Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, DaniĂŤlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop
19 JUNIE 2014
We salute you, Colonel
COL. SAMPIE KOOPMAN (left) has been the station commander of the Kuruman Police for the past four years. He has been transferred to Upington where he will be the new station commander. Lt. Col. Kobus van Wyk (right) is currently the acting station commander. On Thursday, 12 June, several members of the police and members of the community held a special farewell ceremony for him. Read more about this formidable man on p 3. Photo: Ilse Watson
Veiligheid eerste DIE Kalahari Bulletin het verlede week oor die Kuruman-buurtwag verslag gedoen. Die buurtwag benodig nog lede om patrollies te ry om sodoende die veiligheid van Kuruman se inwoners te verseker. Vir die voertuie wat die patrollies doen, is daar spesiale magneet-plakkers beskikbaar. Inwoners kan ook ’n buurtwag-bord by Papas Digital
Printing and Signs vir hul huis koop. Daar is ook tweerigtingradio’s, groen ligte om op die voertuie se dakke te sit en soekligte by Be-Pro Secure (voorheen Roos-sekuriteit) beskikbaar. Kry jou aansluitingvorms by die kantoor van die Bulletin om by die buurtwag aan te sluit (net oorkant Pick ’n Pay in die hoofstraat). Die buurtwag se korrekte nommer is 079-253-0283.
Neem hierdie voorsorg BOASTING with their brand-new cricket equipment are from the left Randall Jazz, George Benjamin of the Kolomela Mine, Rusty Harmse and Mark Jina of the Progress Cricket Club in Postdene. Photo: Supplied
Cricket unites youth ANGLO AMERICAN KUMBA IRON ORE’S Kolomela Mine is proud to partner with the Progress Cricket Club which is situated in Postdene, Postmasburg. The Kolomela Mine donated full cricket equipment to the club to support their vision of striving towards the promotion and development of cricket in Postmasburg. This opportunity also helps to keep the teenagers off the streets and away from alcohol and drug abuse. The club’s mission is to give young people in the Postmasburg community a chance to develop their full potential and reach higher levels in the game of cricket.
The Progress Cricket Club was established in 2002 and is proud of their values: true sportsmanship; integrity and discipline. The club is the only club that plays in the Kalahari Sub-union League from a disadvantaged community. The club won the B league in 2006-’07 and the 2005-’06 six-a-side trophy. In 2006, the club was the bronze medal winner at the Manne Dipico Premier Games that were held in De Aar and it is currently involved in the sub-union A league with eight other teams. Anglo American’s approach to community development is based on understanding the needs of
the local communities. In 2013, Anglo American reported 340 015 beneficiaries of sport, arts, culture and heritage projects with a global spend estimated at R68 372 817 (R6 596 000) which was 5% of the annual budget. Rusty Harmse, the chairperson of the Progress Cricket Club, said they really appreciated the support and assistance from the Kolomela Mine. “This will help us grow as a club and will give us a big boost to make our vision a reality. “We are open to all age groups and new members are always welcome, since our aim is to develop the youth.”
NA onlangse aanvalle op tieners word inwoners van Kuruman en omgewing gemaan om paraat te wees en hulself te beskerm teen aanvalle. ) Moenie in die dorp rondloop met jou selfoon en beursie in jou hand nie – jy maak van jouself ’n teiken. ) Moenie op stil, donker plekke stop nie. ) Moet nooit regs langs iemand stilhou nie. Behou ’n veilige afstand van ander voertuie sodat jy kan optree indien jy aangeval word.
) Moet nooit jou ruit ooplos nie en maak seker jou motor se deure is gesluit. ) Maak seker jou motor gesluit as jy by winkels stop en voel aan alle deure om te verseker dat dit wél gesluit is. Booswigte wat jou motor se alarmknoppies deaktiveer is oral in die dorp bedrywig. ) Mense loop eenvoudig net oor die strate en is nie bewus van voertuie wat hulle kan raak ry nie. Sou jy iemand raak ry, moet jy dadelik na die polisie ry om dit aan te meld.
Hou die blink kant bo op Loslitdag DIE Loslitdag-veldtog vir 2014 is aan die gang en Mathys Roets het sy ondersteuning vir die projek getoon deur reeds sy Loslitplakker te kry. Loslitdag is Suid-Afrika se grootste geldinsameling- en bewusmakingprojek vir mense met gestremdhede. Dit is ’n dag waarop almal in die land die verskoning het om gemaklik, formeel of sommer net verspot werk toe aan te trek – solank hulle die amptelike Loslitdag-plakker dra. Roets is in 2009 na ’n motorfietsongeluk verlam gelaat. Ongeag hierdie terugslag, kyk hy vorentoe en leef hy steeds voluit. Volgens Celeste Vinassa, die Loslitdag-projekbestuurder, gaan alle Loslitdagskenkings aan organisasies wat dienste aan mense met gestremdhede lewer. “Ons is baie dankbaar vir die ondersteuning van bekendes soos Mathys wat ons help
om die projek te bemark.” Loslitdag het oor die jare heen ’n gunstelingdag op die Suid-Afrikaanse kalender geword. Sommige maatskappye gebruik Loslitdag as ’n geleentheid vir hul korporatiewe spanboudae, terwyl hulle ’n bydrae lewer tot een van die land se kwesbare sektore – mense met gestremdhede. Die Loslitdag-tema vir vanjaar is Bring out the Bling, oftewel Blink kant bo! – dit is die ideale kans om iets blink werk toe te dra. Vrydag 5 September is die groot dag vir blink aantrek. Vanjaar is Loslitdag se 20ste verjaardag en daarom kan mense ook sommer partytjie-uitrustings aantrek. Die projek behoort aan en word bestuur deur die Nasionale Raad vir Persone met Liggaamlike Gestremdheid in Suid-Afrika en word jaarliks deur die raad se Loslitdag-span georganiseer.
Station bids farewell to Koopman Ilse Watson A SMILE costs nothing but gives much. It reaches those who receive without making poorer those who give it. It takes a moment but the memory sometimes lasts a lifetime. The memory of Col Sampie Koopman will last a lifetime. With dignity, grace, integrity and humility he steered the Kuruman police for the past four years as their commander. Last Thursday several members of the Kuruman police and other cluster commanders paid tribute to Koopman during a farewell function. He has been transferred to Upington where he will be the station commander. “It is an honour to be here today and we don’t want you to leave but we know you must. We are losing a great man. We’ll let you go, but we know you will come back to Kuruman,” said John Valtyn, cluster chairperson. Koopman made remarkable changes and led by example. He showed colleagues the way forward. He believed in discipline and enforced it on police members. He expected only the best from his staff. Lt Col Cecilia Kgobe, cluster commander of Kathu, told guests that Koopman was a no-nonsense person. “His footprints will remain in Kuruman. Go, my brother; I know you will come back.” In his speech at the function Koopman mentioned that people should never forget their roots. “I am writing my life essay. I am
COL SAMPIE KOOPMAN and his wife, Nella. During his farewell speech he also thanked her for her support. Photos: Ilse Watson
proud to say that I know I made a difference here. Your rank is not important, who you are as a human being, is. You must set an example for your colleagues.” He also said that there was a perception amongst community members that the Kuruman police delivered a bad service.
