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Volu me 105 Issue 87
UHM students stranded in Japan COMPILED BY SAR AH WRIGHT Design Editor
A S I A/PAC I F I C Japan’s official quake and tsunami death toll is over 12,000 as of Sunday, according to the National Police Agency, and close to 16,000 are still listed as missing. On Sunday morning, hundreds of protestors gathered in front of Tokyo Electric’s facilities and marched in front of the offices of Japan’s nuclear regulators to decry use of nuclear energy and request a government apology for the Fukushima Daiichi plant crisis. M I D D L E E A S T/A F R I C A Cote d’Ivoire has been in a state bordering on civil war since its November elections. On Sunday, fighting continued between troops loyal to elected president Alassane Ouattara and defeated incumbent Laurent Gbagbo, who refuses to step down. An estimated 1,300 people have died in the post-election violence, and the African Union, UN, U.S. and France have all urged Gbagbo to transfer power peacefully to halt the rising civilian death toll.
CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Mexico continues to fight a war on drugs, with approximately 34,000 dead as a result of drug-related violence in the past four years. The U.S. government has sent intelligence-gathering drones into Mexican territory with the permission of President Felipe Calderon; all information will be turned over to aid Mexico’s drug containment efforts. In related news, Mexico’s human rights commission claims that over 5,000 people have been reported missing since the start of the war on drugs. A UN study suggests disappearances may be linked to the security forces.
Japan Ground Self-Defense Force ready-reserve personnel prepare hot water for a temporary bathing facility.
I AN NAWALINSKI Staff Writer The effects of the tsunami in Japan extend to UH students waiting to return to Hawai‘i. Nearly three dozen UH students are currently in Japan, either through study abroad and exchange programs or graduate studies. Eight students are from UH Hilo, and 27 are from UH Mānoa. According to a press release from the University of Hawai‘i, “None of them are in the vicinity of the most seriously damaged areas; they are all in other parts of the country, and ... our most current information indicate[s] they are safe and not in any immediate danger.” However, an advisory from the U.S. State Department reiterated the dangers that still exist, “strongly urging” all Americans to “consider departing” Japan. The advisory also recommended that “U.S. citizens ... defer travel to Japan at this time.”
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The University of Hawai‘i has been in constant contact with students abroad in Japan. In light of the recent advisory, the university is also making an effort to help students in Japan make travel arrangements to leave if they wish to do so. The humanitarian issues related to the disaster have been exacerbated by the complications at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The fear of fallout has triggered international concern and has only added to the number of refugees in Japan. Over 300,000 people have been displaced by the disaster, either evacuated from their homes or left homeless. This equates to nearly a third of the population of O‘ahu, or the entire population of Honolulu. The extent of the disaster was measurable here in Hawai‘i, over 4,000 miles away. The state estimates that waves generated by the earthquake caused $3 million in damage to public infrastructure alone. Damage to private properties, including a Four Seasons Resort on the Big Island, is estimated to be in the tens of millions of dollars.
Tuesday N: 5 -7 f t. W: 3-5 f t. S: 2- 4 f t. E: 1-2 f t.
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Six useful iPhone apps for college students A LVIN PARK Associate Features Editor
Be on the lookout for Ka Leo’s PR team!
Since its introduction in 2007, the iPhone has revolutionized the smart phone market while aiding us in dealing with mundane tasks associated with the college lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to improve your grades, figure out where to buy your textbooks for cheap, or even find a great place to eat, remember – there’s an app for that.
