Kaleo Journal Issue 005

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Kaleo Journal


MAR/APR 2017

above us only sky image, influence and inspirations

We Are Kaleo Journal Kaleo Journal is a collaborative magazine of many talented young people who are looking to make their impact on the world in a positive and expressive way, using their talents to create something amazing. And they have. Brought together by a team of young people passionate about bringing social issues to light, Kaleo believes in the power of the youth. Dedicated to giving emerging creative people a platform, our interviews and profiles delve deeper into their talented minds to inspire and excite you. Released bi-monthly, each edition is centered around a theme that encapsulates issues that deserve discussion such as equality, wellbeing and identity, in entertaining and engaging ways. With a range of articles, reviews, quick reads and our signature regular columns, we aim to express the diverse issues that matter to young people in a refreshingly clear way.



From Me to You Dearest readers, welcome! As Kaleo Journal continues to connect young, creative souls from all across the world, my understanding of inspiration, influence, and image has also grown. Every day, I am inspired by the people and places around me, which immediately inspires my work in Kaleo Journal. The influence that my friends, music, art, and positivity have on me is, hopefully, evident in this fifth issue. I have said it multiple times and I will say it again, I am so incredibly blessed to work with these people through our magazine. Each contributor, whether a full time writer or a friend who simply helped me pick out photos for a spread, has influenced the final product of this issue to what it is today. In this fifth issue, the imagery is focused on achieving equality, acceptance, and dreams. There are tips on how to practice self-love and the importance of enjoying every second of every day. As editor, I feel that it is my job to ensure that with each new publication, Kaleo Journal is able to influence readers in some manner. Through promoting creativity, love, and happiness, I hope that this issue is able to uplift and encourage those reading to make something beautiful and impacting on the world. Even when life is rough and things are looking down, remember that above us is only the sky. All the love (and that is a lot of love), Kamryn Kobal 004


Teriffic Tunes The Killers John Lennon The Beatles The Lumineers Young the Giant Bombay Bicycle Club WALK THE MOON Of Monsters and Men Gabby Harwood MUNA Coldplay Mumford & Sons Jack Garratt Ben Rector Phillip Phillips Billy Joel Eagles Andra Day Callum Crighton Elton John

Human Imagine Here Comes The Sun Where The Skies Are Blue Something To Believe In Always Like This Sidekick Yellow Light Nice To Know I Know A Place Hurts Like Heaven The Wolf Surprise Yourself When I’m With You Home Piano Man Take It Easy Rise Up Magic Tiny Dancer



What's Inside

004 Editors Letter 005 Playlist

008 Meet The Team

022 What Love Looks Like Playlist

031 “I'm Not Like Other Girls” Photo Essay


024 50 Ways to Strengthen Self Image

040 A Letter In Which I Question My Existence

Poet Tree:

Youthful Imagination


042 The Trip: Tennessee

Fill In The Blanks:

Taren Malboeuf

012 Meet: Callum Crighton 006


046 The Value of Hua Mu Lan’s Name

048 Fill In The Blanks:

Kira Sullivan

Issue Five

Four Letter Words:

060 Love Is A Language Every Soul Speaks

066 Moiety

082 Serendipity

083 In The Woods Somewhere




048 Globetrotter: Los Angeles

068 In The Spotlight:

Ena Kim

Kyiandra Thanou

086 A Happy Birthday

Fill In The Blanks:

088 Nice To Know Gabby Harwood

094 Lost In The Music



Meet The Team

Kamryn Kobal Founder and Editor My brother has always been a huge influence in my life, always supporting my dreams and passions without hesitation, which is one of the greatest forms of affection.

Alex Colberg Photojournalist I’m a lover of people and the way that we can all influence one another. Together, with love and positivity, we can make this world a brighter place!



Mclane Stringer Photographer What I love most about photography is being able to capture images that you would not be able to see without a camera.

Margot Oyuela Photojournalist I would love to write something poetic and beautiful but in all honesty, I get my inspiration while sitting in the bathtub eating pizza and drinking wine.

Chloe Katopodis Creative Director In between daydreams about time travel and Wolverine, you'll find me asleep in bed or erratically scribbling down ideas for a new crazy design project.

Hannah Lozano Writer Every time I turn a new corner in my city, I can't help but wonder what stories lie beyond. As an armchair anthropologist, I have thousands of cities and a world left to see.

Of Issue Five

Hannah Ofczarzak Playlist Director Music has always been a huge influence in my life—albums forming the soundtrack of my teenage years and songs reviving cherished memories, shaping me.

Alex Markey Music Columnist My childhood consisted of my parents dragging me to concerts from the Reggae Fest to Slim Shady. Growing up in Austin has mad me who I am today.

Bella Lopes Writer I’m inspired by so many things I can’t narrow it down, inspiring me to find out what inspires me. Curiosity motivates me. I’m provoked by the unknown.

Our Incredible Contributors Kyiandra Thanou // Designer and Illustrator IG: @vivid.scrbble IG: @kyiandrathanou Taren Malbouf // Illustrator IG: @taren_malboeuf Kira Sullivan // Artist IG: @kitteniskira Ena Kim // Illustrator IG: @tangekim ena-kim.tumblr.com Callum Crighton // Musician IG: @callumcrighton YouTube/Spotify: Callum Crighton

Clara Tang // Writer IG: @koalara teacomets.co.vu

Gabby Harwood // Musician IG @gabbyharwood www.gabbyharwood.com

Valerie Martinez// Photographer Twitter: @valleerriieeee

Vivian Evans // Writer IG @sunshine.jewelry_ Etsy:Sunshinejewl

Nadia Miko // Writer IG: @clichebohemian www.theclichebohemian. wordpress.com

Meredith Fite // Writer IG @messy_mer Wordpress: literallylipstick __________________________ A very special thanks to all who have supported the Kaleo Journey so far. With over a year invested into this and now FIVE issues, we have hit over six thousand readers online! Keep it up!

The Trip // IG @thetripusa Connor Schlosser // Cover Photographer IG @obscvre obscvrephotography.com



I am emerging from the belly of a lion, Jumping into the eye of a storm, Just to wind up swimming with sharks I call friends, Wolves I call family. I am living with my heart torn from my body, My blood lining the pages of story books, Pretty pictures. I unravel my arteries for fun, Pleasure, For you. I am walking on fire, Breathing underwater, I am living with death, We are roommates actually. He stays on his side of the apartment, And I don’t dare touch his things. I am swimming in nervousa, Tripping on acid, I am not from here, Or am I? Where did I put my journal?

Youthful 010



Sir, did you know you look crazy? When you deny yourself adventure, Dreaming, Exploration. I hold no nationality, My soul is bohemian, Why aren’t you like me? Miss, did you know you look crazy? When you deny yourself love, Admiration, Confidence. I shattered all my mirrors, What does my face look like? I dance on clouds, And then pray to the moon, I paint my face with mud, And sky dive without a parachute. What’s my postal code? Sorry, I don’t have one right now. I am off chasing tigers in the desert, Training dogs how to fly, Studying giraffe’s underground, I’m too busy chasing dreams inside my head. ABOVE US ONLY SKY




'Listen to the magic' echoes this bold, British singer, dancing through a forest at twilight, channelling a young Bowie in his exuberance and eccentricity. The moody beats and his smooth voice make a dreamlike combination.






Callum Crighton



Meet If you were being introduced on television tomorrow to promote your new single ‘The Rose’, how would they describe you? They’d probably have quite a difficult time trying to describe me! I imagine they’d say something along the lines of “A silver haired synth-pop artist, who may or may not come from this planet”. I often get that description. How long has music been in your life? From a very young age! Since I was born I’ve always had both parents being interested in music and I’ve always been exposed to music from the 80s. My favorite artist was Kylie Minogue (closely followed by Madonna). What is it about music that is magic to you? There’s just something about music that touches the soul in a way nothing else can—I don’t think it can be explained by science, but music is definitely more than just sound waves. Imagery of nighttime is really prevalent in your works; what are the significance of your lyrics? Do you aim to tell a story or convey a mood? I’ve always considered myself to be nocturnal, and as much as I love the sun, I feel truly alive in the nighttime. I like to think of all of my songs as guides, they’re all metaphorical but when studied deeper people seem to find the hidden messages in them. I’d like to think my



songs will appear in people's lives for the right reasons, as though the universe has made them come across the song to give them a message or a sign. Who inspires you in your music – from other musicians to subject topics to things to motivate you to create? What drives you? I’m very inspired by modern music artists who take control of their work such as ‘Marina and the Diamonds’ and ‘Grimes’ but am also inspired by the legends such as ‘David Bowie’ and ‘Kate Bush’! I’m very motivated by things I find beautiful in the universe; a lot of the imagery in my music is very ethereal and aesthetically pleasing for me. I’ve seen some of your comments on Instagram that promote feeling good in whatever your most comfortable in regardless of what society dictates; one of my favourite captions being: femininity is just as strong, powerful and valid as masculinity! Why do you feel that it is such an important message to share, especially factoring in your platform on social media? I am who I am because of looking up to artists that have taught me important messages such as these; and I’ve definitely been helped by having role models to look up to in that way. Social media is a perfect tool for connecting

Callum Crighton with people, and I feel a responsibility for passing down the message to people that look up to me in a similar way to how I look up to my idols, everyone deserves to know that they can be free and true to themselves! One of my first impressions of you was how much of a similar vibe you have to David Bowie in his prime in the 70s with the eccentric outfits and bursting lease on life. He walked the line between feminine and masculine and something entirely beyond gender. He was all about creative expression through his ever changing image. Thank you very much! He was a very big inspiration to me. I have always felt a very spiritual connection with Bowie. When I was little I used to watch ‘Labyrinth’ over and over again, something about him has always touched me and I’d like to hope that someday I could contribute to some of the radiance he gave out to the world. What kind of energy to you channel and radiate when you wear lavish coats, glitter highlighter and crushed velvet—things that are typically deemed feminine? Definitely the type of energy that transcends gender as a whole. I’m slowly turning into the person I feel in my heart, and not someone that wants to stick to the predetermined structures set by society! I believe that, even

though I do identify as a male, I’ll never have to stick to being particularly masculine or feminine, I’ll always just be Callum Crighton unapologetically. How does that differ to when you wear different outfits that are more traditionally masculine, like pants, and why do you think it’s important to diversify? Some days I do feel like wearing much more masculine outfits, I guess I just go with whatever vibe I’m channeling that particular day, I don’t really put myself in a box, the diverse styles just kind of happen on their own. Social media platforms, especially Instagram, can be so interesting in how they communicate. We can often feel like we know a person, or have a sense of them, through scrolling through their account; it forms an image of them. Even though we each know that our own social media doesn’t capture even half of what we really are like, including the many non-photogenic mundane moments—we can still fall into the mentality of forming an image of someone based off that. As an emerging artist, how do you navigate this issue of communicating yourself through your media? I’d like for people to feel like they know me, definitely! I think naturally I’m the type of



