Ser v i ng t he st udents of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M ā noa si nce 1922
JABSOM students feel the pinch
Many from low-income families
W E DN E S DAY, M AY 2 5 to T U E S DAY, M AY 31, 2 011
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Visiting professor disappears
News 2
Hangover II Stumbling through Bangkok Features 3
Letter to the editor Building maintenance ongoing Opinions 4
Team Travels Rainbows head east Sports 8 JANE CALLAHAN Senior Staff Writer Are Hjorungnes, a Norwegian professor on a one-year sabbatical at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s electrical engineering department, disappeared on a hiking trail on Saturday, May 14. The 40-year-old professor, who taught at the University of Oslo, joined the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team on a 15-mile run along the Peacock Flat trail, located behind Dillingham Airfield, almost two weeks ago. When the group stopped for a water break, Hjorungnes continued ahead.
The Ka Leo Wants You!
Volu me 10 6 Issue 1
Are Hjorungnes (left) is believed to be the hiker found dead near the Peacock flat trail on Saturday. He is pictured here running a trail with members of Hawaii Ultra Running Team on April 30, 2011. The trail branches off into many veins that lead to dead ends and wild boar territory; searchers said it was likely he took a wrong turn. In addition, the trail is lined with ravines and steep descents. According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, the fi re department used trained dogs and helicopters in attempts to fi nd the professor. “Rescue specialists” were lowered by rope from the helicopters into the ravines surrounding the trail, as surrounding trees and greenery prevented any view from the air. The Honolulu Fire Department searched for three days, but called off the search on Monday when no
Thursday N: 0 -1. 5 f t . W: 3 -7 f t . S: 3 -7 f t . E: 3 - 5 + f t .
Friday N: 0 - 3 f t . W: 2- 5 f t . S: 3 - 5 f t . E: 2- 5 f t .
body was found. When contacted, no one at the HFD could answer as to why the official search window is limited to three days. Independent volunteers continued the search. Search parties included the members of the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team, various people from University of Hawai‘i, and local pig hunters. Hjorunges’ family arrived in Honolulu on Thursday, May 19, to aid in the search. Volunteers found a body at the base of a Mokulē‘ia mountain, behind Dillingham Airfield along the Waialua range, on Saturday afternoon, a week after Hjorunges’ disappearance. Offi cials have
Saturday N: 2-7 f t . W: 2- 5 f t . S: 3 - 5 f t . E: 2- 5 f t .
Sunday N: 1- 3+ f t . W: 1-3 f t . S: 3 - 5 f t . E: 1- 3+ f t .
not confi rmed the body to be Hjorungnes’, but it is understood, as the man was wearing the same clothes that Hjorungnes had on the day he disappeared. During the weeklong search, Hjorungnes’ friends and family set up a blog that detailed the search’s progress. The Hawaiian Ultra Running Team also set up a web page with the trail map, and acted as a hub to organize those who wanted to help with the search effort. The coroner’s office also could not officially confirm that the body was that of Hjorungnes; however, on the search blog (www.findare.blogspot. com), his friends expressed their grief about the death of their friend.
Monday N: 0 -2 f t . W: 0-3 f t . S: 1- 3+ f t . E: 1- 3+ f t .
One member of the blog said that it appears Hjorungnes fell 40 feet off a cliff’s edge; broken branches and impacts to the grass supported the theory. Hjorungnes’ time at UH was scheduled to end in July of this year. Hjorungnes published a book in Februar y titled “Complex-Valued Matrix Derivatives: With Applications in Signal Processing and Communications.” Per Christian, Hjorungnes’ friend from Norway, wrote on the blog, “I will miss all emails coming from you and how they made me laugh ... I will miss you as a companion when we went hiking. Now they say I will never enjoy that again, but I will wait for a sign, an email, a phone call or a knock on my door for a long time.”
THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE WEBSITE LISTS TEN HIKING ESSENTIALS 1. A map of the area 2. A compass 3. A flashlight with extra batteries/bulb 4. Extra food 5. Extra clothing, including rain gear 6. Sunglasses and sunscreen 7. A pocketknife 8. Matches in a waterproof container 9. A candle or other fire starter 10. A first aid kit
Ka Leo is looking for a Special Issues Editor email: rwreilly@hawaii.edu call: 808-956-3210
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