Kathubulletinka 20150121

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Registered Dietitian (B.Sc Dietetics)

C: 082 539 5455


Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop

22 JANUARIE 2015







Colourful in Kathu

CURRO KATHU held a colour fun run on 16 January. The gr. 8 and gr. 9 learners got colourful with their fellow learners and teachers. See more photos of the event on p 12 and at www.kalaharibulletin.co.za. Photo: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt


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Physical address: Shop 7 B, Isinda Building, Rietbok Street, Kathu 8446 (Next to Build-it, next to Voltex)

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Rommel ál groter probleem Benneli Olivier Van der Walt “HIERDIE rommel is net te morsig. Dit kan nie meer so aangaan nie,” sê Seun Stander van Kathu. Stander werk vir die Gamagara-munisipaliteit by die Kathu-stortingsterrein in die dorp se nywerheidsgebied. Stander se hoofverantwoordelikheid is om plakkers uit die stortingsterrein te hou. Daar is daagliks werklose mense van Mapoteng wat deur die rommel na bruikbare artikels kom soek. Die groot probleem in dié stadium is die groot hoop rommel wat net buite die stortingsterrein gestort word. Volgens Stander is

die hoop rommel wat die stortingsterrein se perseel omring, ’n groot brandgevaar. “As die hoop rommel op ’n manier aan die brand raak, gaan mense seerkry. Dis glad nie veilig nie.” Nie net stel die rommelhoop die mense se lewe in gevaar nie, maar dit het ook die potensiaal om ’n veldbrand te veroorsaak. ’n Groot verlies vir Stander is dat hy nie meer sy groente langs die terrein kan plant nie. Hy het die afgelope jaar spinasie en ander groente vir dié wat honger is, aangeplant. Maar weens die nuwe rommelhoop kan hy nie meer plant nie, want die water en grond is te besoedel.

DIE Kathu-stortingsterrein in die nywerheidsgebied.

SEUN STANDER by die hoop rommel wat buite die Kathu-stortingsterrein gestort word. Foto’s: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

VERSKEIE mense kom van Mapoteng om in die rommel na bruikbare artikels te soek.

Waste removal trucks acquired AFTER the unhealthy and unacceptable state of waste removal at the Kathu dumping grounds was brought under the municipality’s attention, the municipality released a statement that reads as follows: “The municipality has recently acquired a front- end loader and a TLB. This would result in the municipality delivering services internally. “The two machines will be used internally while still in the process of acquiring a waste truck to augment the current fleet. However, we as the municipality are still running short of waste trucks. “We are in the process of acquiring it (the waste truck). The contractor appointed to manage the waste is performing well. The only challenge is that the volume of waste in Kathu and surrounding areas is quite substantial. “The delays in licencing are, however, not caused by a particular stakeholder only. “It is a process which involves all parties and to get them to come to a level where licences can be issued.”


Gehoorpraktyk in Kathu en Upington! Andra Bester Oudioloog (B Log Pret)

Skakel vir ‘n afspraak: KATHU • Tel. 053 723 2279 Kamer 3, Mediclinic Kathu UPINGTON • Tel. 054 332 2554 Medpro Arcade, Scottstraat 59 X1PLHJAD-KA150115






Oor taal, reis en God Ilse Watson DIE Kalahari Bulletin het met Marianne van Niekerk van Kuruman gesels. Marianne is ’n onderwyser aan die Hoërskool Kalahari. Ek is in Kimberley gebore en het op ’n plaas naby Olifantshoek grootgeword. Dit is so mooi daar X omring van berge. Tot in matriek was ek aan die Hoërskool Olifantshoek op skool. Operettes het vir my groot opwinding ingehou en ek het altyd aan debatte, atletiek, netbal en tennis deelgeneem. Ek was onderhoofmeisie en lid van die skoolkoor en die skoolorkes. Ná matriek het ek BA-tale en HOD aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gestudeer. Op universiteit was ek ’n lid van die trompoppiespan en het aan sêr-kompetisies deelgeneem. In 1974, pas klaar met die universiteit, het ek in Afrikaans (huistaal) aan die Hoërskool Kalahari begin onderrig gee. Vir sewe jaar het ek ook die skool se trompoppiespan afgerig en onder meer aan die Rotariërs se jaarlikse karnavaloptog deelgeneem. Ek het tussen 1985 en 1992 Batlharo Tlhaping Afrikaans (eerste addisionele taal) aangebied en het daar ’n departementshoofpos beklee. Van 1994 af was ek aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat verbind waar ek by die departement studente-ontwikkeling betrokke was. In 1996 het ek die universiteit se trompoppiespan begin afrig. Die span het op die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskapsbyeenkoms vir tersiêre afdelings die trofeë vir die beste trompoppieleiers en beste vertoongroep verower. Ek dink my liefde vir Afrikaans is ingebore, veral my liefde vir die letterkunde. My ma was ook aan die Hoërskool Kalahari ’n onderwyser, jare gelede in die tyd van oom Fanie Botha. In my kleintyd was daar nooit aan storieboeke en stories vertel ’n tekort nie. Ek wou graag verder in letterkunde studeer en het my MA-graad in letterkunde (2002) behaal. Om met ’n klank- en beeldryke vers om te gaan is soos ’n stukkie hemel. Rymelary laat my koud. Ek wens van ons Afrikaanse sangers wil net ’n bietjie meer moeite met hul lirieke doen eerder as die oneindige herhaling van reëls. Dit is wonderlik om na Randall Wicomb te luister. Hy het die gawe om woorde in kuns te omskep. Ek is diep gelowig, maar ek het ’n kleintjie dood aan mense wat “godsdienstig” probeer lewe maar geen benul van ’n lewende verhouding met Jesus het nie. Ek kan my nie die lewe, voorstel sonder ’n diep afhanklikheid van my Hemelse Vader nie. Tye soos op die afgelope oorsese reis wat oor vyf weke gestrek het, het ek net weer besef hoe getrou die Vader is. Dit sal ’n lang gesprek verg om al die ongelooflike wonderwerke op die reis te vertel, veral die tye toe ek alleen gereis het. Ons moet God net eer vir wie Hy is. Ons moet ons ook nie vir Hom skaam nie en nooit huiwer om van Sy goedheid en liefde in ons lewe te getuig nie.

Die oorsese mense lyk dikwels so stroef, ontevrede en ongelukkig dat ek gewonder het of hulle ooit ’n lewende verhouding met hul Skepper het. Want dán lyk ’n mens mos anders, jy het ’n dieper geluk in jou wat nooit gedemp kan word nie. Vir afleiding krap ek graag in die tuin rond, MARIANNE VAN NIEKERK van die Hoërluister na mooi musiek skool Kalahari. Foto: Facebook of gaan stap lang ente met my hond op die plaas. Wanneer daar wel tussen al die skoolSchröderstr 11c, UPINGTON werk deur ’n tydjie is, bly ’n goeie digbunT: 054 332 3373 / F: 086 583 6654 del of storieboek een van my eerste keuses, suzie@upington.com waldovdl@upington-online.co.za vir seker oor reis. Om te reis verbreed nie SUNELDO net horisonne en ’n mens se kennis nie, dit Drukkers & tekens D laat jou innerlik groei. adve ie sukses rteri van Ons is gerieflik geleë in die hoofstraat Boonop gee dit aan ’n mens ’n barometer trefkra ng lê in sy u van Upington. Ons fokus op maks. ontw g. Ons gra nieke om dit wat jy in jou eiesoortige omstandigerpe sal da fiese kliënt voordeel met die beste kwaliteit in a rdie hede het, beter te evalueer. druk laat. asook die beste pryse. Met ons Ek het ’n wonderlike ervaring in ’n gekwalifiseerde span en jarelange ondervinding, kasteel in Italië gehad. My droom is om kan kliënte staatmaak op professionele, betroubare, daarheen terug te gaan en Italiaans as taal oplossing-gedrewe diens asook ons begrip vir jou unieke uitdagings. aan te leer en terselfdertyd pottebakkersONS BIED: klasse te volg. * Borde - alle tipe, Veiligheidstekens, Voertuig plakkers & “wrapping”, Ek hanteer die projek FSA Youth ExchanVlae, Teardrop baniere en verskeie ander advertensiemateriaal. ge aan ons skool. In 2009 het ons skool die * Vinnige lae-koste drukwerk - Onbeperkte hoeveelhede. * Besighede: Logo ontwerp, visitekaartjies, besigheidskryfbehoeftes, vierde plek landwyd behaal en so het ons brosjures, advertensieborde, perspex tekens, besigheidsboeke, kalenders. gevorder na derde, tweede en eindelik die * Unieke handgemaakte Kaartjies: Troukaartjies, Kerkblaadjies, eerste plek. Koerantjies, Tafelplanne & nommers, Spyskaarte, Dankie-kaartjies ens. Die direkteur van die instansie, Lodie de * Web-tuiste ontwerp - Kontak Waldo 072 184 9090 Jager, het my as 2014 se jeuggroepleier vir die jaarlikse Desember-uitreikaksie na Duitsland aangestel. Besigheidskaartjies Steeds die mees effektiefste manier Dit was vir my ’n groot eer en iets om u kliënte te herinner aan waarvoor ek hom en die FSA altyd dankdie diens wat u lewer. baar sal bly. Omdat ek in Desember en begin Januarie ONDERRIG-INSTANSIES vir die uitreikaksie in Duitsland beskikbaar Tikwerk, Fotostate, Jaarbeplannings, moes wees, het ek sommer my eie uitgeVraestelle, Sertifikate, Bindwerk, Nuusbriewe, Uitnodigings, Sportprogramme ens. breide toer in Italië met Travalgar-toere X1PMK3XM-KA220115 gedoen en daarna tien dae saam met familielede in Spanje gereis. Hierna het die ongelooflike skoonheid van die sneeubedekte Switserse Alpe gevolg. Dit is ’n mooi wat ’n mens se asem wegslaan. Ons almal hunker soms na erkenning en dikwels kom dit so onverwags soos die gr. 12-meisie wat aan my die volgende boodskap gestuur het terwyl ek daar in die vreemde was: “Ek wil Juffrou net bedank vir die groot rol wat Juffrou in my keuse gespeel het. Ek gaan onderwys studeer. Al die tye by Juffrou – soms het ons saam uitbundig gelag vir die stories en soms het ons net so lekker gehuil. Ek is so spyt ons was net een jaar by Juffrou. “Die eerste boodskap waarmee Juffrou ons in 2014 begroet het, was net twee woorde. Be kind. Daar was dae dat ek nie geweet het wat om te doen nie, dan kom ek in die klas en ná die periode loop ek daar uit en voel soos ’n nuwe mens. “Juffrou het my gehelp om ’n hegter band met die Here te hê. Vir alles sê ek baie, baie dankie. O, ja, ek sal onthou: Op pad is twee woorde.” Sulke tye wéét ’n mens: ’n Mens kan net sinvol bestaan wanneer jy iemand anders se lewe aanraak en iets moois vir hom laat.


