Upington T/F: 054 332 2295 Schröderstr 11B
Verspreidingsgebied: Kathu, Kuruman, Daniëlskuil, Lime Acres, Olifantshoek, Postmasburg, Upington, Keimoes, Kakamas en Groblershoop
Rosyntjies in ’n japtrap NET sewe dae van druiwe tot rosyntjies. Die druiwe van Wollie Burger van Grootdrink het in ’n japtrap rosyntjies geword in die afgelope paar weke se warm weer. Terwyl Upingtonners swaar gekry het in die hitte (wat dikwels by 40° C gedraai het), het die rosyntjieboere van oor tot oor geglimlag. Foto: Wollie Burger
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enige tyd, vanaf enige plek.
20m 15m 10m
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Bak droog
DIE Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) in Paballelo het die afgelope paar weke heelwat suksesse behaal. Op 16 November 2012 is ’n 43-jarige vrou, Ellen Lillian Nthe, van King-straat 50 in Paballelo in die straat waar sy gewoon het, doodgesteek. Abraham September (49) het haar met ’n mes in haar heup gesteek waarna sy dood is. September is op 4 Februarie aan moord skuldig bevind en die hooggeregshof het hom
DRUIWE word op die droogbane gegooi om deur die son in rosyntjies omgeskep te word. Jaarliks word ongeveer 55 000 ton rosyntjies in Suid-Afrika gemaak waarvan die oorgrote meerderheid hier langs die Oranje-rivier gedroog word.
lewenslank tronk toe gestuur. Volgens die stasiebevelvoerder, luitenant-kolonel Ronel Visagie, is die vonnisoplegging grootliks te danke aan die skitterende werk van sers. Barry Keyser. Sy het gesê hulle straal van blydskap en wil vir Keyser met die ondersoekwerk gelukwens. ) Tussen 4 Februarie en 7 Februarie het lede van die Paballelo-polisie op dagga met ’n gesamentlike straatwaarde van R170 beslag gelê .
Foto: Wollie Burger
OP die Laerskool Frank Biggs se kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms het 45 leerlinge gekwalifiseer om aan die Khara Haissone-atletiekbyeenkoms deel te neem. Die nuwe skoolhoof, Wally Cloete, wil graag sport by die skool ontwikkel en nooi sake-ondernemings in en om Louisvale om met sportontwikkeling te help. Enigeen wat belangstel, kan Cloete by 054-335-1003 bel. Foto: Verskaf
DIE kabouters van die Kabouterland-kleuterskool het op Vrydag 1 Februarie Valentynsdag-kaartjies aan besighede in die dorp uitgedeel. Hier besoek klein Rati Matebese (voor) die personeel van die Kalahari Bulletin om aan elkeen ’n kaartjie en suigstokkie te gee. Van links is Gertie du Toit, Retha-Marie Hall, Anna Strauss en Phidelia Abrahams. Foto: Lizette Slabber
Gehoorpraktyk in Kathu en Upington! Andra Bester Oudioloog (B Log Pret)
Skakel vir ‘n afspraak: KATHU • Tel. 053 723 2279 Kamer 3, Mediclinic Kathu UPINGTON • Tel. 054 332 2554 Medpro Arcade, Scottstraat 59 X1PQWRWH-KA190215
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Physical address: Shop 7 B, Isinda Building, Rietbok Street, Kathu 8446 (Next to Build-it, next to Voltex)
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Lianie May 28 Februarie 2015, 19:00 Hoërskool Kathu Kaartjies nou beskikbaar by Dental Joy teen R100 per persoon.
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Paving specialists X1PR8WFM-KA190215
Pekanneute voorwaar ’n wondergewas Lizette Slabber “TOE ons nog almal oor pekanneute dom was, het ek baie swaar lesse geleer,” sê Johan Coetzee, die streeksverteenwoordiger van die SuidAfrikaanse Pekanneut Produsente Assosiasie (sappa). “Daarna het ek besluit ek sal enigiemand wat by my kom raad en hulp vra, help om die regte besluite te neem wanneer hulle met pekanneute wil begin boer.” Johan is baie passievol oor dié gewas wat hy al 24 jaar gelede vir die eerste keer aangeplant het. “Pekanneute is ideaal vir die Oranjerivier, maar tog is daar nog hopeloos te min boere wat met dié bome hier boer. “Te min boere sien die ongelooflike potensiaal van pekanneute raak.” As lid van sappa wil hy graag die pekanneutbedryf vanaf Boegoeberg tot by Keimoes uitbrei. Volgens Johan het hy bykans tien jaar gelede aan ’n alternatief vir wisselbou begin dink. “Op ons kleiner landbou-eenhede is
JOHAN COETZEE by ’n pekanneutboom wat nou ongeveer drie jaar oud is. Die bome is tussen wingerde geplant wat nog vir so vier tot vyf jaar geoes sal word. Wanneer die bome genoeg neute produseer, sal die wingerde uitgehaal word. Foto: Lizette Slabber die opbrengste en die pryse van wisselbou gepaardgaande met die verhoogde insetkoste net nie meer lonend nie. Daarom het ek na alternatiewe begin kyk.” Teen daardie tyd het hy al pekanneutbome gehad wat ongeveer 12 jaar oud
was en hulle het baie goed gedoen. Dit het by hom die saadjie geplant dat pekanneute dalk ’n goeie alternatief kan wees. En dit was. In daardie tyd was die meeste pekanneutplase in Natal, waar hulle gelukkig is om 600 kg per hektaar af te haal.
In dieselfde tyd is baie pekanneutbome in sentraal-Suid-Afrika aangeplant. Dit het gou gewys dat die Oranjerivier-gebied beter is. “In die Westelike dele haal hulle tussen twee en drie ton per hektaar af, maar hier haal ons drie tot vier
ton per hektaar af.” Dan lag Johan en sê tong in die kies: “Ons het ná jare se ondersoeke nou vyf kultivars geïdentifiseer wat baie goed hier aard. Hoor vir my . . . ons gaan binnekort tot agt ton per hektaar afhaal.” Die gemiddelde prys wat pekanneutboere vir hul produk kry, is ongeveer R52 per kilogram. Oorgrote neute word vir meer as R60 per kilogram aangekoop. Volgens Johan is daar geen nadeel aan die plant van pekanneute verbonde nie. “Die bome hou van ons warm weer. Die streek het ook genoeg koue eenhede vir die bome. Hulle kan ryp verdra. Hulle groei baie goed in dié streek se alluviale grond. Die reën wat ons in Februarie/ Maart kry, pla hulle nie. Tydens bestuiwing in Oktober reën dit bykans nooit hier nie wat baie goed vir bestuiwing is.” Die lys is bykans eindeloos. Selfs die peste en plae wat ’n wingerd so affekteer, is baie minder. “In Natal en die Laeveld sukkel hulle baie met swamme
soos skurfsiekte, maar hier is swaminfeksies baie laag weens die hitte.” Die enigste probleem wat pekanneutbome ervaar, is dat hul wortels sukkel om spoorelemente uit die grond op te neem. ’n Eenvoudige spuitprogram los dié probleem makilk op. Die lys van voordele hou egter volgens Johan nie eens hier op nie. Die insetkoste, oeskoste en vestigingskoste van pekanneute is heelwat laer as wingerde. “Om tans een hektaar wingerd te vestig, kos ongeveer R150 000 terwyl een hektaar pekanneute slegs R22 000 kos.”
Daarby is oeskoste heelwat laer, want die bome word tydens oestyd met ’n spesiale werktuig wat agter ’n trekker gehaak word, geskud en dan val die neute grond toe. Volgens Johan is die insetkoste slegs sowat 10% van jou omset. Die enigste nadeel van pekanneute is dat dit tot sewe jaar duur voordat ’n boom genoeg neute produseer. Volgens Johan is die oplossing hiervoor baie eenvoudig. “Ons haal in ’n ou wingerd elke paar rye ’n ry wingerdstokke uit en plant ’n ry pekanneutbome. Dan oes jy steeds die druiwe terwyl die bo-
me groei of ons plant lusern tussen die bome en so maak jy nog steeds geld terwyl jy wag dat jou bome in produksie kom.” Tans word meer as 90% van Suid-Afrika se pekanneute na China uitgevoer. Suid-Afrika is ook die tweede grootse verskaffer van pekanneute naas Amerika veral omdat Amerika die meeste van hul neute self verbuik. “My grootste wens as sappa-verteenwoordiger is om pekanneute aan dié wêreld bekend te stel. Ek wil hê plaaslike boere moet besef watter wonderlike alternatief dit is voordat dit dalk te laat is.”
Sunday 8 February 2015 – Pastor Hennie van der Merwe preaching X1PPD1UP-KA190215
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Uit ’n chaos kom orde DIE staatsrede van 2015 is gelewer en nou sal die debat daaroor volg. Staatsredes is gewoonlik klinies en steriel. Dit vorm deel van ’n groot staatsmasjien X met staatsredes, begrotings en midtermyn-begrotings wat eintlik almal soos handskoene in mekaar pas. Daarom is die verrassings min, hoewel daar altyd ’n groot ophef daarvan gemaak word. Die staatsrede van 2015 sal egter in die anale van die geskiedenis aangeteken word as ’n swart of rooi dag waarin alle lede van die EFF uit die parlement gegooi is. Hulle het nie gehoor gegee aan die speaker se versoek dat geen vrae toegelaat sal word nie. Kort daarna verlaat die amptelike opposisie ook die parlement omdat die voorsitter nie kon of wou antwoord of die wagte wat die EFF-lede verwyder het parlementêre wagte of polisielede was nie. Zuma het sy staatsrede gelewer sonder dat die opposisie in die parlement teenwoordig was. Hoe hulle tot die debat gaan toetree, sal die tyd leer. Die hoofpunte gaan sekerlik nie in die president se toespraak voorkom nie, maar eerder handel oor die chaos wat daaroor losgebars het. Ná die staatsrede is die algeme-
ne gevoel op straat dat die parlement as instelling nog nooit in soveel chaos gedompel was soos nou nie. Tog is daar ’n lig in die tonnel en daardie lig se naam is verantwoordbaarheid. Die ANC het vir baie lank daarmee weggekom om instellings, gebruike en reëls te gebruik om mee toe te smeer. Die DA het weer lank probeer om hierdie selfde instellings, gebruike en reëls te gebruik om alles wat die ANC probeer toesmeer, te ontbloot. Dít is die demokrasie in werking. Die EFF het egter ’n vars benadering. Hulle word nie geïntimideer deur die formaliteit en saaklikheid van die reëls nie en spreek die speaker uitdagend aan as hulle nie met die toepassing van die reëls saamstem nie. Die EFF se astrante benadering tot verantwoording dwing die ANC om anders op te tree. Dit kan net help om die president en ander ministers se minagting van die parlement die afgelope paar jaar tot orde te bring. Interessante tye lê voor. Hou moed en dink anders oor dit wat voor ons afspeel. Die chaos is nodig om orde te bring. Die ANC was lanklaas so onder druk en dit kan net goeie gevolge inhou.