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Telemarketing: an insider’s perspective
Want to ¿nish your language requirement this summer? Take Immersion French and do two years in 12 weeks!!! *Immersion French 110 (equivalent to French 101/102) Summer Session I May 23-July 1, M-F 10:30-1:15
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Having a prepared response to unwanted telemarketing can end calls pleasantly for both parties. GLENN VER ASCO Staff Writer
It’s been a long day at school and work, and you fi nally have a moment to grind on some leftovers and watch “American Idol” when the phone rings. You mindlessly reach for the telephone, and the voice on the line says something like “Aloha! May I please speak to Mr. or Mrs. (insert butchered version of your last name here)?” I know what you’re thinking: Should I hang up on this jerk? Should I curse him or her out? Or should I just mess with ‘em for a while? As a twice former telemarketer, I recommend that you do none of the above, and take a little advice from me about the person on the other end of the line. One telemarketing job I held was with E.M. & E.M. Chimney and Masonry, in my home state of New York. Our goal was to get in touch with the fi ne folks of Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Westchester, and essentially tell them that we are coming to clean their chimney in the next few days – and they are going to pay for it. Needless to say, it was a tough gig. While many of our prospects were somehow led to believe that our intention was to rip them off, we were offering a fully licensed and certified service that is necessary for safely maintaining any home with an oil or gas burner. If you are wondering whether or not my coworkers were a bunch of slimy, greedy salespeople, I can assure you that my fellow callers were nothing more than an assembly of warm, friendly, helpful wisecrackers. Another telemarketing position I held was as a caller for the UH Foundation here on campus. If you are a current student, alumni or friend of UH, you can expect annual phone calls from the UH Foundation for the rest of your life.
For more information, contact:
Louis Bousquet (lb2010@hawaii.edu) or Joan Debrah (joand@hawaii.edu) What does the foundation desire from you? They want few bucks to aid your alma mater. The individual who will contact you will be a current UH student, and if you have a decent bone in your body, you will give him or her the time of day to hear the pitch, and help with a small gift if you’re able. Over the year and a half that I worked there, I met some charmingly goofy and overall delightful “UHers,” many of whom are still close friends today. If you think that working at the UH Foundation is some sort of picnic, sorry, but you are wrong again. Increasingly numerous restrictions are being placed on callers everyday, including an insane policy in which callers are given two blue lottery tickets that act as bathroom passes. Supervisors at the call center are instructed to monitor the callers’ bathroom habits by collecting a ticket every time full-grown university students leave their assigned seats. Recently, callers were forbidden from working on their homework or reading in between calls as well. These are not people to be nasty to. They are workers just like you, who are doing their jobs to make decent wages to feed and shelter themselves. If you have already decided that you have no interest in the telemarketer’s product, or do not want to donate to whatever cause is being advocated, here are three easy steps to rid yourself of the phone calls for good without making anyone’s day worse: 1. Take a deep breath. 2. Smile. 3. Say these nine words: “Please put me on your do -not-call list.” The person calling you will happily oblige, and the company or foundation will never call you again. So do the right thing. Treat people the way you want to be treated. And there’s no better time to be nice to people than when they’re at their least favorite place: work.
Aloha, A
H Hope you had a wonderful SSpring Break! TThe ASUH Senate has passed SSenate Resolution 5-11, a rresolution seeking a bid to build tthe President Barack Obama library at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.
Mahalo, Andrew Itsuno President, ASUH Political Science ‘11 University of Hawaii at Manoa
Contact us at asuh@ hawaii.edu or visit our ofÀ ce at Campus Center 211.
Voting is open to all current GSO members and will occur April 18 through April 25, 2011. You may vote through your MyUH account. The candidates and their platforms are listed below. gso@hawaii.edu
Platform: 1.) Work to make the Grad community come together as a “second Ohana,” and to bridge gaps between departments and students. 2.) Work with the Grad administration to increase Graduate TA’s annual stipend parallel with rising inÁation. 3.) Make GSO a more visible and recognized organization on campus. 4.) Increased funding to all campus GSO clubs and organizations. 5.) Increase research funding for all graduate students. 6.) Support the improvement of bicycle friendly campus. 7.) Parking reform: The GSO should (Revenue sharing) receive a portion of all Parking Tickets income that is received by the University
Aloha, My name is Anjali Nath and I am running for GSO President for the next academic year. Currently, I am working toward a Ph.D. in Political Science. I am also a Graduate Degree Fellow at the East-West Center. Additionally, I have served as the EWC’s GSO representative for the past year. I teach courses in the Political Science Department here at UHM in the summers. I earned my M.A. in Women’s Studies from San Diego State University. My B.A. is in Political Science, Women’s Studies, and Philosophy from California State University at Fullerton. My platform for GSO President prioritizes dialoguing with our graduate student body to assess our collective needs and support them as rigorously as possible. This endeavor will involve securing additional funding for graduate research and reinstatement of lecturer pay. I support the recovery of cut lectureships, student CANDIDATE FOR programs, and library services lost within recent years. Lastly, I intend to continue advocating PRESIDENT for our graduate student community to both UH Administration and the State Legislature. I greatly look forward to working with you in the upcoming academic year!
