2013 november 6

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New initiatives help incoming freshmen and graduating seniors

NOELLE F UJII News Editor Freshmen who have not yet declared a major and seniors who are about to graduate but face an obstacle will receive help through two initiatives the campus will implement next fall. The Office of Undergraduate Education will implement the “Exploratory Student” and “Come Home to M ā noa” initiatives in fall 2014, offering workshops and advising assistance. The goal of these initiatives is to increase the campus’ graduation and retention rates, according to Assistant Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education Ronald Cambra, Ph.D. “All of these initiatives that have worked are all based on one theoretical frame, and that is you cannot be passive if you’re going

to be a student here at the University of Hawai‘i at M ā noa,” Cambra said. “We want you to be active with us from day one.” The office hopes to find ways to actively engage undergraduate students in the campus, which is one of its central themes. According to Cambra, if students are actively engaged, they will become a partner and eventually a steward of the campus. “And if they’re partnered here with us, then yes they will graduate, and we will improve the graduation rates on campus,” Cambra said. Cambra said these three themes are important because as tuition increases, more of the fi nancial burden falls on student dollars. “And as that happens and as the value or the amount of tuition is charged, the length of time that a student stays with us become critical,” Cambra said.

E X P L O R AT O RY S T U D E N T S T RY D I F F E R E N T M A J O R S About 30 to 35 percent of the incoming freshman class did not declare a major upon being accepted to the M ā noa campus, according to Cambra, who said this percentage has remained relatively steady for a number of years. “ They’re in the category called ‘general,’” Cambra said. “We’re going to change that category to ‘exploratory.’” He said graduation and retention rates are still a concern. “The biggest population that seems at risk are the students that still seem unsure of what to do when they get here,” Cambra said. The initiative will include a way of identifying students’ interests early in their academic careers. Continued on Page 2


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Page 2 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013




Ka Leo O Hawai‘i

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ADVERTISING E-mail advertising@kaleo.org Ad Manager Gabrielle Pangilinan PR Coordinator Tianna Barbier Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 5,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit Ka Leo. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2012 Board of Publications.

ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Rebekah Carroll, chair; Nicholas Pope, vice chair; or Mechelins Kora Iechad, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.kaleo.org/board_of_publications

Advising helps UH seniors ‘come home to Manoa’ from page 1

According to Kyle Van Duser, director of Mānoa’s First Year Program, if a student is uncertain of their desired major when applying online to UH, they will select the “general exploratory” option. Once accepted and once the student has submitted the tuition deposit, he or she will use the STAR pre-registration system to help guide him or her into choosing a broad interest area, or “Learning Interest Area,” and selecting coursework. “Each broad interest area will have guided course options, which align with degree attainment within four years,” Van Duser said. “This way, even though a student is still exploring, they can continue to make forward progress towards graduation in four years.” Students will then be asked to complete a brief major/occupation assessment, which will help students explore their own values and interests. Students will be provided the opportunity to process the assessment with a UH professional staff member upon beginning the fall semester. “And that will be the first steps in bringing them into the advising center to work with specially trained advisers that will assist them in identifying their goals, assist them in identifying things they want to study, what they’re interested in and then showing them what the options are in terms of degrees,” Cambra said. According to Megumi Makino-Kanehiro, Ph.D., director of the M ā noa Advising Center, new and continuing M ā noa peer advisers were polled for their opinions in terms of how they saw groupings of majors. “I think it is safe to say that they helped us to address issues in ways that we hadn’t thought of before and this impacted the way in which we are classifying, labeling and explaining the interest areas,” Makino-Kanehiro said. “For example, students highlighted the fact that major clusters do not always match the way majors are clustered under colleges here at Mā noa.”


Ronald Cambra has been the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education since April 2010. There will also be a two-credit course, IS 197 (Academic Exploration through Advising), that will help students go through the process of understanding what their strengths and interests are and how that might tie in with an academic major. The office will pilot test the course this spring for two credits and will offer it again in the fall for three credits. Matthew Eng, an academic advisor in the Mānoa Advising Center who will be teaching the course, said that “an emphasis on self-reflection and decision-making will serve as the core of the course.” “The course will use a workbook developed by the instructor, extensive in-class discussion, online journaling and other written assignments, projects and assigned texts to identify and explore strengths, abilities, interests and goals,” Eng said. IS 197 will be designated as a writing-intensive course. “The whole purpose here is to get students to start thinking about a major,” Cambra said. “And then to assist them in identifying the areas that interest them so that they can start making decisions

about what they would like to do while they’re here with us.” Sophomores Maggie Chung and Isabella Yu both had trouble deciding on which majors interested them. “I think it’s really good because, honestly, I’m really confused about what I want to study,” Yu said. Chung had trouble deciding between two majors. “For me, I was kind of stuck between two,” Chung said. She is now a pre-psychology major.

