Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, DaniĂŤlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop
16 OKTOBER 2014
Bankvas agter Kansa DIE vroue van Postnet Kathu staan bankvas agter die Kansa-bandana-geldinsamelingsprojek. Hulle is passievol om Kansa te ondersteun deur elkeen ’n bandana te koop. Van links is, voor: Ronel Roos, Maritzaka Steyn, Bianca Nel en Vicki Rautenbach; agter: Christel de Lange, Liza Vuurman, Erna du Plessis en Theronica Nel. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Deben-polisie lê op dwelms beslag DIE Deben-polisie en die Kuruman-honde-eenheid het op 1 Oktober op ’n dwelmhuis in Newstands in Deben toegeslaan. Inligting oor ’n tradisionele dokter wat Mandraxtablette verkoop, is deur die polisie ontvang. Die woning is deurgesoek en daar is op 18 heel Mandrax-tablette en 92 halwe tablette beslag gelê. Die straatwaarde van die dwelms is sowat R6 400.
Daar is ook op R3 210 beslag gelê. Die beskuldigde is ook op 26 September in hegtenis geneem nadat dagga in sy besit gevind is. Hy was op borgtog toe hy op 1 Oktober in hegtenis geneem is. Hy is in aanhouding. Dwelms is ’n groot bron van kommer in die Deben-gemeenskap en die polisie vra dat mense met inligting dit aanmeld.
VAN links is, voor: sers. Bruce Harmse (Kuruman-hondeeenheid) en ao. Ruaan Hattingh (Deben-polisie); agter: konst. Alvons Maasdoll (Kuruman-honde-eenheid), konst. Dirkie Bok (Deben-polisie) en sers. Gregory Nyl (Debenpolisie). Foto: Verskaf
Safeguard your belongings THE Kathu police are experiencing an increase in cases of housebreakings and theft out of vehicles. They request the public of Kathu and surrounding areas to be alert. The majority of thefts from vehicles are due to negligent behaviour by the owners. ) Don’t leave valuables in vehicles. ) Make sure to lock the vehicle and double check that it is indeed locked. ) The festive season and holidays are approching. This signals ideal opportunities for housebreakings. ) Please report a vacant premises at the police station. ) Alternatively, have a security company protect the premises. ) Neighbours must get involved with each other, and keep an eye on each other’s property in their absence.
Police looking for suspect THE Kathu police are investigating a case of attempted rape. The incident took place in the Kathu Village Mall’s ladies bath-rooms. The suspect allegedly attacked the victim from behind while she was washing her hands. He attemped to pull the victim into a toilet cubicle, but the victim resisted and the suspect fled the scene. The suspect is a 13-year-old coloured male with a light complexion. Anyone with information about the case can contact WO Buks Hanekom on 053-7239150.
FROM the left are Itekoleng Gaetsosiwe, Bernita Adams, Magneta Adams, Ikeleng Motlopi and Lizle Witbooy. Photo: Supplied
Dirt is their business
AN Anglo American business unit, Kumba Iron Ore’s Kolomela Mine, has empowered a small group of women to make a big impact at the mine. Thousands of overalls and personal protective equipment (PPE) from the Kolomela Mine go through the hands of this dynamic team who makes sure that it is clean and fresh to wear the next day. These young women’s laundry business has established itself as the Kolomela Mine’s “best friend” when it comes to the hygiene of its employees’ PPE. Their business has been aptly named The Dirt Friend. “We chose this name because we felt that we are the best in rendering this service when it comes to cleaning up dirt,” said Ikeleng Motlopi, shareholder and one of the founder members of The Dirt Friend. The business has grown rapidly over the past few years. “We started with only five employees in 2010. Today we employ 17 people and have two laundry facilities – one in Postmasburg and one at the Kolomela Mine. Through these two facilities we service both the mine and households in town. We secured a contract with the mine until 2016,” Motlopi
said. “Kolomela reached out to us right from the beginning. They helped us to start the business and provided us with training to be able to render proper services. They also supplied us with machinery and materials.” The staff complement of 17 comprises 14 general workers and three shareholders – Ikeleng Motlopi, Magrieta Adams and Priscilla Ditsebe. Motlopi was a receptionist and ran a catering business before starting The Dirt Friend. Adams was the owner of a hairdressing salon and Ditsebe a housewife. “We enjoy being entrepreneurs although it is one of the most challenging journeys ever. We are happy with the progress made since having started the business. We are on a journey of growth,” the three women said. “Knowing our own skills and wanting to eliminate unemployment, we saw a gap in the market. We did research and realised that there is a need for a laundry service. This is how The Dirt Friend started. Our vision is to grow the business, to get contracts from other mines and to grow the laundry in town,” Motlopi concluded.
Kgololo has music in his heart Ilse Watson KGOLOLO POLELO (28), who grew up in the Loopeng Village just outside Kuruman, is a self-taught opera singer. Not only does he sing baritone and tenor, he also plays the piano and violin. He taught himself to play these instruments. He is also a choir conductor. The Kalahari Bulletin got to know this talented young man better. When did you start singing? A t the age of ten I realised I had a special voice. I sang in our school’s choir and I also joined my church choir. In 2008 I downloaded the lyrics from classical songs from the internet and taught myself to sing them. In which languages do you sing? I sing in Italian, Spanish, Latin, Dutch and English. I am musical. I learnt the notes and I can read music. I understand what I’m singing although I do not speak the languages.
KGOLOLO POLELO with his violin. He is a self-taught opera singer and also plays the piano. Photo: Ilse Watson
Have you participated in any competitions? Yes, I have. In 2001 I participated in the Northern Cape talent search competition and won. In 2012 I again participated in this competition and I won again. I was the only
winner from the John Taolo Gaetsewe District (JTG).
They are also seeking support for my future plans.
What are you doing? I am assisting school choirs in the area of Bankhara (villages near Kuruman). They have won six trophies in Kuruman and one in Upington. As from today I’ll take piano and violin lessons with a music teacher in Kuruman.