Meet person to always put my best foot forward, and this is evident with social media. I think that as an emerging artist it’s important for me to build a strong image around my name and music so that people remember who I am, that’s something I’m always working really hard on. Yet it’s also important for people to realize that when they see people online, it’s only the best portion that the person has selected to show, and that you shouldn’t compare your own life to the lives of others in that way. How do you form your own image? We all go through different phases as our mentality changes, so having turned eighteen and really starting to define your identity, how do you project a self-image that you're happy with? I think it’s mainly been something that has happened over the last year, I’m not afraid anymore to discover who I am and it’s definitely that concept of letting go that’s helped me project the image you see now! Although I think in a few years' time I’ll probably look very different again, I’m always changing and evolving. How do you begin to find a sound that you like and reflects you? It’s just something that’s always been there with me through the music that I’ve grown up listening to and the music I listen to now. They all have an effect on the type of music I make and a sound that I feel reflects me as a person. My advice to others would be to listen to lots of music, and really look deep in the most unusual places to find music that reflects who you are! During times where life is overwhelming, especially how turbulent politics are at the moment, how do you inspire yourself to push on and create? I’m not a very politically active person; so I like to try and take my mind to a higher place in hopes that I’ll create something that can help others reach that place too. I do believe everything will be alright in the end, there are so many beautiful minds on this planet that



we’ll always work it out. What has been a highlight for you throughout the process of publishing your music—from writing the songs to creating the videos to the reception? That’s a tough one! It’s very difficult for me to choose because I genuinely love all of it with all my heart! I think the most satisfying part is once it’s a finished piece and I can finally share it with the world. I had a recent encounter where a fan ran up to me in a nightclub and told me how much they love my music, we took a picture together and it gave me lots of motivation because I could only ever have imagined things like that happening to me, yet now it's coming true! ‘The Rose’ is my first single to have an industry standard music video too, so things have been very different and much more professional than ever before, which is exciting because I get that notion that things are beginning to take off for me. What are five of your future aspirations and why do you envision these particular goals? The first one is to have a single in the charts, and to have a buzz around a piece of my work. The second one is to have a fan base large enough that would allow me to tour the world and meet people and see things that I’d never have been able to see otherwise. The third one is meeting the idols that I’ve looked up to, such as Marina, Kate Bush, Lana Del Rey and others. The fourth is to change other people's lives, and to give them the excitement and passion that was given to me by the artists I know and love. And the last one is to be able to look back at it all in the end and knowing that I’ve created a legacy as Callum Crighton—something that will be left with the world when the day comes and I'm not here anymore. What are some words that you keep in mind before entering the song creating process? Stay true to yourself, and trust that whatever you make will be beautiful. ●



If You Want To Find Love



Where The City Is SONGS TO FALL IN LOVE WITH Hands Down The Greeting Committee Til Kingdom Come Coldplay nothing at all Lewis Watson The Bells From Indian Lakes I Will Be There Odessa Sleep On The Floor The Lumineers Bright Echosmith New York, New York Frank Sinatra


At thirteen years old, I made my first trip to New York. This was a journey gifted to me and my best friend from our moms to see our favorite band in the Big Apple. At this time in my life, singing those British love songs with my best friend while we danced in the most mystic city allowed me to experience love on my own, unlike I had ever experienced. Being there with all of the lights and noises, the constant commotion and chatter made me mature, in a way. For the first time, I felt the indescribable feeling that comes with traveling, live music and being alone in a city. During one of our last nights in New York, I vividly remember sitting across from a man who seemed to be in his mid 20’s. He was extremely clean cut, dressed in a navy suit with a baby blue tie that was a shade lighter than his eyes. For some reason, 13 year old me was extremely interested in just who this man was. What does a young man, dressed so professionally, do in New York City? It seemed like a world so far away from mine. I began analyzing his actions, in the most non-intrusive way. I watched as he opened his slick leather briefcase to pull out a worn paperback novel. My thoughts traveled to wonder what this man’s story consisted of. Was he an intern at a fancy insurance company on Wall Street? Did he truly enjoy his position at what seemed like a prestigious business? Or was his true passion etched from the classic words that he held in his hands? The next thing I noticed was the gum he was chewing. Immediately, I knew that along with his crisp suit, short hair, and professional briefcase, the stranger undoubtedly was chewing mint gum. Still to this day, I remember after I thought this specific idea, the man across from me on the subway pulled out a piece of Juicy Fruit Bubblegum, the very opposite of my inference. I laughed to myself as the man wadded up his older piece of gum and replaced it with a fresh one. As we pulled up to the next subway stop, the man grabbed his belongings and exited the subway, leaving me in my cluster of thoughts and ideas. As silly as this sounds, this small encounter with a man who will never know, impacted me simply by existing. Throughout the rest of my first trip to New York City, I learned how to fall in love with my surroundings. I fell in love with the way the city seemed to sleep for thirty minutes just before the sun rose along the Hudson River. I fell in love with the way my best friend and I danced in our hotel room along to the lyrics that filled the margins of my notebook. I fell in love with the barista who made my coffee a little too bitter for my liking. I fell in love with the idea of love and how it can be such a broad, yet intimate idea. Whether I was in love just for the duration of the ride or maybe just infatuated with the man on the subway, I grew to truly acknowledge and love the things that surround me at all times. ●



We often hear that when we look our best, we feel our best. This can often seem beyond achievable, feeling pressure to change your entire appearance into a ideal that society dictates which doesn't allow you to express your individual self. We can often fall into the mentality that exercise is the only way to be physically healthy but this is only one of many. The way we think of ourself and present that to the world can sometimes not correlate, as it is almost impossible for our image to truly represent all of our internal world - the ambitions, desires and strengths.



Considering how much of our physical appearance can form an image of ourselves, we're sharing some ways to help you strengthen your understanding of your being. This list was designed to be manageable and positive for all - balancing health and beauty. You'll find organization tips, such as managing your wardrobe, as well as notes on existence and how to connect deeper. Keep this list in mind as the year - with all its ups and downs - progresses and share the knowledge around as we work together to build a future that embraces physical wellbeing. 024


Strengthen Self Image


2. HAVE SMALL PERFUMES AROUND. Freshen up on the go and always smell great.

3. DO REGULAR HAIR TREATMENTS. With DIY beauty becoming a massive trend, there are plenty of masks you can easily whip up with what you have lying around the house. Nourish your hair once a week.

4. DON’T SLEEP WITH ELECTRONICS IN YOUR ACTUAL BED. Put your phone on the floor or a shelf—just not too close to you.

5. GO OP SHOPPING. Shopping second hand is amazing: 1. You're supporting charities or small, local businesses. 2. It's normally cheaper. 3. It's environmentally friendly. 4. You will have an individual look. 5. It's often quieter than busy shopping centres.


7. CHANGE THE VOICE. Would you say what you’re saying to yourself to your younger sister or best friend? Alternatively, think of it as coming from someone you don’t like—would you let them talk to you like that? No way.


9. WIND DOWN EARLIER. Drink some tea, clean your face, put on comfy pjs, put down your phone and just close your eyes.



48 Ways To

9. DO A FACE MASK FORNTIGHTLY. Hello softer, smoother skin.

10. FORM A FACE CLEANSING ROUTINE. Identify your skin type and purchase/make products to keep it healthy and clear.

11. EXPERIMENT WITH YOUR LOOK. Change up your usual makeup look with a pop of colour, or add a braid to your hair.



12. REMIND YOURSELF OF YOUR PROGRESS. Think back to when you were struggling, or when you were doing an activity that is normal to you now. Look how far you've come! Look how far you'll go!

15. FOCUS ON YOUR EYEBROWS. Spend time shaping them to your style.

13. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. It's you!

14. THINK ABOUT FUNCTION, NOT FORM. When I find myself disconnecting to my physical being, or feeling down about my appearance, I remind myself of the purpose of my body and my abilities. ‘I can move this little pinky just by thinking it! I can use my arms to hug people and spread love. My ears can hear laughter. My body is an incredible machine— going far beyond just how it looks.’

16. LOOK FOR STYLE ICONS. Find people (celebrities, models, designers) to look up to. Look for similarities in them: colourings and body types to see how they are styled. Also look for differences or things you wish you could pull off, like the exuberance of Iris Apfel. You can rock it.


Strengthen Self Image

18. HONE YOUR FASHION SENSE. This doesn't mean you can't experiment with different styles, it means being more selective about your purchases. Make every item count, even basics. Buy quality.

20. LIST THINGS YOU ACTUALLY LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF. About your appearance, character and abilities.


22. TAKE BABY STEPS. Things don't have to happen so fast.

19. POST MORE ON INSTAGRAM. As much as I love IG, I hate that we can perceive an account as being that person’s life, when it's clearly just a selection and no amount of photos can accurately represent who they are. But I can also appreciate it as a catalogue of beautiful moments that is nice to scroll through.

23. TAKE PICTURES OF YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS. Even if you don't like photos, they'll capture memories. These moments are fleeting.

24. SEEK PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE. Stylists, Hairdressers, doctors, counsellors: they are specialists and can truly assist to strengthen you— inside and out. Let them in.

25. SMILE.

26. MAINTAIN YOUR NAILS. I always say when my nails are manicured, my life is in order because it means I had at least half an hour to spare. The simple things are the most powerful.



