgeneem het en grond as beloning beloof is. Die hoofkarakter is Abraham. Hy droom van ’n lewe saam met die jong onderwyser Stella en ’n gesin met kinders wat hy eendag op sy eie grond sal kan grootmaak. In George se wêreld onder die Outenikwaberg, waar die bosse swarthout en geelhout lewer, maak Abraham vir Stella ’n sideboard. Dit word eindelik meer as ’n meubelstuk. Dit word ’n soort huisaltaar, ’n simbool van geloof. Die Sideboard is ook die verhaal van Abraham se vriendskap met Kobus, die jong Afrikaner wat sy eie probleme met sy familie het en anders oor die lewe dink. Nadat Bruinders sy akteursdebuut in die rolprent Broer Matie gemaak het, het meer as 20 televisiereekse gevolg.
THE book Good Morning, Mr Mandela by Zelda la Grange provides fascinating reading material. The Kalahari Bulletin has two books to give away. What do you have to do to win a book? Go to the Facebook page of Kalahari Bulletin, like the page and then follow the link to the Kalahari Bulletin’s website and read more about how you can win this book.
LINDIE DALTON (van Kathu) is die wenner van Marita van der Vyver se kookboek Somerkos in Provence.
Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Great Value Cooking Oil 750ml
Sy onlangse rolle was in Zero Tolerance, Jozi Streets, Egoli en Scandal. Vroeër jare was hy ook in onder meer Ballade vir ’n Enkeling en Soutmansland. In die 1990’s het Vrystaters hom in Die Koggelaar van Pieter Fourie gesien wat deur Sukovs opgevoer is. Voordat Bruinders Sideboard aangepak het, het hy verskeie dramas geskryf wat op kunstefeeste opgevoer is, onder meer Onrus op Hawston en Sonny & Ouste.
per pack
Golden Delicious Apples 1.5kg
4490 each
1790 each
Parmalat Yoghurt 1kg t Assorted
8 each
Mageu Number 1 1l t "TTPSUFE
All Gold Tomato Sauce 350ml and Crosse & Blackwell Mayonnaise 375g
31 per kg
Festive Fresh Chicken Value Braai 5 Piece
ke sure you prices every week to ma We check 1000’s of ST PRICES on your favourite products. always get the LOWE cheaper elsewhere, remember, item terms and conditions If you’ve found any PRICE! *See for we will BEAT THAT
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Prices valid 16 - 20 JULY 2014 View this catalogue online at
Prices apply to Game Kathu and Upington stores only.
All prices quoted in RSA rands and include VAT where applicable. Prices exclude accessories used for advertising purposes. All Major Credit Cards accepted. Foodco endeavours to meet the demand on all promotional lines, but stocks are limited. No Traders Please. We reserve the right to limit quantities.
MERCEDES-BENZ 230, 1977, puik toestand. Ideale gesingsmotor, R35 000. Skakel 083 772 2316. MERCEDEZ-BENZ 280E: 1984. Goeie toestand. Handrat. Prys R30 000. Skakel 082 565 9563.
NATIONAL TRAILER RENTAL KURUMAN: 25% discount for this school holiday. For one-way and local hire countrywide. Phone 083 310 0272. 12 Cilliers Avenue.
Sandvik is a market leader in mechanised mining equipment and support services.
Sandvik is an equal opportunity company committed to representivity in the composition of its workforce and the creation of job opportunities for all.
AANDAG: ALLE GROOT MANS! Groot nommers in winkel beskikbaar. Kontantafslag gewaarborg. The NuShop, Palm Gate-sentrum, Kuruman. Tel. 053 712 1264.
Gebreide mussies, serpe, handskoene, bedsokkies, kniekomberse, kopbande en vele meer by Hanne met Planne, Markstraatarkade, Upt.0763255242 TROETELDIERE 1660
YORKIES TE KOOP: Kan KUSAregistreer. Skakel 082 819 0767.
OP SOEK NA TWEENDEHANDSE KLAVIER wat in goeie toestand is. Skakel Marlene 084 610 0957.