Aloha, my name is Andrea Long and I am running for GSO Vice President. I would appreciate the opportunity to contribute to making the school a place everyone will enjoy. I have extensive experience in student government and have the problem solving abilities to get the job done. I have been involved with student government for over 10 years, extending from intermediate school, high school, community college, and undergraduate university level. My Àrst position in student government was as 8th grade student government treasurer. I prepared the budget, handled Ànances, balanced accounts, prepared and presented reports. At Pearl City High School, I served in the student government throughout all four of my years there. In my junior year I served as student government treasurer. In my freshman, sophomore, and senior years I was elected as a representative for my class. While I attended Leeward Community CANDIDATE FOR College I served as a senator for two years. As an VICE PRESIDENT undergraduate at UH Manaoa, I served as Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences, and during my second term, Senator-At-Large for ASUH. My experiences in student government have developed qualities that make me well qualiÀed to serve as Vice President for GSO. If elected, I promise that I will do my very best to make your time here as memorable. I will also always be here to listen to any questions, concerns, suggestions, or problems you may have. Together we can create exciting activities for the upcoming year.
Andrea Long Social Work
Anjali Nath Political Science
Much obliged for your consideration, Anjali L. Nath - Political Science Shanna Clinton is a PhD student and has been involved with GSO for 4 years. She was a representative to the Assembly from the Anthropology Department for 3 years and has served as Vice President this year. During her year in ofÀce she • coordinated New Graduate Student Orientation activities in partnership with Graduate Division • helped plan and produce a Use Your Voice, Use Your Vote rally with the faculty union, Kanu Hawai‘i, and KTUH • represented GSO to the statewide UH system Student Caucus, an advisory body to President Greenwood • sat on Graduate Council, voting on and informing GSO Assembly about policy changes affecting graduate students • managed the student-planned campus events fund • learned a great deal about the structure and functioning of the university CANDIDATE FOR • gathered information on graduate student VICE PRESIDENT employment and academics, and • met administrators, faculty leaders, and state legislators who are decision makers for the university. In the coming year she would like to advocate for more Graduate Assistantship positions (currently only about 23% of grad students at Mănoa have GA jobs) and improve GSO’s partnership with Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw and Graduate Dean Pat Cooper to incorporate graduate student concerns and voice into Mănoa policies.
Shanna Clinton Anthropology
Cecilia Gregory Social Work CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY
My name is Cecilia Gregory, and I received my BA in Journalism (UH Manoa, 98) and am currently a MSW student at the Myron B Thompson School of Social Work. If elected as GSO Secretary, I will work with the other ofÀcers to ignite student participation in school, community, and volunteer activities. Graduate students are a busy and hardworking bunch, but there is a need for graduate students within the different schools to network and get to know one another. I will help to encourage this dialogue between the different disciplines at UH Manoa by planning activities and get-togethers. I feel that I am qualiÀed for this position due to my writing skills; my ability to work with many different people- having been an elementary school teacher in Honolulu, San Francisco and Washington DC for the last 8 years; and because I like to be actively involved (Honolulu Marathon, Great Aloha Run, planned the Papakolea Community Health Fair, and becoming an advocate for domestic violence survivors) in various aspects of life. I will work hard to fulÀll my obligations and exceed expectation.