STUDENTS ʻCOME HOME TO MĀNOAʼ The office will be implementing its “Come Home to Mānoa” initiative for seniors who face obstacles that prevent them from graduating. “We have a large number of seniors that for whatever reason do not complete their degrees,” Cambra said. “Now some of those students, we suspect, are students that are in good academic standing and come across challenges economic challenges. So they either drop out or they either simply forgo coming to school until they you know make enough money to come back and make it through.”

The “Come Home to M ā noa” initiative will be tasked with examining the services necessary for students to finish their degrees at UH M ā noa, procedural issues that create hurdles to graduation and methods to better communicate with students about degree completion. “So for example if a student drops out and they’re missing one course and all they need is to get through one more course, we can work with them to help them with their registration, get them signed up with class, see if there’s a way to address whatever issue was problematic for them and then try to get them back into the campus to see if we can get them to graduate,” Cambra said. “So we’re going to go aggressively after those students to see what we can do to assist them in getting through with their degrees.” Senior Mike Justa, a marine biology major, said the university should be helping its seniors to graduate. “I mean it sounds like that is an awesome way to help students,” Justa said. “It’s what the university should be doing.”

Twitter @kaleoohawaii | news@kaleo.org | Noelle Fujii Editor | Fadi Youkhana Associate

Page 3 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013


La Raza Unida

hopes to unite Latino students on campus I EVA B YTAUTAITE Staff Writer

Mercedes Ramos established La Raza Unida, a new Latino student organization, this semester to raise awareness of Latino culture and population on campus. “There is a lot of misunderstanding of Latino culture,” said Ramos, a senior psychology and sociology major. “People have a lot of misconceptions and that’s how stereotypes start.” Ramos said the goal of the organization is to bring Latino students on campus together, create a home away from home, raise awareness of Latino culture and have a Latino graduation. “I am from California, where the majority of the demographic make-up is Hispanic, so it was pretty different moving to Hawai‘i where Hispanics are underrepresented culturally,” senior psychology major Adriana Quijano said. Quijano joined the organization because she wanted to represent a minority group that is seeking higher education. She will also be competing for Miss Latina Hawai‘i 2014 title, a scholarship pageant, in the spring. “It will be an opportunity to represent my culture in a positive light,” Quijano said. “As a Hispanic, I grew up in a culture where it’s rare to go away to college far away from home. There are family obligations that we have, especially if you’re the oldest. And when you go away it’s hard to swallow your pride and admit that you miss home without having to hear from your family ‘told you so.’” Claudia Lara, a junior ethnic studies major and one of the founders of the organization, said that the Latino community in Hawai‘i has grown significant-


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About 2 percent of undergraduates at UH Mānoa identify as Latino. ly through the years, but lacks an organization. “Even on campus, you know there is a Latino presence but no place where we can all come together and feel a sense of home,” Lara said. “I hope that the organization will eventually become that – a home away from home.” Although the organization is focused on raising awareness of the Latino community on campus, it is not exclusive to one ethnicity and anyone can join. “We are not trying to isolate ourselves,” Ramos said. “Anyone can join. You just have to be respectful and willing to learn about the different cultures.” Besides focusing on spreading and teaching students about Latino clubs through its social events, the organization also wants to get politically involved in issues that affect not just the Latino community but also other ethnic minorities. “Recently, a policy was passed in Hawai‘i that allows undocumented students to get in-state tuition,” Ramos said. “Micronesian students are ex-

cluded from this, so we want to work with their club and hopefully change that. We want to work with different allies on campus. We need to embrace our differences, instead of making them drive us apart.” Any UH student can join the organization, and currently there is no application process. For more information contact Mercedes Ramos at mramos77@ hawaii.edu or Adriana Quijano at adq7@hawaii.edu.