Rock Tools Analyst
BACHELOR FLAT available at 19 Bechuana street from 31 July 2014. R3 500 p.m. including water and electricity. Phone Elvine 073 372 3174.
ENKELWOONSTEL te huur: R3 500 p.m. water en krag ingesluit. Skakel 076 520 8670.
TE KOOP 3201
AIDA: ESTABLISHED 1958 Contact us to buy or sell of any property, residential, industrial, plots and farms. Also representing the Kuruman, Danielskuil, Postmasburg, Olifantshoek and Kathu area. Currently for sale: 1. 4-bedroom house in Kuruman (DEAL OF THE YEAR!), R1 450 000. 2. Very exclusive game lodge, Schweizer-Reneke/Bloemhof. 628 ha. All furniture and everything in lodge included, R7 800 000 3. Various plots and small holdings in Hartswater and Jan Kempdorp area. 4. Farm between Boshoff and Petrusburg. 875 ha, R4 200 000 (negotiable). Extra 80 first-class Bonsmara females and 2 Bonsmara bulls. 5. 3 000-ha farm in Prieska, R2 700 per hectare. Phone Vincent Ward on 083 305 3398 / 053 712 3111. We bring buyers and sellers together!
DStv INSTALLATIONS, repairs and upgrades, Explora, PVR and Xtraview. Phone Kobus 082 040 5801.
ELEKTRIESE HEININGS, hekmotors en garagedeurmotors. Professionele installasies en diens. Skakel First Defence 072 156 4035 of 082 829 0292.
AIDA, KURUMAN: Huis te huur: 4 slk, 2 badk, 2 sitk, eetk, kombuis, wask, buitekamer en toilet, 2 m/h. Groot erf, R11 600 p.m. Huis te koop: 4 slk, 3 badk, oopplankombuis, eetk, sitk, studeerk, 2 buitek, stort en wasbak. Lapa, grasafdak, 2 m/h, skadunetafdak, R2,350 miljoen. Skakel Annatjie by 076 395 9422.
Closing date: 25 July 2014
Vakansieverblyf: Stellenbosch. Billike dubbel- en enkelkamers beskikbaar in goedgeruste koshuis vanaf 8 Des. 2014 tot 3 Jan. 2015. Sentraal geleë. Skakel 021 887 1583.
Note: Only those applicants selected on a short-list will be contacted. Should candidates not have been notified of the outcome of their applications within 30 days of the closing date, they should consider them unsuccessful. Sandvik reserves the right not to make an appointment. Due to inherent job and operational requirements, applicants should be aware that applicable pre-employment screening and relevant qualification verifications will be performed on all short-listed candidates. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Sandvik is committed to representivity in the composition of its employees and the creation of job opportunities across all sectors of the South African population.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! AVON and JUSTINE. Join to earn your own money. SMS your name, surname, town and tel. to: 083 721 5888.
POSITION IN KURUMAN: In need of a person who can fit windscreens and do aluminium and flat glass work. Must have driver's licence. Fax CV to 086 695 3618 or phone Vincent 083 305 3398. (NO PLEASE CALL ME'S).
Sandvik is a market leader in mechanised mining equipment and support services. Sandvik is an equal opportunity company committed to representivity in the composition of its workforce and the creation of job opportunities for all.
Rock Tools Technical Analyst ✓
JM Sekitlanelo In die boedel van wyle Johannes Moatlhodi Sekitlanelo, identiteitsnommer 600101 8841 082, met nagelate eggenote Gabonaone Evelyn Sekitlanelo, identiteitsnommer 640726 0776 084, in lewe van Huisno. 742MM, Tshetlhostraat, Mothibistad, Kuruman, boedelnommer 4269/2013. Skuldeisers en skuldenaars in bogemelde boedel word versoek om hul vorderings in te lewer en hul skulde te betaal by die kantore van ondergenoemde binne 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 18 Julie 2014. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460.