48 Ways To

29. MOISTURIZE 27. ORGANIZE YOUR WARDROBE. While Skyping, Kamryn saw my open cupboard and laughed at me for colour coding my clothes. The real joke is on her—everything is super easy to find and it always looks neater than it is. You can coordinate by season, style (tops, jackets, pants), occasion, or any other system that works with your stuff.

28. REMIND YOURSELF YOU ARE HERE. This is happening. You exist. You are valid. You are making a contribution to the world. I find that when I don’t feel that I’m connecting, I’ll put myself aside to create a positive moment for others. Seeing them happy as a product of my actions is validating.



31. STRETCH IT OUT Before you climb into bed to sleep, just stretch out your muscles for a few minutes - nothing fancy, just loosen up. Do this after you wake up too.

32. LIGHT A CANDLE. Aromatherapy folks.

30. FIND YOUR ULTIMATE OUTFIT. When I started uni, I was worried that I wouldn't have enough clothes to wear. Now I embrace wearing one or two outfits—like a cartoon character. It's like my own uniform. Albert Einstein also liked to keep it simple and structured.

33. PRACTICE DEEP BREATHING. Inhale for five seconds, exhale for five seconds. Concentrate on this with all your energy for a few minutes until you've found your mind is calm. It will help ground you and stay in focus. Do this before approaching any task such as going to class or meeting with friends.

Strengthen Self Image


34. DAYDREAM. Spend time envisioning yourself in the future, no matter how wild. It could be extreme (you’re an astronaut colonizing Mars) or a little more grounded (living in an apartment with lots of natural light). Give yourself this escape and motivation.

35. OPEN UP DIALOGUE WITH YOUR BODY. Listen to your pains and joys and tears and fatigue and warmth.

37. TRY A NEW STYLE. Look for a punk leather jacket for when you're feeling edgy; a lush faux fur jacket for glamour; patent loafers for sleek city. Own your feelings by expressing them. Feel the power in connecting your physical and mental.


39. MINIMISE STUFF Doing a wardrobe overhaul gives you a chance to take charge of your fashion sense. Go through each piece and be realistic. If it doesn't fit or you don't like it, put it aside for charity or family/friends/ to sell. If you're still undecided, put it in a pile and make a concrete decision the next time (repeat every season or about four months).


41. MAXIMISE STORAGE Double layer - jackets over shirts over tank tops. Fold woollen jumpers and stack into draws. Take out clothes you're not wearing for the season. Less clutter will clear your mind.



48 Ways To


43. POST POSITIVE NOTES AROUND THE PLACE. I have one that reads 'Kamryn believes in me' in big writing that is positioned so I see it every morning and as cheesy as it sounds, it is actually very uplifting. Another tip is to write lots of little notes and scatter them around the place. Eventually you'll forget about them and it will seem like a sweet surprise from the universe.



44. MEDITATE DAILY. Dedicate as little as ten minutes each day to just be at peace, practicing breathing and calming yourself down. You'll come out of it feeling ready to tackle the next task ahead.


46. COMPLIMENT EVERYONE YOU INTERACT WITH. Remind your friends of things you like about them casually in conversation. Mention something small when you meet someone new. Make it genuine. This will also make you more conscious to the beauty around you and spread positivity.

47. TAKE PERSONALITY TESTS. Keirsey and MyersBriggs Type Indicator are two of my favourites because there are free versions on the internet that just require a tick of a box, and there is a vast amount of information about your types. I found out deeper about my strengths and weaknesses, which helped me work on them, as well as find inspirations and quotes I could connect to. Plus lots of fun zodiacstyle memes.

48. KNOW YOUR WORTH. This connects to loving yourself. Do not let anyone mistreat you and devalue you. Hold yourself to a high standard. Take care of yourself. You are worth it. You are worth it. â—?

“I'm Not Like Other Girls” We will stand strong, together. WRITTEN BY MARGOT OYELA | PHOTOGRAPHY BY VALERIE MARTINEZ When society constantly shows you that you are worth less because of your gender, you could easily start to believe it. Thousands of women around the world subconsciously contribute to the oppression of their own gender. Internalized misogyny comes in a variety of ways and shows the impact of growing up in a sexist world. As a teenager, I have met girls of all different backgrounds and opinions. One of the most common similarities between them is some sort of internalized misogyny influenced by society. From privileged, white teens in a small town in Texas, to female immigrants who come from a diverse culture, they all seem to have been influenced to think women are inferior, whether they know it or not. If I could count how many times a girl has said they “Don't believe in feminism” or they “Already have the same equality as men”, I would be a millionaire. Many women believe that just because they have not experienced the true extent of sexism, it means it does not exist. Not only is that incredibly selfish, it is insulting to the thousands of woman who get paid less for doing the same job as a man. It is insulting to the thousands of women who are discredited for their achievements and overshadowed by men with less experience.

It is insulting to the thousands of women who are being affected by the de-funding of Planned Parenthood and can no longer afford pap smears, mammograms, birth control, STD testing and the hundreds of services the organization provides. I understand that as a teenager working a simple job, male and female employees are paid the same, but that does not change the fact that the official wage gap of the United States is 77 cents. Over half of the real estate agents in the United States are women, yet they still only make 60.6% of what male real estate agents make on sales. Whether you choose to accept it or not, the odds will always be against women. By saying things like “I'm already equal enough”, “The Women's March is pointless”, and voting for a man who has objectified, harassed and sexually assaulted women, society is contributing to the unjust treatment that females receive. Your experience with sexism, or lack of, DOES NOT invalidate the fact that women are oppressed in our patriarchal society. Before you decide to judge girls who stand up for themselves, take a step back and evaluate if you want to be part of the systematic hatred of gender. ●



Women's March



Austin, Texas



Women's March



Austin, Texas



Women's March



Austin, Texas







A Letter In Which I Question My Existence Am I even real? If I'm not, can I eat more cake? If I am, will it matter? A COLUMN BY CHLOE KATOPODIS Dear Danielle, I'm Nervous that my whole World is crashing around me, but in the most casual way. I don't think I've ever been this uncertain about Life in general and I truly Feel that for the first time in my Life I can't See my Future. I just Visualise myself in this Reality. And I don't really Know what Other Realities exist and I don't really think I'll ever Understand. I'm Panicking, big time, but yet I still go on. Like a Thought will pop up in my head that is so beyond Absurd, such as 'are our brains plotting against us?', or 'is gravity even real?' and I'll Freak Out about it, because it is very Freak-Out-worthy, but then I'll just continue doing what I'm doing and listen to another Song. So here we have this Paradox that I am essentially Losing my Identity and Self-Image and am Deeply Unsure of my Place in the World (if our World really even exists) while continuing to Live on despite these Issues. I am Here but I am Not. I've just been Thinking. A lot. A lot more than usual, which is generally far Beyond average. I've been Thinking about Why we are here, when it all can seem so pointless. Why now? Why at all? I just Feel that it is so arbitrary beyond Belief. Think about it: our sole planet with Life among several others, that has been going on for BILLIONS of Years, from one spec



of bacteria to a whole wide range of Creatures, all pushing and striving towards What? I just can't see an end point to any of it which is Freaking me out because with Climate Change and our environmental position, not to mention current events that seem to be leading up to another major War, that we don't even have long left. I mean, I'll keep striving to make the world a better place—more equal, with justice, rich in experiences and meaning—yes, yes I understand this Big Picture sure, but those Dark Thoughts still Loom. I think it's more personal, about how I'm aging and will soon be flying out to become an Individual. And that Individual doesn't know Batman in this Reality, or isn't a super spy in the 1840's. This Individual doesn't live in my Imagination. This Fear of the Unknown is doing my Head in. But I can easily Silence it just by playing the new Animal Collective single, or watching SBS, or taking a nap, or doing absolutely anything. And I couldn't say that two years ago, or even six months ago. So that's Progress, right? I'm changing—developing. I'll keep going, and soon I'll be Somewhere. Somewhere I can't See now, but Somewhere that Exists. It just doesn't Exist in my Current Vision. Cue David Bowie's "Changes". Much Love from the depths of my Heart, that is, if Love is real and my Heart exists, Chloe. ●

Fill In The Blanks Hey there! My name is Taren Malboeuf. I express myself through digital and traditional illustration. I try to embody bliss in my works because I believe a true cathartic outlet is hard to find and I want to convey that I am truly happy with what I do. My works often include angelic symbolism and nature because they appeal to the soft aesthetic I like in my works.

I am from Webster, NY; I like the rainy seasons and the people but I am not too fond of how far I live away from home now. I wish it had more hiking trails and less fishing spots. One thing people might not know about me is I am also a musician. The impression I hope people have of me is 'they seem really sweet and down to earth' but is most likely 'what a nervous wreck'.

Frida Kahlo's way of thinking impacted me; most memorable was her philosophies on painting self-portraits and how the only person she will truly know best is herself. I am inspired by Chris Garneau because of his vulnerability, as well as the sweet sounds of Hiatus Kaiyote and Hot Sugar. The first book I ever remember loving was Island of the Blue Dolphins. I absolutely love the intense yet serene color palettes in the film AmeliĂŠ. The most memorable artwork I ever created was a rendition of the Swiss Alps. The image of the Rothenburg gardens is forever burned into my brain. If I could collaborate with anyone to have lived, it would be Lotte Reinige. She was a pioneer in animation in the early 1900s and set a path for women in the industry. My future plans involve developing my own animated series and see my works come to life. â—?



The Trip: Tennessee A COLUMN BY ALEX COLBERG The day that I visited the Lorraine Motel is one that will never be discarded from my mind. In fact, pictures of that morning visit me often, haunting my thoughts with the remembrance of truths from MLKJ’s life, a historical fight for equality.

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The Trip Golden rays from the Tennessee sun breathed through sky filled clouds, peaking out to announce mornings coming. Daylight, this was my cue. It was time to begin yet another day of travel and interviews, yet this morning would be unlike any other of our journey so far. Today was the day that we would be visiting the Lorraine Motel, which was located only around 15 minutes away from our Airbnb. Bristly we packed our bags and quietly rolled our suitcases down the old houses tall flight of stairs and out through the parking lot to where our car was parked. After slamming the trunk door closed, which was always a tight fit with our excessive luggage, Hannah climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine. Just like that we were off. My camera bounced up and down in my lap as we drove across trolley tracks and unleveled concrete. Not many people were out, it seemed as if the town slept quietly and I was watching their peace from an outside angle. As we drove, the sun began to quickly rise, blessing me with decent lighting to capture photographs in. By the time that we arrived at the motel, the darkness of the night had completely vanished. “Well I think this is it,” said Hannah as her phones GPS turned off. “I mean I don’t know I believe so, but I don’t see any signs,” I responded.



