October 28, 2011

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FRIDAY, OCT. 28 to SUNDAY, OCT. 30, 2011 VOLUME 106 ISSUE 40

Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.


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Protesters question university promotion of APEC



K ELSEY A MOS News Editor A group of about 15 people protesting perceived university support for the Asia-Pacifi c Economic Cooperation marched from McCarthy Mall to Bachman Lawn Wednesday morning, trailed by members of the local media. The group targeted the “Welcome APEC” sign on the corner of University Avenue and Dole Street as a sign of dissent, using tape to cross out “Welcome” and “E Komo Mai,” and adding “Sucks” after APEC. “For the university to put up something that is politically motivated is unfair,” said Caterina Desiato, one of the protesters. The sign on Bachman Lawn, along with one on East-West Road, have been up for most of the semester. But on Wednesday the APEC Sucks protesters, led by sociology professor Nandita Sharma and art professor Gaye Chan, along with organizers from Revolution Books, decided to direct attention to the signs as symbols of what they perceive as the university’s approval of the policies and vision of the APEC conference. “We delivered a petition to [University of Hawai‘i System] President [M.R.C.] Greenwood today, demanding that the ‘Welcome APEC’ signs ... be taken down,” said Sharma. “What APEC stands for is going to be quite devastating for the vast majority of people in Hawai‘i and the world, and specifically on the UH campus. It’s a complete atrocity that President Greenwood has decided to use our


WEEKEND W EEK K EVENTS Mons dash, Monster pumpkin patch and pum Eat the Street Ea

campus as a mechanism to deliver APEC propaganda to the community here at Mānoa, instead of engaging in an intellectual debate on the topic on campus.” Sharma also pointed out that the sign on Bachman Lawn is usually used to promote internal UH matters, such as welcoming students back to school or making announcements. When asked what the administration’s reaction was to the protest and the petition, Associate Vice President of External Affairs and University Relations Lynne Waters gave this response: “University administration has been at today’s Board of Regents meeting, which continued into the afternoon. A representative received the petition from the march today and will present the petition to the president.” As Waters noted, the protest coincided

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ÉCLAIR REVIEW HIFF film focuses on JJapanese civilian life during WWII


BATTLE OF THE BULGE Eating competitions around the island





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Page 2 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

News@kaleo.org | Kelsey Amos Editor | Emi Aiko Associate


UHM APEC night M AT T SYLVA Columnist

PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR FEEDING STUDY! Meat eaters needed for a study where

dinner* will be provided Monday thru Friday for 8 weeks on the UH M¯anoa campus (*an estimated $400 value). Study period: Spring 2012 Participants that complete the entire study will receive $210 in gift cards as compensation for time and travel


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O C T. 22 : S T U D E N T H O U S I N G F L A S H MO B? Resident advisors, Campus Security and HPD officers dealt with a floorwide party in Hale Wainani from 10:45 p.m.-12:30 a.m. on Oct. 22-23. The residents of several rooms were not compliant with RA requests to have all nonresidents leave. Reportedly, about half of the 150 people present were walking around with open containers of alcohol. The group was eventually sent down the makai stairwell, where HPD assisted CS officers and housing staff with dispersing all non-University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa students. The residents of the rooms were let back in after being screened. O C T. 21: H O U S I N G HARASSMENT On Oct. 20 at 2:45 p.m., a resident of Hale Aloha reported being harassed and threatened by his roommate and the roommate’s friend Oct. 10-19. On Oct. 10, their door was egged, and the roommate engaged in a public verbal confrontation with a person he suspected was responsible. The roommate also allowed a friend to stay in the room for more than three days (which is a housing violation), causing the victim to feel alienated from his own room. The victim allegedly had several conversations with his RA about the egging incident and was supposedly told to deal with it himself. The suspect then claimed that he was told by their RA to ask the roommate to move out. This led to a confrontation between the two roommates on See Campus Beat, next page

from front page


The petition to remove the “Welcome APEC” signs, hosted on www.change.org, has received 149 signatures as of Oct. 27. with Wednesday’s Board of Regents meeting, at which the new tuition schedule was approved. The new schedule will raise resident tuition by 35 percent by 2016. “I can’t even believe that UH is spending its resources to do something like this,” said Sharma, referring to the cost of the signs. Though the protesters will have to wait for a response, they were adamant in their opinions. “It [the sign] is not something for the university to put up without consulting the very strong and very legitimate critics,” said Desiato. Arnie Saiki, the coordinator for the Moana Nui Conference, was also in attendance at the protest. “I’m here giving solidarity to some of the other anti-APEC contingents,” he said. The Moana Nui conference is a collaboration between Pua Mohala I Ka Po and the International Forum on Globalization. It will take place Nov. 9 -11 and will function as an opportunity for scholars, activists and cultural practitioners from Pacific Islands to meet and discuss environmental degradation, militarization, and the economic independence of Pacific nations

