MONDAY, AUG. 22 to TUESDAY, AUG. 23, 2011 VOLUME 107 ISSUE 1
Serving the students of the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.
UH community shares experiences JESSI SCHULTZ Asscociate News Editor The Mānoa Experience WorkeW orkor k group has been pondering g tthe he he meaning of the term “Mānoa āno n a no Experience” since it was fir fi rrst st st formed in the spring of 2010. 0. Ka Leo has asked variouss members of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa community to share their experiences. Garrett George, a dorming student, said, “I enjoy working and living in a place that facilitates my learning and income. I won’t forget the vast amount ntt of positive strangers that beecame my friends.” The theme of making kii ng n friends and meeting people who o are resources to students’ development was echoed by others. In the arts department, Dustin Trey explained, “The most valuable resource at the university has always been its people. The connections and relationships formed at Mānoa constantly provide new opportunities to show work in the he e islands and abroad, while providing a setting to engage idi i age with w ith wi h the ideas and processes that drive my art forward.” Nicholas Chagnon, a faculty member of the Department of Sociology, said, “The most important experience I’ve had teaching at Mānoa is getting to know students and learning about their diverse backgrounds and life experiences. Learning about students’ lives through their writing and meeting with them has illuminated many of the struggles students face both as locals and as mainland transplants. I really think this makes me a more empathic and compassionate person. You can quote me on that.” But the university is also known as a site of hard work and explo-
ration. “As an artist, it’s exciting to work with professors who encourage students to pursue their own unique interests, and can provide of meeting the dimensional and technical requirea facility ty capable c ments studies. The department is also actively engaging with m me ntss of those nt th the international ceramics community to establish the university as a the in interna top-tier to op -tier institution for the visual arts,” said Trey. Student leaders make many decisions on campus relevant to S all students. Anne Koethe, President of ASUH, told us about her Mānoa Experience. “It is a great honor to be a student leader on campus. To have the opportunity to make a difference for tun tu n students on this campus is truly stu st amazing and rewarding. Beam ing in n a part of ASUH has really made my Mānoa Experience m what it is today. I have come w to appreciate UH Mānoa and all that it has to offer by participating in many different projects on campus. I am so blessed to have this chance to lead ASUH, and I am vvery e excited for what this year brings,” said Koethe. ye Kanani Danielson, of the Rainbow Wahine volleyball team, explained that being a student aathlete makes for a whole different expew rience. ri She said that her team practices h every day except Sunday, which ccomes out to 20 hours a week. h ho She emphasized si i ze zed the pressure, saying that “Pretty i much the only time tto do homework is at See Mānoa memories, page 12
HOME IS WHERE THE HURT IS Student stung with housing lawsuit.
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OVERDOSE ON INFO Common campus drugs and their effects.
AMERICAN APATHY Why aren’t we angry?
LOCAL KINE GOALS Kama‘aina fill up Rainbow Wahine roster.
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