In die boedel van wyle Philipus Jeremai Rudolf de Bruin, en nagelate gade Lorraine de Bruin, met wie hy binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud was, woonagtig by plaas Leerdoos, Vanzylsrus, Kuruman, boedelnommer 2943/2013/2014. Skuldeisers en skuldenaars in bogemelde boedel word versoek om hul vordering in te lewer en hul skulde te betaal by die kantore van ondergenoemde binne 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 18 Julie 2014. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460.
Human Communications 110738
Your role? To support RTMS customers' business by actively leading the end user to maximise the performance of the SMC RT, and promoting products and services with a view to expand sales and maximise the profitability of the RT performance contracts. This includes measuring performance, assessing customers’ potential for products, assessing technical issues and dissemination of bulletins. Requirements? Proven technical experience or a keen willingness to learn the technical techniques under the SMC Training Programme, a well-developed understanding of the mining/construction/quarrying industry, strong EHS focus and an understanding of Mine Health and Safety Regulations are required. You must be able to work in a team, be selfmotivated and able to manage time, as well as have organisational and interpersonal skills. An in-depth understanding of customer business processes and computer literacy are also needed. Interested? Kindly apply online at using job opening ID 331952. Alternatively, fax your CV to 086 638 2210 quoting the job opening ID. Should you have any queries, please call 0800 331 331. Closing date: 25 July 2014
PJR de Bruin
Requirements? Apply with proven technical experience or a keen willingness to learn the technical techniques under the SMC Training Programme, a well-developed understanding of the mining/construction/quarrying industry and strong EHS focus. An understanding of Mine Health and Safety Regulations, computer literacy and highly developed time management, organisational and interpersonal skills are also needed. If you’re able to work in a team, can take the initiative and see the customer as king, and if you boast an in-depth understanding of customer business processes, you will be ideal.
Should you have any queries, please call 0800 331 331.
ADMINISTRATIEF ADMIN. CLERKS NEEDED for copy/paste work. SMS full name/ address to 071 548 6944 or e-mail:
Your role? To support RTMS customers’ business by actively leading the end user to maximise the performance of the SMC RT, promoting products and services, with a view to expand sales and maximise the profitability of the RT performance contracts. Functions include training, customer liaison, performance measurement and reporting.
Interested? Kindly apply online at using job opening ID 332084. Alternatively, fax your CV to 086 638 2210 quoting the job opening ID.
PANEELKLOPPER met ondervinding in Kuruman gesoek. Skakel 053 712 3367 of 083 232 1603.
Media24 is op soek na 'n organiseerder in Kathu. Moet oor eie vervoer en selfoon beskik. Skakel Granston Morgan by 051 404 7939.
Human Communications 110740
Note: Only those applicants selected on a short-list will be contacted. Should candidates not have been notified of the outcome of their applications within 30 days of the closing date, they should consider them unsuccessful. Sandvik reserves the right not to make an appointment. Due to inherent job and operational requirements, applicants should be aware that applicable pre-employment screening and relevant qualification verifications will be performed on all short-listed candidates. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Sandvik is committed to representivity in the composition of its employees and the creation of job opportunities across all sectors of the South African population.
Exciting Career Opportunities Kuruman United Manganese of Kalahari (Pty) Ltd (UMK), a leading empowerment company intent on sustainable mining and socio-economic development, seeks specialists to join its fast growing manganese mine. UMK has been awarded a Mining Right over 15 000 ha of land to the north of a dynamic Kuruman. Why not become part of the team that plans to mine an output of between 1,5 million and 2 million tons of manganese each year? With a life of mine in excess of 30 years, this well-poised company will be able to unlock your talents.