Rachel Hoerman is a PhD student and teaching assistant in the Anthropology Department, where she has been an active volunteer coordinator and event organizer for the last four years. She views the GSO as a tremendously important advocate and resource and pledges to serve the graduate student community at UH Manoa with dedication and efÀciency.
Rachel Hoerman Anthropology CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY Aloha, I am campaigning for the GSO secretary position. I believe attention to detail, good planning, and organizational skills are needed for this position, and I happen to have them ;-) In addition, I believe it is crucial for the information to reach all of our constituents so that they are informed and engaged in our community. I look forward to the opportunity to meet and work with all of you, to increase student body participation, and to better serve our graduate community. Thank you for your support.
Katherine Porras Theatre and Dance CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY
I am detail oriented and organized, which I promise will be seen in my secretarial work. I will also be punctual and perform the tasks which are expected from the secretary. Finally, I insure the minutes will be well written so that all may understand them.
Aaron Levine Meterology Rachel Hager Civil Engineering CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY
My name is Aaron Levine. I am a PhD student in the Department of Meteorology. Over the last four years, I have served in the Graduate Student Organization Àrst as my department representative and more recently, for the last year and a half, as the Grants and Awards Chair. I have also spent time helping to organize and volunteering at multiple new graduate student organization as well as helping with this year’s graduate student conference, Space, Place and the Production of Knowledge. Through out my time of service in the GSO, I have learned and experienced much of what the GSO has to offer. It is my desire to continue to serve the graduate students of the University of Hawaii at Manoa by serving as the treasurer of the GSO for the 2011-12 academic year.
Log on to MyUH. Find the GSO elections banner and click on it. Click on the radio buttons to select your candidates. Submit, and you’re done! Any questions or complaints, please e-mail msalmon@hawaii.edu.
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i
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Spots. p Buddies. Surf. By Gareth Bain ACROSS 1 Dance move 5 Give a free ticket to 9 __-Abyssinian War: 1936 Mussolini triumph 14 Task list heading 15 Foot’s curve 16 Grinding tooth 17 Bird sacred to Tut 18 “I’ll pay whatever you’re asking” 20 Doves’ homes 22 Holy smoke 23 “Rock and Roll, Hoochie __”: 1974 hit 24 Sportage automaker 27 As __ as Methuselah 28 “... three men in a __” 30 Cost to the customer, as of illicit drugs 33 Toon storekeeper from India 34 Problem for Pauline 35 Brake component 36 Smooth urbanite 40 Campus VIP 42 Double-reed winds 43 “She Done __ Wrong”: Mae West film 44 Subject of a highly classified file 50 Small bill 51 Mustard’s rank: Abbr. 52 Audible dance style 53 Pub purchase 54 Homemade shorts 57 Lazy __: revolving tray 59 “Not another word!” 62 Use UPS 63 Sound that might accompany 37-Down 64 French franc successor 65 “The __ Love”: Gershwin song 66 Moorehead of “Bewitched” 67 Chess standoff 68 Yemen city on its own gulf
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Challenging the financial system E THAN ‘ONIPA‘A PORTER Senior Staff Columnist
“Why am I going to college?” a student asks a parent. Without blinking, the parent responds, “So you can get a better job and make more money.” All of us have gone through some form of this scenario. It is normal. Trudging through 12 years of basic education, only to jump into four more years of undergraduate schooling, and possibly a few more years after for graduate studies, is normal. Sometime in those years of education, we are expected to pick a career, work 9-to-5, make money, buy a house, get a nice car, and start a family. This is the example of the so-called “American Dream.” But we never think about the downsides of this system. In our running