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Sien hoop in smart raak DIE lewe is vandag beslis nie wat dit 50 jaar gelede was nie. Mense se lewe is nie oorheers deur tegnologie of deur erge misdaad of misdrywe deur kinders en volwassenes nie. In daardie dae het kinders gespeel en nie met selfone of tablette rondgeloop nie. Leerlinge het dissipline gehad en na hul onderwysers geluister. Daar was baie geleenthede vir volwassenes en kinders om by kultuurbedrywighede betrokke te raak. In vandag se lewe word ’n mens deur misdaad op die televisie gebombardeer. Niemand het meer dissipline nie. Leerlinge steur hulle nie juis aan onderwysers se opdragte nie en sommer vroeg-vroeg in hul lewe word sommige kinders aan dwelmmiddels verslaaf, of hulle rook. Nog erger, jong mense raak by satanisme betrokke. Dit is ook kommerwekkend om sommige matrikulante te sien wat saam met hul ouers rook, drink of dwelmmiddels gebruik. Sommige kinders kry ook tatoes. Ons sien hoe dorpe in die Noord-Kaap agteruitgaan. Die strate van ons dorpe lê vol rommel. Mense gee net nie meer om nie. Hulle gooi dit sommer net so by die vensters van hul motors uit. Sommige munisipaliteite het

ook ’n traak-my-nie-agtige houding. Sypaadjies word nie skoongemaak nie en die vullis in die strate word ook nie verwyder nie. Al wat ’n mens sien, is ’n gemors. Dit is vuil so ver jy kyk. Tog is daar in vandag se lewe gebeure wat ’n mens weer moed vir die toekoms gee. Gemeenskapslede maak planne. Groepies kom bymekaar en takel die dorp – hulle maak skoon waar hulle kan en ruk ook sommer ’n verfkwas uit om mee mooi te maak. Ernstige siek kinders herstel vinnig. Hoekom? Gebedskettings. Oud en jonk en mense van verre oorde bid vir so ’n kind. Daar kom genesing en almal is deur blydskap oorweldig. Jy hoor ook van leerlinge wat uiters goed is in debatvoering en jy staan verstom oor dit waarmee hulle vorendag kom. Hulle lees en kennis is mag. Hulle bou nog legkaarte. Hulle speel nog sport. Hulle neem aan konserte deel. Alles dinge wat tot ’n gesonde gees bydra. Daar mag dalk moorde in jou gebied wees. Daar mag dalk vuil strate en hope rommel in jou gebied wees. Daar is egter ook al die ander positiewe gebeure wat aan ’n mens versekering verskaf dat dit tog nie so sleg gaan nie.

Kinders te gou uit die huis Lizette Slabber MENIGE ouer het gister lang trane gehuil toe hy of sy die gr. 1’tjie, gr. 8- of universiteitskind in die huis iewers afgelaai het en hulle moes omdraai en wegloop terwyl hulle hul kind in iemand anders se hande moes los. Ek het self ’n dapper gesig voorgehou terwyl ek my kinders gegroet het, maar voordat ek nog by die motor was, het ek al hartverskeurend gesnik. Dié oomblikke is só ’n groot mylpaal vir ouers. Dit sê jou kind het ’n volgende vlak in sy lewe bereik en die vorige tydperk is nou vir ewig verby. En al wil ’n mens hoe graag aan die kleintyd vashou, raak hulle net ál groter. Hulle pas dan nie eens meer gemaklik in jou arms nie. Dan raak hulle ook te groot om op jou skoot te pas en kort voor lank kyk hulle kort-kort of hulle nie dalk al langer as jy is nie.

Gelukkig is my kinders vanjaar onderskeidelik in gr. 3 en gr. 6 , so gr. 8 lê darem twee jaar weg en dit is nog lank voordat die jongste kind die laerskool moet verlaat. Ek is egter nou al bekommerd oor al die gevare wat oor hul pad gaan kom. Ek glo dit gaan geweldig moeilik wees om hulle eendag stoksielalleen by die koshuis af te laai en dan weg te ry. Hoe sal ek dit regkry om hulle net een of twee maal per maand te sien en gaan ek ook aan die leënes-sindroom lei? Maar so het alles tog sy tyd. Nou is my fokus op laerskool-gebeure en die eindelose oortrek van boeke. Ék sal maak soos Scarlet O’Hara altyd gemaak het en net sê: “I won’t think about that now, I’ll think about it tomorrow”.

Knipoog in die vroeë oggendure oor Kathu DIÉ foto van die maan is om 04:30 in Kathu geneem. Dit is werklik ’n ongewone geleentheid om die skugter maan so vroeg te kan afneem. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

It is no use wearing a mask Past. Chris van Staden MANY of our relationship problems are not really relationship problems. They are personal problems that spill over into relationships. Many of your relationship conflicts, including conflicts with people within your circle of life, are really conflicts within you. They are internal battles. If you want to have great relationships and therefore be a better leader, you’ve got to start with some changes in yourself first rather than expecting everyone around you to change and fix your internal issues for you. The Bible states in Romans 12:9: Love from the centre of who you are. Don’t fake it. Authenticity is when what you see is what you get. It is when you don’t play a role, you don’t wear a mask. Most people are afraid to remove their masks. We are afraid of being exposed – the fear of exposure is the fear that people will find out that you’re not really who you say you are. It is the fear of exposure that keeps us from being authentic. We don’t mind our strengths being exposed. What we don’t want people to find out about us is our




weaknesses. We don’t want our insecurities exposed. The truth is nobody has it all together. So why do we pretend? The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:11: No one really knows what anyone else is thinking or what he is really like except that person himself. The reason it is easy to wear a mask is because nobody really knows what you are like on the inside. In the entire universe there is only one person who fully understands you. And, by the way, it is not you. It is God. You don’t even understand yourself. If you really want to build deep, meaningful, satisfactory, intimate relationships you’re going to have to let people see your weaknesses. So how do you overcome the fear of exposure? You decide to walk in the light. The Bible says in 1 John 1:7: If we live in the light as God is in the light then we can share fellowship with each other. We are afraid of being rejected. We don’t want to let people see




what we’re really like, because we fear disapproval. Proverbs 29:25 says: The fear of human opinion disables. Trusting in God protects you from that. Why do we fear the opinions of other people, often people we don’t even know? Because we all have a deep desire to be loved. The antidote to a fear of rejection is to trust in God’s love. Daniel 10:19: Don’t be afraid for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace, take heart and be strong. And Psalm 56:11 says: I trust in God so I will not be afraid. What can people do to me? We are afraid of being hurt again. The truth is you will be hurt in life many, many times. This is not heaven. I have seen it over and over. The more you have been hurt, the more you become afraid of being hurt again. And the more you are afraid of being hurt again, the more defensive and protective you become. The antidote to the fear of being hurt again is to let God give you a new heart. God is in the heart transplant business. Ezekiel 36:26 says: I will give you a new heart. I will put a new spirit in you. I will remove your heart of stone.





Loop nou net in een rigting

Wat is jou mening? Gesels saam op Facebook deur te gaan na Kalahari Bulletin.