What are your plans? I want to study opera at a university in South Africa. I want to increase my opportunities for exposure and, therefore, I want to sing at weddings and other functions. I also want to teach music to children and give them the opportunity to perform. I want to travel the world and perform in Italy.
Lea Sander and Pete Sinclair of the Kalahari Experience Organisation are involved with your career. Tell us more about it. I performed a song for her and made such a good impression on her that she felt she had to help me in establishing my career. They organised it for me to go to a recording studio and I recorded 16 songs on a demo CD. Pete also made a video of one of my songs.
How do you feel about your talent? It is a God-given talent. I’m so lucky to have it. I am blessed. ) Kgololo will perform at the Palermo Restaurant in Kuruman on 12 November. ) To book Kgololo for events or to become involved in his career, call him on 072-064-4594.
Opwindende sport wag MET die uitspeelrondes van die Curriebeker-reeks in aantog is net weer besef hoeveel rugbytalent in Suid-Afrika bestaan. Dít is ná ’n verfrissende seisoen met heelwat belowende jong spelers wat hul hand opgesteek het. Wat die eindstryd betref, sal die Leeus ’n moeilike span wees om te klop en behoort die WP ook ’n plek op die podium te verdien, maar voorspellings hieroor is net akademies. Dit is egter die hope talent wat 2015 se Wêreldbekerjaar opwindend maak, en met die Springbokspan wat die kampioenskapsreeks met ’n bogemiddelde vertoning afgesluit het, behoort Suid-Afrika uit te sien na ’n rugbyskouspel wat hom in September en Oktober in Engeland gaan afspeel. Die toer aan die einde van die jaar na Engeland en Europa sal ’n verdere aanduiding wees van die krag van die spanne van die Noordelike Halfrond wat weer mededingender behoort te wees in die wêreldbekertoernooi, aangesien die toernooi in hul agterplaas plaasvind. Krieket Voordat die rugbyskouspel egter afskop, sal die wêreld oor ’n nuwe eendagkrieketkampioen beskik.
Die wêreldbekerkriekettoernooi, wat in Februarie en Maart in Australië plaasvind, behoort propvol aksie te wees met ’n klomp spelbrekers wat deesdae internasionale krieket speel nadat hulle hul kriekettande in die 20/20-weergawe van die spel geslyp het. Heelwat van die vorige hoogste tellings sal in die spervuur wees: Australië tuis, Suid-Afrika en Indië behoort almal aan die stertkant van die toernooi nog gereken word. Met net Sri Lanka en Engeland wat met die voorste drie spanne kan saamgesels, sal daar beslis verrassings wees. Krieket is nou maar eenmaal onvoorspelbaarder as rugby. Die Suid-Afrikaanse spanne van vorige toernooie kan hiervan getuig met Wes-Indië, Sri Lanka en Nieu-Seeland wat al hul ondergang in vorige toernooie beteken het. Die huidige span is weer soos vorige jare vol talent en ervaring en dalk, net dalk, is dit krieket se beurt om die nasie te laat jubel. Maak nie saak wat gebeur nie: 2015 gaan ’n heerlike sportjaar vir Suid-Afrikaners wees.
Ilse Watson
Ek moet skoonmaak, want daar was hewige wind die afgelope naweek en ek sien net oral stof. Maar ek is vasberade. Seer oë, toe neus en al. My honde het natuurlik ook bygedra tot die duine van rooi sand in die sitkamer en kombuis. (Hulle hou van swem. Maar hoekom hulle in die rooi sand moet gaan lê as hulle klaar geswem het, weet ek nie. Ek weet net hulle maak vir my baie werk). So word die teëlvloere met ’n besem en daarna ’n mop aangedurf. Uiteindelik. Die vloere blink weer. Volgende op die lys: middagete.
Kleurespel slaan die asem weg SONSONDERGANG by die Aldam Estates in die Vrystaat. Besoekers aan die vakansieoord word ook elke oggend met ’n asemrowende sonsopkoms begroet. Daar is ook ’n wildplaas daar naby waarin die bedreigde witrenosters nog in hul natuurlike habitat gesien kan word. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Siekte demp nie geesdrif
DIE afgelope Sondag word ek oorval deur ’n hoop energie soos wat ek baie lanklaas ervaar het. Die feit dat ek ’n woeste verkoue en rooi en krapperige oë het, demp nie my geesdrif nie. So op die heilige Sondag takel ek die huis. Pak allerhande goetertjies terug op hul plekke, trek my bed met kraakvars, skoon linne oor. Stofsuig en wie weet wag nog. Met my hande in my sye kyk ek na my kamer – jip, alles lyk mooi. Volgende op die lys, die sitkamer, kombuis en eetkamer.
Ek haal potte uit en begin met die kos. Ek kort ’n witsous. My ma sê altyd ek maak die lekkerste witsous. Sy kan nie – haar sous is die ene klonte. So tussenin drink ek ’n koppie tee (julle weet mos, behalwe vir koek is ek mos verslaaf aan tee). Soos wat ek kos maak, so word die potte en ander goeters sommer dadelik gewas. Wat klaar is, is klaar.
O, moenie vergeet nie. Ek is ook al by die tweede bondel wasgoed. Skoon linne beteken ook skoon handdoeke. My oë krap, my neus is toe, my ore wil-wil begin pyn. Ek is vasberade om nié toe te laat dat siekte my gaan onderkry nie. Uiteindelik is die kos klaar, die skottelgoed skoon en weggepak en die wasgoed is ook reg. Nou kan ek tee drink, my swaar kop en effens moeë lyf op die bank voor die televisie neerlê. Grootste fout ooit. So hop ek van kanaal tot kanaal en my vingers kom op die Food Channel tot stilstand. Die Barefoot Contes-
sa, met haar sagte stem en giggellaggie, tower weer die heerlikste eetgoed op. Ek raak baie vies as ek haar sien, want sy laat alles so maklik lyk. Daarna verskyn Sida van Kaapstad. Sy maak ontbyt. Ek het nog nie eens ontbyt gehad nie. Heeltemal vergeet daarvan! Hulle maak my so lus vir kook en bak dat ek die bestanddele nader trek om ’n yskastert te maak. En uiteindelik sê my seer oë en verkoue-neus en amper-amper pyn ore, nou moet jy stop. Kyk iets anders as die Food Channel.