of the “rat race,” we are forced to make decisions about our lives. We are taught that in these decisions we have to weigh the fi nancial risks of each outcome. Which option will make us the most money or prevent the most loss? We do it every day – choosing between buying a soda from Campus Center or from a vending machine for less. We are encouraged to think this way. People with low income are oppressed for their social position. Pidgin, for example, is discouraged in Hawai‘i schools because of its historical connection to poor migrant plantation workers. When children do fiscally responsible things, we reward them and call them “thrifty” or “business-smart.” But what about those tricky situations when our choices are financially driven but go against certain ethics we may hold? If a
person has to choose between McDonald’s and Down to Earth, but only has $3, McDonald’s is the obvious choice even though it is unhealthy. Many of our society’s ills can be traced to an abuse of this style of thinking. Why sell something for a smaller profit than what is attainable? It is to maximize profit – the true American value. But we do not live by American values alone. The cost of living in our island home is higher than most places in the mainland. The median home price hovers just below half a million dollars. With current interest rates, a 30 -year mortgage’s total value would be payments of over $2,000 a month. Add food costs, electric bills,
childcare, car loan and gas. You are looking at expenditures of over $5,000 a month. Basic math shows that, to break even, you have to make at least $60,000 a year. Considering the service industry and construction are our biggest employers, that number can seem pretty unattainable. Most families have two working parents, and even that may not be enough. Many of us know people in multi-generational homes, and homelessness is prevalent. This, along with our vibrant history of sustainable economy, puts us in the ideal position to challenge the system that currently runs our lives. As leaders of the new generation, we should be the ones to change things.
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa 2445 Campus Road Hemenway Hall 107 Honolulu, HI 96822
Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Advertising (808) 956-3210 Facsimile (808) 956-9962 E-mail kaleo@kaleo.org Web site www.kaleo.org
Career Days in Aging are celebrated across the country in April to encourage and promote student interest in the field of gerontology. Come and join us at these two local events on campus: 1. Movie Day in Aging: Watch 2. Thinking of a Career in Aging? two award winning ½lms that high- Meet professionals from law, light the positive images of aging. nursing, policy, research and social work to discuss exciting Thursday, April 7 careers working with older adults. 11:30 AM-1:30 PM Henke Hall Room 109. Friday, April 8, Free popcorn and drinks. 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Queen Lili’uokalani Building, Room 411-412.
FREE PIZZA & SNACKS Sponsored by Sigma Phi Omega and the Center on Aging, with cosponsors from CTAHR, Ha Kupuna and Social Work. Funded (in part) by the Student Activity Program Fund Board. For more information, e-mail cheang@ hawaii.edu.
The Board of Publications office is located on the ocean side of Hemenway Hall.
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor in Chief Will Caron Managing Editor Ellise Akazawa Chief Copy Editor Emily Roberts News Editor Hertha Aumoeualogo Features Editor Reece Farinas Opinions Editor Lindsy Ogawa
Sports Editor Russell Tolentino Comics Editor Ann Macarayan Design Editor Sarah Wright Photo Editor Nik Seu Web Editor Chip Grozdon
Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No material that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. ©2010 Board of Publications.
ADMINISTRATION The Board of Publications, a student organization chartered by the University of Hawai‘i Board of Regents, publishes Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. Issues or concerns can be reported to the board (Devika Wasson, chair; Henry-lee Stalk, vice chair; or Ronald Gilliam, treasurer) via bop@hawaii.edu. Visit www.hawaii.edu/bop for more information.