GUESTS at the farewell function for Col Sampie Koopman, station commander of the Kuruman police, who has been transferred to Upington.
He asked current members of the police to change that perception in the community. “Action is the dignity of greatness. That should be your motto here. Without action, nothing will change. The Kuruman police is under-staffed and cannot cope with all the work in this area but if everyone does their part, they can make a difference. “I thank everyone who worked with me. I thank the station commanders and cluster commanders of Kathu and Postmasburg for their positive attitude and support. I am just a phone call away – call me any time for advice or help.”
Polisiehoë wat omgee KURUMAN se verlies is Upington se wins. Kol. Sampie Koopman, stasiebevelvoerder van die Kuruman-polisiekantoor, is op pad terug na sy wortels. Hierdie besonderse man is terugverplaas na Upington, waar hy grootgeword het, om daar die leisels as stasiebevelvoerder oor te neem. In die vier jaar dat hy hierdie pos in Kuruman beklee het, het hy ’n groot verskil gemaak. Koopman was nie altyd gewild onder polisielede in Kuruman nie, omdat hy in dissipline glo en streng is wat dit betref. Veiligheidskenners sal getuig dat wetstoepassing sonder dissipline gedoem is. Die polisie in ons land en streek veg reeds ’n baie moeilike stryd met misdaad wat plek-plek buite beheer is. Juis daarom is dissipline so belangrik. Koopman is ’n mens wat plat op die aarde is. Nooit sal hy die telefoon as “kolonel” beantwoord nie. Dit is altyd net “Koopman”, ’n duidelike aanduiding dat dit vir dié man nie gaan oor rang of belangrikheid nie, maar oor die gehalte van die mens. ’n Ander sterk punt van
Koopman is dat hy besef hoe noodsaaklik goeie kommunikasie in die stryd teen misdaad is. Hy het goeie verhoudinge met die Bulletin in Kuruman gehandhaaf en die koerant onder meer saamgeneem op daggaklopjagte, wat die koerant in staat gestel het om eerstehands oor die gebeure verslag te kon doen. Die media is ’n uiters belangrike vennoot in die misdaadstryd, en deur joernaliste insig te gee in die uitdagings waarmee die polisie te doen het kan beriggewing oor misdaad net verbeter word. Dit strek Koopman tot eer dat hy besorg is oor die beeld van die polisie en dat dit hom pla as die publiek onder die indruk verkeer dat die polisie se dienslewering swak is. Hy streef dan ook daarna om polisielede te motiveer om seker te maak dat hulle goeie diens lewer. Die Bulletin wil vandag hulde bring aan polisielede soos Koopman vir wie dit ’n saak van erns is om die gemeenskap te dien en seker te maak dat die stryd teen misdaad gewen word. Hy word alles van die beste in sy nuwe pos toegewens.
Ons lewe word deur branders glad gemaak IN Kalifornië is ’n strand wat as Pebble Beach bekend staan. Die branders slaan met soveel krag teen die strand dat die klippies gedurig teen mekaar en teen die rotse skuur en dit maak hulle glad, blink en mooi. ’n Medeleraar van die Birchleighgemeente, Hennie van Wyk, het dié storie gestuur. Toeriste kom van ver om na Pebble Beach se mooi, gladde klippies te kyk en dit as aandenkings saam te neem huis toe. Teleurstelling en teëspoed kan ook in ons lewe, in ons karakter en gedrag, ’n soortgelyke invloed hê. Die komponis Händel het eens wanhopig in Londen se strate rondgedwaal. Hy was bankrot en het verwerp deur almal gevoel. Een oggend keer hy terug na sy ysige kamer. Op die tafel lê ’n dik koevert, ’n libretto, ’n vokale musiekstuk wat Charles Jennens uit Bybelverse saamgestel het. Verwese, honger en koud blaai Händel lusteloos deur die lang werk. Die woorde voor hom laat hom regop sit. Dit is die Ou-Testamentiese voorspelling van die geboorte van Christus: Raadsman, sterke God, Vredevors. Opgewonde lees hy verder hoe Hy deur die mense verag en verwerp sou word. Die woorde dat
sy Verlosser leef en die Koning van konings is, word in sy siel ingebrand. Händel gryp ’n potlood en gaan sit voor die klavier. Twee weke lank werk hy feitlik ononderbroke en gee gestalte aan Die Messias. Ná twee weke nooi hy ’n vriend en met trane in sy oë vertel hy hoe die skepping van die Hallelujakoor hom laat voel het asof hy self in die hemel is en hy God voor hom sien. Die eerste uitvoering van Die Messias was in Dublin en die gehoor se reaksie was oorweldigend. So ook in Londen ’n paar weke later. Die Engelse koning het self die uitvoering bygewoon en meegevoer deur die Hallelujakoor het hy opgestaan en die gehoor het sy voorbeeld gevolg. Tot vandag toe oor die wêreld heen staan die gehore op as die Hallelujakoor gespeel en gesing word. Later was George Frederick Händel weer arm, blind en siek, maar sy omstandighede sou nooit weer sy gees knak nie. – Bron: ds. Manie Colyn, www.