“I guess I’ll just circle around this block and maybe we’ll find it.” “Oh there! There, I see it, look!” Sure enough there it was, an old brick building, large, parallel, conformed, and as tan as a Midwestern desert. The Lorraine Motel looked just like any other structure that we had passed on our travels, unidentifiable from the millions of other square buildings planted in this country. Yet, unlike anything else that my eyes had ever seen, upon first glance at the Motel, my heart instantly plummeted, a reaction that I truly wasn’t expecting. Standing amidst the Lorraine I understood how both important and undeniably real Martin Luther King Jr.’s life actually was. You see, from my early days I have always felt a strong liking towards MLKJ. I learned about him in books, school, television shows, and certain years my birthday would even fall on his holiday. To me he was one of the greatest people of all time, and I aspired to bring change just as he did. Hearing stories of his teachings made me thankful that I could reap the benefits that he sowed, and from the minute I knew that we would be visiting the place where he was assassinated, I did not expect it to be easy. Yet in the moment, not a second passed where I was not forced to fight back tears.

Tennessee In my life alone, without the widespread impacts lead by MLKJ I would be stripped of the relationships that I hold dearest. My boyfriend, my best friends, and my two precious younger brothers are all black. To imagine a time where not only would we be unable to build the love that we have today, but to think that they would be treated with such extreme racial discrimination saddens every inch of my being. I love the people in my life, they make me a better person. They inspire me and challenge me, they protect me and they make me who I am. Yet the issue of inequality is so much bigger than just me. Millions of people were freed from injustice because of MLKJ’s guidance. Even more individuals were inspired from his peaceful protesting’s and his speeches. He was a teacher to the world, who brought mass amounts of people together, despite race and gender. Speaking of freedom, he brought people out of blindness and into outstanding love. Those who listened to his words were cast into a glowing light of truth. As I walked down the side of the Lorraine, the silence of the cool dawn air was almost palpable, as if the surrounding world that I was standing in was paying its dues and respect to the fallen. I passed by vacant room after vacant room, imagining all of the individuals who once stayed there. The end of the motel began to approach, and a reflection of red caught the corner of my eye.

A colossal wreath jumped out at me, framing the balcony where MLKJ was standing when he was shot. It was right there, now decorated in white flowers and ribbon, I could see one of the most sorrowful parts of history unfold before me. My eyes began to swell once more. Merely looking at the balcony, the exact spot where he once stood, triggered my mind into a whole new reality. What if this never happened? How much more progress would our country have made? What if he never even existed? The truth is I don’t want to live in a world where racial discrimination thrives. I don’t want to live in a world where I am seen as a worthy human being, and my neighbor with colored skin is seen subordinately, being unfairly subtracted. I don’t want to live in a world where Martin Luther King Jr. did not once live before me. An overwhelming amount of thoughts and questions whirled through my mind like a twister, leaving me unable to focus on one thing at a time. I was overwhelmed with emotion that I did not know resided inside me. “Alright we should probably hit the road,” Hannah whispered as she approached where I next to the balcony. And so we left. And I walked away, returning to a life of freedom and equality, that I have always known, because of the man who died at the Lorraine Motel. ●



The Value of Hua Mu Lan’s Name What does it mean for us to be accurately represented in fiction? WRITTEN BY CLARA TANG

Even the smallest of attributes belonging to a fictional character can hold the heaviest of weights. Their names exist as more than just a marker for distinguishing between each other. A name holds the first impression a reader has of whom it belongs to. There is as much cultural representation in a name as there is in physical appearance - perhaps even more so. But this is continually overlooked despite the history that supports that name. The image of a fictional character is so much more than their physical appearance and personality traits. It can all begin with a name. Writing books (finished or not) was my solution for creating alternatives to my own self-



image whilst growing up and undoubtedly, my third-culture personality strongly affected such constructions. My encounter with books from a young age was equivalent to a glistening candystore for a child. I was able to venture into tales that would take me travelling to numerous fantasy worlds and put me in the shoes of a favorable protagonist. I became intrigued and invested in the construction of my own characters and my own various identities that I was able to create for myself by writing my own tales. Writing the lives of my many book characters was all so wonderful until I turned eighteen and realized after lining them up in my head, they all had something in common. None of them were Asian, let alone

Chinese like myself. I was astonished. Did I loathe my own culture that much? What lead me to write all these characters, put myself in the same shoes as them, yet have them all lack representation of my own people and other racial minorities? Being Chinese who is schooled in a Western-infused system in Hong Kong proved to be quite the interesting combination that influences the backbone of my current identity today and how I navigate my world around me. For so long, I was convinced that whenever I introduced myself to someone, I was better off treating my Chinese heritage as an alien trait from who I

am. Instead of loving the way my tongue could curl to speak Cantonese, I clung onto my English language and paraded it as much as I could. As I grew up, I struggled with accepting my self-image because my Western upbringing left me little room for the Chinese spine that was at the core of my being. Reasons for such opinions towards my own heritage stemmed from the way many of the books I read were constructed. I grew up reading stories that had characters who were only ever portrayed to have the Caucasian traits of brunettes and blondes with eyes described as ‘endless oceans’ but never the colour of 'the deepest forests that grow life' or ‘the constellations in

of the context these characters originated from. Chinese names, amongst names from other cultures, exist as a rarity in the fictional world. By erasing a culturally-accurate name from a character of a specific culture and replacing it with a name belonging to a community foreign to their own cultural identity, an indirect statement is created to say that the only names worthy of beauty are the ones laced with Western origin. Perhaps it is simply a notion of normality that causes a writer to reject the representation of a minority culture. Nevertheless, regardless of whatever reason, the effect still remains the same: an erasure of beauty in specific cultures that lack representation

I grew up reading stories that had characters with eyes described as ‘endless oceans’ but never ‘the constellations in the night sky’ the night sky’ that a majority of the Asian community have. And though there is possibly so much more to a character than their ethnicity, I began thinking that in the fictional world, there was no room for my own Chinese representation and that I simply was not invited to be in such a romanticized world. This affected the way I crafted my own characters and the traits I decided to give them. In the world of written fiction that I encountered, if characters were ever of Asian descent, they were mostly hidden beneath names of western origins regardless

in many entertainment sources. The truth is, there is so much within a name that can affect the reader consciously and subconsciously. Books were my source of influence for a large portion of my upbringing. The lack of names sounding even remotely close to my own Chinese name caused me to, at times, forget I even had a Chinese name. My surname became a part of my own identity that I loathed because it did not sound as mellifluous as the surnames of the characters I read about in the books on my shelf. My encounter with normalized ‘beautiful’

names lead me to detach my own surname with my English name at every opportunity around the corner. With it, I started having a more hesitant approach towards addressing my Chinese name. Embracing my name in its full form became a ridiculous challenge due to the constant portrayal of the type of names that were considered acceptable in fiction. A part of me concluded that my full name, in its English and Chinese form, was not beautiful enough. Or that it was beautiful, but not in the same way or level that the commonly glorified names were. It is simply not enough to address the ethnicity of a character if one does not consider applying culture-specific attributes when constructing them. Names are only one of the many few attributes of a character that could accurately (or inaccurately) reflect their cultural backbone in its entirety. When we fail to acknowledge the importance of representation in our craft, we fail to acknowledge the power that writing can have. When we fail to realize the power of our own words, we end up underestimating the extent to which one is able to relate to them and we end up silencing those who look for parts of themselves in our work. To be represented in fiction means not being forgotten about. Writers have undying potential in the kinds of work they choose to be authors to and at the same time, they too have an endless amount of voices they are able to make proud. For Mu Lan did not save China to have her people be summoned, called and addressed by an English cloak to hide their Chinese name. ●



Fill In The Blanks

Hey there! My name is Kira! I express myself through my room, my clothes—most often I express my emotions in my art. I try to embody comfort or nostalgia in my works because I believe that the process of making art is comforting; the subjects that I choose to paint are often sources of happiness in my life: flowers, trees, animals, and people. All the things I paint reference how I interact with spaces in which I am comfortable. For example: a painting of me sleeping in a tree. I love to climb trees and when I do, I find the most comfortable spot to sit in and sometimes read or nap.

I am from a small town in southeast Louisiana; I like the environment for the most part (though there’s a lot of trash that I wish wasn’t there, I just wanna go and grab a trash bag and pick it up sometimes), but I’m not so fond of the seriously right-wing people out here who pass that onto their kids. I wish it had more people who actually care about anything important and fewer people who don't try to understand other people’s points of view. One thing people might not know about me is I collect little containers like tiny boxes, tins and such. On our screens, we should show more inclusive, important movies and less biased news. The first book I really remember loving was The Kissing Hand; you know, the kids book with the raccoons and the heart stickers you put on their hands.



Kira Sullivan

My school’s way of teaching and thinking impacted me; I remember how, on multiple occasions, I have been able to have serious conversations with my teachers about my mental health and how it was affecting my performance in class, on writing assignments, etc. I don’t feel like you can get that at many high schools. When I surf the web, the works of my classmates and other artists I follow often motivate me to draw, but mostly I'm just happy to see how people have great conversations through their art.

My works often include plants, people, and sometimes animals because nature is comforting to me; I love animals, and people are good for expressing the emotions I wish to convey.