Ons oorwinning is deur die kruis verseël Pastoor Phil van Vuuren DIT is afgehandel. Skriflesing: Johannes 19:17-30. “En toe Jesus die asyn geneem het, sê hy: Dit is volbring. En Hy het Sy hoof gebuig en die Gees gegee.” Ander vertalings lui soos volg oor die laaste woorde van Jesus aan die kruis: KJV: It is Finished. Die Lewende Bybel: Alles is nou afgehandel. Die aard van Sy lyding was vooraf deur die Godheid beplan. Hand. 2:23-24 sê: “Hom wat deur die bepaalde raad en voorkennis van God oorgelewer is, het julle deur die hande van goddelose manne geneem en gekruisig en omgebring; Hom het God opgewek, nadat Hy die smarte van die dood ontbind het, omdat dit onmoontlik was dat Hy daardeur vasgehou kon word.” Wanneer ek en jy na die kruis kyk, deel ons met die sintuiglike wêreld. Intendeel, die mens deel net met die sintuiglike, dit wat ons sien, hoor, ruik, voel, proe. God werk met die geestelike ryk, dit wat ek en jy nie kan sien nie. Vir die sintuiglike het jy geen geloof nodig nie. Maar vir die onsienlike het ons wel. Heb. 11:1
sê: “Die geloof dan is ’n vaste vertroue op die ding wat ons hoop, ’n bewys van die dinge wat ons nie kan sien nie.” Kol. 2:13-15 sê: “En julle, wat dood was deur die misdade en die onbesnedenheid van julle vlees, het Hy saam met Hom lewend gemaak deurdat Hy julle al die misdade vergeef het. “En die skuldbrief teen ons, wat met sy insettinge ons vyandig was, uitgedelg en weggeruim het deur dit aan die kruis vas te nael. “Nadat Hy die owerhede en magte uitgeklee en hulle in die openbaar tentoongestel en daardeur oor hulle getriomfeer het.” Die duiwel het geen houvas op ons as gelowiges nie. Die enigste uitwerking en houvas is dít wat ons hom toelaat om te doen. Ons oorwinning oor al sy werke is deur die kruis verseël. Ons oorwinning lê in die naam van Jesus, deur sy Woord en bloed. Daarom is ons vergifnis, genesing en verhouding met Hom gewaarborg. Ons kan vry wees van skuldgevoelens en verwyte.
Kameeldorings dra reeds swaar DIE kameeldoringboom (Acacia erioloba) se peule is besig om vet aan die bome te raak. Dié veelsydige peule is propvol voedingswaarde vir vee en wild. Groot kameeldoringbome kan tussen 300 kg en 500 kg peule ’n jaar produseer. Foto: Benneli Olivier Van der Walt
Ek-tyd ’n introvert-ideaal Ilse Watson AS ek ’n nuwe boek begin lees, moet dit my gryp en smeek om verder te lees X binne die eerste paar bladsye. Indien dit nie gebeur nie, raak ek verveeld en sal ek die boek sommer doer diep op die boekrak wegbêre. Gedurende die Desembervakansie gee my dogter vir my ’n boek X Introvert Power. Ek het dit onlangs begin lees. En dit het my so vasgegryp dat ek dit sommer vinnig-vinnig klaar gelees het. Om die waarheid te sê, ek was regtig vies toe ek die laaste bladsy omblaai. Introvert Power is van onskatbare waarde vir alle introverte. Dit is ’n boek wat enige introvert laat verstaan dat hulle op hul eie private ruimte mág aandring. En hulle mag maar tyd vir hulself, om te dink, maak. En hulle mag ook ’n stadiger tempo in hul lewe inbring. Introverte hou nie van partytjies waar daar baie mense is nie. Hulle hou ook nie van geraas nie. En hulle hou nog minder van onderbrekings. Dié boek wys introverte hóé om situasies soos baie mense en onderbrekings te hanteer. Hoekom het ek die boek verslind? Want ek is ’n 100%-in-
trovert. Ek hou beslis nie van groot partytjies nie. Om, soos die Engelse sal sê, small talk te maak grief my tot in my tone. Die harde musiek maak my mal en ek wil net vlug. Hoe vermy ek dié goed? Ek woon net nie sulke byeenkomste by nie. Want ek weet, binne een uur gaan ek baie geïrriteerd wees. Om ’n introvert te wees beteken vir my baie ure van feitlik doodse stilte. Dit is kosbare tyd van sagte musiek, lees, teken en skryf in my joernaal. En dit geskied nie binne ’n halfuur nie. Nee, ek moet so paar ure tot my beskikking kan hê om dit te doen. ’n Persoon soos my ma verstaan glad nie my introvert-status nie. Ek word vertel dat ek baie onvriendelik is. Wat my eintlik laat lekkerkry, want sy is nog ’n gróter introvert as ek. Kuier ek ooit by vriende? Ja, natuurlik. Hou die groepie net klein en intiem asseblief. Braai saam met vier vriende kan ek hanteer. Kuier saam met twee vriendinne op ’n slag kan ek hanteer.
’n Heerlike naweek vir my saam met vriendinne moet ’n rustige, luilekker gebeurtenis wees. Die ene lê op ’n bank en lees ’n boek, die ander een teken of verf dalk, en die ander ene ploeter met haar plantjies buite rond. So nou en dan sê iemand iets. Maar verder is dit stillerig. Ek het al alleen by die see gaan vakansie hou. Net so vir vier dae. Net genoeg om die siel te lawe. Daar sal ek op die stoep sit, een met die wiegende branders word en die wêreld bekyk. So tussendeur die paar mense op die strand en die luilekker branders sal ek ’n koppie koffie en ’n versnappering gaan kry. Namiddag sal ek binne die koel gastehuis se dik mure lees. En skryf. Saans sal ek myself met ’n ete uit by ’n restaurant op die strand en ’n lekker yskoue glasie wit wyn bederf. By die restaurant sal dit natuurlik zoem van al die mense, maar dit sal my nie pla nie. Net een uur daar sal genoeg wees om my ete te geniet en dan te verdwyn. En wat maak ek dan as ek na my see-huisie terugkeer? Miskien sal ek verder staar na die see en die maan. Miskien sal ek lees, skryf of teken. Maar wat ook al ek doen, dit sal die introvert in my perfek pas.
Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality
Kuier lekker
TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders are invited for the construction of 300 double pit, lined VIP's for Maruping. It is estimated that tenderers should have a CIDB contractor grading of 6CE/6GB or higher. Evaluation criteria will be based on a 90/10 points system where the 10 points will be awarded for B-BBEE status Level of Contribution as per table included in the tender document. Tender documents will be available on Friday, 27 February 2015 at 12:00 noon from: Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality Corner Voortrekker and School Streets KURUMAN 8460 Tel. 053 712 9305
DIE tema van die Hoërskool Kalahari se jaarlikse Valentynsdinee was die 1960’s. Die saal was getooi met verskillende kleure liggies en daar was ook prente teen die mure wat op die 60’s-tema voortgebou het. Daar is selfs Volkswagen Kewers in die saal geparkeer om die tema meer eg te maak. Geen moeite is ontsien om die aand onvergeetlik te maak nie. ’n Fotohoekie is ingerig sodat unieke foto’s geneem kon word. Nie net is daar moeite met die saal gedoen nie, maar ook was die kos heerlik voorberei. Die voorgereg het uit frikkadelle, ’n worsie en pasteitjie bestaan en die hoofgereg was hoender bedien met roomaartappels, gemengde groente en ’n mengelslaai. Die nagereg was heerlike wafels met roomys. Die leerlinge het die aand terdeë geniet en die dansbaan was konstant vol dansers. Leerlinge wat die dinee bygewoon het, is van links Hanru Fourie, Liandri Fourie, Nico Erasmus, Chanélle Kruger, André Olivier en Danélle Ingram. Foto: Lynn-mari Olivier
Kompetisie soek vars talent DIE Bloemskou in Bloemfontein, in samewerking met Computicket, Pacofs en Kovsie FM, bied vanjaar die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar die Bloemskou Computicket Talent Search-kompetisie aan. “Die doel van die projek is om jong opkomende kunstenaars te identifiseer en te help om te ontwikkel en ’n loopbaan uit hul talent te begin,” sê Elmarie Prinsloo, uitvoerende hoof van die Bloemskou. Daar word na nuwe, vars, talentvolle individue of groepe met talent in sang of dans gesoek. Prysgeld van R10 000 is vir die wenner op die spel. Die tweede prys is R5 000 en die derde prys R2 500. Elk van die ander sewe finaliste sal ook R500 ontvang. Voorwaardes ) Slegs dans en sang sal toegelaat word.