Raak rustig, God is in beheer Ds. P. van Zyl 1 KOR. 13:12: . . . soos God my ten volle ken. Om goed te begryp is vir die meeste mense belangrik. Ons wil weet van die wanneer, die waarom en die hoe in die lewe. Hoe meer ons weet, hoe meer kom ons agter hoe min ons eintlik weet en verstaan. Dit laat jou in verwondering oor die grootheid van die skepping en God wat alles gemaak het. Vir baie mense is dit dalk ’n troos wanneer Paulus sê ons sal ook eendag ten volle ken, ten volle verstaan. Maar vir die meeste mense is dit nie genoeg nie. Ons wil nou ken, nou verstaan, en ons wil hê God moet nou verduidelik asof ons Hom in ’n beskuldigdebank kan plaas. Dan kom Paulus met drie belangrike woorde: geloof, hoop en liefde. Geloof wat jou toelaat om God te vertrou, selfs as niks vir jou sin maak nie. Hoop wat jou laat aanhou wanneer die toekoms donker lyk. En liefde wat jou laat ontwikkel in ’n gehaltemens deur wie God in die wêreld kan werk. Terwyl ek dan vra waarom en hoekom bly God se opdrag om uit geloof te leef en die draers van die Goddelike hoop te wees. Hy verwag nie van ons om te verstaan nie, Hy verwag dat ons Hom sal vertrou en in die vertroue sal leef om ’n verskil te maak. Raak rustig, want God ken jou en Hy is in beheer. In Sy hande is jy veilig.
DIE Pienk Bome vir Pauline-projek is weer in volle gang in Upington en oral in die strate word bome in pienk lap toegedraai. Die projek verkoop pienk lap om bome mee toe te draai om geld vir die projek in te samel en om bewusmaking van kanker te skep. Die geld wat ingesamel word, word gebruik om plaaslike kankerpasiënte mee te help. Lap is by verskeie winkels en besighede in die dorp te koop. Foto: Lizette Slabber
Veldtog kry hulp Benneli Olivier Van der Walt DIE vroue van Postnet Kathu is toegewyde ondersteuners van die Kansa-bandana-veldtog om geld vir kankernavorsing in te samel. Christel de Lange en Vanya Havelaar van Postnet Kathu is van mening dat elke mens se ondersteuning vir Kansa belangrik en noodsaaklik is. De Lange se ma is met kanker gediagnoseer. Haar dogter se gholfafrigter, Pete Kemp, is ook met kanker gediagnoseer, maar is nou in remissie. “Die meisies wat hy afrig, is almal mal oor hom en ons is so bly dat hy in remissie is.” Mense van oor Suid-Afrika heen word ook aangemoedig om hulle by die beenmurg-register aan te sluit. ’n Kankerlyer se lewe kan deur die regte skenker se beenmurg gered word. ) Meer inligting oor die beenmurgregister is by beskikbaar.
Uitslae in koerant VOLKSBLAD, moederkoerant van die Kalahari Bulletin, sal volgende jaar weer die matriekuitslae plaas en versprei. Nuus oor toppresteerders en skole sal in ’n spesiale bylae aan lesers verskaf word. Volksblad vra derhalwe skole se samewerking om te verseker hul toppresteerders se prestasies haal die koerant vir die nodige erkenning. Skole wat verwag hulle gaan topleerlinge hê, moet ’n kontaknommer aan Volksblad stuur van ’n verteenwoordiger wat van 2 Januarie 2015 af beskikbaar gaan wees. Vir meer inligting kan Melisa de Wee of Kaydene Davids by 051-404-7878 gebel word.
Foto’s stroom in Lizette Slabber NOG net twee weke is oor om jou mooiste foto’s van strukture na die Kalahari Bulletin te stuur. In Oktober is die tema van die fotokompetisie Strukture en alle foto’s van mensgemaakte strukture kan ingeskryf word. Ons is op soek na foto’s van brûe, paaie, torings, huise, wolkekrabbers, treine en enigiets anders wat deur mense gemaak is. Die fotograaf van die wenfoto wen elke maand ’n prys van Wakaberry in die Kalahari Mall en die een van die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry, wen ’n geskenkpak van die Orange River Cellars. Die 12 wenners van die jaar gaan ’n kans staan om ’n naweek weg te wen. Die fotograaf van die wenfoto van die jaar wat uit die 12 maand-wenfoto’s gekies word, gaan ’n naweek vir vier mense in een van die NC Famous Lod-
ges wen. Uit die 12 wenners gaan die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry ’n naweek vir twee mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges wen. Die foto’s moet groter as 500 KB en 300 dpi wees en moet in jpeg-formaat aan die e-pos geheg wees. Inskrywings kan na gestuur word. Verskaf ’n kontaknommer, asook inligting oor waar en deur wie die foto geneem is, en waar die fotograaf woon. Net amateurfotograwe mag hulle inskryf. Daar is geen beperking op die aantal inskrywings per persoon nie en foto’s van oor die land heen mag ingeskryf word, maar net inwoners van die Noord-Kaap mag hulle inskryf.
REGS: Maria Botha het dié huis op een van die eilandjies naby Keimoes raakgeloop.
LOURENS DE VILLIERS het dié interessante foto van doringdraad gestuur.
PETER DALBOCK het een van die waterwiele by Kakamas op film vasgevang.
New hotel perfect for business and leisure Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
THE friendly staff members of the Kathu Inn. From the left are, front: Precious Leburu, Cindy Koto, Emmanuel Danisa, Chrissie Kgetlhane and Goitseone Leshope; back: Morné Loubser. Photo: Madri Scheepers
THERE is ample safe parking for guests’ vehicles.
GUESTS can choose from a variety of comfortable rooms.