Vriendskap soos in The Lion King. . . JACOLINE VAN ROOYEN het dié skattige foto vir Kalahari Bulletin se fotokompetisie ingeskryf. Vlakkie die vlakvark en Timone lê rustig en slaap in die middagsonnetjie op hul plaas Savannah tussen Kuruman en Daniëlskuil. Foto: Jacoline van Rooyen
Goeie pa’s waardeer als Benneli Olivier Van der Walt VADERSDAG. – ’n Dag waarop kinders van alle ouderdomme ’n geleentheid kry om vir hul pa dankie te sê vir die baie maniere waarop hulle ’n mens se lewe verryk. My pa is nog altyd en sal altyd ’n inspirasie vir my bly. Hy het verlede jaar ná 45 jaar in die Kruger- Nasionale Park afgetree. Tydens sy tyd in die park het hy verskeie kere toeriste en kollegas gehelp sonder om daaroor te kla. Weens sy werk kon ek saam met my gesin in ’n unieke en pragtige omgewing grootword met ondervindings wat min mense ooit sal beleef. Een van sy vele sêgoed, “vriendelikheid kos niks”, sal my altyd bybly en kom my goed te staan in my werk en alledaagse lewe. Met soveel onsekerheid, weet ek dat ek altyd op my pa kan staatmaak. Die meeste van sy grys hare is my skuld, maar hy is die mens wat nog altyd, deur dik
en dun, by my gestaan het. Hy het my toegelaat om my eie foute te maak en is daar om die stukke op te tel as dinge nie uitwerk nie. En natuurlik is hy die beste oupa vir wie ’n kleinseun kan vra. Gewoonlik begin Vadersdag met ontbyt in die bed (wat Ma help maak) en dan die geskenk. Ons is ’n kunstige huisgesin, en Seun het Vadersdag as die perfekte geleentheid gesien om sy talent in die vorm van prentjiegeskenke vir die pa’s te gebruik. Nou is die Vadersdag-bederf al ’n jare lange tradisie in ons familie. Ek en die gesin het juis mooi beplan om vanjaar tydens Vadersdag by my familie in Pretoria te gaan kuier. So kan ek sommer die spreekwoordelike “twee vlieë met een klap”-tegniek gebruik om die twee pa’s in my lewe te
bederf. Of om ten minste bystand-personeel vir my driejarige seun te wees wanneer hy vir Pappa en Oupa ontbyt maak. Ná ’n relatiewe vreesaanjaende kombuisondervinding het my seun plegtig die skinkborde (met ’n klein bietjie hulp) vroegoggend by die pa’s gaan aflewer. En natuurlik die tradisionele handgemaakte geskenk. Pappa kry ’n “das” gemaak van ’n koevert en Oupa kry ’n prentjie van ’n halfherkenbare perd. Tesame met die oorhandiging van die geskenke, kry albei natuurlik ’n vet soen. En saam met die vet soen, ’n lekker dosis kleuterskoolgriep. Dit is opsluit ook die seisoen vir “griep-geskenkies” wat die kinders vir hul ouers van die skool af bring. Maar dit is hoekom goeie pa’s van alle generasies ’n seën vir hul gesinne is. Hoewel hulle die volgende dag met loopneuse en waterige oë opgestaan het, het hulle net komplimente oor die vorige dag se “groot bederf” gehad.
Kiek ’n dier en wen Lizette Slabber
RUDY VAN TONDER het dié pragtige foto vir die dierefotokompetisie ingeskryf. Foto: Rudy van Tonder
DIE Kalahari Bulletin se fotokompetisie-tema vir Junie is Diere, so stuur nou jou foto’s van plaas- en wilde diere aan die koerant. Die sluitingsdatum vir die dierefotokompetisie is Donderdag 26 Junie. Die wenfoto gaan ’n lekker prys wen en die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry, gaan ’n geskenkpak van die Orange River Cellars wen. Elke maand wen die beste foto en die foto met die meeste likes op Facebook pryse, maar die eindelike wenner, wat uit die 12 maandwenners gekies word, word behoorlik bederf. Die wenfoto van die jaar wen ’n naweek vir vier mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges. Die prys sluit ontbyt daagliks, asook ’n Sondagmiddagete in. Die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook gekry het, wen ’n naweek vir twee mense met ontbyt daagliks by een van die NC Famous Lodges. Foto’s moet groter as 500 KB en 300 DPI wees en moet in jpeg-formaat aan die e-pos geheg wees. Stuur inskrywings na Verskaf ’n kontaknommer in die e-pos, asook inligting oor waar en deur wie die foto geneem is en waar die fotograaf woon. Slegs amateurfotograwe mag hulle voortaan inskryf. Geen korrespondent van die Volksbladgroep mag hulle voortaan inskryf nie. Daar is geen beperking op die getal inskrywings per persoon nie en foto’s van oor die land heen mag ingeskryf word, maar slegs inwoners van die Noord-Kaap mag hulle inskryf. Hou die Kalahari Bulletin dop vir die pryse wat maandeliks gewen kan word. ) Elke maand sal die inskrywings op en op die koerant se Facebook-blad geplaas word – so gaan na om na die foto’s te kyk.
HELENE VAN DEN BERG wys hoe sielvol ’n perd se oë kan wees.
Foto: Helene van den Berg
Jy kan nog foto kompetisie inskrywings op te kyk. Daar is nog foto’s op die Kalahari Bulletin Facebook-blad. Gesels saam op facebook.
ROY WALSH het dié stoute apies ingeskryf.
Foto: Roy Walsh
QUINTEN BROID het dié oulike oomblik vasgevang.
Foto: Quinten Broid
HEINRICH JOUBERT het dié besonderse foto van ’n olifant ingestuur. Foto: Heinrich Joubert
Oud, maar nog nie koud
VLV bespreek bejaardes se regte Petro Spangenberg DIE Kuruman-VLV het onlangs op ’n vergadering die Wet op Ouer Persone (Wet 13 van 2006) bespreek. Tydens die vergadering, gereël deur Retha-Jane Buys, het Ronel du Plessis, bestuurder van die Mimosahof-tehuis vir bejaardes in Kuruman, die lede oor hierdie belangrike wet toegespreek. Die doel van die Wet op Ouer Persone is: ) Om die welsyn en veiligheid van ouer mense te bevorder en in stand te hou. ) Om die regte van ouer mense te beskerm. ) Vestig ’n klemverskuiwing van inrigtingversorging na gemeenskapgegronde dienste – die doel is dat bejaardes solank as moontlik in die gemeenskap moet woon. ) Dit reguleer die registrasie, tot standkoming en bestuur van bejaardesorgdienste. ) Die vaslegging en nakoming van minimum norme en standaarde van geriewe sowel as die versorging van ouer mense.
) Die vaslegging van maatreëls vir die bekamping van die mishandeling van ouer mense. Die regte van ouer mense behels die volgende: ) Onafhanklikheid. ) Menswaardigheid. ) Respek. ) Deelname en selfvervulling. ) Veiligheid en sekuriteit. ) Sorg. Die fokus in bejaardesorg is: ) Die bejaarde moet solank as moontlik in sy eie woning bly. ) Geleenthede moet geskep word dat die bejaarde sy volle potensiaal kan ontwikkel. ) Die belangrike rol wat die familie en die gemeenskap speel vir beskerming en ondersteuning aan bejaardes. ) Aard en soort gemeenskapsdienste.
Ronel, eers van Bloemfontein, is net meer as ’n jaar gelede aangestel en sy sien toe dat die inwoners gereeld aan uitstappies deelneem. Sy het beklemtoon dat bejaardes wat nog vir hulself kan sorg aangemoedig moet word om solank as moontlik onafhanklikheid uit te oefen. Op dieselfde vergadering het Emmie Cloete gewys hoe sy kwiltwerk met die hand doen, asook hoe om steke op te sit vir breiwerk deur net een breinaald en jou hande te gebruik. Emmie is deel van die Vlytige Vingersgroep wat elke Dinsdag by Retha-Jane se huis bymekaarkom en die mooiste handwerk daar voltooi. Hulle wys graag vir almal wat wil leer hoe om te brei en te hekel. Menige jong vrou kan nou die mooiste artikels maak. Van die kompetisies wat vir die vergadering ingeskryf is, is ’n gebreide teemus, iets dekoratiefs wat uit ’n ou fietswiel gemaak is en ’n gedig aan iemand wat nie meer deel van jou lewe is nie.