A non-refundable deposit of R500.00 will be charged for each set of documents issued. All payments and deposits are to be made in the currency of the Republic of South Africa. Bank-guaranteed cheques are to be made payable to the Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality. Tenders close on Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 12:00. Particulars regarding the submission of tenders appear in Part T1.2 Volume 1 of the tender document. Sealed Tenders must be placed in the tender box in the foyer of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality, corner Voortrekker and School Street, Kuruman and no Tenders will be accepted after the closing time or per facsimile or per e-mail. A compulsory site visit and clarification meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 at 10:00. Tenderers are requested to meet the Engineer in the Banquette Hall of Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality (No documents will be available at the site visit or clarification meeting). Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part. Enquiries relating to this tender should be address to Mr M Pretorius at the Mafikeng Office of BIGEN AFRICA Services (Pty) Ltd. Tel: (018) 386 2111, Fax: (018) 386 3031, E-Mail: marthinus.pretorius@bigenafrica.com. Mr G E Ntefang Municipal Manager X1PR8XEW-KA190215
) Optredes mag nie langer as drie minute wees nie. ) Geen orkeste word toegelaat nie, slegs back tracks en akoesties. ) Deelnemers moet tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 30 wees en mag geen professionele ervaring hê nie. ) Finaliste moet op die vasgestelde uitdunne- en optrede-datums beskikbaar wees (15 Maart, 21 Maart, 16 April, 23 April en 30 April).
Oudisies Uitdunne vir die Bloemskou Computicket Talent Search word op Saterdag 14 Maart in die André Huguenet-teater in Bloemfontein gehou. Registrasie vir oudisies is van 08:00 tot 13:00 en is noodsaaklik om vir ’n oudisie te kwalifiseer. Geen oudisie sal sonder registrasie toegestaan word nie. Oudisies begin om 08:00. Deelnemers sal voor ’n paneel van kundige beoordelaars optree.
KURUMAN MALL CALL AND COLLECT 053 712 0344 DEBONAIRS PIZZA EXPRESS in die nuwe Kuruman Mall is die tweede Debonairs-tak in Kuruman. Dit is ook die 503de tak in Suid-Afrika. Hul werksure is Maandae tot Vrydae van 09:00 tot 18:00 en Saterdae en Sondae is hulle van 09:00 tot 15:00 oop. Geen aflewerings word gedoen nie. Jy kan jou pizza vooraf bestel en by hulle gaan afhaal. Hul telefoonnommer is 053-712-0344. Foto: Ilse Watson
T&Cs apply. Valid for a limited me only. Product contains egg. Choice of pizza flavours is limited to the following 3 only: Ranch Chick, Masala Chick or Sweet Chick. Size and appearance may vary. No subs tutes on products offered. X1PR44M1-KA190215
Nog tyd om kiekies te stuur
FOTOGRAWE het nog net een week oor om pragtonele van die mooie Kalahari te kiek. Die nuwe tema is Ons Kalahari en foto’s kan na lizette.slabber@volksblad.com gestuur word. Ons soek ’n foto wat wys waarom die Kalahari so besonders is en hoekom ons vir dié wêreld só lief is. Die sluitingsdatum is 26 Februarie. Elke maand wen die fotograaf van die wenfoto ’n prys van Wakaberry in die Kalahari Mall en die fotograaf van die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry, wen ’n geskenkpak van Orange River Cellars. Aan die einde van die jaar gaan die 12 maandelikse wenners om ’n wegbreeknaweek meeding. Die fotograaf van die wenfoto van die jaar, wat uit die 12
maandelikse wenfoto’s gekies word, wen ’n naweek vir vier mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges. Uit die 12 wenners wen die fotograaf van die foto wat die meeste likes op Facebook kry, ’n naweek vir twee mense in een van die NC Famous Lodges. Stuur inskrywings na lizette.slabber@volksblad.com. Foto’s moet groter as 500 KB en 300 dpi wees en moet in jpeg-formaat aan die e-pos geheg wees. Verskaf ’n kontaknommer, inligting oor waar en deur wie die foto geneem is en waar die fotograaf woon. Net amateurfotograwe mag hulle vir die kompetisie inskryf. Daar is geen beperking op die getal inskrywings nie en foto’s wat oor die land heen geneem is, word aanvaar. Slegs inwoners van die Noord-Kaap mag hulle inskryf.
FREDDIE ACKERMANN het dié mooi kameeldoringboom gekiek.
MARIETTE ROTHMANN het dié interessante sonsondergang vasgevang.
MARLE STRAUSS van die Orange River Cellars oorhandig die geskenkpak aan Lourens de Villiers. De Villiers is die wenner van die Facebookkompetisie. Foto: Lizette Slabber
’n VRYGEWIGE Meisie Maass (regs) van Wakaberry in die Kalahari Mall oorhandig die wenner van die kompetisie, Roy Walsh, se geskenkbewys aan Phidelia Abrahams, die verkoopsbestuurder van die Kalahari Bulletin. Foto: Retha-Marie Hall
ABRIE VAN NIEKERK het dié besonderse Kalahari-sonsondergang afgeneem.
DIT is net in die Kalahari wat die lug só blou is. Jan le Roux het die pragtige foto ingestuur.
ROY WALSH het dié ikoniese Kalahari-toneel vasgevang.
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Master Cars
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Used cars you can trust.
VAN die gr. 11-leerlinge tydens hul graadkamp is van links, voor: Victoria Springbok, Charlize Jonker en Christi van Niekerk; middel: Helena Baard, Hesmari Koch, Stephanie Zaaiman, Anje Jacobs en Jason Knop; agter: Ju-Andre Heyns, Andries Swanepoel en Jury Hayes.
Grade kampeer saam
ELKE jaar woon die verskillende graadgroepe van die Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen (HMO) in Kakamas graadkampe by om mekaar beter te leer ken en om gees te bou vir die jaar wat voorlê. Dié kampe verseker dat goeie kameraadskap onder die leerlinge geskep word sodat hulle die jaar op ’n hoë noot kan aanpak. Die gr. 9-leerlinge het vanjaar by Neus gekampeer. Die gr. 10-leerlinge het Kalahari-Waters besoek. Die gr. 11-leerlinge was by die Punt en die matrieks in Marchand. Dié kampe is altyd vol pret en plesier en die perfekte manier om die jaar te begin.
14 Amarok 2.0 BiTDi Highline 132 kW D/C, canopy, side steps, leather, rubberised, safety film, PDC, .....................................................................................................................................................R419 500
Polo Vivo
15 Polo Vivo 1.6 Comfortline, Cruise Control ......................................................................................R168 500 14 Polo Vivo 1.4 Trendline Cruise Control, Alarm , Alloys .................................................................R158 500 14 Polo Vivo 1.4 Conceptline, alarm, alloys, RCD ...............................................................................R147 500 14 Vivo Maxx 1.6 20 000 km.................................................................................................................R165 500 14 PoloVivo 1.4 Conceptline, alarm, alloys, RCD ...............................................................................R147 500 13 Polo Vivo GT 1.6..................................................................................................................................R147 500
14 Golf 1.4 TSI BMT Comfortline, zenons, comp radio, media interface .........................................R297 500
15 Polo TSi Comfortline, armrest, Cruise Control, rest assist, comp radio........................................R216 500 14 Polo Sedan 1.4 Comfortline PDC, 300km........................................................................................R195 500 14 Polo 1.6 Comfortline, Bluetooth, RCD ..............................................................................................R199 500 10 Polo 1.6 Comf, Cruise Control, safety film 37 000 km ..................................................................R155 500
14 Passat 2.0 TDi DSG, 6-CD, silver .....................................................................................................R319 500
14 Jetta 1.6 TDi Comfortline,T/B, Xenons, 6-CD, Leather, iPod/iPhone cables ..............................R299 500
Tiguan 14 Tiguan 2.0 TDi Sport & Style, tow bar, PDC, 6-CD .......................................................................R419 500
WAT is nou lekkerder as ’n rit op ’n vragmotor? Die verskillende graadgroepe ry hier na hul onderskeie kampeerterreine. Foto’s: Verskaf
die onderrig van die junior Engelse klasse. Sy het onder meer honneursgrade in drama en media en kommunikasie. Frits van Tiddens is tydelik in die landbouwetenskappos vir gr. 10 tot gr. 12 aangestel. Hy is ook ’n oudleerling van HMO en boer op Bladgrond in die Boesmanland.
12 Toyota Yaris 1.3 XS 5-dr 36 000 km Warranty Service Plan ...................................................R146 500 11 VW Vivo 1.6 Trendline.....................................................................................................................R129 500 11 Chevy Spark 1.2 L 48 000 km........................................................................................................R 82 500 10 Cady Maxi 1.9 TDi Trend 7 Seats, TBar, Safety Film .................................................................R198 500 09 Mazda 2 1.5 Individual.................................................................................................................R105 500 07 Chevrolet Aveo 1.5LT......................................................................................................................R 62 500 06 VW Citi Chico 1.4 ...........................................................................................................................R 34 500 99 Mitsubishi Pajero 3.0 GLS .............................................................................................................R 51 500 *All prices shown are recommended retail prices, which are not binding on the Dealers or Volkswagen Group South Africa. The recommended retail price excludes Dealer delivery and related charges. Please contact your Volkswagen Dealer or visit www.vw.co.za for full details as well as terms and conditions relating to the MasterCars Brand Promise.
Onnies nuut by skool DRIE nuwe onderwysers het hulle by die Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen (HMO) in Kakamas se personeel aangesluit. Alae Hanekom het al ’n jare lange verbintenis met HMO. Sy is ’n oudleerling van die skool en albei haar ouers was ook jare aan die skool verbonde. Hanekom is verantwoordelik vir
CEV Motors
11 Shone Street, Postmasburg • Tel: 053 313 0090 • Fax: 053 313 0569 Jackie Jacobs 082 415 2656 • Gert Claassens 082 738 1237 sales@cevmotors.co.za • www.cevmotors.co.za X1PP8JYR-KA190215
Talita Venter het verlede jaar haar BEd (VOO) aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) voltooi, waar sy ook deeltyds by die Hoërskool Sand du Plessis uitgehelp het. Sy gaan vanjaar rekeningkunde vir gr. 10 tot gr. 12 aanbied, asook ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskap vir gr. 8 en gr. 9.