they feel are underrepresented in A PEC. “Even within the protest movement, they [indigenous people of the Pacifi c] are underrepresented,” said Saiki. Saiki said that Moana Nui will focus on farmers, fi sherpeople and practitioners who are among the most impacted by globalization. Ten farmers from Japan will be in attendance to discuss resisting trade agreements. “One of the problems with trade agreements is maybe a tenth deals with trade and tariffs. The other 9/10 deal with corporate consolidation and deals with backdoor paths for … consolidating worldwide power and resources,” said Saiki. The next protest by the APEC Sucks group will take place Thursday, Nov. 3 at 4:00 p.m. and will involve a march from McCarthy Mall to Campus Center, where the UHM APEC Night, an event hosted by the UHM APEC Interns and the School of Travel Industry Management, will be taking place. The event will feature free food, information about the APEC member economies, and the announcement of the winners of the APEC video contest.

News@kaleo.org | Kelsey Amos Editor | Emi Aiko Associate

Page 3 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

News from previous page

Oct. 19. The victim then began moving his things out of the room and contacted an assistant residence director about his situation. The ARD was able to relocate the victim on Oct. 21. O C T. 18: M I L I TA RY M E N SHOOT STUDENTS … W I T H PA I N T BA L L S At 1:18 a.m., a black sedan with a male driver, female front seat passenger and male back seat passenger was seen shooting paintballs at vehicles parked in the Zone 20 parking structure. The shooter was the male in the back seat. The vehicle was then seen with its emergency lights on, and was passed by a male and female UH student on a motorcycle. Both the motorcycle’s driver and passenger were shot at and hit twice as they passed by. The car then sped off and got past a CS officer that had used his vehicle to block the lanes at the top of Lower Campus Road. The vehicle took off down Dole Street toward Diamond Head. HPD caught the car and detained it in the parking lot of the Fat Greek before arresting both men (identified as military) for assault in the third degree. T H E F T A N D AC C I D E N T U P DAT E This semester, there have been 20 bicycle thefts, three mo-ped thefts and seven skateboard accidents reported to Campus Security. The injuries from the skateboard accidents varied in degree from minor cuts and bruises to broken bones. None of the bikes or mo-peds have been recovered so far.

Students, officials respond to Krauss problem M AT T SYLVA Columnist Since the coverage of ongoing problems at Krauss Hall Pond, more students and faculty have begun to show an interest in the pond’s future. “We were thinking, what if we get students to do it [clean up the pond]. … If liability’s an issue, then we could just sign some waivers,” stated University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa students Chyloe LeanGuerro, Piper Kublick and Katie Tweedie. In response to this suggestion, Roxanne Adams of Buildings and Grounds explained that students can volunteer with the landscaping department, but will need to contact the Office of the General Counsel for liability issues. As the coverage of Krauss Pond has unfolded, the university has learned the green color of Krauss Pond is due to a cyanobacteria and not an organic green dye, as was originally stated. Professor Klaus Sattler originally brought up the question of cyanobacteria through studies he conducted on the pond water, and the Microbiology Department then performed its own tests. Ka Leo also reported that Adams had contacted the Environmental Health and Safety Office to conduct tests on the water. It said there was a layer of green dye on the top of the pond, which was possibly caused by vandalism. “When the problem was brought to our attention, there was no mention that the green coloration had been there for months. We responded assuming that the color had recently appeared, which may be why we concluded that it was from a suspension of a dye,” said Roy Takekawa of EHSO in an email.

There have been no further updates from EHSO about the findings of the Microbiology Department. The cyanobacteria do not appear to be toxic, as the ducks and turtles seem unaffected. If the ducks are an endangered native species, UH will have to approach the future of Krauss Pond cautiously. “I do not know for certain (as I am not a water fowl expert) if the ducks are native,” responded Adams via email, when asked about the ducks at Krauss Pond. “I have contacted someone in CTAHR-NREM [College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Natural Resources and Environmental Management] to help us make that determination.” The question now remains as to what will be done with Krauss Pond. In the short term, Buildings and Grounds will be bringing in contractors to pump out the pond and to look at all three of UH Mānoa’s water features, which include Krauss Pond, the John Young Museum of Art water garden and the Varney Circle fountain. Adams said she suspects there may be a leak in Krauss Pond or its system. “I remember it looking pretty nasty. I think it would be awesome if we fi xed the fi ltration system, cleaned up the pond and possibly installed a small waterfall. The waterfall could create movement of the water, rather than letting it be so stagnant and develop bacteria. … A lot more people would hang out and relax by the pond if it was cleaner and had a relaxing waterfall sound,” said student Micah Kidd over Facebook. But student Elizabeth Henry expressed another view. “Well ... if it’s not hurting the ducks or fish or whatever might live there, then just leave it be,” she said over Facebook. “It has a little charm to it, being green and all. Very Kermitesque.” NIK SEU/ KA LEO O HAWAI‘I