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DIE land se senior burgers word uitgenooi om met bewese sang- en/of musiektalent deel te neem aan die tweede kompetisie wat deur die ATKV aangebied word. Die kategorieë waarin jy kan deelneem, is soos volg: ) Sing enige Afrikaanse liedjie met musiekinstrumentbegeleiding; ) Speel enige Afrikaanse treffer met enige musiekinstrumente; Vra jou kinders, kleinkinders, vriende, die kerk of die naaste Afrikaansmediumskool om jou te help om die liedjie en/of musiekinstrument op ’n CD te laai of dit in MP3-formaat aan die ATKV te
e-pos. Jy kan jou ook vir albei kategorieë inskryf. Jy kan ook meer as een liedjie en musiektreffer inskryf. Die beoordelaars sluit bekende, suksesvolle bejaarde Afrikaanse sangers en musikante soos Rouel Beukes, Lieb Bester, Mimi Coertse, Theo Erasmus, Sonja Heroldt, Lance James, Martin Lane, Trevor Nasser, Min Shaw, Gert van Tonder en Ollie Viljoen in.
Vir die inskryfvorm: ) Stuur ’n SMS na 082-9251488 of ’n e-pos na om ’n inskryfvorm te kry. Sluitingsdatum: 30 Augustus. Wenpryse: ) Die twee kategoriewenners wen Lapa-boeke en twee dae se verblyf by ’n ATKV-oord. Rig navrae aan Sakkie Kotze by 082-925-1488. ) Kyk die video van Anette Jonker, verlede jaar se wenner, by Sy is ’n haarkapper van Kroonstad en het die afdeling vir ’n Afrikaanse liedjie gewen.
Donate blood in Lime Acres provides an essential service within South Africa. It is rated amongst the best in the world in the provision of blood and blood products, as well as in relation to the research and training provided. The SANBS operates across South Africa, with the exclusion of the Western Cape. SANBS is regarded as a major role player in the provision of support to countries in the SADC region. Your blood saves lives.
BLOOD donations are taking place on 27 June at the Lime Acres Recreation Club. The venue is the main hall and blood can be donated from 15:00 to 18:00. For more information on where you can donate blood, visit the website of and click on fixed donor sites. The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is a non-profit organisation which
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Stress could cause your heartburn
THE McLaren International Circus.
Circus is in town Ilse Watson
THE McLaren International Circus is touring the Northern Cape. They would like to give away five double ringside tickets to five lucky winners. These tickets will be for the opening night tomorrow at 19:00. The circus will be on the Kuruman Showgrounds from 20 to 22 June. The show times are 15:00 and 19:00 daily. This is an all-new 2014 spectacular show and you cannot afford to miss it. The show includes: from Australia, Miss Nikita on her heart-stopping single trapeze; from the Chinese state circus, Miss To Yong with spectacular unicycle balancing; amazing acrobatics from Kenya and Zimbabwe by the Velocity Boys; from Cape Town, the lovely Miss Karen with her rope act; an impressive
five-man Chinese Poi act by China’s Troupe Fie Ling; the amazing juggling skills of Australia’s Jansen Grant; double silk act and human juggling by Chee and Chong; the death-defying wheel of death by Australia’s Jansen; fire and fire limbo acts, and many more. All of this will be presented in a beautiful 32 m x 32 m state-of-the-art bigtop circus tent. The costs are as follows: R80 (side raised), R100 (middle raised) and R120 (ringside). The McLaren Circus will present their biggest and strongest season ever. It is the largest circus in Africa and has the biggest variety of performing animals in South Africa. For bookings or further information, call their ticket office on 082-747-5726 or email them at For further enquiries call Duncan McLaren on 083-525-2403.
AN artist performing at the circus.
Rugbyseisoen: ’n Vrou se reeks reëls Elsona Steyn ONS is weer in die alles-word-opsygeskuif-want-dis-rugbykyk-tyd. Rugby is die sport wat ons hart laat klop, ons bloed laat bruis, ons ore laat suis. Ons offer ons Saterdae-middae vir dié genot op, ons hou ons gunstelinge met belangstelling dop. Skree jy vir die manne in die Blou Bul-span of is jy ’n Haai wat in die tenk rondhang? Is jy dalk ’n Griekwa-, ’n Leeu-, ’n WP- of ’n Cheetah-man? Maak nie saak vir wie jy skree nie, dit is belangrik dat jy jou beste gee. Ons hou van haak, skrum, drieë druk en pale toe aantree. Kook jou bloed ook as die skeidsregter met ’n geelkaart teen jou span kwaadstook? Wys dan maar jou blinkkant, man. Ons kan nie ’n vreeslike bohaai hieroor maak nie, want dit bly die skeidsregter se taak. Ten minste kan jy hom die skuld
gee as jou span nie goed presteer nie. My man het my laat belowe dat, terwyl daar ’n wedstryd aan die gang is, ek by die volgende huisreëls sal hou: ) As ek net ’n “mmm” hoor wanneer ek hom ’n vraag vra, beteken dit “gaan, my vrou, en geniet dit, moenie my kar stamp nie, moenie te vinnig ry nie en moet asseblief nie meer as R100 bestee nie. Sorg dat jy teen rustyd terug is met klam biltong (met ’n vetjie aan), 12 biere en genoeg hout vir vanaand se braai; ) Rustyd en tussen wedstryde is bedoel dat ’n man ’n draai gaan loop – moenie dan kom met onbenullige vrae soos “moet daar vlamme uit die kar se enjin kom?” of “weet jy dat daar water uit die plafon in ons kamer lek?” nie. Dié soort vrae word ná die wedstryd gevra en enige krisisse sal later in die week
uitgesorteer word; Moenie tussen wedstryde deur tussen die rugbykenner en die televisie verbybeweeg nie en los al die opruim vir ná die tyd. Die leë bierbottels, so ook die nartjieskille wat ongesiens op die mat by my voete beland het, pla jou, my vrou, meer as vir my; ) Daar word ook nie aan die televisie se klank gekarring nie – ’n man moet kan hóór as daar ’n drie gedruk word. As die skare raas, raas jy saam. Dit is ’n teken dat jy jou nie vir jou span skaam nie. Dit is dan dat jy op die Gerhard Viviersmanier saam drop, place en score – en dit alles in die gemak van jou eie woonkamer. Hy het my ook by voorbaat bedank vir my samewerking terwyl die rugbyseisoen aan die gang is, gesê hy hou van my nuwe haarstyl, dat ek pragtig lyk in daai blommetjies-rok en, nee, my ma kan nie nou kom kuier nie. Hy het ook belowe om my weer in Oktober raak te sien. Tot dan, is dit olé, olé, olé, olé.