THE AUTOMARK PROMISE 1. Backed by Toyota 2. Guaranteed not stolen 3. Automark warranty available 4. Guaranteed mileage
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DEMO'S 2015 Corolla 1.4 D-4D Prestige, wit, 2015 Yaris 1.3 Xs 5-Dr, silver, 2015 Etios 1.5 Xs, Hatch, silver, 2014 Hilux 3.0 D-4D Raider, D/C, silver, nudgebar, tollbar, T-cover 2014 Fortuner 2.5 D-4D, R/B, Auto, White 2014 Etios 1.5 Xi 5-dr Gold 2014 Corolla 1.6 Quest +, R/CD, alloys 2012 Yaris XR 1.0 3-dr
R255 500 R181 500 R135 500 R385 500 R355 500 R115 500 R180 500 R105 500
MOTORS 2014 Volkswagen Polo 1.6 Comf Sedan 11 000km 2013 VW Cross Polo 1.6 TDi, curtain airbags, cruise control 23 000km 2013 Mini Cooper 17 000km 2013 Chevrolet Cruze 1.6 LS 5dr 9 500 km 2012 Toyota RAV 4 2,0 GX 64 000km 2012 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D-4D A/T Heritage, T/B 50 000km 2012 Toyota Avanza 1.3 SX 2012 Aygo 1.0 3 dr Fresh 2011 Toyota Verso 2.0 D-4D TX t/bar, PDC, 70 000km 2010 Land Cruiser Prado VX 4.0, V6 A/T 141 000km 2010 VW Golf TSI Comf 2009 VW Polo 1.4 Comf 5Dr 2003 Mercedes-Benz C180K Classic A/T
R198 500 R220 500 R199 500 R181 500 R215 500 R350 500 R129 500 R 89 500 R199 500 R430 500 R167 500 R109 500 R 83 500
BAKKIES 2013 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D SRX, Xtra Cab, alloys 24 000km 2013 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D-4D D/C, r/rising 15 000km 2012 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D Raider R/b, D/C canopy, t/bar
R248 500 R352 500 R293 500
Visit VAN DER LINDE TOYOTA Jackie 082 415 2656 used@vdlmotors.co.za Gert 082 738 1237 used1@vdlmotors.co.za
VAN links is Alae Hanekom, Frits van Tiddens en Talita Venter.
Foto: Verskaf
Main Street, Postmasburg
Tel: 053 313 0080 Fax 053 313 0349
www.automark.co.za Terms and conditions apply. X1PP8J6R-KA190215
Versier koeke
VIR Lisa Lee (links, 6) en haar maatjie, Marlé van der Westhuizen (5), was dit die ene konsentrasie en pret om Valentynsdagkoeke te versier.
’n SUPERMARK in die Kalahari Mall het met ’n oulike projek, die kleinspan op Valentynsdag vermaak. Kinders tussen die ouderdomme van vyf en agt jaar kon Saterdag net vir die pret ’n koek kom versier en huis toe neem as ’n Valentynsgeskenk vir hul ma's. Dit het omtrent ’n miernes van bedrywigheid afgegee en blye kindergesiggies, die ene konsentrasie, was oral te bespeur. Selfs ’n paar oumas en oupas het ingespring aan die pret en plesier om deel te neem. Foto’s: Anena Burger
KLEIN Charmi Viljoen (7) het haarself terdeë geniet op Saterdag se Junior Chefs toe sy vir haar ma 'n koek vir Valentynsdag versier het.
AS dit lekker is om klein te wees en weer ’n bietjie te kan speel, hoekom dan nou nie? Keppies Nel, ’n oupa en dieselwerktuigkundige, kon nie die versoeking weerstaan om saam met die kinders koeke te versier nie.
Atlete van HMO blink uit ATLETE van die Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen (HMO) in Kakamas het aan Hartswater se top-20-atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem. In die afdeling vir klein skole het HMO tweede geëindig en ook ’n geldprys gewen. Die skool was algeheel sesde. Christin Fox het die rekord in die 100 meter-hekkies vir o.17-meisies opgestel en is as die beste hekkiesatleet op die byeenkoms aangewys. Sy het dié trofee ook in 2014 gewen. Jan-Willem Nel het die 400 meter vir o.17-seuns gewen.
CHRISTIN FOX en Jan-Willem Nel.
DIE atlete van HMO wat aan die Hartswater-top-20-atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem het.
Foto’s: Verskaf
Vyf sluit hulle by skool aan VYF nuwe personeellede het hulle by die Gekombineerde Skool Rietfontein aangesluit. Bremulda Andrews gaan Afrikaans huistaal vir gr. 9 en gr. 11 aanbied. Sy gee ook skeppende kunste vir gr. 8-leerlinge. Janice Koetzee gaan ekonomie vir gr. 10 tot gr. 12 en ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskap vir gr. 9 aanbied. Steven Titus gaan Afrikaans (huistaal) en wiskunde vir gr. 6 aanbied. Luther Julius gaan wiskunde vir gr. 9 tot gr. 12 en tegnologie vir graad 9-leerlinge aanbied. Julian Titus gaan wiskunde vir gr. 7 tot gr. 9 aanbied. Hulle is opgewonde oor die nuwe jaar.
BREMULDA ANDREWS (links) en Janice Koetzee.
VAN links is Morne Bok, Rensha Kamfer, Natania Louw en Jatobia Basson.
Skones gekroon DIE leerlinge van die Intermediêre Skool Frank Biggs kon as deel van die Valentynsdagvieringe met gewone klere skool toe gaan. Op dié dag is daar ook ’n Mej. en Mnr. Valentyn gekies en die besgeklede meisie is ook aangewys. Rensha Kamfer is as Mej. Valentyn aangewys,
met Morne Bok as eerste prinses en Natania Louw as tweede prinses. Jatobia Basson is as die besgeklede meisie aangewys.Edward Links is as Mnr. Valentyn aangewys, met Riano Paulus as eerste prins en Leonardus Snyers as tweede prins.
VAN links is Riano Paulus, Edward Links en Leonardus Snyers.
Polisie bedrywig DIE Upington-polisie het verskeie suksesse die afgelope tyd behaal. ) Twee mans, onderskeidelik 19 en 23 jaar oud, is aangekeer nadat hulle na bewering die venster van ’n voertuig oopgedwing en ’n boor uit die voertuig gesteel het. ) Die speurtak ondersoek klagte van besit van vermoedelik gesteelde eiendom nadat drie verdagtes in besit van gesteelde eiendom betrap is. ’n Man (33) is in Robinsonstraat met ’n fiets betrap. Beslag is op die fiets gelê en die man is in hegtenis geneem. Konst. Willem van der Merwe het tydens patrolliedienste ’n 20jarige verdagte met vermoedelik gesteelde babaklere betrap. ’n Man is ook in Rondomstraat met onder meer ’n DVDspeler, vleis en DVD’s betrap. ) Die speurtak is ook besig met ’n geregtelike doodsondersoek nadat die liggaam van ’n onbekende vrou in ’n kanaal naby Louisvale gevind is. Sy is ongeveer 40 jaar oud. Geen gemene spel word vermoed nie. Enige persoon met inligting oor die identiteit van die vrou word versoek om die speurtak by 054-337-3400 te bel.
Foto: Wally Cloete
VAN links is Steven Titus, Luther Julius en Julian Links.
Foto’s: Verskaf
Waatlemoene verskaf groot pret DIE Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen (HMO) in Kakamas begin altyd die jaar met ’n lekker waatlemoenfees. Dié fees word deur die skool se senior raad aangebied en verskaf altyd baie pret, ’n gelag en lafwees. Die leerlinge en personeel begin altyd die dag deur stemmig kraakvars waatlemoene te eet maar gou-gou kry almal ’n kans om mekaar met die waatlemoene te takel en baie sports te hê. DIE matriekmeisies was reg om moles met hul waatlemoenstukke te maak . Van links is Chanté Beukes, Engela Longland, Marica Klindt, Elaine Koortzen, Lezaan van der Mescht, Maryna Heineke, Memory Boshoff, Bianca Combrink en Ronell Bruwer.
ELAINE KOORTZEN (links) en Marica Klindt (regs) het Anelshe de Vos behoorlik met waatlemoen besmeer.
DIE personeel van HMO lyk maar bedremmeld ná die waatlemoenfees. Van links is, voor: Pieter Steyn, Piet Nel, Renee Reyneke, Florina van Tiddens en Chrisna Maritz; middel: Hannie Carstens-Nel en Hannerie van Niekerk; agter: Lettie Conradie, Jacqui Croese, Barnie Mans, Talita Venter, Jorrie Jordaan en Frits van Tiddens. Foto’s: Verskaf
Tel. 053 723 2655 www.era.co.za
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Hi Tech tyre premises Office tel. 087 060 0300 X1PRAA0M-KA190215
Gesels saam op Facebook deur te gaan na Kalahari Bulletin.
27 Marietta Crescent, Kuruman 8460 X1PR451H-KA190215
MUNISIPALITEIT //KHARA HAIS. KENNISGEWING K8/2015. DORPSAANLEGSKEMA : VOORGESTELDE ONDERVERDELING EN OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE VOORWAARDES OP ERF 2983, INDUSTRIAWEG 14, UPINGTON Kennis geskied dat die Munisipaliteit //Khara Hais van voorneme is om die volgende aksies met onroerende eiendom binne //Khara Hais Munisipale Regsgebied, ingevolge die bepalings van die Noord-Kaapse Wet op Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, 1998 (Wet 7 van 1998) te oorweeg. 1.
ERF 2983, UPINGTON 1.1
VALENTINE'S SPECIAL FAT FREEZE: Come freeze 2 areas on your body for the price of 1. Phone 082 559 9455 for an appointment. VETVRIES: Kom vries 2 areas op jou lyf vir die prys van 1. Skakel 082 559 9455 vir 'n afspraak.