Photos: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
THE Kathu Inn and Hotel, part of the Country Hotel Group, is a new hotel in Bestwood near Kathu. The Kathu Inn is the perfect stop-over for the business or leisurely traveller. The hotel hosts 80 rooms. Guests can choose to stay in either standard double rooms, twin bedrooms or king-size bedrooms. They have friendly staff members and great service that will cater to guests’ needs. The Kathu Inn is perfectly equipped for business and travel requirements with rates starting from R375 per person sharing. The Kathu Inn’s features include: ) Long and short stay options. ) Braai areas. ) Air-conditioned en suite rooms. ) Room safes. ) Service and self-catering units. ) Free Wi-Fi. ) Secure parking. ) DStv available in all the rooms. There is a 24-hour reception service to cater for late arrivals and guests who need to leave early. The inn also caters for breakfast, lunch and supper on request. The Kathu Inn is within a two-hour drive from both Vryburg and Upington, with Kimberley just three hours away. The elite Sishen Golf Club is less than 5 km away from the inn where guests can enjoy the calm atmosphere and greenery. The Kathu Inn is also close to two major mines in and around Kathu.
THE Kathu Inn features braai facilities.
Sanger laat waai met projekte Benneli Olivier Van der Walt HENDRIK SPANGENBERG is ’n jong man wat nie maklik stilsit nie. Hy het onlangs sy musiekvideo vir Solank jy myne bly vir die Ghoema-eerbewyse se musiekvideo van die jaar-afdeling ingeskryf. Die Ghoema-eerbewyse is ’n onafhanklike Suid-Afrikaanse musiek-eerbewysgeleentheid waarop Afrikaanse musiekkunstenaars vir hul toewyding en musiek vereer word. Die eerbewysgeleentheid word op kykNET uitgesaai. Spangenberg (26) is Kathu se plaaslike sangsensasie. Sy CD Sal jou onthou is op die rakke. Hy is een van die mede-organiseerders van die Opskopfees wat in September in Kathu gehou is. Die fees was die eerste in sy soort in Kathu en het groot aanklank by die gemeenskap gevind. Hendri Scott, voorsitter van die Opskopfees, het Spangenberg as produksiebestuurder van Scott Entertainment aangestel. Hy reël deesdae vertonings vir onder andere Arno Jordaan, David Fourie, Elizma Theron en Snotkop. Spangenberg hoop om in die toekoms met nog bekendes in die musiekbedryf te werk. Die popgroep NRG het Spangenberg ook as sy agent en bestuurder aangestel. Hy vlieg eersdaags Pretoria toe vir die beplanning van die groep se landwye skooltoer. Spangenberg is baie opgewonde oor die Opskopfees 2015. Hy en die feeskomittee beplan reeds aan volgende jaar se fees. “Dit gaan net beter en groter wees as dié jaar. Ons hou die kunstenaars wat gaan optree nog ’n geheim, maar daar gaan
Foto: Verskaf
beslis ’n hele paar baie bekende kunstenaars na Kathu toe kom,” beloof hy. Die Opskopfees 2015 gaan in ’n groter onthaalgerief aangebied word en dit sal ook oor drie dae strek. Nuuskieriges kan by op die nuusbrief gaan inteken om op die hoogte van al die Opskopfees-nuus te bly. ) Spangenberg het aan die begin van die jaar ’n konsep van ’n werklikheidsprogram, Verras my!, by kykNET ingedien en wag op moontlike goedkeuring.
This day in history ) 1813: Battle of Leipzig, the largest battle in Europe prior to World War I where Napoleon’s forces were defeated by Prussia, Austria and Russia. ) 1829: The Tremont Hotel, first modern American hotel in Boston, opens. ) 1846: Dentist William T. Morton demonstrates the effectiveness of ether. ) 1847: Charlotte Bronte’s book Jane Eyre is published. ) 1923: Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio is founded. ) 1923: John Harwood patents self-winding watch in Switzerland. ) 1939: Charlotte Maxeke dies. ) 1940: The Warsaw Ghetto are formed. ) 1943: The Chicago mayor Ed Kelly opens the city’s new subway system. ) 1944: Retired soccer player and founder of Kaizer Chiefs FC, Kaizer Motaung, is born in Soweto. ) 1950: The first edition of C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is released in London. ) 1958: Tim Robbins is born. ) 1964: China becomes world’s fifth nuclear power. ) 1972: Creedence Clearwater Revival band breaks up. ) 1978: Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla
elected Pope John Paul II. ) 1984: Desmond Tutu, black Anglican Bishop, wins the Nobel Peace Prize. ) 1985: The Delmas Treason Trial starts. ) 1987: Jessica McClure rescued after 58 hours after falling 22 feet down a well shaft. ) 2002: The Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, a commemoration of the Library of Alexandria that was lost in antiquity, is officially inaugurated.
SANBD soek skenkers DIE Kathu-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD) benodig dringend nog bloedskenkers. Alle inwoners word aangemoedig om bloed te skenk. Skenkers kan op Woensdae van 08:00 tot 19:00 na die kliniek kom. Bloed kan ook op Vrydae van 09:00 tot 17:00 in die kliniek geskenk
word. Die kliniek is in Rietbokstraat in die Old Mutual-gebou langs die OK Furniture. Om ’n bloedskenker te word moet ’n mens tussen 16 en 65 jaar oud wees en ’n veilige seksuele leefstyl lei. Rig navrae aan sr. Ansie Klemp by 082-305-4249.
Project aimed at cleaning up TUMELO DILOTSOTLHE, SED manager of the Assmang Khumani Mine. Photos: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
BUSI MASHIANE, the group executive of human resources of the ARM.
ELNA TRAUTMANN of the Assmang Khumani Mine.