Process Plant Control Room Operator (Technical and Operational) (Ref. PPCRO 119158) Patterson Grade C Lower based on previous experience The Process Plant Control Room operator is a shift role responsible for the effective operational control and monitoring of the Process Plant through the control room control and management systems and to coordinate the general Mine situation as may be required. Responsibilities: • Mine operation within required parameters • Steady control of production circuit • React appropriately to abnormal activities and notify relevant Senior Officials and/or Operators by radio/telephone • Direct the activities of personnel on the mine to correct defects by allocating relevant tasks • Assist Engineering personnel to maintain equipment in Control Room area • Take charge during breakdowns and emergencies and notify standby personnel • Maintain and operate relevant fire/evacuation alarm system • Control entire process through utilisation of relevant control systems like SCADA • Ensure that the activities in the Control Room area match the requirements of the whole mine • Maintain steady volume control of the circuit by monitoring it within entire mine parameters • Call in expertise where needed • Ensure correct procedures are followed during start up and shut down of relevant circuits and equipment • Identify and communicate possible hazards and risks to responsible and affected personnel • Promote safety awareness in allocation of all tasks over radio/telephone • Compile accurate shift report at the end of each shift • Generate report and trends for management on request • Log any incidents, instructions and important changes made in the plant and record breakdowns should they occur • Changing tasks and machine settings on the shift to minimise the effect of unexpected problems • Stopping the operation if the working conditions are unsafe and pose hazardous environment • Enter job requests into the “KARABO” maintenance system. Minimum requirements: • Matric or equivalent education • Artisan trade qualification • Minimum of 5 years’ experience as an Artisan in the mining industry • Computer literacy and role specific computer skills • Report writing and communication skills • Systematic approach • High degree of numeracy. Key attributes (amongst others): • Ability to function within a team environment • Ability to work under pressure and be independent • System knowledge and application of relevant policies and procedures • Planning and organising skills • Interpersonal skills • SHE knowledge • Administration skills • Self-starter • Attention to detail • Results driven • Statutory knowledge of relevant legislation.
Stacker/Reclaimer Operator
(Ref. S/RO 119158)
The Stacker/Reclaimer Operator is required to operate and monitor the equipment and machinery performance and initiate appropriate maintenance. The role holder will also be required to carry out the stacking and/or reclaiming of the material as per the stacking schedule and requirements of the plant. Responsibilities: • Follow the directive of the official in charge for the activities in the shift • Look after the effective reclaiming/feeding operation of Stacker Reclaimer and related equipment • Ensure proper running of the equipment and, if any abnormalities are found, inform the official in charge and attend to the abnormalities • Maintain equipment checklist and give feedback for the activities carried out in the shift • Look after the housekeeping of the machine and the surrounding area • Carry out any other jobs as assigned by the official in charge • Give suggestions for the better operations of the Stacker Reclaimer sections of the Process Plant. Minimum requirements: • A Grade 12/Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification • A minimum of two years’ experience in the operation of Stackers and Portal Reclaimers • Understanding and application of lock-out procedures • Troubleshooting capabilities • Ability to communicate effectively • Dedication and team work • Results orientated • Willingness to work shifts • Ability to work under pressure • Computer literacy. Please note that the reference MUST be quoted on your application. Please note the following: • Successful candidates will be required to provide a valid medical certificate and may be required to undergo certain medical assessments • Psychometric and other assessments may be used as part of the selection process • Verification of all credentials may be done • Must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence.
How to apply: Interested applicants can forward an abridged CV to: or fax: 086 236 1188. The onus is on you to ensure that the reference number is reflected on your application. Closing date: 1 August 2014. If you have not been contacted within 30 days after the closing date, kindly deem your application as unsuccessful. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYMENT EQUITY CANDIDATES IN LINE WITH THE COMPANY’S EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PLAN. Only candidates who meet the stated requirements will be considered. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 119158
We make a difference because our people do. KUMBA IRON ORE, SISHEN MINE, NORTHERN CAPE
Kumba Iron Ore is a world leader in the mining and supply of the highest quality iron ore to the global steel industry. With haematite reserves of more than a billion tonnes, we’re a growing South African company and the fourth largest supplier of seaborne iron ore in the world. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company.