1 X ONE DIRECTION TICKET for sale for 28 March 2015 FNB Stadium - JHB General Admission Standing East, R1 500. Phone 078 557 0105. SKILDERWERK OP DOEK, R200 ELK. Skakel Shirley 072 189 4234.
KAPOK-/BANTAMHOENDERS. Verskeidenheid beskikbaar. Skakel 076 616 6166.
AANDAG: ALLE GROOT MANS! Groot nommers in winkel beskikbaar. Kontantafslag gewaarborg. The NuShop, Palm Gate-sentrum, Kuruman. Tel. 053 712 1264.
BOOYSEN BORE DRILLING COMPANY (PTY) LTD VACANCY: RECEPTIONIST The company requires the services of a recep onist at Kathu. Requirements: Fluent in English and Afrikaans Good communica on skills Working knowledge of Microso Office Applica ons, specifically MS Word and Excel. Prior experience in HR and Safety administra on will be an advantage. Closing Date: 16:00 on Tuesday 24 February 2015. No late applica ons will be accepted. Interested Candidates can e-mail all informa on including a detailed CV (with covering le er) and cer fied copies of qualifica ons and training via e-mail to hr@booysen.bore.co.za or deliver a clearly marked envelope to Booysen Bore, Hobson Street, Industrial Area, Kuruman. Incomplete applica ons will not be considered. If you do not receive any feedback within 1 week a er the closing date, you can deem your applica on to be unsuccessful.
Huidige Gebruiksaanwending Voorgestelde Gebruiksaanwending Doel van aansoek
Beskikbare behuising 2-slaapkamer-woonstelle R5 500 - R5 700 p.m.
3-slaapkamer-meenthuise R8 800 - R13 200 p.m.
: Erf 2983, Upington : Industriaweg 14, Upington : 1,7131 ha : JLN van Zyl : Francois Le Riche Rossouw Familie Trust : Nywerheid Sone II : Nywerheid Sone II : Erf 2983, Upington, word in 3 erwe verdeel. Gedeelte A, B en die Restant word steeds aangewend vir nywerheidsdoeleindes.
Opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes Aard van aansoek : Opheffing van beperkende titelvoorwaardes soos vervat in Titelakte T1752/2014, Bl 3 Afdeling A.4.(a) ten einde die onderverdeling op Erf 2983, Upington, te oorweeg.
Nadere besonderhede is verkrygbaar vanaf die Raad se Stadsbeplanner, tel. 054 338 7372, gedurende normale kantoorure (Maandag tot Vrydag, 07:30 tot 12:30 en 13:30 tot 16:30) en besware teen die aansoek, indien enige, moet aldaar skriftelik by die Munisipale Bestuurder ingedien word om hom voor of op Vrydag 20 Maart 2015, te bereik. Indien enige persoon wat kommentaar wil lewer/vertoë wil rig, nie kan skryf nie, kan sodanige persoon gedurende normale kantoorure voor of op Vrydag, 20 Maart 2015, by mnr. J du Plessis by kantoor 57 aanmeld, waar sodanige persoon se kommentaar/vertoë op skrif gestel sal word.
Huise beskikbaar R11 500 - R14 500 p.m. 3-slaapkamer-huise beskikbaar in Wrenchville. R6 600 p.m. Skakel Elretha 083 561 6705 053 712 3123
DE NGXANGA. MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER. Burgersentrum, Markstraat, Privaatsak X6003, UPINGTON, 8800. Erf 2983, UPINGTON
FLORCARE MATTE EN BLINDINGS: Ons installeer volvloermatte en blindings teen die beste pryse. Talana 073 558 4705. Aubrey 072 747 1991 / 076 182 2773.
Ruim 6-slaapkamer-huis en 3 eenman Park Homes te huur 18 km vanaf Hotazel op plaas, veilig en stil. Ideaal vir kontrakteurs. 076 805 4557.
TOWN PLANNING SCHEME : PROPOSED REZONING AND REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ON ERF 2983, 14 INDUSTRIA ROAD, UPINGTON Notice is given in terms of the provisions of the Northern Cape Planning and Development 1998, (Act 7 of 1998) and the applicable Scheme Regulations for //Khara Hais Municipality, that it is the intention of the Council to consider the under-mentioned on immovable property:
HYDRO CLEAN: Laat u matte en meubels professioneel stoomskoonmaak teen die beste pryse! Skakel Talana by 073 558 4705 / 072 747 1991 of Aubrey by 076 182 2773.
PERD MET WIT KOLLETJIES: Onbekend op plaas Olive Wood aangekom. Indien nie opgeëis voor 30 Maart 2015 sal dit as eiendom beskou word. Skakel 072 498 4415. VIR ALLE staalwerk, besproeiing, kaste, teëls, daklekke, bouwerk, afdakke, verfwerk, restourasie, ens. in en om die huis asook alle herstelwerk. Skakel Morne 079 763 5221.
Soek veld te huur vir 50 beeste. Skakel 073 107 0245.
TE HUUR: KURUMAN 3-slaapkamer-woning met eie erf, lugversorging, nuutgebou. R13 500 Zandre 082 773 6192 1-slaapkamer-woning met eie erf, lugversorging, nuutgebou. R6 000 Zandre 082 773 6192 Huis met 9 kamers - ideaal vir gastehuis. R28 000 Zandre 082 773 6192 5-slaapkamer-woning op 2 500-m2erf in Kuruman-dorp. R14 500 p.m. Zandre 082 773 6192 DRINGEND OP SOEK NA HUISE EN WOONSTELLE TE HUUR! SKAKEL ONS GERUS VIR FLINKE, VINNIGE DIENS. TE KOOP: KURUMAN Industriële gebou in Kur-Industria ideaal vir iemand wat 'n fabriek of 'n werkswinkel nodig het. R3 m. Zandre 082 773 6192 Bestaande gastehuis met 31 kamers asook selfsorgeenhede. R6,1 m. Zandre 082 773 6192 www.justpropertygroup.co.za
DANALENE GASTEHUIS IN KURUMAN het kamers beskikbaar teen lae tarief. Skakel 073 870 3269 of 074 898 0182.
300 JOBS & APPRENTICE MINER @ DMT TRAINING Be our student!! Welding R 3 800, Boilermaker R 5 900 4 weeks. Forklift R 700 - 5 Days Dumptruck R 3 800 Accomodation avail. www.diemnyandoros.co.za Tel: 016 422 4264 whatsup 072 954 7705 "Mnr" van Voeren/ Victor Media24 is op soek na 'n Organiseerder/ huisafleweraar vir Tydskrifte en koerante in KATHU. Skakel Granston 073 878 0136 of 051 404 7939. BOEDELKENNISGEWINGS
Proposed Rezoning Description of Property Site Area Applicant Registered Owner Present Utilisation Proposed Utilisation Purpose of application
: Erf 2983, Upington : 14 Industrial Road, Upington : 1,7131 ha : JLN van Zyl : Francois Le Riche Rossouw Family Trust : Industrial Zone II : Industrial Zone II : Erf 2983 will be subdivided into 3 erven. Portion A, B and the Remainder will be utilised for industrial purposes.
Removal of restrictions Nature of application : Removal of restrictive title conditions as enumerated in Title Deed T1752/2014, Page 3 Section A.4.(a) to facilitate the subdivision of Erf 2983, Upington.
Full particulars are obtainable from the Townplanner of the Council, tel. 054 338 7372, during normal office hours and objections against the application, if any, must be lodged in writing with the Municipal Manager on or before Friday, 20 March 2015. Any person with objections against the application, who is unable to write, can report during normal office hours on or before Friday, 20 March 2015, to Mr J du Plessis in office 57, who will put such a person's objections in writing. DE NGXANGA MUNICIPALMANAGER Civic Centre, Market Street, Private Bag X6003, UPINGTON 8800. Erf 2983, UPINGTON X1PR6PXM-KA190215
ADVERTISING CONSULTANT Kathu Applica ons are awaited for the following posi on at Kalahari Bulle n's adver sing department in Kathu.
DP Harry
In die boedel van wyle Daniel Peter Harry, identiteitsnommer 450125 5214 085 van Jennekestraat 1161, Kuilsrivier, Daniëlskuil. Boedelnommer: 22041/2014 Skuldeisers en skuldenaars in bogemelde boedel word versoek om hul vordering in te lewer en hul skulde te betaal by die kantore van ondergenoemde binne 30 dae vanaf 20 Februarie 2015. EKSEKUTEUR: Johannes Lodewikus Fourie Woodland Heights 20 Blinkblaarweg, Woodland Hills Bloemfontein Posbus 43484, Heuwelsig 9332.
BUSINESS FOR SALE, NEAR TAXI RANK. Very big space. Please phone 071 508 0041.
RUIM 1-SLAAPKAMER-woonstel in Wrenchville. Slegs enkelpersoon. Goeie prys. Skakel 083 383 8401 of 083 383 8402.
SW Griqua In the estate of the late Samuel William Griqua, identity number 620715 5113 082 and surviving spouse Cecelia Caroline Griqua, identity number 631014 0014 082 of 5 Bloekom Street, Wrenchville, Kuruman. Master's Reference No: 86/2015 Creditors and debtors in the above estate are requested to submit their claims and to pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (THIRTY) days from the date of publication hereof. HPA VENTER Duncan & Rothman Attorneys for Executrix PO Box 64 Kimberley 8300 Ref: HV/jm/GARI35/0001
The successful candidate will be responsible for selling adver sements for Kalahari Bulle n. The ideal candidate must meet the following requirements: • • • • • • •
Senior Cer ficate (ter ary qualifica on in marke ng will be advantageous) Must be able to work under pressure Have at least three years' previous sales experience Good communica on skills on all levels Good computer and typing skills Fully bilingual in English and Afrikaans Valid driver's licence, as well as own car and cell phone
In exchange for the successful candidate's services the company offers a compe ve remunera on package including membership to the medical aid and pension funds for the person qualifying. Interested persons can send their applica on to: aansoeke@volksblad.com Applicants must clearly indicate for which posi on they are applying. CLOSING DATE: 27 February 2015
PJ van der Walt
Voorgestelde Onderverdeling Beskrywing van Eiendom Ligging Oppervlakte Aansoeker Geregistreerde Eienaar
Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge Artikel 35(5) Wet 66 van 1965 dat die likwidasie- en distribusierekening in die bestorwe boedel van wyle PJ van der Walt, identiteitsnommer 340612 5005 088, wat woonagtig was te plaas Bullamon, Kuruman-distrik, wat oordele is op 24/05/2012, BOEDELNOMMER 1352/2012 ter insae sal lê te kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Kimberley en die Landdroshof te Kuruman vir 'n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. EKSEKUTEUR: AC van der Walt Walter Sisulustraat 277 Potchefstroom 2531
If no feedback has been received by 31 March 2015, please accept your applica on as unsuccessful. The company reserves the right not to fill the posi on.