A NATIONAL poll among pharmacists has revealed a steep rise in the number of South Africans complaining of heartburn and acid reflux of late. Currently more than 1,5 million South Africans suffer from this uncomfortable condition daily. Mariska van Aswegen, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics, says the worry about chronic acid reflux is that years of exposure to stomach acids can trigger changes in the lining of the oesophagus, a condition known as Barrett’s oesophagus, which may over time lead to cancer. “The most effective treatment for chronic heartburn are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) which limit the amount of acid the stomach produces, but less expensive over-the-counter (OTC) antacids are also available.” Apart from spicy or fatty food, patients often attribute the cause of their heartburn to “stress”. While it may be true that South Africa rates among the “most stressed” nations in the world, could the increasing demands and stress of modern life be the likely culprit behind the growing incidence of heartburn? Van Aswegen cites a study done some years back which involved 2 000 participants where both men and women reported a spike in acid reflux after a busy day at home or the office; when travelling for business or working extended hours. Heartburn severity also appears to be linked to major life events and other studies point out that exhaustion, in particular, is very closely associated with a worsening of acid reflux symptoms. She says poor diet and lifestyle choices such as smoking and a lack of exercise contribute to heartburn, but that stress has the added effect of making you feel the symptoms of acid reflux more intensely than you otherwise would. “The verdict is still out about whether or not stress actually increases the production of stomach acid, but we live in stressful times and heartburn is becoming incredibly common. Stress affects our overall gastrointestinal health, but some experts argue that patients who experience a lot of work or emotional stress may say
they suffer from more severe reflux symptoms, without necessarily having more acute reflux. “People who are stressed tend to be more sensitive to and have a greater awareness of physical symptoms that may not otherwise bother them if they weren’t as stressed. This is referred to as ‘hypervigilance’. “Experts suggest that stress could stimulate areas of the brain that may in turn make pain receptors in the oesophagus more active. So while acid levels may not rise that much more in people who are stressed, each drop of acid may just become that much more agonising. “People who are stressed can also have a drop in hormone-like substances, called prostaglandins, which can help coat the lining of the stomach and protect it from acid. Certain medications can actually block the production of prostaglandins, including anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. No matter which way you look at it, there is a strong connection between stress and heartburn. It doesn’t matter how the body and brain senses them, acid reflux symptoms are equally real,” she says. Van Aswegen shares a few stress-relief methods that may reduce the symptoms of heartburn: ) Do whatever calms you down – it can be as simple as listening to your favourite music. ) Take some time out of the office or any other stressful environment you may find yourself in. ) Do something that you really enjoy, whether it’s playing golf, pottering in the garden or any other hobby that you find relaxing. ) Exhaustion may exacerbate heartburn symptoms, so be sure to get enough sleep and try to sleep elevated. ) Get moving – exercise helps loosen up tense muscles or go for a massage. ) Learn to say no and prioritise people and activities. ) Talk to a therapist or good friend who can help alleviate stress and put things in perspective again. ) If you’re stressed, rather opt for healthier and less fatty food options. Stay away from spicy foods, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes and caffeine.
Look for stolen items LN FOUTIE, Kuruman: ON Monday, 9 June, the car of a lecturer of the Kuruman Campus (Dorothy Dorica Guvava) was broken into by forced entry through the door. This happened in Voortrekker Street, opposite Standard Bank. The following items were stolen from the car: ) Passport of Dorothy Dorica Guvava; ) HP laptop and changer; ) a black external hard drive; ) New venture creation text book; ) students’ assignments; and ) a black and grey bag. If anyone picks up the items, please return it to the Kuruman Campus at 9 Voortrekker Street (053-712-1691) or inform the police if you have any information. Assistance in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Kan hiér rustig kunstig raak KINDERS kan die komende vakansie kunstig raak by die Artistica-kuns-en-geskenkewinkel wat by Tshimo Gardens in Hendrik van Eckstraat geleë is. Die klasse begin op 30 Junie en eindig op 18 Julie. Daar word daagliks vier klasse, naamlik mosaïek, modge-podge, krale en armbande en die verf van potte en vase aangebied. Jy betaal slegs vir die projek van jou keuse. Enigiemand van drie jaar tot “oud genoeg” is welkom om aan hierdie klasse deel te neem en sodoende kan hulle vryheid aan hul kreatiwiteit gee. Vir meer inligting of besprekings kan Malinda Roux by 082-876-6802 gekontak word. Van links is Dihanda, Danica en Neil Roux. Die kunstige kinders is klaar besig om geskenke vir Ouma en Oupa te maak. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Geniet vrye gees op die Vryfees
Find your way to the top with the Shoprite Group of Companies in these Management Positions!
DIE jaarlikse Vryfees, aangebied deur Volksblad, moederkoerant van die Kalahari Bulletin, en die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV), word van 15 tot 20 Julie in Bloemfontein aangebied. Die Vryfees word op die Kovsiekampus gehou. Kaartjieverkope het reeds op 9 Mei by Computicket geopen. Die feesprogram kan by die onderskeie kantore van die Kalahari Bulletin (Kathu, Upington en Kuruman) gekoop word en kos R10. Die Vryfees bied ’n groot verskeidenheid aan besoekers, van musiek soos kabaret, klassiek en jazz tot musiekteater. Daar is ook toneelspel soos drama en komedie. Daar is selfs ’n kinderteater en die Spontaan-eindronde vind ook op dié fees plaas. ’n Boekefees met boekbesprekings deur kundiges is ’n spesiale bederf.
✓ ✓
The Shoprite Group currently offers these leadership positions throughout the Free State, Northern Cape and North West provinces, to suitably qualified and experienced individuals, eager to grow with Africa’s leading supermarket retailer – because at Shoprite, opportunities end in long-term careers!
Branch Managers
With a Grade 12 or equivalent, at least 2 years’ experience in retail management as a branch manager (essential) and the ability to manage people and processes, as well as fluency in English, you will take full responsibility for all aspects of the branch. Knowledge of Afrikaans, Sesotho or Setswana will be advantageous.
Assistant Managers
(Sales & Admin) Successful candidates must be willing to work night shifts, on weekends and public holidays, as well as be willing to relocate. In return for your contribution, the company offers market-related remuneration packages, a stable work environment and the opportunity for continuous career development. To apply, send your CV, a covering letter and a certified copy of your ID, as well the name of the publication in which you saw this advert, in strictest confidence, via email to or fax 051 410 7704/5 or 057 391 4558. Please ensure that the specific position you are applying for is clearly indicated. Closing date: 4 July 2014 If you have not received a response within four weeks of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. We promote and apply the principles of Employment Equity and reserve the right not to make an appointment.