The most memorable artwork I’ve ever created was the painting of my hairy butt in my undies but I lost it in the flood. The image of the water coming in through our back door around midnight is forever burned into my brain. If I could collaborate with anyone, past or present, it would be most of my friends at school and former classmates because I really love their art styles and I think that we could create interesting pieces together. I would love to bring back boys in crop tops (!!) from the past, but am excited for more understanding of humans rights involving gender in the future. My plans for the future involve going to college, getting a BFA in painting. I kind of want to be an art teacher one day. ●





Globetrotter: Los Angeles A COLUMN BY MARGOT OYUELA

Inspiration can come from anything, especially in a city filled with people who desire nothing more than to inspire. Los Angeles is truly the city where dreams are made and if you want to keep up, you have to experience the full extent of what the City of Angels has to offer






Los Angeles

Five Essentials 1. VISIT MUSEUMS. I hope you haven't gotten tired of me expressing how much I love visiting museums and seeing every new installation in every city. LA has 2 of my favorite museums of all time, LACMA and The Getty. They always have incredible pieces and it never hurts to get the usual cultural enrichment and value that the arts have to offer (there's more to life than sports, even though the US public system loves to ignore that!) 2. GO HIKING. If you're the outdoorsy type, Runyon Canyon is a perfect place to hike and reach an incredible view of LA. Also, Griffith Park is always a good idea if you want to get in a little exercise after eating street tacos all day. Not to mention if you're feeling touristy, you can go up to the Griffith Observatory and snap some pictures of the Hollywood sign. 3. SHOP. THEN SHOP SOME MORE. LA is one of those cities that can make you go bankrupt on one street. Between Rodeo Drive, Melrose Avenue, and The Grove, you'll never wanna see the inside of a store ever again. 4. TAKE A DIP. California has the second best beach selection in the US (I can't say it’s the best because I'm from Florida and that would feel like cheating). Venice Beach is a great place to lift your spirits because you can't walk around without seeing some of the wackiest personalities in LA, who just happen to be the greatest people. Santa Monica Pier is also filled with things to do and you can't go to California without going to the beach, crying over how perfect the weather is. 5. STAY WOKE. Once you get tired of seeing all the usual tourists spots, visit some of the culturally diverse and abundantly interesting neighborhoods in the City of Angels. Little Tokyo is a great place to get a taste of Japan and eat bomb sushi. Olvera Street, on the other hand, is a glimpse of what a Mexican pueblo looks like. From great food to handmade gifts, LA has areas filled with culture and diversity.




Tips and Tricks 1. BUS IT! I know I'm the most repetitive person ever but I can't stress how important it is to USE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION! Especially in a city like Los Angeles, that in my opinion, has the worst traffic in the world. I promise it will take you over an hour to get to a place that’s less than ten miles away so don’t even bother renting a car.

cheaper and quieter.

2. STAY ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF L.A. Unlike other cities, LA doesn’t really require staying in the heart of downtown. I always like staying in places like Inglewood to save my bank account from having a heart attack. It's easy to get in and out of the city and its

4. DON'T MISS ANY OPPORTUNITIES. Los Angeles is filled with open doors. From potential jobs to last minute tattoo decisions, there's always something unexpected to do. Don’t be afraid to venture off and do things you normally wouldn’t be inspired to do.



3. DON'T FORGET TO BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Like every populated city, LA has some areas you should stay away from. I'm not saying you should stay in Beverly Hills all day, I just wouldn’t want you to stray off without looking at a map and end up on Skid Row.

Los Angeles

Food Though I say this in every issue, food is one of my favorite things about seeing new places. Los Angeles is one of the most gastronomically diverse cities in the world. Coming from a Latin background, I highly suggest any of the hundreds of traditional Mexican restaurants that Southern California holds. From crazy expensive restaurants in Malibu, to the street taco trucks, you definitely won't be disappointed with the huge selection of food in Los Angeles.






Los Angeles






As the school year is beginning to wrap up, the excitement of graduation, summer, and moving to another city is all starting to hit me like an emotional train wreck. It feels like everyone I come in contact with constantly asks where I will be attending college and what I will be studying for the next four years of my life. For so long, I thought that I could not wait to move on from high school. I counted down the days until I walked across the stage in my navy cap and gown. However, now that college acceptance letters are being released and housing deposits are due, I have found myself wishing that things would just slow down. Defined as “in the place, present life, or existence”, the word “here” symbolizes being content and genuine in the very moment rather than focusing on every next event. I feel like especially now, due to technology, it is so easy to get into a habit of focusing on the next event approaching rather than enjoying what is going on around us.

rather than taking the time to be still in the moment, without any worries, like I did when I was younger. As I begin to prepare myself for this new chapter in my life, I want to remember to enjoy the here and now. Instead of focusing on the future relationships I am soon to make in another city, I need to cherish the ones that currently surround me. I know that every day is not promised and I could very well not make it to tomorrow, as negative as that sounds. But the cliché saying serves as a reminder to truly cherish the moments and people around you every single day. Life is constantly transitioning and changing, but recently I have clung to the one true idea that my God has me in the palm of his hand. It is an incredibly influential and relieving feeling when you are able to lay down your burdens and worries to the One who controls everything; from the way the wind blows to the stranger I will come in contact with tomorrow.


A few days ago, my best friend and I reminisced on the days that we would sneak out the car in the middle of the night to go get milkshakes. Or the times we would reenact hour long concerts that we witnessed the previous night from our favorite band. Looking back on all of these memories, I knew that in those moments, I was taking advantage of every second. They are some of the best and most vivid memories in my mind. However, as I try and remember more recent past events such as my senior homecoming dance, my memory seems to forget some of the most important moments. I believe that this all stems from my sudden habit of worrying and planning for the future

Throughout these next few weeks, I hope to take the time to enjoy each moment. Even the smaller ones, like when my dad and I drive home with the windows down and the music loud. Or the big ones, where my best friend receives admission from her dream school. Instead of worrying about things that I cannot change, no matter how hard I try, I have to live and trust that today has its very own promises. Being twelve years old and dancing around my best friend’s room without a worry in the world has its own way of being beautiful. However, so does picking out dorm decorations with my mom, even if we both are a little teary eyed the whole time. ●



Love Is A Language Every Soul Speaks VIVIAN EVANS reflects on how an impacting mission trip to Mexico inspired a lifestyle change, a deeper connection with God and a small jewelry line. 060

I left my comfortable suburban home in Texas searching for fulfillment in my heart. A group of 12 individuals, all different ages, genders, and all dealing with different internal and spiritual battles traveled to Mexico together. Each of us had different desires on how we wanted this mission trip to shape our lives, but God wanted to do more than we could imagine. I could not even mock up an idea as good as how God wanted to redirect my future throughout these 6 days spent in Mexico.


Vivian Evans I wonder how our perspective of the world would change if we were reminded that every corner of the world is full of people with extraordinary stories of endurance, hope, and perseverance. I did not know yet, but I would experience life in a new way and see people in a way I never had before. I can still hear them singing and giggling. I can confidently say there are few things sweeter—no money can replace this moment in time. No clothes or jewelry or house or car can outlast this trip. Our van pulled up to a rundown white building that barely kept the day’s rain from seeping through the roof. Before walking into a large open room, Latino music humming and the smell of glue reeked through the air. Bento Juarez in Cancun is a center for people with disabilities to join together and learn life skills. They learn to cook, earn money by making and selling piñatas and they dance. A lot. When we first arrived at the center, our soon to be friends were just finishing lunch. I had no clue that the complete strangers who were about to walk through the doors would touch my heart in such a way that would forever stick with me. The moment the men and women came through the doors, they cheered and hugged us tight. I learned how to love well that day. I reunited with strangers like we had been friends for years. We shared our pasts and our faults. We allowed Jesus to bind together two hearts that were far from each other. That trip ended a few days later and my life was transformed. Coming home was a comfortable adjustment, but it no longer felt normal. Sleeping in my own bed, having fresh water 24/7 and cell service anywhere I went was easy, but it was not what



Love Is A Language I mainly desired any longer. The most unloved parts of the world became my aspiration. Upon arriving home from the mission trip in Mexico, I felt my heart longing to continue serving others. While there are people at need in my very own neighborhood, there is something incredibly special about fully immersing yourself into another culture to truly understand other lifestyles and perspectives. With the beautiful faces engraved in my mind as I lived my everyday life in Texas, I knew that serving provided me with true joy that is hard to find. However, December was coming to an end and New Year’s resolutions began mocking up in my mind. Friends and I talked about what we were hopeful for in the upcoming year. I read my Bible and prayed diligently for 2017. I asked for guidance and for God to use me for something purposeful. That day, I received an email from a mission’s program. They wrote, “Dear Vivian, 2017 trips have been released and we would love for you to check them out…” Wow. My heart exploded, I had an answer prayer in an email. After looking around on the site and praying a lot, I was given the opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico for a second mission trip. I could have jumped on a plane that day and traveled to Puerto Rico if I could have. What seemed like a mountain of money was the only thing keeping me strapped down to Texas and the dream of going became nearly impossible. With my mom being a school teacher, dad managing a restaurant, and brother leaving for college in less than a year, there was no way I could ask my parents to write a small check of $2,195. I did not have a steady income and I knew babysitting every other week was not going to achieve this needed amount as quick as I needed it to.





Love Is A Language

The Bible never said that being faithful would be easy or that I would not have to work for it. I prayed a lot during this process. I applied for the trip knowing that I may or may not even have enough money to pay for the application, let alone the whole trip. I stopped eating Whataburger every Wednesday with my friend and collected all the change around my house. I was encouraged by my family, church leaders, and close friends. I took the advice from my grandma to fundraise by selling shirts and making jewelry. I posted on my Instagram and twitter a picture of my designed shirt. Orders flooded my phone! I was in awe of how supportive and gracious my friends were. Then, I started making simple bracelets with a few colorful beads. I would also stamp metal pendants with customized words and sell them to friends. I created an Instagram to help sell my jewelry and to share what Jesus was doing in my heart throughout this process. Sunshine Jewelry started with only one bracelet and transformed into an Instagram with 150 followers and 12 different types of necklaces and bracelets! I could not keep up with orders. I am utterly amazed with the grace, love, and support shown by close friends and complete strangers. Sunshine Jewelry now has an etsy account that displays all the goods too! Each accessory is customized, hand crafted, and prayed over before given to each customer. God is so radical and His love is forever abounding. I have experienced His abundance of love and I hope to share a glimpse of it all over the world. From being in a foreign country, in Cypress or making jewelry, I am experiencing the peace and love The Lord graciously gives! â—?