Given the employment-equity policy of Media24, preference will be given to suitable candidates from the designated groups.
We can beat ANY written quotation
ASSMANG Ltd – Manganese Division requires the services of the following individuals at their Black Rock Mine Operations, situated 80km northwest of Kuruman in the Northern Cape:
R4 200
Please note that our showroom behind the BP Garage will be closed for the revamping of the Shoprite Mall. Come and visit Kuruman Tombstones factory in Produce Road, Industrial Area, in Kuruman or our showroom at the old station building just opposite No Jokes shop or call 053 712 3853. We also do granite kitchen tops.
Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: • Rendering professional support services • Performing liaison, coordination and organisational tasks in support of managers • Rendering administrative support. Minimum requirements: • Grade 12/Standard 10 • Certificate: Office Administration (alternative) • Minimum of 5-7 years’ experience in documentation control, reception and/or personal assistant work at Management level • Computer literacy (Microsoft Office). Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs with certified copies of qualifications to Nocwaka Xeketwana at fax: 086 224 8313 or e-mail: recruitment6@brmo.co.za
The candidates will be appointed on the condition of being certified medically fit as per the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29/1996. Preference will be given to applicants from previously disadvantaged groups to support the company’s employment equity plan. Remuneration: Remuneration will be based on a competitive all-inclusive flexible package. The successful candidates that conform to all said requirements and experience will be appointed on this grading. Candidates that do not conform to all set requirements and experience will be considered only if suitable candidates that do comply cannot be selected and only if the requirements of the position support a developmental appointment according to policy. Please be advised that short-listed candidates will be required to authenticate information provided in CVs. Applications close on 27 February 2015. Late applications will not be entertained. If you have not been contacted within 21 days of the closing date, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Correspondence will only be limited to short-listed candidates. Assmang Limited reserves the right not to appoint. Human Communications 116255
VACANCIES FOR THE GRADUATE INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME The Department of Social Development in the Northern Cape Province is offering an internship for unemployed graduates for a period of 12 months. Position
Community Development Practitioner (Ref. Com Dev/01) Minimum • A relevant/appropriate Bachelor’s degree in Requirements Community Development • Computer literacy • A driver’s licence will serve as an added advantage Centre John Taolo Gaetsewe (7): Kathu; Dibeng; Dingleton; Olifantshoek; Mothibistad; Joe Morolong Pixley Ka Seme (1): Britstown ZF Mcgawu (9): Askham; Rietfontein; Posmasburg; Danielskuil; Groblershoop; Upington; Keimoes; Kakamas; Kenhardt Frances Baard (10): Warrenton; Jan Kemdorp; Hartswater; Pampierstad; Kimberley
Finance Practitioner (Ref. Fin Ser/02) • A Bachelor’s degree/National Diploma in Finance or equivalent qualification • Computer literacy District Offices (IFM): Kuruman (2); De Aar (2); Kimberley (3); Springbok (1); Upington (2) Provincial Office (Finance): Kimberley (3) District Offices (Finance): Kimberley (1); Kuruman (1); Upington (1); Springbok (1); De Aar (1)
NOTE: Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (stating the relevant reference number), obtainable from any Public Service department, stating the field in which the candidate is applying. A CV with recently certified copies of certificates, academic transcripts and Identity Document and driver’s licence (strongly recommended) must be attached. All applications, including those submitted via registered mail must reach the Department before 16:00 on the day of the closing date. Incomplete, faxed or e-mailed applications, or applications received after the closing date will be disqualified. Due to the large volume of responses anticipated, receipt of application will not be acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be posted or delivered to: John Taolo Gaetsewe Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X556, Kuruman 8460 or Summerdown Building, Voortrekker Street, Kuruman Enquiries: Ms L Hebe, tel. (053) 712-1549 Pixley Ka Seme Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X1001, De Aar 7000 or Orion Hostel, Alpha Street, De Aar Enquiries: Mr D Qoba, tel. (053) 632-7600 ZF Mcgawu Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5892, Upington 8801 or Old Sanatorium Building, Clarkia Road, Progress, Upington Enquiries: Mr L Solomon, tel. (054) 337-9400 Frances Baard Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5063, Kimberley 8300 or cnr Duncan and Tyburn Streets, Kimberley Enquiries: Mr P Pampier, tel. (053) 807-5900 Namakwa Office: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X11, Springbok 8420 or Van Riebeeck Street, Springbok Enquiries: Mr N Van Wyk, tel. (027) 712-2054 Provincial Office: The HRD Office, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X5042 Kimberley 8300 or 5th Floor, Du Toitspan Building, Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley Enquiries: Mr A Keet, tel. (053) 831-4041 Short-listed candidates will be required to attend interviews to determine their suitability. If you are not contacted within 5 weeks of the closing date, consider your application unsuccessful. Closing date: 27 February 2015
Northern Cape Provincial Government Human Communications 116081
SHOWROOMS: 053 712 0808
Old Station Building 053 712 0151
053 712 3853 • 053 712 0151 082 321 8142 • 072 712 2382 X1PPWUBP-KA190215
Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: • Rendering professional support services • Performing liaison, coordination and organisational tasks in support of Managers. Minimum requirements: • Grade 12/Standard 10 • Certificate: Office Administration (alternative) • Valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • Minimum of 5 years’ administrative experience • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in travel, accommodation and guesthouse reservations coordination and administration • Computer literacy (Microsoft Office). Interested applicants are requested to submit their CVs with certified copies of qualifications to Christel Hendricks at fax: 086 224 8315 or e-mail: recruitment9@brmo.co.za
AIDS HELPLINE 0800-012-322
Exciting Career Opportunities Kuruman United Manganese of Kalahari (Pty) Ltd (UMK), a leading empowerment company intent on sustainable mining and socio-economic development, seeks specialists to join its fast growing manganese mine. UMK has been awarded a Mining Right over 15 000 ha of land to the north of a dynamic Kuruman. Why not become part of the team that plans to mine an output of between 1,5 million and 2 million tons of manganese each year?
Training Instructor (Ref.TI 122042) UMK is currently looking for Training Instructor. The incumbent will assist and report to the Training Officer, be actively involved with general instruction, coaching and assessments, assist with the orientation programed for new staff members, including contractors and also for periodical in-house refresher training. Application requirements: • Grade 12 and a relevant qualification in a human resource development field • Three to five years’ experience in training within the mining sector • Computer literacy (MS Office) • A National Qualification Framework accredited qualification in Directed ETD, SDF assessor and/or moderator will be an added advantage. Responsibilities and key performance indicators: • Mentor, coach and assess in-house training programmes • Support the review process of policies and procedures • Identify training and development needs within the organisation • Train employees • Coach employees • Align, implement and present applicable skills programmes with company requirements • Perform formative assessment • Perform summative assessment • Maintain health and safety processes • Adhere to occupational health and safety issues • Support health and safety reps • Adhere to the business information systems process • Identify the assets required to meet training requirements • Support training’s alignment with the company’s vision and mission • Identify nonconformance with the requirements of the Mine Health and Safety Act and coach performance to requirements • Assist with facilitating induction • Comply with training policies and standard procedures • Update and maintain the training records system • Maintain health and safety processes • Use and promote the use of PPE and safety devices • Apply policies, procedure and COP’s • Maintain records and files • Prepare and do audits Please note: Successful applicants will be required to attend an interview and when successful the candidate will be appointed in a permanent position.
Maintenance Fitter (Ref. MF 122042) The incumbent will be responsible for executing maintenance activities within the Engineering Maintenance section by: • Maintaining conveyors, crushers, vibrating screens, feeders and slurry pumps • Performing other reasonable ad hoc duties, as and when requested, from time to time • Adhering to SHEQ and legal standards and procedures within the relevant section and assisting line management in the maintenance and improvement thereof • Managing spares and performing cleaning and good housekeeping duties in the department • Conducting root cause analysis, identifying corrective action, implementing corrective action within span of control and reporting appropriate corrective and/or improvement actions • Managing the performance of the work team to achieve specific asset care objectives, including effective communication of job status and team needs • Operating and maintaining fixed and mobile maintenance equipment and tools, according to procedures and standards • Applicants for this position must be prepared to work shifts, overtime and be on standby as and when required. Requirements: • Grade 12/Matric • Trade Certificate as Fitter and Turner • A minimum of NTC2 • Three to five years’ relevant post-qualifying operational experience in plant maintenance • A high sense of responsibility • A valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • A certificate in Basic Rigging will be an added advantage • System orientated (procedures, etc.) • Must be fit and healthy – prepared to undergo physical examination by medical practitioner. Key attributes (amongst others): • Ability to function within a team environment • Ability to work under pressure and be independent • System knowledge and relevant policies and procedures • Planning and organising skills • Interpersonal skills • SHEQ knowledge • Administration skills • Statutory knowledge of relevant legislation. Please note that the relevant reference number MUST be quoted on your application. Please note the following: • Successful candidates will be required to provide a valid medical certificate and may be required to undergo certain medical assessments • Psychometric and other assessments may be used as part of the selection process • Verification of all credentials may be done • Must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence.