Dr. Dries Smit en sy bekwame Mediese Estetiese span bied aan:

SKOOLSTRAAT in Kuruman is verlede jaar na ’n eenrigtingstraat verander en Kurumaniete moet hiervan kennis neem. Dit gebeur nog gereeld dat voertuie teen die verkeer in hier ry. Borde is aangebring wat gewys het dit is nou ’n eenrigtingstraat, maar die borde het intussen spoorloos verdwyn. Navraag is by die Ga-Segonyana-munisipaliteit gedoen, maar teen druktyd het die Kalahari Bulletin nog geen antwoord gekry nie. Foto: Ilse Watson

Mobile tax unit available here THE South African Revenue Service (SARS) would like to invite all interested parties to a series of mobile tax unit service offerings to be held in your area. They are: ) Khumani Mine: 9 February,

12:00 to 15:00; ) Khumani Mine: 10 February, 09:00 to 15:00; ) Beeshoek Mine: 11 and 12 February, 09:00 to 15:00; ) Beeshoek Mine: 11 and 12 February, 09:00 to 15:00; ) Daniëlskuil Municipality: 23


February, 11:00 to 15:00; ) Daniëlskuil Municipality: 24 February, 09:00 to 15:00; ) Olifantshoek Community Hall: 25 to 26 February, 09:00 to 15:00, and; ) Black Rock Mine: 10 and 11 March, 09:00 to 15:00.

Het jy vorige uitgawes misgeloop? Gaan dan na www.kalaharibulletin.co.za en gaan blaai deur die digitale weergawes. Kuier en gesels ook saam met ander lesers op die koerant se Facebook-blad.


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Goggas glimlag vir die kamera Lizette Slabber DAAR is nog net een week oor om seker te maak jou goggafoto’s kom vir die fotokompetisie vir Desember en Januarie in aanmerking. Enige foto’s van insekte, skerpioene, spinnekoppe, reptiele, skoenlappers, motte, wurms en ander gediertes moet voor 30 Januarie ingeskryf wees. Elke maand wen die fotograaf van die wenfoto ’n prys van Wakaberry in die Kalahari Mall en die fotograaf van die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry, wen ’n geskenkpak van Orange River Cellars. Die 12 wenners van die jaar gaan om ’n wegbreeknaweek meeding. Die fotograaf van die wenfoto van die jaar, wat uit die 12 maandelikse wenfoto’s gekies word, wen ’n naweek vir vier mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges. Uit die 12 wenners wen die fotograaf van die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry ’n naweek vir twee mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges. Stuur inskrywings na lizette.slabber@volksblad.com. Foto’s moet groter as 500 KB en

DAVID ENGELBRECHT het op die plaas Naauwte hierdie foto van ’n sweepslang geneem. 300 dpi wees en moet in jpegformaat aan die e-pos geheg wees. Verskaf ’n kontaknommer, inligting oor waar en deur wie die foto geneem is en waar die fotograaf woon. Net amateurfotograwe mag hulle inskryf. Daar is geen beperking op die getal inskrywings nie en foto’s wat oor die land heen geneem is, word aanvaar. Slegs inwoners van die Noord-Kaap mag hulle inskryf.

NICOLENE MATTHEE het hierdie slang, wat sy prooi verorber, in die Kruger-wildtuin afgeneem.

LOURENS VAN HEERDEN het dié foto van ’n pragtige sprinkaan vir die kompetisie ingeskryf.

MARIUS VAN ZYL het dié interessante geitjie afgeneem.


CHANTAL FARINHA het hierdie spinnekop afgeneem.


ZELDENE KUHN het hierdie iguana by Butterfly World by Stellenbosch gekiek.



Kids geared to learn Benneli Olivier Van der Walt THE Curro Kathu School is a brand-new addition to the town’s educational landscape. This prestigious school started its first term on 14 January. The school has received 347 entries including learners from the pre-school up to gr. 9. Dr Chris van der Merwe attended the opening of the school. Van der Merwe is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the Curro Group and says he is

pleased that Curro Kathu is operational. Jaco Haasbroek (executive headmaster) and Eddie Conradie (operational headmaster) have big plans for the future of the school. “The number of entries and the learners’ and parents’ enthusiasm are amazing,” says Haasbroek. Curro Kathu is an independent school that incorporates positive discipline, Christian values and creative thinking. Classes are taught in Afrikaans and English. Curro Kathu is located behind the Sivos Sports Grounds.

LU-MARIÉ (LEFT) AND MARKO ROODT with gr. 1 teacher Tanya Mouton.

Photos: Benneli Olivier van der Walt

“HERE we come gr. 8!” From the left are Kay-Leigh van Rooyen, Katelyn van Rooyen and Anrie Botha.

IN front are Christopher (left) and GJ with their parents, Christine and Jacques Botha.


Tel. 053 712 3505 www.era.co.za X1PLG3PT-KA220115

FREEK BLIGNAUT and Tessa Luddick are already learning in their new classroom.



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FROM the left are Omhle, Ntsikelelo and Oyisa Lukope.

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R189 995

R79 995





Oulikste woef gesoek Ilse Watson DIE Kalahari Bulletin het verlede week met ’n troeteldier-fotokompetisie begin. Dié kompetisie sal op ’n maandelikse grondslag aangebied word. Die wenners sal die eerste week van die nuwe maand aangekondig word. Die kategorie vir Januarie is Jou oulike hond. Inskrywings vir die mooiste hond word ingewag. Die laaste foto’s vir hierdie kategorie moet op 29 Januarie ingestuur wees. Die wenner sal in die Bulletin se uitgawe van 5 Februarie aangekondig word. Lesers wat wil inskryf, moet hul foto’s na Benneli Olivier Van der Walt by benneli.vdwalt@volksblad.com stuur. Foto’s moet asseblief 600 KB na 1 MB groot wees. Die wenner van die hondekompetisie sal ’n Jojo-plastiek-hondehok, geborg deur Buco in Kathu, wen.

PRAGTIGE Tasha wat vir die hondekompetsie ingeskryf is. Foto: Verskaf KHLOE van Kathu is ’n nege maande oue pekinees. Foto: Rozanne Hollenbach

JY kan nou jou hond vir die troeteldierkompetisie inskryf deur ’n foto in te stuur.

DIE volgende tema wat vir die troeteldier-fotokompetisie aangebied sal word, is Jou oulike kat. Neem solank daardie foto’s en hou die Bulletin vir verdere inligting dop.

KLK Auto R339 900

DIE pragtige Roxy.

Foto: Jo-mia Van Niekerk

Kwaliteit gebruikte voertuie • Quality used vehicles

R189 900

R169 900

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2014 Chev Trailblazer 2.5 LT 16 500 km Balans van fabriekswaarborg.

R119 900

2014 DEMO Chev Aveo 1.6 L 6 150km Balans van fabriekswaarborg.

2011 Mercedes Benz A180 5 Dr A/T 58 990km Voldiensrekord

R319 900

2013 Isuzu KB250 41 700km Balans van fabriekswaarborg.

2010 Chev Cruze 1.8 77 200km Voldiensrekord

R149 900

2014 Chev Aveo 1.6 LS A/T 12 800km Balans van fabriekswaarborg.

Tel. 054 - 3388 026 / 7 / 8 H/v Schröder- en Parkstraat Upington

Auto X1PMKCPW-KA220115



FROM the left are Thuso Masilo (deputy principal), Franz Gaetsewe (uncle), Sebotlhe Gaetsewe (mother) and Moremogolo Gaetsewe. Photos: Boipelo Mere

MOREMOGOLO GAETSEWE and Clementine Molelekwa enjoying the ceremony.

A force to be reckoned with Boipelo Mere “LADIES and gentlemen, seven distinctions for this young man.” These were the words of Franz Gaetsewe, the proud uncle of Moremogolo Gaetsewe, as he made his way to the stage to accept his trophy during the awards ceremony. Moremogolo of the Baitiredi Technical School in the John Taolo Gaetsewe (JTG) District had just been announced as one of the 20 top achievers in the province. With his results in the 2014 matric exams, his dream to study Actuarial Science at the University of Cape Town (UCT) had finally been realised. It was no surprise when a late announce-

ment was made at the end of the ceremony that the Assmang Kumane Iron Mine had decided to fund Moremogolo and his co-matriculant Clementine Molelekwa of the Batlharotlhaping High School with a full bursary. Thanks to his hard work, dedication and commitment, Moremogolo scored an incredible 98% in Mathematics and 97% in Accounting. He has been preparing for his aimed career path since he was in gr. 10. “While my peers were busy with all kinds of social activities, I preferred to play around with numbers,” he added shyly. According to his uncle, Franz, the family is extremely excited and proud of Moremog-

olo for his exceptional performace in the 2014 matric exams. His family believes that this will be an inspiration to other kids who are venturing into the class of 2015. Moremogolo and his younger sister were raised single-handedly by their mother. Hardships were plentiful after their father had died. Franz said the boy never disappointed his family. “It was quite a feat. He is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with,” he said. “By the way, as many may be aware, Actuarial Science is an extremely challenging course that calls for students who are above average and totally committed.


Heritage Mall is NOT affected by Load Shedding.

Heritage Square Mall will be celebra ng Valen ne's Day

Heritage Square Mall Trading Hours: · · · ·

Mondays - Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays: Public Holidays:

08:30am – 18:00pm 08:30am – 15:00pm 09:00am – 14:00pm 09:00am – 13:00pm

Pick n Pay Supermarket B & C Cell & Sound African Beauty Eliakim Ou i ers Capitec ATM Standard bank ATM Postnet Nando's ABSA ATM Buco

Pick n Pay Liquor Pick n Pay Clothing Studio MCZ Innova on Electronics Rooisand Biltong PC Worx Nedbank ATM Eddy & Lebs Clothing Just Water Graphix Unlimited

Heritage Square Mall was designed to take into account the cool atmosphere found below the large Camel Thorn trees, and therefore the architecture reflects this as well in the entrances to the mall and the comfortable temperature within the centre.