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Page 4 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

News@kaleo.org | Kelsey Amos Editor | Emi Aiko Associate


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to entertainment, there will be booths manned by students, faculty and community organizations focusing on sustainability. At the event, students will have an opportunity to sign the petition against plastic bags on campus to promote the Surfrider Foundation’s Rise Above Plastics campaign. Jack Johnson helped the Surfrider Foundation kick off the campaign against plastics by inviting it on tour in the summer of 2008. The missions of the campaign are to inform

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in the environment and clutter for centuries,â€? wrote Teresa Porter, a contributing student for UH sustainabilit y ef forts. The event itself is a collabo ration of the Ecology Club, the Surfrider Foundation, USGBC at UH MÄ noa, John Cusick’s 489 interdisciplinar y studies class (which focuses on the environment), faculty and other student organizations. The event E VA AVERY came together after receiving Columnist a grant from the Student ActiviIn the PaciďŹ c Ocean is an area ties Program Fees Board. double the size of the continental Next Friday, students can United States called the Great bring old, inefficient light bulbs PaciďŹ c Garbage Patch, which to trade in for free, energy-savcontains 100 million tons of plasing compact fluorescent light tic and other rubbish. On Nov. bubs. A second First Green Fri4, the Univerday event will be sity of Hawai‘i at held on Dec. 2. It is important to have a plastic-free campus MÄ noa will hold Petterson wrote, the First Green “If successful, the because plastics are long lived and can exist Friday event to event will be a regfor decades. In contrast to its long life, we inform people of ular fall showcase ways to promote at UH MÄ noa. We mainly only use plastics once or twice. e nv i r on m e nt a l hope to use this sust ainabilit y event to bridge the and to encourage the Rise Above people of the impact of plastic gaps between the multiple and Plastics campaign. on the marine environment, to various sustainability initia“ The First Green Friday encourage recycling and to ulti- tives on campus, and get ever ysustainability showcase will mately reduce the use one networking.â€? g bring students, faculty and the of plastics. local community together in the “It is important ortant Sustainability Courtyard to dis- to have a plastic-free c-free MOR cover the ways in which we can campus because cause E IN FO collaboratively strive to reduce plastics are long First Green the S our ecological footprint,â€? wrote lived and can exFr i u a.m. t stainability day w ill b Robyn Petterson, a U.S. Green ist for decades. des. e o2p .m. o n Co urtyard held in Building Council member, in an In contrast to For m fro m N o r o e v . email. its long life, we 4 infor m 10 Abo ve atio n an d Dec. P l a First Green Friday will in- mainly only use s se 2. tics c r iseab o n th a o ve p l clude workshops for vermicast- plastics once orr astics mpaign, vi e Rise F s . o o it ww r r g ing (breaking down material us- t wice. So when n up w. Fr i da y an d date s o n ing earthworms), solar drying, we throw away m ents othe r Fir st aquaponics and rooftop garden- our water bothawa o n campu su stainabl Green e i i.e du/ ing. There will be live music from tles, plastic s envct , refe r t mo ver/evs o ww local artists and food from Go- bags, etc., w. vinda’s and Da Spot. In addition they linger



Green N

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nscs.hawaii For more information, contact adonara@hawaii.edu


Wish all UH Manoa students a safe and Happy Halloween weekend. Let the ghosts and ghouls be terrifying, the company be frightening and the experience be ghastly!

N ot Friday discourages nGreen e First e re dependency on plastic

N otes G

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars Chapter at the University of Hawai’i at MÄ noa would like to:


Features@kaleo.org | Alvin Park Editor |Maria Kanai Associate

Page 5 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

Weekend Venue COMPILED B Y TONIA BOIES Staff Writer


Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze You’re never too old to hunt for pumpkins; spend the day at the farm searching for the perfect pumpkin. There will be hayrides, shave ice and games for your entertainment. Cost: Free admission; pumpkins available for purchase for $4 When: Sunday, Oct. 30, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Where: Waimānalo Country Farms, 41-225 Lupe St. Contact: 808-306 -4381

Eat the Street – Dia De Los Muertos This month’s Eat the Street will host Latin dishes prepared by 40 different vendors. Listen to Shougunai DJ crew spin Latin tunes while watching a live art battle. Eat the Street also encourages visitors to participate in the Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) costume contest to win prizes. Cost: Free admission; bring cash for food When: Friday, Oct. 28, 4 p.m.-9 p.m. Where: 555 South St. in Kaka‘ako Contact: www.streetgrindz.com

ARTafterDARK – American Gothic

Monster Dash 5k

ARTafterDARK is the Honolulu Academy of Art’s monthly party. This month’s theme is American Gothic, so come in costume. Explore works created by young volunteers.

This costumed 5k race will use all its proceeds to benefit the Institute for Human Services, a nonprofit dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness. Online registration is available for this event, but will close upon reaching a maximum. Win prizes for creative costumes.