How to apply: Interested applicants can forward an abridged CV to: recruitment@umk.co.za or fax: 086 236 1188. The onus is on you to ensure that the reference number is reflected on your application. Enquiries can be directed to (053) 742-3100. Closing date: 6 March 2015. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Should you not hear from us within a month after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYMENT EQUITY CANDIDATES IN LINE WITH THE COMPANY’S EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PLAN. Only candidates who meet the stated requirements will be considered. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. www.ayandambanga.co.za 122042
ALLE ADVERTEERDERS Die gebruik van die letter
"A", leestekens soos "!" of "*" of die gebruik van syfers met die doel om die advertensie na die bopunt van die klassifikasie-lys te skuif, is streng verbode. SMALLS NOTICE
We are looking for an energetic, dynamic individual who loves the outdoors and is committed to giving excellent customer service. The successful applicant will be a self-starter, who will show an interest in what you do, with excellent product knowledge, and a passion for the outdoors. Requirements: • Previous sales experience in footwear and precision products essential. • Excellent communication skills • Customer-service orientation • Sales-driven
TE KOOP - KURUMAN HUIS MET WOONSTEL: GOEIE WAARDE VIR GELD: 3 slk, 2 badk, afdakke. R1 400 000 (LINDA) NETJIESE SIERSTEENHUIS MET LAPA: 3 slk, en buitekamer met badkamer. R1 400 000 (JUDY) HUIS MET SWEMBAD NABY BESIGHEIDSAREA: 3 slk, motorhuis, baie netjies. R1 400 000 VERSKEIDENHEID PLOTTE EN GASTEHUISE: (LINDA) TE KOOP - KATHU LUUKSTE RUIM 4 SLK HUIS: Oopplan leefareas, 2 motorhuise. R2 500 000 (LINDA) VERSKEIE LEë ERWE (LINDA) EXT 3 3 slk, toesluitgarage, lekker erfie agter, netjiese siersteen. R1 500 000 (JUDY) MODERN MET PRAGTIGE AFWERKING: 3 slk, 2 motorhuise, iets bersonders. R2 500 000 (JUDY) TE HUUR: (JUDY) KURUMAN: bachelor woonstel met dstv, dienste ingesluit: R5 000 P.M. KURUMAN: 2 slaapkamers, R7 700 P.M. KATHU: 2 huise in Rooisand met 3 slaapkamers. Onderskeidelik R11 000 en R12 000 P.M.
Vrydag 6 Februarie en Saterdag 7 Februarie 2015
KURUMAN/KATHU AGENTE: LINDA HEATH - Sel. 082 293 2188 JUDY STRONG - SEL 072 216 8850 www.chaseveritt.co.za
Fax/e-mail - Kathu@capeunionmart.co.za CVs can be delivered at the store in Kathu Village Mall.
The Independent Development Trust invites the tenders for the Installation of Security Perimeter Fence at Tshwaragano Hospital under the NC HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAMME. Technical Team/ Enquiries
Name of project
Consulate Tseisi Tshwaragano Hospital 053 807 2660
Scope of work Construction of Security Perimeter Fence
District Local Municipality Municipality
Locality/ town
John Taolo Gaetsewe
Tender documents for the projects may be obtained during office hours (07:30 - 16:00), from the offices of Independent Development Trust, situated at 10 Oliver Road, 2nd FLOOR BLOCK THREE, Montrio Corporate Office Park, Kimberley, on production of a cash deposit of R500,00 per document which will not be refundable. Tender deposits are to be made to the IDT Tender Account. Please note that only the original cash deposit slips will be accepted as proof for purchase of tender documents. No electronic transfer slips will be accepted.
Joe Morolong
CIDB Compulsory grading site briefing required 3SQ/ No site Higher briefing Contact Mr. Tseisi for technical enquiries
Account details are as follows: Bank Account Name deposits Account Number Branch Name Pretoria Branch Code Reference Amount
: ABSA : NCA04: IDT tender : 40 8493 9954 : Corporate and Business : 632005 : TSHWARAGANO HOSPITAL FENCE : R500 per document N.B. No electronic transfer slips will be accepted.
All tenders will be evaluated in line with the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 Pertaining to Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No. 5 of 2000 in accordance with the following two stages: X1PQWPC9-KA190215
Stage 1 Quality / Functionality: 60 Points: Experience of Similar Projects = 21. Safety Health and Environmental Quality (Sheq) Specific Plan = 9. Qualification and Competency of Key Staff = 6. Construction Programme = 9. Availability of Plant and Equipment = 6. Trade References = 9. NB: Tenderers not meeting a minimum of 60% of quality/functionality points will be dropped and will not proceed to Stage 2 evaluation. Stage 2 90/10 method where 90 will be allocated for the price and 10 will be allocated for the BBBEE. Appended to the tender documents should be the following statutory supporting documents: i. (Original, stamped) certified copies of Identity Documents of members/directors/shareholders of the company ii. Copies of company registration documents iii. Dully signed Joint Venture Agreement where applicable. iv. Declaration of interest SBD 4, 8 and 9 forms dully completed v. Original Valid Tax clearance certificate vi. Fully completed tender form vii. Fully completed IDT Suppliers questionnaire (irrespective of the bidder being registered in the IDT Database) viii. Valid letter of Good Standing - COIDA ix. SANAS approved Originally Certified copies of BBBEE Certificate - Joint Venture - Bidders should submit consolidated BBBEE Certificates x. SHEQ plan xi. Construction programme schedule Tender validity period is 90 days Completed tender documents sealed in an envelope marked with the "TENDER NUMBER AND PROJECT NAME" must reach the IDT offices and be placed in the marked Tender Box on or before Tuesday 12 March 2015 at 10:00. All tenders will be opened in public at the IDT office situated at 10 Oliver Road, 2nd FLOOR BLOCK THREE, Montrio Corporate Park, Monument Heights, Kimberley, Northern Cape Province on the closing date and time. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. No correspondence will be entered into with unsuccessful tenderers and the selection will be at the IDT's sole discretion and will be final. Administration enquiries can be addressed to Mr Molefi Gaobepe 053 807 2660 NB: No late/faxed/e-mailed/posted submissions will be accepted or considered. X1PQQJ4R-KA190215
: : : : :
Manager: MRM R532 278,00 per annum (All inclusive package) 11 Kimberley MAN/MRM/2015
Requirements: An appropriate three-year tertiary qualification. Between 3 to 5 years' experience in the management resource and experience in policy understanding and implementation strategies. Public sector and policy research experience. Experience in the MRM field. Knowledge and skills: • Knowledge of the function of Government and policy research, analysis and development. Project management, strategic management, planning and organising, reporting procedures, manage section and compilation of management reports.Ability to communicate ideas and issues in a tactful influential manner, verbally and in writing, informally and formally. Qualitative and quantitative research skills, interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution and problem-solving, analytical and organising skills, management skills and leadership skills. Key responsibilities: • Co-ordinate the MRM Campaign in the province by ensuring that government sector is strengthened and that MRM activities become an integral part of departmental strategies and operations. • Ensure institutional support and capacity development by being a networking platform for various initiatives and processes aimed at combating the moral decay. • Develop/implement measuring tools to monitor and evaluate transformation with regard to organisational culture development within departments and local government. • Promote the Charter of Positive Values to ensure: human dignity and equality, rule of law and democracy, sound family/community values, harmony in culture belief and conscience, protection of the environment, justice, fairness and peaceful co-existence. • Ensure provincial support and co-ordination of both provincial and district structures responsible for facilitating the work of MRM. • Develop/implement measuring tools to monitor transformation with regard to organisational culture development within departments. Enquiries: Mr J Twasa on 053 802 5190 POST SALARY LEVEL CENTRE REFERENCE
: : : : :
Manager: Management Accounting R532 278,00 per annum (All inclusive package) 11 Kimberley MAN/ FIN /2015
Requirements: A Bachelor's Degree of Commerce or Economics or equivalent. A minimum of two (2) years' management experience in finance, preferably in management accounting environment in public sector or private sector. Knowledge and skills: • Knowledge of the Public ServiceAct, Financial ManagementAct, Financial Information, Systems Management, PFMA, DORA (Division of RevenueAct), Treasury Regulations and budgeting process. Have good written and verbal communication skills, interpersonal relations, creative thinking, planning and organising, technical proficiency, problem analysis and solving and computer literacy with sound organisational skills. Be able to function under pressure and work within a team or independently. Key responsibilities: • Monitor and maintain the departmental budget process and compile the estimate of provincial revenue and expenditure in compliance with treasury guidelines. • Analyse the annual budget into a monthly cash flow at the beginning of the financial year and after adjustment estimate in accordance with section 40(4)(a) of the PFMAand treasury regulations. • Develop, implement and review relevant departmental policies and procedures. • Develop and maintain appropriate systems, policies, analytical tools, information systems and models or projections of costs behaviour to ensure effective and efficient management of resources. • Liaise with Provincial Treasury and other relevant role players regarding transversal financial matters. • Perform quality assurance on pre-determined objectives/performance information. Enquiries: Mr M Gasela on 053 838 2923 POST SALARY LEVEL CENTRE REFERENCE
: : : : :
Assistant Manager: Batho-Pele R270 804,00 per annum 9 Kimberley AM/MRM/2015
Requirements: Three-year recognised National Diploma/ Degree inAdministration or equivalent qualification. Knowledge and experience: • Experience of between 3 to 5 years in management of resources. • Knowledge on policy understanding and implementation strategies. • Knowledge and function of government and policy research, analysis and development, as well as strategic thinking. • Project management and, planning and organising skills. • Reporting procedures, compilation of management reports. • Ability to communicate ideas and issues in a tactful, influential manner, verbally and writing, informally and formally. • Manage projects independently and work under pressure. • Innovativeness and integrity, discipline. Key responsibilities: To facilitate, encourage and co-ordinate the Batho-Pele programmes of Government working towards transformation in the Northern Cape province. Duties: • Monitor the implementation of national and provincial transformation frameworks and policies. • Workshop Departments, Municipalities on the contextualisation of the Batho Pele in their daily operations. • Promote and improve accessibility of government service on a continuous basis. • Facilitate and manage the implementation of the provincial service excellence awards programmes. • Facilitate and manage imbizo aimed at effecting the desired change in the public service. • Facilitate and manage the provincial Batho Pele Learning Network. • Be responsible for arranging the yearly celebration of Public Service Week andAfrica Public Service Day which includes the implementation of the Khaedu initiative. • The development of policies to ensure compliance with the Batho Pele principles in service delivery departments. Enquiries: Mr J Twasa on 053 802 5190 POST SALARY LEVEL CENTRE REFERENCE
: : : : :
Assistant Manager: Policy Co-ordination Research and Development R270 804,00 per annum 9 Kimberley AM/P&P/2015
Requirements: Appropriate tertiary or equivalent qualification, experience in the management of resources. Experience in policy development and implementation strategies. Knowledge and experience: • Relevant experience of between 3 to 5 years in operations of policy and planning, financial management practices that could be followed to limited financial losses, policy development and monitoring, Management Information System, planning, organising and reporting procedures. High quality verbal and written communication skills. Computer literacy and analysing of strategic documents and acts governing the public sector. Key responsibilities: To render a monitoring and technical support service to the Policy Co-ordination Research and Development.