“At UCT, if you don’t have an A in Mathematics, you will not be accepted in this discipline. “Many are called, but few are chosen,” Franz boasted. Regarding the bursaries that Moremogolo was awarded, his uncle said it was very well deserved. “How his mother would cope without such assistance is too ghastly to contemplate.” Moremogolo’s deputy principal, Thuso Masilo, accompanied him to the awards ceremony. “He did not only make his parents proud, but his school and the JTG District as a whole.”

Winners Exclusive Fashion M Zi Hao Anathi Shoes Fresh The Laundry Barber SA Vodacom Chatz MD's Bridal & Evening Wear Mooigoed Geskenke & Meubels Kalahari Bulle n

Pep Express stores Lewis Sausage Saloon FNB ATM Fancy An ques Mugg & Bean Dynamic Kitchens Toshiba

John Dory's and kids play area with water feature will be opening in 2015. This will bring total lettable space of mall to 14 500sqm.

The logo's was designed in consideration of the heritage part of the site and mimics the ‘stone age’ tools found on the site.

The mall currently has 677 parking bays for comfortable shopping. The intersection at Rooisand and Frikkie Meyer Streets will be upgraded with completion of the centre across the road in 2015.

The current lettable space is 12 000sqm and will be expanding in the near future. Future developments nd will include Wildman, car wash, offices, 2 drive through take away and extension to mall.

Heritage Square Mall also has sufficient generators to make shopping an enjoyable experience without being left in the dark when loadshedding is experienced.

Trading Hours Mondays - Sundays: 08:00 - 19:00 Public Holidays: 08:00 - 19:00

For any information contact us at: 082 725 6527 Office space to let, contact us. X1PMDX4D-KA220115



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Upcoming events Carletonville Ÿ Safety Officers 2: Full-time course: 2 - 13 February 2015 Ÿ NEBOSH IGC: Full time 18 May - 3 June 2015 Rustenburg Ÿ Safety Officers 1: Full-time course: 16 – 27 February 2015 Contact our client services department for enquiries or course schedule: 018 786 4300 / 018 786 2812 (08:00 – 16:00) 072 104 8731 / 072 768 5165 (08:00 – 16:00) Or visit us at www.skillfull29.co.za / www.minesafetytraining.co.za


THE AUTOMARK PROMISE 1. Backed by Toyota 2. Guaranteed not stolen 3. Automark warranty available 4. Guaranteed mileage

5. Seven day exchange plan 6. Guaranteed year model 7. Every vehicle subject to a check list

DEMO’S 2014 Etios 1.5 XS, 5-dr, Silver 2014 Hilux 3.0 D-4D Raider, D/C, Silver, Nudgebar, Rollbar, T-cover 2014 Fortuner 2.5 D-4D, R/B, Auto, White 2014 Etios 1.5 Xi 5-dr Gold 2014 Corolla 1.6 Quest +, R/CD, alloys 2012 Yaris XR 1.0 3-dr

THE learners of Curro Kathu had a barrel of fun with the wheelbarrow run.

R131 500 R399 500 R365 500 R118 500 R187 500 R119 500

Photos: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt

Curro hosts fun day Benneli Olivier van der Walt

MOTORS 2014 Volkswagen Polo 1.6 Comf Sedan 11 000km 2013 VW Cross Polo 1.6 TDi, curtain airbags, cruise control 23 000 km 2013 Mini Cooper 17 000 km 2013 Chevrolet Cruze 1.6 LS 5dr 9 500 km 2012 Toyota RAV 4 2.0 GX 64 000km 2012 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D A/T Heritage, T/B 50 000 km 2012 Toyota Avanza 1.3 SX 2011 Toyota Verso 2.0 D-4D TX t/bar, PDC, 70 000 km 2010 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 Nudge, t/bar 2010 Land Cruiser Prado VX 4.0, V6 A/T 141 000km 2010 VW Golf TSi Comf 2003 Mercedes-Benz C180K Classic A/T

R198 500 R220 500 R199 500 R181 500 R215 500 R369 500 R129 500 R199 500 R295 500 R430 500 R167 500 R 83 500

BAKKIES 2013 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D SRX, Xtra Cab, Alloys 24 000 km 2013 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D-4D D/C, r/rising 15 000 km 2012 Land Cruiser 4.2D S/C, Rails, TBar, Rubberised, Mags, ARB 2012 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4 D Raider R/b, D/C canopy, t/bar 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.0 VVTi, A/C, rails, rubberised 90 000 km 2010 GWM 2.8 TCi D/C 4X4, TB, Canopy

R248 500 R352 500 R398 500 R293 500 R149 500 R119 500

CURRO KATHU held a colour fun run at the Sivos Sports Grounds on 16 January. Learners from gr. 1 to gr. 9 spent the morning getting to know one another and having fun together. The colour run was the school’s first fun outdoor activity. Learners competed in wheelbarrow runs, egg-and-spoon races and the ever popular three-legged race. After the physical exercise was done, both learners and teachers settled down to enjoy some watermelon.

MTHOKO NKOSI and his partner won their leg of the wheelbarrow race. Visit VAN DER LINDE TOYOTA Main Street, Postmasburg

Jackie 082 415 2656 used@vdlmotors.co.za Gert 082 738 1237 used1@vdlmotors.co.za

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www.automark.co.za Terms and conditions apply. X1PLHHWX-KA220115

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Used cars you can trust.


14 Amarok 2.0 BiTDi Highline 132 kW D/C, canopy, side steps, leather, rubberised, safety film, PDC, ................................................................................................................................................R419 500

COLOURFUL kids. Adrian Caetego participated in the school’s colour run.

Polo Vivo

14 Polo Vivo 1.4 Trendline Sedan, Electric windows, Alloys, RCD, C Locking...........................R149 500 14 Polo Vivo 1.4 Trendline Cruise Control, Alarm , Alloys ............................................................R158 500 14 Vivo Maxx 1.6 20 000 km ...........................................................................................................R165 500 13 Polo Vivo GT 1.6.............................................................................................................................R147 500


14 Golf 1.4 TSI BMT Comfortline, zenons, comp radio, media interface ...................................R297 500


14 Polo Sedan 1.4 Comfortline PDC, 300km...................................................................................R195 500 14 Polo 1.6 Comfortline, Bluetooth, RCD ........................................................................................R199 500


14 Passat 2.0 TDi DSG, 6-CD, silver ................................................................................................R331 500


14 Jetta 1.6 TDi Comfortline,T/B, Xenons, 6-CD, Leather, iPod/iPhone cables.........................R299 500

Tiguan 14 Tiguan 2.0 TDi Sport & Style, tow bar, PDC, 6-CD ..................................................................R425 500

Caddy 10 Cady Maxi 1.9 TDi Trend 7 Seats, TBar, Safety Film ...............................................................R198 500


12 Toyota Yaris 1.3 XS 5-dr 36 000 km Warranty Service Plan ...................................................R146 500 11 VW Vivo 1.6 Trendline.....................................................................................................................R129 500 10 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 T/bar, 97 000 km .....................................................................R261 500 09 Mazda 2 1.5 Individual.................................................................................................................R105 500 08 Honda NXR 125 Bross Motor Cycle ............................................................................................R 12 500 08 Isuzu KB 250D Fleetside, A/C, Conopy, Bakkieliner, Bullbar .................................................R110 500 07 Chevrolet Aveo 1.5LT......................................................................................................................R 62 500 03 Corolla 160i GLE .............................................................................................................................R 59 500 99 Mitsubishi Pajero 3.0 GLS .............................................................................................................R 51 500 *All prices shown are recommended retail prices, which are not binding on the Dealers or Volkswagen Group South Africa. The recommended retail price excludes Dealer delivery and related charges. Please contact your Volkswagen Dealer or visit www.vw.co.za for full details as well as terms and conditions relating to the MasterCars Brand Promise.

CEV Motors

11 Shone Street, Postmasburg • Tel: 053 313 0090 • Fax: 053 313 0569 Jackie Jacobs 082 415 2656 • Gert Claassens 082 738 1237 sales@cevmotors.co.za • www.cevmotors.co.za X1PLHJDJ-KA220115

WATER BALLOON fun was only one of the activities learners participated in.

BRONWYN VAN DER HEEVER with a well-deserved piece of watermelon.

Jou bloed is kosbaar DIE Kathu-tak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens (SANBD) benodig dringend nog bloedskenkers. Alle inwoners word aangemoedig om bloed te skenk. Skenkers kan op

Woensdae van 08:00 to 19:00 na die kliniek kom. Bloed kan ook op Vrydae van 09:00 tot 17:00 in die kliniek geskenk word. Die kliniek is in Rietbokstraat in die Old Mutual-ge-

bou langs OK Furniture. Om ’n bloedskenker te word moet ’n mens tussen 16 en 65 jaar oud wees en ’n veilige seksuele leefstyl lei. Rig navrae aan sr. Ansie Klemp by 082-305-4249.



GROOT STUK GROND om te koop vir ontwikkeling of net 'n gedeelte daarvan. Skakel 083 310 0272.