First Event

The first events the organization has planned is a social on Nov. 14. “Everyone is welcome to attend,” Ramos said. “We will be having Mexican food and will be learning about different Latino cultures. Eventually, we want to teach people through our organization, to understand, embrace and become allies with all minorities.” The event will be held in QLC 412 from 4-6 p.m.

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Page 4 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013

Twitter @kaleofeatures | features@kaleo.org |Jackie Perreira Editor |Karissa Montania Associate



With the release of “Battlefield 4” and “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” gamers are faced with a choice of which gaming titan is most worthy of their time and money. Below is a point-by-point comparison of the two, designed to help you figure out which game you’ll spend $60 on.

Release Dates :


who are you looking to game with? Players looking for a more immersive, realistic play experience may prefer Battlefield with its better graphics, full environmental destructibility and state of the art warfare audio. Teamwork is also more imperative to BF4 than Ghosts, so those looking to join gaming clans or receive battlefield support are more at home here. Matches take longer as the maps are massive and support 64 players. This may overwhelm some players, but can offer various opportunities in warfare tactics.

Adrenaline junkies crave CoD for a reason. With such small map sizes and quickshot kills, danger is at every corner. It’s a First Person Shooter playground. If you choose to play solo more often or to play with a friend on the same console, then “Call of Duty: Ghosts” is the better choice. Although you are assigned a team, players tend to focus on kills rather than objective points, which detracts from teamwork. The game also has a split-screen option, so you can see what your friend is doing and vice versa.

- PC Windows, PS3, XBOX 360, Wii U: Nov. 5 -PS4: Nov. 15 -XBOX One: Nov. 22

Engine :

ʻBattlefield 4ʻ

ʻCall of Duty: Ghostsʻ

PC Windows, PS3, XBOX 360: Oct. 29 PS4: Nov. 12 XBOX One: Nov. 19 Frostbite 3

IW engine

Publisher : Electronic Arts


Background :

CoD fi rst hit the scene in 2003, but didn’t receive its mass attention until “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare” in 2007.

The BF franchise was established in 2002 with game Battlefield 1942.

Players : - Twenty-four players on current gen, 64 players on next gen and PC, plus two “Commanders.” -No co-op or splitscreen.

-18 players. - Co-op and splitscreen offered.

Additions since precursors :

- In-battle perks system. -Kill-streak and Strikes award additions and alterations. - Deathstreaks removed. - Dynamic Map Events (Player-triggered traps and map changes).

- “Levelution” (Map evolves as players progress through match). - Battle Pickups (see “Weapons” row). - “Commander Mode” through tablet integration. - Sea Combat.

Campaign : BF has always struggled to get good campaign reviews. Campaign tends to be longer than CoD’s, but lacks the plotlines desired.

Read the full story at kaleo.org

Takes place in the 2023. Past campaigns have always been more popular than BF campaigns.

Comics@kaleo.org | Nicholas Smith Editor

Page 5 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013


Page 6 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013


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ACROSS 1 Lies as a whole? 5 King who raged to Edgar on the heath 9 Turbaned Punjabis 14 Matty or Felipe of baseball 15 Puffs additive 16 Pistons great Thomas 17 Hog product 18 *Madonna 20 Leave open-mouthed 22 Gets under control 23 *Ivy League professional school 26 PC brain 29 Skier’s challenge 30 Tuna holder 31 Sci-fi hybrid 33 Running or jumping 36 Mideast flier 37 *Fruity dessert with sweetened crumbs 42 Wrath, in a hymn 43 Writes to, nowadays 44 Green stuff 47 Transfer __ 48 Orchestra site 51 Say more 52 *“The Lord of the Rings” genre 56 Liszt or Schubert 57 Plaque honoree 58 Prize for an aspiring musical artist, perhaps from the first word of the answer to a starred clue 63 Avatar of Vishnu 64 Congo critter with striped legs 65 Golden St. campus 66 Grace ender 67 Concise 68 Use FedEx, say 69 Male deer DOWN 1 Versailles attraction