Cost: $10 When: Friday, Oct. 28, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Where: Honolulu Academy of Arts, 900 S. Beretania St. Contact: 808-532-8700

Cost: $35 When: Saturday Oct. 29, 8 a.m.-10 a.m. Where: Magic Island, Ala Moana Beach Park Contact: www.ihshawaii.org

A Gorey Afternoon Soiree

Pacific Roller Derby Recruiting BBQ

Celebrate the release of the catalogue “Looking for Edward Gorey,” produced as a companion to the exhibition “Musings of Mystery and Alphabets of Agony: The Work of Edward Gorey.” Enjoy catalogue signing, an Edward Gorey-inspired photo booth, mask activities and light refreshments.

For those females who would rather play on the field than cheer on the sidelines, Roller Derby is recruiting for its 2012 season. Prospective participants – and those who wish to be close to the action – can attend the recruitment barbecue for more information.

Cost: Free When: Sunday, Oct. 30, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Where: Hamilton Library’s Sunny Alcove Contact: Teri Skillman, 808-956 -8688

Cost: Free When: Sunday, Oct. 30, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Where: Magic Island, Ala Moana Beach Park Contact: www.pacifi crollerderby.com

Page 6 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

Features@kaleo.org | Alvin Park Editor |Maria Kanai Associate

Weekend Venue

â€˜Ă‰clair’ reveals a different side of war Ka Leo is looking for highly motivated students interested in gaining real world work experience. Gain skills that will set you apart from the other students graduating with your same degree. We are recruiting Web Developers for our growing program. Do you like the internet, making websites, creating apps, working on Facebook? Then check out the options at Ka Leo.

www. kaleo.org/jobs

*,,- ;Yehmk JgY\ @]e]foYq @Ydd )(/ 0(0&1-.&/(,+

NICK WEBSTER Staff Writer Every year, we’re inundated with war ďŹ lms spanning years of human con ict. However, it’s not often that a ďŹ lm chooses to focus on the home front, and the effects war has on everyday people. Making its U.S. debut at the Hawai‘i International Film Festival, â€œĂ‰clairâ€? is a Japanese ďŹ lm about a young orphan during the middle years of World War II. Based on an autobiographical novel, the ďŹ lm follows young Akio throughout Japan through the postwar period. In an opening scene, Akio is seen running from a police ofďŹ cer after stealing sweets from a local merchant. The ofďŹ cer recognizes him as a runaway, and offers him more sweets to satisfy his appetite. From there, Akio is sent to a reform school. His teachers are extremely strict and abusive. The brutality of Japanese nationalism is on display at this point in the ďŹ lm. The boys are told that they are doing nothing for the country, and amidst the abuse, are told they will be turned into something useful. The exception to the rule is the lone female teacher at the school. Akio hears her playing a song on the piano about two young French girls deciding on which sweets to buy. Upon seeing her playing an encore of the song for Akio, one of the male teachers at the school forbids her to play it, as it’s a song of the Western enemies.

Despite the interruption, she does explain to Akio what an ĂŠclair is. He spends the rest of the ďŹ lm longing for the sweet; it serves as his symbol of hope in a time of crisis. Perhaps most impressive about â€œĂ‰clairâ€? is how critical it is of the Japanese government during WWII. Other Japanese ďŹ lms have tended to focus solely on events such as the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, whereas â€œĂ‰clairâ€? points to the Japanese as the perpetrators of wrongdoing. Akio refers to the war as something started by adults out of selfishness, and he’s not alone in his discontent. Akio is reunited with the police ofďŹ cer from earlier in the ďŹ lm. His wife ďŹ xes him some sweets, but becomes emotional. Her son has died from an illness, but she goes on to say that she was thankful she was at least able to have his ashes. Had he gone to war, he would have died and never returned home. Later in the ďŹ lm, Akio joins a group of traveling performers. When one is called up for the draft, he ends up committing suicide rather than reporting to war. Upon this dis-

covery, one of the other actors admits to being a draft dodger, and the group disbands. This sense of discontentment among the Japanese people is prevalent throughout the ďŹ lm, and it effectively shows how the war disrupted everyday life in Japan. It is also worth noting that the area where the ďŹ lm was shot was devastated by the tsunami this past spring. The buildings and several of the extras shown in the ďŹ lm were lost during the disaster. VERDICT: â€œĂ‰clairâ€? is an emotional drama about a young boy during wartime. It shows the side of war most of us are never exposed to. Despite a somewhat awkward ending, it’s worth viewing.