1805 1025

FLORCARE MATTE EN BLINDINGS: Ons installeer volvloermatte en blindings teen die beste pryse. Talana: 073 558 4705. Aubrey: 072 747 1991/076 182 2773. HYDRO CLEAN: Laat u matte en meubels professioneel stoomskoonmaak teen die beste pryse! Skakel Talana by 073 558 4705/072 747 1991 of Aubrey by 076 182 2773.



MORNING STAR DAYCARE Open from January until December. No school holidays, only public holiday. Time: From 06:00 to 18:00 Please phone Felicity Goliath 073 501 9992. 4 French Avenue, Wrenchville.


NUUT 2015 *Vries die vakansievetjies weg. Selluliet-, vetvries- en smelttegnologie. *Noord Apteek, (Groot masjien - 4 koppe). Boschstraat, Kuruman. 082 559 9455. Geen naalde of chirurgie! Saamwerkende 'dieet' ook beskikbaar. Tye: 08:00 - 17:00 NEW 2015 Freeze holiday fat away* Cellulite and Fat Freeze and Melting Technology. *Noord Pharmacy, (Big machine with 4 heads) Bosch Street, Kuruman. 082 559 9455. No needles or surgery! Diet combo available. Time 08:00 - 17:00.

ALLE INSTANDHOUDINGSDIENSTE, sowel as nuwe bouwerk (steen of hout). Houtraamhuise, enige grootte. Dekke - W.P.C. en hout. Professioneel gedoen deur bouer met 24 jaar ondervinding. Skakel Danie 083 997 1207. DIENSTE: Vir diefwering, veiligheidshekke, skuifhekke en algemene ysterwerk, skakel Hardie by 082 263 5575 vir vinnige kwotasies en uitstekende diens.


TE HUUR KURUMAN 2 x 1-slaapkamer met en suite-badkamer, vol DStv, 2 etes per dag plus wasgoed. R6 200 p.m. Karen 072 746 6967 Kantoorgebou in dorp. R17 000 p.m. Karen 072 746 6967 2-slk-huis met 1 badkamer op eie erf van 1 228 vk m! Slegs R7 000 p.m. Zandre 082 773 6192 3-slk-huis, gevestigde tuin, toesluitmotorhuis. R10 000 per maand Zandre 082 773 6192 DRINGEND OP SOEK NA HUISE EN WOONSTELLE TE HUUR! SKAKEL ONS GERUS VIR FLINKE, VINNIGE DIENS TE KOOP: KURUMAN 3-slaapkamer-huis met swembad en lapa R1,6 m. Karen 072 746 6967 4-slaapkamer-huis met swembad en pragtige tuin. R2,35 m ohb. Karen 072 746 6967 3-slk-huis, woonstel op erf vir vaste inkomste, swembad, lapa, 2 badkamers, rustige area. R2,23 m. Zandre 082 773 6192 www.justpropertygroup.co.za



A.B. Nosang In die boedel van wyle Annie Basadi Nosang, identiteitsnommer 560128 0835 083, van House No 10222, Magwagwe Village. Boedelnommer 022336/2014. Skuldeisers van bogenoemde boedel word hiermee versoek om binne 30 dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015 hul eise te bewys en hul skulde te betaal by die ondergetekende. Geteken in Kuruman op die 8ste dag van Januarie 2015. KBVS PROKUREURS Posbus 565 Bearestraat 51 Kuruman 8460.

T.W. Phore

K.L. Moshobelo

In die boedel van wyle Tekoetsile William Phore, identiteitsnommer 570626 6033 080 en nagelate gade Kenalemang Vinolia Phone, identiteitsnommer 570827 0943 080, van House No 218, Seven Miles Village, Kuruman 8460. Boedelnommer: 0588/2013 Skuldeisers van bogenoemde boedel word hiermee versoek om binne 30 dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015 hul eise te bewys en hul skulde te betaal by die ondergetekende. Geteken in Kuruman op die 12de dag van Januarie 2015. KBVS PROKURUERS Posbus 565 Bearestraat 51 Kuruman 8460.

In die boedel van wyle Kebitsemang Lettie Moshobelo, identiteitsnommer 510601 0755 080, van 295 Morakwi Street, Mothibistad 8474. Boedelnommer: 12214/2013 Die eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel sal vir 'n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015 ter insae lê by die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mmabatho en van die Landros, Mothibistad. Geteken in Kuruman op die 13de dag van Januarie 2015. KBVS PROKUREURS Posbus 565 Bearestraat 51 Kuruman 8460.



MALE EXTRA-EREKSIEPILLE Sterker, langer, harder ereksie Hou 5 keer langer uit Veilig vir hoë bloeddruk R150 vir 10 superpille WARRIOR-EREKSIEPILLE Kry meer stamina Hou langer uit Stoot seksdrang op Beskikbaar by Mini Market en Café, Hoofstraat 98 073 522 8346 KURUMAN Hannes Bester 078 722 4631 UPINGTON.

H.P. Phokomosane

In die boedel van wyle Pieter Andreas van Zyl, Identiteitsnommer 600415 5009 083 en nagelate gade Susara Debora Johanna van Zyl. Identiteitsnommer 600227 0045 081 van Duikerweg 24, Kuruman, 8460. Boedelnommer 021394/2014 Skuldeisers van bogenoemde boedel word hiermee versoek om binne 30 dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015 hul eise te bewys en hul skulde te betaal by die ondergetekende. Geteken te Kuruman op die 13de dag van Januarie 2015. KBVS PROKUREURS Posbus 565 Bearestraat 51 Kuruman 8460

In die boedel van wyle Hildah Pontshego Phokomosane, identiteitsnommer 430602 0110 083, in lewe van Huis L4, Bothithong, Distrik Kuruman. Boedelnommer: 8658/2011. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bogenoemde boedel ter insae lê by die Kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mahikeng en 'n afskrif daarvan by die Landdroskantoor, Mothibistad, vir 'n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460.



NATIONAL TRAILER RENTAL KURUMAN Het 'n 4,5 x 2 x 0,2-m-dubbelaskarwa ingekry vir plaaslike verhuring. Verder het ons 'n 3-m-enkelas en 'n 4-m-dubbelas vir plaaslike verhuring. 083 310 0272. NATIONAL TRAILER RENTALS/ V TECH TRAILERS Verhuring van sleepwaens, eenrigting, landwyd en plaaslik. Bv. haak hom hier en los hom weer in George, of andersom. Verkoop nuwe en tweedehandse sleepwaens en nuwe onderdele. Kalaharistraat 11, Kuruman. Skakel 083 310 0272.



KURUMAN: 3 slaapkamers, 1 motorhuis. Nuut geverf buite. R870 000. Skakel 083 310 0272.






HUURGROND GESOEK: Soek ongeveer 200 ha weidinggrond vir my boktrop vir ongeveer R30 000/jaar naby Kuruman/Kathu/Daniëlskuil. Skakel Johan 082 828 0780 (Kuruman).

TE KOOP: PANEELKLOPPERBESIGHEID, KURUMAN. Gebou en woonstel. R3,5 miljoen onderhandelbaar. Skakel 083 232 1603 of 053 712 3367.


BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. Corner of Church and Willmore Streets, Kuruman. R5 million. Phone 082 930 2228.


In die boedel van wyle Kebitsamang Nellie Galeboe, identiteitsnommer 340903 0284 087, weduwee, in lewe van Huis No 78E, Dithakong, Distrik Kuruman. Boedelnommer 1326/2013. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bogenoemde boedel ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mahikeng en 'n afskrif daarvan by die Landdroskantoor, Mothibistad, vir'n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460.

R.B. Gasebonwe In die boedel van wyle Richard Bokaeng Gasebonwe, identiteitsnommer 440928 5477 088, met nagelate eggenote Kebonyetsala Gladys Gasebonwe, identiteitsnommer 510425 0290 082, in lewe van Huis 180, Kopanongstraat, Maruping, distrik Kuruman. Boedelnommer 022487/2014. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die eerste en finale likwidasie- en distribusierekening in bogenoemde boedel ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mahikeng en 'n afskrif daarvan by die Landdroskantoor, Mothibistad, vir 'n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf 23 Januarie 2015. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460.



R4 200


Please note that our showroom behind the BP Garage will be closed for the revamping of the Shoprite Mall. Come and visit Kuruman Tombstones factory in Produce Road, Industrial Area, in Kuruman or our showroom at the old station building just opposite No Jokes shop or call 053 712 3853. We also do granite kitchen tops.





SHOWROOMS: 053 712 0808

Old Station Building 053 712 0151

053 712 3853 • 053 712 0151 082 321 8142 • 072 712 2382 X1PLJUWN-KA220115



Postmasburg • Tel. 053 313 0080 • Faks 053 313 0349




BLACKLISTED - NEED A CAR/ PERSONAL LOAN/RENT-TO-BUY A CAR. Phone 071 947 7550/082 516 0391/060 760 1969/078 000 1486/071 179 2084.



K.N. Galeboe 4205

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We can beat ANY written quotation

GROOT STUK GROND om te koop vir ontwikkeling of net 'n gedeelte daarvan. Skakel 083 310 0272.




BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! AVON and JUSTINE. Join to earn your own money. SMS your name, surname, town and tel. to: 083 721 5888.

Sales Representative

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Join us and work in an exciting and challenging environment where we expect and reward performance. If you have Matric/Grade 12, 2 years’ sales experience and a valid driver’s licence, we would like to hear from you. For more details and to apply please go to www.wurth.co.za and click on careers. Have Ref. No. WURTH-HL03 handy. Closing date: 30 January 2015.