Moiety: Chemicals and your Emotions A COLUMN BY HANNAH LOZANO There are billions of chemical interactions happening in your brain right now that are causing you to interpret this statement in a certain way and feel how you currently feel. Without these rapidly occurring neural connections, we would never feel love, happiness, excitement, sadness, or many other emotions that we have come to know and love and that we let change us. We are who are and we experience the world in huge, breathtaking ways because of microscopic exchanges of molecules that we cannot even see. Many people consider themselves to be introverted, and many people consider themselves to be shy. What you may not know if you are a part of one of those groups, is that they are not the same. I believe that it is very important that we going to learn why we have these different groups and how distinctly personality descriptions can vary. The past year and a half of my life I have been reading nonstop on how brains and their anatomy make



us all different. I have learned to embrace diversity and see the beauty in our differences. Our behavior, our emotion, our cognition, and all their externalities come down to our history and the physical makeup of our brains. There is an unseen fascinating world that exists in your head. In the depths of my newfound love for Disney’s most recent film, Moana, I have been searching within myself and the people I love to find what it is that makes us who we are. In this edition of Moiety, I will fill you in on why these chemicals affect our interpretations and experiences of stimuli. Next, we will understand how a molecule may be the reason that we are moral human beings. Lastly, we will learn about an inhibitor that keep us stable in times of distress. Hopefully in light of this discussion, we will all be able to understand why and how we are different from each other, and why it is important to understand the physical root of these differences.

The brain makes trillions of calculations per second. You may not notice it, but your brain is up to a pretty heavy workload. This work occurs in neurons; highfunctioning cells that transmit information to one another through electricity, down a body called an axon, and into little arms called axon terminals. The ends of these terminals have vesicles, little doors on the end that let chemicals, neurotransmitters, out into the open in a space called a synaptic gap, until they are received by other neurons receiving arms called dendrites. There is an entire system that causes neurons to function and together, they create a network. This is how information is processed in our brains, causing us to think, act, and feel the way we do. Neurotransmitters are the many different chemicals that fill the framework of neurons that I just explained and color the brain in reaction to your environment. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that simply act as

messengers as they pass through the brain in varying amounts, depending on your situation. For example, if you are listening to your favorite song with your best friends and you feel happy and excited, the neurotransmitter dopamine will likely flood from your synapses. Pretty romantic, right? There are many chemicals just like these that contribute to our interpretation of our lives and without them, we may make different decisions. A hormone called oxytocin has shown to be a leading factor for feeling emotions like love and compassion. This is in discussion among many researchers to be a leading reason as to why human beings are moral. Oxytocin has been shown to lead to increases in trust and empathy. Paul Zak’s research has shown that administered or naturally released, oxytocin cause investors in a study to be more likely to give more to trustees. Their studies also included measuring the amount of oxytocin in their blood before and after certain situations, finding that levels to increase after engaging in positive social or moral behavior such as dancing, singing, praying, sharing and meditating. Oxytocin has also been tested in studies to examine its social attributes in individuals with autism. Administration of oxytocin showed an increase in social cognition and therapeutic effects on individuals who may have social deficits. The increase in oxytocin in these individuals may cause a reduction of anxiety and activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for emotion.

You may remember that earlier I brought introverts to the surface. What is it that makes extroverts and introverts different? And why is it different from just being shy or outgoing? Introversion is a personality trait that consists of introspection and loss of energy in social situations, or any time when they experience a high amount of stimuli at once. Introversion and extroversion occur on a spectrum, and everyone falls into a different place in this personality trait in varying amounts due to something called monoamine oxidase. Monoamine oxidase is an inhibitor enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. A large amount of monoamine oxidase inhibits neurotransmitters that make us feel good, so in some individuals, high stimulation, such as crowds, parties, or high sensation activities, are simply not pleasurable. Research from Depue and colleagues show that introversion is the excess MAO that causes individuals to feel lethargic in times of high stimulation, but gains energy from being alone. Although you may not have thought it so before, many introverts are very outgoing. It is easy to be able to talk to someone, but for individuals who are introverted, it is important to set some time aside to recharge. In contrast, extroverted individuals have been found to have lower amounts of monoamine oxidase, causing them to find pleasure in situations with high stimulation. Another molecule that affects personality and experience of the world is gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA. GABA is

understood by researchers like Lydiard and colleagues to be related to anxiety. Although many systems contribute to the rates of anxiety which an individual feels, it is recognized that low levels of GABA may cause increases in anxiety. This is because it inhibits neuronal over-excitability by maintaining balance in the central nervous system, so a lack of it will cause the brain to fail to inhibit the reaction to high stimuli and make a situation appear much more overwhelming than it is to someone with higher levels of GABA in the same time and place. So, basically, even if you are in the same situation as someone else, they may be experiencing an entirely different situation than you. There are many systems, chemicals, and environmental factors that play a role in our personalities and experiences, but the few I have listed are a good start at understanding why we are the way we are. We thank dopamine for happy moments, oxytocin for togetherness, monoamine oxidase for our unique personalities and, without GABA, we would not be able to stay calm under stress. But even in those cases, we understand our differences and embrace each other even when we feel the world in different ways. It is all down to the way our neurons communicate to each other, everything that is happening inside and outside of the body, and if we accept and embrace that we are all different in these ways, we can determine for ourselves how we want those two things to come together for us in a positive way.





In The Spotlight: Kyiandra Thanou INTERVIEWED BY CHLOE KATOPODIS







I remember meeting Kyiandra for the first time in early 2016 as we both entered our Visual Communication journey at university. Effortlessly stylish with an infectious laugh, we have grown together as friends and designers, as has her confidence in her illustrations. Living up to her Instagram name, her vivid scribbles are exciting and energetic. Arriving back to Australia from a month long trip to Japan, we discussed culture, influences and design discoveries.



Kyiandra Thanou Hey girl! How have your holidays been? They've been really good! I've been trying to make the most of them before uni starts and focusing a lot on my illustrations since being back from Japan. That's what I've really been wanting to ask: how was your trip to Japan? Japan was out of this world seriously, like the most unreal place to visit. It is like right up there in design goals. What do you think made it just so extraordinary? It is DEFINITELY up there in design goals … so much aesthetic everywhere, it’s crazy. It just felt so surreal to actually be walking through Tokyo. I honestly can't pinpoint one thing in particular; it's just everything works so logically, everyone is really humble and has their own cool little persona going. It’s a really laid back place, which you wouldn't assume as its crazy busy and there are people literally everywhere you look. So would you say that design/ art/creativity is a much bigger part of their culture than it is in Australia? Like designers were very involved in the planning of cities from the

start to create systems that function and communicate effectively? Yeah, it just made it so much easier to confidently travel through a country where I, unfortunately, didn't know the language. Design and art are definitely a huge part of their culture- I guess when I compare the two, they are incredibly advanced and that is probably because they have to be due to being so overly populated. I think Australia is really progressing, but there is just this super cool quirkiness and cuteness to the way Japan portrays things. On top of that, you realise everything has been designed so that there is a strong working system and great communication. I found that even though I couldn't understand the language, we worked things out pretty easy based on the way everything is designed. Wow that's so fantastic to hear because even though the common idea is that design is just making things look good, it's actually about communicating a message clearly and creating a system that works and transcends languages. I think that as the world becomes more connected and communities become more diverse that this will be really important. In

my experience, I love looking at Japanese posters because they balance minimalism and complex information really well, which is what I'm gathering from their country. What do you think Australia can do to progress more in terms of design and communication? We have such an advantage as a young country to look at the best bits of cultures around the world. Exactly! Design always has a purpose, I think a lot of people don't quite realise that at times and the thought that goes into producing something that will be effective. Everything did have a minimalistic vibe to it, which was cool because it made everything really straight to the point. But what I loved was that amongst this, there was still so much art and illustration that was unique and really out there so it’s cool that both styles are supported. I think in terms of Australia progressing, leave it to the young people! There are so many crazy creative people and if smaller design and art agencies were given freedom for larger projects, maybe something truly great would come of it. Also, the fact we are so multicultural is a huge bonus that we should use as so many different people have experiences of art and



In The Spotlight design from foreign countries and could potentially bring something new and interesting to the table! Yes! Australia is in such a good place with a world of possibilities to explore and the people to go on the journeys! It's like a beautiful plate with all these delicacies arranged so beautifully, just waiting to be eaten. (I'm so pumped for Masterchef 2017 to freaking start). I feel that part of this would be for the government or systems of authority to start initiatives to form more opportunities because then it will have the most impact and influence. Even universities and schools could be so much more proactive in just setting up workshops or projects youth will just blossom in these. This new era of young people are so creatively charged, it's awesome. I know I would love to see more art integrated into our streets, like murals and graffiti walls. Haha Masterchef somehow made its way into this, nice. I totally agree with you! It’s exciting and when it comes down to it, we are the people that should be encouraging and starting up these new openings. Yeah, Adelaide could really use some fun murals and graffiti walls! What we've got so far is really cool, so I



can only imagine how amazing things would be if there was more freedom for Adelaide artists to showcase their work in public spaces. So where do you find inspirations and how do you think your environment can impact your creativity and work? Did you do a lot of new stuff in Japan or was it more of a catalyst to jumpstart your thinking? Most my inspirations come from people I see around and places I visit. I like to use those two aspects as a start and then add a touch of weird to things (because I'm a weirdo). Before I went to Japan, I wanted to do as much as I could once getting over there but to be honest, I was having too much fun exploring to really sit down and start most things. I decided it would be easier if I just took a lot of photos and used them as reference, which has helped me a lot since being home. It definitely jump started my thinking too- I found myself paying attention to everything possible; staircases, furniture, colours, locals, different fashion etc. Being overseas in a new environment really impacted my art and inspired me daily, which was really cool and I feel really lucky to have that experience. Changing up

your environment opens your mind and eyes- it breaks the routine you've been stuck in. I think it's so good sometimes to just sit back and really absorb things - like even in lectures I try to just listen instead of scribbling so many notes. And once you start looking out for things and being conscious of the world around you, it's like your whole world lights up. In our theory class, we went around the class and discussed something interesting from the lecture. My mentality throughout all my lectures was 'I have to look out for two or three interesting things incase somebody steals my original' which really switched me on. And even being in a university environment is so invigorating; there are people who share the same passions as you and you can be motivated by others. As soon as I started developing friends, I found myself so much more inspired as we had rants about design and so that support system is so vital. What was it like for you going into Visual Communications, especially as it wasn't your first choice for uni? I totally agree that uni has been great for meeting people who share those same tastes