Warriors hope for shot in NFL JOE F ERRER Senior Staff Writer For 17 former Warrior football players, last Thursday’s National Football League’s Pro Day was the last chance to show their skills to the NFL. About 50 NFL scouts, general managers, head coaches and assistant coaches were at the Home Depot Center in Carson, Calif. to see what attending players had to offer. “ The visibility from the league was phenomenal,” said Warrior defensive backs coach Rich Miano, who also serves as the UH liaison to the NFL . “We thought it was our best pro day, in terms of our representation.” The NFL Draft runs April 28 to 30. Former Warriors wide receiver Greg Salas and running back A lex Green were the main attractions for most of the NFL personnel. Salas had a productive career at UH, and lef t as the school’s all-time leading receiver with 4,345 yards. E SPN has him ranked as this class’ 12th receiver, and NFL Draf t expert Mel K iper Jr. pre dicts Salas will go within the f irst three rounds. Last season, Green posted the nation’s second best average of 8.2 yards per carry, and is expected to be drafted toward the later rounds. Both decided that they performed well enough to stand by their NFL Combine numbers from February, and performed only in positional drills at the pro day. However, two of the top performers of the day were former Warriors, safety Mana Silva and receiver Kealoha Pilares – both of whom are off the NFL radar. “Kealoha and Mana Silva – I really believed – worked out well enough to be drafted,” Warrior head coach Greg McMackin said. Despite grabbing the second most interceptions in the Football Bowl Subdivision last year, Silva has not been on projected drafts. “With his performance, I think he’s helped himself to hopefully [be] at least a late-round draft pick and [get] an opportunity to play in the NFL,” Miano said. He ran the 40 -yard dash in 4.43 seconds, leaped 10 feet 3 inches in the
Warriors make trip to Big Island JOE F ERRER Senior Staff Writer
Former Hawai‘i slot receiver Greg Salas is projected to be chosen within the first three rounds of the NFL draft (April 28 to 30). Former running back Alex Green is also projected to be drafted in the later rounds. broad jump, and posted a 40 -inch vertical jump. Those numbers would have ranked him in the top two for each work out for safeties.
had phenomenal numbers.” His 40.5 -inch vertical jump and 4.42 seconds in the 40 -yard dash were the best of the day.
The visibility from the league was phenomenal ... We thought it was our best pro day, in terms of our representation. Pilares had been battling injuries from last season, and had limited participation in NFL combines, but was healthy for pro day. “Kealoha was the guy that most of the eyes were on, because he couldn’t perform at the combine,” Miano said. “He
The Warriors’ camaraderie also didn’t go unnoticed. “What [the pro scouts] said continually is that our guys rooted for one another,” McMackin said. “It’s not like that at other schools – so I was really proud of our guys.”
The Warrior football team is spreading its aloha to the Big Island. The team will hold an intrasquad scrimmage in Hilo on Saturday, April 9 at 11 a.m., and an autograph session at 1 p.m. on Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i’s campus. “We play for the whole state of Hawai‘i,” head coach Greg McMackin said. “We are grateful for the opportunity to showcase our team to our Big Island fans.” In years past, UH has enjoyed traveling to Kaua‘i and Maui for spring scrimmages. “It’s really good for us to go over there so that they [fans] can see us, other than on TV,” McMackin said. Still, it will be a business trip for Warriors who want to earn positions, move up the depth chart, or even make the final fall roster. “Everything we do, we evaluate,” McMackin said. “[The coaches] go in and talk about every single player and where they’re at.” With the loss of 28 seniors from last year, the Warriors have holes to fi ll, particularly on offense. “Offensively, we really only have two starters coming back,” McMackin said. “[But] we have the right starter coming back – the guy who can throw the ball.” Quarterback Bryant Moniz is back for his senior season. But with the departure of potential NFL wide receiver draftees Greg Salas and Kealoha Pilares, Moniz will have new receivers next season. One could be Darius Bright, a highly touted junior college transfer who redshirted last season. Also in the running for wide receiver spots are sophomore Billy Ray Stutzmann (St. Louis ’09) and junior Jeremiah Ostrowski (Punahou ’07), who is back on the team after the Rainbow Warrior basketball team’s season finished. For walkons, the scrimmage will be an opportunity to prove they belong on the team. But with a current roster of 109 players and a 105-player cap before summer camp, McMackin and his coaching staff have decisions to make in the next few weeks. “Unfortunately, we’re gonna have to let some of these guys go, because we have 30 guys [recruits] coming in,” McMackin said. “We could go to war with the guys we have out here, but we have other guys that we’ve recruited. It’s just a numbers game.”