AANDAG: ALLE GROOT MANS! Groot nommers in winkel beskikbaar. Kontantafslag gewaarborg. The NuShop, Palm Gate-sentrum, Kuruman. Tel. 053 712 1264.


KURUMAN : 1-slaapkamer-woonstel te huur by Mimosalaan 7. R3 500 p.m. Koopkrag. Plus R3,500 deposito betaalbaar. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 071 543 0773.




3205 1655

3 x 17-DUIM-VOLVO-MAGS te koop. Prys onderhandelbaar. Skakel 073 870 3269. MOTORBANDE TE KOOP 1 x 255/65R17 (nuut) 1 x 255/65R17 (tweedehands) 2 x 235/70 16 1 x 245/70 16 1 x 255/50R19 1 x 285/45R19 Skakel 083 310 0272 DENNEHOUTBALKE TE KOOP: Het ongeveer 100 dennehoutbalke te koop (4 m x 160 mm x 80 mm). R5 000 vir alles. Johan 082 828 0780.

2-SLAAPKAMER-HOUTHUIS te huur: R4 000 p.m. 073 870 3269. Ruim 6-slaapkamer-huis en 3 eenman-Park Homes te huur. 18 km vanaf Hotazel op plaas, veilig en stil. Ideaal vir kontrakteurs. 076 805 4557.

Upington: Modesta-woonstel te huur. 082 976 3964. TE KOOP 3201

1 HOUTHUIS TE KOOP. R40 000. Skakel 073 870 3260.

ALLE ADVERTEERDERS Die gebruik van die letter

"A", leestekens soos "!" of "*" of die gebruik van syfers met die doel om die advertensie na die bopunt van die klassifikasie-lys te skuif, is streng verbode. SMALLS NOTICE X1PMCPEW-KA220115




NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY IN TERMS OF SECTION 20 OF THE ACT FOR A LICENCE (Reg. 4(1)) NORTHERN CAPE LIQUOR ACT, 2008 1. Municipality: Ga Segonyana Municipal 2. Full name, street and postal address of applicant: Tebogoetsile John Tekolo, 7 Miles Village, Kuruman 8460 3. Kind of licence applied for: Bottlestore liquor licence 4. Kind of liquor to be sold: All kinds of liquour to be sold 5. Name under which business is to be conducted and full address of premises: Thato TK Bottlestore, 7 Miles Village, Kuruman 6. Extra items to be sold (section 4(5)(a) and (b)) C Section 4 (5) Place: 7 Miles (Kuruman) Date: 14.01.2015

HOOFSTRAAT, KURUMAN Tel. 053 712 3594 Faks 053 712 0358


DRYWER BENODIG MOET 'N KODE 14 EN PDP HE Vorige verwysings 'n vereiste Geen kansvatters nie Faks CV na 053 – 712 0358



Kathu - Northern Cape

Requirements: Ÿ Matric Ÿ Well groomed and presentable Ÿ Dynamic & Ambitious Ÿ Good communication and listening skills essential Ÿ Must have ability to close deals Ÿ Own reliable vehicle Ÿ Own Cellular phone Ÿ Sales experience essential - Training and Assistance will be provided Ÿ Fully Bilingual Ÿ Prepared to Travel Ÿ Computer Literate Package: Basic, Car All + Commission Closing date: 9 February 2015 @ 12:00 lunch time. If you meet the minimum requirements kindly forward your CV to nicolened@nashuafs-nc.co.za or hand del @ Meerkat Business Park, Kameeldoringstraat, unit C, Kathu, 8446

The successful candidate will be responsible for selling advertisements for Kalahari Bulletin The ideal candidate must meet the following requirements: Ÿ Senior Certificate (tertiary qualification in marketing will be advantageous) Ÿ Must be able to work under pressure Ÿ Have at least three years' previous sales experience Ÿ Good communication skills on all levels Ÿ Good computer and typing skills Ÿ Fully bilingual in English and Afrikaans Ÿ Valid driver's licence, as well as own car and cell phone In exchange for the successful candidate's services the company offers a competitive remuneration package including membership to the medical aid and pension funds for the person qualifying.

SALES EXECUTIVE POSITION Job Responsibilities: As salesperson you will be required to do: Ÿ Cold-Calling on potential clients Ÿ Telephonic cold-calling Ÿ Quotations Ÿ Admin: Daily reports and stats Ÿ Generating appointments Ÿ Generating / Growing client data-base and the business Ÿ Follow ups

Applications are awaited for the following position in the advertising department in Kuruman.

The Grand Oasis Casino is NOW OPEN in Kuruman. We are recrui ng for the following posi ons:

EXPERIENCED GRILLERS, KITCHEN COORDINATOR, BAR TENDERS, WAITRONS, KITCHEN ASSISTANTS, SURVEILLANCE OFFICER, SLOT ATTENDANT, GENERAL MANAGER, IT AND GAMING TECHNICIAN, GAMING DUTY MANAGER, CATERING MANAGER, OPERATIONS MANAGER AND SURVEILLANCE SECURITY MANAGER. Salaries are nego able bases on years of experience. For ALL posi ons you must have at least 2 years' experience in the respec ve field, be fluent in English and have a passion for customer service. Be able and willing to work on weekends and shi s.

Interested persons can send their application to: aansoeke@volksblad.com or visit Media24 careers page on www.media24.com Applicants must clearly indicate for which position they are applying. CLOSING DATE: 29 January 2015 If no feedback has been received by 28 February 2015, please accept your application as unsuccessful. The company reserves the right not to fill the position. Given the employment-equity policy of Media24, preference will be given to suitable candidates from the designated groups.


If you feel you meet the requirements and you are passionate about service, e-mail or fax your CV to prenisha@bingo.co.za or 086 679 6004 Note: Criminal checks will be conducted for all successful applicants. NO CHANCERS PLEASE!



SECURITY VACANCIES: NORTHERN CAPE SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL ROOM OPERATOR A vacancy exists for a B Grade Surveillance Officer (CCTV) in Kathu. Candidate should reside in Kathu / be prepared to locate to Kathu. Candidates should have a proven record of CCTV Surveillance in a larger surveillance environment. Formal qualifica on will be advantageous. Only candidates with proof or previous experience and training qualifica ons will be considered. GRADE B SUPERVISOR: KATHU Vacancies exist for security supervisors in the Kathu area. Candidates should reside in Kathu / locate to Kathu. Salary will be Grade B (Area 3) plus performance allowance. Incumbent must have drivers licence & at least 2 years driving experience – Mining Security will be advantageous. Applicants must clearly indicate which posi on is applied for. Proof of experience and training qualifica ons with references must form part of the CV. CV’s to be emailed to: aerasmus@thorburn.co.za X1PMEM2R-KA220115




NOTICE OF BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS Notice is given of an application for a Basic Assessment Process that was submitted to the Northern Cape Department of Environment and Nature Conservation, in terms of Regulation No. R543 published in the Government Notice No. 33306 of 18 June 2010 of the National Environment Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) governing Basic Assessment Procedures (Listing Notice: 1 and 3 – Government Notice R544 & R546) for the following activity: Reference No: NC/BA/40/JTG/GA/KURI/2014 Project Name: The Kuruman Filling Station and Convenience Centre for 5 X 23 m³ petrol tanks Project & Property Description: The project activity entails the establishment of a petrol and/or fuel station. The lling station will consist of 5 X 23 000 (l) litre petrol tanks, a Quick Shop in the name of Kuruman Convenience Centre which will have a Woolworths Food stop and a bakery, on Portion 0 (Remaining extent of Erf 489), Extension 13, Kuruman Township Listing Activities Applied for: GNR 544 (Listing Notice 1), 18 June 2010 – Activity 13 & 24 and GNR 546 (Listing Notice 3), 18 June 2010 – Activity 9 Proponent Name: Rockistep (Pty) Ltd Location: The study area is located south of Rautenbach Street, west of Chapman Street and east of the R31 Road. Date of Notice: 22 January – 2 March 2015 Queries regarding this matter should be referred to: Bokamoso Landscape Architects and Environmental Consultants CC Public Participation registration and inquiries: Juanita De Beer Project Inquiries: Dashentha Naidoo ; Tel: (012) 346 3810 P.O. Box 11375 ; Fax: (086) 570 5659 Maroelana 0161 ; E-mail: lizelleg@mweb.co.za www.bokamoso.biz In order to ensure that you are identied as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP) please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter, in writing, to the contact person given above within 40 days of this Notice.


Applications are invited from suitably qualied candidates for the following post from as early as 1 April 2015. The successful candidate will be required to provide quality and effective mathematics training and support to in- service teachers of mathematics at Intermediate and Senior Phase level in the Northern Cape. Candidates must have sound Mathematics teaching experiences and the ability to work with teachers in their classrooms. Duties include teaching mathematics content knowledge, supporting teachers, administration, report writing and be keen to participate in research. Candidates must have a BEd or MEd in Mathematics Education, a valid driver’s licence and be prepared to travel to schools in the Kuruman district and to Grahamstown during school holidays. Application forms and salary details may be obtained by sending an email to l.sparrow@ru.ac.za Applications including a short CV should be returned to l.sparrow@ru.ac.za. by 12 noon on 26 January 2015. Interviews will take place in the Northern Cape from the 26 February 2015. Please note this is a three year contract post subject to annual review and availability of funds.