Mine enables women Benneli Olivier Van der Walt THE Assmang Khumani Mine held their first annual women’s summit on 10 October. The theme of the summit was Celebrating women is the work place. Elrinda Rost was the day’s programme director. Tumelo Dilotsothle, socio-economic development manager of Assmang Khumani, said the purpose of the event rose as a result of a need identified by women to initiate dialogue that will motivate, empower and enable women and men to share experiences and collectively craft a strategy to address challenges and celebrate successes in the work place. She thanked the senior management of the Khumani Mine, and in particular the senior manager, Kopano Selemo, for hosting the event and the executives of the African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) for their unwavering
commitment to the summit. Busi Mashiane, the group executive of human resources of the ARM, said women in the work place must make their voices heard and also make a lasting impression. “We as a country are moving in the right direction when it comes to transformation. The mining sector has a great appreciation of integration of women into key positions throughout the entire industry. Assmang and the ARM are progressive in the empowerment of women in the work place.” Elna Trautmann of Assmang Khumani said femininity is not about wearing a dress and looking sexy, but rather to be in touch with one’s feminine qualities. She said femininity is a professional way of being, of thinking and contributing to one’s work and life. “Femininity is valuing relationships and to use one’s persuasive power with facts rather than emotions in the workplace.”
KUMBA IRON ORE, a business unit of Anglo American, in partnership with the Gamagara Municipality, identified a viable and sustainable clean-up project to benefit residents of Kathu, Sesheng and Mapoteng. The Kathu Clean-up Project is a new initiative that aims to reduce litter and maintain a clean living environment in these areas. As a result of the current economic growth in the area, the population and infrastructure of Kathu is growing at a rapid pace, adding to the litter challenge already in the area. In order to address the growing pollution, Kumba partnered with the Gamagara Municipality to address this problem. The scope of the project was determined after several engagement sessions between the Sishen Mine and Gamagara Municipality to identify the correct problem area. The project was divided into sub-projects to ensure that all areas will be covered. The Kathu Clean-up Project fits strategically within the socio-economic focus area of Kumba and will create a minimum of 34 jobs for unemployed local individuals with a focus on women and youth. Neo Magagane of Marara Construction was appointed to manage the clean-up contract. The project was launched on 2 October in front of the Shelela contractor’s camp in Sesheng and is estimated to be completed by 15 December this year. The equipment valued at more than R1 million will be handed over to the municipality to ensure the sustainability of the project thereafter. The total value of these projects is R1,7 million. The projects will include activities such
RINA BOTHA (left) with Dineo Moyo in front of the two tractors that will be used during the clean-up project. Photo: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt as regular maintenance by the Gamagara Municipality, quarterly cleaning campaigns by community members and litter-picking up competitions for schools. Sishen’s acting sustainable development manager, Rina Botha, welcomed the various role players: “Through this project Kumba is setting the example of creating a safe and healthy environment for our communities to operate in. Our partnership with the municipality is evidence that if we stand together we can keep our towns clean. Let’s commit to accomplish our common goal of turning Kathu into the cleanest town in the country,” she said. The Gamagara mayor, Dineo Moyo, in her keynote address said: “As local government we are fortunate to be in partnership with Kumba. Kumba is demonstrating what it means to be truly involved in a community and making a sustainable change.”
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Prices & values include VAT. MTN & MTN Direct Terms and Conditions apply – see Offers valid 01/10/2014 − 31/10/2014 or while stocks last. Device colours may vary from those illustrated. All deals subject to 24-month contract, device and SIM stock availability, RICA registration and successful credit vetting. Subscription cost valid for 24 months and billed monthly, in advance. Calling Line Identity @ R8.00 pm included in subscription. Offers are only available to valid credit card and bank account holders with a valid South African ID. When ordering, please have your credit card or bank account details available. MasterCard, Visa, Diners and American Express cards accepted. Remember your ID and proof of residence, or affidavit thereof, to register for RICA. E&OE. MTN Night Express offer valid 01/10/2014 – 31/10/2014. Offer available on selected MTN Contracts and My MTNChoice packages only. Night Express value valid for 1 month and received monthly for the duration of the contract period. Unused Night Express value does not carry-over. Upon Night Express value being depleted, lowest/best out-of-bundle rate applies. See for full Terms and Conditions. E&OE.
How to care for burns Neels Loots
Neels Loots is a qualified paramedic in Kathu who offers general advice on medical emergencies.
Help soek na Charlie CHARLIE die kortbeen-foksterriër het onlangs uit Onderwyserpark in Kathu weggeraak. Hy is op 9 Oktober by Tshimo Gardens in Kathu opgemerk, maar is daarna die weer gesien nie. Daar is ’n beloning van R1 000 op die spel vir die persoon wat Charlie aan sy eienaar kan terugbesorg. Vir verdere inligting kan Jacques Nel by 072-539-8248 of Sonica Wiese by 082-041-1187 gebel word. Foto: Verskaf
Vorige uitgawes misgeloop? Gaan na en blaai deur die digitale weergawes. Gesels ook met ander lesers op die koerant se Facebook-blad.
