April 13th 2011

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Ser v i ng t he st udents of t he Un iversit y of Hawa i ‘ i at M ā noa si nce 1922

Medieval mayhem RIO makes ancient combat fun Features 4

Is age just a number? Ask Liz and Sam Opinions 7

W E DN E S DAY, A PR I L 13 to T H U R S DAY, A PR I L 14 , 2 011

w w w. k a leo.org

Volu me 105 Issue 91

Vehicle break-ins hit Mānoa campus this spring LYNN NAK AGAWA Senior Staff Writer Recent vehicle break-ins on campus have highlighted the need for extra precautions, said Campus Security. “A lot of these cars had visible valuables,” said Captain Donald Dawson of UH Mānoa Campus Security. “People leave cash in their ashtray, visible laptops – one guy left his wallet out, and that’s the reason the cars are getting hit.” At the start of April, Campus Security reported in a UH community email that over the weekend of April 2 and 3 and the last week of March, eight vehicles were broken into while on the Mānoa campus. Five of the break-ins were concentrated in Student Housing parking, two in Faculty Housing parking, and one in the law school parking lot. Dawson said the cars were entered through broken windows and punched locks. From January 2009 to December 2010, there have been 33 reported cases of unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle on UH Mānoa campus. Unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle is considered a felony. Dawson said the increased break-ins could be due to drugs or the economy. “It could be drug addicts [committing these crimes] or those suffering from the economy,” he said. “All these factors push people to commit such crimes.” He warned those who see suspicious activity not to interfere, but to call Campus Security. “I hope that students would program our emergency number (956 6911) into their phones,” said Dawson. He also encouraged students and those

In response to an increased number of car breakins, campus security will be increasing surveilance, installing security cameras and encouraging student responsibility .

in the university community to report instances of graffiti, which he said is also a growing problem on campus. According to Campus Security, the Hawaiian Studies parking structure, secluded parts of campus, and near Sinclair Librar y are spots of high theft. This includes bicycles and moped thefts. Thefts are also common near the UH Mānoa dormitories. While vehicles were broken into, they were not stolen. “Fortunately, not many cars are stolen,” Dawson said. “Now bicycles and mopeds are a different story.” “We are engaged in a concentrated effort to try to curb this,” Dawson said. This plan includes increased surveillance, looking at areas of concentrated crime, and increasing the use of campus security on bicycles and electric carts. Campus Security is also starting a major project of installing security cameras. Dawson encouraged those at the university not to leave visible valuables in their cars, to install a car alarm, and park their cars in well-lit areas as much as possible. He did acknowledge, however, that most people today ignore car alarms. “Theft, period, is by far the largest crime we have in the State of Hawai‘i,” said Dawson. According to the Honolulu Police Department, from the end of March till April 11, there have been 21 cases of unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle for District 7, Sector 1. This includes Mānoa, McCully and Mō‘ili‘ili. To report a crime, call Campus Security at 956 -6911 or the Honolulu Police Department at 911.


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April 13th 2011 by Ka Leo O Hawai‘i - Issuu