Applications are invited from suitably qualied candidates for the following post from as early as 1 April 2015. The successful candidate will be required to provide quality and effective Foundation Phase training and support to in-service teachers in the Northern Cape. Candidates must have sound knowledge of Literacy, Mathematics and Life Skills as well as teaching experiences and the ability to work with teachers in their classrooms. Duties include teaching Foundation Phase content knowledge, supporting teachers, administration, report writing and be keen to participate in research. Candidates must have a BEd or MEd in Foundation Phase Education, a valid driver’s licence and be prepared to travel to schools in the Kuruman district and to Grahamstown during school holidays. Application forms and salary details may be obtained by sending an email to j.hodgskiss@ru.ac.za Applications including a short CV should be returned to g.harrison@ru.ac.za or j.hodgskiss@ru.ac.za. by 12 noon on 26 January 2015. Interviews will take place in the Northern Cape from the 2-6 February 2015.

Please note this is a three year contract post subject to annual review and availability of funds. X1PMNFMH-KA220115


The future is diverse. The future is yours. BHP Billiton Manganese South Africa (BHP Billiton MnSA) in Partnership with Joe Morolong Municipality BHP Billiton Manganese South Africa (BHP Billiton MnSA) hereby invites all Local Community Businesses seeking to be considered for a Local Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme to visit registration venues on specific dates as indicated in the table. The information gathered will provide BHP Billiton MnSA with essential knowledge of the businesses available in the communities around BHP Billiton MnSA operations. Please note that registration is by no means a guarantee of a procurement contract from BHP Billiton MnSA. BHP Billiton MnSA employees will be stationed at the cited registration venues to assist with the registration process and with any queries. Registered business owners are required to bring the following documentation:

• Certified copy of qualifications/CV of Member(s)/Shareholders, Management and Key Personnel (if available) • Copy of Business Plan (if available) • Company profile (mandatory) • BEE Certificate or in the case of Exempted Micro-Enterprises, letter from your accountant or auditor or affidavit (if available) • Original copy of cancelled cheque or certified letter from the Bank • Proof of relevant industry or professional registration and/or affiliation (eg CIDB, NHBRC, PSIRA, etc) (if applicable) • Original SARS Tax Clearance Certificate (if available) • VAT registration number (if applicable). District Municipality

• Proof of Local Community Residence, ie: * Rates and taxes * Affidavit from the local Police Station * Letter from the Local Chief • Certified copies of ID documents for all Members or Shareholders • Certified copy of Company registration documents (eg CK2, CM27)

John Gaetsewe District Municipality

Area Joe Morolong Local Municipality Ga-segonyana Local Municipality


Joe Morolong Municipality Offices in Hotazel



12 January - 13 February 2015 (week days only)


16 February - 13 March 2015 (week days only)





Notice is given in terms of section 16 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002(Act 28 of 2002) for Prospecting right of Manganese ore and Iron ore in The remaining extent and Portion 1 of the Farm Bretby 687 in the district of Kuruman. Please be informed that the company Galela Mining Resources (Pty) Ltd have lodged an application for prospecting right on the above mentioned Farm, Landowners and all interested and Affected Party are kindly advised to register. For More information please contact us on: Office No 316, JSL TOWERS 259 Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0002 Email: info@multigreatmineconsulting.coza Cell: 072 226 9052 / 071 411 5830 Tel: 012 771 7177 / 012 323 4814 MultiGreat mine consulting link: http://multigreatmineconsulting.co.za/files/ Please note: Use the reference number 11534 PR to view the information on this site.

DATUM: VRYDAG 30 JANUARIE 2015 TYD: 10:00 PLEK: SKOUGRONDE Basis / Matras, Sansui TV, Defy 8kg dubbelbalie wasmasjien, Defy 360L Yskas, LG Mini Hi-Fi, Sahara PC Desk Top, Toshiba Core Notebook, 3 Stuk kombuisstel, 137cm basis en matras, Boston 2 stuk slaapkamerstel, Sony Component system, 13kg Dubbelbalie wasmasjien, 137cm Basis en matras, Nokia Selfoon (geen herlaaier), 4 Plaat Gas Brander, skyfie braaier met 2 bakke. Enige item kan on rek word. Veiling met Reserwe. Registrasiefooi: R200

Skakel Jaco Moorcro 071 430 6233



JOB TITLE - Business Advisor Level 2 REPORTING TO – Branch manager JOB GRADE C3 Minimum R259 616 Maximum R351 245

GAMAGARA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY GAMAGARA PLAASLIKE OWERHEID KENNISGEWING VANAF GAMAGARA PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT AANSOEK OM AANPASSING VAN GAMAGARA PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT SE ELEKTRISITEIT DISTRIBUSIE LISENSIE OM DITLOUNG UITBREIDING IN TE SLUIT IN MUNISIPALITEIT SE ELEKTRISITEITS VERSPREIDINGSGEBIED. Gamagara Plaaslike Munisipaliteit stel hiermee inwoners van Ditloung Uitbreiding in kennis van die aansoek wat ingedien is by die Nasionale Energie Reguleerder van Suid Afrika (NERSA) vir aanpassing van Gamagara Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se Elektriese Distribusie Lisensie om Ditloung Uitbreiding in te sluit wat deur die Munisipaliteit ge-elektrifiseer moet word. Die lisensie-aansoek is beskikbaar vir inspeksie by die kantore van Gamagara Plaaslike Munisipaliteit kantore op die hoek van Frikkie Meyer en Hendrick van Eck Straat in Kathu. Besigtiging van die aansoek kan gedoen word weeksdae tussen 08:00 en 15:00. Ingevolge die Elektrisiteitsregulasiewet, 2006 (Wet Nr 4 van 2006), kan enige persoon van die publiek 'n skriftelike appèl met betrekking tot die aansoek by NERSA indien. Die appèl moet binne 14 dae van die dag van die kennisgewing ingedien word, wat verval op 06 Februarie 2015. Neem kennis dat die appelle moet vergesel word van beëdigde verklarings. Die tariewe vir die verbruikers wat geraak sal word deur hierdie aansoek kan besigtig word by die Munisipale kantore by die adres hierbo aangedui. Kontak besonderhede van NERSA is soos volg: Tel: +27(0)12 401 4600 OR Posadres Faks: +27(0)12 401 4700 Posbus 40343 Epos: licence.applications@nersa.org.za Arcadia 0007 Webtuiste: www.nersa.org.za Pretoria Fisiese Adres Navrae: Tshepo Ramokoka Kulawula House Direkte Tel: (012) 401 4774 526 Madiba Straat Faks: (012) 401 4700 Arcadia 0083 Verwysing No: NER/D/NC453 Pretoria, Suid Afrika KENNISGEWING NO.: 2015/01 X1PMJ535-KA220115

MAIN PURPOSE OF THE JOB – To provide business advisory and related support to small enterprises NO. OF INCUMBENTS – 1 LOCATION: + John Taolo Gaetsewe Branch REQUIRED MINIMUM EDUCATION: + A relevant 3 year tertiary qualification (Business Development, Commerce) REQUIRED MINIMUM EXPERIENCE : + At least 2-4 years' experience in a small business development environment either as a business owner, manager or employee. + A minimum of 2 years' experience as a business advisor KEY PERFORMANCE AREA : + Provide relevant business advisory service + Provide advisory services to potential and existing small enterprises in the area of tendering + Facilitate technical skills training and other relevant training + Facilitate focus groups + Assist clients with basic business planning REQUIRED COMPETENCIES : + To obtain an average of between 61% and 70% in the Seda Competency Based Generic Skills Assessment covering the following critical areas: Management skills Marketing skills Numeric skills Financial skills Costing skills Legal skills Admin skills Financial Business Planning skills Microsoft Excel skills Microsoft Word Skills + Good written en verbal communication skills + Cutomer orientation + Facilitation/presentation skills ADDITIONAL COMPETENCIES: + Knowledge of the small enterprise development sector + High ethical standards + Demonstrate competence in the use of the following Seda diagnostic/assessment tools over a period of 6-12 months of being employed: + Business Idea Evaluation tool + Pre-start-up assessment tool + Entrepreneurial diagnostic tool + Small business assessment tool + Assessment of Company operations tool + Critical planning exercise tool To apply, please send your CV to recruitmentnc@seda.org.za Please state the position you are applying for in the subject line. CLOSING DATE: 30 January 2015 The appointment of candidates is subject to the verification of all their credentials (employment history, educational, financial, criminal and any other checks as may be necessary.) Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and if you have not heard from us within three months of submitting your application, please consider it unsuccessful. X1PM9AUW-KA220115