You will need a Grade 12 or equivalent and at least 2 years’ experience as an assistant manager in a retail or services environment. You will have excellent problem solving skills with strong customer focus and staff orientation. A keen interest in retail management and fluency in English will be essential. Knowledge of Afrikaans, Sesotho or Setswana will be advantageous.
Trainee Managers
This “earn while you learn“ opportunity will open the door for you to grow in a leadership role and enhance your passion for all things retail. You will need a Senior Certificate or Retail Management Diploma. A relevant tertiary qualification in Business Management will be an added advantage.
DIE Bulletin se weeklikse rubriek vir boekwurms, Op die boekrak, stel aan lesers nuwe boeke bekend.
Van tyd tot tyd sal kompetisies aangebied word waartydens lesers ’n boek kan wen. Is jy ’n boekwurm? Wat lees jy graag en wat sal jy vir die lesers kan aanbeveel? Stuur e-pos aan
Win Max’s latest book on politics IN A Rumour of Spring, Max du Preez investigates the progress and lack of progress in the country. He looks at the legacies of Mandela and Mbeki in an attempt to understand how we got here. He also examines Jacob Zuma’s presidency. In the context of blatant corruption and tragedies such as the Marikana massacre, the book considers the current state of affairs. Kalahari Bulletin has a copy of this book to give away. SMS your name and surname and the word “spring” to 072-5957000. Entries close on 24 June. The winner will be announced on 26 June.
MARITA VAN DER VYVER deel in hierdie koffietafelboek die eerste keer die resepte wat haar gesin en haar vriende kuier-kuier onder die plataanboom in hul tuin geniet. Dis nie net lente- en somerkos nie, maar ook Mediterreense en Provensaalse kos wat lekker smaak onder ’n jakaranda of kiepersol. Somerkos in Provence is ’n heerlike reis om te lees hoe Marita van haar gunstelinge maak. Somerkos in Provence is ’n mengsel van verbeelding en gesonde verstand, lekkerbekkigheid en praktiese oorwegings en sal die minder en meer ervare kok begeester en besiel.
DIE Kalahari Bulletin het ’n kopie van hierdie ongelooflike boek om weg te gee. Die kompetisie sluit op 24 Junie en die wenner sal in die uitgawe van 26 Junie aangekondig word. Stuur ’n SMS na 072-5957000 met jou naam en van en die slagwoord “kos” na die Bulletin.
Studie van die gesig
Poetry collection first in years THE book, Kaar, by Marlene van Niekerk is the first poetry collection in 30 years by an outstanding South African author. The poems in this collection are varied. The themes range from nature to the
Kos vir die siel
personal, from seriousness to playfulness and light-hearted satire. This book is a wealthy and wonderful collection. In 2014 it won both the Hertzog and University of Johannesburg prize for poetry.
WAT is die X-faktor wat jou dadelik van sekere mense laat hou, terwyl jy weer met die eerste oogopslag wéét dat jy glad nie met ander individue oor die weg gaan kom nie? Legkaart van jou gesig bied ’n inleiding tot fisionomie (studie van die gesig) aan wat die teorie agter elke gelaatstrek verduidelik en bevat praktiese wenke oor hoe om jou ware self weer te ontdek, effektiewe kommunikasie te bevorder en hoe om verhoudinge te versterk. Die boek is ’n praktiese gids wat in jou persoonlike lewe sowel as werkplek gebruik kan word. Ontdek die geheime boodskap wat
LEGKAART van jou gesig deur Marthie Maré. skuil agter ’n skalkse glimlag of ’n kwaai fronsplooi.
Marita se bundels is nie-fiksie – of nie DIE Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer Marita van der Vyver sê die volgende oor haar boek ’n Fontein voor ons deur: “Groot was my vreugde toe my uitgewer my die dag laat weet dat die voorloper van hierdie boek, Die hart van ons huis, tweede op die Suid-Afrikaanse topverkoperlys vir boeke in alle tale is. “Net onder (heelwat onder, moet ek in alle beskeidenheid byvoeg) die internasionale treffer The Da ’n Fontein voor ons deur is een van Vinci Code. die beste bundels wat die afgelope “Maar terwyl jaar verskyn het. ek nog wik en weeg of dit ’n geldige verskoning is om ’n bottel regte-egte Franse sjampanje oop te maak, sien ek dat dit die topverkoperlys vir fiksie is. “En Die hart van ons huis – soos ’n Fontein voor ons deur – is nie-fiksie. Of is dit? “Ek weet regtig nie op watter rak ’n Fontein voor ons deur hoort nie. “As ek gedwing word om dit in een (erg onwetenskaplike) frase op te som sal ek sê dis nog ’n lighartige relaas oor my onidilliese lewe in ’n idilliese landskap, ’n verdere poging om die Provensaalse legende van laventel en pastis te ondergrawe, ’n trekstorie met vele Franse kinkels. “Anders gestel, liewe leser, Griet het lankal nie meer tyd om sprokies te skryf nie. “Die ‘regte’ lewe het ’n veeleisende, uitputtende, immer verrassende, nimmer vervelige sage geword. “Besluit maar self op watter rak jy daarvoor gaan soek!”
Spacious 2-BEDROOM flat to let. Electric gate, with private garden. Parking area under roof for 1 vehicle. Rent R5 500 p.m. Phone Annetjie 053 712 3179 o.h or 071 554 8626.
ALLE ADVERTEERDERS Die gebruik van die letter
"A", leestekens soos "!"
A bachelor flat, semi-furnished. Parking area, under roof for vehicle. Rent R3 000 per month. Please contact Annetjie at the office at 053 712 3179, or on her cell number 071 554 8626.
of "*" of die gebruik van syfers met die doel om die advertensie na die bopunt van die klassifikasie-lys te skuif, is streng verbode.
KANTORE TE HUUR: PROKMED SENTRUM, KURUMAN. Midde dorp. Parkering. Skakel Ansa 079 548 5000 of Phillip 083 287 7377.
TE KOOP 3201
DRAAIBANK (1 METER): Center To Center, splinternuut, te koop, met 'n 3- en 4-jaw chuck plus baie ekstras, R35 000. Skakel Johan 072 543 3346.
ELEKTRIESE HEININGS: Beveilig u eiendom. Vir professionele, geakkrediteerde installasies. Skakel Francois 072 156 4035. ELEKTRIESE WERK EN INSTANDHOUDING. Skakel ons gerus, ook vir nuwe installasies, Kuruman. Strydom Elektries: 083 310 0272. HEKMOTORS EN GARAGEDEURE: Motorhestel en installasies. Skakel Okker 082 829 0292.