BURN injuries can occur in and around the home, and can happen to anyone. Burns can be classified in three categories namely thermal or heat burns, chemical burns and electrical burns. ) Thermal burns can be caused by flames, contact with hot objects, flammable vapours that ignite or hot liquid. ) Chemical burns are caused by chemical agents that can cause tissue damage and death if they come into contact with the skin. There are three types of chemicals that cause burns: acids, alkalis and organic compounds. ) Electrical burns. The severity of injury from contact with electrical current depends on the type of current (direct or alternating), the voltage, the area of the body exposed and the duration of contact. Normally burns are described as first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree injuries. Medical care professionals use the terms superficial, partial thickness and full thickness because they are more descriptive of the extend of tissue damage. First-degree (superficial) burns affect the skin’s outer layer (epidermis). Characteristics include redness, mild swelling, tenderness and pain. Sunburn is a common example of a first-degree burn. Second-degree (partial thickness) burns extend through the skin’s entire outer layer and into the
NEELS LOOTS inner layer. Characteristics include blisters, swelling, weeping of fluids and intense pain. Intact blisters provide a sterile, waterproofing covering. Once a blister breaks, a weeping wound results and the risk of infection increases. Third degree (full thickness) burns are severe burns that penetrate all the skin layers and the underlying fat and muscle. The skin looks leathery, waxy or pearly gray and sometimes charred. Care for burns Burn care aims to reduce pain, protect against infection and determine the need for medical care. Most burns are minor and can be managed without medical care. If a patient’s clothing is burning, have the victim roll on the ground using the “stop, drop and roll” method. Smother the flames with a blanket or douse the victim with water. ) Care for first-degree burns: Cool the burn wound down with water until the part is pain free (this often takes about ten
A FIRST-DEGREE burn. minutes). After the burn has cooled down, apply an aloe vera gel or skin moisturiser to keep the skin moistened and to reduce itching and peeling. ) Care for small second-degree burns: Cool the burn with cool water until the part is pain free. Note that the burn should not be cooled down with ice water. After the burn has been cooled, apply antibiotic ointment. Do not apply lotions or aloe vera cream. Cover the burn loosely with a dry, non-stick, sterile or clean dressing. Do not break any blisters. Seek medical care immediatly. ) Care for large second-degree and all third-degree burns: Remove clothing and jewelry that are not stuck to the burnt area. Cover the burn loosely with
a dry, non-stick, sterile or clean dressing. Seek immediate medical care. ) Care for chemical burns: Immediately rinse the burn area with a large quantity of water for approximately two minutes. If the chemical is a dry powder, brush the powder from the skin before rinsing with water. Remove the victim’s contaminated clothing and jewelry. Cover the affected area with a dry, sterile or clean dressing. Seek immediate medical assistance. ) Care for electrical burns: Ensure the area is safe. Unplug, disconnect or turn off the power. If that is impossible, call 053-7231626 or 112 from a cell phone. Check responsiveness from the patient and breathing. Provide CPR if necessary. Seek immediate medical care.
NUWE BESIGHEIDSPERSEELte huur in Boschstraat, Kuruman. Skakel 082 334 4880. SAKEGEBOU IN MIDDEDORP TE KOOP. Parkering, gevestigde huurkontrakte. Uitstekende proposisie. Skakel 083 287 7377.
1-SLAAPKAMER-woonstel te huur vanaf 1 November 2014. Koopkrag. Skakel 072 449 1828.
DAGSORG OPEN 3 NOVEMBER. Van 2 maande tot 2 jaar. Skakel 072 405 6392.
KURUMAN: 1-slaapkamer-woonstel te huur. R3 000 p.m. Water en ligte ingesluit. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel 079 563 9103.
TE HUUR 3205
AANDAG: ALLE GROOT MANS! Groot nommers in winkel beskikbaar. Kontantafslag gewaarborg. The NuShop, Palm Gate-sentrum, Kuruman. Tel. 053 712 1264.
TROJAN Omega Home Gym, R1 000. Trojan Solitude Exercise Bicycle, R1 500. Trojan Hybrid 250 Exercise Bicycle, R1 200. Electrolux floor polisher, R350. Avogreen bath (fibreglass) complete, with basin, R600. Antique stinkwood dining-room table, 10 seater, R20 000. Phone 082 596 5360. LUSERN TE KOOP: R1 600/ton of R45/baal (klein, reghoekig), gelaai op plaas naby Groblershoop, NoordKaap. Bergingsfasiliteite beskikbaar. Langtermynleweringskontrakte welkom (word verkies). Skakel Henning 082 824 4941 of PVC-TENT te koop: 5 m x5 m met afdak, kantseile en vloerseil. Slaan maklik op. R9 000. ENKELAS-1-TON-sleepwa: 1,2 m. H x 1,5 m B x 2,5m L, kantrakke en dakrak, inloopremme met handrem, deur agter en langs die kant. Skakel Gerrit Barnard 073 746 4052. SEODIN SAND: Seodin weg, Kuruman. Skakel ons vir die beste pryse in Kuruman op bousand, 'crusher dust, concrete mix', 13- en 19-mmklip, riviersand en pleistersand. Dieselfde dag afgelewer. Skakel 071 382 8234.
FLORCARE MATTE EN BLINDINGS: Ons installeer volvloermatte en blindings teen die beste pryse. Talana: 073 558 4705. Aubrey: 072 747 1991/076 182 2773. HYDRO CLEAN: Laat u matte en meubels professioneel stoomskoonmaak teen die beste pryse! Skakel Talana by 073 558 4705/072 747 1991 of Aubrey by 076 182 2773.
DStv INSTALLATIONS, repairs and upgrades, Explora, PVR and Xtraview. Phone Kobus 082 040 5801.
ELEKTRIESE HEININGS, hekmotors en garagedeurmotors. Professionele installasies en diens. Skakel First Defence 072 156 4035 of 082 829 0292.
2007 AUDI 1.8T, R90 000. Skakel Wouter 072 173 5584. FORD METEOR, 1993, in goeie toestand. Skakel 083 772 2316.
2004 TOYOTA DYNA 5-TON-trok. Platbak, goeie toestand. 165 000 km. Prys: R156 180. Skakel Rudi du Plooy 082 380 2252.
TE KOOP 3201
KURUMAN: 4 slk, 3 badk, 1 motorhuis met 2 afdakke in stil buurt. Lieflike, groot tuin. R1,4 miljoen. Skakel Kevin Johnson 072 379 8283.
6-SLAAPKAMER-huis te huur in middedorp. Skakel Jan Louw 060 664 1328.
InvItatIon to BId
BId no: nC/SoC/020/2014
NETJIESE EN SUITE-KAMER met 'n bed, klein kombuis, yskas en mikrogolf, braaiarea en afdakke te huur 18 km van Hotazel op plaas. Veilig en stil. Ideaal vir kontrakteurs. Skakel 076 805 4557.
ADMIN DATA CAPTURERS needed. For info e-mail to
Media24 is op soek na 'n organiseerder/ afleweraar in Kathu om koerante en tydskrifte af te lewer. Skakel Granston 073 878 0136 of 051 404 7939.