Kyiandra Thanou and meeting so many people who see things from a totally different design perspective is really inspiring. I love to see what everyone’s creative brains produce when we are given the same brief. If I hadn't met everyone I have, I doubt I would've been able to push myself to get through so it’s really cool that were all a little supportive team for each other... even if it is someone yelling at me start my work, haha. Going into VisComms was really intense for me, I’ll be honest. I’ve started other courses at uni and really never felt like I was gaining anything because I wasn't whole heartedly interested in what I was studying. A lot of people were fresh out of high school, so I think their minds were still pretty focused, whereas I really had to wake myself up to learn things and get back into that routine and realise that if this is what I want then I’m going to have to put in the effort. I can finally say I’m learning things that are helpful/interesting to me and push me to better myself as a designer and artist. If I hadn't started the course, I wouldn't have even started drawing, so its super warming to look back and see how far I’ve come and to know that there’s something that drives everyone- it just takes some time to find it and

that’s totally fine. You've just gotta take as much time as you need. Haha, I sound like I'm like 45 and have been searching my whole life… but you get what I mean. Preach it - 23 going onto 83 with all that wisdom right there. I can actually remember you still feeling unsure if VisComms was for you, but that the other studies like Tourism just wasn't right for you so I really admire that you kept pushing to find something that was right, or at least in the right direction for the future. And now, it’s so good to see you finding an area that you’re passionate about. Literally everyone who I show your artworks to is immediately impacted by them, and it's not hard to see they're so visually strong! The complexities of the works with their many patterns or layers are all tied together in a colour scheme or composition, which I find so smart. So in short, I am in love with your art. Now that you've started the ball rolling, where can you see yourself going? What has been the shift from Kyiandra's brain Feb 2016 to Kyiandra's brain Feb 2017? Oh girl, that means a lot thank you!! I still find it so

bizarre and surreal when people are impacted by my work! It is such a crazy feeling. The beginning was really overwhelming because I felt surrounded by so many talented people and didn't feel I had a direction. But what I’ve realised is that you've just got to believe in what you're doing, have confidence to push your ideas and expand on them and be open to all the constructive criticism given because it’s all an important lesson and pushes you to give the best. Now I find myself constantly having ideas of ways to express my art and little projects that could potentially take off into something. A year ago, I was fixated on doing what was right by the books and what everyone else was doing, wondering if I was good enough. I've really taken a step back and don't feel afraid to express an idea, no matter how bizarre it may be or whether everyone will like/understand it. Right now, I am content with illustrating whatever comes to mind, exploring new ways to represent ideas and trying to build my skill. However, I've started to think about different aspects like where I could see my work printed. I really love the idea of starting up a brand that showcases my illustrations on clothing, totes, skateboards



In The Spotlight



Kyiandra Thanou etc. I’ve just started writing down every little idea I get so I don't forget and hope with time, I'll be able to produce some pretty cool things that people want to rep! Yes! I'm having ideas like every 23 seconds and the time in between that is like internal screaming and it's all so bizarre, but now in a good way, compared to a few years back where I was indebted by it all. And I cannot testify enough for writing ideas down and making lists because if it's all in your head, it just becomes too much. The whole mentality of Imposter Syndrome, especially in the beginning of uni, is something I think everyone goes through so I've just learned to accept and realise how similar we are. If I'm falling into the void, others probably are too. But, likewise, for the positive emotions about growth and realisations. You made the final cover of Verse 2016 and had a little feature in there too, and just recently were involved in promotional work for Bloom (UK Film) that involved young female artists worldwide. What has seeing your work published (especially in print) felt like? Your brain is out of this world, Chloe. Haha, you're so on the

ball. Everyone is in it together and it’s just a matter of giving yourself a little wake up and realising that you've just gotta get going and try new things, otherwise you won't know what you're capable of. Yessss, I was over the moon about Verse magazine. It was such a good shock when they responded so I'm super happy I had the opportunity and I love that my work was shown in a magazine that is filled with great content and work by talented people! The Bloom Film project was also a huge shock, but I was so happy to be a part of it. It was a really interesting project and very inspiring to see so many different female artists work from around the world. Seeing my work published never feels real, but it is such a great motivation to keep going and a really warming feeling to see others enjoying my work too! I'm sure you can imagine what it is like seeing how well Kaleo has gone for you guys! Insane. Yeah my brain is just the most absurd thing honestly. Seeing Kaleo take off the way it has and they way it has been an opportunity to develop my thinking is so surreal. It just feels wild that these things can happen and is more of an inspiration to keep making things happen for others too.

If you could collaborate with three people, past or present, who would they be? Very surreal! I would love to collaborate with Kobinai, which is a Japanese brand created by a really cool artist- Maimi Kobinai. I've fallen in love with her clothing brand and art recently so she's the top of my list right now. Also Sara Andreasson as she's a big inspiration to me and Wakana Yamazaki also! I'm looking them up now and they all are so vibrant and I can definitely see the inspiration and connection there, and compatibility for collaboration. How do you maintain your artistic integrity and originality while still being influenced and inspired by others, especially with similar styles (as compared to a theme like nature)? I take notice of other artists work and try to take inspiration from them but I think what maintains the originality is that I’ll always focus on my personal surroundings too. I may explore new things that have been inspired from other artists’ work or try to improve my techniques based on inspiration of others, but I do try my best to make sure it is original. It is a bit difficult to explain, but I think the best way to go about it is to notice



In The Spotlight other work but always get trapped in your own brain and work with what it is producing (if that makes sense). Yeah totally, looking at other works as if you’re a passenger in a car but concentrate on your destination and enjoy your own ride. What do you think Kyiandra's brain will be thinking Feb 2019, when you're just finishing uni? Perfect way to word it!! I wish I could honestly predict that from now, but anything can happen. I'm hoping to go back to Japan at some point to work on my portfolio and try to pick up work as a freelance designer/illustrator so that’s my main goal in the next couple of years. Knowing how chaotic and spontaneous my brain can be, I'm really open to roll whichever way and work with whatever is in front of me! I think by the end of uni, I'm going to need a huge escape so I'm really working my hardest to get the Japan ball rolling again because I feel it’s a great direction for me and what I’d like to achieve over time. That sounds so perfect, and I totally agree - 12 months ago I couldn't visualise where I would be today or even 3 months or 3 weeks. It's incredible how we're always



changing and I can't wait to see how your style deepens and the places I'll see it featured. Did you want to talk about anything more? If not, I'll let you go to enjoy your work shift (ha ha) and thank you so much for this!

Exactly! There's just no knowing really and it's crazy and scary and exciting all at once haha! I think we've covered everything! Thanks girl for the opportunity! So keen to see it all come together for next issue wooo! ●

Kyiandra Thanou








She spoke of soft music and thrilling news. Her smile reached everyone in the room, yet she was slightly invisible. When she walked in the room, nobody stared, but everyone noticed. Her fingers burned flesh like hot chocolate, it touched the soul, you could feel it all over. She was everywhere. You had to know her to understand her, be able to appreciate why she cared. Her heartbeat was the melody stuck in our heads. She was unaware of her own presence, she lived rather artlessly. She smiled at strangers and greeted the birds in the sky. They greeted her back. Her nails were always painted purple, she carried the bottle with her just in case one of them chipped. She carried BandAids and a small bag of cashews in her bag. She liked dipping her toes in rivers and going on bike rides in the rain. She wore dresses the color of the sun and elegant shoes, which always seemed to be muddy. She was the peculiar girl everyone craved to know. She showed the world her soul and the world gave back love. She was a dream beyond a dream. 082


Into The Woods Somewhere WRITTEN BY MEREDITH FITE | PHOTOGRAPHY BY MCLANE STRINGER Reflecting upon a nature filled day. Nothing but me, the trees, the wilderness, and the breeze. The trails carried me through the beauty that lied within the woods. Streams, rocks, bridges, were all encountered and all beautiful, even the pesky rocks that ended up in my shoes. The sun was on my skin and I felt the warmth in my soul, the warmth of happiness, the warmth of life. A lot of truth lies in the nature. You learn a lot about who you are, based on how you react in certain situations that nature throws at you. Not only do you discover things about yourself, like the fact that I am so ridiculously jumpy at the sounds in the woods, you also discover things about life. You see the creatures around you living and breathing in their environment, and you realize that maybe

you aren’t all that different. Everybody, including plants and animals and even bugs, have their struggles. We all have rough times, we all have amazing times, we all must fight for what we want, and we all have to survive in the circumstances we are given. Being one with nature isn’t something that comes naturally, or something all people have; I certainly do not have it. If there’s anything I have learned by being in the woods, it’s that despite the hardships life throws at you, you’re equipped to survive and you can get through whatever you’re going through. Life is beautiful. The world is beautiful. Live, make mistakes, survive your hardships, be strong and be brave, and attempt to be one with nature every once in a while. ●



Fill In The Blanks

Hey there! My name is Ena Kim. I express myself through art and illustration. I try to embody relaxation and happiness in my works because I believe that everyone should take the time to appreciate doing things that make them feel happy. My works often include girls in loving friendships and relationships because I believe that girls working together and overcoming hardships is important and powerful.

I am from Seattle, Washington; I like a lot of it, but I’m not so fond of the lack of an animation and illustration community. I wish it had more sunlight and less rain (just a little bit!). One thing people might not about know about me is that I have a huge interest in mixology. The impression I hope people have of me is ‘Wow, so cool, so mysterious!’ but is most likely ‘She unabashedly really loves memes!’.



Ena Kim David Klein, Miroslav Sasek, and Alice & Martin Provensen’s way of thinking impacted me; most memorable was their philosophies on simplicity in composition and strength in minimalism. When I surf the web, the works of Maru Inc. (Koichi Sugiyama & Minako Endo) always motivates me to start my own product line.