Baie ruim en netjiese huis te huur/te koop in Kuruman, naby watertoring. 4 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 3 motorhuise, ruim kombuis met aparte opwas, sitkamer, eetkamers, woonkamer, kantoor, huishulpkwartiere, swembad. Goeie sekuriteit. Skakel Neels 082 786 1581.
3-BEDR, 2 BATHROOM-house to let in Mothibistad. Phone 082 784 0458. 3-SLAAPKAMER-HUIS beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie, met koopkrag, R8 000 p.m. Plus dep. Skakel 078 477 7392.
KN Galeboe
V-TEC TRAILERS, KURUMAN: Verkoop van nuwe sleepwaens en onderdele. Herstel ook sleepwaens. Skakel Louwrens 083 310 0272.
In die boedel van wyle Kebitsamang Nellie Galeboe, identiteitsnommer 340903 0284 087, in lewe van Huis no. 78E, Dithakong, distrik Kuruman. Boedelnommer: 1326/2013 Skuldeisers en skuldenaars in bogemelde boedel word versoek om hul vorderings in te lewer en hul skulde te betaal by die kantore van ondergenoemde binne 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 20 Junie 2014. DUVENHAGE & VAN DER MERWE Posbus 63 Kuruman 8460
The future is diverse. The future is yours. Diversity of gender, skill, thought, experience, ethnicity, style and language are all important elements of our people strategy and are key drivers for our success.
BHP Billiton Manganese is a distinctive business with a leading presence in the global manganese market. Our operations span 2 continents and offer an excellent platform for those seeking to fast track their career. Join our dynamic business and contribute to our growth. Hotazel Manganese Mines (HMM), is based in the Kalahari. We mine one of the largest manganese resources in the world, yet we offer a unique lifestyle choice with a family-friendly, secure environment and value our employees as our greatest asset. Hotazel, Northern Cape Wessels Mine
Mechanical Engineer Ref: 768378
Here’s the perfect change to utilise your skills, knowledge and extensive working experience in the production, projects and maintenance environment. More specifically, your duties will include providing technical expertise and consultative support in respective discipline of Mechanical Engineering for projects, maintenance and operational areas by implementation of standardised systems, processes and governance (among many other exciting duties). This exceptional opportunity requires a visionary with a degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent and 5-10 years’ experience in a mining/engineering or similar environment, with a strong focus on operations and engineering work, as well as a valid South African driver’s licence. A postgraduate degree/ diploma in Management and/or Engineering, a Government Certificate of Competency and ECSA Registration as a professional Engineer would be advantageous. An action orientation, accountability and sound judgement are essential.
Engineering Specialist: Control & Instrumentation Ref: 768368
We need you to provide technical guidance, designs, standards, specifications and strategies for all SCADA and instrumentation assets. This means you’ll be involved with HSEQ, quality assurance, financial control and equipment strategy functions, as well as reliability engineering, SCADA and instrumentation and projects. If you have a diploma in Electrical/Instrumentation Engineering, at least 10 years’ experience in the instrumentation and SCADA control field and a valid Code 08/EB driver’s licence, you are invited to apply. You must pass the preemployment medical examination. Some 5 years in the mining environment, a relevant trade certificate and electrical experience and knowledge will be advantageous, as will a BSc degree, and Pr Instrumentation and Control Engineering.
Engineering Specialist: Electrical
The future is diverse. The future is yours.
Ref: 768367
Diversity of gender, skill, thought, experience, ethnicity, style and language are all important elements of our people strategy and are key drivers for our success.
BHP Billiton Manganese is a distinctive business with a leading presence in the global manganese market. Our operations span 2 continents and offer an excellent platform for those seeking to fast track their career. Join our dynamic business and contribute to our growth. Hotazel Manganese Mines (HMM), is based in the Kalahari. We mine one of the largest manganese resources in the world. We offer a unique lifestyle choice with a family-friendly, secure environment and value our employees as our greatest asset. Hotazel, Northern Cape Wessels Mine
Operators • Locomotive Driver • Weigh Bridge • Loader • Hauler • Belt Attendants • Beltsman Ref: 768386 Ensuring compliance with the BHP Billiton commitment to Zero Harm, you will play a key role in your discipline at Wessels Mine to contribute to the production of quality manganese ore at the lowest possible cost to accumulate to the wealth of HMM and its stakeholders. Compliance with all applicable protocols and procedures is essential. To apply, you will need a Grade 12 plus a valid relevant Operating Licence/ certificate applicable to mobile equipment and 1-3 years’ experience in the position applied for in an underground mining environment. In addition, you will need a valid Code 08/EB driver’s licence and you must pass the pre-employment medical examination. Action-orientated team players who can build and maintain relationships well (and therefore have good verbal communication skills), and are focused on quality, will be best suited. Please forward your CV (max 3 pages) to or hand in at the HR Office at Wessels Mine.
In this role, you will provide technical guidance, designs, standards, specifications and strategies for all electrical and instrumentation assets. Focuses include HSEQ, quality, financial control and equipment strategy, as well as reliability engineering, electrical engineering and projects. Apply today with your diploma Electrical Engineering, minimum 10 years’ experience in the electrical field and valid Code 08/EB driver’s licence. You must pass the pre-employment medical examination. At least 5 years’ experience in the mining environment, a relevant trade certificate and C&I experience and knowledge are advantageous, so too a BSc degree and Pr Electrical Engineer.
Underground Miner
Ref: 768379
In the Production Department, you will lead teams to ensure safe underground mining operations to achieve daily targets. You will play a key role in taking charge of the underground blasting operations and will ensure the delivery of a quality product. You will be accountable and take legal responsibility for all health, safety and environmental matters. To apply, you will need a minimum Grade 12, an Underground Blasting Certificate for Metalliferous Mines and 3 years’ miner experience in a hard rock mining environment (trackless mining). Experience in MS Office and SAP will be an advantage. You must have a valid Code 08/EB driver’s licence and must pass the rep-employment medical examination. The ability to manage and supervise a diverse workforce, good communication skills, stress tolerance and team orientation, as well as safety focus, are essential for success.
Millwright Ref: 788447
You will be involved in the execution of all electrical and mechanical maintenance-related work on the fixed plants underground, and will be expected to assist with lockout and isolation activities, as well attend to breakdowns. Focuses include maintenance planning, plant inspections and stock control, monitoring of tools and equipment, as well as installations and lifting. Winder-specific duties are also included. You will need a valid Trade Certificate, 3-5 years’ work experience (preferably in an underground mining environment) and a valid Code 08/EB driver’s licence. You must pass the pre-employment medical examination. Computer literacy (Microsoft Office and SAP) will be advantageous. Technical knowledge, planning and organising skills and a detail orientation are important.
Applications close 27 June 2014.