Features@kaleo.org | Alvin Park Editor |Maria Kanai Associate

Page 7 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

Weekend Venue

Local eating challenges test the palate ISABELLA H ASTINGS Staff Writer

topping choices, weighing between 7 to 8 pounds,” said Brett Callis, Director of Restaurants at the Hilton Waikīkī Beach Hotel. “The cinnamon streusel and blueberry weigh closer to 5 or 6 pounds, but they are much sweeter than the other flavors and contestants are often overwhelmed by the sweet flavors.” In the fi ve years that Mac 24/7 has been holding the Mac Daddy Pancake Challenge, only 39 people have been able to complete it, and only one person has been able to complete it twice. Despite the low success rate, over 100 Mac Daddy pancakes are served everyday. If guests successfully complete the challenge, not only is their massive pancake free, they also get a free T-shirt and a picture taken to put on the wall of fame and Mac 24/7’s website. “Most of the time families or groups of people come in and get the Mac Daddy to share amongst themselves,” said Callis. “Only about fi ve of the 100 or so Mac Daddys ordered every day are intended for the competition.”

The hordes of tourists visiting the islands year round don’t generally come for eating challenges, but Hawai‘i is home to some of the most diffi cult. Among them are Moose McGillycuddy’s “The Moose Omelette Omelette” challenge and Mac 24/7’s “Mac Daddy Pancake Challenge.” Moose McGillycuddy’s Pub & Cafe, open at its Waikīkī location since 1980, offers an omeletteeating challenge featuring a meal that includes 12 eggs, four kinds of cheese, four kinds of meats, mushrooms and onions, as well as a side of 2 pounds of potatoes and a piece of toast. “We’ve had a couple of Olympians attempt it, as well as an 86-pound girl and a dog finish it,” said Tony Miloni, the general manager of Moose McGillycuddy’s. Hundreds of people have successfully completed the challenge of fi nishing the monster omelette within the required equired one hour (one person managed to fi nish it within ithin eight minutes). Winners get their name put on a plaque that documents their weight and the timee it took them to complete the challenge, as well ll as a souvenir T-shirt. The challenge allenge has even been featured on national television: evision: Adam R ichman of Man v. Food Nation, ion, which airs on the Travel Channel, nnel, attempted the Moose Omelette melette Omelette challenge last st month. Though people won’t know whether her Richman succeeded in n the challenge until the he episode premieres on n Nov. 30, we do know that Richman was nott able to complete the he infamous Mac Daddy Pancake Challenge llenge at Mac 24/7. In this challenge, the three 14-inch pancakes ncakes vary between n 5 to 8 pounds, depending ending on the choicee of the fi ve availablee toppings contestants pick for the challenge. “The ‘Elvis lvis Presley,’ baTHEGIRLSNY/FLICKR nana chocolate te chunk and Hawaiian fl avors are re the heaviest of the The pineapple, coconut and macadamia nut pancake at Mac 24/7 costs $16.

WA NT TO SET YOURSELF A PART FOR EMPLOY ERS? The national award winning Ka Leo has a number of opportunities that will help you gain real world working experience that will help you get the coveted job you seek after you graduate. Ka Leo is accepting applications for summer and fall, and the sooner you get involved the more experience you will have for your future. Please see entire list of available jobs and opportunities, each job has a person to contact.

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Page 8 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011

Opinions@kaleo.org | Taylor Gardner Editor | Boaz Rosen Associate

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Wait, did you just…? JUSTIN F R ANCISCO Columnist You and your female partner are in the heat of the moment. You two are steaming with sweat, your muscles tense, sounds of pleasure emit from both of you and suddenly, splash. But wait, it wasn’t you. Her? Thoughts run rampant. Not truly sure what just happened, you look down to feel a warm, watery substance. You look back up at her face. Your fi rst thought: urine? Not quite. For a female, this event may range from embarrassment to sexual ecstasy. For a man, it can range from disgust to confusion to the ultimate sexual accomplishment. I am talking of course about the infamous female ejaculation that surpasses the mere orgasm. Not all women are physi-

ologically capable of it. Not all men are sexually adept enough for it. If you have yet to exxperience it, that’s because it isn’t commonplace. Because e of its rarity, sometimes men don’t know how to react – and, d, as a result, some women tend d to feel embarrassed or ashamed. But note that this woman is a very special woman. As we all know, every female is different. Thus, the amount of fluid can vary from a few drops to a few cups. Research has yielded several theories (since they don’t fully know) that it is produced in the notorious G-spot. From the reported experiments, similar chemicals have been found that include high levels of glucose; the enzyme prostatic acid phosphatase; and two substances



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Ka Leo O Hawai‘i


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University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822

ADVERTISING The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall.



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Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Jaimie Kim Chief Copy Editor Karleanne Matthews Design Editor Sarah Wright News Editor Kelsey Amos Features Editor Alvin Park Opinions Editor Taylor Gardner

Sports Editor Marc Arakaki Comics Editor Nicholas Smith Photo Editor Nik Seu Web Editor Patrick Tran Broadcast News Editor Naomi Lugo Special Issues Editor Ellise Akazawa Blog Editor Ryan Hendrickson

Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications.