OPERATOR GR 1: SHOVEL Band 9 You will get the chance to operate primary equipment such as production shovels (hydraulic and rope face shovels), LeTourneau (330T FEL), Komatsu WA800, WA1200 FEL, PC8000 Face Shovel, CAT 992 and 994 front-end loaders, Liebherr 996 Face Shovel, P&H XPB 23000 Rope Shovel, 9250 Scaler and Demag 285 Face Shovel. If required, you will also need multiskilling on all of these shovels and other primary equipment. We’ll need you to maintain tipping berms at waste dumps, assist in moving all mining equipment for production and clean the work area and equipment. Safety, good housekeeping and discipline are important. Here you will need interpersonal and communication skills (English and Afrikaans), organising abilities and initiative to prioritise work. You must also thrive under pressure and handle stress effectively, and must be decisive and persuasive. A Grade 12/ N3 certificate and 1 or more years’ previous shovel experience will be strong recommendations, as will a valid driver’s licence and Kumba Dover certification. Ref: Shovel
OPERATOR GR 1: PRODUCTION TRUCK Band 9 Use your skills to operate primary mobile production equipment of large size (100 tons or more), such as Haulpak 730E, Lectra Haul, Komatsu 860, Komatsu 960, CAT 793, Motivator and Lowbed. You will move all iron ore and waste for production according to set procedures and practices. Pre-shift inspection of equipment and timely communication of each and every fault/defect are essential. You must clean the working area and equipment/vehicles (good housekeeping is important) and will be called upon to perform related ad hoc tasks. If Management instructs, you must perform priority functions. It will be important to adhere to all health and safety standards. Are you able to work under pressure and do you have interpersonal and communication (English and Afrikaans) skills? Can you organise well and are you decisive, persuasive and able to use own initiative? If you also have a valid driver’s licence, this could be your chance. A Grade 12/N3 certificate and 1 or more years’ previous experience on secondary trucks or primary trucks, as well as valid Kumba Dover certification will be strong recommendations. Ref: Production Truck You will be appointed subject to being certified medically fit as per the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29/1996, and meeting the requirements of the Company’s Code of Practice (Medical Fitness to work on a Mine). Dream big with Kumba Iron Ore Ltd. Apply today by faxing your CV to 086 726 1366/086 646 2833. Closing date: 28 July 2014. All applicants are thanked for their interest. If you do not receive feedback from us within 6 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Communication will be with short-listed candidates only.
Human Communications 110882
Samel geld vir DSV in
DIE verskeie motorfietsklubs het by Spar in Kuruman met hul insamelingsveldtog begin. Daarna het hulle verskeie ander plekke in die dorp besoek – hier is hulle agter Agrimark en Cashbuild geparkeer. Die geld wat ingesamel is, is later aan die Dieresorgvereniging (DSV) oorhandig.
“STOP, hierdie is ’n tolhek. Geen motor ry verder voordat hulle nie hul tolgeld betaal het nie.” Al grappenderwys en met geesdrif word die sakkies geskud vir geld vir die DSV.
Foto’s: Ilse Watson
LINKS: Dit is tradisioneel dat elke klub sy spesifieke logo het – hier is die logo van die Christian Motorcyclists Association. Baadjies met die klublogo word met trots gedra.
ROOI is mooi. Pragtige motorfietse wat aan die geldinsameling vir die DSV deelgeneem het.
) Die Interkerk Kathu hou ’n ondersteuningsgroep vir dwelmen drankafhanklikes elke Donderdag om 18:30 by Kristalstraat 9. Bel Schalk van Schalk-
wyk (084-673-1075) of Christopher Grobler (076-988-3844). ) Geskenkemark in die Hoërskool Kathu se skoolsaal van 21 tot 26 Julie gehou.