Please forward your CV (max 3 pages) to Applications close 27 June 2014.
BHP Billiton has an overriding commitment to safety and environmental responsibility.
BHP Billiton has an overriding commitment to safety and environmental responsibility.
Human Communications 110094
Human Communications 110095
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LEARNERS of the Wrenchville High School during their silent protest against rape.
Photo: Supplied
Learners fight Chess helps kids against rape
THE MFL chess programme develops learning skills, concentration, comprehension and reasoning in learners. Photos: Supplied
Kelvin Kemm CHILDREN in schools in the Hotazel and Kuruman regions have been playing the game of chess for some time now as part of their maths and science training. The programme is run from Pretoria by the Moves For Life (MFL) organisation. This has been made possible by a sponsorship from the BHP Billiton Maganese Division. MFL area manager, Petra Flemming, reports that the teachers and the learners are now so enthusiastic about chess that they don’t want to go home after the chess lessons. Teachers report a remarkable difference in the children attending chess classes. At the Sedibeng Primary School there are 445 learners now attending chess classes. A teacher at the Sebideng Primary School reports that school discipline has improved remarkably since chess was introduced.
THE Rearata School’s gr. 2 “Rainbow” class enjoy playing chess in the classroom.
LEARNERS of the Galaetsang High School participated in the Minquiz. From the left are Sampi Oarabile, Tekolo Goitsemodimo, Monnanyana Thabiso and Jacob Joseph (HOD of mathematics and physical sciences).
School wins quiz Ilse Watson ON 15 May, gr. 12 pupils of the Galaetsang High School in Mothibistad participated in the Minquiz conducted by Mintek, specialists in mineral and metallurgical technology. From the 12 schools in the province which participated, the Galaetsang High School was the winner and received R1 400. The national competition will take place in August in Midrand. The competition conveys the importance of mathematics and physical sciences at schools especially at high school level.
Part of the chess protocol is good manners and respect. All players are required to shake hands before and after every game and to thank opponents. Moremi says that the programme develops learning skills and that concentration, comprehension and reasoning are clearly improving amongst the learners. This is great news for MFL because that is part of their objective. Learner attitude to work is a major factor in school performance. A teacher of the Maipeing Primary School has also reported a visible improvement in learner attitude. She tells the story of a 13-year-old learner, Ontlametse Mosetlhatsela from Kanana Village, who learned to play under the MFL system and is now so keen that he now helps teach the younger children. MFL provided Mosetlhatsela with a thrilling opportunity by sending him to Kimberley to play in a tournament there. It was the first time he travelled that far. A teacher of Nweng Primary School relates that certain children who were uncooperative in class before are now cooperating and achieving success with new-found self-confidence. He says that learners enjoy doing maths on the demonstration chess board. This is excellent news because part of the chess programme teaches the children to imagine the layout of graphs and geometry. Familiarity with the layout of a chess board makes a transition to maths graphs so much easier. The MFL programme now has over 45 000 children in its chess classes across the country. The success in implementation is very much dependent on the enthusiasm of the MFL area managers and in particular the teachers at the schools ) Dr Kelvin Kemm is a Moves For Life (MFL) trustee in Pretoria.
ON 3 June learners of the Wrenchville High School participated in a silent protest called Standing together against rape. This protest was held on the N14 road in Kuruman. The protest lasted more than an hour and it was aimed at showing solidarity with rape survivors who are silenced by sexual violence. The tape over their mouths was worn to symbolise all rape survivors whose voices are silenced by rape. This silent protest is part of their Youth Citizen Action Programme (YCAP) which is powered by NPO Empowervate in partnership with Deutsche Bank Africa Foundation and the Department of Basic Education. It challenges gr. 10 learners to become active citizens and demonstrate what it means to be empowered by identifying social and environmental issues within their school communities and find ways to address them. The Wrenchville High School learners
launched a campaign called S.T.A.R. (Standing Together Against Rape) as their active citizen campaign for 2014. The focus of the campaign is to create awareness about statutory rape and encourage people of all ages to start talking openly and freely about rape in South Africa. Their silent protest also took place to commemorate National Child Protection Week which was held in the week of 1 to 7 June. ) Do you have a story to tell about rape or suicide attempts? Please contact or phone 079-831-5579.
TLALENG KETUMILE (left), a learner of the Wrenchville High School, together with Tsepo Kgatlhane, a teacher of the Wrenchville High School who is also doing community work amongst youngsters. Photo: Ilse Watson
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DUIWE word losgelaat om die lang wedvlug aan te pak.
Wedvlugte begin
Verower medalje met handfiets BAREND COETZEE van die Kumba-fietsryklub het onlangs die moordende Kremetart-wedren met sy handfiets afgelê. Coetzee is eerste oor die wenstreep nadat hy die 170 km-resies in ’n tyd van 9 uur 20 minute voltooi het. Foto: Verskaf
DIE medalje wat Barend Coetzee in die Kremetart-wedren verower het. Foto: Verskaf
Ilse Watson DIE Kuruman-posduifklub is ’n bevoorregte klub met ’n ledetal van 33. Die wedvlugseisoen het op 7 Junie begin (van Hopetown) en die laaste wedvlug sal op 4 Oktober van Bellville af plaasvind.
Die uitslae van 7 Junie is soos volg: Jaar oud duiwe: Eerste – Carla en Jaco Salim; Tweede – Aucamp-hokke (Frikkie Aucamp); Derde – Pro Pigeon Lofts (Simon Bylsma); Vierde – MC Turbo
(Kobus van den Heever); Vyfde – Willem Burger Ope duiwe: Eerste – MC Turbo; Tweede – GA Coetsee; Derde – Coenie Smit; Vierde – Carla en Jaco Salim; Vyfde – Journey’s End (Hennie Cloete).
Spelers rooi geverf
Wen liga met sege oor Kathu DIE o.11-rugbyspan van die Laerskool Seodin het die Van Druten-liga gewen. Die span het sy eweknie van die Laerskool Kathu op 7 Junie met 12-7 geklop. Foto: Verskaf
DIE Topgunz-verfbalspelers het onlangs weer die spreekwoordelike “koeëls laat spat” tydens ’n aksiebelaaide dag van taktiese spel. Die verfbalspelers het mekaar behoorlik laat les opsê. As jy by die verfbalgroep wil aansluit, bel Bianca Pretorius by 073-837-8999.
SPELERS wat aan die onlangse Topgunz-verfbaldag deelgeneem het, is van links, voor: Adriaan du Plessis en Craig Combrink; agter: Christiaan du Toit, Leon Pretorius, Jaco Carstens en Zane Preller. Foto: Verskaf
HET jou skool of klub ’n uitnemende sportafrigter? Kalahari Bulletin wil graag met dié afrigters gesels. Skryf aan of bel haar by 079-831-5579 om ’n afspraak te reël.