BJ Niemand In die boedel van wyle Barend Jacobus Niemand, identiteitsnommer 370726 5013 083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Helena Catharina Petronella Niemand, identiteitsnommer 421226 0662 085, voorheen woonagtig te Livingstonstraat 6, Kuruman 8460. Boedelnommer: 266/2014 Die eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening lê ter insae te die kantoor van die Meester van die Kimberley en die Landdroskantoor, Kuruman vir 'n periode van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf 17 Oktober 2014. EE POHL p/a SYMINGTON & DE KOK Posbus 12012 Brandhof 9324 (MHN0090)
BM Ganjeruba In die boedel van wyle Bane Matthews Ganjeruba, identiteitsnommer 350617 5318 081 met nagelate eggenote Keikantsemang Reginah Kanjeruba, identiteitsnommer 460602 0640 082 in lewe van Huis no. 49, Motswagolestraat, Mothibistad, distrik Kuruman. Boedelnommer: 020169/2014 Skuldeisers en skuldenaars in bogemelde boedel word versoek om hul vordering in te lewer en hul skulde te betaal by die kantore van ondergenoemde binne 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 17 Oktober 2014. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460
EL Müller In die boedel van wyle Elizabeth Louisa Müller, identiteitsnommer 620908 0043 087 van Budgiestraat 73, Newton, Postmasburg 8420. Boedelnommer: 20045/2014 Skuldeisers van bogenoemde boedel word hiermee versoek om binne 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 17 Oktober 2014 hul eise te bewys en hul skulde te betaal by die ondergetekende. Geteken te Kuruman op die 6de dag van Oktober 2014. KBVS PROKUREURS Posbus 565 Bearestraat 51 Kuruman 8460.
This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 90/10 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011.
BId no: nC/SoC/008/2014
Repairs and Renovations to Mataleng Crèche (Barkly West) and Donald Duck Crèche (Warrenton) This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 80/20 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011. A compulsory site inspection meeting will be held on 17 October 2014 (at own expense), as follows: Mataleng Crèche: Soyizwahi Street, Mataleng, Barkly West, at 10:00 Donald Duck Crèche: 30 Dladiola Street, Warrenvale, Warrenton, at 14:00 An appropriate certified copy of the bidder’s CIDB grading certificate (as per specifications) must be submitted together with the bid. Failure to include this will invalidate a bid.
BId no: nC/SoC/009/2014
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Educational Toys as well as Indoor/Outdoor Equipment to Thirteen (13) Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres at Humpty Dumpty (Hanover), Ikaelelo (Kimberley), Leseding (Barkly West), Little Flower (Barkly West), Reitsositse (Kuruman), Thuto Lesedi (Kuruman), Sonstraaltjie (Upington), Williston (Calvinia), Rooiduin (Upington), Mataleng (Barkly West), Donald Duck (Warrenton) and Boikhutsong (Kimberley)
Supply and Delivery of Twenty-eight (28) Containers for Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres at Humpty Dumpty (Hanover) (7), Sonstraaltjie (Upington) (7), Williston (Calvinia) (7) and Boikhutsong (Kimberley) (7)
MS MATHE In the estate of the late Modisaemang Simon Mathe, identity number 570616 5750 081 and surviving spouse Kgomotso Gladys Mathe, identity number 630903 0997 087. Estate number: 20152/2014 Notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estate, will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 (TWENTY ONE) days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master and Magistrate's office Kuruman. LUCAS RUITERS CONSULTANTS OFFICE NO. 3, LIBRA HOUSE 14 - 18 GEORGE STREET KIMBERLEY 8301 PC Grobler In die boedel van wyle Petrus Cornelis Grobler, identiteitsnommer 550702 5076 083, wat woonagtig was te Vlakplaas, Deben, distrik Kathu. Boedelnommer: 000648/2014 Ingevolge Artikel 35(5) van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bogenoemde boedel wat lê by die Meesterskantoor te Kimberley en die Landdroskantoor te Kathu, gedurende 'n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf publikasie vir alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesterskantoor ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetaling ingevolge gemelde rekenings. ENSLINS KIMBERLEY INGELYF Salgo Sentrum Georgestraat 59 - 71 Kimberley 8301 Tel. 053 831 1080 (Andre Heyns)
This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 90/10 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011.
BId no: nC/SoC/006/2014
Rendering of Quality Assurance Services in respect of Social Science Research conducted by the Department for a Period of 36 Months This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 90/10 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011. Qualifying bidders will be invited to provide evidence of previous similar work in the form of a presentation (own cost).
BId no: nC/SoC/005/2014
Demolishing of Existing Fence and Erection of New Security Fence at Brandvlei Satellite Office This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 90/10 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011.
BId no: nC/SoC/018/2014
Rendering of Security Services at the Pre-fabricated Office Buildings of the Department of Social Development, ie Groblershoop, Steinkopf, Phillipstown, Rietfontein, Dithakong and Hanover, for a Period of 17 Months This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 90/10 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011. The Department reserves the right to award this bid per site.
BId no: nC/SoC/007/2014 Rendering of Capacity Building in the form of Training, Development and Support to Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) funded by the Department in the Frances Baard, ZF Mgcawu and John Taolo Gaetsewe Districts, for a Period of 18 Months This bid will be evaluated and adjudicated in terms of the 90/10 point system prescribed by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and revised Regulations, 2011. Only short-listed bidders who meet the minimum requirements will be invited to give a presentation (at own cost) on evidence of previous similar work. Specifications and bid documents are available at the Department of Social Development, Room 5 (Supply Chain Management), Block J, Mimosa Complex, 257 Barkly Road, Homestead, Kimberley. Bid closes at: Postal address: Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5042, Kimberley 8300. Street address: Ground Floor, Block C, Mimosa Complex, 257 Barkly Road, Homestead, Kimberley. Closing date: 31 October 2014 at 11:00 Required by: Department of Social Development and National Development Agency, Northern Cape Provincial Government. Contact persons: Adelaide Wax or Kedi Flatela, tel. (053) 874-9215 or (053) 874- 9180, fax: 086 225 7666 or e-mail: or Please note: • A valid, original Tax Clearance Certificate – Tender (not a Tax Clearance Certificate “Good Standing”) must be submitted at the closing date and time (bid document NCP 2 refers) • A non-refundable deposit of R110.00 per set of bid documents is required • In order to qualify for preference points, originally certified copy of bidders’ B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate must be submitted at the bid closing date and time • The names of bidders that submitted bids will be published on the website of the Department of Social Development: on Friday, 14 November 2014.