The most memorable artwork I’ve ever created was my first watercolor painting when I was 5 years old of a green Pikachu and a red Ditto.

On our screens, we should show more encouragement and compassion and less bigotry and hatred. I am inspired by Aivi Tran and Surasshu's music because of their light and soft tunes, as well as the sweet sounds of rain and synth. The first book I really remember loving was The Artemis Fowl series. I absolutely love the use of soft colours and symmetrical, flat compositions in Wes Anderson films. The image of rolling clouds over the Rocky Mountains during a road trip is forever burned into my brain. If I could collaborate with anyone, past or present, it would be an educational program because I would love to see how my work translates into an educational setting. I would love to bring back mainstream vintage fashion from the past, but am excited for technological advances in the future. My plans for the future involve going on a multi-country trip around the world. ●



A Happy Birthday WRITTEN BY BELLA LOPES I remember being thirteen, obsessed with Rookie magazine and wanting to find out everything everyone had to say about everything. Well said. I wanted to not only know it all, but I wanted to find myself. I wanted to know my spot in the world and what I was doing there. It did take a few years for me to grasp that things do not come that easily; you have to give it time and patience. Although I have gathered new knowledge and found new things about myself, here I am, still searching and awaiting to find who I am meant to really be in this loco planet. I spent an insane amount of time reading my Pisces horoscope and believing all I read. I not only believed it, but I became it. It was almost like I spent so much time with someone, I slowly began to talk like them. Years later when I turned eighteen, I realized how silly they were. If my day sucks, it is because of how I was acting, and I am the only one who can make it better. Just because a horoscope tells me something is going to happen, doesn’t mean I have to believe it. I spent so much time focusing on what was written and what



was supposed to happen, that I did not appreciate the present period. Birthdays mean so much to me because for one full day, you are able to forget all the “bad” things in life and pretend to be a princess. It is a celebration of the day you were born. Everyone knows birthdays signify aging, so as you get older, the less excited you become about it. Now, I realize that I look forward to a day where I can celebrate that I am living and evolving and attaining wisdom. A birthday to me indicates living. It is a simple recognition of the success and development you have gained in one year. We all have bad days, sometimes months, but we cannot forget that we are getting through it. Pain does come and go, but it only helps us become stronger. I believe that happiness is what our everyday should bring, even from the bad days. Life wants us to be happy, that is the true success. But in order to be happy, we must be strong. Life gives us challenges and ache to make us fiercer in the end. Life is helping us out little by little, but our birthday is when the world gives us a big hug and praises us for being defiant.

I always look forward to my birthday, anticipating that everything will be perfect and all the bad things in time will be forgotten. This year was a hard realization when not everything went the way I imagined and had longed. I was indignant, disappointed, and in pain, but nobody was forcing me to feel this way. I was hurting myself even more by not guiding myself up. Carpe Diem! I took control and understood that it was my day, I needed to thank myself for putting up with all I did and what I went through that past year. “I rock, I’m remarkable,” is what I kept telling myself. Your birthday is your one day to be self-interested. I stood up and put a smile on my face and made sure that I was not faking that smile. Bad days suck, and I realize bad birthdays are even worse. Make your birthday a treat-yoself kind of day. Imagine that you are your own best friend and you need to give your best friend the best birthday they ever had. Your happiness is the main focus. Focus on the fact that you were born and you have survived. You accomplished living another year. Pop some champagne and eat some cake! ●











Gabby Harwood

“I think the one thing I aspire to do with music is to help someone else discover their passion and make those who feel alone know that they always have a friend in music”



Gabby Harwood is a Houston based singer/ songwriter who constantly dreams outside of the lines. From performing in her childhood bedroom to “Some Call it Magic” by Raven Symone with a hot pink microphone in hand to playing at Warehouse Live in Downtown Houston with a loop pedal at her feet, Harwood has proven the importance of dreaming. As a six year old who listened to Rob Thomas on repeat for hours, Harwood has understood music in a different light than most. “Until then, I never realized that the words in songs could mean something,” Harwood said. “I didn't have to read anything to hear a story and that was one of the most exciting realizations I've ever had.” As Harwood grew, so did her passion and experience with music. During her freshman year of high school, Harwood learned how to play the guitar. After being encouraged by the girls in her freshman health class, she also released a cover of, “Clarity” by Zedd on SoundCloud. Soon, Harwood received a large following on her social media pages such as Twitter. “I remember sitting outside of the Chase tower on a busy Saturday, playing my first guitar and trying to sell tickets to my first show at Jet Lounge,” Harwood said. “Whenever someone would tip me, I would hand them a ticket with a sticky note attached that had my SoundCloud and Twitter URL scribbled on it.” Through picking up any live event opportunities, even at country western diners, Harwood seemed to master the art of performing. Now, with three songs on Spotify and a brand new music video for her most popular single, “Nice to Know”, Harwood is continuing to achieve



Gabby Harwood childhood dreams of becoming a rock star.

“I didn't have to read anything to hear a story and that was one of the most exciting realizations I've ever had.”

“I have made it a point to write a song every single day no matter if I have the emotional support to make it easy,” Harwood said. “I play each of my instruments and pads at least once a day to try and be the best I can be at what I love.” Harwood’s current agenda is now finding a university that will best her future career in music, specifically in songwriting. “I'm waiting to decide on what music school has the most to offer me and what city I want to start my life in,” Harwood said. “My next big goal is to start a tour and co-write more on my trips. Recently, I have been traveling to many states to further my music education and develop my career. New York City has been my top destination and is slowly becoming my place of work.” While on her most recent trip to New York City, Harwood filmed the music video for “Nice to Know”. The video can be viewed on her YouTube channel, along with dozens of covers, live performances, and original pieces. “I think the one thing I aspire to do with music is to help someone else discover their passion and make those who feel alone know that they always have a friend in music,” Harwood said. “I hope my music allows me to travel and inspire people. I believe in music as a driving force and I believe in dreaming so much. I hope that I can help at least one person know that they are limitless and unbounded in their dreams and aspirations.” To support young, emerging artists and the music community, check out Gabby's works on her website www.gabbyharwood.com, view her music videos on Youtube and listen on Spotify. ●







Lost In The Music A COLUMN BY ALEX MARKEY I often wonder how do musicians find their inspiration? In such a world where there is so much going on, and so many songs have already been written about almost everything imaginable (and some things you can't), how does an artist find their own voice among the rest? How do they stay relevant to the times, but true to themselves? What is that magic? Writing music is an art that is not easily perfected, nor appreciated. Artists can spend their lives writing and producing, for only a handful of their lyrics to see the light of day. Big names within the industry such as BeyoncĂŠ or Adele are among the select few who can consistently produce successful albums and rise to such fame, earning countless awards and accolades. But how do these artists continue to creatively exist without repeating past projects and ideas? Or worse, plagiarizing from others? Speaking with Music.Mic, Frank Ocean admits that he feels the most inspired in a quiet environment. While in the studio, Ocean will watch movies with the sound off for inspiration; his workspace needs to be silent. In a world with so much noise, maybe this is the key. Other artists such as Jay-Z make history through repetition and spontaneity. Rather than sitting down in an organized studio, Jay-Z likes to flow with his words,

never writing down the lyrics or else he thinks too much about the words. So where does this balance lie? Is it an individual process or is there a sweet spot that many artists can agree on? No matter how artists feel inspired, music always has a way of creating a lasting affect. They almost always have another artist that inspired their art. Inspiration turns into a chain of production and creating, both inside and outside of the music industry. There are many artists that are who are right in the spotlight now that take influence from classic legends. For example, every time I listen to the new Bruno Mars tracks or The Weeknd, I immediacy feel the influence from Michael Jackson. And it's not like he was original either, finding inspiration from the blues, soul and rock music before him. Other artists such as the ever changing David Bowie who gained inspiration from aspects outside of basic social structure had the impact of completely changing history. Even after Bowie left his place in this world, his impact continues to influence artists for years to come. I guess inspiration is everywhere, it just takes a fresh perspective and an appreciation for beauty to use that energy to produce something new. â—?



Vent is a project we manage through Tumblr. The blog is a place where people can anonymously send in any thoughts playing through their mind or stressing them out. It is based on the idea that just telling your thoughts or feelings to someone, anyone, can make you feel better because it’s not pent up inside. Our goal is to create a safe space and promote mental wellbeing through communication and expression. The submissions can be anything, serious or minor, ranging from: ‘I accidentally closed the door on my cat’s tail’ to ‘I recently came to terms with my asexuality and don’t know how to feel about it’. We look to make it a column in the magazine, so people can connect to their plights and we can raise awareness of the importance of mental health. We are also looking to compile a list for mental health resources around the world, so if you know of an organization or want to partner with us, please send us a message to help expand this list. kaleovent.tumblr.com



As featured in Issue Three, +you is a body positivity initiative we started to help promote physical wellbeing through showcasing beauty in all forms. We are looking to expand on what we started in this issue, including more features with people of all diversities to reflect the beauty that can be found everywhere. From nature comparisons to skin care - we're building a body of work. For more information to submit, partner and support this venture, head to our +you site page. kaleojournal.com/+you

Submissions Do you know someone who would really suit our style? Let them know of Kaleo OR send us their profile of work (Tumblr, website, Soundcloud, Instagram, etc) and their email address so we can contact them ourselves if we think we’d make a merry match. Or how about you! Do you have something that you would love to express in Kaleo? Well then let us know! We would absolutely love to include you in our publication! Head to our website for all the guideline detailas and then email away! kaleojournal.com/submissions submit@kaleojournal.com

Let's Connect In the vast abyss of our planet Earth, we can sometimes slip apart. Let’s never let this happen. Let’s Connect. ARTWORK: KIRA SULLIVAN To send us a hello, share your enjoyment or for serious enquires send us an email at info@kaleojournal.com

Find all things related to our magazine, including contributors profiles and more about us www.kaleojournal.com

To order your very own copy of the magazine or a nifty subscription deal, head to kaleojournal.bigcartel.com

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Check out our inspirations, take a glimpse at the things we love and see our Tumblr feature at kaleojournal.tumblr.com In Issue Three we featured poetry by Ashley McNally who has her own site dedicated to giving a platform to writers at www.ampoems.weebly.com





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