The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Ryan Tolman, chair; Ming Yang, vice chair; or Susan Lin, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.

c o m monly found in urine, urea and c reatinine. Other than tha that, it is still t largely a mystery. Dr. Kenneth Davidson of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire polled 1,200 professional women in the U.S. and Canada and concluded, “Ejaculation seems to occur more frequently with the second or third orgasm – in other words, after prolonged, intense stimulation.” What is conclusive is this: It’s very wet. It ranges from clear in color to cloudy. It’s very warm. It’s odorless. And it squirts. A female (who wished to stay anonymous) shared her first experience: “My boyfriend and I were making love after he told me he loved me for the fi rst time. During the second round, he was working to satisfy me while I was on top. All I could think about was our passion, his love and my pleasure. Suddenly, a feeling that started in my core rushed throughout my body. Euphoric. “It lingered in my groin and upper thighs and I felt my face fl ash with heat. All [of a] sudden I collapsed in his arms, my body heavy. Because I had transcended from my body, I didn’t even realize I was sitting in a puddle until he mentioned his body was soaked. I felt embarrassed, but he reassured me he couldn’t be happier to please me to the fullest.”


Opinions@kaleo.org | Taylor Gardner Editor | Boaz Rosen Associate

Page 9 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011


Campus cuisine: the need for a makeover


With so many fast food options on campus, students may find it difficult to purchase low-calorie yet filling options.

A NALIESE DANNER Staff Writer As a self-proclaimed foodie and islandcuisine fanatic, I expected to be bombarded by a cornucopia of tasty local treats in my new Hawaiian home on the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa campus. After all, my numerous visits to the islands before moving to O‘ahu left me craving the delicious local bounty I had enjoyed in Hawai‘i. While searching for a nutritious snack at Campus Center between classes, I found myself confronted with very few options: candy, cookies, chips and Promax bars. Few – if any – of these products are produced locally, and all are highly processed and do little to sustain health and energy.

While a few food stands on campus provide healthy and palatable vegetarian lunches as an alternative to the fast food joints on campus (namely Taco Bell and Pizza Hut), when it comes to snacking options our campus is seriously lacking. When I’m out around the island and need something to eat, almost every market I wander into has a variety of healthy local goodies ranging from granola to handmade popsicles to fresh poke. So why are these staples not making it to campus? As Hawai‘i’s only public university system, we should set an example of the opportunities our island provides to nourish our students to the fullest, and the campus should carry the best foods the islands have to offer. We should be supporting the local

production and distribution of foods by buying healthy products that are made here on the islands. A few weeks ago, while perusing the aisles of the bookstore for a suitable snack, I had a chance meeting with a few individuals from Maui Peace Organics, a health-conscious food company. MPO is known for its Maui Peace Superfood Bar and Maui Xtreme Sportsynergy Bar, the latter of which was featured at the recent Maui Marathon. I was told the company focuses on respecting the planet and “spreading peace through giving back, eco [friendly] business practices and individual life-affi rming experiences.” The MPO representatives informed me they would soon be selling their bars at the bookstore, and I was thrilled that the cam-

pus was incorporating a local product into its inventory. I was also able to sample the bar, and found it delicious and energizing. While this anecdote is a great start to the transformation of our campus cuisine, it should not be the one and only upgrade for snacks on campus. To keep this movement going, we need to insist on better nourishment for our student body by asking our distributors for local, sustainably produced, healthy food products on campus. If you know of a food or snack sold locally that you think should be available on campus, contact the distributor of that product and ask them to come to campus. Use your dollars to speak for you – buy products that are healthy and sustainable, and promote the well-being of Hawai‘i’s people.

Page 10 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011


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ACROSS 1 Traveler’s reference 6 Baldwin of “30 Rock� 10 A month of Sundays 14 Go after 15 “Later, dahling!� 16 Fictional sleuth who first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post 17 Comedian for hire? 19 Expresses delight 20 Finis, in Frankfurt 21 A month of Sundays 22 Euripides tragedy 23 What Shakespeare’s parents had to do? 27 Zoo re-creation 30 Hippy dances? 31 More than portly 32 Frost, for one 33 Opening 36 __ chic 37 Low grade, or an appropriate title for this puzzle 39 18-Down’s love 40 Orch. section 41 Quarry 42 Post-tonsillectomy treat 43 Gauchos’ gear 45 Tabloid fodder 47 Green that’s hard to swallow? 50 Material for some balloons 51 Couple’s pronoun 52 Continental wine region 56 Punta del __ 57 Memoir title for Sela? 60 Massage therapy pioneer Ida 61 Way 62 Support in a loft 63 South Dakota’s Wounded __ 64 Hudson River city 65 “That’s just crazy talk!�

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DOWN 1 Part of a plot, often 2 “All righty __!â€? 3 Developer’s need 4 Star of “61*â€?? 5 Ross __ 6 Buttonhole 7 Retired NPR host Hansen 8 It may be lent or bent 9 Grand Banks catch 10 Slide specimen 11 Easy to babysit, say 12 Number no longer used? 13 “Such a shameâ€? 18 Princess with great buns? 22 Get weak in the knees 24 Had 25 K or G 26 Shades 27 Big bikes 28 Stand watch, say 29 Colt 45 holder 32 Layer 34 Teatro __ Scala: Milan opera house 35 Parlor game 37 Movie monster, casually 38 Tip of the YucatĂĄn peninsula? 39 Banish 41 Movie house suffix 42 Vase, in a pinch 44 Michael of “Caddyshackâ€? 45 Like many ski slopes in April 46 Italian sweetheart 47 Uriah Heep, by profession 48 Is sporting 49 Numbers game 53 Freelancer’s enc. 54 “South Parkâ€? co-creator Parker 55 Empty 57 On-target 58 Wheels 59 Neither masc. nor neut.

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2445 CAMPUS RD. HEMENWAY HALL 107 808.956.7043

Comics@kaleo.org | Nicholas Smith Editor

Page 911 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011


Sports@kaleo.org | Marc Arakaki Editor | Joe Ferrer Associate

Page 12 | Ka Leo | Friday, Oct. 28 2011


Playing ball in the house: UH takes Idaho in Kibbie Dome JOE F ERRER Associate Sports Editor

This week’s Warrior football game will take place in an unorthodox venue. Tomorrow’s Tom omor o rro or row’ ro w s game g me against ga aga g inst Idaho iiss tthe game h e only onl nly gam m e on n th the e Warriors’ schedule to be held h eld in a dome stadium. The K ibbie Dome is the smallest home stadium for any team in the Football Bowl Subdivision (formally Division 1-A), with a maximum capacity of 16,000. Despite the undersized facility, it ’s known to be one of the loudest placess to college football. play col olle lege ge footbal all. doesn’t ““It It d oesn oe sn’t seem see em like li ke a big big crowd, crow cr owd , but but that t ha hatt little litt li ttle dome gets ge etss really Richal all l ly l y loud,” said d ssenior enio or sa ssafety fety R ichic loud ard Torres.. “I “Itt gets ge lo oud like lii ke k one on ne of of Florida’s those big stadiums, s ad st adiu iums mss , li like F lorid da’ss [‘the Swamp’].” [‘th he Swamp’ p ’]. p’ ].” The decibel will certainly T he he d ecc ibel ecib b ell llevel evel e w ill ce il e rt r aii nll y high due echo-inducing be h i gh du ue to tthe he echoo in oindu d cii ng architecture Kibbie Dome, archit t ec ecturre of the th he Ki Kib bbie Dom ome, om e, and the Warriors Warrio Wa io ors r must mus ust bee prepared to deall with wiith t h it. it. t . To To simulate sim mu late thee gymnasium-like th gymn gy mnasium-lii ke aatmosphere, tmosph tm ph her e re, the h Warriors Warrr io iors rss spent timee practicing praa cticin pr ng in n Klum K lum Gym m th this week. “It’s weird, “It It’s weird d , but b t it brings bu bring ng g s back b a ck k memories off play playing me memo e mo m ries o pl l ayy ing i n g football in foott ba b l l in n the gym were th he gy g m wh when en wee we e rre e kids,” kidss ,” ssaid a id d Torres. T To r res ess . “We “W We used u ed us e to t o throw tth h rro ow the t he

football around after basketball games and stuff.” Generally, when the home crowd is noisy, it’s tougher for the visiting team’s offense to adjust than the defense. “It ’s not ver y loud when they have on h a ve their t hei h e ir i r of o f fense f ense fen se o n th the e f iel iield,” eld el d ,” d,” said Torres. “So it helps us out in the end because it allows us to communicate with one another on defense.” With W ith Hawai‘i’s run-and-shoot offense dependent on timing, it’s imperative that senior quarterback Bryant Moniz and company come up p with a game plan pl an to prep epr vent ven a communication c om o mu u ni nica c tion n breakdown. breakdown wn.. “It’s going g to t o be myy first experience dome, perien pe ence c playing ce pla layi y in n g in n a do dome me, so it’s redshirt it s going g oi o ng g to t o be b e fun,” f un un,” ,” said d re reds dsh h i rtt hi freshman fres fr e hm m an rrunning unni un nin n g back bac acc k Joey Jo o ey Iosefa. Iose e fa fa. “I heard h eard d it’s i t’s going to be be loud, but good lo bu t wee have h ave a go g od game gam me plan prepare p l an tto pl op rep epaa re r e ffor o r it it.” .” The run-and-shoot r un un-a -and-sh hoott involves i nv nvolve vess a lot reading off th defense durlott of rea a din di ng o di the e def d efense du d ring the opposed in n g th he play p ay pl y – as a s op p po poss ed to o prep re-snap s nap audibles, au ud ib ud iblles le s , so the the effect effe fe ctt of of the the noise no ois i e shouldn’t shou u ld l n’’t be b as big g of of a factor f acc torr ass iitt woul would against uld ld ag agai a ns t more re e traditiont rraa di d ti tion on al o offensive schemes. ffen ff en nsive schemes s. The T he Warriors Warr ri rior orss did or did implement im mplem men nt a silent sillent si le t snap snaa p count co oun untt that thaat may th m ayy be used us ed us d if the offense having th he off he ffe ff ense iiss ha havi vin vi n g trouble troub ub ble hearing Usually, he arr i ng g Moniz’s ccadence. ade den de nce. U su ua l ly,

the offense will watch the stadium play clock and snap the ball when it reaches a predetermined digit.