2 Los __: Manhattan Project site 3 Pink shades 4 Invasive vine 5 WC 6 Actor Roth 7 Arterial trunk 8 Kingly 9 Like the village blacksmith’s hands 10 Philosophies 11 Rio automaker 12 Laugh syllable 13 Shunning the spotlight, maybe 19 Computer that may use Snow Leopard 21 Toastmaster 24 Caustic comeback 25 Accustom (to) 26 Firearms pioneer 27 Backside 28 Hard to look at 32 Nectar collectors 33 High spirits 34 Pierre, e.g. 35 Friend of Snow White 37 Verdi opera with pyramids 38 Nudge 39 Tex’s bud 40 NPR correspondent Totenberg 41 Short on taste 45 “__ Melodies”: Warner Bros. shorts 46 Tablet debut of 2010 48 Land on an isthmus 49 Chemical relative 50 Oppressive ruler 53 River near Karachi 54 Austerlitz native 55 Holy ark contents 56 Dandies 58 Decompose 59 __ out a living 60 One may be hired 61 Onetime ring king 62 Track circuit

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.


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Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9. Puzzles will become progressively more difficult through the week. Solutions, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com Go to www.kaleo.org for this puzzle’s solution.

Twitter @kaleoopinions | opinions@kaleo.org | Doorae Shin Editor

Page 7 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013


No nuclear fission, no new Fukushimas ROMAN K ALINOWSKI Staff Writer Almost three years after the earthquake and tsunami that caused meltdowns of three nuclear reactors in the Fukushima power plant, more than 1,300 spent fuel rods remain, which must be manually removed. If just one fuel rod were dropped or exposed to air, it could burn and cause a fission chain reaction that would set off an explosion containing as much radiation as 14,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs, forcing the evacuation of more than half of the island of Japan. Nuclear fission is a dangerous form of energy generation and must be phased out worldwide in favor of nuclear fusion and other renewable methods.

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WHO CARES ABOUT R A D I AT I O N OV E R T H E R E ? The situation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is dire both for Japan and all nations that rely on the Pacific Ocean for their economic and nutritional wellbeing. The nuclear cleanup effort led by Tokyo Electric Power Company is expected to take at least four decades and cost approximately $11 billion, while thousands of metric tons of radioactive water are leaking annually into the surrounding sea and water; the project is so large that the U.S. government has offered to help both TEPCO and the Japanese government deal with it. Increased radiation levels have been detected in fish as far away as Alaska and California. Douglas Dasher of the University of Alaska projects ocean radioactivity levels from this single incident may reach the Cold War heights from hundreds of above ground bomb tests. Already, 35 percent of children from Fukushima have been diagnosed with enlarged thyroids, an early symptom of exposure to radioactive caesium and iodine. Mother


nature is also constantly threatening regional nuclear Armageddon, striking Fukushima with a 5.0 earthquake on Sunday and a heavy typhoon last week which caused additional releases of contaminated water.

F I S S I O N VS . F U S I O N There are several differences between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion in terms of their risk, materials and place in society. Nuclear fission is the result of the breakdown of uranium and plutonium into lighter radioactive molecules, which gives off some heat energy. This heat is used to boil water in nuclear power plants, producing steam that turns the plant turbines, generating electricity. Fission releases no greenhouse gases directly, but pollutes during mining of uranium and plutonium ore, as well as during storage of nuclear waste that remains hazardous to life for thousands of years. As there are only about 200 years left of ore reserves at current consumption rates, fission is ultimately unsustainable. Fusion is the result of hydrogen being fused into progressive-

ly larger elements, which gives off heat and is the process that occurs in the sun. In contrast to fission, fusion materials are only dangerous to life for about 50 years. While fusion is still a developing technology, it is a truly sustainable form of energy with worldwide supplies of deuterium, a hydrogen isotope, enough to last more than 100 billion years at current consumption rates. Fusion combined with the harvest of naturally occurring geothermal, solar, wind and wave energy will provide the planet with pollutionfree energy as the technologies become cheaper and fossil fuels become scarcer and costlier.