Northern Cape Provincial Government
AIDS HELPLINE 0800-012-322
Human Communications 113262
J.C. Barnard h/a Oase Motors/Roos Sekuriteit KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING In die Landdroshof vir die distrik Vryburg gehou te Vryburg. Saakno: 1886/2013 In die saak tussen: J.C. BARNARD H/A OASE MOTORS Eiser en ROOS SEKURITEIT STEWARDSTRAAT 48 KURUMAN Verweerder Ingevolge uitspraak in die Hof van die Landdros van Vryburg en 'n lasbrief tot geregtelike verkoping gedateer 21 November 2013, sal die ondervermelde goedere per publieke veiling verkoop word deur die Balju op die perseel van die BALJU KURUMAN TE SKOOLSTRAAT 46, KURUMAN op 24 OKTOBER 2014 om 09:20 aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word, naamlik: NISSAN 1400 - REGISTRASIENR: BTX 303 NC Gedateer te Vryburg op hede die 18de dag van September 2014. DU PLESSIS VIVIERS ING PER: Prokureur vir Eiser MARKSTRAAT 136 POSBUS 2010 VRYBURG 8600
Gesels saam met ons op die Kalahari Bulletin se Facebook-blad
Dankie vir bydrae CHRISTEL DE LANGE: DIE Vrystaat-Noord-Kaap-vrouegholfspan wil hiermee sy borg, Herbalife Independent Distrubuters, se Louvaine Roos en Susara Prinsloo vir hul ondersteuning in die toernooi op die Royal Cape-gholfbaan in die Kaap bedank. Jul bydrae tot ons span word opreg gewaardeer.
DIE dag se hoedkompetisiewenners. Van links is Hannelie Piek, Delinda Coetzee en Susan de Villiers.
NELIA DE VILLIERS van Kathu het die Kansavrywilligers vir hul diens bedank. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Waar gaan geld heen? BRIAN BIESIES:
DIE plaaslike sanger Ruan Martiz, oftewel “Clark Kent”. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
JAYGÉ CARSTENS was die gasspreker op die geleentheid.
Kansa-teeparty ’n groot sukses Benneli Olivier Van der Walt OP 11 Oktober het Kansa Kathu ’n lenteteeparty vir die gemeenskap van Kathu aangebied. Die geleentheid het in die Hoërskool Kathu se lapa plaasgevind. Die gaste het almal swierige hoede vir die geleentheid gedra. Yolandi Noodermeer, streekbestuurder van Kansa in Kathu, Upington en Springbok, het die gaste verwelkom en almal bedank wat ondanks die onplesierige wind opgedaag het. Kansa verskaf hospitaalbeddens, rolstoele, looprame en spesiale matrasse aan kankerpasiënte wat dit benodig. Kansa bied ook praatjies en inligting oor die verskillende soorte kanker en algemene gesondheid aan. Jaygé Carstens was die gasspreker op die geleentheid. Hy het gesê Kansa en vroue lê hom oor die algemeen baie na aan die hart. “Vroue is enig en anders. Julle as ’n ‘spesie’ is emosioneel sterker
as mans. ’n Vrou het ook verskeie lewenstake. “Kyk nou maar na ma’s wat heeltyds werk, maar ook onderwyser vir haar kinders met hul huiswerk is, ’n kok in die kombuis en selfs ’n berader in geval van gesinsprobleme.” Hy het verder gesê elke mens se probleme is uniek en dat ’n mens die probleme op ’n unieke manier moet hanteer. “Moenie skaam wees om hulp te vra nie. Jy kan nie altyd sterk staan en alleen jou probleme oorkom nie.” Die Spotlight Dance Studio het ’n dansnommer vir die gaste uitgevoer. Ruan Martiz van Kathu, oftewel “Clark Kent”, het ook op die geleentheid gesing. Daar is ook op die dag ’n hoedkompetisie vir die geleentheid se beste hoed aangebied.
NOLA DU PLESSIS (links) en Carlise Brooks van die Spotlight Dance Studio in Kathu.
EK wil asseblief vir die Gamagara-munisipaliteit vra om met die baie waterlekkasies in Dingleton te help. Op 7 Julie het die munisipaliteit die soveelste keer ’n waterpyp voor my woning wat na ’n brandkraan vloei, kom herstel. Die herstelwerk het nie eens ’n volle dag gehou nie. Ek glo nie die munisipaliteit het die nodige kundige mense en masjinerie om die werk te doen nie. Die munisipale werkbakkies behoort die nodige gereedskap te hê en dit behoort nie nodig te wees om gereedskap van die gemeenskap te leen nie. ’n Paar jaar gelede was die munisipaliteit een van die rykstes in die land, maar is nou een van die armstes. Waarheen gaan al ons belastinggeld? Hier is geen ontwikkeling in die omgewing nie. Ek nooi die nuwe burgemeester, Dineo Moyo, om te kom kyk in watter swak toestand ons gemeenskap is. Elke dag word liters skoon water gemors.
Trap saam BAREND COETZEE het onlangs aan die Campus 2 Campus-fietswedren in Potchefstroom deelgeneem. Coetzee behoort aan die Kumba-Kathu-fietsryklub. Hy het die 50 km-afstand in erge windtoestande in 02:07:07 sekondes voltooi. Foto’s: Verskaf
Swaai die stok in Kaapstad DIE Vrystaat-Noord-Kaap-vrouespan het die afgelope vakansie op die Royal Cape-gholfbaan in Kaapstad deelgeneem. Die meisies het tweede in hul afdeling geëindig. Die spelers bedank die Vrystaat-Noord-Kaap-unie vir die geleentheid om aan die toernooi deel te neem. Hier is van links Norma Potgieter (president: Vrystaat-Noord-Kaap-vrouespan), Elzanne Kent, Chanté de Lange, Zanele Mazibuko en Chanté van Zyl. Foto: Verskaf