ROA D WO E S So far, the Warriors are 1-3 on the road the road this t hi hiss year. year ye ar. Two Two off their t he heir ir losslos osssagainst es away from home came again inst st inferior infe in f rior competition. UNLV and San S an Jose State were both winnable games, but the Warriors faltered late and gave up the win. If off-field distractions on rroad oad oa d trips had anything to do with h tthe he struggles away from Aloha Stadium, rest um st assured – they the hey y won’t won wo n’tt be this t hi h s game. g me. ga The T he Warriors Wa rri r ors have have spent week spen sp entt the we w ek in i n the the small town off Mo Moscow, smal sm alll to own w o M scow, sc Idaho population Idah Id aho – popu po p laation n (roughly the 23,800 (ro ro oug gh ly y th he enrollment). s a me ass UH enrollment) same t). There’s nott much mu uch to do in in Moscow M Mo osc s ow sc o when compared c ompaa red co comp ed d to to U H ’s ’ s home h ome om m e awayy f rom home ho ho i n L as Vegas, Veg g as a , Nev. v where w he here re e t hey he h ey have h hav a v e st ayed a ye y d on a few fe ew w of o f t hei h ei e r past stt road r oad t r ips. would love Hawai‘ii w ould ou ld lov ove e to t come c om ome home h hom ome with w ith a win wi n over overr a strugs ttrr ug u gling Idaho team whose only glin in n g Id Idah dah a o te e am wh hose o ho n ly y win wii n this season se e a son easo ea n camee against a ga gain in inst nst s Football Foo ot bal alll al Championship Cham mpi p ion onship Subdivision Subdivissi s ion (for(for-

mally Division I-A A) squad North Dakota. NCA A’s The 114th-ranked offense may have trouble keeping up with Hawai‘i, Hawai‘ ‘ i,, which has the eighth-best eigh ei ghth gh th -b -bes bes estt passing pass pa ssing ss nation. attack in the nati tion n.

’Bows finish WAC season on the road M ARC A RC A R AK A K AKI A KI KI Sports Editorr The Hawai‘i women’s soccer team teaa m looks loo oks to t o make m a ke ma e one one of the biggest bii ggest comebacks com omebacks in school history. h istorry. ry After Wahine A ft fter er starting s taa rt rtin ing the season 1-8, the Rainbow W a hi hine ne are arre two t wo points behind b eeh h in ind d fi rst rs t place plac pl acee in the t he Western Wes este tern rn Athletic A t hletic Conference games Conf Co n erreen nce standings s t a ndi d i ngs with two ga g mess remaining. me remainin re ing. g. However, both games will on How wever evver er,, bo oth g ames am es w i l l be o ill n th the e ro road ad – a place ce Hawai‘i H awai‘i hasn’t been successful in 10 straight straii gh ghtt games game ga m s datme d tda

ing back season. in n g ba b a ck ck tto o la last st se eaa so e s on . The will T h e ‘Bows ‘ Bows Bo s w i l l take il taa ke on the th e New N ew Ne w Mexico M xi Me xico o State S ttaa te te Aggies A Ag ggi g es (8 ( 8 -7-3, - 77 3, 3 , 1-3-2 1 -33 - 2 WAC) WAC AC)) today tod d ay at 3 p.m. p .m m . HST, HS then the en will play Louisiana Lo o ui uisi siaa n a Tech (8 -7-4, 1-5 WAC) WAC AC)) on Sunday S un u day at 8 a.m. HST. T Hawai‘i H aw ai‘i i‘i (4-10-1, (4 -10 10 -1, 1, 3-1-1 3 131-1 1 WAC) WAC) is is 0-7 0 -7 7 on on the mainland but couple this th is season, s ea easo son, b utt willl lo look ok to a coup uple le of of seniors senior orss to take t ak ake e Brittani the lead. Defender Bri ritt ttan anii Lu Lum m leads the team with goals goal, fi ve g oals oa ls and 10 shots on goal l , while midfi elder Kaylee Ki le Kiharaa aappeared p p ea ppea e re e d in all 15 matches matche h s with he ith 10 10 shots. shot sh otss . DOYLE MOELLER/ KA LEO O HAWAI‘I

Senior quarterback Bryant Moniz and the Warriors travel to Idaho tomorrow to take on the Vandals.

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