• • • • • • •
Monitoring and doing follow-ups on the implementation of and reporting on policy. Conducting of research and writing reports on policy implementation. Overall data management, including obtaining data and capturing data for monitoring and evaluation. Create summaries and reports, develop systems for monitoring and evaluation. Promote integrated planning. Statistical analysis. Render technical support and maintenance of the policy database.
Enquiries: Ms J Meyer on 053 802 5108 POST SALARY LEVEL CENTRE REFERENCE
: : : : :
Assistant Director: Multi-Purpose Community Centre R270 804,00 per annum 9 Kimberley AM/IT/2015
Requirements: A three-year Human Resources qualification Degree/ Diploma or Project Management. Between 3 to 5 years' relevant experience, or a Grade 12 or equivalent with more than 6 years' relevant experience. Knowledge and skills: • Financial regulations and instructions which must be followed during the normal course of work. • HR management practices, legal issues, negotiations, dealing with conflict and assist in career planning and the utilisation of personnel. • How to supply training which are normally supplied in the day-to-day in-house training of subordinates. • How to plan for activities which may include projects, policy matters and effective management of the component. Key responsibilities: • Setting up, launching and supervising the operations of the Thusong Service Centres. • Ensure the constant services to the packages at the Centres. • Strengthening the Centres and its capacity by providing information, guidance and assistance in training. • Supervise the administrative functioning of the unit, providing guidance where necessary. • Evaluate the Centre operations and instituting actions to improve service delivery. Enquiries: Mr C Vala on 053 838 2744 POST SALARY LEVEL CENTRE REFERENCE
: : : : :
Administrative Officer: MRM R183 438,00 per annum 7 Kimberley AO/MRM/2015
Requirements: A three-year National Diploma in Administration or equivalent qualification with 0-2 years' relevant experience. A Grade 12 with more than 10 years' Public SectorAdministrative experience. Knowledge and skills: • Agood understanding and knowledge of financial and procurement systems, procedures and the relevant policies, recordkeeping, data system maintenance, public service policies, prescripts and procedures, good communication skills (verbal and written). • Ability to compile submissions, reports, etc. independently, sound planning and organisational skills, ability to properly/accurately record minutes and decisions at meetings. Key Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible for the following: • Render general administrative support services. • Render financial and logistical support services to the Unit Head andAssistant Manager (s) within the Unit. • Liaise with management and track submissions. • Supervision of sub-ordinates. • Handle enquiries from the public, provincial departments, municipalities and sectors within the movement. • Remaining abreast with procedures and processes that apply in the office of the manager. Enquiries: Ms M Mohlala on 053 802 5132 POST SALARY LEVEL CENTRE REFERENCE
: : : : :
REGISTRY CLERK R123 738,00 per annum 5 Kimberley RC/RSM/2015
Requirements: Applicants should be in possession of Grade 10 or equivalent qualifications with 2-3 years' experience/or Grade 12 or equivalent qualification with 1-2 years' experience. Knowledge and experience: The following key competencies will serve as a strong recommendation: • Knowledge and understanding of theArchivesAct, knowledge of limited range of work such as filing, storage and retrieval of information/documents. Planning and organising daily tasks and own work. Knowledge of labour-saving devices. Working procedures in respect of working environment. Basic interpersonal relationship skills and routine verbal exchange of information. • The following attributes will serve as a strong recommendation: • Able to work in a monotonous environment and consistency in value, principles and work ethic. Duties: The successful candidate will be responsible for the following: • Open and maintain franking machine register. • Frank post, record money and update register on a daily basis. • Keep daily record of amount of letters franked. • Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included. • Lock post in postbag for messengers to deliver to post office. • Open and maintain remittance register. • Record all valuable articles as prescribed in the remittance register. • Hand deliver and sign-over remittance to finance. • Correct and neat filing of all materials. • Provide support with duplicating, faxing and binding. Enquiries: Mr T Mogotsi on at 053 802 5072 NOTE: The NC Provincial Government is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer and women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. During appointment the Office of the Premier will consider its Employment Equity Plan. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department and should be accompanied by originally certified copies (date not later than three (3) months) of qualifications as well as a comprehensive CV in order to be considered. Failure to comply with these instructions will disqualify applications from being processed. It is the applicant's responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the SouthAfrican QualificationAuthority (SAQA). No faxed applications will be accepted. The successful candidates will be subject to a process of security vetting and verification of qualification. All applicants should please note that correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only. Iif you have not been contacted within six (6) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Office of the Premier reserves the right not to fill the posts. Please forward the applications for the post quoting the relevant reference number to: Executive Manager, Human Resources Management, Private Bag X5016, Kimberley 8300 or hand deliver at Templar Building, Office of the Premier, Ground Floor (Security), for attention: Mr Z Agenbag. CLOSING DATE: 27 February 2015
Spanne sal nie sommer tou opgooi DIE Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen (HMO) in Kakamas bied elke jaar ’n kenmekaar-aand aan waartydens die leerlinge, ouers en onderwysers teen mekaar toutrek.
ELAINE KOORTZEN (gr. 12) moedig Marna van Wyk en die ander gr. 8-meisies tydens die toutrekkompetisie aan. Foto’s: Verskaf
Eers sê die leerlinge in die onderskeie grade mekaar die stryd aan en dan daag die wenspanne die ouers en onderwysers uit.
JORRIE JORDAAN, waarnemende skoolhoof, trek voor in die pa-span teen die matriekseuns. Agter hom is Marius van Rooyen, beheerligaamvoorsitter. Die matriekseuns het die pa-span ore aangesit.
Vanjaar het die matriekseuns die pa-span laat les opsê. Die span van diematriekmeisies kon egter nie die ma-span klop nie.
MARIUS VAN ROOYEN moedig sy seun Gerber en ander gr. 11-leerlinge aan.
Tel: 054 337 8222 Fax: 054 337 8233 www.uptverspreiders.co.za
Tel: 054 337 8222 Fax: 054 337 8233 www.uptverspreiders.co.za
Rekords spat op byeenkoms DIE Hoërskool Martin Oosthuizen (HMO) in Kakamas se kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms het op Vrydag 6 Februarie en Saterdag 7 Februarie plaasgevind. Soos gebruiklik, is HMO en die Laerskool Sentraal in Kakamas se atletiekbyeenkomste saam gehou. Dié twee dae het ongelooflike atletiek opgelewer en ’n totaal van tien rekords is verbeter. Die beste seunsatleet op die byeenkoms was Jan-Willem Nel, wat eerste plekke behaal het in al vyf die nommers waaraan hy deelgeneem het. Christin Fox is as die beste meisiesatleet van die byeenkoms aangewys. Christin het nie net eerste plekke in al haar nommers behaal nie, maar ook drie rekords verbeter. Tydens die ope aflosnommer het die skool se aflosspanne die ope mans-aflos, ope vroue-aflos, ope Sweedse mansaflos en ope Sweedse vroue-aflos gewen. Sweedse aflos behels dat die eerste atleet 100 m, die tweede 200 m, die derde 300 m en die vierde atleet 400 m hardloop. Die oranjespan het vanjaar die blouspan geklop deur die wentrofee én die geesbeker te verower. Albei spanne het vanjaar flieks as inspirasie vir hul temas gebruik. Die oranjespan se tema was Grease en die blouspan se tema was Rio.
JAN-WILLEM NEL spring hoog op die kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms.
Tel. 053 712 3505 www.era.co.za
Veritas Eiendomme • Elize: 083 383 8372 • Nicolette 082 826 6670 • Juanita: 078 159 7426
VAN links is Jorrie Jordaan (waarnemende skoolhoof), Zack Theron en Hananja Jordaan (oranjespan se spankapteine) en Jacques Kotze (vorige skoolhoof).
JO-MARIE HAYES ontvang die aflosstok van Jodi-Ann Kasimbinge in die o.17-meisiesaflosnommer.
JUMBO Liquorland Seodinweg - Seodin Shopping Centre
Tel. 053 712 2795
KOM LOER GERUS IN Krommelaan 2, Postmasburg VIR GROOT AFSLAG! 053 313 7800 X1PQQHM5-KA190215
Nou beskikbaar in Upington
CANOPIES Groot verskeidenheid beskikbaar teen goeie pryse. Skakel ons gerus vir kwotasies.
Industriastraat 97, Upington Skakel 084 583 2749
053 enterprises
14 Produkte Road Kuruman | Industrial
Time: 7h30- 16h00 Monday to Friday 079 128 1597
Palmgate Shopping Centre • Main street KURUMAN - Tel. 053 712 1264
Foto’s: Verskaf
SALMA CONRADIE spring ver op HMO se kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms.
Geleë in Hoofstraat direk langs Kuruman Motors.
Now open on Sundays Time
09h00-14h00 94 Main Street, Kuruman 053 712 2872 • 082 552 8130 X1PPKQ73-KA190215