GAMAGARA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY GAMAGARA PLAASLIKE OWERHEID NOTICE OF GAMAGARA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT GAMAGARA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY’S ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION LICENCE TO INCLUDE DITLOUNG EXTENSION IN IT’S ELECTRICITY AREA OF SUPPLY. Gamagara Local Municipality wishes to notify residents of Ditloung Extension of the application submitted to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) for amendment of Gamagara Local Municipality’s electricity distribution licence to include Ditloung Extension which is due to be electrified by the municipality. The said licence application is available for inspection at the Gamagara Local Municipality offices situated at Corner of Frikkie Meyer and Hendrick van Eck Street in Kathu. The time for viewing of the application is between 08:00 and 15:00 weekdays. In terms of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No 4 of 2006), any member of the public may lodge written objections in respect of this application to NERSA, within 14 days from the date of this notice, which expires on the 06 February 2015. It should be noted that these objections must be substantiated by way of an affidavit or solemn declaration. The tariffs for the customers who will be affected by this application can be viewed at the municipal office at the physical address as stated above. The NERSA’s contact details are as follows: Tel: +27(0)12 401 4600 OR Fax: +27(0)12 401 4700 Email: licence.applications@nersa.org.za Website address: www.nersa.org.za Physical Address Kulawula House 526 Madiba Street Arcadia 0083 Pretoria, South Africa NOTICE NO.: 2015/01

Postal Address P.O. Box 40343 Arcadia 0007 Pretoria Enquiries: Tshepo Ramokoka Direct Tel: (012) 401 4774 Fax: (012) 401 4700 Ref No: NER/D/NC453



Ma, dogter sterf nadat motor se band bars André Botha

KIMBERLEY. – Op pad na ’n naweekkuier by ’n vriendin in Kathu is ’n ma en haar dogter van Bloemfontein Vrydag tragies dood. Hul rooi Daewoo se band het gebars en die motor het voor ’n aankomende vragmotor beland. Susan de Wit (43) en haar dogter, Hanlie (15), is op die toneel dood. De Wit het tot in Oktober by die departement van maatskaplike dienste in Bloemfontein gewerk. Hanlie was ’n gr. 9-leerling aan die Hoërskool Jim Fouché. Die ongeluk was Vrydag omstreeks 16:00 op die R31 tussen Kimberley en Barkly-Wes. Hul motor is opgefrommel toe die vragmotor dit getref het. Lettie Hattingh van Bloemfontein, Susan se ma, sê volgens die polisie het die motor verskeie kere gerol nadat die band gebars het. Lt. Olebogeng Tawana, polisiewoordvoerder, sê De Wit het beheer oor die motor verloor toe die band gebars het. Die motor het omgeswaai en in die ander baan beland, reg voor die aankomende vragmotor wat op pad na Kimberley was. Die ongeluk was digby ’n kruis wat vir die slagoffers van ’n vorige ongeluk opgerig is. Hattingh sê haar dogter het twee weke gelede haar eie klein motor vir haar (Hattingh) gegee, en met Hattingh se motor gery. Die plan was dat sy dan dié motor later op ’n nuwe motor sou inruil.

“As hulle in dié klein karretjie was, sou ons nie eens iets gehad het om te begrawe nie,” het sy hartseer gesê. De Wit het in Oktober by die departement van maatskaplike dienste in Bloemfontein bedank nadat sy lank daar gewerk het. Sy is glo gevra om weer terug te kom en sou vandag by die departement ’n draai gemaak het om reëlings daarvoor te tref. Sy het haar pensioengeld wat ná haar bedanking uitbetaal is, gebruik om haar huis en motor af te betaal. “Sy het al die jare bitter swaar gekry. Dit het nou vir die eerste keer goed gegaan,” het haar ma vertel. Hoewel sy en haar man, Johan, geskei was, het hulle steeds ’n goeie verhouding gehad, en was albei baie lief vir Hanlie. “Johan was ’n uitstekende pa vir Hanlie,” het Hattingh gesê. “Hy het alles vir haar gedoen. Hy het haar elke naweek kom haal om by hom te kuier. “Hy het ook elke dag by die huis aangedoen om haar sommer net te sien. “Haar ma en pa was alles in haar lewe. Sy en haar ma was baie na aan mekaar.” Hattingh het die polisie in Kimberley groot lof toegeswaai oor hul hantering van die ongeluk. “Hulle was Vrydag dadelik op die toneel. Toe ons gister (Saterdag) daar was, was hul diens wonderlik,” het sy gesê. De Wit het in Kathu grootgeword, waar sy aan die Hoërskool Kathu gematrikuleer het.

‘Sy het al die jare bitter swaar gekry. Dit het nou vir die eerste keer goed gegaan.’ X Lettie Hattingh


Past recalled TODAY, 22 January, in history: ) 1506: The first contingent of 150 Swiss Guards arrive at the Vatican. ) 1831: Charles Darwin takes his Bachelors of Art exam. ) 1879: Zulu warriors attack the British Army camp in Isandhlwana, South Africa. ) 1946: The US president sets up the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). ) 1957: George P. Metesky (The Mad Bomber), accused of 30 explosions, is arrested. ) 1957: The first non-white South African table tennis team participates at the world championship. ) 1969: Orbiting Solar Observatory 5 is launched into earth orbit. ) 1970: The first commercial Boeing 747 flight from New York to London in six and a half hours takes place. ) 1971: John Lennon and Yoko Ono record Power to the People. ) 1974: British labour conditions in South Africa is condemned. ) 1979: Ali Hassan Salameh (Abu Hassan) is killed by a car bomb. He is believed to have helped mastermind the massacre of the 1972 Munich Olympics athletes. ) 1988: The first-class cricket debut of Hansie Cronjè in a Free State vs. Transvaal match. ) 1997: The space shuttle Atlantis successfully returns to Earth. ) 2003: Last successful contact with the spacecraft Pioneer 10, one of the most distant man-made objects. ) 2006: Tsotsi, directed by Gavin Woods, becomes the first South African film to receive an Oscar. ) 2007: The jury portion of the trial against Robert Pickton, accused of being Canada’s worst serial killer, opens in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. ) 2014: Water vapour is detected on the dwarf planet Ceres.

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Tel. 054 331 1999

SUSAN DE WIT (43) en haar dogter, Hanlie (15). Foto: Facebook

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Description of Services

NonRefundable Deposit

Bid Documents with terms of reference are available at

Contact person / Technical Enquiries

Closing Date, Time and Place

NCRTVET 01/2015

Provision of Student Transport from various points to Upington Campus

R 300,00

NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

F. Humphreys D. Pule (054) 331 3836 fabianh@co.ncrfet.co.za davisp@co.ncrfet.co.za

Tuesday , 10 February 2015 , 12:00, NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

NCRTVET 02/2015

Provision of Student Transport from various points to Namaqualand Campus (Okiep)

R 300,00

NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

F. Humphreys D. Pule (054) 331 3836 fabianh@co.ncrfet.co.za davisp@co.ncrfet.co.za

Tuesday , 10 February 2015 , 12:00, NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

NCRTVET 03/2015

Provision of Student Transport from various points to - De Aar Campus

R 300,00

NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

F. Humphreys D. Pule (054) 331 3836 fabianh@co.ncrfet.co.za davisp@co.ncrfet.co.za

Tuesday , 10 February 2015 , 12:00, NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

NCRTVET 04/2015

Provision of Student Transport from various points to Kuruman Campus

R 300,00

NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

F. Humphreys D. Pule (054) 331 3836 fabianh@co.ncrfet.co.za davisp@co.ncrfet.co.za

Tuesday , 10 February 2015 , 12:00, NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

NCRTVET 05/2015

Provision of Student Transport from various points to - Kathu Campus

R 300,00

NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington 8800

F. Humphreys D. Pule (054) 331 3836 fabianh@co.ncrfet.co.za davisp@co.ncrfet.co.za

Tuesday , 10 February 2015 , 12:00, NCRTVET College Central Office 16 Weideman Street Upington

No Cheques or Postal Orders will be accepted ONLY CASH OR EFT! NB! The Tax Clearance Certificate as indicated in NCP2 must be submitted in original at time of closure of bids. These bids will be adjudicated on a 80/20 and 90/10 Point System as stipulated in the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework, Act 5 ( PPPFA) of 2000.In terms of Preferential Procurement Policy Regulation 2011, Original or Certified Copy of B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution Certificate must be submitted with the bid. Further requirements stipulated X1PMM77R-KA220115




Geleë in Hoofstraat direk langs Kuruman Motors.



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We will collect and deliver your vehicle



THE Kalahari Ninjas. Front from the left are, front: Rian van Wyk, Robert Wessels and Michael Dawson; back: Malcom Erasmus, Hilton Duimpies, Hendrik Jansen, Ricus Labuschagne and Juan Micheal Swart. .................................... Photo: Benneli Olivier van der Walt

Strong batting at cricket league THE first “LastManStands” Kathu league kicked off with a bang. Six teams participated in the tournament on 18 January.

This tournament took place at the Sivos cricket grounds. The day was dominated by strong batting performances.

The results are as follows: )The Kalahari Ninjas team defeated the Kadolians team with 50 to 0 runs. The Underdogs VIII team beat the Heeltyd

Speeltyd team with 208 runs to 164 runs. ) The K.K. Stallions beat the Kathu Knight Riders with 178 runs to 108 runs.

Rugby-aksie om die draai 6

Upington T/F: 054 332 2295 Schröderstr 11B



KATHU se sportdagboek: ) Die Sishen-rugbyklub speel Saterdag teen die Shimlas-span in Kimberley.

) Kom ondersteun die Sishen-rugbyspan wanneer hy die GriekwasVodacom-span op die Sivos-sportterrein pak. Die wedstryd vind op 7 Februarie plaas.


Nou beskikbaar in Upington




CANOPIES Groot verskeidenheid beskikbaar teen goeie pryse. Skakel ons gerus vir kwotasies.

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