We make a difference because our people do. SENIoR GEoLoGIST - ExpLoRATIoN MRM, KUMbA IRoN oRE, KoLoMELA MINE, NoRThERN CApE band 6 Kumba Iron Ore is a world leader in the mining and supply of the highest quality iron ore to the global steel industry. With haematite reserves of more than a billion tonnes, we’re a growing South African company and the fourth-largest supplier of seaborne iron ore in the world. A part of Anglo American, we are helping to build the leading global mining company. In this role, you will ensure and increase the Life of Mine, manage the availability of resources and equipment to ensure efficient operation of the section and optimise human resources in a way that maximum output is delivered by the section as a whole. In addition, you will manage the department’s expenditure within the approved budget, ensure a safe and healthy work environment and keep environmental impact within statutory requirements. To apply for this 24-month full-time contract position, you need a BSc Hons Geology and 6 years’ operational experience in a similar environment. Computer literacy in MS Office and specialised software and a Code B driver’s licence are essential. You will be required to pass a medical fitness certificate in order to be considered for this position and will be subjected to physical testing when going for the medical fitness certificate. Ref: K710003 Grow your career with Kumba Iron Ore Ltd by visiting careers before 25 July 2014 and following the links to tools/vacancies/job search, entering the above reference number/job title and continuing. Internal applicants can apply online via Eureka. Appointment will be made in line with Employment Equity considerations. If you do not receive feedback from us within 6 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Human Communications 110633
Kathu ken van uithou Benneli Olivier Van der Walt DIE perdeklub in Kathu het werklik ruiters uit die boonste rakke. Van die klub se ruiters het onlangs aan die wêreldbekende Fauresmith 200-uithourit deelgeneem. Dit is een van die wêreld se moeilikste uithouritte en ruiters van oor die wêreld heen kom neem jaarliks aan die wedren deel. Die uithouwedren is ’n uitmergelende 200 km ver waarin ruiter sowel as perd hul storie moet ken. Daar het sowat 380 deelnemers weggespring en slegs 130 van hulle het die
SANGUINE WHITEHEAD (12) met die Erasakinderruiter van die jaar-trofee.
Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
wedren voltooi. Dus het 56% van die ruiters uitgeval, terwyl 44% vasgebyt het en oor die wenstreep gegalop het. Die uithourit is gewis nie vir “sissies” nie. Ruiters ry oor drie dae. Dag een en dag twee bestaan uit drie bene, terwyl dag drie net twee bene het. Die bene strek oor van 21 km tot 27 km. Die Kathu-perdeklub se ruiters het die dorp se naam hoog gehou. Lana van der Merwe was op haar perd Elanzia LaMeh 21ste in die senior standaard-gewigafdeling. Johnny Fourie was 15de in die junior afdeling met sy perd Rakib Malik. Joburg Dilolo was op sy perd Rakib Aalee ig Baal 15de in die standaard-afdeling. Een deelnemer wat regtig bo al die ander uitgetroon het, is Sanguine Whitehead. Die jong ruiter is net 12 jaar oud, maar is al ’n ervare ruiter. Hy het vyfde op sy perd Rakib Amora klaargemaak. Die Rakib-perde is almal van Tops van der Linde se stoetery. Drie van Van der Linde se perde het die uithourit voltooi. Whitehead sê so ’n uithourit is glad nie kinderspeletjies nie. “Dit is moeilik. Jy moet kyk dat jy nie te vinnig wegspring nie en jou spoed die rit deur dophou. “’Jy moet ook namens jou perd dink.” Dan is daar die verraderlike gate, slote en klippe wat vermy moet word – nogtans sê hy hy geniet die perdryery geweldig. Die jong ruiter het die jaar se Endurance Ride Association of South Africa- (Erasa) kinderruiter van die jaar-trofee gewen. Hy bedank almal met wie se perde hy oor die jaar heen kon gery het en ook diegene wat tot sy sukses bygedra het. Die oneindige ondersteuning wat hy van sy gesin ontvang het, waardeer hy verder baie. Die Kathu-perdeklub bedank die Kalahari Country Club vir die baadjies wat die onderneming vir die ruiters vir die geleentheid geborg het.
LANA VAN DER MERWE was op haar perd Elanzia LaMeh 21ste in die senior standaardgewig-afdeling.
LEDE van die Kathu-perdeklub is van links, voor: Lizma van der Merwe, Lizaan van der Merwe, Lana van der Merwe, Saguine Whitehead, Louw Grobler, Joburg Dilodilo en Tops van der Linde; agter: Hendrik van der Merwe, Roux Whitehead en Johnny Fourie. Foto’s: Verskaf
EEN van Kalahari Bulletin se vorige uitgawes misgeloop? Gaan dan na die koerant se webwerf en lees artikels oor sport, nuus, leefstyl en geleenthede by Kalahari Bulletin is ook op Facebook – besoek Stuur gerus jou klub- of skoolsport nuus na