W H AT C A N YO U D O? Nuclear fission power affects the entire world ecosystem, and natural disasters are inevitable. Because of the continuing catastrophe at Fukushima, the people of Japan regularly organize massive protests against nuclear power, TEPCO and the government, leading to the continued closure of all 48 of the nation’s nuclear reactors. Germany is also in the process of disman-

tling its 17 reactors by 2022 as a result of the latest meltdowns. Thankfully there are no nuclear plants in Hawai‘i, but in the rest of the U.S., nuclear plants almost 60 years old are in the process of falling apart. More than half of the reactors are on the East Coast, subject to hurricanes like Sandy, which almost caused cooling pumps to fail at a reactor in New Jersey. Unfortunately, there are currently plans to add four reactors to America’s total of 104, which will be the first new ones in decades. The people of the U.S. and the rest of the world must follow the Japanese departure from nuclear fission before another reactor melts down and untold hundreds of thousands die of cancer and radiation sickness. If enough Americans vocally oppose all new nuclear projects by means of protest and petition, fission power can be replaced with safer, more efficient and economically viable technologies. Listen to “The Morning Jive” with Roman Candles on Thursday at 8 a.m. on 90.3 KTUH FM for more on Fukushima.

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Page 8 | Ka Leo | Wednesday, Nov. 6 2013

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‘Bows look to avenge home loss to UCSB

Freshman outside hitter Nikki Taylor is second on the team with 192 kills. JESSICA HOMRICH KA LEO O HAWAI‘I


H AYLEY MUSASHI Staff Writer In what was expected to be another f lawless conference season for the Rainbow Wahine volleyball team (18 -4, 7-3 Big West), this fall campaign has seen the ‘Bows through their ups and downs. But no matter the outcome, this season is one for the record books. The Rainbow Wahine were off to a fast start this season, overthrowing top-ranked Texas in four sets and taking the title in four-of-four preseason tournaments. In addition to the team’s success, head coach Dave Shoji was honored as the winningest coach in Division I history when the ‘Bows took down Santa Clara on Sept. 6. Entering conference play, the Rainbow Wahine were 11-2 and looking to defend their seat atop the conference standings with another perfect 18 - 0 record, the first Big West team to do so since UC Santa Barbara in 2002. But Hawai‘i’s record-breaking campaign was abruptly brought to an end when UCSB defeated UH in a shocking five-setter at Stan Sheriff Center on Oct. 11. The loss to UCSB (13-8, 8 -1 BWC) snapped a 77-match conference winning streak dating back to the 2008 season when UH was still a member of the Western Athletic Conference.

Two weeks later, the ‘Bows lost two straight conference road matches against Cal State Northridge (19 -4, 9 -1 BWC) and UC Davis (14-9, 6 -4 BWC). CSUN currently stands atop the Big West conference leaderboard. The trio of losses leaves Hawai‘i ranked third in the conference. “Losses happen — they’re part of the game,” senior outside hitter Emily Hartong said. “We learn from them and move on.” In a season that has tallied the most conference losses in almost two decades dating back to the 1994 team that finished 15 -3, the Rainbow Wahine have displayed a characteristic that is hard to deny — resilience. “We used the losses to fi nd our strengths and weaknesses,” Hartong said. “And during practice, our mindset changed because we had to change those things.” A fter the back-to-back road losses, the Rainbow Wahine returned home this past weekend to sweep their conference matchups against UC Ir vine and L ong Beach State. The ‘Bows will look to take down opponents Cal Poly (10 -12, 4-5 BWC) and UCSB this weekend on the road. UH swept Cal Poly in their first contest, and the Wahine hope to even the score when they face off with Santa Barbara on Saturday. Cal Poly is coming off a loss in straight sets to UCSB and cur-

rently sits in sixth place among Big West teams. The Mustangs are led by senior outside hitter Chelsea Hardin, a Honolulu native and ‘Iolani graduate who is averaging 3.11 kills per set. UCSB is currently riding an eight-match undefeated streak dating back to Sept. 28 and is currently in second place in the Big West. The Gauchos only conference loss this season was a five-setter in their BWC opener against Long Beach State. On the attack, the Gauchos are averaging 12.9 kills per set with a .232 hitting percentage. The offense is led by senior opposite Katey Thompson, who has tallied 227 kills this season. The Rainbow Wahine will look to their leaders in this weekend’s face-offs. Hartong leads the team with a total of 377 kills this season and a .293 hitting percentage. Senior libero Ali Longo and sophomore middle blocker Jade Vorster lead the defense with 332 digs and 79 blocks, respectively. “I’m excited to play them (UCSB),” Hartong said. “It should be a good, exciting crowd, and we’re ready to play.”

UPCOMING GAMES Hawai‘i at Cal Poly Friday, 4 p.m. Hawai‘i at UC Santa Barbara Saturday, 3:30 p.m.



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